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BUILDING table of contents


BUILT in-depth
“ Features ”

/1/ food isthe new drug

Increase your
bodybuilding gains naturally
through nutrition-based
hormonal manipulation.
A Built Science
Nutrition & Supplement Super
Feature by Vince Andrich & Hugo
“ Modern Physical Culture ”

/1/ the smashing machine

10 big moments in
the history of the UFC.
by Andrew Vontz

/1/ t
 rypto what? The
BUILT prologue once KO’d supplement is back
“ Preliminaries ” & ready to “knock you out.”
A Built Science
Supplement Feature by Vince
/1/ b
 uilt brief Built to Andrich & Nick Lacaria
Last Editor’s Word by
Vince Aldrich
/1/ it’s all in your head
/1/ Built bulletin Better diet controlby
Study This! Science thinking outside the
& Research News compiled by [ingredient] box. A
Tim Ziegenfuss Built Science Supplement Feature
by Vince Andrich & Nick Lacaria
/1/ B
 uilt bites Health
Science: Pomegranate
Extract Nutrition by /1/ b
 od mod The art of
Gene Bruno modifying the human body to
create the ideal bod
by Andrew Oyé



“ Columns ” “ Essentials ”

Nutrition & Science

/1/ B
 uilt Backtalk Reader
/1/ t
 he extra edge Feedback
Steroids & The Young Athlete:
The Wakeup Call That Is Long /1/ B
 uilt Manifesto Built Contributing Photographers
Overdue by Kevin Advertising Policy Bill Comstock
Lawrence & Jeff Feliciano Frank Fontanilla
/1/ B
 uilt Breakdown Ask Brian Moss
/1/ d
 igest this Is Built Gene Mozee
Dieting Making You Fatter?
by Jennifer Hofheins /1/ B
 uilt Centerfold Lady’s
BUILT body book Legs Fifty-Ninth Street Bridge
“ Training ” Publishing Corp. Ryan HornBuckle
Figure /1/ B
 uilt Media Audio & Publisher Advertising Director
/1/ s
 imply strong Visual
Examine the Zercher Technique /1/ t
 he fit figure If “ Modern Physical Culture ” Vince Andrich
Program by Pavel You Haven’t Figured It Out /1/ B
 uilt Buzz Hot Stuff & Editor in Chief
Tsatsouline Yet, It Goes Beyond Beauty Cool Trends Scientific Advisory Board
by Meriza DeGuzman Gene Bruno MHS
/1/ b
 ody assessment /1/ B
 uilt Body Survey The Jennifer Hofheins NSRD
Redesign Your “Pivot Points” /1/ g
 o figure! Fit Oyé Body Survey Myles Ryan HornBuckle Ron Mendel PhD
Program by Vince Trippin’, Staying Fit on Kuikahi & Mona Liza Reyes Executive Editor Tim Ziegenfuss PhD
Andrich the Road by Sherry
Goggin /1/ B
 uilt Soapbox “Building Andrew Oyé Membership on the Built Scientific advisory Board
does not imply endorsement of any program, product
/1/ s
 pot build Hit Your Dreams, Building Bodies,” Managing Editor
or service mentioned or advertised in Built Magazine or
Hot Spots: Deltoids /1/ t
 he figure life All Rant by Vince Andrich www.builtmagazine.com.
Program by Vince Aldrich Figure, All the Time: Living Brian Moss
Fit and Lean is a Way of Life Creative Director
by Amanda Savell
Martin Venezky The information provided by Built Magazine and its
website www.builtmagazine.com regarding exercise
Art Director
programs, diet regimens, and performance enhancing
Training supplements including opinions, and theories are
for informational purposes only and is not intended
BUILT unscripted: /1/ power to the people to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. The
information has not been evaluated or approved for any
“ Visionaries ” Do You Want to Contributing Writers
purpose by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. the
Get Stronger or Lift More? Gene Bruno MHS information provided by Built and its owners, authors
/1/ showtime Backstage by Pavel Tsatsouline Pete Ciccone CSCC and editors is not intended to be a substitute for advice
A photo essay by Brian Jeff Feliciano from your doctor or other health care professional or

any warnings contained on the individual product labels
Jennifer Hofheins MS RD LD and/or packaging. you should not use this information
/1/ Y
 ear 1 Nick Lacaria for any diagnosis or treatment of any health problem,
/1/ muscle girl Davana! Guidance for First-Year Ron Mendel PhD as a substitute for any doctor prescribed medicine or
A pictorial by Brian Bodybuilders by Hugo Jeff O’Connell diet program, or other treatment. Consult a qualified

Moss Rivera
health care professional before starting any diet,
Andrew Oyé CPT exercise or supplement program. always read the labels
Hugo Rivera and consult with your doctor before using any dietary
/1/ c
 irca Freddy Ortiz, /1/ c
 ompete Another Pavel Tsatsouline supplement. Consult with your doctor or pharmacist
circa 1969 A photo Journey: Farther Than You’ve Andrew Vontz specifically about the interaction of product ingredients

retrospective by Gene Mozee

with any prescribed or over-the-counter medications
Ever Been Before by Tim Ziegenfuss PhD you are taking.
Pete Ciccone

A veteran marketing consultant, VINCE and bestselling fitness author of over they should or how they can build their
“ BUILT to Last ” bodies or body-build. We truly want our
ANDRICH has guided the development of A registered dietitian, JENNIFER eight books on bodybuilding, weight loss
some of the most renowned sports nutri- HOFHEINS, MS, RD, LD, is the and fitness, including The Body Sculpting readers to see the virtues of this art form,
tion brands. The author of numerous arti- nutritionist at the Ohio Institute of Bible for Men and The Body Sculpting Bible and to increase the number of people that
cles on training, nutrition and supplemen- Health and Human Performance and a for Women. www.hrfit.net share a common interest in building a bet-
tation, Vince is the author of The Sports member of the International Society of ter body while achieving maximum health,
Supplement Review and the co-founder of Sports Nutrition. Jennifer teaches at An IFBB Professional Figure Competitor regardless of age, gender, occupation, en-
Gerstner, Inc. www.gerstnerinc.com Huntington College of Health Sciences and fitness model, amanda savell vironment or situation.
and provides disease prevention and is a Bodyonics Pinnacle spokeswoman.
Phoenix Labs’ VP of Technical Services, lifestyle management consultation at In addition to placing high at some of One of our core beliefs at BUILT is that
GeNE BRUNO, MHS, is Dean of Academics fitness facilities. the largest bodybuilding shows like the the science and pharmacology that have
for Huntington College of Health Sciences, Europa Rro and Arnold Classic, Amanda created super athletes have also stripped
and an alternative medicine lecturer at A supplement and nutrition industry has graced the covers of several national the heart and soul out of the true war-
USC, Schoolof Parmacy. For more than professional, Ryan hornbuckle fitness magazines. rior. These days, images of the most
25 years, Gene has trained retailers and participated in the product development www.amandasavell.com freakish physiques conjure up notions of
health care professionals; taught clinical and marketing processes for top pathological narcissism, unbalanced lives
nutrition/medical herbalism in medica; and companies like Weider Nutrition, MET- A fitness, health and nutrition writer, and — worst of all — an irresponsible
corporate facilities; and developed natural Rx, EAS and ErgoPharm. Ryan is a co- steven stiefel is the author of the portrayal of drug use to our youth. We’re
supplements. His integrative health articles founder of Gerstner & Associates, an books Weights on the Ball Workbook and Fit not on an anti-drug crusade; in that re-
have been published in a variety of journals. industry consulting firm specializing in in 15. for numerous fitness publications spect, to each his own. Nevertheless, if
the strategic development of marketing, and muscle magazines. In 2006, Steven we can’t find something more redeeming
A national-level competitive bodybuilder, sales and product plans. received honorable mention from Best from bodybuilding than having the big-
PETE CICCONE, rn, cscs, is the American Sports Writing for his co- gest arms in the gym, then we will fail to
founder of 619 Muscle, a sports nutrition A sports nutrition account manager, authored article, “Wild Thing.” carry the values that are the foundation of
company. Pete has written several industry nick lacaria assists retailers and the bodybuilding culture to others. Many
books on physical transformation through gym owners with product placement, pavel tsatsouline is a former Soviet bodybuilders will tell you, the main reason
nutrition and exercise, including The Power inventory control and retail sales tactics. Special Forces physical training instructor, they turned to bodybuilding was to im-
that Moves Muscle and Metabolic Madness. Nick served in the naval armed forces as a subject matter expert to the US Secret Welcome prove their self-image, ultimately leading
www.619muscle.com a rescue swimmer and has been involved Service, and the author of cutting edge to to more self-respect and a better quality
with sports enhancement nutrition and books on strength such as Power to the BUILT, of life. That’s what we want to give to our
MERIZA DeGUZMAN, CPT, is a personal training since 1995. A triathlete People! and Beyond Bodybuilding. www. the magazine for those who give a readers.
competitive figure athlete and fitness coach, Nick placed fourth in the South powerbypavel.com damn about their bodies and their
model, figure consultant and posing Carolina triathlon series in 2005. health. We’re betting that these are
coach. A certified personal trainer, Meriza Los Angeles–based freelance journalist, two of the most valuable things to
is the founder and coordinator of Bodies Los Angeles–based freelance journalist, andrew vontz, mfa, is a graduate you — that none of your material
of Steel, a figure boot camp and clinic. kevin lawrence, mfa, is a graduate of University of Missouri-Columbia possessions measure up or should Money & Media:
www.merizafigure.com of University of Missouri-Columbia (Communications) and CalArts (Creative measure up when you compare them The Necessary Evil
(Communications) and CalArts (Creative Writing). A contributing editor of Mountain to the importance of enhancing the
Los Angeles–based freelance journalist, Writing). A contributing editor of Mountain Bike magazine, Andrew has published way you look and feel.
jeff feliciano, mfa, is a graduate Bike magazine, Andrew has published more than 250 stories in various lifestyle,
of University of Missouri-Columbia more than 250 stories in various lifestyle, music and fitness magazines. Every media information source, be it
(Communications) and CalArts (Creative music and fitness magazines. magazines, network TV, cable news, news-
Writing). A contributing editor of Mountain CEO of The Ohio Research Group of papers and even websites, must generate
Bike magazine, Andrew has published A graduate of Vanderbilt University (Human Exercise Science and Sports Nutrition, Our Mission: Building income to distribute content. Most media
more than 250 stories in various lifestyle, & Organizational Development) and Stanford tim ziegenfuss (“Dr. z”), phd, Bodybuilding’s New Legacy sources sell advertising, by creating con-
music and fitness magazines. University (Journalism), andrew oyé, cscs, is a fellow of the International tent that increases the size of their audi-
ma, cpt, is a media, entertainment and Society of Sports Nutrition, a certified ence and targets a group of like-minded
A Fitness America National Champion communications specialist, screenwriter, strength and conditioning specialist, and consumers. The reality is that this profit-
and spokesmodel, sherry goggin has certified fitness trainer, and the author of chairman of the exercise physiology and Our singular mission at BUILT is to based business model greatly affects how
authored numerous fitness and nutrition The REAL DEAL Workout Drill. sports nutrition program at the American broaden the body-building movement and and what media providers choose as the
articles. A UTC graduate, Sherry is a www.realdealworkout.com Academy of Nutrition. A graduate of Lock make it more accessible and meaningful content they deliver to you. For example,
real estate agent, loan officer, and the Haven, Purdue, and Kent State Universities, to those outside of the culture; if you will, if a news source runs a story that sheds
PROPTA Vice President, Director of About.com’s Bodybuilding Guide and Dr. Z is an author and researcher and to inspire them to learn what really drives a negative light on it’s advertiser’s prod-
Women’s Fitness & Development. certified fitness trainer, hugo rivera, has taught courses in metabolism, body those who’ve embraced it. We believe uct, or denounces a political or moral view
www.sherrygoggin.com Cft, spn, bsce, is a natural bodybuilder composition and anatomy. many people simply don’t understand why shared by most of its audience, that en-

tity risks losing income. The take-away

message is that the need to make money In the spirit of “full disclosure,” Phoenix
to pay for content, and make a profit, is BUILT & Phoenix: Responsibility, Labs owns or is the licensee of several
what ultimately drives the agenda for any
media outlet. This business model is often
at odds with responsible journalism, a hot
Transparency, Quality name brands, including Xenadrine, Cyto-
dyne, Kemistry, Great Earth and Pinnacle. Turned on?
Sound off!
So you can bet when we feel these brands
topic I will touch on later. have a great product, we’re going to men-
In my view, the foundation of responsible tion it. More importantly, you should also
journalism comes from transparency. This know Phoenix Labs manufactures many of
means we openly share our goals (to en- the products marketed by the top sports
courage more people to build their bod- nutrition brands in the world, and for good

How BUILT Came to Be: ies and to sell supplements), so you can reasons ­— quality, innovation and testing.
Our Motivation is an Open Book understand our motivation and use it as a We can’t mention all the brands Phoenix
filter when you read BUILT. We are proud manufactures (the brands won’t allow it),

we give your body a voice.

of our affiliation with Phoenix Labs, a com- but we’ll surely mention these and other
pany that shares our stance on broadening great products in BUILT, as well.
While developing the concept for BUILT, the bodybuilding movement and agrees to
we quickly faced a fundamental dilemma fund a magazine that will not be a “catalog Who cares what you think? We do.
of our industry — “advertising disguised in disguise.” We are not “required” to write We built BUILT magazine for you, so
as editorial.” If we did not secure the articles that make it appear Phoenix is the help us build it better. As you can
right publishing partner and financier, we only company that makes sports supple- BUILT: Bare Bones, see, we’ve got useful info, cutting-
risked being held hostage by these same ments that work, because this simply is not Unmaked Muscle edge supplements, helpful advice,
advertisers or muzzled by the same incon- true. The owners of Phoenix Labs under- compelling stories, stirring artwork,
gruous agenda that muzzles most media. stand that for their business to thrive, the powerful motivation, outspoken col-
entire bodybuilding and physical fitness cul- umnists, a cool vibe…and perceptive
To break new or pristine ground with our ture must grow, and that means other great So there you have it, what we want to readers who demand all of this stuff
views, editorial style and visual presen- companies will be successful as well. bring you, and the motivation behind it and more. And BUILT is ready to de-
tation, we either needed to win the lot- all. We are beginning unmasked and defi- liver! Whoever told you backtalk is
tery or find a backer with a similar vision. Please understand, Phoenix Labs is not nitely not anonymous, and we’re anxious a bad thing was dead wrong. So let
Luckily, we found the latter in Phoenix some garage-based manufacturing or mar- to hear your feedback to help us create a us have it— the good, the bad, the
Laboratories, a manufacturer of dietary keting firm new to the dietary supplement resource that will inspire you to increase ugly…what grabbed you and what
supplements. So, yes, part of our agenda industry or simply trying to buy credibility. your own potential. In short, BUILT is an didn’t…what you could use more of
is to sell supplements, and we make no To the contrary, the owners are highly re- open book that shares your same desire and what we missed.
apologies for that as, by definition, every spected men in their respective fields of ex- to stand for something authentic, mean-
media source has an agenda, namely, the pertise. Principal owner Mel Rich is a phar- ingful and everlasting. Talk back. Talk a little smack. Praise
need to generate revenue to pay the bills. macist, and his partner Steve Stern is an us. Vent to us. Tell us your stories.
attorney; consequently, they have the ideal Vince Andrich Tell us off. And, most importantly,
combination of credentials to understand Editor - in - Chief tell us we did the right thing by
The key for you, product science and the law regarding not making BUILT like no other fitness
the consumer, however, only advertising claims but the science and lifestyle magazine you’ve ever seen.
is to understand laws that drive the industry. Indeed, Phoe- Some of the stuff you write will end
what impact that has nix Labs was founded in 1966 as a phar- up on the BUILT BACKTALK page in
on the content you maceutical company to manufacture pre- future issues.
receive. scription and non-prescription drugs. Today,
Phoenix is one of the few, if not the only, BUILT feeds off of feedback. Speak
FDA–registered manufacturers in the natu- your mind at backtalk@builtmaga-
ral vitamin and supplement business with zine.com
the necessary certifications to also pro-
duce prescription and over the counter Also, participate in our online sur-
(OTC’s) pharmaceuticals. Additionally, the veys and reader polls at www.built-
Company operates a human nutrition labo- magazine.com.
ratory for actual clinical studies.
BREAK that extra fluid, it just might pull water
from beneath your skin and into your
blood, giving you a more cut, vascular Bodybuilders and
and-after photos of a champion body-
builder, that doesn’t mean that the product
isn’t effective. As a consumer, you should

DOWN Q & A appearance. I haven’t tried this yet, but

you might be able to “test” this effect by `
Supplement Comanies take the endorsement and put it to the
side, and then look to see if the product
using one of the products that contains has some scientific basis. Or, better yet,
glycerol and only taking in half the amount ask your friends in the gym if they’ve used
of water as directed. the product and had good results with it.

In my opinion, nothing beats real world
by Vince Andrich Go to the source. Some trusted brands do the bodybuilders results to earn your money.
with products that contain glycerol that are shown in supplement adver-
include, Gaspari’s Super Pump 250™, tisements actually use the products Editors note: The above question is one reason why Built
Magazine has a dietary supplement advertising policy that
StarChem Labs, Armageddon™ and Kem- they endorse? includes guidelines for before and after ads. Please see
? istry’s Stone Dragon™. page 24 for more information.

??? Dosing and timing. To enhance muscle WHILE IT’S LIKELY that only
????? fullness and your “pump” take 2–3 grams the athletes themselves know for sure if
of glycerol with at least 32 ounces of water, they use the products they endorse, here
Hydration Secret
juice, or a sport/electrolyte drink. For are my thoughts on this subject: First, I
ask best results mix glycerol into a portable applaud supplement companies for sup-
container so you can consume it over an porting bodybuilders who’ve earned the Built Pecs

??????? extended period of time (pre-workout,

during your workout, and post-workout).
right to make a living at the sport in which
they excel. Second, I have been inside
????? Remember, to take your glycerol cocktail in several large companies that have had

??? I’ve noticed that glycerol

is listed on the deck of several new
addition to your normal water/fluid intake. big-time bodybuilders on contract, and I
can say that for the most part they do use
? pre-workout/pump products. How
can this ingredient help my body-
the products they endorse. I’ve been bodybuilding for
over three years, but I still can’t
building program? But here’s my problem. I am not in favor seem to get my chest to look right. I
of supplement companies using profes- want more upper chest development
sional or even competitive bodybuild- and a more visible outer pec line.
Years ago, supplement for- ers in before-and-after ads to sell their What exercises or program would
mulators wondered if glycerol could benefit products. Why? Well, it’s well established you recommend?
bodybuilders. Over time, the best product that competitive bodybuilders approach
formulators in the business have included getting into top condition differently than
glycerol in their products because they’ve even the most serious consumers do. For The problem you’re describ-
learned that glycerol helps hydrate your one thing, they get into such ‘abnormally’ ing is often caused by relying too much on
body. Glycerol is a “hydroscopic hyper- good shape for contests that when they regular barbell bench presses. To improve
osmotic” agent, meaning that it attracts are in the off-season their bodyweights your chest, I recommend the following
water and readily permeates numerous can fluctuate by over 15 percent of their exercises and program:
cell membranes. When glycerol is taken bodyweight — 30 pounds or more for a

with ample amounts of fluid, it increases 200-pound athlete. So, merely going from The exercises
total body water volume. This provides off-season to contest shape alone creates ••• Barbell Press to Neck Perform bar-

an effective means for manipulating cell one helluva before and after. Next, many bell bench presses to the base of
swelling so you can effectively force of these competitive athletes have admit- your neck with a medium-wide hand

your muscle cells to become maximally ted to using other training aids that are spacing (about 34”). Keep your knees
engorged with protective fluids. not off-the-shelf supplements, further together and your lower legs crossed
blurring the lines of “product X allowed throughout the set to help isolate
Since cell volume is primarily a protec- me to gain 40-pounds of muscle”. your chest. This adjustment will allow

tive measure to combat muscle protein you to better stimulate the fibers near
breakdown, glycerol may also have This combination of high-level athlete your clavicles for greater upper chest
anti-catabolic properties. When glycerol and the possible use of prescription development. Performed correctly,
is included in a pre-workout or pump bodybuilding aids can make for a very this move will take your front deltoids
product it can dramatically increase the misleading advertising picture that, to the out of the movement, forcing your
concentration of the fluid in the blood and unsuspecting public, looks miraculous and upper chest to work harder.
muscle cells. The result is an intense and as such will prompt more people to buy
prolonged “skin-bursting pump effect” the product the ad is promoting. Judging ••• V Bar Dips Use a 32”-wide grip, fac-
during your workouts, and a fuller, tighter from all the questions I get on this subject, ing the V of the bar. Lower your chin
appearance overall. and the amount of ad pages dedicated to toward your chest, round your shoul-
this form of marketing, I am sure that a ders forward and keep your elbows
As a side note, I’ve heard some bodybuild- boatload of product is being bought under out to the sides throughout the move-
ers say that they are using glycerol as a these potentially false pretenses. The ment. Point your toes down, and hold
diuretic. In theory, it would work like this: bottom line is: just because a supplement them vertically below your face [so
if you take in glycerol without drinking all is being sold on the merits of the before- that you pike a bit? or all in one line?].
Dip as low as possible, then press up
maintaining your position. This exer-
cise will help give you that lower and
Go to the source. In addition to whole
foods, other slow-acting (slowly digested)
proteins include milk protein isolates,
outer pec outline. Keep in mind that
the objective of this movement is to
concentrates, micellar casein, and a new
dairy-free protein source from phenolated
focus the resistance on your lower buckwheat.
pec line, and away from your triceps.
This should feel significantly different Speed it up. In addition, bodybuilders
than performing dips to build your tris should incorporate fast-digesting forms of
— it forces you to recruit more lower protein into their diets. These will initiate
chest fibers, which is exactly what you protein synthesis much more quickly for ••• A dvertisements cannot be presented in
want. greater growth and recovery. Research the “advertorial” format, i.e., designed
has shown that whey protein isolates and our mission to resemble or be indistinguishable
The program concentrates can increase protein syn- at built from editorial content.
Follow this program for eight weeks. thesis due to their solubility and they’re magazine •••  dvertisements featuring “before
••• Train your chest three days per week ability to quickly enter the blood stream. is to advance your knowledge of nu- and after” transformations are not
(MWF). Further research has shown that whey trition, exercise and the latest per- accepted without a legally binding
••• D  on’t train any other body parts proteins raise leucine levels nearly as formance enhancing “dietary supple- document signed by the manufacturer
when you train your chest. quickly as when amino acids are injected ments” so you can lead a stronger, and its endorsee that qualifies state-
••• P erform six sets of eight reps for intravenously. This is important, as leu- leaner and healthier life. ments represented as factual. This
each of the exercises. cine is perhaps the most potent amino includes, if necessary, the endorsee
••• Train hard, but don’t take your sets acid in terms of its ability to stimulate disclosing they understand the “net
to failure (leave one rep in reserve). protein synthesis. impression” of the advertisement as
••• R est only 30 seconds between sets. written is not misleading. If a specif-
Go to the source. Several good whey We realize that the process of choosing the ic gain in muscle or loss of bodyfat is
supplements on the market contain fast- best dietary supplements will, at times, re- attributed to one particular product,
acting proteins, yet I personally prefer quire reading the latest advertisements for the burden of proof will become more
products that contain a combination of these products. However, in the last sev- detailed. It is simply too challenging
slow- and fast-digesting proteins (casein eral years, distinguishing advertising from to police such claims for authenticity
Rate My Protein and whey). Good product choices include editorial content has become harder to do. without proper documentation.
MET-Rx Protein Plus™, Prolab’s Protein This is because a popular method of mar- •••  roduct-comparison advertisements
Component™ and Kemistry’s ProCore™, keting is the use of “advertorials,” which are not accepted; unless there is sig-
the only product to contain phenolated are ads that are designed and written to nificant head-to-head scientific data
buckwheat and the essential amino acids appear as if they are magazine articles. that proves one product is more ef-
used in the studies above. fective than another. In this instance,
A GUY at the gym told me Additionally, the popularity of “before and exact products must be tested
that protein powders get digested Editors note: You can get a free sample of ProCore™ sim- after” ads has caused the Federal Trade against each other in a double-blind,
ply by visiting www.kemistry.com.
at different rates, and that I should Commission (the agency that audits ad- controlled environment.
take in different types of protein vertising claims) to publicly make this type •••  dvertisements featuring a doctor
through the day. What types of pro- of marketing a point of contention. As con- or medical professional endorsement
tein should I take? sumers ourselves, we respect this position must be accompanied by the appro-
because these ads represent marketing priate proof of credentials. These
that is difficult to get a true “net impres- credentials must be relevant to the
BODYBUILDERS need both sion” of actual product benefits. This is not claims being endorsed by the medi-
slow- and fast-digesting proteins in their surprising, since it seems that advertisers cal professional.
diets because each type has specific must use “remarkable” transformations •••  uilt reserves the right to refuse
muscle-building advantages. (“before and after” pictures) to get the at- any advertising if the “net impres-
tention of customers. Moreover, as a group, sion” of the advertisement is deemed
Slow it down. Research has shown that body-conscious consumers often seek out deceptive.
taking in slow-digesting proteins is an quick-fix, miracle products. So, when prod-
excellent way to slow protein breakdown. ucts do not hold up, our entire industry suf- Our duty is to serve the bodybuilding
In essence, slow-digesting proteins fers. When excellent products are not able community, and BUILT Magazine will not
‘trickle’ into your bloodstream, feeding to get traction in the marketplace because become a slave to our advertisers. These
your muscles protein building blocks they are marketed in a more conservative policies are designed to give consumers a
(amino acids) over many hours. This helps fashion, the problem worsens. higher level of confidence; however, the
prevent your body from breaking down inclusion of an advertisement is in no way
your hard-earned muscles for the aminos For these reasons, and to “level the play- to be perceived as an endorsement of any
they contain. Whole food forms of protein ing field,” Built Magazine has instituted product or marketing claims. We will re-
such as meat, whole eggs and cheese are the following advertising policy: serve our positive reviews for our editorial
slowly digested forms of protein. Since departments throughout the magazine.
these foods take longer to digest, they ••• A ll advertising will be placed in des-
help keep you satisfied longer when ignated sections of the magazine to In strength,
you’re dieting. further distinguish advertising from Vince Andrich
editorial content.
BULLETIN results showed that 600 mg EGCG
was no better than the 300 mg dose,
and that the EGCG + caffeine com-
from Appalachian State University
recently determined that a load of
50-60% maximized power output in
Stretching on Vertical Jump Performance. J Strength
Cond Res. 21(1):233-226, 2007.

