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Adoption and Success in the Digital Transformation of E-Tax Services: An

Empirical Study

Chapter · October 2022


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2 authors:

İbrahim Çelik Fatih Gürses

Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi

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Current Studies in Digital Transformation and Productivity

M. Hanefi CALP

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Current Studies in Digital Transformation and Productivity

Published by ISRES Publishing, International Society for Research

in Education and Science (ISRES).

Includes bibliographical references and index.


Date of Issue
October, 2022

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Istanbul C. Cengaver S. No 2 Karatay/Konya/TÜRKİYE

83 Adoption And Success In The Digital Transformation Of E-Tax Services: An Empirical Study

Adoption and Success in the Digital Transformation

of E-Tax Services: An Empirical Study1

Ibrahim CELIK
Bursa Uludag University

Bursa Uludag University

Developments in information and communication technologies (ICTs) have transformed
citizens’ expectations in line with the information age. On the other hand, it has been
observed that public administrations have made changes in the methods they use while
performing public services. A large part of this change process consists of the electronic
transformation of public administrations. Naturally, this process creates high costs for
public administrations. However, considering the potential gains, it is observed that pub-
lic administrations are willing to complete their electronic transformation. Nevertheless,
the adoption and success of e-government investments, which create high costs for pub-
lic institutions, emerge as a natural expectation.
The issue of the adoption and success of e-government applications is an important phe-
nomenon in the literature. In this direction, the factors affecting the adoption and success
of both information technologies in general and e-government applications in particular,
have been frequently the subject of research in the relevant literature. In this context, the
study focuses on the adoption and success of information systems, in particular e-tax
services, which is a practice area of e-government. In the study, the Internet Tax Office
(ITO) which represents e-tax services was determined as the object of examination.
In this context, under the title of “Theoretical Background”, e-government, e-tax ap-
plications, and adoption theories and models are discussed, respectively. Again under
this title, the Information Systems Success Model (ISSM), which was determined as a
research model, was introduced. Under the title of “Literature Review”, adoption and
success studies focusing on e-tax services are included. In the section titled “Method”,
information about the research method is presented. Under the title of “Findings”, the
findings obtained as a result of the analysis were revealed, and under the title of “Dis-
cussion”, the findings were compared with the literature. Finally, under the title of “Con-
clusion and Suggestions”, it has been tried to reach generalizable results based on the
findings and to develop suggestions that can be evaluated especially in terms of admin-

1 This study was produced from the master's thesis titled "Adoption and Success of E-Tax Services in
Turkey: A Study on Interactive Tax Office Users in Bursa" of the first author.
Celik, I., Gurses,F. 84

Theoretical Background

E-Government, E-Tax, and Türkiye

It is not a new issue for governments to benefit from the opportunities provided by new
technologies in administrative terms. Governments have used new technologies shaped
according to the needs of the age and society for reasons such as the management sys-
tem to improve, develop, and make it working and efficient. It is especially important
for governments that want to compete with other governments in military, political and
economic fields to develop or transfer new Technologies (Yildiz et al., 2012).
Today, the developments in ICTs and especially the widespread use of the internet have
brought the relationship between public administration and technology to another di-
mension. On the other hand, the problems experienced by public administrations at the
point of service delivery contributed to the strengthening of this relationship. In this
context, with the use of ICTs in public administrations, there has been a transition to
the e-government model, where public services are more effective and accessible, the
governments can communicate more easily with all stakeholders, and administrative
processes are improved (Sobaci, 2012).
Governments’ policy-making on e-transformation coincides with the 1990s. In those
years, the transformation efforts, which first started in the USA, were followed carefully
by European countries towards the 2000s. Then, the eEurope Project, the first institution-
al initiative of the European Union for e-government, emerged. After 2000, the World
Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) was organized by the United Nations and
the International Telecommunication Union. At this summit, e-government was seen as
an important stage in the transition to an information society (Demirel, 2004; Demirhan,
2011). Türkiye has also taken an important step towards the transition to e-government
by participating in the “eEurope +” initiative, which includes candidate countries for
the European Union (Ozlu, 2002; Sahin & Orselli, 2003). In the last twenty years in
Türkiye, e-government has been tried to be disseminated throughout the country with
many projects and applications. At this point, there are many e-government projects and
applications that have been successfully implemented at the local and national level, es-
pecially the e-government gateway. In this context, e-tax services are also an important
application area of e-government. E-Tax services provide convenience to administra-
tions in many aspects, such as increasing taxpayer satisfaction, auditing and authorizing
tax administration employees, optimizing transactions, and modernizing services. Due
to these advantages, many projects and applications related to e-taxation have been de-
veloped in Türkiye. The most important of these projects and applications is the Tax Of-
fice Automation Project (TOAP), which is the first project realized in the field of e-tax in
Türkiye. This project is also an important step in the development of other applications.
TOAP is a three-stage project and at the end of the project, all tax offices are included
in the automation system (Revenue Administration [GIB], 2021). With the completion
of TOAP projects, many e-tax applications have been tried to be implemented rapidly
in stages.One of the most important of these applications is the ITO application, which
was determined as the object of examination in this study. Through ITO, which started
to be used in 2018, all citizens can complete transactions such as accessing information
about their tax records, paying taxes, verifying documents, making an application, and
filing a petition online.
85 Adoption And Success In The Digital Transformation Of E-Tax Services: An Empirical Study

