Research Article: Effect of Coral Aggregates of Blended Cement Concrete Subjected To Different Water Immersion Condition
Research Article: Effect of Coral Aggregates of Blended Cement Concrete Subjected To Different Water Immersion Condition
Research Article: Effect of Coral Aggregates of Blended Cement Concrete Subjected To Different Water Immersion Condition
Research Article
Effect of Coral Aggregates of Blended Cement Concrete
Subjected to Different Water Immersion Condition
Received 14 January 2022; Revised 4 April 2022; Accepted 6 May 2022; Published 14 May 2022
Copyright © 2022 Bunyamin Bunyamin et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
The increasing use of concrete in construction has caused an increase in the need for resources for concrete mixtures and driving wide-
scale mining. One alternate material that can be used for aggregates replacement is coral. Coral aggregates (CA) have similar chemical
characteristics to cement. The compressive strength and tensile splitting strength tests of concrete coral aggregates were performed based
on the ASTM and ACI standards. This study aims are to investigate the usage of CA as a partial replacement of cement and fine aggregate
to increase the strength of concrete at substitution percentages of 0, 5, 10, and 15%. Two different water submerged scenarios of distilled
water and salt sea water immersion were applied. The concrete strength test was carried out after 28 days of curing time, with the
specified concrete quality of 17 MPa. The results showed that immersion in distilled water has a higher concrete strength than immersion
in sea water. The maximum compressive strength of concrete for distilled and sea water immersion is for 0% CA content of 18.47 and
14.89 MPa, respectively. Moreover, the highest value of the split tensile strength of concrete with distilled and sea water immersion is for
CA substitution of 5% of 2.52 and 2.5 MPa, respectively. The addition of 5% coral aggregates to cement and fine sand is the optimum
combination since it increases the maximum split tensile strength of concrete.
space and have a detrimental effect on ecological systems immersion methods were evaluated in this study, specifically
[20]. As a result, maximizing the utilization of this coral with sea water and in comparison to distilled water. CA was
debris is necessary to meet the marine industry’s material used in place of conventional aggregates and sands for
requirements. Additionally, Aceh-Indonesia has one of the concrete production subjected to two different water con-
highest rates of seismic activity in the world [22, 23]. Notably ditions. Following casting, the concrete specimens were
in the aftermath of multiple historic big earthquakes in Aceh, submerged for 28 days in distilled and sea water conditions.
such as the 8.9 Mw earthquake-tsunami of 2004 that caused Furthermore, the compressive strength and tensile splitting
death and destroyed numerous structures [24], it is critical to strength tests of concrete CA were investigated. The results
conduct a comprehensive analysis of the concrete used in of an experimental inquiry into the strength and workability
construction [25]. of concrete including CA substitution subjected to different
Coral aggregates (CA) are a type of undersea environ- water immersion conditions are reported in this article.
ment comprised of coral invertebrates that produce a calcium
carbonate structure, a form of limestone. CA is typically 2. Material and Methods
composed of limestone, which means that the aggregates
formed from coral have the most chemical content in the 2.1. Materials. For this investigation, ordinary Portland
form of CaCO3, which is classified as limestone [26]. CA may cement (OPC) was obtained from an Andalas cement fac-
be used in the replacement of fine aggregate in concrete as a tory, Aceh, with a specific gravity of 3.15 according to ASTM
substitute ingredient [18, 19, 27, 28]. By and large, CA is C595 [42]. When coupled with water, Portland cement is
composed of limestone. This is because these rocks contain a made of calcium silicates and calcium aluminates that hy-
high concentration of CaO [29]. Geologically defined, drate to generate the cementing components calcium silicate
limestone-containing rock is also referred to as crystalline hydrate (CSH) and calcium aluminate hydrate (CAH), along
limestone. Meanwhile, coral reefs degrade when they are with excess calcium hydroxide [7].
