EE CDES Procedure
EE CDES Procedure
EE CDES Procedure
If a customer hits the power supply fuse issue <KB000476599> on Viper Enclosures where the enclosure
shuts down because it thinks there is a multi-fan fault, because the enclosure is running pre-1.55 CDES
code. they may be down for over 24hrs waiting for a replacement supply. This following procedure will
bring the enclosure back on-line even though there is still a faulted power supply.
The customer may be down for over 24hrs waiting for a replacement supply. This following procedure
will bring the enclosure back on-line even though there is still a faulted power supply.
EMC SW: VNX Operating Environment (OE) 05.32
Escalation Engineering
This procedure is to be executed EE Team identified specifically for this task. If you are not a
member of this team and believe this procedure is applicable to your customer’s array,
escalate to your management to engage a member of the EE Team.
Enclosure Recovery
The problem enclosure can be recovered and brought on-line automatically using the tool.
The requirements to run the tool are as follows:
2. Obtain the tool from appropriate location described in the next section. Consult the Tool
Location section to determine if the use of the on array tool is applicable and where the tool can
be found.
4. Using Naviseccli getcrus command to determine the faulted enclosures address in hexadecimal
using the formula:
enclosure address = bus * 10 + Enclosure number
As another example: For Bus 10, enclosure 2: 10 * 10 + 2 = Decimal 102. The hex value to use in
the command is: 0x00000066.
5. Be certain to close any Naviseccli window you may have open on the remote desktop before
running the script. The script may fail/hang if this step is neglected.
6. From the Inyo_cdes_upgrade directory issue the script followed by the firmware
bundle and the Hex enclosure address on one SP at a time.
Note: The script will search the bus for all LCCs but will only update the targeted enclosure.
Continue monitoring
9. Issue the following Fbecli command on both SP’s to bring the Faulted enclosure back on-line
Final Customer Recommendations
1. Replace the bad power supply. The enclosure will remain faulted until this power supply is
2. Upgrade to the latest version of R32 to obtain the most recent CDES software.
Tool Location
The tool is located in the EE_Only area in OneTools.
Zip File
Download from OneTools.