SCIENCE & NEWS bination increased fat oxidation the the bench and squat, while a load of

most. The next time you are in the 70-80% maximized power output in
market for a fat burner, choose one the power clean. Caffeine and the
with at least 300 mg EGCG and 200 Journal of Pain
mg caffeine per dose. This is anoth- Cormie P, McCaulley GO, Triplett NT, McBride JM. Op-
er one of those times when more is timal Loading for Maximal Power Output during Lower-
by NOT better! Body Resistance Exercises. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2007
Tim Feb;39(2):340-9. I love coffee, tea, chocolate, and
Ziegenfuss, PhD Boschmann M, Thielecke F, Franke G, Adams F, Birken- anything else with caffeine in it. And
field A, Luft F, Jordan J. Teavigo™ increases fat oxida- why not — this mighty methylxan-

tion in humans. Poster PO0699 Obesity Reviews. 2006, thine is thermogenic (helps the body
page 309. EAAS vs. Whey Protein burn extra calories) and improves
both physical and mental perfor-
Maximizing Performance mance. Research published in the
with Rep Speed Journal of Pain also revealed that

Exercise scientists have already a 5 mg/kg dose of caffeine reduced

Many sports teams use a repetition-

stuuuuuuudddyy Beta Alanine Delays Fatigue
and Improves Performance
shown that ingesting essential
amino acids (EAAs) prior to weight
training leads to greater gains in
pain by 26% during submaximal ex-
ercise and 48% during maximal exer-
cise. Scientists aren’t sure how caf-
to-failure test as an indicator of muscle growth than ingesting EAAs feine blocks the perception of effort,
muscle performance. In the NFL, one after weight training. Newly pub- but if you’re sore from yesterday’s
such test is to count the number of Beta alanine is an amino acid used lished research reported that 20 workout, have an extra cup of Joe
reps completed on the bench press to increase the buffering capacity grams of whole whey protein was di- before you hit the gym.
at a 225-pound load. Researchers in exercising muscle and delay fa- gested more slowly than EAAs, and
from the University of Connecticut tigue. Studies are accumulating fast was not as effective in stimulating Maridakis V, O’connor PJ, Dudley GA, McCully KK. Caf-

recently compared muscle perfor- on this new pre-workout ingredient, muscle protein synthesis. My recom- feine Attenuates Delayed-Onset Muscle Pain and Force
mance parameters (i.e., peak force, and they’ve all been positive. For ex- mendation on pre- and post-workout Loss Following Eccentric Exercise. J Pain. 2006 Dec 8;
peak power, total volume, and num- ample, a 28-day trial of 51 men who protein is the following: ingest 6-12 [Epub ahead of print]
ber of reps completed) in the squat supplemented with 3.2 grams of be- grams of EAAs before training and
and shoulder press during fast and ta-alanine per day revealed that they another 6-12 grams of EAAs imme-
slow movement speeds. The results improved their high-intensity cycling diately after training. If you want to
— fast speeds smoked slow speeds in performance by 14.5%. If you try step it up a notch, toss in whey, egg, Maximizing Fat Loss
every measurement. So, the next time this naturally occurring amino acid, casein, or buckwheat protein. with Interval Training
you and your training partner want to shoot for a daily intake of 3-6 grams
see who can knock out more reps at a (in divided doses). Benefits typically Tipton KD, Elliott TA, Cree MG, Aarsland AA, Sanford AP,
given percentage of your max, go out take several weeks to appear, and Wolfe RR. Stimulation of net muscle protein synthesis by
hard and fast. more prolonged use leads to greater whey protein ingestion before and after exercise. Am J The question is as old as Joe Weider
effects. Physiol Endocrinol Metab. 2007 Jan;292(1):E71-6. – what’s better for fat loss: lower-
hatfield dl, kraemer wj, spiering ba, et al. The intensity, longer-duration (steady
impact of velocity of movement on performance fac- Stout JR, Cramer JT, Mielke M, et al. Effects of state) cardio or higher-intensity,
tors in resistance exercise. J Strength Condit Res. 2006, twenty-eight days of beta-alanine and creatine shorter-duration (interval) cardio?
20(4):760-768. monohydrate supplementation on the physical Stretching Impairs Researchers from Australia recently
working capacity at neuromuscular fatigue thresh- Performance placed 45 females into a constant-in-
old. J Strength Condit Res. 2006, 20(4):928-931. tensity cardio group (who exercised
at 60% of max, for 30-40 minutes) or
a high-intensity interval group (who
Green Tea + Caffeine Surprised? Studies are accumulat- performed repeating cycles of 8-sec-

Increases Fat Burning ing that show pre-workout stretch- ond sprints interspersed with 12
Benches, Squats, and Cleans ing can impair strength, power, and seconds of recovery, for 20 minutes).
(Oh My) speed. Here’s the thing: the stretch- After 15 weeks of training, subjects
ing routine needs to be prolonged in the high-intensity interval group
Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) is a (10–20 minutes) and intense for im- lost 15 times more body weight and
potent antioxidant compound found pairment to rear its ugly head. Unless 6 times more body fat than the con-
in green tea that is finding its way A big part of getting stronger is you are involved in a sport that re- stant-intensity group. So, the next
into more and more fat-loss formu- getting faster, or more specifically quires extensive flexibility, save the time your girlfriend or wife (or both)
las because of its ability to enhance more powerful. Powerlifters have Pilates moves for your girlfriend(s). ask you for training advice, tell them
fat loss. A recent German study com- known this for decades and usu- Warm up, stretch lightly for 5–10 to hit the hills!
pared rates of fat oxidation (burn- ally devote several days per week minutes, and then hit the weights.
ing) between 300mg EGCG, 600 mg to “speed training” where they lift Trapp EG and Boutcher SH. Fat loss following 15 weeks
of EGCG, 200 mg caffeine, and 300 submaximal loads (30–70% of max) Bradley PS, Olsen PD, Portas MD. The Effect of Static, of high intensity, intermittent cycle ergometer training.
mg EGCG + 200 mg caffeine. The as fast as possible. Researchers Ballistic, and Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation Poster PO0816 Obesity Reviews. 2006, page 341.
of actionable information on the In many users, especially teenagers, ste-
What Steroids Are and topic of steroids. And we can guaran- roids cause a shift in behavior that is often
What They Do for Athletes tee you this: if it comes via the Internet, characterized as aggressive, but more ac-

performance enhancement and it’s for sale or describes patterns of

use — “how to” information — the folks
curately described as “risky.” Continued
steroid use in otherwise healthy individu-
providing that information have no con- als alters the perception of reality, affect-
cern whatsoever about your well-being! ing the user’s judgment – both in the gym
Anabolic steroids are natural and and out.
synthetic chemicals that are best known That said, if an individual over the age
for their muscle growth and performance of 21 chooses to use steroids, he should Newton’s third law of motion states that:
effects. In reality, they are reproductive do so only under the strict guidance of a “For every action, there is an equal and op-

hormones being used outside of their medical doctor; but be clear on this as posite reaction.” This concept operates
well-designed biological context. This fact well — it is our contention that steroid in biological systems as well. Therefore,
alone makes them virtually useless in the use ultimately leads to the need for medi- whatever effects steroids create (psy-
context of health and well-being during cal attention in some form or other any- chologically, emotionally and for the most
adolescence and young adulthood. way. The only way to determine the health part physiologically) during use, you can
risks surrounding steroids with confi- be assured that the opposite effect will
While their muscle effects appear to be dence necessarily involves sophisticated occur during the period immediately fol-
by Kevin Lawrence & Jeff Feliciano desirable for cosmetic purposes, steroids imaging tests and frequent blood studies. lowing their use.
can also, though not always, temporarily The need for these procedures is a clear
enhance aspects of performance directly indication that steroids are not benign If steroids induce euphoria, increased
anabolic and indirectly (in fact they “work” less substances even for “healthy adult men.” sexual desire/activity, aggressive behav-
steroids often than their media-driven reputation ior or an increased tendency toward risky
have been implies). Direct effects during usage are behavior; the equal and opposite of those
a part of sports at all levels for de- increased strength and speed.* Indirect ef- effects will likely occur during the period
cades, but recently they have become fects include improved exercise tolerance immediately following (weeks to months)
a more central issue due to their pro- —increasing the amount of training and oth- Adverse Effects of steroid use. Why? Because the body is
liferation and cultural awareness. er forms of exercise that can be performed, Steroids trying to balance out the presence of ex-
Since athletes and the public are while reducing the length of time it takes tra hormones/steroids, and it does so by
now much more aware of steroids, the body to recover from training. diminishing internal systems that normal-
it’s particularly important that young ly work to produce natural testosterone,

wake up
athletes and their parents have a bet- There are many different steroids, but they which is balanced with other important
ter understanding of what steroids all employ common mechanisms. Steroids We hope that young athletes will think hormones such as estrogen and cortisol.
are and how they work. can be taken in different ways, including long and hard before making the deci-
orally, through injection and through ap- sion to use steroids. One thing that we When steroid usage is terminated the
Many young athletes may be attracted plication to the skin (transdermally). Oral now know about anabolic steroids is that body has a difficult time returning to its
to steroids, believing that using them is steroids are more likely to be harmful to there are adverse side effects associated normal hormone balance. The result is an
a “magic pill” to boost performance or the liver, especially when taken in higher with usage in all users. “I’m not an MD, endocrine system that usually produces
improve their appearance, but we want to dosages.** and I’m not a Ph.D,” says Kevin Lawrence some degree of depression. In chronic us-
make it very clear that there are numer- of www.bnrg.com. “What I am is a father ers, avoidance of depression can lead to
ous short-term and long-term risks and History shows us that steroids are often and an athlete who has experience with habitual use and emotional dependence.
side effects associated with steroid use. gateway drugs. Once you become “OK” anabolic steroids, and I can tell you with In some neophytes, severe depression fol-
The degree of harm for many of these ef- with using illegal substances (including 100-percent confidence that all teenagers lowed by life-crisis has been documented.
fects can’t be evaluated until later in life, learning to inject yourself) for performance, and young adults taking anabolic steroids
at which time the majority of users regret it isn’t much of a leap to do it for recreation at any dose, by any route, will experi-
having gone down the path of steroid us- or to offset depression, a problem already ence some form of adverse effect.” When
age. Ultimately, most have agreed that the inherent during teenage years. you choose to use steroids, you are also
price paid for using steroids has been too choosing to compromise and possibly
high. A risk that may seem acceptable to- We recognize that some young athletes harm yourself in the following ways: Physiological Effects
day may become unthinkable later in life, are interested in learning more about ste-
especially when quality of life is compro- roids, and there are plenty of sources —
mised and the effects of that are felt by good and bad — available today; howev-
family and loved ones. er the Internet, in particular, is rife with

misinformation on this topic. Most ste- Psychological Effects Annoying side effects such as acne, un-
We do not endorse or condone the use of roid users (and distributors) know little stable libido (sex drive), increased body
anabolic steroids for any purpose other to nothing about safe dosages, medical hair, gynecomastia (the abnormal growth
than the medical applications for which problems or human physiology. The types of male breast tissue) and stunted linear
they were developed. of steroids and the dosages that are of- growth are unavoidable risks that are part
ten listed online are far more dangerous The most common and perhaps damaging, and parcel of steroid use. However, these
than efficacious medical dosages, which though most overlooked, side effect as- annoyances pale in comparison to the
are not without their own risks. sociated with steroid usage is a change potentially enduring negative impact on
in personality or perspective. This is criti- longevity and quality of life, effects that
One of our strongest cautions is to cally true for ages 10-18. receive far too little attention.
avoid using the Internet as a source
supports steroid usage. We have also interfaced
(SIDEBAR) First, it is the case that and trained with pro baseball
In addition to these problems heart and you’re really after? Keep it simple. The must also contend with the fact that you THE VOICE OF REA- some professionals utilize players, those famous suspects
kidney disease have become common in choice is absolutely yours. You are the only don’t really know what you’re buying. You
heavy steroid users (as is the case with one that will live a lifetime in your body.” don’t know that the steroids are of the SON AND EXPERI- performance-enhancing drugs, or admitted users, as well as
many bodybuilders at all levels). There is dosage claimed, or even if they are the
evidence that heart and kidney disease Steroid use out of its medical context is drug they claim to be. Some are tainted ENCE even though such substances those whose careers were drug-
are not only exacerbated by but also pro- viewed as cheating. It is reported that or contain other harmful substances. Fur-
moted by steroid use outside of medical way in the press and almost all forms of thermore, it’s illegal to purchase steroids. We have noticed with great are against the rules in their free and reached the hall of
scrutiny that includes a spectrum of imag- communications media. Whether you ac- And in today’s political climate where ste-
ing tests and frequent blood studies. cept or reject this, or excuse it: “Everyone roid usage has come under close scrutiny, anxiety that many of the young respective sports. It is also true fame. We are impressed by the
else does it so I have to do it to compete including making its way before Congress,
Concerned parents who note the above on a level playing field,” steroid usage is the likelihood of being caught buying il- people who used steroids in that many of these high-profile character of nonusers and sadly
symptoms along with a big jump in body considered to be a moral or ethical failing, legal steroids is much higher than it was a
weight in their child should pay attention. and it is outlawed in every world-class generation ago. the 1960s, ‘70s and ‘80s regret athletes are under meticulous unimpressed with the integrity
These are strong signals that your child may competitive sport, except bodybuilding.
be using steroids, and you should consider Steroids can be obtained legally through a making this decision, especially medical scrutiny — scrutiny and substance of users. We
testing your son or daughter. Even a sim- Consequently, steroid use has to be kept medical doctor though this does not speak
ple blood test performed during a steroid secret from peers, parents and coaches. to the ethics or safety involved. Steroids considering that many of these that involves expensive and fail to see the value of steroid-
“cycle” can produce strong evidence that This secrecy alone leads to an ethical are an appropriate form of medicine for
steroids are being used. Doctors can also breach with those who you respect and certain populations (such as those suf- people now have children of comprehensive imaging tests mediated athletics in the wider
employ the same urine test that is used to love. The strain of keeping secrets also fering from wasting diseases), but ethical
screen IOC and professional athletes. contributes to the potential for psycho- medical doctors do not prescribe steroids their own. We believe this is to ensure that any progression scope of creating a substantive
logical addiction and nonstop cycling of for healthy young athletes or for purposes
steroid usage. It sets an example to other of increasing muscle mass for athletic per- further evidence that young to disease is treated or avoided life. The experience is in direct
young athletes who may then also feel formance. Doctors who prescribe steroids
compelled to “level the playing field” and for these reasons are subject to ethical, athletes should continue to train early. opposition to the challenges life
Ethical and Legal opt to use steroids as well. How does this legal and licensing penalties.
Issues scenario differ from that of recreational and compete without taking For the parents read- brings to all.
and other pharmaceutical drug abuse?
steroids. If your ability to com- ing this who are considering
Any record broken while competing under
the enhancement of anabolic steroids has Conclusion pete with others at your level empowering their children to
Now pay attention to this! Any posi- no business being logged alongside or
tive effect derived from steroid us- compared with those set naturally. It disre- depends on taking steroids, use steroids, take the following
age is temporary! That means it won’t spects terribly the accomplishments of the
last! And since the effects are so fleet- Hank Aarons, Nolan Ryans and Cal Rip- Those who choose to use steroids should then it’s our contention that advice to heart. We have trained
ing, most feel that any achievement that kens of the world. No matter how great the do so only under the supervision of a
comes with steroid enhanced physiology sports records, those created by steroid qualified medical doctor and only after you should accept this personal with some of the greatest NFL
is not valid – that it just “doesn’t count.” users are simply not the same nor are they a full and honest review of the pros and
“I can tell you that I am far more impressed perceived by anyone (in truth) in the same cons. We offer that, while repeating our limitation and move on to other players of all time — perennial
and proud of my fitness and physique to- light as naturally achieved milestones. personal position: We do not endorse
day at the age of 54 than when I was a or condone the use of anabolic ste- endeavors. We believe that retir- All-Pro players. The vast major-
World Champion over 20 years ago,” says Many athletes’ reputations and entire ca- roids for any purpose other than
Kevin Lawrence. “Why? Because it’s pure, reers have been permanently tainted be- the medical applications for which ing or pursuing your sport rec- ity of them have commented
and it has permanence! Because it’s the cause of failed steroid tests and some by they are approved.
result of higher thinking! mere speculation based on nothing more reationally rather than competi- to us that football was easy for
than observation. What a sadness to see
“Higher thinking is what drives smart nu- an athlete’s day in the sun ruined because * Speed is a function of different variables many of which
are adversely impacted by anabolic/androgenic ste-
tively is a much better choice them from the very beginning.
trition and training and creates higher of false accusation or incorrect testing. roids (AAS), and this is one reason why steroid-abusing
energy in the body and that gives me all This knife cuts badly in any direction. Bet- athletes are often injured. It is increasingly difficult to than deciding on steroid usage In other words, if you have to
of the effects discussed above without ter to just remove it completely. By taking maintain the performance as muscle mass is added, and

introducing health-disrupting substances a definitive stance against steroid usage

especially during steroid use.
** Because The Dietary Supplement Health and Edu-
just to continue competing at a push or condone steroid use by
into my body. Higher thinking drives suc- young athletes can help protect their rep- cation Act of 1994 increased public access to supple-
cess in all aspects of my life. I am a better utations and compare their achievements ments, it has also resulted in the sale and distribution particular level. your child while still in high
husband, father, employer, and friend – a to others with pride and integrity. of AAS outside the intent of the law that criminalized

better human being. I don’t believe I have

AAS. The take-home message here is that even though
it is apparently legal to order and receive these types of
For those who don’t ac- school, you are deluding your-
ever seen any of those benefits created Steroids can be purchased over the Inter- substances in the guise of all sorts of names and brands,
from the use of steroids or any other drug net and at many gyms and training facili- you should avoid them entirely. cept this, we offer a few more self about their potential to play
or health-negative substance. ties in the country, and many young ath-
letes who have made this choice have done
For additional information, check the following links:
thoughts that you will not read in the NCAA (which drug tests
“Make no mistake about this. Higher think- so at their peril. Not only are the dosages http://www.steroidabuse.org/
ing is the golden egg. It’s the real deal and and stacks listed at such websites often in the muscle enthusiast litera- its athletes), let alone reach the
from it you can build your highest level of inaccurate and virtually always excessive h t t p : / / w w w. w a d a - a m a . o rg / r t e c o n t e n t /

ability and performance on the field and (it’s in the sellers’ interest to try to get
ture that directly or indirectly professional ranks.
in your life. Think about it. Isn’t that what you to use, and thus buy more), but you
BITES Anti-tumor/Anticancer
granate juice for eight weeks, experienced
significant reductions in their total choles-
terol, LDL, LDL:HDL (high-density lipopro-
program: Effective dosing is 150-200 mil-
ligrams per serving (standardized for 40%
Ellagic Acid), taken 2-3 times per day.

NUTRITION HEALTH Intervention tein) ratio, and total cholesterol:HDL ratio.

Malik A, Afaq A, Sarfaraz S, Adhami VM, Syed DN,
Mukhtar H. Pomegranate fruit juice for chemopreven-
The pomegranate has also been shown to tion and chemotherapy of prostate cancer. PNAS 2005;
reduce systolic blood pressure by 21% af- 102:14813-14818.
According to some researchers , the ac- ter one year. In other research, pomegran- Chidambara Murthy KN, Jayaprakasha GK, Singh RP.

tions of the pomegranate’s components ate consumption reduced systolic blood Studies on antioxidant activity of pomegranate (Punica
granatum) peel extract using in vivo models. J Agric Food
suggest a wide range of clinical applica- pressure by inhibiting serum angiotension Chem 2002; 50(17):4791-5.
tions for the treatment and prevention of converting enzyme (ACE); a mechanism Lansky EP, Newman RA. Punica granatum (pomegranate)
cancer, as well as other diseases where of action similar to ACE-inhibitor drugs and its potential for prevention and treatment of inflam-
chronic inflammation is believed to play that are used in controlling blood pressure, mation and cancer. Journal of ethnopharmacology 2007;
an essential developmental role. Pome- treating heart failure, and preventing kid- Hora JJ, Maydew ER, Lansky EP, Dwivedi C. Chemopre-
granate extract has been shown to inhibit ney damage in people with hypertension or ventive effects of pomegranate seed oil on skin tumor de-
the growth of human prostate cancer cells diabetes. velopment in CD1 mice. J Med Food 2003; 6(3):157- 61.
cultured in laboratory dishes, as well as
slow prostate cancer growth in mice.

