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hank you for purchasing a Toyota For more information about our vehicles,
vehicle. We know you have many our company or the products and services
options when considering which available for your vehicle, please visit Toyota’s
vehicle to buy, and we appreciate your official Web site, www.toyota.com.
decision to select Toyota.
We wish you many miles of safe and
We want you to enjoy owning your pleasurable driving, and we look forward
Toyota as much as you enjoy driving to serving you in the years ahead.
it. This booklet is designed to help. Welcome to the Toyota family!
Here you’ll find information on Toyota’s
warranty coverage and maintenance
recommendations for your vehicle. There
are two easy-to-follow sections: one for
warranty and one for maintenance. The
tab on the side of each page identifies
the section you are in.



Satisfaction Down the Road 4

If You Need Assistance 5

The Immobilizer Key 7

Transportation Assistance 9


General Warranty Provisions 10

New Vehicle Limited Warranty 13

Federal Emission Control Warranty 17

California Emission Control Warranty 23

Tire Limited Warranty 29

Operation and Maintenance 30

Obtaining Warranty Service 32



The Importance of Scheduled Maintenance 34

Maintaining Your Warranty 35

Using the Maintenance Log Charts 36

Maintenance Log 38

Explanation of Maintenance Items 54

Vehicle Identification 58

To update your contact information and vehicle ownership status, please visit
www.toyota.com/ownerupdate. Your vehicle’s VIN will be required to start
the update process.
You may also enroll to receive the following useful information and benefits at
• Access to Owner’s Manuals and
Maintenance Guides
• View Your Vehicle’s Service History

• Explore How-to videos and more


t Toyota, our top priority is always Our goal is for every Toyota customer to

our customers. We know your Toyota enjoy outstanding quality, dependability

is an important part of your life and and peace of mind throughout their
something you depend on every day. That’s ownership experience. We want you to be
why we’re dedicated to building products of a satisfied member of the Toyota family
the highest quality and reliability. for many miles to come.
Our excellent warranty coverage is
evidence that we stand behind the quality This booklet describes the terms of
of our vehicles. We’re confident — as you Toyota warranty coverage as well as
should be — that your Toyota will provide general owner responsibilities. The
you with many years of enjoyable driving. scheduled maintenance section
To further demonstrate our commitment to describes your vehicle’s maintenance
our customers’ satisfaction, occasionally requirements. Be sure to review this
we may establish a special policy information carefully, since proper
adjustment to pay for specific repairs that maintenance is required to ensure that
are no longer covered by warranty. When warranty coverage remains intact.
we establish such a policy adjustment, we
mail details to all applicable owners we
have on record. That’s why it’s important All information in this booklet is the latest
to send in the card at the back of this available at the time of publication and is
booklet if you change your address or if subject to change without notice.
you’ve purchased this vehicle from a
previous owner.
To provide you with added protection
against unexpected service costs, we offer
Toyota Financial Services vehicle service
agreements and Toyota Auto Care and
Toyota Care Plus pre-paid maintenance
programs. Each offers plans to meet a
wide variety of needs. Your dealership can
help you select the plan that’s best for you.

4 Introduction

oth Toyota and your Toyota dealer Step 3

are dedicated to serving your
If your concern has still not been resolved
automotive needs. Your complete
to your satisfaction, Toyota offers
satisfaction is our first priority. Should
additional assistance through the Dispute
you have a problem or concern — either
during or after the warranty period —
Settlement Program, a dispute resolution
please take the following steps to ensure program administered by the National
the quickest possible response: Center for Dispute Settlement. The
purpose of the Dispute Settlement
Step 1 Program is to resolve disputes through
Discuss the situation with a dealership arbitration — a process by which two
manager, such as the service manager parties authorize an independent third
or customer relations manager. In most party to hear and resolve a dispute. The
cases, a satisfactory solution can be program is informal and free of charge.
reached at this step. To request that your case be reviewed
through the program, complete the
Step 2 customer claim form in the Owner’s
If the dealership does not address your Warranty Rights Notification booklet
concern to your satisfaction, call the (found in your glove box) and mail it to:
Toyota Customer Experience Center
at (800) 331-4331. National Center for Dispute Settlement
P.O. Box 688
Please have the following information
Mt. Clemens, MI 48046
ready when you call:
To initiate arbitration, you must complete
• Y our Toyota’s vehicle identification number an NCDS customer claim form and mail it
(located on the driver’s side corner of the to NCDS. To request a form, call NCDS
dashboard, under the windshield) at (800) 777-8119 or obtain a copy at
www.ncdsusa.org. When you call,
• Current mileage on your vehicle
please have your vehicle identification
• Name of your Toyota dealership number, the current mileage on your
Toyota and the names of your selling and
A Toyota customer relations representative
servicing dealerships.
will assist you in working with the dealership
to find a satisfactory solution.

Introduction 5

California residents: Toyota offers your


assistance through an informal dispute

settlement program called the California
Dispute Settlement Program (CDSP). A
brochure about the program is found in
your glove box. For additional information,
call the Toyota Customer Experience
Center at (800) 331-4331. You may also
contact the CDSP directly at (888) 300-6237.
Failure to use the CDSP may affect your
rights and remedies under California’s
“Lemon Laws.”
This information about the Dispute
Settlement Programs is correct as of the
date of printing. However, the programs
may be changed without notice. For the
most current information about the
programs, call the Toyota Customer
Experience Center at (800) 331-4331.

6 Introduction


This Toyota vehicle may be equipped For security purposes, access to key

with an electronic “immobilizer” anti-theft codes and service procedures for
system. When the key is inserted into the electronically registering replacement
ignition switch it transmits an electronic keys is restricted. Only a Toyota dealer
code to an immobilizer computer. The or certain bonded/registered independent
engine will only start if the code in the locksmiths can generate replacement keys.
key matches the code in the immobilizer.
If the code does not match, the immobilizer
disables the ignition and fuel systems.
While an exact physical copy of the key
will open the door and allow retrieval of
items locked in the vehicle, it won’t start
the vehicle unless the key has the same
code as the immobilizer.

Introduction 7


Upon purchase, each vehicle should have Replacing an immobilizer key may be

two master keys and an aluminum tag costly. It is advisable to keep a spare
with a key-code imprinted on it. master key and the aluminum key-code
tag in a safe place. If you record the
To generate a fully functional replacement
key-code in more than one place, do not
key (one that will both open the doors and
record it in a way that can be easily
start the engine), one of the master keys
identified and associated with the vehicle.
is required. To make a key that will open
It is wise to keep a copy of the key-code
the door for retrieval of items locked
outside of the vehicle.
inside the vehicle, the aluminum key-code
tag can be used. If a master key or the If the vehicle was delivered with less than
aluminum key-code tag is not available, two keys and the aluminum key-code tag,
a Toyota dealer or certain registered consider having the Toyota dealer or a
locksmiths can obtain the key code from qualified independent automotive locksmith
a restricted-access database. These make a duplicate key before you need it.
businesses can also access a service
utility to reprogram the immobilizer if
all registered master keys have been
lost. If a Toyota dealer is not available,
please refer to www.aloa.org to find
a bonded/registered locksmith who
performs high-security key service.

8 Introduction

e realize that your confidence The policy does not apply when warranty

in the quality and reliability repairs can be completed in one day but
of our products was a key the vehicle must be kept overnight due to
factor in your decision to buy a Toyota. dealer or owner scheduling conflicts.
We also know how disruptive the loss
The Transportation Assistance Policy
of transportation can be to your daily
applies for the duration of the New Vehicle
routine. That’s why we’re pleased
Limited Warranty. The policy applies to all
to offer you the benefits of our
2020 model-year Toyotas sold and
Transportation Assistance Policy.
serviced by authorized Toyota dealerships
Under this policy, you are eligible in the mainland United States and Alaska.
for transportation assistance if your
For further details, please consult your
Toyota must be kept overnight for
Toyota dealer.
warranty-covered repairs. The policy
applies when your vehicle must be kept
overnight for any of the following reasons:
• The warranty repairs will take longer
than one day to complete.
• The warrantable condition requires
extensive diagnosis.
• The parts needed for the warranty
repairs are not readily available and
your vehicle is inoperative or unsafe
to drive.