damaged. As a result, this form of rock is known as coral The processing of CA into granular and ash is depicted in
limestone [26]. CA is formed when coral reef-building or- Figure 1. The CA are cleaned and immersed in distilled water
ganisms deposit vast amounts of calcium carbonate (CaCO3). for one day after they are collected from the coast. Then, it is
Calcium carbonate (CaCO3), which contains a similar dried in the sun until it is ready to be used.
chemical composition to cement, can be used in place of The used natural CA was obtained in Lamreh beach. The
some of the cements in concrete [30–32]. white sand beach region of Lamreh village, Aceh Besar, Aceh
The extensive usage of rock fragments as a cement Province, is abundant life, with coral reefs on the seafloor.
substitute will affect the chemical composition of cement Some dead coral reefs are washed away by the waves and end
[33]. When used with cement, CA can enhance the binding up as a pile of boulders on the beach. These coral fragments
capacity by acting as a more homogenous binder throughout come in a variety of sizes, with some being comparable to
the hydration process. CA can be used as a common ag- sand. CA is often constituted of limestone, which implies
gregate; however, it is light and porous, with a rough surface, that coral aggregates have the highest chemical composition
lack of adhesion, and high sea salt concentrations. These in the form of CaCO3 and SiO2, as illustrated in Figure 2. In
parameters affect the resulting workability, mechanical ca- addition, CA is utilized in place of cement and fine sand in
pabilities, volume stability, and durability of concrete the concrete.
[34, 35]. Numerous researcher findings indicate that the CA The study incorporated fine and coarse aggregate from
used to replace a portion of the conventional aggregates has Jantho, Aceh Besar District. The fine sand passed through a
physical qualities similar to river aggregates [21, 36–39]. 4.76-mm sieve, coarse sand passed through a 9.52-mm sieve,
There are several external forces of concrete failure such and gravel passed through a sieve size of 31.5 and remained
as weathering, high-temperature variation, wetting-drying in a sieve size of 4.76 mm. In this study, the test object was
cycles, abrasion, and exposure to extreme environments treated with distilled water and sea water. The typical
[40]. The effect of pozzolanic materials added to concrete tropical sea water chemical composition can be seen in
when exposed to highly humid marine environments or the Table 1. Each treatment involves the use of twenty concrete
tropical climate has yet to be fully investigated [41]. As a cylinder specimens. The distilled water used is safe for
consequence, it is essential to investigate the effect of drinking. Furthermore, sea water was taken from Cermin
strength and workability of CA on the durability charac- Beach, Banda Aceh of Ulee Lheue Sea.
teristics of concrete exposed to an extreme sea water en-
vironment. Thus, it is vital to determine the extent to which
the CaCO3 content of CA affects the ability of CA to react 2.2. Mix Proportion and Specimen Preparation. The ASTM
homogeneously with cement and fine sand in concrete. [43] and ACI 211.1-91 [44] standards were used to design
Recent research on the usage of CA has included the use concrete mixes. The concrete is mixed using a forced mixer
of coral as a partial alternative for cement and gravel. This in the order of cement, sand, coarse aggregates, and water.
study employs a higher percentage of CA as a partial al- The whole time required for mixing was 15 minutes. The
ternative for cement and fine sand, to lower CO2 emissions substitution material is fine sand that passes through a
caused by increased cement production and also reduce number 200 sieve and is used to replace a portion of the fine
cement scarcity. The previous study has shown that im- sand that passes through a 4.75-mm sieve [45]. The concrete
mersion with solely distilled water is effective. Other novel compressive strength machine was applied in this study.
Advances in Civil Engineering 3
(a) (b)
Figure 1: Coral aggregates: (a) natural form; (b) after crushing to fine sand size.
B SiO2
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
2 Theta (degree)
Figure 2: The XRD pattern (a) and the SEM picture (b) of a common coral aggregate [20].