Adoption and Success Theories and Models

The development of a new technology may sometimes require bearing high costs and
taking some risks to the future. The increase in the usage time of the developed tech-
nologies is one of the important elements that reduce the costs and risks. Therefore, the
acceptance of technology by users and its long-term use may allow the development of
new technologies, while not accepting it as the opposite may cause this technology to
not be used again (Sharma & Mishra, 2014). In this sense, discovering the underlying
causes of individuals’ decision-making behavior is one of the subjects of interest for
management information systems researchers (Compeau & Higgins, 1995; Hu et al.,
1999; Mathieson, 1991).
In parallel, various adoption and success theories and models have been developed in
order to investigate the factors that affect people’s adoption behavior of a technology
or technological product. In this direction, many theories and models have been devel-
oped that are referred to as general adoption theories and are included in the behavioral
science literature. Prominent among these theories and models are the Diffusion of In-
novation Theory, Theory of Reasoned Action, Social Cognitive Theory, and Theory of
Planned Behavior (Cinar et al., 2018). These theories and models have also been used in
the field of information technology, including e-government.
In the following periods, some theories and models have been developed in the relevant
literature, focusing only on the adoption and success of information technologies. Some
of these theories and models, such as the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), Model
of PC Utilization, Motivation Model, Technology Acceptance Model and Planned Be-
havior Theory Unified Model, Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology
(UTAUT) and Information Systems Success Model (ISSM), are frequently used in the
relevant literature (Cinar et al., 2018). Among these, ISSM differs from other theories
and models in terms of being both a model of adoption and success. This model was de-
veloped by DeLone and McLean (1992) and updated in 2003. ISSM allows to measure
the adoption of information systems with the use variable, and to measure the success of
information systems with variables such as user satisfaction and net benefit. This model
is the first and most widely used success model in the literature (Dorr et al., 2013; Nguy-
en et al., 2015; Urbach & Muller, 2012). In addition, the fact that the variables in ISSM
consist of many sub-dimensions and that these sub-dimensions can vary according to the
object of study makes this model a frame model (Gurses, 2021). ISSM consists of in-
dependent variables of system quality and information quality, and dependent variables
of use, user satisfaction, individual impact and organizational impact. System quality in
the model is a measure of the extent to which users can meet their needs by using the
system’s functionalities (convenience, system response time, flexibility, usability, etc.).
Information quality is a measure of the extent to which the information provided by the
system can meet the needs of users in terms of accuracy, completeness, relevance, etc
(Chang et al., 2005; J. V. Chen et al., 2015; DeLone & McLean, 2003). Use, which is
one of the dependent variables, is the degree and form of using the capabilities of the
information system. User satisfaction is the level of satisfaction obtained by using the
information system (Petter et al., 2013). Individual impact is the impact that using the
information system has on individual performance (such as increase in job performance
and in productivity, improvement in task effectiveness). Finally, organizational impact
can be defined as the impact of using the information system on organizational perfor-
mance (such as improvement in organizational effectiveness, efficiency, and profitabili-
ty) (DeLone & McLean, 1992).
Celik, I., Gurses,F. 86

Accordingly, the technical success of the information system is measured by the system
quality, the semantic success of the information system is measured by the information
quality, and the success of being effective of the information system is measured by the
use, user satisfaction, individual impact, and organizational impact.
After the first model, DeLone and McLean reconsidered the empirical studies made
up to that time, made some changes to the model in 2003 (ISSM2), and added service
quality to the model. On the other hand, individual impact and organizational impact
variables in ISSM are expressed as net benefit variable in the new model (DeLone &
McLean, 2003).