Introduction 9

Multiple Warranty Conditions

Important: You must use the Dispute

Settlement Program (or, in California, This booklet contains warranty terms

the CDSP) before seeking remedies and conditions that may vary depending
through a court action pursuant to the on the part covered. A warranty for specific
Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act (the parts or systems, such as the Powertrain
“Act”). However, if you choose to Warranty or Emission Performance Warranty,
pursue rights and remedies not created is governed by the coverage set forth in
by the Act, you are not required to use that warranty as well as the General
the Dispute Settlement Program Warranty Provisions.
(CDSP). You may also be required to When Warranty Begins
use the Dispute Settlement Program or
The warranty period begins on the vehicle’s
CDSP before seeking remedies under
in-service date, which is the first date the
the “Lemon Laws” of your state. Please
vehicle is either delivered to an ultimate
check this booklet and the appropriate
purchaser, leased, or used as a company
page of the Owner’s Warranty Rights
car or demonstrator.
Notification booklet for additional
information and the requirements Repairs Made at No Charge
applicable to your state.
Repairs and adjustments covered by these
warranties are made at no charge for parts
and labor.
Who Is the Warrantor
The warrantor for these limited warranties Parts Replacement
is Toyota Motor Sales, U.S.A., Inc. Any needed parts replacement will be
(“Toyota”), a California corporation, P.O. made using new or remanufactured parts.
Box 259001, Plano, Texas 75025-9001. The decision whether a part should be
repaired or replaced will be made by the
Which Vehicles Are Covered servicing Toyota dealership and/or Toyota.
These warranties apply to all 2020 model- Parts scheduled to be replaced as required
year RAV4 vehicles distributed by Toyota maintenance are warranted until their first
that are originally sold by an authorized replacement only.
dealer in the United States and normally
operated or touring in the United States,
U.S. territories or Canada. Warranty
coverage is automatically transferred at
no cost to subsequent vehicle owners.

10 Your Warranties in Detail


Informal Dispute Limitations

Settlement Program

The performance of necessary repairs and
Toyota offers assistance through an adjustments is the exclusive remedy under
informal dispute settlement program these warranties or any implied warranties.
called the Dispute Settlement Program. Toyota does not authorize any person to
This program is administered by an create for it any other obligation or liability
independent third party: in connection with this vehicle.

National Center for Dispute Settlement Any implied warranty of merchantability

P.O. Box 688 or fitness for a particular purpose is
Mt. Clemens, MI 48046 limited to the duration of these written
warranties. Some states do not allow
Further information about this program
restrictions on how long an implied
can be found in this booklet and the
warranty lasts, so this limitation may not
Owner’s Warranty Rights Notification booklet.
apply to you.
California residents: Toyota offers you
assistance through an informal dispute
Your Rights Under State Law
settlement program called the California These warranties give you specific legal
Dispute Settlement Program (CDSP). A rights. You may also have other rights that
brochure about the program is found in vary from state to state.
your glove box. For additional information,
call the Toyota Customer Experience Center
at (800) 331-4331. You may also contact
the CDSP directly at (888) 300-6237. Failure
to use the CDSP may affect your rights and
remedies under California’s “Lemon Laws.”

Your Warranties in Detail 11


Your Warranties in Detail

Specific components may have longer coverage under terms of the Powertrain Warranty.
Also applies to Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, Oregon,
Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont and Washington vehicles equipped with a California Certified
Emission Control System. Vehicles covered by this warranty are also covered by the Federal Emission Control Warranty.

Basic Warranty Transmission and Transaxle

This warranty covers repairs and Case and all internal parts, torque
adjustments needed to correct defects converter, clutch cover, transmission
in materials or workmanship of any mounts, transfer case and all internal
part supplied by Toyota, subject to the parts, engine control computer, seals
exceptions indicated under “What and gaskets.
Is Not Covered” on pages 14–15.
Front-Wheel-Drive System
Coverage is for 36 months or 36,000 miles,
Final drive housing and all internal parts,
whichever occurs first, with the exception of
axle shafts, drive shafts, constant velocity
wheel alignment and wheel balancing, which
joints, front hub and bearings, seals
are covered for 12 months or 12,000 miles,
and gaskets.
whichever occurs first.
Rear-Wheel-Drive System
Powertrain Warranty
This warranty covers repairs needed to Axle housing and all internal parts,
correct defects in materials or workmanship propeller shafts, U-joints, axle shafts,
of any component listed below and in the drive shafts, bearings, supports, seals
next column and supplied by Toyota, subject and gaskets.
to the exceptions indicated under “What Is Restraint Systems Warranty
Not Covered” on pages 14–15.
This warranty covers repairs needed to
Coverage is for 60 months or 60,000 miles, correct defects in materials or workmanship
whichever occurs first. of any seatbelt or air bag system supplied by
Toyota, subject to the exceptions indicated
under “What Is Not Covered” on pages 14–15.
Cylinder block and head and all internal
Coverage is for 60 months or 60,000 miles,
parts, timing gears and gaskets, timing
whichever occurs first.
chain/belt and cover, flywheel, valve
covers, oil pan, oil pump, engine mounts, For vehicles sold and registered in the
turbocharger housing and all internal parts, state of Kansas, the warranty for seatbelts
supercharger housing and all internal and related components is 10 years,
parts, engine control computer, water regardless of mileage.
pump, fuel pump, seals and gaskets.

Your Warranties in Detail 13



Corrosion Perforation Warranty This warranty does not cover damage or
failures resulting directly or indirectly from

This warranty covers repair or replacement

any of the following:
of any original body panel that develops
perforation from corrosion (rust-through), • Fire, accidents or theft
subject to the exceptions indicated under
“What Is Not Covered” on pages 14–15. • Abuse or negligence

Coverage is for 60 months, regardless •M

 isuse — for example, racing
of mileage. or overloading

For information on how to protect your • Improper repairs

vehicle from corrosion, refer to sections
• A lteration or tampering, including
related to maintenance and care in the
Owner’s Manual. installation of non-Genuine
Toyota Accessories
• L ack of or improper maintenance,
When your vehicle is inoperable due to
including use of fluids and fuel
failure of a warranted part, towing service
to the nearest authorized Toyota dealership other than those specified in the
is covered. Owner’s Manual

• Installation of non-Genuine Toyota Parts

• A irborne chemicals, tree sap, road

debris (including stone chips), rail dust,
salt, hail, floods, wind storms, lightning
and other environmental conditions

• Water contamination
This warranty also does not cover the following:

Tires are covered by a separate warranty
provided by the tire manufacturer. See
page 29.

Normal Wear and Tear

Noise, vibration, cosmetic conditions and
other deterioration caused by normal wear
and tear.

14 Your Warranties in Detail


Maintenance Expense Incidental Damages

Normal maintenance services such as: Incidental or consequential damages
associated with a vehicle failure. Such
• Engine tune-ups
damages include but are not limited to
• Replacement of fluids and filters inconvenience; the cost of transportation,
telephone calls and lodging; the loss of
• Lubrication personal or commercial property; and the
• Cleaning and polishing loss of pay or revenue.

• Replacement of spark plugs and fuses

 eplacement of worn wiper blades, Disclaimer of Extra
brake pads/linings and clutch linings Expenses and Damages
The performance of necessary repairs
Vehicles with Altered Odometer and adjustments is the exclusive remedy
Failure of a vehicle on which the odometer under this warranty or any implied
has been altered so that actual vehicle warranty. Toyota does not authorize
mileage cannot be readily determined. any person to create for it any other
obligation or liability in connection with
Salvage or Total-Loss Vehicles
this vehicle. Toyota shall not be liable
Any vehicle that has ever been issued a for incidental or consequential damages
“salvage” title or similar title under any resulting from breach of this written
state’s law, or has ever been declared a warranty or any implied warranty. Any
“total loss” or equivalent by a financial implied warranty of merchantability or
institution or insurer, such as by payment fitness for a particular purpose is limited
for a claim in lieu of repairs because the to the duration of this written warranty,
cost of repairs exceeded the cash value of except in states where this limitation
the vehicle. This exclusion does not apply to is not allowed.
the emission control warranties, including
Emission Control Warranty Enhancements
or any open Safety Recalls/SSCs/LSCs.

Your Warranties in Detail 15


If a dispute arises regarding your warranty
coverage, please follow the steps

described under “If You Need Assistance”

on page 5. Please note that you must use
the Dispute Settlement Program (or, in
California, the CDSP) before seeking
remedies through a court action pursuant
to the Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act. You
may also be required to use the Dispute
Settlement Program or CDSP before
seeking remedies under the “Lemon Laws”
of your state. Please check the appropriate
page of the Owner’s Warranty Rights
Notification booklet (located in your glove
box) for the requirements applicable to
your state.