An advantage of the pomegranate is its

capability of intervening at more than one Booze, Sex, and
by Gene Bruno, MHS critical pathway in the process of car- Immunity
cinogenesis. In other research, mice pre-
treated with pomegranate extract showed
the 70% less tumor incidence compared to
pomegranate mice that didn’t receive the extract. The If the litany of health benefits listed
originated authors of the study indicated pomegran- above weren’t enough to peak your inter-
from Persia (Iran) and has been cul- ate fruit extract “possesses anti-skin-tu- est, consider this. Research has shown
tivated in Central Asia, Georgia, Ar- mor-promoting effects,” and may possess that pomegranate fruit extract can block
menia and the Mediterranean region chemopreventive activity “in a wide range enzymes that contribute to cartilage deg-
for several millennia; eventually of tumor models.” radation in osteoarthritis, suggesting a
making its way to other parts of the possible application for this disorder. In
world. More recently, pomegranates Additional research demonstrated that animal research, pomegranate extract
have been a source of interest due pomegranate-seed oil was a safe and ef- reduced weight and caloric intake. The
to the following health benefits. fective agent against skin cancer and co- pomegranate can also increase ni-
lon cancer tumors; and also inhibited the tric oxide synthetase activity in the
proliferation of human breast cancer cells blood vessel endothelium. Nitric ox-
up to 90%. Likewise, pomegranate juice ide synthetase increases the avail-
polyphenols have been shown to inhibit ability of nitric oxide, an antioxidant
Advanced Antioxidant cancerous lesion formation by 47% in the and vasodilator. Animal research
Properties mammary gland cells from mice. suggests the antioxidant activity of
pomegranates might help prevent
arteriogenic erectile dysfunction. In
addition, pomegranates appear to have
Firstly, the pomegranate is high in poly- gastroprotective effects. Animal research
phenolic compounds, making its juice Cardiovascular Network shows that pomegranate extract reduces
higher in antioxidant activity than red Support gastric ulceration due to aspirin and alco-
wine and green tea. The most abun- hol; and may help enhance B-cell function
dant of these compounds is ellagic acid, (a component of the immune system).
which has been shown in research to be
the antioxidant responsible for the free- Even more so than its anti-tumor/antican-
radical scavenging ability of pomegranate cer effects, the pomegranate is known for
juice. Pomegranate extract has also been its cardiovascular benefits. Human research
shown to protect the antioxidant enzymes has shown the pomegranate to be effec-
catalase, peroxidase and superoxide dis- tive in reducing several heart risk factors. Inexspensive
mutase from the effects of toxic chemi- In one study, pomegranate inhibited the Health Insurance
cals in animal research. oxidation of low-density lipoprotein (LDL),
and slowed the development of atheroscle-

rosis. As a matter of fact, ten patients sup-
plemented with pomegranate juice for one In a world where our built in protective
year experienced a 30% reduction in the systems are constantly assaulted with
narrowing of the carotid artery walls. Like- environmental, and biological insults,
wise, diabetic patients with elevated blood pomegranate extract appears to be an
lipids, who were supplemented with pome- inexpensive insurance policy. Get on the
Do you normally have

NUTRITIONal health one large meal late in the day?

This is one category in which many people

find themselves. They skip breakfast, eat
cal activity is factored in, most people on the road during the day (usually fast
are surprised at how many calories they food), and then when they finally get
actually need on a daily basis. Get your home at night, they are famished and end
by metabolic rate tested or calculate your up eating a huge dinner. Sitting around
Jennifer Hofheins, MS, RD, LD Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR). Once you reading the newspaper or falling asleep
Exercise and Sports Nutritionist know your BMR, you can calculate your with a full belly usually follows this large
daily caloric needs based on your activity meal. Healthy eating takes discipline
level using the Harris Benedict Equation. and, of course, planning ahead is essen-

Eat what you body requires, and you will tial. Think about your day, and plan your
if be surprised at the results. meals before leaving in the morning. Pack
i had a a cooler and have healthy options avail-
Is Dieting dollar
for every person who tells me that the
able. Studies have shown that people
who eat smaller meals more frequently

Making You they aren’t eating that much and are

still unable to lose weight, I would
throughout the day are more likely to beat
obesity than their “three-square-meals-
be a very wealthy woman. This is a-day” counterparts. Also, eating more
Fatter? something that seems very simple Women often (i.e., up to 6 small meals per day)
to me, but is extremely difficult for BMR = revs up your metabolism and will give you
most people to grasp. If you find energy throughout the day. So, why not
655 + (4.35 x WEIGHT IN POUNDS)
”””””” yourself in any of the following cat-
egories...keep reading!
give it a try?

••• A
 re you unable to lose weight or – (4.7 x AGE IN YEARS) food is the new drug
fat? Are you following a
Men the smashing maching
•••  o you skip meals or consume
D specific fad diet?
too few calories per day? BMR = trypto what?
•••  re you following a specific fad
A it’s all in your head
diet? 66 + (6.23 x WEIGHT IN POUNDS)
•••  o you normally have one large bod mod
meal late in the day?
+ (12.7 x HEIGHT IN INCHES) Most fad diets and weight-loss programs
promise dramatic results in a short period
– (6.8 x AGE IN YEARS) of time if you can stick with a rigorous pro-
Let’s examine each of these concerns, gram. Most of these can deliver dramatic
and I will explain why you need to results in a short period of time, though
change it up a little in order to reach it might not be in a healthy fashion. But
your health and fitness goals. Do you skip meals or consume even those weight-loss programs that do
too few calories per day? offer a sound, healthy, dietary change to
the initial drop, many, if not most, fail at
the next crucial step: keeping the weight
Are you unable to off. Make lifestyle changes that you can
lose weight or fat? This is detrimental for a few reasons. Many incorporate into your daily routines that
people who skip meals (usually breakfast) are realistic. Don’t cut out all your favor-
are signaling to their bodies to conserve ite foods, or you will end up splurging.
calories that they will later consume any- Behavior modification is the best way to
Most likely you are not burning enough way. When you cut down on calories or go make a lifestyle change, not fad diets!
calories (i.e., eating too much and not long periods without eating (overnight),
exercising enough) OR, like a majority of your body holds on to body fat (a more effi-
people I speak with, you are not getting cient fuel source) and actually burns muscle
sufficient calories into your body each day for energy. Not consuming enough calories
to keep your metabolism working most ef- and not eating often enough causes your
ficiently (i.e., burning calories...specifical- metabolic rate to slow down, and your body
ly fat). Everyone needs a certain amount of doesn’t burn calories as effectively. Your
calories to sustain normal, daily activities mother was right; breakfast is the most im-
(breathing and digestion, to name a few). portant meal of the day! Keep in mind, how-
This doesn’t include any physical activity ever, that it doesn’t need to be the largest
(weight training or cardio). Once physi- meal of the day.
Increase your
bodybuilding A Built Science

gains naturally
Nutrition &

through nutrition-HUGO

based hormonalRIVERA
“ ”

recuperation time and aid in the production of lean muscle tis- Proteins
sue. Ingesting simple carbohydrates throughout the day is not
recommended since they are released into the bloodstream too Every tissue in your body is made up of protein (i.e. muscle,
fast and, if you do not need them at that specific time, your hair, skin, nails etc.). Proteins are the
body’s ability to burn body fat may be compromised. building blocks of lean muscle tissue. Without it, building
to achieve large muscle and burning fat efficiently would be impossible. Its
gains in muscle mass, along with signifi- importance is paramount. Proteins help increase your metabo-
cant body-fat decreases, many hormonal complex
lism by 20 percent every time you consume them, and proteins
events need to occur in the body. The lev- carbohydrates
time-release carbohydrates (glucose), so you get sustained
energy throughout the day.
el of success that we can achieve in these
endeavors is determined by how much starchy carbohydrates Fats
testosterone, growth hormone and insulin
All the cells in the body contain some fat. Fats are responsible
are produced by our bodies and whether baked potato (4 oz raw) 20g
for lubricating joints. In addition, hormones are manufactured
they are produced at the right times or PLAIN OATMEAL (steel cut, 1/4 cup dry) 27g from fats. If you eliminate fats from your diet, your hormonal
not. Luckily, these events are affected production will drop and a whole array of chemical reactions will
to a large extent by the quality, timing, sweet potato/yam (4 oz raw) 27g be interrupted. Your body will start accumulating more body fat
than usual to keep functioning. Because your testosterone pro-
amount and ratio of the macronutrients brown rice (1/2 cup cooked) 27g duction is halted, so will the production of lean muscle mass.
that we consume on a daily basis. Therefore, in order to have an efficient metabolism, we need to
grits (1/4 cup dry) 27g consume certain fats. There are three
Nutrition Basics you should types of fats: saturated, polyunsaturated, and monounsaturated.

cream of rice (3 tbsp dry) 27g consume
Saturated Fats: Saturated fats are
THERE ARE THREE MAJOR associated with heart disease and high cholesterol levels. They
macronutrients that the body needs to function properly. in are largely found in products of animal origin. However, by a
fibrous carbohydrates small
chemical process known as hydrogenation, some vegetable fats
Carbohydrates but are altered in a way that increases the amount of saturated
asparagus (1 cup cooked) 27g more fats in them. Hydrogenated vegetable oils are generally found in
Carbohydrates are your body’s main source of energy. When frequently
throughout packaged foods. In addition, coconut oil, palm oil, and palm
you ingrest carbohydrates, your pancreas releases a hormone broccoli (1 cup cooked) 27g the kernel oil, which are also frequently used in packaged foods and
called insulin. Insulin is very important because day.
non-dairy creamers, are highly saturated.
/1/ It helps the body process the carbo- carrots (1 cup cooked) 27g Polyunsaturated Fats: These are fats that do not have an
hydrates as energy and stores the remainder into the muscle effect on cholesterol levels. Most of the fats in vegetable oils,
cells and liver. /2/ It helps deliver the celery (4 large stalks raw) 27g
such as corn, cottonseed, safflower, soybean, and sunflower oil,
carbohydrates inside muscle cells for recovery and repair. are polyunsaturated. Monounsatu-
mushrooms (1 cup cooked) 27g
Most people who are overweight and are rated Fats: These are fats that have a positive effect on
on low-fat/high-carbohydrate diets are in that condition because
red or green peppers (1 cup cooked) 27g
they eat an overabundance of carbohydrates. Too many carbo-
hydrates cause you to release huge amounts of insulin. When spinach 27g
(1 cup cooked) simple
there is too much insulin in the body, your body shuts down its carbohydrates
ability to use body fat for fuel. If this happens often, the end squash (1 cup cooked) 27g
result is a softer fatter version of you. Therefore, it is impor-
tant that we eat the right amount of carbohydrates. green beans (1 cup cooked) 27g apple (1 serving) 20g
Carbohydrates are divided into 2 catego-
ries — complex carbohydrates and simple carbohydrates. Com- cauliflower (1 cup cooked) 27g CANTALOUPE (1/2 melon) 27g Consume
plex carbohydrates give you sustained energy (“timed release”), carbs
cucumber (1 cup sliced) 27g strawberries (1 cup) 27g
while simple carbohydrates give you immediate energy. It is more
recommended that you eat mainly complex carbohydrates
lettuce (1 cup chopped) 27g banana (6 oz) 27g primarily
throughout the day, as they are responsible for creating consis- after
tent energy levels for peak performance and daily functions. tomato (1 cup cooked) 27g grapes (1 cup) 27g
Simple carbohydrates are great to ingest right after a workout,
when your body needs simple, high-glycemic carbohydrates to zucchini (1 cup cooked) 27g yogurt (1 serving) 27g
replenish glycogen levels immediately. This helps speed up
taking the
hormonal manipulation — meal 1 (7:00am) —
nutrition program carbs 54g
for a protein 54g
fats 54g
••• 1 cup of egg substitute (160 calories)
good cholesterol levels. These fats are usually high in essential carbohydrates are ingested, there is a concurrent release of ••• 1 cup of dry oats (300 calories)
fatty acids and may have beneficial antioxidant properties. insulin that, if harnessed at the correct times, could prove to ••• 1 tablespoon of fish oil (recommen-
dation: Carlson’s Lemon Flavor Very
Sources of these fats are fish oils, virgin olive oil, canola oil, be quite an anabolic event. On the other hand, too much
Finest Fish Oil) (130 calories)
and flaxseed oil. We refer to these types of fats as “good insulin at the wrong times will shut down the body’s ability to
optional supplements
fats.” For optimum health, 20% of your utilize fats for fuel, which, in the long run, will contribute to by Vince Andrich
••• 1
serving Multi-Vitamin/Multi-Mineral
calories should come from good fats. Less than 20% causes a an increase in body fat. For most of the
decrease in hormonal production. More than 20% contributes to day, insulin levels should be kept in check to have constant nutrition principles dis- (recommendations: MHP Active Sport
or Great Earth’s NSP–Nutritional
excess fat accumulation. energy levels, along with a favorable environment for body fat cussed in “Food is the Drug” (page X) can make a signifi- Starter Pack: extra strength)

to be used for fuel. Consuming low-glycemic carbohydrates cant difference in the way your body utilizes body fat for
throughout most of the day and having them in a 1 to 1 ratio
The Relationship Between Carbohydrates, Protein, with protein best accomplishes this. That means if you con-
energy, speeds recovery and increases training intensity.
and Insulin sume 40 grams of protein in one meal, you will consume I personally know hundreds of bodybuilders who have — meal 2 (9:00am) —
roughly 40 grams of carbohydrates in that same meal. If you altered their nutrition plan to mirror the outlined strate- carbs 0g
insulin is one of the most
anabolic hormones in the body. As previously mentioned, it is
consume more than 1.5 times the amount of protein in that gies, and the results are nothing short of amazing. Today, protein 48g
meal in the form of carbohydrates, you risk shutting down the
responsible for delivering nutrients into the correct tissues in
body’s ability to utilize fats for fuel, due to the over abun-
any athlete who wants to get the most out of his diet and fats 5g
pre-workout meal: (to be eaten at
the body for use, like a truck delivering raw materials to hard-
dance of carbohydrates. If you consume less carbohydrates in exercise program must understand the relationship be- least two hours apart before the workout)
working production factories. These factories are all of the
cells that compose the human body. Needless to say, insulin
relation to protein, a hormone called glucagon gets secreted, tween food and the body’s natural hormone output. I rec- ••• 1 protein shake that delivers 48
delivers amino acids into muscle cells (which, in turn, facilitates
which, in turn, activates the use of glycogen stores. This is
ommend incorporating these concepts into your program grams of protein or 8 oz (weighed
advantageous if timed correctly; however, repetition of this prior to cooking) of chicken, turkey
muscle growth). It also delivers carbohydrates into the blood-
ratio results in loss of energy and depleted glycogen stores, right away, and the sample diet below will get you started. breast or tuna (about 240 calories)
stream to be used for energy or into muscle cells and the liver optional supplements: (30 minutes
which not only wrecks the intensity of your workouts but also
to be stored as glycogen. Whenever prior to weight-training workout)
gives your muscles a flat and stringy appearance.
••• 1 serving Pre-Workout Anti-Catabolic
So, to maintain an optimal balance of
insulin that promotes both an anabolic and a fat-burning envi-
sample (recommendations: Kemistry’s Stone
good sources of Dragon, Gaspari’s Super Pump 250
ronment, consume 1 gram of a low-glycemic carbohydrate for nutrition and and StarChem’s Armageddon)
every gram of protein that you take in at each meal. •••  1 teaspoon of creatine and 1 tea-

supplement plan spoon of glutamine (recommenda-
chicken breast (4 oz raw) 20g tions: MHP, VPX, and Prolab)
Fats and Hormonal Production •••  Bring 32 ounces of water with you
springwater tuna fish (4 oz) 27g monday to the gym.
in an effort to lose through
turkey breast (4 oz raw) 27g body fat, many bodybuilders immediately eliminate all forms of friday
fat from their diets. Unfortunately, this is the most ineffective
protein powder (normal serving) 27g approach. Such a maneuver not only makes it harder to lose carbohydrate levels: weight training workout
body fat, but also shuts down the body’s capability to produce Medium (approximately 200g) (12:00noon – 12:45pm)
egg substitute (1 cup raw) 27g calories Medium (approximately 2500)
anabolic hormones such as testosterone.

halibut (4 oz raw) 27g

In order to keep hormonal production at peak efficiency, fats
should comprise approximately 20% of a bodybuilder’s diet.
— meal 3 (1:00pm) —

These fats should be in the form of essential fatty acids, such — wake — carbs 42g
cod (4 oz raw)
as flaxseed oil. and naturally occurring fats from low-fat protein (6:00 – 6:30 am Cardio Workout) protein 48g
sources, such as tuna, turkey and chicken. Typically, one table- fats 0g
top round steak (4 oz raw)
spoon of flaxseed oil first thing in the morning, along with the optional supplements: (take these 30 bring this meal to the gym
naturally incurred fats from other protein sources, will cover – 45 minutes prior to your cardio workout) ••• 40 grams of easily digested protein
your essential fatty acid needs. ••• To boost your metaboloic rate, you can such as whey protein isolate or
good sources use stimulants/thermogenics (recom- Kemistry’s ProCore (170 calories)
of fats mendations: Xenadrine Super Hard ••• 7 tablespoons of cream of rice (175
Performance Enhancement Through Meal Timing and Core, NX Labs Rev XP Hardcore, and calories)
Exceptions to the Rules Lipo-6x) optional supplements (post workout)
olive oil (1 tsp) 20g •••  Bring 32 ounces of water with you ••• 1 serving Lean Mass Simulator (rec-
to the gym. ommendations: Gaspari’s Size On,
another important aspect of a
sunflower oil (1 tsp) 27g
bodybuilder’s diet is the correct timing of meals. In order to
•••  Take 2 – 5 grams of glutamine (rec- StarChem Labs Evolution X10 and
ommendations: Great Earth, VPX, Nutrex Research Vitargo CGL)
flaxseed oil keep insulin levels constant while also supporting an anabolic
(1 tsp) 27g MHP and Prolab.
environment, it is important to eat several small meals per day,
ple—1 serving of Prolab’s Lean Mass Com-
plex, MHP’s Macrobolic MRP, or Labrada’s
weekends Breakfast Shake (about 380 cal)
— meal 4 (1:45pm) — saturday and
carbs 35 – 40g
protein 35 – 40g carbohydrate levels: — meal 5 (4:30pm) —
fats 8g High (approximately 300g)
••• Balanced Meal supplement: Example— calories High (approximately 3000) carbs 48g two to three hours apart, as opposed to consuming three large
1 serving of Prolab’s Lean Mass protein 48g meals per day. This not only enhances your metabolism, but it
Complex, MHP’s Macrobolic MRP, or fats 5g also keeps a constant influx of amino acids into your body, as
Labrada’s Breakfast Shake (about ••• 8 oz (weighed prior to cooking) of
well as keeping blood sugar and insulin levels constant. In turn,
380 calories) — meal 1 (8:30am) — chicken, turkey breast, or tuna (240
this yields high energy levels, as opposed to the ups and
downs experienced when consuming infrequent large meals.
carbs 81g •••  8 oz sweet potatoes or 1 cup

protein 50g brown rice (200 calories)

— meal 5 (4:00pm) — fats 20g
Priming Your Training Metabolism
••• 1 cup of egg substitute (160 calories)
carbs 50g ••• 1-1/2 cups of dry oats (450 calories)
protein 48g ••• 1 tablespoon of fish oil (recommen- — meal 6 (6:30pm) — to get the most out of your
fats 5g dation: Carlson’s Lemon Flavor Very training program, it is of utmost importance to have the cor-
••• 8 oz (weighed prior to cooking) of Finest Fish Oil) (130 calories) carbs 42g rect timing with your pre-workout and post-workout meals. The
chicken, turkey breast, or tuna (240 optional supplements* protein 44g pre-workout meal should be eaten two to three hours (three
calories) ••• 1 serving Multi-Vitamin/Multi-Mineral fats 4g being even better) prior to weight-training activity. This is
••• 1 cup salad (lettuce, tomato, carrot, (recommendation: MHP Active Sport ••• 1 protein drink delivering about 44
necessary to maximize growth-hormone production during the
cucumber, green peppers, etc.) (80 or Great Earth’s NSP–Nutritional grams of slow and fast proteins.
workout. If your body fat is above 10% and fat loss is your
calories) Starter Pack: extra strength) (recommendations: Kemistry’s Pro-
main goal, you may even want to completely eliminate all of
••• 8 oz sweet potatoes or 1 cup Core or MET-Rx Protein Plus) (180
the carbohydrates from this meal in order to cause an even
brown rice (200 calories) calories)
••• 1/3 cup of grits (180 calories) greater GH release. Many athletes use a pre-workout formula
— meal 2 (10:30am) — that is low in carbs to increase workout intensity and improve
anabolic drive.
— meal 6 (6:00pm) — carbs 40 – 50g
protein 40 – 50g — meal 7 (8:30pm) —
carbs 40g fats 5g Switching Into Anabolic Drive!
protein 40g ••• 8 oz (weighed prior to cooking) of carbs 5g
fats 8g chicken, turkey breast or tuna (240 protein 55g once your weight training activity
••• 4/5 cup of egg substitute (160 calories) fats 2g is done, a two-hour window of opportunity is opened, where
calories) •••  8 oz sweet potatoes or 1 cup brown ••• 1 protein drink delivering about 55
the body absorbs carbohydrates and amino acids at an accel-
••• 3/4 cup of dry oats (160 calories) rice (200 calories) grams of slow and fast proteins.
erated rate to replenish the body’s depleted levels. In order to
••• 1 teaspoon of fish oil (recommenda- (recommendations: Kemistry’s Pro-
take advantage of this window, it is imperative to immediately
tion: Carlson’s Lemon Flavor Very Core or MET-Rx Protein Plus) (180
Finest Fish Oil) (65 calories) calories) consume a high-glycemic index carbohydrate alongside a fast-
— meal 3 (12:30pm) — acting protein. At this time, liquid protein supplements work
best because they take less time to hit your bloodstream.
carbs 50g Look for products with high doses of essential amino acids
— meal 7 (8:00pm) — protein 48g estimated daily totals (including branch chain amino acids) and/or whey protein. It is
fats 8g beneficial to increase insulin levels significantly only after work-
carbs 0g ••• 8 oz (weighed prior to cooking) of calories 3045 outs, because the body is not interested in storing body fat at
protein 36g chicken (120 calories) carbohydrates 319g this time. The increased insulin will serve to shuttle all of the
fats 0g •••  1 cup of salad (lettuce, tomato, car- protein 325g
nutrients being required by the body, while also stimulating the
••• 1 protein drink delivering about 36 rot, cucumber, green peppers, etc.) fats 58g
release of insulin growth factors. To further take advantage of
grams of slow and fast proteins. (80 calories)
this two-hour window, another meal (preferably in liquid form)
(recommendations: Kemistry’s Pro- •••  8 oz sweet potatoes or 1 cup brown
Core or MET-Rx Protein Plus) (150 rice (200 calories) with low glycemic carbohydrates and protein should be con-
calories) sumed 45 minutes after the post-workout meal. Another time
when growth hormone release can be optimized is at night,
prior to bedtime. In order to do that, the last meal of the day
— meal 4 (2:30pm) — should be carbohydrate free and should be consumed two
daily totals hours prior to bedtime.
carbs 35 – 40g
calories 2515 protein 35 – 40g
carbohydrates 226g fats 8g Hormonal Enhancement Through Zigzag of Calories
protein 305g ••• Balanced Meal supplement: Exam-
fats 46g
research indicates that short
periods of overfeeding serve to increase anabolic hormones in
the body. For this reason, slightly increasing calories for a short
period of time serves to induce an anabolic response. To take
advantage of this, increase calories by 500 to 1000 over the
weekends. This will accelerate your muscle mass gains, while
also increasing your metabolism and preventing it from getting
used to the caloric level consumed over the week.