Literature Review: Adoption and Success Studies Focusing on E-Tax Services

In this part of the study, an extensive literature review on studies focusing on the adop-
tion and success of e-tax services is included. As a result of the literature review, a total
of 71 empirical studies focusing on the adoption or success of an e-tax service have been
reached. When all these studies are evaluated together, it has been seen that the frequent-
ly used theory or models are UTAUT, TAM and ISSM. The first study to focus on the
adoption or success of an e-tax service was done by Wang in 2002. In this study, the fac-
tors affecting the adoption of the e-filling system were tried to be explained with TAM.
At this point, it can be said that the e-filling system is mostly determined as the object of
examination in the studies. In this area, the users of the system are generally taxpayers
and naturally, the sample in these studies mostly consists of this group.
Only 13 of these studies focus on the effect of an independent variable in ISSM and
ISSM2 on a dependent variable in these models (see Table 1). In these studies, it is seen
that the updated version of ISSM by DeLone and McLean in 2003 (ISSM2) is mostly
used (Ali & Khan, 2010; C. W. Chen, 2010; J. V. Chen et al., 2015; Chumsombat, 2014;
Floropoulos et al., 2010; Khayun & Ractham, 2011; Tjen et al., 2019; Zaidi, 2017).
On the other hand, in some studies, it is observed that ISSM is integrated with models
such as UTAUT (Andriani et al., 2017; Lu & Nguyen, 2016), TAM (Masunga et al.,
2021), American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI) (Tran et al., 2020), and Expecta-
tion-Confirmation Model (ECM) (Veeramootoo et al., 2018). Again, in the mentioned
studies, it is seen that variables such as trust (J. V. Chen et al., 2015; Khayun & Ractham,
2011; Tjen et al., 2019; Zaidi, 2017), reliability (Tran et al., 2020), previous experiences
(J. V. Chen et al., 2015; Tjen et al., 2019; Zaidi, 2017) and risk perception (Veeramootoo
et al., 2018) are included in the models as additional variables.

Table 1. E-Tax Adoption and Success Studies in the Axis of ISSM or ISSM2
Additional Object of
Year Model Country Sample
Variable(s) Examination
(A →Z)
Ali & Khan E-Tax
ISSM2 - Switzerland 165 taxpayers
(2010) Services
Napitupulu, UTAUT, 394 e-filling
- E-Filling Indonesia
Haryaningsih ISSM2 users
Chen (2010) ISSM2 - E-Filling Taiwan 278 taxpayers
87 Adoption And Success In The Digital Transformation Of E-Tax Services: An Empirical Study

experiences, trust
Chen, Jubilado, in government,
234 e-filling
Capistrano, ISSM2 trust in E-Filling Philippines
Yen (2015) technology, trust
in e-government

ISSM2 - E-Filling Thailand 415 taxpayers
Spathis, Taxation
Halvatzis, ISSM2 - Information Greece 340 tax officers
Tsipouridou System

Trust in
Khayun &
e-Government E-Excise Tax 77 company
Ractham ISSM2 Thailand
websites, System employees
individual features

Lu & Nguyen UTAUT, 137

- E-Filling Vietnam
(2016) ISSM2 professionals

Mwakibete, ISSM2, TAM - E-Tax Services Tanzania 313 taxpayers
Derefa, Myava,
Kiria (2021)
Perception of
Tjen, Indriani, experience, trust
Wicaksono ISSM2 in government, E-Filling Indonesia 1095 taxpayers
(2019) trust in
technology, trust
in e-government

organization 230
Tran, Nguyen,
satisfaction, professionals
Nguyen, Do ISSM2, ACSI E-Tax Services Vietnam
organization and company
expectation, managers

Nunkoo, Perception of risk,
ISSM2, ECM E-Filling Mauritius 645 taxpayers
Dwivedi habit