16 Your Warranties in Detail


Emission Defect Warranty Emission Performance Warranty

Toyota warrants that your vehicle: Some states and localities have
established vehicle inspection and
 as designed, built and equipped to
maintenance (I/M) programs to encourage
conform at the time of sale with proper vehicle maintenance. If an
applicable federal emissions standards. EPA-approved I/M program is in force in
• Is free from defects in materials and your area, you are eligible for Emission
Performance Warranty coverage.
workmanship that may cause the
vehicle to fail to meet these standards. Under the terms of the Emission
Performance Warranty and federal
Federal regulations require that this
regulations, Toyota will make all necessary
warranty be in effect for two years or
repairs if both of the following occur:
24,000 miles from the vehicle’s in-service
date, whichever occurs first. However, • Y our vehicle fails to meet applicable
under the terms of the Basic Warranty, emissions standards as determined by
Toyota provides coverage of three years or an EPA-approved emissions test.
36,000 miles, whichever occurs first.
Specific components may have longer • T his failure results or will result in
coverage under the terms of the some penalty to you — such as a
Powertrain Warranty. Additionally, fine or denial of the right to use
components marked “8/80” in the parts your vehicle — under local, state or
list on pages 18–19 have coverage of federal law.
eight years or 80,000 miles, whichever
occurs first. This warranty is in effect for two years or
24,000 miles from the vehicle’s in-service
date, whichever occurs first. Additionally,
components marked “8/80” in the parts
list on pages 18–19 have coverage of
eight years or 80,000 miles, whichever
occurs first.

Your Warranties in Detail 17



These warranty obligations do not apply Air/Fuel Metering System
to failures or noncompliance caused by:

• Air/fuel ratio feedback control system

• T he use of replacement parts not
• Cold-start enrichment system
certified in accordance with aftermarket
parts certification regulations. • Deceleration control system

• T he use of replacement parts not • Electronic fuel injection system components

equivalent in quality or design to –– Airflow sensor
original equipment parts.
–– Engine control module (8/80)
Provisions under the “What Is Not
Covered” section of the New Vehicle –– Throttle body
Limited Warranty also apply to
–– Other components
this warranty.
Air Induction System
• Intake manifold and intake air surge tank

Catalyst System
• Catalytic converter and protector (8/80)

• Constricted fuel filler neck

• Exhaust manifold

• E xhaust pipe (manifold to catalyst

and/or catalyst to catalyst)
Evaporative Control System
• Charcoal canister

• Diaphragm valve

• Fuel filler cap

• Fuel tank

• Vapor liquid separator

8/80 = Covered for eight years or 80,000 miles, whichever occurs first.

18 Your Warranties in Detail


Exhaust Gas Recirculation You are responsible for performance
(EGR) System of the required maintenance indicated

in the Owner’s Manual and this booklet.
• EGR gas temperature sensor
Toyota will not deny a warranty claim
• EGR valve solely because you do not have records
to show that you maintained your vehicle.
• Associated parts However, any failure or noncompliance
Ignition System caused by lack of maintenance is not
covered by this warranty.
• Ignition coil and ignitor
When maintenance and repairs are
• Ignition wires paid for by you, these services may be
performed by you or by any automotive
• Spark plugs*
service provider you choose. Toyota
Positive Crankcase Ventilation will not deny a warranty claim solely
(PCV) System because you used a service provider
other than a Toyota dealership for
• Oil filler cap
maintenance and repairs. However,
• PCV valve or orifice any failure or noncompliance caused by
improper maintenance or repairs is not
Other Parts Used in covered by this warranty.
Above Systems
• Data link connector (8/80)

 oses, clamps, fittings, tubing and
mounting hardware

• Malfunction indicator light and bulb (8/80)

• Pulleys, belts and idlers

• Sealing gaskets and devices

• Sensors, solenoids, switches and valves

* Warranted until first required maintenance under terms of the California Emission Control Warranty.
8/80 = Covered for eight years or 80,000 miles, whichever occurs first.

Your Warranties in Detail 19



To ensure optimum performance and If your vehicle fails an EPA-approved
maintain the quality built into your emissions test, you may make a claim

vehicle’s emission control systems, under the Emission Performance Warranty.

Toyota recommends the use of Genuine To do so, take your vehicle to an authorized
Toyota Parts when servicing or repairing Toyota dealership and present a copy
the systems. of the emissions test report. Also, take
your maintenance records in case they
Warranty coverage is not dependent
are needed.
upon the use of any particular brand
of replacement parts and you may elect If your claim qualifies for coverage, the
to use non-Genuine Toyota Parts for dealership will repair your vehicle within
maintenance and repairs. However, 30 days (unless a shorter period is
use of replacement parts that are not required by law). If your claim is denied,
equivalent in quality to Genuine Toyota Toyota will notify you in writing of the
Parts may impair the effectiveness of reason within the same period. If we fail
the emission control systems. to do so, we will repair your vehicle free
of charge. The only exceptions allowed are
If you use replacement parts that have
when you request or agree to a delay, or
maintenance or replacement schedules
when a delay is caused by factors beyond
different from those of Genuine Toyota
the control of Toyota or the dealership.
Parts, you must follow the maintenance
and replacement schedules for the parts For information on how to obtain service
you are using. In addition, you should under the Emission Defect Warranty, see
ensure that such parts are warranted by page 32, “Obtaining Warranty Service.”
their manufacturers to be equivalent to
Genuine Toyota Parts.

20 Your Warranties in Detail



If you have questions or concerns about
your federal emission warranty coverage, Vehicles equipped with a California

please refer to “If You Need Assistance” Certified Emission Control System
on page 5. In the case of the Emission that are registered and operated in
Performance Warranty, you may also California or any state that adopts
request information from or report California emission warranty provisions
complaints to: are also covered by the California
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Emission Control Warranty (see page 23).
Vehicle Programs & Compliance Division Currently, Connecticut, Delaware,
(6405J) Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts,
Attn: Warranty Complaints New Jersey, New York, Oregon,
401 M Street SW Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont
Washington, D.C. 20460 and Washington are the other states to
which the California Emission Control
Warranty applies.

Your Warranties in Detail 21


We (the dealership) want you to know and use, Toyota will remedy the nonconformity
that at the time your new Toyota vehicle free of charge under the terms of the Emission

is being delivered: Performance Warranty.

1) On the basis of written notification 5) If the vehicle was used as a company
furnished by Toyota, we have car or demonstrator, check the box and
knowledge that the vehicle is covered complete the following:
by an EPA Certificate of Conformity.
❑ The vehicle with which this
2) We have visually inspected those statement is delivered was placed
emission control devices or portions into service as a company car or
thereof that are visible without demonstrator prior to delivery. The
removing or adjusting any components
Emission Performance Warranty
or systems, emissions-related or
period commenced on the date the
otherwise. On the basis of this
inspection, there are no apparent vehicle was first placed into service,
deficiencies in the installation of which was:
emission control devices by Toyota.
(For purposes of this certificate,
“emission control devices” is limited
to devices installed on a vehicle for the Month Day Year
sole or primary purpose of controlling
emissions and which were not in
general use before 1968.)
NOTE: The dealership makes no
3) We have performed all emission representation or warranty that the
control system preparations required emission control system or any part
by Toyota prior to the sale of the thereof is without defect or that the
vehicle as set forth in Toyota’s current system will perform properly. The
pre-delivery service manual. Emission Performance Warranty referred
to in Paragraph 4 and furnished with the
4) E xcept as may be provided in
vehicle is solely that of the manufacturer.
Paragraph 5, if this vehicle fails
an EPA-approved emissions test This statement is required by section
within three months or 4,000 miles 207 of the Clean Air Act (42 U.S.C. 7541)
(whichever comes first) of delivery and the EPA regulations issued thereunder.
to the ultimate purchaser, and the
vehicle has been maintained and
used in accordance with the written
instructions for proper maintenance
Dealership Name

22 Your Warranties in Detail



The California Air Resources Board (CARB)
Vehicles equipped with a California and Toyota are pleased to explain the

Certified Emission Control System emission control system warranty for your
that are registered and operated in 2020 vehicle. In California, new motor
California or any state that adopts vehicles must be designed, built and
California emission warranty provisions equipped to meet the state’s stringent
are covered by this warranty. Currently, anti-smog standards. CARB regulations
Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, require that Toyota must warrant the
Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, emission control system on your vehicle
New York, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode for the time periods indicated on the next
Island, Vermont and Washington are the page, provided there has been no abuse,
other states to which this warranty neglect or improper maintenance of
applies. Vehicles covered by this your vehicle.
warranty are also covered by the
Federal Emission Control Warranty Your emission control system may include
(see page 17). parts such as the fuel injection system,
ignition system, catalytic converter and
engine computer. Also included may be
hoses, belts, connectors and other
emissions-related assemblies.
Where a warrantable condition exists,
Toyota will repair your vehicle at no cost
to you, including diagnosis, parts and labor.