Hormonal Maximization Rules Summary

/1/ Throughout the day, consume between

6 to 8 small meals (meal amount depends on body weight and

goals) at 2- to 3-hour intervals.
/2/ Most meals should contain roughly
one gram of low-glycemic carbohydrates for every gram of
/3/ Pre-workout meals should be eaten
2-3 hours prior to workouts. For maximized GH output, you
big moments
may wish to eliminate all carbohydrates from the pre-workout

/4/ Preferably, post-workout meals should
consist of a performance nutrition shake high in essential amino
acids or whey protein isolate, along with a high-glycemic carbo-
hydrate source. Look for products with high doses of essential
in the
amino acids (including branch chain amino acids) and/or whey
protein. history of
/5/ For maximized utilization of the two-
hour window of opportunity, 45 minutes after the post-workout
the UFC
meal consume another meal consisting of low-glycemic carbohy-
drates and a low-fat protein source –– or a meal supplement.
/6/ Bedtime meals should be consumed
two hours prior to bedtime and should be devoid of carbohy-
drates to induce a sharp growth-hormone release.
/7/ Calories should be cycled to prevent
metabolic slowdown and increase the production of anabolic
hormones in the body. So, if you take in 2500 calories every
day of the week, take in between 3000 to 3500 calories on
Saturday and Sunday.




are two events that are largely governed by the hormones
inside of us. By taking advantage of what modern nutrition has
to offer, you can maximize hormonal production in a way that
will maximize gains at an accelerated rate and give you the
body that you are looking for in record time.

of the UFC has created a frenzy for mixed
martial arts competition in America and
around the world. It’s a mania not seen in
combat sports since a young Mike Tyson
first stepped onto the pro boxing scene
and became one of the most magnetic
personalities in the history of sports (the
face tattoo, prison time, and overdue lion
chow bills would come later, of course).
But not long ago, politicians and
the public decried MMA fights and the
UFC as lawless, brutal, gladiatorial blood-
sport and outright banned it in 36 states.
The UFC and MMA in America may well
have languished on the fringes of the
sporting world for perpetuity had it not
been for the foresight of Station Casino
owners Frank and Lorenzo Fertitta and
then boxing promoter Dana White, who
bought the UFC in 2001 for $2 million.
The inventiveness, skill, athleticism
and cunning of top MMA fighters make
the UFC’s appeal seem obvious now. But
it took the tenacity of a lord of the ring
and an additional $44 million from Zuffa,
the company formed by the Fertitta’s and
White, to become a profitable venture. To
select this list of 10 watershed moments
that shaped the UFC’s path to greatness,
BUILT turned to White and a panel of
insiders with deep roots in the world of
MMA who have lived through the UFC’s
evolution from an outlaw sideshow into a
smashing machine of success.
weren’t a new idea when UFC 1 hit McNichols Sports Arena in to a draw with Shamrock after an agonizingly long 36-minute momentum and in addition to building a hardcore, dedicated fan the UFC was pushed into small venues and pay-per-view reve-
Denver, CO on November 12, 1993. Since the dawn of time fight. Gracie had proved the validity of the family’s fighting base that was willing to pony up to watch pay-per-view broad- nues plummeted. “The UFC was definitely dying when Zuffa
humans have strived to find the most effective, efficient way style at early UFC events, but the total dominance of the casts of the events, the mainstream media started to pay bought it,” says McCarthy. “Bob (Meyrowitz, original CEO) was
possible to defend themselves against attack. But after thou- Gracie style was coming to an end. As MMA and the UFC attention as well. The UFC’s blood and guts marketing angle holding it together with a little sewing thread and tape. It was
sands of years, it was still unclear what the best fighting style matured, fighters who had mastered one school of fighting drew the ire of US Senator John McCain, himself a dedicated ugly. He was trying to put on his shows and paying hardly
really was. By 1993, the Brazilian Gracie family had dialed in found success if they could force the fight into a context that boxing fan. McCain famously called the UFC “human cockfight- anything to fight. He was getting 1500 people to an arena to
a style of jujitsu that they taught in their home country and favored their style — the ground for grapplers and submission ing” and attempted to get the sport outright banned in America. watch it because he couldn’t afford any advertising. It was
used to great effect to dominate Brazilian no-holds-barred experts, standing for fighters from a boxing or kickboxing back- When a prominent politician who spent four years in a prisoner dying a pitiful death.” But White, who trained in jujitsu, and
fights known as ‘vale tudo.’ UFC 1 was billed as no-holds- ground. But as the depth of talent and complexity of techniques of war camp in ‘Nam calls something too brutal for public the Fertitta’s were drawn to the humility and athletic prowess
barred fighting tournament featuring eight fighters with wildly increased, fighters began to train in a truly broad range of consumption, the public listens — and McCain nearly succeeded of MMA fighters. They also saw the financial upside in the
different backgrounds from sumo wrestler Telia Tuli to jujitsu techniques including submissions, standup, takedowns and grap- in his mission. The UFC was banned in 36 states. But accord- terminally ill, mismanaged promotion and stepped in to buy it.
master Royce Gracie. All hoped they would prove the superior- pling while putting in long hours of cardio and conditioning ing to McCarthy, there was more to the story. “Here’s a guy “This was the most pivotal moment in MMA history,” says
ity of their own brand of fighting. There were rules, but just work. “The first guy who came in and really tried to be multi- who has sat ringside at boxing matches where fighters have Damon Martin, of MMA Weekly. “Lorenzo (Fertitta) was on the
two: no biting and no eye-gouging. Fights had ten-minute talented was Marco Ruas,” says McCarthy. “He could fight on died and he continually tried to blast the sport of MMA. He Vegas Athletic commission and he was originally one of the
rounds and took place in an Octagon and ultimately Royce the ground, had pretty good hands, and was the first guy in had no knowledge of what was going on. McCain’s wife owned lead people who wanted it banned. But they were fans of
Gracie proved the supremacy of his family’s brand of jujitsu the UFC who was pretty well rounded. There were elements of one of the biggest beer distributors for Budweiser beer. Bud- combat sports and saw the potential. If they hadn’t bought it,
when he took the victory. “Boxing and toughman competitions his game that were lacking but no one was able to exploit weiser was one of the biggest sponsors of boxing. At the time, it would be dead now.” But they bought it. And try as they
were big at the time,” says UFC president Dana White. “UFC those. Frank Shamrock tried to learn all of the different things the pay per views were getting huge and were putting a crimp might, they still couldn’t figure out how to turn the smashing
was the next level.” Legendary UFC referee John McCarthy, he could. He looked at it as a three-prong attack: submissions, on what people were going to watch — boxing or the UFC. machine into a money-making machine. Not yet anyway.
who has refereed for the UFC since UFC2, witnessed the standup and wrestling.” Boxing wasn’t happy with it.” McCain had MMA on the run,
appeal of Gracie jujitsu firsthand. “Royce is very skilled. When but the UFC refused to tap out.
he took people into an area where they had no clue of what
they were doing, it was very effective. Was he the best fighter
in the world? No. But people saw a small guy beat a big guy
and they liked it.”
important steps Zuffa took after assuming ownership of the they hired Carmen Electra to do all of these multimillion dollar may have brought MMA to the masses through the backdoor is indisputable. While some MMA fans fear that the UFC’s rise
UFC was to work with state athletic commissions to develop a ad campaigns,” says Loretta Hunt, managing editor for MMA of reality TV, the premise of the show would have collapsed if to global dominance of the MMA world may create an MMA
more palatable set of rules. These provisions brought MMA news for Canada’s Fight Network. Hunt started covering MMA the winners couldn’t hold their own with the professional ath- monopoly, its success has buoyed the prospects of smaller,
more in line with the regulations governing boxing and other while studying acting at NYU’s Tisch school of the arts and letes already fighting in the UFC. After all, how ultimate can a lesser known promotions, too. The end result is more fighters
combat sports. “Larry Hazzard was the New Jersey state ath- has been at it ever since. “They really thought the UFC was fighter really be if he can’t hang with the best? But TUF did contesting more fights in more promotions than ever before in
letic commissioner who sat down and helped create a new set going to take off as soon as they cleaned it up. But they produce worthy winners. While Forrest Griffin’s quirks and per- MMA history. TUF and promotions outside the UFC now help
of rules referred to as the unified rules,” says Martin. “That couldn’t get people to come to the shows. Mainstream news sonality made him a hit with fans, he went on to hold his own to elevate the level of MMA by giving fighters the in-ring
commission legalized MMA again and the rules they created wouldn’t touch it.” If the UFC was going to succeed, it had to in major bouts like his test against former Light Heavyweight experience they need to be prepared for a shot at the big
are the same rules we follow today. They came up with gloves, break through the McCain ‘human cockfighting’ stigma. “We champion Tito Ortiz at UFC 59. The biggest name to come out show. “TUF is about finding kids who are going to be stars.
cups, no knees while on the ground” and a slew of other mea- tried to get on TV forever and it wasn’t happening,” says of the TUF combine is Matt Serra, a jujitsu master who had The majority of them go into full time training after the show,”
sures that kept fighters safe from serious injuries but didn’t White. In spite of the rule changes and the financial savvy of already done time in the UFC before winning a shot at a says Hunt. “The UFC has so many cards to fill in Europe and
inhibit the action. Uniform weight classes were instituted as White and his partners, without TV, they knew that MMA would comeback and a Welterweight title match when he took the Asia. They need these fighters. It’s basically their farm system.”
well. “They made it safe. They didn’t run from the rules—they never reach its full marketing and fighting potential. In the crown of The Ultimate Fighter at the end of season five. When Former kickboxing champion Lou Neglia promotes the Ring of
went to the rules. The new owners are fans. Dana White above meantime, the promotion continued to hemorrhage money. Serra stepped into the ring with then reigning UFC Welter- Combat MMA tournaments and has seen the impact of TUF’s
anything else, being a shrewd businessman, is a fan. He’s not “When Zuffa bought it, you thought, hey they have money and weight champ George St. Pierre, widely regarded as the bad- success firsthand. “Athletes now know they can train full time
just there to make money. Without that you wouldn’t have they can make it work,” says McCarthy. “But they made mis- dest man in MMA, at UFC 69, odds makers heavily favored and potentially make a million dollars. I’m looking for the Rocky
anything else.” takes. They got it in 2001. By the time 2004 rolled around the Quebecois crusher, St. Pierre. But Serra took the title and of MMA, the guy who’s undiscovered but talented, fighters who
they only had 5 shows. It wasn’t doing well. They thought get- cemented both his reputation and the legitimacy of TUF. don’t have the opportunity to get UFC exposure,” he says.
ting onto pay per view was one step but it didn’t do a whole
lot. Then they got TUF.” The secret to getting MMA back on
TV was pitching an MMA reality show where the athletes
fought for a UFC contract. “It was our Trojan horse to get on
television,” says White. “Once it got on as a reality show it
killed a lot of the stigma attached to it. They saw they were
real athletes.” The show gave the UFC a huge marketing boost
that allowed them to reshape the brand into the powerhouse it
is today.
UFC soared to mainstream popularity in America and around when he beat heavily favored George St. Pierre at UFC 69. His
the world, Japan’s Pride fighting championships enjoyed huge victory illustrated one of the most compelling aspects of

popularity in their home country. Fans regarded Pride’s heroes MMA—no matter how good a fighter is, no matter how well
as on par with the UFC’s best but fighters from the two pro- prepared he may be for a match, the complexity of the sport
motions never had the opportunity to fight and so it was means that no one is guaranteed a win. Not even George St.
unclear who truly was the Ultimate Fighter. In spite of MMA’s Pierre. “It doesn’t matter how good anyone is—you make one

success, Pride faced financial and political scandals that made mistake and you can be beat,” says McCarthy. “There are too
the organization unable to capitalize on the sport’s appeal and many equations, too many branches to the tree. In boxing you
successfully expand into the American market. “If Pride died, it can be hit to the head or hit to the body—it’s different in
was one of the two biggest promotions in the world, that’s MMA.” Still, many experts view St. Pierre’s approach as the
saying something about the sport,” says McCarthy. In March, template for future champions. St. Pierre doesn’t just cross
2007, Zuffa bought Pride and the prospect of a unified MMA train—he trains with the best coaches in each individual disci-
championship belt is on its way to becoming a reality. “Until pline of MMA. “GSP is about as good as you’re going to get
last week the UFC bought Pride, I would have said they had a at that weight and represents the new breed of MMA. But I
chance of giving the UFC a run for their money,” says Hunt. don’t think we’ve even come close to what the best fighters
“They had the best athletes in the world. Until the UFC bought will eventually be,” says Chris Palmquist, head of business
Pride, they were still an American-centric show. A pride fight development for MMA.tv. “I train at a gym and we’ve got 6
would have fighters from 9 different companies on their card. years old and 7 years old training in grappling and boxing and
At this point, the UFC has the best fighters in the world.” jujitsu. The all time best fighters are probably in kindergarten
right now. There’s nobody now who got that head start 15
years ago.”
What It Is

l-Tryptophan (tryptophan) is one of eight
essential amino acids. In a typical Western diet, only about

1.5 grams of tryptophan are provided on a daily basis. And
that whole thing about turkey? Just a myth. Tryptophan’s
“sleepy effect” materializes after about 500 mgs. Since a

S U P P LE M serving of turkey breast provides only about 64 mg of tryp-
ENTS AN tophan, post-Thanksgiving tiredness most likey stems from
D too much food or from boring stories from creepy Uncle


What It Does

once the body absorbs tryptophan,

it converts it into 5-hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP), and then
into the neurotransmitter serotonin (see chart), which primar-
ily does all the wonderful things attributed to tryptophan.

S P O RTS I’ve been here for years.”

NUTRITI These “poetic” words from LL Cool J Inducing Sleep

ON appropriately describe an amino acid that tryptophan

is the front-and-center
had been around for a long time and then soldier in the war for a good night’s sleep; however, its
sedative-like properties do not appear to impair performance
was lost — we thought forever — to gov- like other, more traditional sedatives. Specifically, trypto-
ernment bureaucracy. Turns out that the phan is not associated with impairment of visuomotor, cogni-
amino acid itself was not an issue, but a tive or memory performance, nor does it elevate the thresh-
old for arousal from sleep like many over-the-counter sleep
single supplier with contaminated batches aids. Twenty years of research (includ-
ruined the party. ing 40 controlled studies) have demonstrated that 1 gram
or more of tryptophan can help induce sleepiness. In younger
Old-timers, like some of us at insomniacs, LT is effective in inducing sleep the first night
BUILT, might remember when you could of administration; while, for more chronic or severe insomnia,
buy L-Tryptophan at your favorite health- repeated administration of low doses over time may be
required for therapeutic improvement.
food store or supplement shop. You’ll also One particular study found that tryptophan might be effec-
remember the FDA-mandated product

tive in doses lower than 1 gram. In 15 mild insomniacs, 1
gram helped reduce the amount of time it took to fall asleep,
recall and the allegations surrounding although lower doses of 500 mg and 250 mg produced a
tryptophan’s relation to two published trend in the same direction. Stage IV sleep was significantly
reports of a new disease labeled eosino-
ko’d supplement is back
increased by 250 mg of L-tryptophan.
Good news! Now no need to induce a diphenhydramine-fueled
philia-myalgia syndrome (EMS) . In all, coma.
and ready to “knock you out.” more than 1,500 cases of EMS, including

at least 37 deaths, were reported to the
A Built by Promoting Growth Hormone Release
national Centers for Disease Control and
Supplement “THE FIGHTIN’ KID” “BUST UP” Prevention (CDC).
Fast-forward to present day.
for years, people have sought
ways to increase growth hormone levels, either to a restor-
ANDRICH LACARIA Those seeking a compound to help with
ative level for anti-aging and anti-obesity or to supra-physi-
ological levels for a performance/physique advantage. As it
turns out, tryptophan might be capable of increasing GH.
sleep, mood and appetite regulation/ Various studies from the 1970s suggest that tryptophan
weight loss can rest assured. L-Tryptophan supplementation could raise GH levels.
is back — and it’s safe ready to “Knock In a study of eight healthy males, tryptophan was given to
each of them at different times in doses of 2, 5, and 8 grams
You Out.” (or a placebo) to determine the most effective dose for
stimulating GH release. The results were that all three doses sugar, insulin robs the serum of the five amino acids that
stimulated GH release compared to placebo, although GH compete for transport with tryptophan. This leaves trypto-
release from the 8-gram dose was somewhat reduced. Worthy phan to just waltz in and convert to serotonin. This carb-
of noting: two subjects failed to respond to the 2-gram dose, rush strategy is instinctively known and practiced by many
and five subjects failed to respond to the 5-gram dose. This people who consume copious amounts of carb-laden foods
suggests that tryptophan may not be a “bankable” approach like bread, ice cream, chips, pizza, Twinkies, etc., especially
to elevating growth hormone, but it does show extreme prom- when they are feeling depressed, stressed or anxious. Carb
ise elsewhere. binging does a number on insomnia for the same reason.
Temporary relief from depression, anxiety
and insomnia comes ar a pretty hefty price if you’re trying
Reducing Appetite and Promoting Weight Loss to stay lean. The same insulin surge that enhances brain
serotonin also enhances the conversion of the carbs and
since serotonin is involved in the aminos cleared from the blood into body fat.
regulation of appetite , can tryptophan help thwart hunger?
Tryptophan can slow the gastric emptying time for food, thus
reducing hunger. Research has shown that a 3-gram dose So What Do We Do Now?
of tryptophan is a potent inhibitor of gastric emptying in
humans, resulting in a significant reduction of hunger. whether we want help
Because slowed gastric emptying may be due to the fact battling insomnia, treating melancholy or fueling fat loss, we
that you, and therefore your gut, are “knocked unconscious” require supplements that meet our serotonin-manipulation
by large amounts of tryptophan, there may be a more direct needs — ones that contains a certified source of tryptophan.
impact. Drugs thought to enhance Why certified? Remember, tryptophan’s early days were
serotonin-mediated neurotransmission have been shown to marred by FDA intervention due to health-related issues
diminish appetite (particularly for carbohydrates) and promote traced back to contamination of the tryptophan from Japa-
weight loss. Consequently, researchers conducted a placebo- nese manufacturer Showa Denko. The
controlled, double-blind study comparing the ability of tryp- Showa Denko material apparently had several impurities —
tophan or a placebo to influence weight loss among 62 obese peak AAA and another impurity peak E, an unusual dimer of
outpatients who were on the Protein-Sparing Modified Fast tryptophan called 1,1’-ethylidenebis(tryptophan) were espe-
(PSMF); a super-low carb “reducing” diet that triggers the cially related to the manifestation of EMS.
most brutal of carb cravings, as well as severely reduces Purity testing methods of the late 1980s have been far
brain tryptophan and serotonin levels. Tryptophan, 750 mgs surpassed. Today, a company called Compound Solutions, Inc.
twice daily (orally) for three months, was given to 30 sub- supplies raw material tryptophan called LT-ONETM that is
jects, while the remaining subjects were given the placebo. certified to be free of impurities and endotoxins by the
The results were that the tryptophan significantly enhanced same CDC testing methods developed during the EMS epi-
weight loss among moderately obese subjects. This took demic.
place significantly during both the first treatment month, but
also during the total 3-month test period.
How Much Do We Take?

Tryptophan, Serotonin and Obesity listen up, knuckleheads
(BUILT staffers included): In the case of tryptophan, more is
bodybuilder diets — high-protein and not always better! Lower doses (no more than 1500 mgs)
low-carbs — exacerbate the issues associated with lower are the way to go, because tryptophan is “carved up” by an
tryptophan. And forget about eating more protein to supply enzyme called tryptophan pyrrolase (TP). A key enzyme in
extra tryptophan, because it is the extra protein (or the the normal hepatic breakdown pathways of tryptophan, TP is
extra amino acids) that interferes with tryptophan’s trip to activated by at least two factors: Fac-
the brain past the blood brain barrier. Tryptophan uses the tor 1: Cortisol. You’d have to be from another planet to not
same transport molecules as five other, more abundant know about cortisol. This evil, albeit necessary, hormone is
amino acids: tyrosine, phenylalanine, valine, leucine and iso- part of our “response team” to any taxing situation —
leucine. Sadly, your pal tryptophan gets outnumbered on his physical or psychological. When cortisol switches on, less
trip, thereby leaving serotonin levels in the basement. Not a tryptophan gets to where it’s needed. This twisted little
good place for this neurotransmitter to be while you’re diet- physiological conundrum is due to the fact that the very
ing, feeling blue or having trouble sleeping. things that increase cortisol are things that could be
So, how do you get more tryptophan into the brain? Ironi- quenched by more serotonin via tryptophan conversion. Thus,
cally, the only dietary strategy is a high-carbohydrate diet... taking tryptophan while under elevated cortisol-stress condi-
not ideal for physique enthusiasts. tions might supply little extra to the brain, because of cor-
When large amounts of carbs are consumed, insulin produc- tisol’s activation of TP. Factor 2:
tion goes into high gear to lower the carb-induced blood Tryptophan itself. Yes, the mere addition of tryptophan
sugar surge. In addition to mopping up the excess blood causes the increased degradation of tryptophan. But before
you throw up your arms and call us names, let us clarify. sleeplessness and a cortisol spike, debilitating what’s left of
The “less is more” philosophy means you can get all the your circulating tryptophan supply. Out-
groovy benefits of tryptophan if you keep the dose modest. side of the formulations, several straight tryptophan products
Evidence suggests that even 500 mg to 1500 mg of supple- are available in 500 mg to 1000 mg doses. Go with repu-
mental tryptophan, taken regularly at bedtime, is sufficient table vitamin companies and look for the LT-ONETM (certified
enough to shovel a little more precious serotonin into your tryptophan) whenever possible.
melon to help with sleep, carb cravings and stress.
A modest dose will not seriously elevate
tryptophan-destroying TP activity. Add a little niacinamide Wrap Up
(vitamin B3) to the mix to inhibit liver TP activity. B3 also
triggers the conversion of tryptophan to 5-HTP, which then so there you have it:
flows to serotonin. And, to make sure you’re taking B3, did Tryptophan, nature’s safe and effective serotonin precursor.
you know that your body makes B3 from tryptophan? This is not a new, unproven ingredient, but instead is a
research- and clinically-proven compound to use in the battle
against stress, body fat, depression, anxiety and bouts of
Why Not Just Use 5-HTP? insomnia. Apparently, BUILT needs to
cross swords with Mr. Cool J. Even though tryptophan has
so, why not skip right to been here for years, we’re calling it a comeback — one
the precursor of the yummy serotonin? Well, there are a glorious comeback. We are happy (and sleepy). Good night.
couple of good reasons why you would use tryptophan in
lieu of 5-HTP and there are situations where you want to
use both. 5-HTP is indeed the interme- Shapiro S. Epidemiologic studies of the association of L-tryptophan with the
eosinophilia-myalgia syndrome: a critique. Journal of rheumatology 1996; Supplement,
diary between tryptophan and serotonin (see chart), and it 46:44-58.
has been used with some success for those serotonin-depen- FDA/CFSAN. Information Paper on L-tryptophan and 5-hydroxy-L-tryptophan. Febru-
dent struggles. However, for most folks, tryptophan still ary 2001. Accessed January 5, 2007 from http://vm.cfsan.fda.gov/~dms/ds-tryp1.
offers a major advantage over 5-HTP. html.
FDA/CFSAN. Information Paper on L-tryptophan and 5-hydroxy-L-tryptophan. Febru-
Lining the intestinal tract are nerves that use serotonin as ary 2001. Accessed January 5, 2007 from http://vm.cfsan.fda.gov/~dms/ds-tryp1.
their neurotransmitter. These nerves contain the aromatic html.
amino acid decarboxylase enzyme necessary for the conver- Lieberman HR, Corkin S, Spring BJ, Wurtman RJ, Growdon JH.The effects of
sion of 5-HTP to serotonin; but they do not, however, have dietary neurotransmitter precursors on human behavior. Am J Clin Nutr 1985;
access to the hydroxylase enzyme that converts tryptophan Schneider-Helmert D, Spinweber CL. Evaluation of L-tryptophan for treatment of
to 5-HTP. So, when supplemental 5-HTP is consumed, a fair insomnia: A review. Psychopharmacology 1986; 89:1-7.
amount is vacuumed up by these intestinal serotonergic Hartmann E. Effects of L-tryptophan on sleepiness and on sleep. J Psychiat Res
neurons. Acting like serotonin junkies, these neurons quickly 1982/83; 17(2): 107-113.
Schneider-Helmert D, Spinweber CL. Evaluation of L-tryptophan for treatment of
convert 5-HTP to serotonin, which can trigger hyperactivity insomnia: A review. Psychopharmacology 1986; 89:1-7.
of these nerves. For some, this may Hartmann E, Spinweber CL. Sleep induced by L-tryptophan. Effect of dosages
mean toilet time. Diarrhea, vomiting and other intestinal circus within the normal dietary intake. J Nerv Ment Dis 1979; 167(8):497-9.
acts are often common symptoms of this hyperactivity. But, Muller EE, Brambilla F, Cavagnini F, Peracchi M, Panerai A. Slight effect of
L-tryptophan on growth hormone release in normal human subjects. Journal of clini-
since tryptophan is not converted to the neurochemical, it cal endocrinology and metabolism 1974; 39(1):1-5.
causes no discomfort. Woolf PD, Lee L. Effect of serotonin precursor, tryptophan, on pituitary hormone
secretion. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 1977; 45:123.
Hyyppä MT, Jolma T, Långvik, V-A, Kytömäki O, Syvälahti E. L-tryptophan and

So, Now What? neuroendocrine regulation in neurologic patients: Hormone responses to L-tryptophan
loading in patients with hypothalamic lesions. Psychoneuroendocrinol 1977; 2:349.