Zaidi (2017) ISSM2 E-Tax Services India 515 taxpayers
service quality
Celik, I., Gurses,F. 88


Data Collection and Scale

The survey technique was used as a data collection tool in the research. The scale used
in the study is based on the ISSM scale of DeLone and McLean (1992). The ISSM scale
is a draft scale without questions/items. The questions in the scale are taken from Iivari’s
(2005) study focusing on the adoption and success of an information technology for mu-
nicipalities. The questions were adapted to the ITO in a 7-point likert type. Accordingly,
there are 38 questions in total, 8 questions regarding the demographic information of the
participants and 30 questions under the system quality (SQ), information quality (IQ),
use (U), user satisfaction (US) and individual impact (IM) factors.

Population and Sample

ITO is a system where taxpayers in Türkiye can get online services. With this, account-
ing professionals use this system more regularly and continuously than taxpayers. There-
fore, it was thought that it would be more appropriate to apply this study on the adoption
and success of the system to members of the accounting profession. However, it is very
difficult to reach professional accountants working all over Türkiye. For this reason, the
study is limited to accounting professionals operating in Bursa and using ITO. The num-
ber of accounting professionals determined as the population of the study can be found
based on the data published on the website of the professional chamber. However, the
number of accounting office personnel included in the population and who are system
users cannot be determined in this way. For this reason, the sample size in the study
was calculated with the n= t².p.q/α² formula of Saruhan and Ozdemirci (Saruhan & Oz-
demirci, 2018, p. 198), which is valid when the number of individuals in the population
cannot be determined exactly. The survey form was prepared online and delivered to the
participants according to the snowball sampling method. As a result, 294 survey forms
suitable for analysis were obtained from the participants.

Research Model and Hypotheses

Iivari’s (2005) model adapted from ISSM was used as a research model in the study
(Figure 1).

Figure 1. Research Model

Accordingly, the hypotheses to be tested within the scope of the research are as follows:
H1: There is a positive and significant relationship between system quality and user
89 Adoption And Success In The Digital Transformation Of E-Tax Services: An Empirical Study

H2: There is a positive and significant relationship between information quality and
user satisfaction.
H3: There is a positive and significant relationship between system quality and use.
H4: There is a positive and significant relationship between information quality and
H5: There is a positive and significant relationship between user satisfaction and use.
H6: There is a positive and significant relationship between user satisfaction and in-
dividual impact.
H7: There is a positive and significant relationship between use and individual impact.

Data Analysis Method

The data obtained within the scope of the research were analyzed using SPSS 23 and
AMOS 23 programs. At this point, first of all, descriptive statistics were applied to the
relevant data. Afterwards, the validity of the measurement model was tested with con-
firmatory factor analysis, and the reliability of the model was tested with the cronbach
alpha test. Before testing the hypothesis, it was checked whether the data were normally
distributed, and finally, the relevant hypotheses were analyzed using the structural equa-
tion modeling method.


Description of the Sample

In this section, descriptive statistics of demographic variables such as gender, age, ed-
ucation level, income level, profession and experience of the participants are included.
Demographic information of the participants can be seen in Table 2 below.
Table 2. Demographic Information on Participants
Percent Percent
Frequency Frequency
(%) (%)
Female 138 46,9 32 10,9
Accountant (PA)
Certified Public
Male 156 53,1 Profession 161 54,8
Accountant (CPA)
Accounting Office
18-24 30 10,2 101 34,4
Personnel (AOP)

Age 25-34 88 29,9 0-5 years 80 27,2

35-44 104 35,4 6-10 years 45 15,3
45-54 54 18,4 Experience 11-15 years 53 18,0
55 + 18 6,1 16-20 years 47 16,0
High School 18 6,1 20 years + 69 23,5

Associate Degree 15 5,1 Minimum Wage 46 15,6

Graduate 225 76,5 Income Min. Wage-5.000 ₺ 106 36,1

34 11,6 5.001 ₺ + 142 48,3

PhD 2 ,7 Total 294 100

Celik, I., Gurses,F. 90

When the table is examined, it is seen that the ratios of men (53%) and women (46.9%)
participating in the research are close. In terms of age groups, it is understood that about
two-thirds of them are in the age range of 25-44, and in terms of education level, about
90% of them have graduate and above education. On the other hand, more than half of
the subjects (54.8%) work as CPA, 34% as AOP, and 10.9% as PA. When the profession-
al experiences of the subjects are examined, it is seen that the subjects with professional
experience of up to 5 years constitute the most crowded group with a rate of 27%. On
the other hand, the rate of subjects with more than 10 years of professional experience
is 57.5%. When the income levels of the participants are evaluated, it is understood that
about half of the subjects (48.3%) have a monthly income of more than 5,000 ₺ and the
rest of them have a monthly income below this amount.