Your Warranties in Detail 23



1) For three years or 50,000 miles, You are responsible for performance of
whichever occurs first: the required maintenance indicated in the

Owner’s Manual and this booklet. Toyota

– If your vehicle fails a smog-check test,
recommends that you retain all receipts
all necessary repairs and adjustments
covering maintenance on your vehicle, but
will be made by Toyota to ensure
Toyota cannot deny warranty coverage
that your vehicle passes the test.
solely for the lack of receipts or your
This is your Emission Control System
failure to ensure the performance of all
scheduled maintenance.
– If an emissions-related part listed on
You are responsible for presenting your
pages 18–19 is defective, the part will
vehicle to a Toyota dealership as soon as
be repaired or replaced by Toyota.
a problem exists. The warranty repairs
This is your SHORT-TERM Emission
should be completed in a reasonable
amount of time, not to exceed 30 days.
Specific components may have
longer coverage under the terms of You should also be aware that Toyota
the Powertrain Warranty. may deny you warranty coverage if your
vehicle or a part has failed due to abuse,
2) For seven years or 70,000 miles,
neglect, improper maintenance or
whichever occurs first:
unapproved modifications.
– If an emissions-related part listed on
If you have any questions regarding your
page 25 is defective, the part will be
warranty rights and responsibilities, you
repaired or replaced by Toyota. This
should contact the Toyota Customer
is your LONG-TERM Emission
Experience Center at (800) 331-4331 or
the California Air Resources Board, Mobile
Source Control Division, at 9528 Telstar
Avenue, Suite 4, El Monte, CA 91731,
(800) 242-4450.

24 Your Warranties in Detail


These warranty obligations do not apply The parts listed here are covered for seven
to failures or noncompliance caused by: years or 70,000 miles from the vehicle’s

in-service date, whichever occurs first.
• T he use of replacement parts not
certified in accordance with aftermarket Air/Fuel Metering System
parts certification regulations. • Cam timing control motor
• T he use of replacement parts not • E ngine control computer
equivalent in quality or design to (engine control module)
original equipment parts. • Fuel delivery pipe
Provisions under the “What Is Not Covered” • Fuel pressure sensor
section of the New Vehicle Limited Warranty • High pressure fuel pump
also apply to this warranty.
• Throttle body

Air Induction System

• Intake manifold

Catalyst System
• E xhaust front pipe (including
catalytic converter)
• E xhaust manifold (including
manifold converter)

EGR System
• EGR cooler

Evaporative Control System

• Charcoal canister
• Fuel sub tank
• Fuel tank

Ignition System
• Knock sensor

Other Parts Used in

Systems Listed
• Transmission solenoid
• Wire transmission
(including temperature sensor)

Your Warranties in Detail 25



You are responsible for performance of To ensure optimum performance and
the required maintenance indicated in the maintain the quality built into your

Owner’s Manual and this booklet. Toyota vehicle’s emission control systems,
will not deny a warranty claim solely Toyota recommends the use of
because you do not have records to show Genuine Toyota Parts when servicing
that you maintained your vehicle. However, or repairing the systems.
any failure or noncompliance caused
Warranty coverage is not dependent
by lack of maintenance is not covered by
upon the use of any particular brand
this warranty.
of replacement parts and you may elect
When maintenance and repairs are to use non-Genuine Toyota Parts for
paid for by you, these services may be maintenance and repairs. However,
performed by you or by any automotive use of replacement parts that are not
service provider you choose. Toyota equivalent in quality to Genuine Toyota
will not deny a warranty claim solely Parts may impair the effectiveness of
because you used a service provider the emission control systems.
other than a Toyota dealership for
If you use replacement parts that have
maintenance and repairs. However,
maintenance or replacement schedules
any failure or noncompliance caused by
different from those of Genuine Toyota
improper maintenance or repairs is not
Parts, you must follow the maintenance
covered by this warranty.
and replacement schedules for the parts
you are using. In addition, you should
ensure that such parts are warranted by
their manufacturers to be equivalent to
Genuine Toyota Parts.

26 Your Warranties in Detail



If your vehicle fails a smog-check test, If a Toyota dealership is unable to
you may make a claim under the Emission complete repairs on your vehicle within

Performance Warranty. To do so, take your 30 days, you may have the repairs made
vehicle to an authorized Toyota dealership under Toyota’s provisions for emergency
and present a copy of the smog-check test warranty repairs. See page 32 for details.
report. Also, take your maintenance
records in case they are needed.
If your claim qualifies for coverage, the
dealership will repair your vehicle within
30 days (unless a shorter period is
required by law). If your claim is denied,
Toyota will notify you in writing of the
reason within the same period. If we fail
to do so, we will repair your vehicle free
of charge. The only exceptions allowed are
when you request or agree to a delay, or
when a delay is caused by factors beyond
the control of Toyota or the dealership.
For information on how to obtain service
under the Emission Defect Warranty, see
page 32, “Obtaining Warranty Service.”

Your Warranties in Detail 27



If you have questions or concerns
about your vehicle’s California emission
warranty coverage, please follow the steps

described under “If You Need Assistance”

on page 5. You may also request information
from or report complaints to:
California Air Resources Board
Mobile Source Control Division
9528 Telstar Avenue
Suite 4
El Monte, CA 91731
(800) 242-4450

28 Your Warranties in Detail


All tires supplied as original equipment Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co.
on new Toyota vehicles are warranted 1144 East Market Street
by the individual tire manufacturer only, Akron, OH 44316

and not Toyota. Coverages by individual (800) 321-2136
tire manufacturers may vary.
Hankook Tire America Corporation
If you wish to obtain a hard copy of
1450 Valley Road
the terms of the tire warranty offered Wayne, NJ 07470
by the tire manufacturer, please contact (800) 426-5665
the tire manufacturer directly, or www.hankooktire.com
contact Toyota at:
Maxxis International – USA
Toyota Customer Experience Center 545 Old Peachtree Road
Toyota Motor Sales U.S.A., Inc. Suwanee, GA 30024
P.O. Box 259001 (800) 462-9947
Plano, Texas 75025-9001 www.maxxis.com
Ph: (800) 331-4331 Michelin North America
P.O. Box 19001
BF Goodrich
P.O. Box 19001 Nitto Tire U.S.A. Inc.
Greenville, SC 29062 P.O. Box 6064
(877) 788-8899 Cypress, CA 90630
www.bfgoodrichtires.com (888) 529-8200
200 4th Avenue South Pirelli Tire LLC
Nashville, TN 37201 100 Pirelli Drive
Bridgestone: (800) 847-3272 Rome, GA 30161
Firestone: (800) 356-4644 (800) 747-3554
www.bridgestone.com www.pirelli.com
www.firestonetire.com Toyo Tire U.S.A Corporation
Continental Tire of North America P.O. Box 6052
1800 Continental Blvd. Cypress, CA 90630
Charlotte, NC 28273 (800) 442-8696
(800) 847-3349 www.toyotires.com
www.continentaltire.com Yokohama Tire Corporation
1 MacArthur Place, Suite 800
Dunlop Tires
Santa Ana, CA 92707
1144 East Market Street
(800) 722-9888
Akron, OH 44316
(800) 321-2136

Your Warranties in Detail 29


You are responsible for ensuring that You may have maintenance performed
your Toyota is operated and maintained on your vehicle by any qualified person

according to the instructions in the or facility. However, Toyota recommends

Owner’s Manual and this booklet. having maintenance performed by an
authorized Toyota dealership.
You should keep detailed records of
vehicle maintenance, since under some Toyota dealership technicians are specially
circumstances they may be required for trained to maintain and repair Toyota
warranty coverage. These records should vehicles. They stay current on the latest
include date of service, mileage at time service information through Toyota
of service and a description of service technical bulletins, service publications
performed and/or parts installed. For and training courses. Many are also
your convenience, a maintenance log is certified through the Toyota Certification
included in this booklet. If you sell your Program, which involves a series of
vehicle, you should give your maintenance rigorous written examinations. Feel free
records to the new owner. to ask any Toyota dealership to show you
their technicians’ credentials.
Toyota will not deny a warranty claim
solely because you do not have records You can be confident you’re getting the
to show that you maintained your vehicle. best possible service for your vehicle
However, damage or failure caused by when you take it to a Toyota dealership.
lack of proper maintenance is not
covered under warranty.

30 Your Responsibilities

Warranty coverage is not dependent Genuine Toyota Parts are covered by their
upon the use of any particular brand own warranty (see your dealer for details)

of replacement parts. However, Toyota or the remainder of any applicable New
recommends using only Genuine Toyota Vehicle Limited Warranty, whichever is
Parts when you need to replace a part longer. Non-Genuine Toyota Parts, or
on your vehicle. Like all Toyota products, any damage or failures resulting from
Genuine Toyota Parts are built to the their use, are not covered by any
highest standards of quality, durability Toyota warranty.
and performance. They are also designed
to fit your vehicle’s exact specifications.
Your Toyota dealership maintains an
extensive inventory of Genuine Toyota
Parts to meet your vehicle service needs.
And because it is linked electronically to
Toyota’s Parts Distribution Centers, the
dealership has quick access to any parts
it may not have in stock.