Glass AR, Schaaf M, Diamond RC. Absent growth hormone response to L-trypto-
several products on the market phan in acromegaly. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 1978; 48:664.
contain certified tryptophan. Since tryptophan has a “feel- Fraser WM, Tucker HS, Grupp SR, Wigand JP, Blackard WG. Effect of L-tryptophan
on growth hormone and prolactin release in normal volunteers and patients with
able” effect (tiredness), all such products should be taken secretory pituitary tumors. Horm Metab Res 1979; 11:149.
near or at bedtime. As its name sug- Koulu, M., Lammintausta, R.: Effect melatonin on L-tryptophan- and apomorphine
gests, Pinnacle’s Blue Zzzzs’ knockout punch will put you stimulated growth hormone secretion in man. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 1979; 49:70.
facedown in your pillow. In addition to tryptophan, Blue Koulu M. Re-Evaluation of L-Tryptophan-Stimulated Human Growth Hormone Secre-
tion: A Dose-Related Study with a Comparison with L-Dopa and Apomorphine Tests.
Zzzzs provides melatonin, GABA and a venerable “who’s who” J Neural Transmission 1982; 55:269-275.
of sleep-promoting herbs including the granddaddy, Valerian. Blundell JE, Halford JCG. Serotonin and Appetite Regulation: Implications for the
Sleep Smart by Weider Global Nutrition Pharmacological Treatment of Obesity. CNS Drug 1998; 9(6):473-495.
(yes, they still make good products), is a no-nonsense com- Carney BI, Jones KL, Horowitz M, Sun WM, Hebbard G, Edelbroek MA. Stereo-
specific effects of tryptophan on gastric emptying and hunger in humans. Journal
bination of tryptophan, 5-HTP, B3 and melatonin. of gastroenterology and hepatology 1994; 9(6):557-63.
On the diet side, Xenadrine, known for Heraief E, Burckhardt P, Wurtman JJ, Wurtman RJ. Tryptophan administration may
some of the best “go-go-go” pills ever, has come out with enhance weight loss by some moderately obese patients on a protein-sparing modi-
a complementary product called Xenadrine Sleep Plus. A fied fast (PSMF) diet. International Journal of Eating Disorders 1985; 4(3):281-292.

great nighttime adjunct, since too many stimulants cause


A Built Science Supplement Feature by

“BUST UP” Better diet
NUTRITI control by
outside the
natural substances
with a neurochemical
dieting effect

If ingredient primary function dose range

250 – 1250 mgs

L-Tyrosine or L-Phenylalanine Increases dopamine production
(lower levels needed for L-Tyrosine)

COCOA EXTRACT(S) Increased phenylethylamine (PEA) 250 – 900 mgs (standardized for
PEA, Tyramine and Theobromine)
metabolic engine too high can cause a rapid decline in blood
sugar to the point of reactive hypoglycemia. At this point, THEOBROMINE Neural stimulant 10 – 30 mgs
your liver cannot make glucose from alternate energy sources
fast enough, and you begin to reach for carb-rich foods. So,
HORDENINE Prolongs PEA’s effectiveness 20 – 50 mgs
where do you turn when you’ve maxed out on the brute force
walk any health food store of thermogenic/lipolytic compounds? Well, if the top supple- 20 – 50 mgs
nowadays and look at the fat-burner/ ment researchers are correct you’ll be utilizing…
CLARY SAGE Increases cAMP (standardized for 99% salvia sclarea)

energy section, you will notice that it is APHANIZOMENON FLOS AQUA (AFA) Increased phenylethylamine (PEA) 360 – 1000 mgs
(standardized for 5% PEA)
riddled with “me-too” products. That is to Neuro-Chemical Diet Warfare
say, many products contain an ingredient CAFFEINE Increased epinephrine/dopamine 75 – 300 mgs
This new technology is at the heart
list that seems to be “stamped” on each of the latest wave of fat burners, including Xenadrine Super VITAMIN B6 Neurochemical co-factor 30 – 50 mgs
bottle like a clone. Brand after brand, if Hardcore™, Thermophoric Diet Caps™, Lipo 6x™, Cyto-
you study the ingredients, you’ll see just Lean™, and a few others. These fat burners contain ingredi- ZINC Neurochemical co-factor 30 – 50 mgs
ents that assist in keeping the neurotransmitter dopamine
slightly different “proprietary” ratios of more active in the brain. You likely know that dopamine is a MAGNESIUM Neurochemical co-factor 200 – 400 mgs
the usual suspects. Don’t misunderstand; natural chemical in your body. It is responsible for feelings
of well being and controls the feed-reward system, which is
this is not necessarily a bad thing. There linked to satiety or feeling content after eating.
5–HTP (5–HYDROXYTRYPTOPHAN) Increased serotonin 100 – 500 mgs

has not been a jump in science-based raw

DHA (DOCOSAHEXAENOIC ACID) Inhibits GABA 120 – 250 mgs

materials for some time, leaving many
Engineering Irrational Minds To Prevail 100 – 600 mgs
manufacturers to release products with MUCUNA PRURIENS Increased dopamine (standardized for 20% L-dopa)

dated, but trusted, herbs and compounds. High levels of available dopamine
VINPOCETINE Increases cerebral blood flow 5 – 10 mgs
of available dopamine in the bloodstream delivers benefits
That is, until now. that are key to staying sane on a fat-loss program. By
keeping your mind off of the feeding mechanism. you allow L–THEANINE Increased serotonin 100 – 250 mgs
Chemicals That Transform the thermogenic or lipolytic ingredients to do their jobs more
efficiently. All in all, this seems to be the missing link in L–TRYPTOPHAN Increased serotonin 100 – 500 mgs
Assuming you’re already following fat-loss supplementation, as many people find they are not
a structured diet and training program, the backbone of any able to stay the course when a diet actually starts to kick HUPERZINE–A Prevents breakdown of acetylcholine 25 – 100 mgs
good supplement for improving fat loss would include a pow- into high gear. It stands to reason that when deprived, the
erful array of thermogenic and/or lipolytic compounds­­. These mind automatically obsesses on the exact thing you’re being
deprived of––even if the obsession is irrational. Think about The Neuro-Chemical Pharmacy
ingredients include; Caffeine, Synephrine, Yohimbine, Coleus
it, during those last weeks of dieting, just when your body
Forskohlii, Clary Sage, Evodiamine, and Green, Black and
White Tea’s to name a few. You may read articles on these is changing almost daily, the mere thought of being “allowed” LET’S TAKE A LOOK at some Keep That Thought …
to eat anything “extra” becomes an obsession. popular drugs that work on serotonin. It is well established
ingredients that label them as either thermogenic or lipolytic,
but, for our discussion, they are interchangeable, yet funda- that many people who use Prozac®, a selective serotonin
dopamine, a naturally produced neurochemical, functions as
mental, stimulants that maximize caloric expenditure. reuptake inhibitor (SSRI), eat less and therefore can lose
Willpower and Anti-Food Psychotropics weight (although, in some cases, weight gain does occur). In a neurotransmitter that activates dopamine receptors. Dop-
amine is also a neuro-hormone released by the hypothalamus.
contrast, Paxil®, another brand-name SSRI, lists weight GAIN,
Burning, Burning, Burnt Out there is a whole host of not LOSS, as a side effect. In fact, many people who use Dopamine is a precursor to epinephrine (adrenaline) and
psychotropic players that can affect food intake, but, for the Paxil, swear it is the cause of their weight gain. Now, it can norepinephrine (noradrenaline) and is part of the cate-
Because of their different chemical most part, your brain levels of two key neurochemicals be argued that the two SSRI compounds listed above are cholamine family, which plays a key role in releasing energy
structures, these compounds work best when combined —serotonin and dopamine—seem to be most notable. The similar, but not exactly the same. However, it would seem from fat and inhibiting fat storage. So, maybe we should
together, which is why most of the very best fat-burning problem is that when it comes to making neurochemical con- that inhibiting the reuptake of serotonin would result in many just find a way to crank up the dopamine, right?
supplements look so similar. We now know that as good as nections to food intake, not everyone has the same wiring; of the same side effects or benefits. But it doesn’t always
these ingredients work, they can eventually become a double- thus, there is not one off-the-shelf solution. For example, work that way. Something else must be going on.
edged sword. Here is how. When you prompt your body to serotonin has been linked to carbohydrate cravings and is, The answer may be found in a study Well, take a look at this…
raise its core temperature and increase the liberation of fatty in fact, released in response to eating carbohydrates. This is comparing the effects of fluoxetine (Prozac), paroxetine (Paxil),
acids from storage sites, you actually can BURN more calories why dieters who want to naturally increase their brain levels sertraline (Zoloft®), citalopram (Celexa™) and fluvoxamine ONE DRUG affects dopamine
and lose fat. However, many of these same ingredients also of serotonin often take the supplements, L-Tryptophan or (Luvox®) on extracellular concentrations of serotonin, dopamine, and, in our opinion, deserves much attention when it comes
have a profound, problematic effect on your Central Nervous 5-HTP, which are both precursors to serotonin. Therefore, and norepinephrine in the prefrontal cortex of the brain. In to dieting. The drug is Bupropion (amfebutamone), which is
System (CNS). When you push too many of these ingredients increasing the brain’s serotonin to reduce or delay carbohy- this study, only fluoxetine (Prozac) showed robust and sus- better known by the brand names Wellbutrin® and Zyban®.
into your system to induce lipolysis, the doses can become drate cravings might be a beneficial idea for low-carb dieters tained increases in extracellular concentrations of norepineph- We’re fascinated because the chemical is both a dopamine
too high and cause nervousness and “the jitters.” This usually or those with heavy carb cravings. But there’s more. rine and dopamine after acute systemic administration. This reuptake inhibitor and a norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor.
Also, Bupropion has only a small effect on serotonin reuptake.
causes many athletes to lower their dosages, but this also simple difference might explain why Prozac could be a better

can reduce the intended effects. In rare instances, revving the drug for dieters. Not surprisingly, it is similar in structure to the stimulant
cathinone and to phenethylamines in general. It is a chemi-
cal derivative of diethylpropion, an amphetamine-like sub-
stance that is prescribed as an appetite suppressant. Pretty
cool so far, right? For athletes looking
to get ultra ripped, however, we want a reduction in appe-
tite, not amphetamine-induced anorexia that will grind up our
minds and muscles and spit them out. If you flip the dop-
amine switch on high and break off the knob, you’ll be
headed for a downhill spiral. This is because the closer you
get chemically to amphetamines such as methamphetamines
or cocaine, you beat on your dopamine system to the point
where the desired signal is always ON and the neurotrans-
which, of course, is comforting. However, the initial feelings
of attraction, or “limbic drive” so to speak, are heavily asso-
ciated with the chemicals b-phenylethylamine (PEA), norepi-
nephrine and dopamine. Norepinephrine triggers the break-
down of glycogen and fatty acids, which provides the body
a boost of energy and is strikingly similar to the nicotine
and glucose connection mentioned above. This stimulant
functions by binding to the surface of liver cells, signaling
them to produce cyclic AMP (cAMP). cAMP then breaks the
active parts of protein kinase A (PKA) away, enabling them
to alter certain proteins. The exact fate of these proteins,
once altered, is unknown, but what is crystal clear is their
mitters are not recycled. The net result is that dopamine end result on the human psyche. Clinical studies have found
gets severely depleted, and the user becomes mentally that increased PEA causes improvements in energy, attention
addicted and in no condition to positively alter body compo- and mood with a corresponding reduction in appetite. In fact,
sition. The good news is that when PEA and dopamine seem very similar when it comes to being
dopamine rises to higher ranges in an intermittent fashion, assertive.
our body handles the increase by engaging dopamine trans-
porters (DAT’s) to remove excess dopamine from the recep- Manipulating the Feeding System To Go Beyond
tor, effectively ending the signaling of the neurotransmitter Ripped
and recycling the transmitter. So, a transitory boost in dop-
amine levels when food cravings are imminent could be a by now, it should be obvious
very useful appetite suppressor. It certainly seems any posi- to any dieter that neurochemicals alter our relationship to
tive neurochemical diet protocol would require the availability food. This is especially true when you are attempting to fool
and proper recycling of serotonin and dopamine. Coincidently, Mother Nature into “allowing” you to eat less. To the seri-
Bupropion is also used for smoking cessation, and, since ous dieter, it doesn’t matter if our attitudes towards food
people who quit smoking seem to gain weight, there must are based on survival or pleasure or addiction, because to
be another food connection. So, what’s the big deal with succeed we must overcome. So, what can you do about it?
smoking? In a word: Nicotine. Certainly something. We have looked at some of the most
Smoking is a dirty and toxic delivery advanced pharmaceuticals, and even addictive behaviors, that
system for nicotine—the chemical that is linked to the alter our neurochemistry. As a result, we have the ultimate
pleasure and addicting qualities of cigarettes. Scientists have playbook of relevant chemicals.
long known that nicotine, like other addictive drugs, attaches
to the core neurons of the brain’s reward system, where
beneficial behaviors (such as drinking water when thirsty) Conclusion
are rewarded and reinforced. These reward-system neurons,
called dopaminergic neurons, trigger the release of dopamine for years, bodybuilders and athletes
and norepinephrine. The lat acids, which may be one reason have realized that a properly structured diet, exercise plan,
why dopamine-releasing agents usually cause marked reduc- and motivation are essential to reducing body fat. It is also
tion in appetite. Still, the last area we want to investigate true that as diet and exercise regimens evolve, which they by
is the neurochemistry of love.

already have, and are able to produce predictable results,
the limiting factor will be the mind’s ability to cope with ANDREW

The Chemicals Between Us
untold years of hardwired survival mechanisms. In the future,
any serious program to alter body composition will have at “BODY–RAZOR” the art of

now, if you’re thinking,
least one neurochemical trick to help overcome our biological
limitations. OYÉ modifying the
“the chemistry of love can’t have anything to do with ME
getting ripped,” try and hear us out. First, almost no other

human body
human condition delivers the chemical currency with the abil-
ity to provide such a marked biological change that alters

to create the
our innate need for sleep or food. Think about it, when

ideal bod
you’re in love, you forget to eat and sleep. Next, one could
argue that the biochemical forces that fuel this emotion, in
fact, trigger many other “semi-auto hypnotic” states such as
jealousy, rage, envy, etcetera, etcetera.
There are several hormones and neurochemicals involved in
our pursuit of the multitude of feelings we know as LOVE.
On one hand, researchers have known that oxytocin and
vasopressin are released to help create a bond of familiarity,

NAKED and take a long hard
look at yourself in the mirror. Okay,
stop drooling (or crying). Your body is
different from the one handed to you
at birth. Have you pierced, tanned, Our bodies and their modifications
dyed or “built” some part of it? Chanc- express our creativity, beliefs, lifestyles
es are, you have somehow modified the or fantasies without us uttering a word
original packaging. while, making statements about our
Our never-ending journey to boost, perceptions of the “ideal” body.
better or beautify ourselves is driven by Because the ideal body is different
our innate need to improve our self- for each of us, we utilize various modes
images. For some, this means chasing of bod mod — body art, body surgery
an elusive sense of perfection, but, for and, our foremost concern at BUILT,
most, it means achieving a comfortable bodybuilding — to make our bodies
sense of satisfaction. truly our own.
Enter the practice of body modifi-
Pain & Permanence: The Body as Art vs. Body Art
cation (or bod mod). Traditional bod
mod is the altering of the body for in built’s quest to broaden
non-medical reasons, usually referring bodybuilding’s scope to reach the worldwide community, we
to “body art” (i.e., tattoos or piercings). champion the practice of “aesthetic bodybuilding” — utilizing a
fusion of postmodern techniques and purposeful strategies to re-
People have engaged in this practice design nature’s gifts. The body is the art itself, molded like clay
for centuries, dating back to ancient by iron and transformed into a visually aesthetic package, which
Egypt and Rome. is different from the traditional notion of body art.
Body art is a decorative practice and its
In the modern-day land of the continuum corresponds to pain level and permanency. The most
Body Beautiful, we expand the concept popular mod is piercing (ears, tongues, etc.) followed by tattooing
to include bodybuilding and cosmetic (permanent and more painful). More exotic types of bod mod in-
surgery, envisioning the body’s pos- clude branding, flesh pulls, scarifications, suspensions, splitting,
and the list ends with people’s creativity.
sibilities. Beyond that, bod mod is a Bodybuilding’s practitioners are more familiar with pain, and less
prerogative, rooted in the concept of so with permanency, when it comes their art form. An effective
ownership. Our bodies belong to us, so bodybuilding program involves the studied testing of muscle fi-
we embark on reconstruction projects bers through resistance training. Upon the muscles’ rebuilding,
the result of this “pleasantly painful” process is a beautiful phy-
to meet our personal preferences — sique that is not permanent without upkeep and a commitment to
tinkering with our shells and produc- the art. In some pockets of society, cos-
ing artwork that speaks volumes about metic bodybuilding faces competition from cosmetic surgery. Yet,
some proponents of bodybuilding’s natural approach to bod mod
where we fit in society’s smorgasbord of view cosmetic surgery as a “quick-fix” option for those unwilling
bods. to commit to pain. Commissioning surgeons to create art out of
their bodies, some people who go under the knife for the model
bod are willing to undergo major elective surgery and, yet, are
unwilling to endure the temporary, yet recurring, pain that comes
with the hard work of regular exercise.
Herein lies our calling at BUILT, promoting bodybuilding’s ulti- the only bod mod practice with added health benefits—a fact
mate advantage. On the other side of the sacrifice (i.e., the that makes BUILT’s mission a noble one. While the surface
momentary soreness and cursory sweat), are rewards that last a manifestation of our culture demands maintenance, the underly-
lifetime. It’s work, people; but it’s so worth it. ing value of wellness endures.

Cultural Connections: Gimme Somethin’ to Believe In Members Only Club? Come One, Come All

while the lasting nature the notion of cultural connection

of their effects separates bod mod lifestyles, what links them is spans bod mod lifestyles and raises questions of accessibility to
their participants’ fascination with a powerful cultural connection. “club membership.” The BUILT philosophy
For bodybuilders, the culture consists of systematically training says a better-built body is within the reach of anyone willing
the muscles groups and monitoring nutritional intake to improve to put for the effort toward realizing his or her physical poten-
the qualities of their bodies and, ultimately, their lives. tial. This open-door policy comes with the understanding that
The culture of artistic individualism draws there are levels, subcategories, divisions, if you will, in the
scores of people to the tattoo needle, evidenced by the prolif- bodybuilding club based on fitness goals. For some, it’s T&D
eration of body-art-focused TV shows like Inked and Miami Ink. (tone and definition). For others, it’s M&V (mass and vascularity).
For New York’s Adam Callen, the fascination started at 12, but From “casual muscle builder” to “muscle
the obsession kick-started on his 18th birthday. Callen, 27, is a machine,” bodybuilding’s brethren encompasses non-competitive
senior network identity management engineer and developer of (recreational) and competitive (amateur and pro). A competitor
the official online destination for body art enthusiasts. since 1997, Stevenson won the Mr. Atlanta in 2000 and placed
“My impulsive piercings introduced me to high at the Mr. Arizona. When training
bod mod, but my planned tattoos reveal my commitment to this clients, Stevenson sees that their objectives represent different
art.” Callen’s devotion solidified in 2004. “The bod mod com- strokes for different bods. “The average client wants to increase
munity needed more support, so I developed www.bodymod.org. lean muscle and reduce fat. Competitors want to gain mass,
Today, we get about 100,000 hits a day.” greatly reduce fat and body-water levels, and fill muscle carbo-
In a similar vein, many bodybuilders are compelled to share the hydrate (and intracellular water) levels to demonstrate supreme
joys of the fitness culture with the masses. A modified modifier, definition, fullness and size.” Body art
exercise physiologist and acupuncturist Scott Stevenson, Ph.D., has also become an open forum, to the dismay of some insid-
36, is a bod-mod double whammy as a competitive bodybuilder ers. No longer the edgy badge of rebels, body art has edged
and personal trainer, sculpting bodies at his training facility into the mainstream. College coeds have Spring Break memo-
(www.evlogia.com) in Arizona. Stevenson’s ries etched into their supple skin. Straight-laced CEOs have
road to bod mod started early. “I’ve been bodybuilding since I pierced ears to go with their weekend street bikes. “Most tat-
first touched a weight in 8th grade. When I saw my physical toos are flash— art chosen off a wall,” laments Callen. “Most
metamorphosis, I was hooked.” What hooks avid exercisers to people want to ‘look cool,’ but true body-art enthusiasts have
the bodybuilding culture is the byproduct: not only looking better meaningful stories tied to their art.” These stories include cele-
but living better (read: healthier). “Look- brating heritage, milestones or lost loves.
ing younger is no longer viewed as the province of the vain,” Expressing affection for his bod mod community, Callen declares,
according to Los Angeles’ Dr. Bruce Nadler, M.D., 60, who “If I needed help, I’d ask someone in full [tattoo] sleeves before
boasts a triple connection to bod mod as a retired plastic sur- someone in a business suit.” Membership by art is a reciprocal
geon, bodybuilder and fitness trainer who authored The Nip phenomenon, according to Callen. “People that are already part
Tuck Workout (www.niptuckfitness.com). of clubs or fraternities celebrate with mascot or logo tattoos.
The popularity of cosmetic-surgery-related TV programs like Nip/ Conversely, people feel like part of a club because they wear
Tuck and Dr. 90210 prove the power of the surgical knife to artwork by top artists.” As both an archi-
feed the culture of aesthetic idealism. “My patients were frus- tect and a product of surgical bod mod, Nadler admits, “I had
trated perfectionists longing to go beyond what nature permit- liposuction on my love handles to improve my body’s symmetry,
ted. They used surgery to increase their inheritance and make minimizing fat stores without sacrificing upper body mass as a
up for genetic limitations The trick is ensuring modifications are bodybuilder.” While Nadler’s surgery prac-
in proportion to prevent an artificial look.” tice revealed the most popular procedures are implants and lipo-
A less tricky and less artificial route to bod mod would be to suction, crossover bod-modders also ended up on his cutting
use exercise to enhance longevity, fortify bones and, when com- table. “Many of my patients exercised but were frustrated in
bined with a cardio routine, strengthen the heart and lungs. This achieving desired results. Arising from the shallow end of the
is the prime argument in favor of bodybuilding. While building gene pool, they wanted to look like they had chosen the right
the body builds the self-image, many engage in it because it’s parents.” Alternately, our belief is that
choosing the right exercises, such as those outlined in BUILT’s affects no one but me, I do it. If you don’t want to split your
training articles, can help target muscles groups in new ways, tongue, get high or worship the devil, don’t do it.”
stimulating new results and making surgery a last resort for “I dislike ignorant voyeurs that pass
even the most frustrated of struggling exercisers. through the [bodymod.org] site and leave negative comments to
members. Sadly, people make others feel bad about personal
choices,” says Callen, defending those he perceives as the most
Get In Where You Fit In: Every Body is Some Body misunderstood of bod-modders. However,
as part our global fitness recruitment campaign, BUILT is
another phenomenon of bod mod poised to reclaim the good name of an art form that also suc-
is the building of supportive communities. Driven by a passion cumbs to widespread misconception. “In
for bodybuilding, BUILT men and women recognize their today’s society, a muscular body projects many things — from
brothers of iron and sisters of steel, expressing ap- good internal self-hygiene to narcissism,” notes Stevenson, one
preciation for each other’s hard work in the gym. of many bodybuilders who derive pride from their physical ap-
This instantaneous camaraderie among the pearance that goes deeper than vanity. “My bod mod is only
fit nation is built upon a respect for dedication to a way of life part of who I am, which goes far beyond my body.”
filled with ups and downs. “Bodybuilding can be taxing on the
body, but so can climbing Mount Everest,” says Stevenson. “I
feel accomplished — like a hobbyist toiling over his prized hot One Of Our Own: To Each His Own
rod. My hotrod is my body.” Of bodybuilding’s frat, Stevenson
observes, “Competitors have a different frame and demeanor, the human body
due to higher-level modification requiring discipline and major is a dynamic art canvas. Collectively, the modes of bod mod
physique transformations.” Kinship in the provide creative avenues to bolster inner strength while enhanc-
body art world oft-depends on modification level. “Tattooed peo- ing the outer layer. Bodybuilding, body art and body surgery
ple have a common interest they can talk about endlessly, but share end goals: improving self-worth, forging identity, and, ulti-
there’s an unspoken hierarchy. A heavily modified person feels mately, filling a fundamental human desire to be noticed or ap-
they’ve one-upped the less modified,” says Callen, who appreci- preciated. Of the three bod mod modali-
ates bod mod aficionados on a case-by-case basis. “A tattoo ties, many people use bodybuilding as an outlet to reap the
doesn’t win instant respect. Personal modification choices don’t benefits of peak esteem, health and pride that a fit body offers.
affect my opinion of people, character does.” And BUILT wants to increase that army. Because, of the three,
Unlike the alliance among fit or inked bod-modders, cosmetic bodybuilding could and should be universally practiced. It isn’t
surgery clients are sensitive about acknowledging fellow “family an endeavor for outcasts or a privilege for the wealthy. It re-
members.” As Nadler explains, “Most people deny having plastic quires no painful needles and piercings or expensive trips to the
surgery. My first training clients were former patients — enter- doctor’s office. It requires only willpower and sweat … and
tainment industry types who attend high-profile events. As their most people have access to those. Ironi-
surgeon, I never got an invitation. As their trainer, I get invited cally, our quest to individualize ourselves via bod mod automati-
to everything. What does that say about our society?” cally makes us part of larger groups based on our modifications.
As for using bod mod for acceptance, Na- In turn, “outsiders” develop impressions of bod-modders. Critics
dler recounts his most unusual patient request from a Special claim they are narcissists seeking validation through rebel, ma-
Forces agent who wanted to fit in with his battle-scarred bud- cho, or standard-beauty identification. Yet bod-modders have suf-
dies. “I designed a star-shaped scar like a bullet wound and fered for beauty birthed by pain. Creating bodies beyond the
dermabraded his skin to look like powder burns. He loved the norm, they did something crazy, adventurous, admirable, produc-
result.” While Nadler now uses the anti- tive or special. At BUILT, we advocate
aging principles of cosmetic surgery to reshape bodies through bodybuilding as a form of bod mod that you can incorporate
fitness, he dismisses the notion that plastic surgery patients into your life right now, no matter your station or situation, and
seek an easy way out. “As a plastic surgeon, bodybuilder and feel good about celebrating its well-earned rewards. Ours does
trainer with tattoos, an earring and a pierced naval, I can’t ob- not begin an end with a single appointment or procedure; ours
ject too much to others’ modification choices.” is an ongoing process, a journey. It’s a long-haul, lifestyle thing.
Bod-modders of all stripes echo a do-as-you-please sentiment At the end of the day, you will choose the
for people within and outside of their respective communities. path that best suits your aims in life. Moral and ethical debates
As a fitness enthusiast, Stevenson’s mod philosophy: “Do what- fall on deaf ears because, ultimately, your body belongs to you.
ever you want, unless it directly injures another. If someone is After all, what fun is it to own a car if you can’t trick it out
‘injured’ because they don’t like someone else’s appearance ... whenever you get the urge? Besides, as long as we make proj-
that’s tough.” As a body art fetishist Cal- ects out of our masterpiece bodies, we give ourselves interest-
len proclaims, “I’m pro-choice. If I want to do something that ing things to look at in the art gallery of life.
FIGURE figure