Validity in the study was carried out by confirmatory factor analysis. Accordingly, a
measurement model in accordance with the theory was created by using the AMOS pro-
gram. Then, the goodness of fit values of the first model were examined. At this stage,
it was seen that only the SRMR criterion was within the acceptable value range, and the
other criteria were below the expected values. For this reason, modification indices were
used to bring the current goodness-of-fit values to acceptable limits. Among the suggest-
ed items, covariance was defined by considering their theoretical relationships. Finally,
it was seen that the goodness of fit values reached an acceptable level (see Table 3).
Table 3. Goodness of Fit Values


Acceptance Values ≤3 ≥ .90 ≥ .90 ≥ .90 ≤ .10 ≤ .08

First Model 3,336 ,892 ,881 ,893 ,0506 ,089

Corrected Model 2,889 ,914 ,904 ,914 ,0532 ,08
*CMIN/DF: Chi-square/Degree of Freedom, CFI: Comparative Fit Index, TLI: Turker-Lewis Index, IFI:
Incremental Fit Index, SRMR: Standardized Root Mean Square Residual, RMSEA: Root Mean Square
Error of Approximation

After the goodness of fit values of the measurement model reached the expected level,
the factor loadings of the items were controlled. Table 4 shows the standardized re-
gression coefficients. In CFA, these values represent factor loads. According to this, it
is understood that all factor loads are above the acceptance limit of, 5 (Comrey & Lee,
2013, p. 243).
Table 4. Standardized Regression Coefficients

Item Coefficient Item Coefficient

SQ1 ,658 U2 ,941
SQ2 ,716 U3 ,792
SQ3 ,729 U4 ,806
SQ4 ,755 US1 ,795
SQ5 ,819 US2 ,796
SQ6 ,775 US3 ,824
SQ7 ,804 US4 ,843
IQ1 ,767 US5 ,856
91 Adoption And Success In The Digital Transformation Of E-Tax Services: An Empirical Study

IQ2 ,77 US6 ,825

IQ3 ,821 IM1 ,858
IQ4 ,886 IM2 ,864
IQ5 ,904 IM3 ,927
IQ6 ,864 IM4 ,923
IQ7 ,757 IM5 ,874
U1 ,966 IM6 ,866

After the validity analysis, Cronbach’s Alpha test was applied to the items under the fac-
tors. The fact that the value reached as a result of the Cronbach’s Alpha test is close to 1
indicates that the internal consistency of the items in the scale is high (George & Mallery,
2020, p. 236). In addition, Cronbach’s Alpha test result greater than 0.7 indicates that the
reliability of the relevant factor is at an acceptable level (Saruhan & Ozdemirci, 2018, p.
233). Table 5 shows the Cronbach’s Alpha values of the factors in the scale. When the
values are examined, it is seen that the Cronbach’s Alpha values of all factors in the scale
are above the expected level.
Table 5. Cronbach’s Alpha Test Results

Factor Name Number of Items Cronbach’s Alpha Value

System Quality 7 ,899
Information Quality 7 ,936
Use 4 ,936
User Satisfaction 6 ,929

Individual Impact 6 ,956

Total 30 ,964

The hypotheses within the scope of the study were tested with the structural equation
modeling method. One of the assumptions of structural equation modeling is that the
data show a normal distribution. Therefore, at this stage, it was checked whether the data
were normally distributed. For this purpose, skewness and kurtosis values were checked.
For a normal distribution, it is sufficient for the skewness and kurtosis values of the
questions to be in the range of ± 2 (Garson, 2012, pp. 18–20; George & Mallery, 2016,
p. 114). In this direction, the skewness and kurtosis values of the data in the study were
examined. As a result of the analysis, it was seen that all values were within the range of
± 2. Therefore, it can be said that the data are normally distributed.