Your Responsibilities 31


In the United States, U.S. If your vehicle is inoperable or unsafe to
Territories, Canada and Mexico drive and there is no Toyota dealership

reasonably available to make repairs, you

To obtain warranty service in the United
may perform the repairs yourself or have
States, U.S. territories, Canada or Mexico,
them performed by another automotive
take your vehicle to an authorized Toyota
service provider. Toyota will reimburse you
dealership. If your vehicle cannot be
for any of the repairs that are covered by
driven, contact your nearest Toyota
warranty. To receive reimbursement,
dealership for towing assistance. You do
present to an authorized Toyota dealership
not have to pay for towing to the nearest
your paid repair invoices and any parts
Toyota dealership if your vehicle is inoperable
that were removed from the vehicle. You
due to failure of a warranted part.
will be reimbursed for warranted parts at
Outside the United States, U.S. the manufacturer’s suggested retail price
Territories, Canada and Mexico and warranted labor at a geographically
appropriate hourly rate multiplied by
If you are using your vehicle outside the
Toyota’s recommended time allowance for
United States, U.S. territories, Canada and
the repair.
Mexico and need warranty service, contact
a local Toyota dealership. Please note, If your vehicle requires emergency repair,
however, that your vehicle may not be Toyota assumes no liability for subsequent
repaired free of charge because the local failures caused by improper repairs or the
Toyota distributor may have no obligation use of non-Genuine Toyota Parts unless
to provide warranty service for your you have the vehicle properly repaired
vehicle, and/or your vehicle may not in a timely manner. To ensure that
comply with local regulatory or warranty coverage remains intact, have
environmental requirements. your vehicle inspected by an authorized
Toyota dealership as soon as possible
after an emergency repair.

32 Your Responsibilities


Your Responsibilities 33

egular maintenance is essential In addition to scheduled maintenance,
to obtaining the highest level of your vehicle requires ongoing general
performance, safety and reliability maintenance such as fluid checks and
from your Toyota. It can also increase visual inspections. These procedures are
your vehicle’s resale value. The following explained in the “Maintenance and Care”
pages are designed to help you make sure section of the Owner’s Manual. Be sure
your vehicle receives proper and timely to perform these procedures regularly to
maintenance. Along with other important ensure the most trouble-free operation of
information related to vehicle service, your vehicle.
you’ll find factory-recommended
With proper maintenance and care, your
maintenance guidelines and a log in
vehicle will last longer and deliver more
which to document your vehicle’s
dependable, economical performance.
maintenance history.
Follow this booklet’s recommendations
and you’ll enjoy maximum reliability and
peace of mind from your Toyota for many
years to come.

34 Maintenance Log

It is especially important to both Maintenance Providers
routinely check your vehicle’s engine Maintenance and repair services may be
oil level (once a month) and regularly performed by you or by any automotive
replace the engine oil and oil filter service provider you choose. Toyota will
(see the Maintenance Log section of not deny a warranty claim solely because
this booklet to determine how often you used a service provider other than a
you should change your vehicle’s oil Toyota dealership for maintenance and
and filter). Failure to do so can cause repairs. However, damage or failure
oil starvation and/or oil gelling, which caused by improper maintenance or
can result in severe damage to your repairs is not covered under warranty.
vehicle and require costly repairs that
are not covered by the New Vehicle Dealer-Recommended
Limited Warranty. Maintenance
Maintenance Records Your dealer may recommend more
frequent maintenance intervals or more
Maintaining your vehicle according to
maintenance services than those listed in
the recommendations in this booklet is
the scheduled maintenance log. These
required to ensure that your warranty
additional services are not required to
coverage remains intact. You should keep
maintain your warranty coverage. Ask
detailed records of vehicle maintenance,
your dealer to explain any recommended
including date of service, mileage at time
maintenance not included in the scheduled
of service and a description of service
maintenance log.
and/or parts installation performed. The
scheduled maintenance log in this booklet
can help you document this information. If For a complete description of Toyota
you sell your vehicle, be sure to give your warranty coverages, see the Warranty
maintenance records to the new owner. Information portion of this booklet.
Toyota will not deny a warranty claim

solely because you do not have records

to show that you maintained your vehicle.
However, damage or failure caused by lack
of proper maintenance is not covered
under warranty.

Maintenance Log 35

egular maintenance is essential • If at six months you have driven less
to obtaining the highest level of than 5,000 miles, you should obtain
performance from your Toyota. It maintenance at six months — don’t
can also increase your vehicle’s resale wait until 5,000 miles.
value. This booklet presents Toyota’s
maintenance recommendations in Be sure to keep an eye on your mileage
convenient checklists, so you can easily so that you obtain maintenance when
see what type of maintenance your recommended. If you are a low-mileage
vehicle needs and document that the driver, mark your calendar to remind
work was performed. yourself to obtain maintenance every
six months.
To ensure that your vehicle receives
first-quality service and parts, Toyota Documenting Your Investment
recommends having maintenance To help you verify that you’ve invested in
performed by an authorized Toyota proper maintenance, each maintenance
dealership. Toyota dealership technicians checklist includes space for your Toyota
are experts on Toyota vehicles, and they dealership to certify that you obtained
use Genuine Toyota Parts designed to Genuine Toyota Service for your vehicle.
your vehicle’s exact specifications. When The dealership may mark the dealer
you go to a Toyota dealership, you can be service verification area with the following
confident that they will use Genuine Toyota stamp (which may be customized with the
parts and have Toyota-trained technicians. dealership’s name):
Miles or Months?
Toyota recommends obtaining scheduled
maintenance for your vehicle every
5,000 miles or six months, whichever
comes first.
For example:

• If you drive 5,000 miles in less than six

months, you should obtain maintenance
at 5,000 miles — don’t wait until six months.

36 Maintenance Log

Special Operating Conditions SuperChrome and

In addition to standard maintenance items, Alloy Wheel Care
the maintenance log indicates services that If you purchased genuine Toyota accessory
should be performed on vehicles that are SuperChrome or Aluminum Alloy Wheels,
driven under especially demanding follow these cleaning guidelines to maintain
conditions. These “special operating the appearance of your wheels:
conditions” and their required maintenance
items are clearly indicated in each chart. • If wheels are hot, wait for them to cool
before washing.

 se a soft sponge or cotton cloth to
You should perform these additional apply the same mild car-wash soap as
maintenance services only if the used for the vehicle body. Quickly rinse
majority of your driving is done under off with water. Use a soft cloth to apply
the special operating conditions the same car wax as used for the
indicated. If you only occasionally vehicle body.
drive under these circumstances, it
is not necessary to perform the •D
 O NOT USE: Any kind of chemical-
additional services. based cleaners, alcohol, solvents,
gasoline, steam cleaners, scouring
pads, wire brushes or coarse abrasives
Engine Oil Selection to clean your wheels.
Please refer to your Owner’s Manual for the
specific oil viscosity rating recommended
for your vehicle/engine type.

Additional Maintenance
In addition to scheduled maintenance,
your Toyota requires ongoing general
maintenance, such as fluid checks and

visual inspections. These procedures are

explained in the “Maintenance and Care”
section of the Owner’s Manual. Be sure
to perform these procedures regularly to
ensure the most trouble-free operation
of your vehicle.

Maintenance Log 37

5,000 miles or 6 months 10,000 miles or 12 months

A dd Toyota EFI Tank Additive or equivalent A dd Toyota EFI Tank Additive or equivalent
(Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Saipan and (Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Saipan and
American Samoa only) American Samoa only)
Check installation of driver’s floor mat Check installation of driver’s floor mat
Inspect and adjust all fluid levels1 Inspect and adjust all fluid levels 1
Inspect wiper blades Inspect wiper blades
Rotate tires Replace engine oil and oil filter 2
Visually inspect brake linings/drums Rotate tires
and brake pads/discs Visually inspect brake linings/drums
and brake pads/discs
Additional Maintenance Items for
Special Operating Conditions 3 Additional Maintenance Items for
Special Operating Conditions 3
Driving on dirt roads or dusty roads:
Inspect ball joints and dust covers Driving on dirt roads or dusty roads:
Inspect drive shaft boots Inspect ball joints and dust covers
Inspect engine air filter Inspect drive shaft boots
Inspect steering linkage and boots Inspect engine air filter
Re-torque propeller shaft bolt (4WD)4 Inspect steering linkage and boots
Replace engine oil and oil filter 2 Re-torque propeller shaft bolt (4WD)4
Tighten nuts and bolts on chassis Tighten nuts and bolts on chassis
and body and body
Driving while towing, using a car-top Driving while towing, using a car-top
carrier, or heavy vehicle loading: 6 carrier, or heavy vehicle loading: 6
Re-torque propeller shaft bolt (4WD) 4 Re-torque propeller shaft bolt (4WD)4
Replace engine oil and oil filter 2 Tighten nuts and bolts on chassis
Tighten nuts and bolts on chassis and body
and body
Repeated trips of less than five miles in
temperatures below 32°F / 0°C:
Replace engine oil and oil filter 2
Extensive idling and/or low speed driving
for a long distance such as police, taxi

or door-to-door delivery use:

Replace engine oil and oil filter 2

Dealer Service Verification: Dealer Service Verification:

Date: Date:
Mileage: Mileage:

38 Maintenance Log

15,000 miles or 18 months

 Toyota EFI Tank Additive or equivalent
Add Inspect wiper blades
(Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Saipan and Re-torque propeller shaft bolt (4WD)
American Samoa only) Rotate tires
Check installation of driver’s floor mat Visually inspect brake linings/drums
Inspect and adjust all fluid levels 1 and brake pads/discs

NOTE: If 0W-16 oil WAS NOT used at the last oil change, replace engine oil and oil filter. 2

Inspect the following:

__ Ball joints and dust covers _ Radiator and condenser
__ Brake lines and hoses _ Rear differential oil (4WD)
__ Cabin air filter _ Steering gear
__ Drive shaft boots _ Steering linkage and boots
__ Engine coolant 5 _ Transfer case oil (4WD)
__ Exhaust pipes and mountings
NOTE: Driving in heavy traffic, on dirt roads or in urban, dusty or desert areas may shorten
the life of the cabin air filter. Replacement may be needed if you notice reduced air flow
from the air conditioner and heater or if the windows fog easily when you use the “Fresh”
mode. Consult your dealer if any of these conditions occur.

Additional Maintenance Items for Special Operating Conditions 3

Driving on dirt roads or dusty roads:
Inspect engine air filter
Replace engine oil and oil filter 2
Tighten nuts and bolts on chassis and body
Driving while towing, using a car-top carrier, or heavy vehicle loading: 6
Replace engine oil and oil filter2
Replace rear differential oil (4WD)
Replace transfer case oil (4WD)
Tighten nuts and bolts on chassis and body
Repeated trips of less than five miles in temperatures below 32°F / 0°C:
Replace engine oil and oil filter 2
Extensive idling and/or low speed driving for a long distance such as police, taxi or
door-to-door delivery use:

Replace engine oil and oil filter 2

Dealer Service Verification:

Inspect sealed transmissions, transfer cases and differentials for signs of leakage. If any leakage from a sealed
component is suspected, it is recommended that you have the sealed component inspected by a Toyota dealer. Inspect
power steering fluid (if equipped) and brake fluid level/condition. Inspect engine and inverter (if equipped) coolant
level/condition/freezing point. Your dealer may recommend services (Dealer-Recommended Maintenance) based on
inspection results.
2 Reset the oil replacement reminder light (“MAINT REQD”) or the message “OIL MAINTENANCE REQUIRED” on the
multi-information display after maintenance at every 5,000 miles.
3 Perform these service items only if you drive primarily under the conditions indicated.
4 Includes operating on roads which road salt has been applied.
5 Refer to “Engine Coolant” in the “Explanation of Maintenance Items” section in the back of this guide for more information.
6 Not all vehicles are designed for towing. Refer to your Vehicle Owner’s Manual for details.

Maintenance Log 39

20,000 miles or 24 months 25,000 miles or 30 months

A dd Toyota EFI Tank Additive or equivalent A dd Toyota EFI Tank Additive or equivalent
(Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Saipan and (Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Saipan and
American Samoa only) American Samoa only)
Check installation of driver’s floor mat Check installation of driver’s floor mat
Inspect and adjust all fluid levels1 Inspect and adjust all fluid levels1
Inspect wiper blades Inspect wiper blades
Replace engine oil and oil filter 2 Rotate tires
Rotate tires Visually inspect brake linings/drums
Visually inspect brake linings/drums and brake pads/discs
and brake pads/discs
NOTE: If 0W-16 oil WAS NOT used at
Additional Maintenance Items for the last oil change, replace engine oil
Special Operating Conditions 3 and oil filter. 2
Driving on dirt roads or dusty roads:
Inspect ball joints and dust covers Additional Maintenance Items for
Inspect drive shaft boots Special Operating Conditions 3
Inspect engine air filter
Driving on dirt roads or dusty roads:
Inspect steering linkage and boots Inspect ball joints and dust covers
Re-torque propeller shaft bolt (4WD)4 Inspect drive shaft boots
Tighten nuts and bolts on chassis Inspect engine air filter
and body
Inspect steering linkage and boots
Driving while towing, using a car-top
Re-torque propeller shaft bolt (4WD)4
carrier, or heavy vehicle loading: 7
Re-torque propeller shaft bolt (4WD) 4 Replace engine oil and oil filter 2
Tighten nuts and bolts on chassis Tighten nuts and bolts on chassis
and body and body
Driving while towing, using a car-top
carrier, or heavy vehicle loading: 7
Re-torque propeller shaft bolt (4WD)4
Replace engine oil and oil filter 2
Tighten nuts and bolts on chassis
and body
Repeated trips of less than five miles in

temperatures below 32°F / 0°C:

Replace engine oil and oil filter 2
Extensive idling and/or low speed driving
for a long distance such as police, taxi
or door-to-door delivery use:
Replace engine oil and oil filter 2

Dealer Service Verification: Dealer Service Verification:

Date: Date:
Mileage: Mileage:

40 Maintenance Log

30,000 miles or 36 months

A dd Toyota EFI Tank Additive or equivalent (Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Saipan and American Samoa only)
Check installation of driver’s floor mat
Inspect and adjust all fluid levels1
Inspect wiper blades
Re-torque propeller shaft bolt (4WD)
Replace cabin air filter
Replace engine air filter
Replace engine oil and oil filter 2
Replace transfer case oil (4WD)
Rotate tires
Inspect the following:
__ A utomatic transmission fluid cooler __ Engine coolant6
hoses and connections __ Exhaust pipes and mountings
__ A utomatic transmission for __ Fuel lines and connections, fuel tank band
signs of leakage and fuel tank vapor vent system hoses
__ Ball joints and dust covers __ Fuel tank cap gasket
__ B  rake lines and hoses __ Radiator and condenser
__ B rake linings/drums and __ Rear differential oil (4WD)
brake pads/discs5 __ Steering gear
__ Drive shaft boots __ Steering linkage and boots

Additional Maintenance Items for Special Operating Conditions 3

Driving on dirt roads or dusty roads:

Tighten nuts and bolts on chassis and body
Driving while towing, using a car-top carrier, or heavy vehicle loading: 7
Replace rear differential oil (4WD)
Tighten nuts and bolts on chassis and body MAINTENANCE

Dealer Service Verification:


Inspect sealed transmissions, transfer cases and differentials for signs of leakage. If any leakage from a sealed
component is suspected, it is recommended that you have the sealed component inspected by a Toyota dealer. Inspect
power steering fluid (if equipped) and brake fluid level/condition. Inspect engine and inverter (if equipped) coolant
level/condition/freezing point. Your dealer may recommend services (Dealer-Recommended Maintenance) based on
inspection results.
2 Reset the oil replacement reminder light (“MAINT REQD”) or the message “OIL MAINTENANCE REQUIRED” on the
multi-information display after maintenance at every 5,000 miles.
3 Perform these service items only if you drive primarily under the conditions indicated.
4 Includes operating on roads which road salt has been applied.
5 Inspect thickness measurement and disc runout.
6 Refer to “Engine Coolant” in the “Explanation of Maintenance Items” section in the back of this guide for more information.
7 Not all vehicles are designed for towing. Refer to your Vehicle Owner’s Manual for details.