In addition to careful resistance training better. You can keep healthy food in it to
and functional programs to shape our snack on so you don’t lose your willpower
physiques, we utilize the very tools that at mealtime.
define our sex in the pursuit of an ideal. “Fit Trippin’:
Staying Fit on the Road” Quite simply, keep your priorities straight,
This is more than just a beauty pageant, and your figure will not suffer.
and it’s definitely more than simply “stand- by Sherry Goggin
ing there.” Figure training is an art and
an athletic endeavor. The competitive as-
pect of figure training keeps as its focus traveling
Go Figure!
Travel Sress and
the pursuit and elegant expression of the can Eating Right
““““““ elusive ideal of the athletic feminine form. surely
This “ideal” is based on aesthetics, bal- wear you down, ruin your good eat-
The Fit Figure ance and a flowing symmetry, sculpted by
the powerful tools of exercise and nutri-
”””””” ing habits, give you jet lag, and make
you very sleepless. Whether you are While traveling you will likely be taken
tion and polished by skillful presentation. traveling for business or pleasure, it out of your routine, and many times this

Unfortunately, given the seemingly fickle doesn[‘t mean that you have to put means that your schedule is not optimal
decisions of certain judging panels, the your healthy lifestyle or figure goals for regular meal planning. This is no excuse
leanest, most carefully developed phy- on hold. In fact, a change in scenery to forget that skipping meals is one of the
“If You Haven’t Figured It Out Yet, sique on the figure stage does not always can be motivating and relaxing if you most detrimental things you can do to your
It Goes Beyond Beauty” win. Yet, we remained dedicated, continu- travel smart. body. As a woman who wants to maintain
ally returning to the spotlighted platform a knockout figure, you must adhere to a
by Meriza DeGuzman to prove we’ve figured out the formula. few basic rules, including eating at regular
intervals to keep your appetite in check,
Like our bodybuilding predecessors, we and consuming enough calories in order
“what’s are physique artists. Through the art Maintaining your program can be easy to keep your metabolism active— the key
it all and sport of modern figure training, the if you keep fitness a top priority when to staying lean. Even while traveling, you
about?” culture of women’s physique competition traveling on the road. Taking advantage of should eat a meal or snack every 2 to 3
“All they do is stand there.” has come full circle. Many women who being away from your familiar surroundings hours, or your body may begin to “use”
“It’s nothing more than a beauty pag- gravitated to weight training, cardio and can be as easy as setting aside time to hit your muscle for energy. This is one reason
eant.” nutrition to gain control over their own the local gym, or the hotel’s fitness center, why people do not succeed with their
physical selves have finally found an out- or to simply do exercises in your hotel goals to lose fat and gain muscle.
let for their drive and passion. The mod- room­, all of which force you to be more
ern figure athlete is determined to elevate creative. Even a short and simple workout
Those who may not be familiar with our the perception of the ideal athletic female as soon as you reach your destination can
sport may offer such comments. But, the form beyond what bodybuilding or fitness relieve some of the stress of traveling. You Departing
world of figure competition is a lot more competitions could ever do. will feel much better and have increased Thoughts
than simply slipping into a sparkly bathing energy levels the next day.
suit and strutting in high heels. The goal of figure training is not to take a
utilize cutting-edge nutritional supple- woman’s physique to extremes of muscu- For your cardio, take the stairs instead
Competitive figure athletes represent the ments to help us achieve the strong, lean lar development, nor is it to emulate and of using the elevators and walk to Nothing great in life comes easy, and
new breed of physique athletes. And we and healthy appearance requisite of to- glorify the skinny-fat frames of anorectic restaurants and shops. In your hotel room, managing your fitness program while
are just that — athletes. To show well, day’s modern female physique athlete — runway models. Rather, the essence of you can dance to music or do push ups, you’re away requires work. If you stick to
even at a local figure competition, girls the figure competitor. figure competition is simply to define the sit-ups or jumping jacks. Don’t forget to the basic fitness rules that you follow at
often train just as hard as their male coun- ideal female physique. Figure competi- stretch or do some yoga moves. Also try home— eating clean, wholesome foods at
terparts. And, we take our sport just as But, unlike bodybuilding, where muscular tions have become the world stage where stationary or walking lunges, squats or regular intervals, not skipping meals, and
seriously. development weighs as heavily as sym- the purest criteria to judge the ideal fe- dips using a chair. Travel with an exercise staying physically active— your energy
metry and balance, figure competition male form exist. Perhaps in this healthy band in your suitcase, and you have an levels will remain high, and your fat
the weight room or on the treadmill or is much more sophisticated and elegant. celebration of a woman’s competitive instant total-body workout. burning metabolism will remain in tiptop
Stairmaster, sometimes for two sessions Our sport is built primarily on aesthetics, spirit and quest for the ideal, figure train- shape, no matter where life takes you.
per day. We eat our meals from Tupper- shape and the presentation of the total ing is the essence of the craft of being Regarding your diet, you must remain
ware, and we carry our coolers with us to package. Figure competition demands female, a modern medium for the pure disciplined while eating out. Order your
work, to the gym, to daycare centers or attention to detail and form. Hair, nails, expression of femininity. food healthy and clean, avoiding excess
school to pick up our children. We watch suit color and cut, skin tone, make up salt, sauces and greasy, fatty foods. A
our carbs, count our protein intake, and and accessories are the tools of our art. refrigerator in your hotel room is even
more energy, I am able to lift more weight
with more ease than before. I usually train
with weights 5 days a week, giving my-

FIGURE self both Saturday and Sunday off, but

still doing cardio 6 days a week for 30-45
minutes. I also go to the track 2-3 days a
week for a mixture of agility work, sprint-
ing, and climbing bleachers. Yes, people
say I am crazy for training so hard when
me, this is when I can test the effects of not competing, but, for me, this time is so
different foods while I can afford to make crucial. Itís my time to set goals for the
mistakes. next prep before a show and make im-
““““““ A sample off-season diet for me:
provements to my body while I have the
energy to do so.

The Figure Life BR

2 corn tortillas
5 egg whites
Supplements are always necessary dur-
EA flaxseed oil ing and after prep for show. An average
KF day for me includes:
AS 1 cup of peppers
”””””” snack
low-carb shake multivitamin
vitamin c AM
1 large salad with smart blend digestive enzymes
“All Figure, All The Time”
fat-free dressing
LUNCH 5 ounces of chicken glutamine
by Amanda Savell almonds kemistry procore (buckwheat
IFBB Figure Professional protein shake) noon
low-carb shake pinnacle’s amino explode
veggies pinnacle nox2
i RECEIVE 4 ounces of fish smart blend digestive enzymes
training programs:
MANY 5 ounces of chicken glutamine simply strong: zercher
REQUESTS E R or steak pinnacle’s amino explode PM body assessment: pivot points
to share my regular training and NN fat-free cheese digestive enzymes
diet routines that I follow between DI veggies vitamin c training columns:
corn smart blend
competitions. Ladies want to know power to the people
about “life after the show,” and how pinnacle’s blue zzzzs before
year 1
4 egg whites
to maintain a healthy bodyweight, snack
tomatoes & peppers bed compete
training load and cardio schedule.
When I’m not competing, I rotate carbs. While training with lighter weight and do-
For instance: Monday will be a high-carb ing more reps, I am actually giving my body
day, Tuesday a moderate-carb day, and some rest for what’s to come — training
Wednesday a low-carb day. heavier and doing fewer repetitions. I also
First off, ladies, Iíve been there. In the be- allow myself more rest between sets, so I
ginning, I was clueless — wondering what Remember, your body is a sponge after a can train to my max and still do my cardio
to do next, after seeing my body in the show. It will hold on to everything, and, at the end of each session. My training
best possible shape of my life! Iíve made for some, this means struggling to gain days are as follows:
some mistakes in the past — gaining tons control of your bodyweight. I recommend shoulders/abs/cardio
of weight by eating everything in sight, and taking it day by day and making the right quads/abs/cardio
even avoiding the gym for weeks to “give choices. I always ìcheatî the same night I back/calves/track
my body a break.” This approach taught step off stage and possibly the next morn- hams and glutes/abs/cardio
me a difficult lesson, because, when it ing. However, I quickly return to a regular shoulders/abs/cardio
came time to prepare for my next show, diet with lower sodium, eventually adding off
shedding the excess pounds was torture. it back in so my body has time to adjust. off/track
After testing my body with trial and error prefer to compete with an average body I also resume my training and cardio right
between competitions, I’ve learned how fat of 12–15% plus. When I am not com- after a show. The next time you wind down after a contest,
to maintain a healthy lifestyle and to train peting, I stay within about 10 pounds of remember to set goals and donít let your
for maximum results. my contest weight. This allows me to Two weeks from a competition, are you head trick you into eating anything and ev-
take in more calories and do less cardio, one of the girls who says to yourself: ìI erything. Trust me, youíll be miserable. Take
Let’s face it; it’s unrealistic to obsess while being able to lift heavier and keep canít wait to relax and not step foot in a time to let your body stabilize. Itís okay to
over staying in “peak contest shape” year my body fat lower. I up my calories by in- gym, or on a cardio machine when I am regain some weight, but make sure youíre
round. “Contest shape” means ripped abs, creasing my carbohydrates, fats and pro- done with my showî? Yep, I too have been consuming the right kind of calories. Good
defined legs, defined shoulders, and clear- tein. I allow myself a “cheat meal” once a at this point, Iíve learned this is the most luck with your prep for your next show, and
cut tie-ins throughout the body. Many of week, a meal of my choice that may not beneficial time for our bodies to grow and remember there’s no “time off” between
today’s competitors carry less than 8% be a usual part of my contest diet. Some- respond. This means getting back into the contests, just more time to maximize your
body fat on stage, and it is unhealthy to times, I play with my carbs and fats to gym and lifting lighter weight with higher body to be the best it can be.
stay this low for many weeks at a time. I see how my body responds, because, for reps. As my calories increase and I have
This is a caption for
the Body Book sec-
tion. Set the bar5 in
the ppower rack at
your stomach level.
Wear a long sleeve

t-shirt. Walk out
and set up a stance
slightly wider than
your shoulders.
Walk out and set

BOOK TRAINING up a stance slight-

ly wider than your
shoulders.Walk out
and set up a stance
slightly wider than This is a caption for
your shoulders. the Body Book sec-
tion. Set the bar5 in
the ppower rack at
your stomach level.
by Pavel The third reason Zerchers rule is the fact Wear a long sleeve
that they work your midsection very in- t-shirt. Walk out
tensely. Very. When the load is held in and set up a stance

if at first the front, your diaphragm has to work ex-

slightly wider than
your shoulders.

““““““ you don’t

tra hard to stabilize your spine and your
whole core has to get on with the pro-
Walk out and set
up a stance slight-
ly wider than your
redefine success.” I bet this New gram. You will feel it, I assure you. If you
Simply Strong
Yorker cartoon describes what you still want to work your abs after Z-squats
have been doing at the gym. It is and chin-ups, you have not trained these
time to stop changing your workout two lifts hard enough.

”””””” for the heck of it, pick a simple and

reliable program, stick with it, and The fourth reason I have chosen this off-
finally make gains. beat squat variation is it is easy on the
wrists, elbows, and shoulders. The back Caption
and the front squats demand good flex- This is a caption for
the Body Book sec-
ibility and skill while carrying the bar. In tion. Set the bar5 in
Zerchers, it is a no-brainer. And fifth, the ppower rack at
The more elements something has, the because the Zerchers employs a much your stomach level.
Wear a long sleeve
more likely it is to break down. The Ka- lower center of gravity than back or front t-shirt. Walk out
lashnikov and the Glock have become squats, the weight is easier to balance and set up a stance
choice weapons for gun-carrying profes- and you can “grind” harder without losing slightly wider than
your shoulders.
sionals around the world for that exact your form.
reason — they are simple and they don’t
break down. I will give you one such pro-
gram. It consists of only three simple ex-
ercises, but, rest assured, it will hit all the Zercher squat technique
right muscles, for your sport and for the in a nutshell.

The exercises are the bench press, the

chin-up, and the Zercher squat. The bench Set up the bar in the power rack at your
is there because you will do it anyway. If stomach level. Wear a long sleeve T-shirt
you can’t beat them, join them. The chin- to protect your elbows. Don’t wrap a tow-
up will work your pulling muscles and the el around the bar! The bar is likely to slide
abs. I find it comical that the military still inside the towel and injure you. Hook your Caption
tests chin-ups and sit-ups. I dare you to elbows under the bar, your arms in the top This is a caption for
find someone who can do twenty strict, of the barbell-curl position. Don’t shrug the Body Book sec-
tion. Set the bar5
dead-hang chins and does not sport a your shoulders. Wedge yourself under the
in the ppower rack
great six-pack. The Zercher squat requires bar, take a breath, tighten up, and lift it at your stomach
that you hold the barbell in the crooks of off the pins. Keep your shoulders down level. Wear a long
sleeve t-shirt.
your elbows. The ZSQ offers many unique throughout.
advantages over the back squat and the
front squat. Walk out and set up in a stance slightly
wider than your shoulders, your feet
Caption the Caption Caption
First, a safe ZSQ technique is much easier slightly turned out. Take an abdominal
to learn. Second, the Zercher enables you breath, which will not be easy with the bar This is a caption for This is a caption for This is a caption for
the Body Book sec- squat the Body Book sec- the Body Book sec-
to fully extend your hips on the top. You compressing your diaphragm, and squat tion. Set the bar5 in tion. Set the bar5 in tion. Set the bar5 in
can’t do it with the bar on your back with- till the bar touches your knees and your the ppower rack at the ppower rack at the power rack at
out risking serious injury. Squats without thighs are below parallel. your stomach level. your stomach level. your stomach level.
Wear a long sleeve Wear a long sleeve Wear a long sleeve
full extension tighten up your hip flexors, t-shirt. Walk out t-shirt. Walk out t-shirt. Walk out
the muscles on the top of your thighs. This  “Below parallel” and set up a stance and set up a stance and set up a stance
is hard on your back and has a negative means the top of slightly wider than slightly wider than slightly wider than
your shoulders. your shoulders. your shoulders.
effect on your athletic performance, be it your knee is higher
Walk out and set
jumping, running, punching, or throwing. than the crease up a stance slight-
of your hip. ly wider than your
This is a caption for
the Body Book sec-
tion. Set the bar5 in
Caption the ppower rack at Caption Caption
Have someone check your depth from the This is a caption for your stomach level. This is a caption for This is a caption for
side. Preferably a stronger someone with the Body Book sec- Wear a long sleeve the Body Book sec- “We trained hard—but it seemed that every the Body Book sec-
tion. Set the bar5 in t-shirt. Walk out tion. Set the bar5 in tion. Set the bar5 in
powerlifting experience. Look straight the ppower rack at and set up a stance the ppower rack at
How long should you rest time we were beginning to form into teams, the ppower rack at
ahead during the descent. You may look your stomach level. slightly wider than your stomach level. between sets? we would be reorganized,” lamented Gaius your stomach level.
straight or somewhat up on the ascent. Wear a long sleeve your shoulders. Wear a long sleeve Petronius Arbiter, Satyricon, 1st century AD. Wear a long sleeve
t-shirt. Walk out Walk out and set t-shirt. Walk out t-shirt. Walk out
Pause momentarily with the bar on your and set up a stance up a stance slight- and set up a stance
“I was to learn later in life that we tend to and set up a stance
knees without relaxing and drive up. Hold slightly wider than ly wider than your slightly wider than meet any new situation by reorganizing. And slightly wider than
your breath through the sticking point, your shoulders. shoulders. your shoulders. The amount of rest you take between sets what a wonderful method it can be for cre- your shoulders.
then grunt out some — but not all — air. can actually be long as you want. Here is ating the illusion of progress while pursuing
why. If you take long breaks, 5 minutes or confusion, inefficiency, and demoralization.”
The bench press and chin-up technique more, you will get stronger through the
are outside the scope of this article. The adaptations in your nervous system. If you Don’t let this happen to you. Stay with
only point I want to stress is the pause. take very brief breaks, say a minute or less, a solid, simple program and get stronger
Pause at least for a second without los- you will get stronger by building muscle. If than you ever imagined. Power to you!
ing tightness with the bar brushing your you split the difference with 2-3 minutes,
chest in the bench press. Pause at least you will get both the skill of strength and
for a second in a dead hang between each the mass gains. If you want to know why,
chin-up rep. read my books Power to the People! and
The Naked Warrior and Charles Staley’s
Muscle Logic, but you don’t need to under-
stand the magic to make it work. And if you
Onward to the program design take long breaks on some days and gun it
on others, even better.

Follow this workout for three weeks, then

test your 5RM again after a couple of ex-
You will be training twice a week and per- tra days of rest. Do whatever you want on
forming your exercises in the following or- weeK four except the exercises from this
der: the bench press, the Zercher squat, routine, and take it easy. On week five,
the chin-up. Your first workout is deter- start over. Stay with this program as long
mining your five-rep max. For instance, as you keep making gains in muscle and
you might bench 135x5, 155x5, and 185x5. strength. Following the test day, here is
185 feels moderately heavy. You might be what your schedule will look like:
able to squeeze out 190x5 but you leave it
alone, 185 it is. If you are new to Zerchers,
simply strong
don’t work up to an all out fiver but to a
comfortably heavy set of five, say 135x5,
185x5, 225x5. Caption
This is a caption for
week one the Body Book sec-
You think you might be good for 250x5, but tion. Set the bar5 in
you know better than pushing a new exer- the ppower rack at
Monday as many sets of 3 as possible with the 5RM your stom ppower
cise hard. 225 it is. Your chins might look
rack at your stom-
like this: bodyweight x 5, (bodyweight+10) THURSDAY as many sets of 3 as possible with the 5RM
Do your
ach level. Wear a
x5, (bodyweight+25)x5. If you can’t chin long sleeve t-shirt.
in this
your bodyweight, do curl grip pulldowns. Walk out and set
But not for too long I hope. week two up a stance slight-
— ly wider than your
shoulders. ppower
Three to four days later start the program. Monday as many sets of 3 as possible with the 5RM bench rack at your stom-
press ach level. Wear a
It is simple. Do as many sets of three reps — long sleeve t-shirt.
as you can with the weight you topped out THURSDAY as many sets of 3 as possible with the 5RM the Walk out and set
with on your sets of five the workout be- zercher up a stance slight-
ly wider than your
fore. week three squat
sh o ul d e r s . ach

the level. Wear a long
That’s it. When you start struggling with sleeve t-shirt. Walk
Monday as many sets of 3 as possible with the 5RM chin-up.
out and set up a
your triple, you are done. —
stance slightly wid-
SATURDAY test your 5RM er than your shoul-
as long as
you want
week four unloading week: fun, easy exercises between
the sets.

week five

Monday restart the program with the new 5RM



“Do You Want to Get Strong or barbell or the kettlebell as a means, not coach and certified instructor for the Rus-

! !!

Lift More?” the end. And keep things simple. sian Kettlebell Challenge (RKC), insists “There is a difference between lifting more

on using nothing but simple exercises. and actually getting stronger.” These


by Pavel Russian athletes who are not weightlifters ”Any drill that 70% of the fighters cannot words belong to Arthur B. Jones, a power-


avoid the pitfalls of the classic snatch by catch on to right away has to be eliminat- lifter who benched 563 pounds raw in the
!! !!!


switching to a narrower, clean, grip and ed, no matter how good it is.” A boxer has 242-pound class at the AAU Worlds. How
!! !!!!

not second dipping their knees at all. You too many skills to practice as it is, and he can you lift more without getting stron-


Power MY TEAMMATE get all the benefits with a much simpler cannot afford to be learning esoteric ex- ger? By developing event-specific tricks.
AND I and safer technique. You are forced to use ercises. This explains why Baccari, whose Sticking with the bench press example, an

have taken up Olympic lifting in or- a much lighter weight, but does it matter revolutionary program is endorsed by Nor- extreme arch would enable you to score a

der to improve our power for football. if you are a thrower or a hockey player? man Stone, the trainer of the World Heavy bigger lift. But if you are not a compet-

We are arguing whether we should Are you out to get stronger or to lift more Weight Champion John Ruiz, discarded ing powerlifter and bench for some other


!!!!!!!!!!!! do the lifts exactly as they are done weight? overly complex approaches to Strength sport, say shot put, what is the point?
! !! !!

in weightlifting competition, squat and Conditioning a long time ago. To illus-


cleans, etc. or just practice the sim- Another example is from powerlifting. The trate Steve’s brilliant logic, his fighters do
!! ! !!!

pler versions of the Olympic lifts like deadlift is a terrific exercise for almost the extremely simple jump shrug instead
!!!!!!!!!!!! power cleans? any athlete, but Russian wrestlers like to of kettlebell jerks, a complex competi-

make it even more extreme and specific tion lift from the kettlebell sport. Deadlift



to their needs. Which is why Alexander two kettlebells outside your thighs in the
!! !!!