Testing the Structural Model

Under this heading, the structural model will be tested. Goodness-of-fit values of the
structural model are given in Table 6. When the values of goodness of fit are examined,
it is seen that all values are between acceptable values. Therefore, it can be said that the
structural model is compatible with the data.
Celik, I., Gurses,F. 92

Table 6. Goodness of Fit Values of the Structural Model

Acceptable Goodness of Fit Values ≤3 ≥.90 ≥.90 ≥.90 ≤ .10 ≤ .08
Goodness of Fit Values of the Structural
2,890 ,913 ,904 ,913 ,0558 ,080

After determining the compatibility of the structural model with the data, hypothesis
tests were performed. While performing the hypothesis tests, the relationship between
the factors (positivity and negativity) was checked and C.R. (Critical Ratio) values and
p values were examined. In this context, hypotheses with a “p value” less than 0.05 and
a “C.R. value” greater than 1.96 (if the relationship direction was also compatible) were
supported. Accordingly, the results of hypothesis testing are given in Table 7.
Table 7. Hypothesis Test Results

Structural Relationships Estimate S.E. C.R. P Result

H1: SQ → US ,669 ,092 7,235 <0,001 Supported

H2: IQ → US ,194 ,92 2,100 0,036 Supported

H3: SQ → U -,418 ,164 -2,556 0,011 Not Supported

H4: IQ → U ,368 ,139 2,650 0,008 Supported

H5: US → U ,579 ,129 4,502 <0,001 Supported
H6: US → IM ,506 ,048 10,631 <0,001 Supported
H7: U → IM ,267 ,037 7,191 <0,001 Supported

When Table 7 is examined, it is seen that system quality and information quality are in
a positive and significant relationship with user satisfaction. Accordingly, H1 and H2
hypotheses were supported. From this table, it is seen that the most influential variable
on user satisfaction is system quality with a CR value of 7,235. Although there is a sig-
nificant relationship between system quality and use, it has been found that the direction
of the relationship is negative. For this reason, H3 hypothesis was not supported. The
relationship between information quality and user satisfaction with use is positive and
significant. Therefore, H4 and H5 hypotheses were supported. In the context of these
hypotheses, it is seen that the most influential factor on use is user satisfaction with a
CR value of 4,502. Finally, it is seen that user satisfaction and use have a positive and
significant effect on the individual impact. Accordingly, hypotheses H6 and H7 were
supported. It was concluded that the factor affecting the individual impact factor the
most was user satisfaction with a CR value of 10,631.

In this section, a comparison of the findings obtained within the scope of the research
with the literature is given. In this direction, the findings in the literature will be analyzed
separately for each dependent variable in the model. As a result of the analysis, it was
found that system quality (H1) and information quality (H2) had a positive and signif-
icant effect on user satisfaction. In most of the studies examining the effect of system
quality and information quality on user satisfaction, similar results were obtained with
this study (see for H1: Ali & Khan, 2010; Andriani et al., 2017; C. W. Chen, 2010; Chum-
sombat, 2014; Tjen et al., 2019; Veeramootoo et al., 2018; Zaidi, 2017 and for H2: Ali &
Khan, 2010; Andriani et al., 2017; C. W. Chen, 2010; J. V. Chen et al., 2015; Chumsom-
93 Adoption And Success In The Digital Transformation Of E-Tax Services: An Empirical Study