Maintenance Log 41

35,000 miles or 42 months 40,000 miles or 48 months

A dd Toyota EFI Tank Additive or equivalent A dd Toyota EFI Tank Additive or equivalent
(Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Saipan and (Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Saipan and
American Samoa only) American Samoa only)
Check installation of driver’s floor mat Check installation of driver’s floor mat
Inspect and adjust all fluid levels1 Inspect and adjust all fluid levels 1
Inspect wiper blades Inspect wiper blades
Rotate tires Replace engine oil and oil filter 2
Visually inspect brake linings/drums Rotate tires
and brake pads/discs Visually inspect brake linings/drums
and brake pads/discs
NOTE: If 0W-16 oil WAS NOT used at
the last oil change, replace engine oil Additional Maintenance Items for
and oil filter. 2 Special Operating Conditions 3
Driving on dirt roads or dusty roads:
Additional Maintenance Items for Inspect ball joints and dust covers
Special Operating Conditions 3 Inspect drive shaft boots
Driving on dirt roads or dusty roads: Inspect engine air filter
Inspect ball joints and dust covers Inspect steering linkage and boots
Inspect drive shaft boots Re-torque propeller shaft bolt (4WD)4
Inspect engine air filter Tighten nuts and bolts on chassis
Inspect steering linkage and boots and body
Re-torque propeller shaft bolt (4WD)4 Driving while towing, using a car-top
carrier, or heavy vehicle loading: 6
Replace engine oil and oil filter2
Re-torque propeller shaft bolt (4WD)4
Tighten nuts and bolts on chassis
Tighten nuts and bolts on chassis
and body
and body
Driving while towing, using a car-top
carrier, or heavy vehicle loading: 6
Re-torque propeller shaft bolt (4WD)4
Replace engine oil and oil filter2
Tighten nuts and bolts on chassis
and body
Repeated trips of less than five miles in

temperatures below 32°F / 0°C:

Replace engine oil and oil filter 2
Extensive idling and/or low speed driving
for a long distance such as police, taxi
or door-to-door delivery use:
Replace engine oil and oil filter 2

Dealer Service Verification: Dealer Service Verification:

Date: Date:
Mileage: Mileage:

42 Maintenance Log

45,000 miles or 18 months

 Toyota EFI Tank Additive or equivalent
Add Inspect wiper blades
(Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Saipan and Re-torque propeller shaft bolt (4WD)
American Samoa only) Rotate tires
Check installation of driver’s floor mat Visually inspect brake linings/drums
Inspect and adjust all fluid levels 1 and brake pads/discs
NOTE: If 0W-16 oil WAS NOT used at the last oil change, replace engine oil and oil filter. 2
Inspect the following:
__ Ball joints and dust covers _ Radiator and condenser
__ Brake lines and hoses _ Rear differential oil (4WD)
__ Cabin air filter _ Steering gear
__ Drive shaft boots _ Steering linkage and boots
__ Engine coolant 5 _ Transfer case oil (4WD)
__ Exhaust pipes and mountings

NOTE: Driving in heavy traffic, on dirt roads or in urban, dusty or desert areas may shorten
the life of the cabin air filter. Replacement may be needed if you notice reduced air flow
from the air conditioner and heater or if the windows fog easily when you use the “Fresh”
mode. Consult your dealer if any of these conditions occur.

Additional Maintenance Items for Special Operating Conditions 3

Driving on dirt roads or dusty roads:
Inspect engine air filter
Replace engine oil and oil filter 2
Tighten nuts and bolts on chassis and body
Driving while towing, using a car-top carrier, or heavy vehicle loading: 6
Replace engine oil and oil filter2
Replace rear differential oil (4WD)
Replace transfer case oil (4WD)
Tighten nuts and bolts on chassis and body
Repeated trips of less than five miles in temperatures below 32°F / 0°C:
Replace engine oil and oil filter 2
Extensive idling and/or low speed driving for a long distance such as police, taxi or
door-to-door delivery use:
Replace engine oil and oil filter 2

Dealer Service Verification:

Inspect sealed transmissions, transfer cases and differentials for signs of leakage. If any leakage from a sealed
component is suspected, it is recommended that you have the sealed component inspected by a Toyota dealer. Inspect
power steering fluid (if equipped) and brake fluid level/condition. Inspect engine and inverter (if equipped) coolant
level/condition/freezing point. Your dealer may recommend services (Dealer-Recommended Maintenance) based on
inspection results.
2 Reset the oil replacement reminder light (“MAINT REQD”) or the message “OIL MAINTENANCE REQUIRED” on the
multi-information display after maintenance at every 5,000 miles.
3 Perform these service items only if you drive primarily under the conditions indicated.
4 Includes operating on roads which road salt has been applied.
5 Refer to “Engine Coolant” in the “Explanation of Maintenance Items” section in the back of this guide for more information.
6 Not all vehicles are designed for towing. Refer to your Vehicle Owner’s Manual for details.

Maintenance Log 43

50,000 miles or 60 months 55,000 miles or 66 months

A dd Toyota EFI Tank Additive or equivalent A dd Toyota EFI Tank Additive or equivalent
(Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Saipan and (Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Saipan and
American Samoa only) American Samoa only)
Check installation of driver’s floor mat Check installation of driver’s floor mat
Inspect and adjust all fluid levels 1 Inspect and adjust all fluid levels 1
Inspect wiper blades Inspect wiper blades
Replace engine oil and oil filter 2 Rotate tires
Rotate tires Visually inspect brake linings/drums
Visually inspect brake linings/drums and brake pads/discs
and brake pads/discs
NOTE: If 0W-16 oil WAS NOT used at
Additional Maintenance Items for the last oil change, replace engine oil
Special Operating Conditions 3 and oil filter. 2
Driving on dirt roads or dusty roads:
Inspect ball joints and dust covers Additional Maintenance Items for
Inspect drive shaft boots Special Operating Conditions 3
Inspect engine air filter Driving on dirt roads or dusty roads:
Inspect steering linkage and boots Inspect ball joints and dust covers
Re-torque propeller shaft bolt (4WD) 4 Inspect drive shaft boots
Tighten nuts and bolts on chassis Inspect engine air filter
and body Inspect steering linkage and boots
Driving while towing, using a car-top Re-torque propeller shaft bolt (4WD)4
carrier, or heavy vehicle loading: 8 Replace engine oil and oil filter 2
Re-torque propeller shaft bolt (4WD)4
Tighten nuts and bolts on chassis
Tighten nuts and bolts on chassis and body
and body
Driving while towing, using a car-top
carrier, or heavy vehicle loading: 8
Re-torque propeller shaft bolt (4WD)4
Replace engine oil and oil filter 2
Tighten nuts and bolts on chassis
and body
Repeated trips of less than five miles in

temperatures below 32°F / 0°C:

Replace engine oil and oil filter 2
Extensive idling and/or low speed driving
for a long distance such as police, taxi
or door-to-door delivery use:
Replace engine oil and oil filter 2

Dealer Service Verification: Dealer Service Verification:

Date: Date:
Mileage: Mileage:

44 Maintenance Log

60,000 miles or 72 months

A dd Toyota EFI Tank Additive or equivalent (Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Saipan and American Samoa only)
Check installation of driver’s floor mat
Inspect and adjust all fluid levels1
Inspect wiper blades
Re-torque propeller shaft bolt (4WD)
Replace cabin air filter
Replace engine air filter
Replace engine oil and oil filter 2
Replace transfer case oil (4WD)
Rotate tires
Inspect the following:
__ Automatic transmission fluid cooler __ Exhaust pipes and mountings
hoses and connections __ Fuel lines and connections, fuel tank band
__ Automatic transmission for signs of leakage and fuel tank vapor vent system hoses
__ Ball joints and dust covers __ Fuel tank cap gasket
__ Brake lines and hoses __ Radiator and condenser
__ Brake linings/drums and brake pads/discs 5 __ Rear differential oil (4WD)
__ Drive belts 6 __ Steering gear
__ Drive shaft boots __ Steering linkage and boots
__ Engine coolant 7
Additional Maintenance Items for Special Operating Conditions 3
Driving on dirt roads or dusty roads:
Tighten nuts and bolts on chassis and body
Driving while towing, using a car-top carrier, or heavy vehicle loading: 8
Replace automatic transmission fluid
Replace rear differential oil (4WD)
Tighten nuts and bolts on chassis and body
Extensive idling and/or low speed driving for a long distance such as police, taxi or
door-to-door delivery use:
Replace automatic transmission fluid

Dealer Service Verification:



Inspect sealed transmissions, transfer cases and differentials for signs of leakage. If any leakage from a sealed
component is suspected, it is recommended that you have the sealed component inspected by a Toyota dealer. Inspect
power steering fluid (if equipped) and brake fluid level/condition. Inspect engine and inverter (if equipped) coolant
level/condition/freezing point. Your dealer may recommend services (Dealer-Recommended Maintenance) based on
inspection results.
2 Reset the oil replacement reminder light (“MAINT REQD”) or the message “OIL MAINTENANCE REQUIRED” on the
multi-information display after maintenance at every 5,000 miles.
3 Perform these service items only if you drive primarily under the conditions indicated.
4 Includes operating on roads which road salt has been applied.
5 Inspect thickness measurement and disc runout.
6 Initial inspection at 60,000 miles/72 months. Inspect every 15,000 miles/18 months thereafter.
7 Refer to “Engine Coolant” in the “Explanation of Maintenance Items” section in the back of this guide for more information.
8 Not all vehicles are designed for towing. Refer to your Vehicle Owner’s Manual for details.