Karelin has worked up to an incredible groove you would use for a vertical jump.
!! !!!!

ten reps with 440 pounds in the Zercher Dip your knees as if you are about to jump

Answer: You are not a weightlifter, why deadlift. In the ZDL, the bar is held in the up. Snap your hips through and straighten

to the
would you train like one? crooks of one’s elbows, which means you out your knees explosively as if you are

have to bend way over and be in a very jumping. At the same time, violently shrug
Russian authority Prof. Yuri Verkhoshan- awkward position– like wrestling. (Don’t your shoulders up. Don’t stick your neck

sky warns against “mechanically copying confuse this lift with the Zercher squat forward like a chicken! You may end up


!!!!!!!!!!!! the means and methods used in weightlift- from my feature article this month.) airborne, or at least your heels will leave

ing or another sport.” Training to compete the floor. Softly land on the balls of your
!! !!
! !

on the platform, weightlifting, powerlift- You must answer two questions when feet, then squat and roll back on your
!! ! !!!

ing, or kettlebell lifting, is not the same as choosing an exercise for your Strength heels before the next takeoff. At a rapid

!!!!!!!!!!!! using the power tools of the iron sports

to improve your performance in the field,
and Conditioning regimen: “Is it simple to
learn? Are there simpler ways to get com-
clip, naturally. The simple and effective
jump shrug is one of Steve Baccari’s “big



in the ring, or on the mat. If you want to parable benefits?” bang exercises.” “This drill benefits both
!! !!!


compete in a strength sport – use every offence and defense,” states the boxing
legal trick in the book. If not – use the Steve Baccari, an extraordinary boxing coach.
!! !!!



! !!
B O D Y don’t look at you with a tape measure, but
rather their eyes. Further, muscle mea-
surements do not take into consideration

BOOK TRAINING Bodybuilding and

the shape of the muscle. For example, a
48-inch chest and a 36-inch waist might
look good on paper (these numbers are
on some of the charts mentioned above);
however, after closer scrutiny, you may see
by Vince Andrich Most people blame the overall look of their that your chest lacks development in the
physique on genetics, which is undoubtedly upper area, and has a droopy look overall.
a factor— but not the only one. I have seen So, even though your measurements look
i have athletes ruin an otherwise “great” body by good, your chest doesn’t. More than likely,
a true not paying attention to how much muscle your chest girth is a result of too much
love they’re adding in the wrong places. Year af- muscle mass in the mid-chest area. The

““““““ for “classic bodybuilding,” a term

that, for me, describes the practice
ter year, these athletes perform exercises
that do nothing to correct imperfections in
best way to evaluate and alter the shape
of your physique is by understanding the
of consciously developing a body their bone structure or musculature, and, in “pivot points” of your body.
Body with the “correct” combination of
size, shape and proportions. That
some cases, wind up with a bigger version
of a body that is not appealing. Conversely,

Assessment: said, the goals I have for my own

body are usually shunned by the
I’ve seen athletes with seemingly “bad” ge-
netics create a balanced, well-shaped body Pivot Point —
“bigger is better” fans of bodybuild- that looks better than 95% of the popula- The Definitive Way to Create a
How to ing, and many devoted trainees. Of tion. Stunning, Well-Shaped Body
course, it’s not my place to pass
Re-Design judgment on what your bodybuild-
ing goals should be, or should not
I won’t lie to you –– structural weaknesses
cannot be radically altered or totally hid-

Your Body be, as this is most definitely a per-

sonal choice.
den. But they can be minimized. To prove
my point, the next time you’re in the gym,
The concept of training to enhance your
“pivot points” is not mine, but rather from
take a look around. Do you notice any the mind of bodybuilding genius Vince Gi-
people who seem to be working on their ronda. I was lucky enough to have trained
”””””” All arguments aside, the original premise
weaknesses? Probably not. On the other
hand, we’ve all seen guys with BIG arms
with Vince at his gym (Vince’s Gym) many
times, and all I can say is that I learned
of bodybuilding was “constant body im- and “less than adequate” thigh develop- more from him than any other trainer, pe-
provement,” and the hallmark of this con- ment. If you study them, you’ll notice they riod! I have added a few extra body sec-
cept is the development of each muscle so are almost always obsessed with training tions to his original Pivot Point philosophy
it is pleasing to the eye and in proportion their arms, yet seem to put much less ef- over the years. I believe once you under-
to the others. This concept differs from fort into developing their thighs. stand how it works, you’ll have a training
bodybuilding to increase each muscle perspective that will save you several
to its maximum. To develop an inspiring, And what are the women with big thighs years of trial and error.
beautiful and shapely physique is a much usually obsessed with? Yep, you guessed
more creative process than building mass it –– their thighs! The reality is women Simply put, your “pivot points” consist
and size alone. It’s also more rewarding, often fall for the myth that says: to get of those “stunning” sections of individual
because we all get a sense of satisfac- smaller thighs, you need to work them body parts strategically located where they
tion when our physiques attract positive more often. Meanwhile, men usually beat “pivot” the eye. Normally, “pivot points” are
attention. It’s my guess that for you, their best body parts into oblivion and ne- far out from the center or belly of the mus-
like many readers of BUILT, this concept glect the “total package,” in effect, ruin- cle and, when developed, impart a beauty
aligns with your primary physique goal: ing the shape their parents granted them. to the physique that simple mass alone
to build a balanced, proportionate body. But, there’s more to creating a stunning cannot bring about. Supposedly, years of
physique than simply understanding how “biological” programming has left an imprint
After accounting for the role of genet- to prioritize your body-part training. To ac- in our DNA that automatically sends sig-
ics, a body assessment helps you identify complish this, you’ll need to look at your nals in response to certain body shapes.
specific muscles that need more (or less) body in a completely different way. We gaze in admiration when our eyes be-
development. In addition, the concept of hold a physique that, with respect to to-
“spot building” is essential to creating a day’s most massive bodybuilders, is actu-
bodybuilding program that focuses on ally small, yet boasts these well-developed
exercises that meet YOUR needs. The How to Re-Design muscle groups: upper pectorals (near the
result is a body that goes beyond “built,” Your Body clavicles), the high portion of the lats, low-
and exemplifies the art of bodybuilding. er biceps and brachioradialis, lower calves
and the long (outer) head of the triceps.
  s the original Iron Guru,
A Even bodybuilders twice the size may not
Vince Gironda stated over There are several books and articles necessarily have the “visual impact” of one
twenty-five years ago: that contain reference charts that score who precisely develops his “pivot points.”
size without shape is the “ideal” physique in inches. I person-
grotesque. ally prefer to use the mirror, since people Generally speaking, an ideal male build
eyes of viewers with a disappointing and/or best-developed muscles.
would encompass wide shoulders, square “droopy” image. The more developed your Give your weak points priority in your
pectorals, a small waist, and a lower body chest is near the clavicles, the better your workouts, training them first when your
that flows into sweeping thighs and promi- entire chest appears. energy, strength and enthusiasm are high-
nent calves. The level of muscularity is High and Mid Lats — Well-devel- est.
“pleasing,” not extreme, which is the widely oped lats, right under the pits of your Do more total sets and more exercises
accepted look of a conditioned athlete. This arms, that flow into a heart shape not for your weak points.
build is similar to the warrior archetype only make you look wider, but also make In order to create a better shape and
Achilles, played by Brad Pitt in “Troy,” and your entire waist area pleasing to the eye. improve proportions, sometimes it might
the Spartans led by King Leonidas (actor Be careful training this area. Too much be necessary to hold back gains in some
Gerard Butler) in the epic movie “300.” lat development near your waist makes faster-growing or overdeveloped muscles

2 your trunk look shorter, resulting in a

“bunched-up look.”
to allow the slower-growing or less-devel-
oped muscles to “catch up.”
Lower Biceps — A small arm only Emphasize the origins and insertions
The Perfect Body — looks smaller with a big space (or gap) of the muscles when you train, not just
Reality or Illusion?
2 between your elbow and where the biceps the central belly of the muscle. Basic

2 mass begins. Lower biceps are a must

have for good-looking arms that just hang
impressively without flexing.
exercises tend to develop just the belly
of a muscle. This is important for build-
ing mass, but too much mass in the belly
When people look at a properly trained Long Head of the Triceps — Also gives a muscle a shortened, “bunched-up
physique, most of what they see is an il- known as the “outer head,” the long head look.”
lusion. What I mean is that human sight
and the limbic system work in concert to
2 of the triceps, when well developed, ap-
pears to run all the way down to your el-
For enhanced shape, use isolation
exercises to develop the origins and inser-

“play back” the images they receive. For bow. Another “must” for arms that hang tions.
example, a man might not have a 30-inch remarkably.
waist; yet, if the lateral and rear heads of Forearms — Since forearms are often
his deltoids are fully developed, the illu- in full display, they are obvious eye-catch-
sion is that his waist is much smaller. In ers when they are well developed. Conclusion
essence, with wide shoulders, the waist is
visually reduced. Another man’s full arm
2 Vastus Internus — Commonly re-
ferred to as the “tear drop,” the vastus
measurement may not be more than 17 internus is the muscle of the lower, inner
inches; yet, if the outer strand of his tri- thigh. When flexed, the shape itself is
ceps and brachioradialis muscle under the beautiful. When well developed, it makes Paying attention to every detail of your
biceps are well developed, his arms will an otherwise stringy thigh appear bal- physique and training accordingly allows
appear much bigger. anced when viewed from the front. you to create an illusion through the art

The reality is that no one has perfect ge-

2 Vastus Lateralis — The muscles of
the outer thighs are often called “thigh
of bodybuilding. Your instinctual eye (the
one we all possess) will alert you as to
netics; so, the goal is to create the illusion rods” and, when well developed, the vas- when aspects of your physique appear to
that your physique has fewer flaws and tus lateralis create a visually dramatic be getting out of proportion or moving be-
more striking attributes. This is achieved sweep on the outer quads. yond the realm of the “naturally beautiful”
with carefully thought-out training strat-
egies, based upon the following “pivot
2 Lower Calves — This body part re-
quires extreme concentration for simple
into the realm of the artificial and “unap-
pealing”. First, identify your personal
points.” Remember, these are in no par- development. To build a set of ideal, “di- body “flaws.” Then I’ll show how you can
ticular order. It is up to you to assess your amond-shaped” calves, peak contractions disguise or minimize them, while improv-
body, locate the areas on your physique with moderate resistance is essential. ing on your muscular shape and over-
that need the most work, and focus your
efforts there. 2 Hamstrings — The “rear leg biceps”
complete your physique from the back-
coming structural weaknesses to attain
the body you really want. Simply consult
Side and Rear Deltoids side. Leave your ego at the door when my “Spot Build” column in every issue of
Upper Pecs training the hamstrings; peak contrac- BUILT (page xx in this issue).
High and Mid Lats tions bring this area to life. By keeping in
Bodybuilding’s Lower Biceps mind that bodybuilding is not about trying
Masters of Illusion — Long Head of the Triceps to get as big as you can, but about try-
The Pivot Points
2 Forearms
Vastus Internus
ing to build a visually striking body, you’re
on the right track. Constant evaluation of
Vastus Lateralis how your physique appears helps you to
Lower Calves avoid building muscle mindlessly. The pro-
Side and Rear Deltoids — Wide Hamstrings cess takes thought regarding which exer-
shoulders require well-developed side cises you do, why you do them, and where
and rear deltoids. Attention to these two you’re building muscle. To take full control
body parts not only contributes to mak- of your development, the following “gen-
ing your waist and hips look smaller, but eral rules” must also be in play.
makes your upper back distinctly more
prominent, as well. Always emphasize your slowest-growing
Upper Pecs — A “big chest” without and/or least-developed muscles in your
well-developed upper pecs, leaves the training more than your fastest-growing

training & nutrition

by Hugo Rivera

your initial
bodybuilding action plan

Guidance for first year bodybuilders Bodybuilders and fitness enthusiasts

are confused! When it comes to build-
ing muscle, losing fat and simply get-
ting in shape, most just don’t know
where to start, what to do, or who to

believe. Just turn on the TV or flip
through the ads in major muscle mag-
azines. How many infomercials do
you see with the latest supplement
or machine promising to give you the
body of your dreams in no time?
It’s always amusing and sad when
someone asks what’s a good pill to
take to gain muscle and lose fat. My
reply back usually comes in the form
of a question: “What kind of diet and
training regimen are you following?”
I usually get the same reply; which
follows either a chuckle or a totally
clueless look: “Is it necessary to diet
and exercise if you are taking supple-
tion you get a value of 0 and then your ing as you do not produce the amount of cient as possible, then a proper designed
whole program fails as you won’t get any testosterone (male hormone that has a regimen of supplements can give you an
results. The reason for this is because de- big role in muscle production) that males edge. Why? Because nowadays, many
The Essential Formula for termination is by far the most important produce. foods are processed so that it is virtu-
Bodybuilding Success factor in determining the amount of suc- Aerobic work (i.e. exercise bike, ellip- ally impossible to get all the vitamin and
cess you will achieve in your bodybuilding tical trainer, running, or fast walking on minerals that your body needs in order to
program. an incline or treadmill) in your Fat Burn- run at maximum efficiency. Further, the
ing Zone (which is (220 - Age) x.65= Fat amount of research and science validat-
No matter what your goals are, there is After examining the formula above, now it Burning Heart Rate) is a good way to ac- ing the benefits of specific supplements
a formula that most be followed in order is easy to see why just purchasing a so- celerate the fat burning process, as long for sports performance is increasing, and
for you to make bodybuilding gains. This phisticated gadget or a couple of “magic as it is not overdone, and as long as it coming in from credible sources such as
formula will guarantee that you get the re- pills” at the health food store are not go- is only used in addition to a good weight major universities. Keep in mind that
sults you want. The only thing that differs ing to cut it. In order to achieve perma- training program. Aerobics should never supplements are not a component of the
from person to person is the way in which nent bodybuilding results, all of the fac- be used as a substitute for weight train- formula above, but they are a subcompo-
each individual has to implement its corre- tors described above have to be present ing. nent of nutrition. They make the nutrition
sponding variables. This is due to the fact and in perfect harmony. Follow one, but component as efficient as possible. In fu-
that each individual has different goals. not the other one, and your success will Nutrition ture issues, I will cover supplements for
For example, some people want to just be negatively affected. Now that you Nutrition and training go hand in hand. your first year, and by reading Built, you
tone up a bit and lose fat while others are have an idea of what it will take to get the Have you ever heard of people that say will be kept informed of the most effec-
interested in gaining sufficient muscle to body of your dreams, let’s go into each of that as long as you workout you can eat tive products to maximize your nutrition
enter a bodybuilding contest. While these the individual components of the formula anything you want because the workout component. .
are similar goals, due to the fact that the for success. will burn it off? Well that is wrong! While
second goal is more aggressive, the more it is true that if you made the correct food
sacrifices you will need to make in terms choice you can eat it much more that you
of adhering to your training, diet and re- thought you could, you cannot go every Conclusion
covery plan. day to the burger joint and get a triple
stack cheese burger with some fries.
The formula for bodybuilding success is S = D x (T + N + R)
the following: Therefore, remember this, if you follow So there you have it. In order to achieve
the wrong diet, or follow no diet at all, bodybuilding success, you need to take

S = D x (T+N+R) D: Determination
This is the most important ingredient by
then rest assured that your training ef-
forts will be sabotaged and you will not
get the maximum benefits from your hard
into account all of the variables of the for-
mula described above. No “magic potion”,
or even steroids, will provide you with
Where: far. If you are not determined enough work. maximum, long lasting gains if training,
S is the success that you achieve in your to make the sacrifices necessary to get and nutrition and rest are not maximized.
program. in shape, then it’s not going to happen. Rest and Recovery So that takes us back to the fact that in
D is the determination that you have to Most people usually think that I have all You need 7 - 9 hours of sleep each night in order to ensure bodybuilding gains, you
achieve success. the time in the world to workout (by the order for your body to run efficiently. De- need to have unwavering determination
T is the bodybuilding training that you’ll way, most people’s excuse for not be- prive your body of sleep and you’ll have that will allow you to do what you need
use. ing in shape is lack of time). When I tell lousy fat loss. As a bonus, you also get to do day in and day out. In this game, de-
N is your nutrition program designed for them that I am married, I have a child, and muscle loss, which in turn lowers your me- termination and consistency are the true
either lean muscle gains or fat loss. work more than full time on my business, tabolism. You also get deprived hormonal keys to achieving bodybuilding gains.
And R stands for rest & recovery. they cannot believe it. I can certainly un- production, which makes it difficult to
derstand that we live in a very busy age. build muscle. Finally there is research that
However, please don’t tell me that you points to the fact that sleep depravation
don’t have at least 45 minutes 3-4 times may be linked to the following:
How to Apply a week that you can spare on taking care
the Formula of yourself; that is simply unbelievable. 1) Heart Disease
The people with the time excuse (which is 2) Depression
around 90% of the population) are just an 3) Bad Temper
example of people that want something, 4) Lack of Concentration and Lethargy.
Each component in the formula above can but just don’t have the determination to
only have two values. A value of 1 is given make it happen. Therefore, make sure that you get ad-
to a component if it is followed completely. equate sleep or else you will be forced to
A value of 0 is given to any component that T: Training live in a body that will not be operating at
is not followed or followed halfway. There- There are two types of training: peak efficiency.
fore, if every single component is followed, Anaerobic work (i.e. weight train-
you get a maximum value of 3. In this case ing.) which is the #1 way to re-sculpt your
the person will get the fastest results pos- body. Why? Weight training is far supe-
sible from their program. If the person rior to any other type of exercise because Supplements
stops following one of the components in- it increases your metabolism (which in
side of the parenthesis then you get a less- turn helps you burn fat) and gives shape
er value and not optimal results. However to your body. Don’t worry ladies. You will
note that if you don’t have any determina- not get muscle bound from weight train- If you want to make your program as effi-
BODY use the term “muscle strand,” but,
as many experienced bodybuild-
While dumbbell lateral raises are a great
exercise, once you feel the searing rush of
traditional side lateral raises).

ers know, the deltoids have three blood in the lateral head of your delts from Swing both dumbbells up in the same

“heads,” which are often referred to this exercise, you’ll think everything else is direction until you reach the top part of
as front, lateral (or side) and rear a weak imitation. the movement: one arm is straightened
“heads.” Fundamentally, the key to and held out to the side of the body (as
a successful program to Spot Build The trick to the effectiveness of dumbbell in a side lateral raise); the other arm is
the lateral head of the deltoid mus- lateral side swings is threefold: 1) tension, bent and held across the front of the body,
cles requires focus, simplicity and 2) speed, and 3) peak contraction. Here is forearm across the chest, palm down.
“Swing Your Way to slight alterations in your overall how the exercise is performed:
Gladiator Shoulder Width” training program. Hold the contracted position of the top
part of the movement for a second, then
““““““ by Vince Andrich swing both dumbbells down in front of the
body, in the opposite direction (keeping

Spot Build:
Body Position, Technique them under control) and reverse the posi-
in Dumbbell Lateral and Tempo tion of the arms. Do not twist the body.
“body Side Swing

Lateral assessment” (p. xx),
it was noted that increasing the
This is a caption for
the Body Book sec-
tion. Set the bar5 in
Deltoids width of your shoulders can dramat-
ically improve your “V-taper,” and, This movement is not commonly practiced
To get the form and exercise “rhythm” cor-
rect, start with weights that are 25% less Programs to Spot Build
the ppower rack at as a result, make your waist appear in gyms, since most bodybuilders opt for than you use with traditional side lateral Lateral Delts
your stomach level. smaller. This can be achieved with traditional dumbbell side lateral raises to raises. Once you get the feel of the move-
Wear a long sleeve
t-shirt. Walk out ”””””” a specific exercise designed to in-
crease the size of the lateral head of
hit the outside of the deltoids. The reason
could be that most instructors, books and
ment, adjust your weights accordingly.
and set up a stance
slightly wider than the deltoids — the strand of muscle magazines have unknowingly made the Begin in the starting position: hold a By adding dumbbell lateral side swings to
your shoulders.
that makes the most visual impact traditional side lateral raise the “standard” dumbbell in each hand, all four bells your routine, you can effectively “target”
on your overall shoulder width. I textbook move to build shoulder width. touching (the same starting position for the lateral head of your deltoids. The key

Caption Caption lateral Caption Caption
This is a caption for This is a caption for side This is a caption for This is a caption for
the Body Book sec- the Body Book sec- the Body Book sec- the Body Book sec-
tion. Set the bar5 in
tion. Set the bar5 in tion. Set the bar5 in tion. Set the bar5 in
the ppower rack at the ppower rack at the ppower rack at the ppower rack at
your stomach level. your stomach level. your stomach level. your stomach level.
Wear a long sleeve Wear a long sleeve Wear a long sleeve Wear a long sleeve
t-shirt. Walk out t-shirt. Walk out t-shirt. Walk out t-shirt. Walk out
and set up a stance and set up a stance and set up a stance and set up a stance
slightly wider than slightly wider than slightly wider than slightly wider than
your shoulders. your shoulders. your shoulders. your shoulders.
Walk out and set Walk out and set
up a stance slight- up a stance slight-
ly wider than your ly wider than your
shoulders. shoulders.
to getting the most out of this exercise is shoulders, back, chest tric phase of the movement.
to make it a priority in your total training BODY BOOK
program. This creates an environment for Next, because your body is in a unique all-
your lateral delts to develop and grow in
advance of other body parts during a spe-
DAY T W O left or all-right position at the top portion
of the movement, you’ll notice that when TRAINING
cific period of time. triceps, biceps, forearms you hold the contracted position for about
3 seconds, the muscle tension reaches
an enormous peak. Holding the top posi-
DAY T H R E E tion for a count of 5 on each rep, before
you lower the dumbbells and move to the

Volume thighs, calves other side, is an effective way to perform
your final set and get maximum blood vol-
ume in the target muscle.
To force your lateral delts to grow it is
important to focus your effort on doing
more volume, with fewer exercises. In oth-
rest ““““““
er words, to radically overload a muscle
“strand,” it is harder, and more effective,
While your focus is on lateral delts, it is
an ideal time to reduce some of the train-
to do 8 sets of 8 reps with one movement, ing volume for other body parts, as this
than it is to do 3 sets of 3 exercises for 8
reps. If you don’t believe me, try it––you’ll
maximizes your recovery ability. In this in-
stance, you may want to do less work for Improving shoulder width makes a stun-
feel the difference. This means, for a pe-
riod of at least four weeks, the only ex-
your chest, back or quads, as these body
parts use up lots of energy and recovery
ning visual impact on a bodybuilder’s
overall physique. The simple plan outlined Farther than by Pete Ciccone

ercise you should perform for the lateral power. above has everything you need for effec- “In the morning, I climb the stairs for about
head of your delts will be dumbbell lateral tive spot building, including the mastery you’ve ever i got a 45 minutes. After work, I run 5 miles. Yeah,
side swings. If you are in your first year of an exercise that minimizes the work of call just about every day. I also use weights 4
of training, 4 sets of 8-12 reps will do the
trick. If you have more experience, start
surrounding muscles, and the gradual in-
crease of workload to yield the results of
been before. yesterday. times a week. I’ve been doing this for the
past 3 years.” Now, that is a story worth
off performing 5 sets of 8, and add one Advanced training specificity. Spot on! It was from a new client of mine. She re-telling sometime...
rep and one set each week for 4 weeks.
This means, in the second week, perform
”””””” was in tears.
Up to this point, her progress with me had
6 sets of 9, then 7 sets of 10 and then 8 been great. Two pounds lost per week, six
sets of 12. After four weeks on this pro- total pounds in the past three weeks. Right
gram I recommend you focus on another Once you get used to the basic move- She had come to me only three short weeks on track. So, why the crying on the phone
body part of your physique to spot build. ment, you’ll notice that dumbbell lateral earlier. As with most of my new clients, my yesterday?
However, you can still keep your lateral side swings are perfect for advanced initial consultation was conducted over cof-
delts a priority by continuing to train them techniques that yield phenomenal results. fee at a local coffee shoppe. I often hold my There were the tears on the other end of
early in your workout session and keeping First, you can experiment with a variety initial consultations away from the gym, in the phone, I could hear the sobs.
the total work volume high. A good subse- of speeds as you swing the dumbbells order to find the truth behind what would
quent program is 6 sets of 6 reps, which from side to side. For example, you can make a person choose our way of life. As “Be honest with me, do you think I’ve cho-
increases the “load” (resistance), while use acceleration to your advantage on I’ve learned, many people begin their jour- sen the right sport? I don’t know...my thighs
the volume is still relatively high. the concentric portion of the movement ney into physique culture without a clear di- are huge, I’m not sure I can lose the fat! It’s
(when you power up the weight) and also rection, without purpose or a goal. been such a long road already...what was I
dramatically slow down the eccentric por- thinking? My boyfriend tells me I’m crazy for
tion (when you lower the weight). My intention, as I sipped my artificially thinking I can get up on any stage.”
sweetened iced coffee, was to discern this
Frequency It’s preferable to get 4-5 work sets under woman’s truth. What was her rationale? Ah, the first real look in the mirror – it
your belt using a “normal” tempo, which is Why was she enlisting my help? always hurts. We call it the brutal truth.
2 seconds for the concentric portion and That’s the beauty of this sport...and the
3-4 seconds on the eccentric or negative When she first came to me her goal ugly. No other sport in the world feeds
The arrangement of your workouts affects phase. Then you can move to an acceler- seemed simple. “I want to step on stage. I the ego like ours, and at the same time,
your lateral-delt development in relation ated concentric motion where you lessen want to compete.” attacks it...attacks it like a rabid pit bull,
to other body parts. If you are in the first the friction on the negative, and actually taking the ego in its lock-jaw clench, and
year of training or use a three-day-per- begin to “swing” the dumbbells from side As we sat sipping our coffees, I listened shaking it to pieces. The brutal truth of the
week, full-body weight-training schedule, to side. You can almost take this to the intently to her history. Prior to coming to proverbial mirror – when the man looking
be sure you to perform this movement point where you are “rocking” the weights me, this young woman of 37 years had un- back at you has the peace of acceptance,
first when you hit the weights. If you are from side to side, using a bit of momen- dergone a journey most of us could never there’s the victory you really search for.
more advanced, I suggest you train with tum. Don’t get too sloppy and let your dream of knowing...
the following split: hips do the work. Remember, speedier Truth is, for many of us, we’ll never be Mr.
concentric movements build more muscle, Her story, prior to coming to me, was al- Olympia, we’ll never be national champ,
and also actual muscle speed if you’re an ready inspiring. This woman had lost over and for most of us, we may never even win
DAY O N E athlete. To accentuate the negative phase, 90lbs in the past 3 years, through basic nu- a local level show. So why do we do it?
simply increase the friction on the eccen- trition, calorie control and sheer hard work. Why do we work and train and diet so long,
so hard, literally, often until we can’t see
straight from lack of sugar to the brain?
Why do we become social isolationists,
avoiding late night dance parties and bar-
hopping (most of the time), trading this
out for the Spartan lifestyle of the com-
petitive athlete? Even though few of us
ever really achieve true “athlete” status,
at least in the eyes of the masses?