Table 1: Typical tropical sea water chemical composition [41]. CA collected along the coast are transported to the
laboratory and washed to remove any clinging sand. The CA
Chemical constituent Value
are then submerged in distilled water for 24 hours. After 24
Sodium, Na+: ppm 2000–2400 hours of saturation with water, CA is dried in the sun and
Potassium, K+: ppm 375
then crushed. It produces 5 kg of coarse grain-sized rock
Calcium, Ca2+: ppm 285
Magnesium, Mg2+: ppm 1055
powder from the Los Angeles machine. The rock powder was
Chloride, Cl−: ppm 16 618–18 020 sieved using a 4.75-mm sieve and utilized in place of fine
Sulfate, SO42−: ppm 1098 sand. According to the sieve results, it can obtain coarse
Specific gravity: G/ml 1.025 grains for sand up to 3 kg. The remaining rock powder on a
pH 7.9–8.2 4.75-mm sieve was then crushed with an iron stick until it
Temperature range: °C 26.5–32.0 formed fine grains that went through the No. 200 sieve. By
using sieve number 200, it got a total of up to 2 kg of fine
coral grains. The fine grains are next roasted until they take
on an almost blackish color. The color shift occurs at a
Coral from the white sand coast of Lamreh, Aceh Besar temperature of 200°C for ten to fifteen minutes. CA possess
District in Aceh Province, was used as a substitute material the chemical properties of CaCO3 in high quantities and,
in this investigation. The CA were substituted for cement when burned, changes this substance which behaves as a
and fine sand at rates of 0%, 5%, 10%, and 15%. The ratio of binder in concrete and can behave like cement.
substitute materials to cement and fine sand in concrete is 1 :
1 [46]. The CA was separated into two sections: the first
section was utilized as a substitute for cement, while the 2.3. Testing Details. Compressive strength and split tensile
second section was used in place of fine sand. The ratio of CA strength of concrete tests were used for predicting concrete
substituted in cement and fine sand was equal. cracks and maximum tensile strength. A compressive
4 Advances in Civil Engineering
strength test was conducted with a 15 cm × 30 cm cylindrical Table 2: Design of a concrete mix for 1 m3.
test object. The cylinder compression experiment was per- Material Required amount Unit
formed by gradually applying a force vertically or parallel to
Water 193.00
the cylinder height until the sample reaches its maximum Cement 288.06
compressive strength. The split tensile strength of concrete Gravel 1201.31 kg/m3
with a cylindrical test object is the value of the test object’s Coarse sand 184.72
indirect splitting tensile strength as determined by loading Fine sand 512.91
the test object horizontally parallel to the compression Total 2380.00 kg/m3
testing machine’s surface [47]. The tensile strength of
concrete is quite modest, representing around 9% to 15% of
the compressive strength. This strength is more difficult to consisted of 80 cylindrical specimens measuring
measure and the findings vary depending on the experi- 15 cm × 30 cm. 40 of which were immersed in distilled water
mental material used. and 40 of which were immersed in sea water (Table 3).
The designing of the concrete mix begins with deter- Cement usage was replaced by 5%, 10%, and 15% of CA,
mining the compressive strength of concrete, which is respectively. The fine sand was also replaced by 5%, 10%, and
17 MPa with a slump design of (75–150) mm. The amount of 15% fine CA. The purpose of reducing the cement con-
water used for each 1 m3 of concrete is based on the ACI centration is to determine if the chemical composition of
standard, which indicates that the maximum diameter of CaCO3 in the CA has an effect, primarily as a binder for
aggregate is 31.5 mm. The amount of cement used was concrete. Furthermore, assess whether an extra additive is
derived using the water F02D cement ratio value from the still required to ensure that the bonding power created
ACI standard. The normal weight of concrete is determined during the hydration process is more consistent. The in-
using the ACI, with cement, fine sand, coarse sand, and fluences of a marine ecosystem on cement and CA-blended
water being the projected normal arrangement of concrete. concrete were investigated in a field study and compared
The results of the concrete mix design calculation are shown with the neutral ecosystem. The treatment of test specimens
in Table 2. Figure 3 illustrates the gradation curve of the with distilled water begins with the specimens being im-
mixed materials. mersed in a shielded immersion tube in the laboratory for 28
The preparation for the concrete mix starts with the days as in Figure 4(b). The distilled water used is completely
preparation of cement, fine sand, sifted coarse sand and safe to drink. Furthermore, sea water immersion begins with
gravel, water, and rock that has been processed to perform as the direct immersion of a concrete cylinder test object for 28
a substitute for cement and fine sand. Then, before the start days in sea water at the Cermin beach, Aceh, as in
of the mold, each material is weighed following the mixture Figure 4(c).