bat, 2014; Floropoulos et al., 2010; Khayun & Ractham, 2011; Tran et al., 2020; Zaidi,
2017). A small number of other studies (see for H1: J. V. Chen et al., 2015; Floropoulos
et al., 2010; Khayun & Ractham, 2011, and for H2: Tjen et al., 2019; Veeramootoo et al.,
2018) did not find a significant relationship. As a result of the hypothesis tests, the H3
hypothesis, which deals with the relationship between system quality and use, was not
supported; H4 and H5 hypotheses, which deal with the relationship between information
quality, user satisfaction and, use, respectively, were supported. When evaluated for the
H3 hypothesis, it is understood that these findings do not agree with the findings of other
studies in the literature (Ali & Khan, 2010; Khayun & Ractham, 2011; Lu & Nguyen,
2016; Zaidi, 2017). For the H4 hypothesis, in the studies of Lu and Nguyen (2016) and
Zaidi (2017), a significant relationship was found between information quality and use,
in line with the findings obtained from this study; in the studies of Ali and Khan (2010)
and Khayun and Ractham (2011), no significant results were obtained in the relationship
between these factors. In the context of the H5 hypothesis, the only study that can be
identified on e-tax services in which the relationship between user satisfaction and use
is examined in the relevant literature is the studies of Khayun and Ractham (2011). The
findings of the study are consistent with our study. According to the findings of the study,
it is understood that user satisfaction (H6) and use (H7) have a positive and significant
effect on the individual impact. When the studies in the literature are examined, it has
been found that user satisfaction (H6) has a significant effect on the individual impact
factor (see Ali & Khan, 2010; J. V. Chen et al., 2015; Khayun & Ractham, 2011). How-
ever, only in the study of Tjen et al. (2019) no significant results could be reached. In the
study of Ali and Khan (2010), the effect of use (H7) on the individual impact was found
to be significant, but in the study of Khayun and Ractham (2011) no significant results
were obtained in this relationship.

Conclusion and Recommendations

All of the economic units in the society are in some way related to taxational procedures.
It is expected from different taxpayer groups (in terms of criteria such as sociocultural
structure, education level, income level, age) to perform similar tax procedures. E-tax
applications, which will be developed by using today’s technologies, can make complex
tax legislation simple and understandable, and also eliminate implementation differenc-
es between units. Tax revenues are the most important revenue item in the budget. In
this direction, e-tax applications will facilitate the collection of taxes and will make
significant contributions to the country’s economy. In order to obtain these contributions
and benefits, e-tax services must be successfully implemented. Especially the success
of optional systems such as ITO depends on the extent to which taxpayers adopt this
system. Ultimately, systems that are not accepted and used sufficiently by taxpayers
will waste resources, even if they have a strong infrastructure. Therefore, in the study,
the answer to the question “What are the factors affecting the adoption and success of
ITO by taxpayers?” has been sought. Findings show that there is a positive and signifi-
cant relationship between system quality and information quality with user satisfaction,
information quality and user satisfaction with use, and finally use and user satisfaction
with individual impact at the point of adoption and success of the ITO. At this point, it
has been observed that the most influential factor on user satisfaction is system quality,
and the most influential factor on use and individual impact is user satisfaction. In that
case, the improvements to be made in the system quality and information quality of the
ITO will increase the satisfaction of the taxpayers, and the taxpayers will use the system
more. In addition, the increase in satisfaction and use levels will increase the benefit of
Celik, I., Gurses,F. 94

taxpayers from the ITO system. The tax administration has brought a large number of
e-tax services internally (G2E), externally (G2B, G2C), and inter-corporate (G2G) into
use. In this respect, these initiatives of the administration also make important contri-
butions to the development of e-government in our country. It is important to regular-
ly follow the factors affecting the adoption and success of these applications from the
perspective of users. At this point, the tax administration makes determinations about
problems and solutions through satisfaction surveys and professional service procure-
ment. However, it is thought that it would be more accurate to conduct these analyzes
through personnel specialized in this field and with academic support when necessary.
In this sense, it can be ensured that analysis units for e-tax services receive education on
models focusing on the adoption and success of e-government. Thus, the failing aspects
of the existing systems or the issues that negatively affect the use of taxpayers can be
determined by scientific methods adoption and success of the system can be increased by
making necessary improvements and it can be ensured that decision-makers can develop
strategies for new applications.

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About the Authors

Ibrahim CELIK graduated from Bursa Uludag University Management Information

Systems master's program. He works as a Revenue Specialist at the Revenue Admi-
nistration in Türkiye. He has studies in the fields of e-government and social media.
E-mail: [email protected] , ORCID: 0000-0003-4293-1519

Fatih GURSES is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Management Informati-

on Systems at Bursa Uludag University, Türkiye. He has many academic studies publis-
hed in the fields of e-government adoption and social media.
E-mail: [email protected], ORCID: 0000-0001-9922-8571

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To Cite This Chapter

Celik, I. & Gurses, F. (2022). Adoption and Success in the Digital Transformation of
E-Tax Services: An Empirical Study, M.H. Calp. & R. Butuner (Eds.), Current Studies
in Digital Transformation and Productivity (pp. 82–97). ISRES Publishing.

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