My guess is this, and I shared it with my

disconcerted client on the other end of
the phone. As anyone of us who has gone
through the journey of contest prepara-
tion and seen the entire process to frui-
tion can tell you, this game is truly a spirit
mission. A personal journey to push the
limits of our own will, to see how much
control and discipline we can force on our
own lives, toward a very positive end. In
the end, only a single individual can be
called the winner, standing on stage col-
lecting the accolades due the victor. But,
every single athlete who has taken his or
her body through the physical trek, to find
him or herself standing on stage with the
feeling that they did everything in their
power, to the best of their ability and
knowledge, every detail accounted for,
every variable answered — each of these
athletes is a winner. visionary
Because this journey to the contest stage
— it is a personal expedition into unchart- collections:
ed waters, unexplored barriers to push showtime: the muscle stage
through. It is our own personal journey of muscle girl: davana
growth, a spirit mission within which leav- circa: freddy ortiz, 1969
ing no stone unturned becomes the real
judge of victory.

In the final analysis, what matters most is

that you look at every journey that pushes
your personal boundaries as a positive ex-
perience, no matter what the outcome. By
keeping it positive, you will mentally con-
nect any journey to exceed yourself with
pleasure and not pain. This will not only
allow competition to improve your skill to
improve your body, but also forge a win-
ning mindset that you can carry with you
in all aspects of life.

Bob Paris, “...the training was so exhila-

rating; it made the actual contest almost

Every day can be a peak
living day… don’t let even
one day escape!
unscripted show time:
the muscle stage

show time

T the muscle stage
audio & visual

movie music book dvd

““““““ m o v i e m u s i c b o o k d v d
movie music book dvd
The Body & 300 Mirage fulblown ll cool j’s PLATINUM no pain no gain:
(Warner Bros. Pictures) (MarleyNeck Prod./AM–FM Ent.) (Rodal e Books )
WORKOUT the movie (Zukor Films)
The Arts
”””””” Based on Frank Miller’s muscle-bound,
graphic novel, “300” recounts the ancient
IFBB pro Kevin Levrone is the holder of
a slew of international physique titles. In
In “LL Cool J’s Platinum Workout,” chis-
eled, Grammy-winning, rapper-actor LL
In “NPNG,” starring pro bodybuilders Gus
Malliarodakis and Dennis Newman, an in-
Battle of Thermopylae in which King Leoni- recent years, Levrone has added some Cool J shares the secrets of his trans- telligent, small-town bodybuilder journeys
“BUILT examines art you ought das’ 300 valorous Spartans battled King hyphens to his titles — bodybuilder-actor- formation and promises to help anyone to the sport’s Mecca, Los Angeles, on a
to check out and see if it fits your musician. Front man for Fulblown, Levrone build muscle, burn fat and sculpt six-pack quest for answers about science’s impact
body.” unleashes vocal TNT for an alt-rock band abs. Jazzed up with humor and the swag- on training. Determined to use his body as
with the explosive intensity of a full-body ger of LL’s style, the book offers creative, evidence of his mind’s theories, he trains
Compiled by Andrew Oyé, MA, CPT workout. Formed in 2000, the ethnically straightforward routines for various fit- to compete in the “Mr. West Coast.” He
diverse outfit extends the theme of the ness levels, from Bronze to Platinum, struggles to preserve integrity, battling
eclectic mix to the music on their debut including: an energy-boosting, waist- corrupt competitors and sports-nutrition
CD, “Mirage.” From heart-heavy ballads trimming beginner’s program; a strength- execs out to destroy him. Searching for
like “Sally” (reportedly about Sally Mc- building, endurance-maintaining inter- validity, he befriends a techie (hilariously
Neil, who was imprisoned for the alleged mediate program; a muscle-building and portrayed by Joe Hursley, the heir appar-
murder of her husband, IFBB pro Ray Mc- fat-burning advanced program; a ripped- ent to Jim Carrey) who helps him realize
Neil) to heavy-duty grinders like “Burn- to-the-bone hardcore program; and a spe- a balanced life, like a well-balanced phy-
ing Bridges,” Fulblown’s muscular music cial “Diamond” program for women. The sique, is the ultimate achievement. New-
Xerxes’ massive Persian army. Combining pumps with enough adrenaline to blow book also includes workout-fueling meal man’s convincing performance as the vil-
live action with virtual backgrounds, Di- your mind and your eardrums. It must be plans. Making hip-hop healthy and fitness lain is appreciated because he survived
rector Zack Snyder presents the historic cool to provide the soundtrack for your cool, LL is an ideal physique role model. a battle with leukemia in the mid-90s, a
tale as a thunderous swords-and-sandals own life, which Levrone does — punctu- Once you get past the presumptuous idea testament to the big man’s true strength.
saga with dazzling violence and sumptu- ating his workout DVDs with Fulblown’s of Hollywood flash glossing over critical Writer/director Samuel Turcotte (who also
ous cinematography. To help the film’s ac- fury. While Levrone seems to be able info, the book offers useful tips to make makes a wicked appearance) attempts to
tors develop Spartan Warrior physiques, to manhandle a mic like he manhandles anyone a fitness star. The latest buzz is do for fictional film what “Pumping Iron”
trainer and extreme alpinist Mark Twight dumbbells, it is yet to be seen if Levrone Cool might cut deal to rep vitamin sup- did for documentaries. The result is a
— IF — designed a workout that included kip- will make music a full-blown, full-time gig plements to capitalize on his foray into valiant effort, with a constructive anti-
you have a bodybuilding– or ping pull-ups, box-jumps, tire-flipping and or if he just flexed his muscles on a vanity the fitness world with this chart-topping drug message, that still leaves room for
fitness–related movie, book, kettlebell cleans for a total of 300 reps? project. www.kevinlevrone.net workout guide. www.rodale.com more textured cinematic reflections of the
CD or DVD, tell BUILT As a result, the flick has everything an physical arts. www.zukor.com
about your project at audience wants: Epic parable and impec-
[email protected] cable pecs. Godly heroes and ungodly abs.
The big-screen, pump-fest has motivated
many moviegoers to drop their popcorn
and drop to the floor to do 300 abdomi-
nal crunches. Not only has Gerard Butler
scored rave reviews for his performance
in the lead role, the granite-chiseled actor
and his buff cohorts have increased the
box-office at gyms nationwide. 300the-

unscripted girl:
— IF —
you are a manufacturer
of cool stuff that might
appeal to BUILT readers,

B U Z Z tell BUILT about

your products at
[email protected]


three-legged thrill rideó built like a world- for outdoor exercisers who want the in-
class physique. As for bold dynamics, its stant feedback indoor exercisers receive
steel frame is wrapped in funky-shaped from automated cardio machines. Over
fiberglass. The uniquely designed, two- your favorite song, your invisible trainer

seater expands driving possibilities. Com-
muting becomes a freedom ride, because tech spouts encouragement through what feels
like a two-person workout with intermit-

““““““ w h e e l s
the GX3 ìmotorcycleî lets you cruise in
carpool lanes even when driving solo! Per- t e c h tent verbal updates on distance, pace,
time of day, elevation and calories burned.

formance wise, the GX3 zips from 0-62.5
tech No calibration required, the ADEO is a

Hot Stuff & mph in 5.7 seconds and boasts a fuel con-
sumption of 46 mpg. Packing a 1.6-liter
personal fitness-training companion with
MotionTrak software that allows you to
volkswagen engine under the hood powered by a six- m otionlingo track and analyze workouts. Via a free
Cool Trends gx3
speed transmission, the four-cylinder de-
livers 92 kW /125 hp. Rolling in the light,
adeo fitness trainer MotionTrak online account, you upload
post-workout info, set target goals, plan
speedy and eco-friendly GX3, youíll get activities and receive email alerts. Priced
“BUILT examines cool stuff you ought
to check out and see if it’s hot enough Volkswagen introduces the GX3 ñ a ba-
thumbs-up from Greens and speed de-
mons alike. Tagged at under $17,000, this MotionLingo introduces the ADEO Fit-
at about $150, the ADEO is packaged
with a neoprene workout belt, audio cable,
for you.” dass bike thingy conceived by the Moon- sporty machine lets you rip the road and ness trainer— a GPS-enabled device that USB cable, instructions and setup CD. No
raker team and VWís Design Center in kick some asphalt with a price tag that connects to any mp3 player and provides more excuses— now your workout partner
Compiled by Andrew Oyé, MA, CPT California. A crazy cross between a mean wonít kick your ass. www.vwvortex. audible feedback during activity, as well lives in right your earphones. www.mo-
motorcycle and a sleek sports car, the com as computer-generated written reports. tionlingo.com
GX3 is a cool concept come to life as a The lightweight, portable gizmo is ideal

are ideal for serious athletes in the field,

gym or street. Available Sizes: S, M, L,
X-L, 2X-L, 3X-L. Available Colors: Black/
White, Green/White, Midnight/White,
Red/White. Retail: 35.

underar m our Gloves provide a “buffing” effect perfect

gear body
loose gear concise short for buff men (and women) who want a
womens deep cleansing after sweaty workouts

g e a r Ladies, cut to the point with these “con-

b o d y that leaves skin smooth, revitalized and
healthy looking. Add some cleanser to the
Buff Body Gloves and lather up. Using
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short built from power-stretch, microfiber tire body. The exfoliating action not only
underar m our fabric in a loose, vented cut for enhanced menscience removes impurities and organic debris, it
heat gear burn ii short comfort and mobility. Attractive but func- BUFF BODY GLOVES clears pores and follicles and prevents the
mens tional, these shorts feature microfiber clogging, blemishes and breakouts that
construction that provides moisture-wick- sometimes plague overactive skin. Rou-
ing performance to help keep you cool tine exfoliation controls pimples, including
Fellas, stay ice cool during hot workouts and dry during rigorous training sessions. MenScience Androceuticals introduces those on the back and neck referred to as
in these new-generation sport shorts that Available Sizes: X-S, S, M, L, X-L. Avail- Buff Body Gloves— micromesh, scrub- “bacne.” For a buffed, toned appearance,
combine moisture-wicking HeatGear fab- able Colors: Black, Navy, Vista, Everest, bing gloves that slough off dull buildup work your muscles with weights and work
ric with stretch woven poly side panel- Tile, Brick, Midnight. Mist. Retail $18-22. and dead skin cells, improving skin’s your skin with Buff Body Gloves. Retail:
ing. Durable and breathable, with large www.underarmour.com appearance. When used in combination $13.00. www.menscience.com
leg openings and a 9-inch inseam. they with shower gel or body wash, Buff Body
freddie ortiz
unscripted circa 1966

A Photo
of a
Tale of the Form & Muscle on The Forever a
Tape Form-Fitting Film Big Fish Superstar

Freddie Ortiz Freddie trained with These powerful Gene Mozee I recall Freddie Ortiz
came to California very strict form and photos were taken that one day was, and remains,
in 1966 to train great concentration. in the “off-season,” Freddie came over an amazing
at Vince’s Gym After a workout, but Freddie was to my place to swim in bodybuilding
for a month. Freddie and I always in tiptop the pool and superstar.
Standing 5 feet, would venture shape, even when he pose for a few He currently stays
5 inches tall and across the street was not training for a informal photos. in excellent shape
weighing a from the gym to the competition. He startled the and resides in
rock-solid Sizzler restaurant I was fortunate neighbors when he New York City.
194 pounds, and have a to photograph him dove off the
Freddie’s biceps ground-sirloin steak in the gym, second floor balcony
measured 19.5 and a salad with on Muscle Rock, at into the pool!
inches cold. cottage cheese. Muscle Beach, and He told me that
His wide, Though his a couple of other he once had dived
sweeping lats usual attire was a locations. off a 75-foot pier in
and 50-inch chest pair of slacks and a New York!
tapered down form-fitting T-shirt, That Freddie,
to a 28-inch waist. even clothed, Freddie’s he could swim
incredible physique like a fish.
caused a sensation
wherever he went.

freddy ortiz
circa 1966


Walt Disney

costs 5¢

Larry Scott
is crowned
Mr. Olympia

deployed to

A gallon of
regular gas
costs 60¢

Boyer Coe
is crowned Teen
Mr. America

First episode of
Star Trek,
“The Man Trap”

Ronald Regan
is elected
Governor of

David Jones
changes his
name to


are tested in
B I G Your name appears as an option
on a restaurant menu, and you

order the dish/beverage. What

T E N THE OYÉ BODY SURVEY food/drink does the waiter de-

liver to your table?
A healthy cut of salmon — light-
ly seared and raw in the middle
— and a side of broccoli with a
tall glass of unsweetened iced
tea and a wedge of lemon.

myles “big kui” kuikahi, 31 What would a talking mirror say

about your body if you stood na-
••• home base /// Modesto, California

9 10
ked in front of it?
••• day gig /// Bail Bondsman/Bounty Hunter “Wow — Keep up the good
••• body props /// Mr. Sacramento, Mr. Contra Costa, Mr. Teen Hawaii, work!”
Mr. California bodybuilding championship titles.
••• body battle cry /// “Nothing worth having comes easy!” If you received the ultimatum:
••• connect /// www.myspace.com/bigkui workout or die — but your other
favorite thing was simply too hard
to resist — what is that one other
thing you love (besides loved ones,
Inspired by “The Pivot Questionnaire,” What two words best describe your build/physique/figure? family, friends, etc.) so much that
Andrew Oyé designed a checklist of ten Strong and Boundless. Strong because the physique I’ve worked to create rep- you would actually choose it over

fun, thought-provoking questions called resents not only physical strength, but also mental strength. Boundless because your “final workout?”
“The Oyé Body Survey” to probe the the power to sculpt my body into something strong and healthy is limitless. After Not many people know this,
body-conscious people and reveal their 17 years of training, I’m still a work in progress. but I taught myself to play the
personalities and their perceptions about guitar well enough to play small
bodybuilding and body image. If there was a “Physique Hall of Fame,” what part of your body deserves to be gigs and weddings for 2 years.
honored in it? I’ve composed enough songs to
2 3

My abs. Genetically, I’m fortunate. When I feel like I can’t see my abs, I eat a record a few full-length albums,
little cleaner and step up the cardio and I can see the definition within a week. which I am working toward.
Both bodybuilding and music
When did you first realize your body was sexy, appealing or exemplary? fulfill my desire to learn new
When I was in the Air Force, I’d go to clubs on the weekends with friends. Girls skills and achieve new things.
always asked me if I was a Chippendale’s dancer. I knew the time devoted to
my workouts was paying off! The compliments never made me bigheaded; they
boosted my self-confidence and made me feel attractive and yes, sexy.

In the quiet moment before you begin a workout, what’s the first thing that goes
through your mind? And what is the last thing that goes through your mind as you

conclude a workout?
My quiet moment before a workout begins at home, when the mental workout
begins with visualization. I envision each exercise I’ll do— the movement, pur-
pose and intensity of each rep and how I want that muscle to look in the long
run. I live out those visions in the gym. At the conclusion of my workout, I feel
empowered and think about where I want to eat because of how hungry I am!

Do you have a physique/fitness idol or role model? If so, who, and what body part
would you steal from that person for a day?

Even though the odds were initially against him, Arnold Schwarzenegger is living
the American dream by continuing to be an achiever— a champion bodybuilder,
an amazing entrepreneur and now, the Governor of California. I’d definitely steal
Arnold’s massive arms. That’s definitely one of my physical weaknesses.

— IF — Who or what inspires you to accept the daily challenge of building your physique/
6 7

you are a fitness enthusiast,

bodybuilder, or just a My family is my biggest inspiration. I strive to be my best and do everything I can
BUILT man or woman to stay healthy and active for my wife, Rochelle, and my daughter, Selena.
with an inspirational physique
who would like to sit If someone wrote a book or song about your body, what would it be called?
on the hot seat and take I think my song has already been written. It’s “Sexy Back.” LOL.
“The Oyé Body Survey,”
send some info and body pix to
[email protected]

mona liza “mo” reyes, 30

••• home base /// San Jose, California

••• day gig /// Franchise Development (Blendz — www.blendz.com)
••• body props /// California State Title NPC – Figure Overall Cham-
pion ’06. Completed 4 marathons (Honolulu – twice, San Diego Rock ’n’
Roll, Walt Disney World)
••• body battle cry /// “Never underestimate the heart of a champion!”
••• connect /// www.myspace.com/monellereyes Your name appears as an option
on a restaurant menu, and you or-

der the dish/beverage. What food/
What two words best describe your build/physique/figure? drink does the waiter deliver to
Feminine and Athletic. Many figure competitors feel the “need” for your table?

implants. I don’t knock their choice, but breast size doesn’t deter- Easy! I’ve created my own
mine femininity. I’m also a ring card girl with more muscle than ‘typi- smoothie known to many as the
cal’ ring card girls; so, it’s great when women approach me at fights “Monalicious Mixxx”— soy milk,
to take pictures and say, “You have the physique I want!” blueberries, bananas, granola,
honey, power scoop of protein
If there was a “Physique Hall of Fame,” what part of your body and ice. The only thing is it turns
deserves to be honored in it? your teeth and tongue blue.

It’s a toss-up between my abs and calves. Ironically, I never train

my calves, a source of my insecurities growing up. (My nickname What would a talking mirror say
“Monelle” became “Manlegs.”) Now I’ve grown into my calves and about your body if you stood na-

they “pop” in those 5-inch Lucite competition heels. ked in front of it?
“DAMN! With a tan, you’d look
When did you first realize your body was sexy, appealing or exem- so much leaner!” Then I’d turn
plary? around and it would say, “Nev-

Early in my career, I felt awkward because I wasn’t as “well- er trust a big butt and a smile.”
endowed” as other fitness models. Photographer Terry Goodlad (BelBivDeVoe)
inquired about my bra with straps that kept showing through my
outfit. I admitted I used the padded bra “to make up for the titties Who or what inspires you to ac- If you received the ultimatum:

I don’t have!” He told me sexiness wasn’t about what I lacked, cept the daily challenge of build- workout or die — but your other

but what showed through my eyes. That moment made all differ- ing your physique/figure? favorite thing was simply too hard
ence in how I carry myself. The vision of my body looking to resist — what is that one other
better than before inspires me. thing you love (besides loved ones,
In the quiet moment before you begin a workout, what’s the first When I feel I may falter in my family, friends, etc.) so much that
thing that goes through your mind? And what is the last thing that diet or training, I imagine that you would actually choose it over

goes through your mind as you conclude a workout? my competition is doing what your “final workout?”
“Someone out there is training harder than you.” and “Finish needs to be done. I haven’t experienced this yet,
Strong!” are the first & last things I think of during my quiet mo- but I’d love to be a cover model
ments. I pray for the strength to not cheat myself on cardio – If someone wrote a book or song for a publication like Filipinas
which, as a clock-watcher, I dread. At the end, a huge sigh of about your body, what would it Magazine, because my true

relief is the absolute last thing. be called? desire is to be a proud repre-
“Chunky Monkey.” Former co- sentation of fitness for Filipino
Do you have a physique/fitness idol or role model? If so, who, and workers gave me that nickname people around the world.
what body part would you steal from that person for a day? as a term of endearment, since

In the 80’s, I admired Olympic track & field champion “Flo Jo” I love monkeys. But, despite my
(Florence Griffith Joyner) for her lean, athletic, yet feminine, physical transformation, I still
physique. In the 90’s, it was all about Janet Jackson. It was my have the mentality of the girl I
dream to have her 6-pack abs—which I finally got. was 7-10 years ago.

At BUILT, our philosophy is that by fol-

“ Building Dreams, lowing the underlying principles that drive
Building Bodies” “modern physical culture,” in spirit and in
action, you will evolve as a person and ex-
ceed yourself. This is the ultimate in suc-
cess — a peaceful place where you are not
what are we bound by simply dreaming of whatever you
really doing long to be, but rather living as the best you
here? can be. This is not to say there is no glory
If you’re reading this magazine, in the legends of “modern physical culture.”
chances are you have chosen to In fact, chasing that glorious dream may
share the way of life BUILT calls still be your main driving force. However,
“modern physical culture.” We de- there’s real satisfaction for even the un-
fine ourselves by the choices we sung heroes among us who toil daily at an
make — monitoring what goes into endeavor that challenges the body, tests
our bodies, the foods we eat, and the spirit and provokes the mind.
taking responsibility for our health-
maintenance habits. For us, the very I believe the door to your best body and
thought of living a mired, sedentary excellent health is wide-open to everyone,
life — which is the predominance of not only to those who’ve already made the
today’s society — makes us crave choice to embrace the lifestyle. We present
the rush of physical activity, the the contents of BUILT as an inspiration
endorphin “high” of a challenging and a resource. Translate our information
training session, and the “courage” into your imagination, and turn aspiration
to order that fresh vegetable salad into action in your own life.
and grilled salmon, while others ask:
“Why do you deprive yourself?” For When you have fears and doubts ­— face
us, this is the way of life that defines them and fight them! You can exceed
our very existence. yourself, because we all have that spirit...
to build upon the dream!

I believe following the life principles that Vince Andrich

define “modern physical culture” mirrors Editor - in - Chief
the original thesis behind the American
Dream. Years ago, America became known
as the “Land of Opportunity,” a moniker in-
spired by the belief that you could be any-
thing you want, if you have the right combi-
nation of determination, courage, and self-
sacrifice. In a perfect world, the qualities
stated above would grant you the life you
always dreamed of. But life isn’t perfect,
so, even if we try our best, we cannot all
be rich and famous or superstar athletes or
million-dollar movie stars. The beautiful iro-
ny is that the material things or fame that
many of us define as success are fleeting.
To quote the great coach Vince Lombardi,
“The spirit, the will to win, and the will to ex-
cel are the things that endure. These quali-
ties are so much more important than the
events that occur.”

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