ratio determined by the concrete mix design. The test The concrete specimen was tested for compressive and
specimen mold is covered with oil to assist in its removal split tensile strength after 28 days of immersion. The lab-
once the concrete has hardened. The mixer utilized has a oratory-scale test was used to measure and record the di-
capacity of 50 liters/mix and is propelled by an electric mensions and weight of the test object. The test object is then
dynamo. Before casting, the concrete mix machine and positioned vertically on a compressive strength tester ma-
mortar storage container are saturated with water. This chine to determine the compressive and split tensile strength
prevents the concrete mortar from sticking to the container, of concrete, and the machine speed was gradually increased
making it easy to remove. After the preparations are until the test object reaches the maximum strength, at which
complete, the concrete mortar was mixed by sequentially point the test object becomes cracked or broken.
incorporating the concrete-forming ingredients, including
coarse aggregate, fine aggregate, fine and coarse grains of 3. Results and Discussion
rock, cement, and water. The stirring duration is around 15
minutes with the concrete mix machine axis tilted ap- 3.1. Slump Test. The slump test is the most often used
proximately 45°. After thoroughly mixing the materials, the method for determining the workability of concrete. It can
mortar is placed into a steel mortar storage container. After be performed in the laboratory or on-site. It is not appro-
the mixing process is complete, the mortar mixture is slump priate for either wet or extremely dry concrete. Indonesia
tested to determine the workability and viscosity parameters. standard of SNI 1972 : 2008 was used for slump test pro-
Concrete cylindrical specimens are made by filling the cedures. Sea water was employed in this study for immersion
cylindrical mold with mortar in three layers. Each layer was of the samples only. While the water used to fabricate
compacted by dropping a steel rod with a diameter of 16 mm concrete test items for each scenario was distilled. Slump is a
and a length of 60 cm from a height of 30 cm, with 25 term that refers to the ability of fresh concrete to work or is
compactions per layer. After filling the mold to the maxi- one of the properties. Slump is determined after the concrete
mum, tap the side of the mold with a rubber mallet to densify mixture has been thoroughly mixed. The amount of the
the mortar. As in Figure 4(a), after 24 hours, the test object is slump is the fall in the value of the concrete mixture poured
removed from the mold and each is assigned a number/code into the test cone. The results indicated that the slump
accordingly. varied, as it was evaluated on each of the test objects. The test
For compressive and split tensile strength tests, fresh findings indicate that the slump obtained in the laboratory
concrete is poured into cylindrical molds. The samples remains within the ideal range of 75 to 100 mm.
Advances in Civil Engineering 5
Figure 4: Sample preparation: (a) sample after 24 hours casting, (b) sample in distilled water immersion, and (c) sample in sea water
Slump (mm)
Figure 5, the slump test result varies between 75 and 85 mm. 79
This is consistent with the proposed slump of (75–100) mm. 77
The results indicate that, except for 5% sea water submerged, 75
the workability of concrete built with CA as fine aggregate 73
and cement declined as the proportion of substitution and 71
water F02D cement ratio increased even though the slump 69
test results obtained are still within the acceptable range. Control CA5FS5 CA10FS10 CA15FS15
Similarly, Althoey et al. [48] reported that the slump Mixes
values appear to decrease linearly as the fine aggregate Sea Water
content of the concrete is increased. Furthermore, the re- Distilled Water
duced slump could be a result of the roughness and het- Figure 5: Slump test of CA-concrete.
erogeneity of the CA particles, which contribute to the
mixtures’ fluidity. Additionally, the slump test results cor-
respond to the finding of Mangi et al. [49], which workability 19 18.47
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