Maintenance Log 45

65,000 miles or 78 months 70,000 miles or 84 months

A dd Toyota EFI Tank Additive or equivalent A dd Toyota EFI Tank Additive or equivalent
(Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Saipan and (Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Saipan and
American Samoa only) American Samoa only)
Check installation of driver’s floor mat Check installation of driver’s floor mat
Inspect and adjust all fluid levels1 Inspect and adjust all fluid levels 1
Inspect wiper blades Inspect wiper blades
Rotate tires Replace engine oil and oil filter 2
Visually inspect brake linings/drums Rotate tires
and brake pads/discs Visually inspect brake linings/drums
and brake pads/discs
NOTE: If 0W-16 oil WAS NOT used at
the last oil change, replace engine oil Additional Maintenance Items for
and oil filter. 2 Special Operating Conditions 3
Driving on dirt roads or dusty roads:
Additional Maintenance Items for Inspect ball joints and dust covers
Special Operating Conditions 3 Inspect drive shaft boots
Inspect engine air filter
Driving on dirt roads or dusty roads:
Inspect steering linkage and boots
Inspect ball joints and dust covers
Re-torque propeller shaft bolt (4WD)4
Inspect drive shaft boots
Tighten nuts and bolts on chassis
Inspect engine air filter
and body
Inspect steering linkage and boots
Driving while towing, using a car-top
Re-torque propeller shaft bolt (4WD)4
carrier, or heavy vehicle loading: 6
Replace engine oil and oil filter2 Re-torque propeller shaft bolt (4WD)4
Tighten nuts and bolts on chassis Tighten nuts and bolts on chassis
and body and body
Driving while towing, using a car-top
carrier, or heavy vehicle loading: 6
Re-torque propeller shaft bolt (4WD)4
Replace engine oil and oil filter2
Tighten nuts and bolts on chassis
and body
Repeated trips of less than five miles in

temperatures below 32°F / 0°C:

Replace engine oil and oil filter 2
Extensive idling and/or low speed driving
for a long distance such as police, taxi
or door-to-door delivery use:
Replace engine oil and oil filter 2

Dealer Service Verification: Dealer Service Verification:

Date: Date:
Mileage: Mileage:

46 Maintenance Log

75,000 miles or 90 months

A dd Toyota EFI Tank Additive or equivalent Inspect wiper blades
(Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Saipan and Re-torque propeller shaft bolt (4WD)
American Samoa only) Rotate tires
Check installation of driver’s floor mat Visually inspect brake linings/drums
Inspect and adjust all fluid levels 1 and brake pads/discs
NOTE: If 0W-16 oil WAS NOT used at the last oil change, replace engine oil and oil filter. 2

Inspect the following:

__ Ball joints and dust covers _ Exhaust pipes and mountings
__ Brake lines and hoses _ Radiator and condenser
__ Cabin air filter _ Rear differential oil (4WD)
__ Drive belts _ Steering gear
__ Drive shaft boots _ Steering linkage and boots
__ Engine coolant 5 _ Transfer case oil (4WD)
NOTE: Driving in heavy traffic, on dirt roads or in urban, dusty or desert areas may shorten
the life of the cabin air filter. Replacement may be needed if you notice reduced air flow
from the air conditioner and heater or if the windows fog easily when you use the “Fresh”
mode. Consult your dealer if any of these conditions occur.

Additional Maintenance Items for Special Operating Conditions 3

Driving on dirt roads or dusty roads:

Inspect engine air filter
Replace engine oil and oil filter 2
Tighten nuts and bolts on chassis and body
Driving while towing, using a car-top carrier, or heavy vehicle loading: 6
Replace engine oil and oil filter2
Replace rear differential oil (4WD)
Replace transfer case oil (4WD)
Tighten nuts and bolts on chassis and body
Repeated trips of less than five miles in temperatures below 32°F / 0°C:
Replace engine oil and oil filter 2
Extensive idling and/or low speed driving for a long distance such as police, taxi or
door-to-door delivery use:

Replace engine oil and oil filter 2

Dealer Service Verification:

Inspect sealed transmissions, transfer cases and differentials for signs of leakage. If any leakage from a sealed
component is suspected, it is recommended that you have the sealed component inspected by a Toyota dealer. Inspect
power steering fluid (if equipped) and brake fluid level/condition. Inspect engine and inverter (if equipped) coolant
level/condition/freezing point. Your dealer may recommend services (Dealer-Recommended Maintenance) based on
inspection results.
2 Reset the oil replacement reminder light (“MAINT REQD”) or the message “OIL MAINTENANCE REQUIRED” on the
multi-information display after maintenance at every 5,000 miles.
3 Perform these service items only if you drive primarily under the conditions indicated.
4 Includes operating on roads which road salt has been applied.
5 Refer to “Engine Coolant” in the “Explanation of Maintenance Items” section in the back of this guide for more information.
6 Not all vehicles are designed for towing. Refer to your Vehicle Owner’s Manual for details.

Maintenance Log 47

80,000 miles or 96 months 85,000 miles or 102 months

A dd Toyota EFI Tank Additive or equivalent A dd Toyota EFI Tank Additive or equivalent
(Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Saipan and (Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Saipan and
American Samoa only) American Samoa only)
Check installation of driver’s floor mat Check installation of driver’s floor mat
Inspect and adjust all fluid levels 1 Inspect and adjust all fluid levels 1
Inspect wiper blades Inspect wiper blades
Replace engine oil and oil filter 2 Rotate tires
Rotate tires Visually inspect brake linings/drums
Visually inspect brake linings/drums and brake pads/discs
and brake pads/discs
NOTE: If 0W-16 oil WAS NOT used at
Additional Maintenance Items for the last oil change, replace engine oil
Special Operating Conditions 3 and oil filter. 2
Driving on dirt roads or dusty roads:
Inspect ball joints and dust covers Additional Maintenance Items for
Special Operating Conditions 3
Inspect drive shaft boots
Inspect engine air filter Driving on dirt roads or dusty roads:
Inspect steering linkage and boots Inspect ball joints and dust covers
Re-torque propeller shaft bolt (4WD)4 Inspect drive shaft boots
Tighten nuts and bolts on chassis Inspect engine air filter
and body Inspect steering linkage and boots
Driving while towing, using a car-top Re-torque propeller shaft bolt (4WD)4
carrier, or heavy vehicle loading: 7 Replace engine oil and oil filter 2
Re-torque propeller shaft bolt (4WD)4
Tighten nuts and bolts on chassis
Tighten nuts and bolts on chassis and body
and body
Driving while towing, using a car-top
carrier, or heavy vehicle loading: 7
Re-torque propeller shaft bolt (4WD)4
Replace engine oil and oil filter 2
Tighten nuts and bolts on chassis
and body
Repeated trips of less than five miles in

temperatures below 32°F / 0°C:

Replace engine oil and oil filter 2
Extensive idling and/or low speed driving
for a long distance such as police, taxi
or door-to-door delivery use:
Replace engine oil and oil filter 2

Dealer Service Verification: Dealer Service Verification:

Date: Date:
Mileage: Mileage:

48 Maintenance Log

90,000 miles or 108 months

A dd Toyota EFI Tank Additive or equivalent (Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Saipan and American Samoa only)
Check installation of driver’s floor mat
Inspect and adjust all fluid levels1
Inspect wiper blades
Re-torque propeller shaft bolt (4WD)
Replace cabin air filter
Replace engine air filter
Replace engine oil and oil filter 2
Replace transfer case oil (4WD)
Rotate tires
Inspect the following:
__  Automatic transmission fluid cooler __ Exhaust pipes and mountings
hoses and connections __ Fuel lines and connections, fuel tank band
__ Automatic transmission for signs of leakage and fuel tank vapor vent system hoses
__ Ball joints and dust covers __ Fuel tank cap gasket
__ Brake lines and hoses __ Radiator and condenser
__ Brake linings/drums and brake pads/discs5 __ Rear differential oil (4WD)
__ Drive belts __ Steering gear
__ Drive shaft boots __ Steering linkage and boots
__ Engine coolant6
Additional Maintenance Items for Special Operating Conditions 3

Driving on dirt roads or dusty roads:

Tighten nuts and bolts on chassis and body
Driving while towing, using a car-top carrier, or heavy vehicle loading: 7
Replace rear differential oil (4WD)
Tighten nuts and bolts on chassis and body MAINTENANCE

Dealer Service Verification:


Inspect sealed transmissions, transfer cases and differentials for signs of leakage. If any leakage from a sealed
component is suspected, it is recommended that you have the sealed component inspected by a Toyota dealer. Inspect
power steering fluid (if equipped) and brake fluid level/condition. Inspect engine and inverter (if equipped) coolant
level/condition/freezing point. Your dealer may recommend services (Dealer-Recommended Maintenance) based on
inspection results.
2 Reset the oil replacement reminder light (“MAINT REQD”) or the message “OIL MAINTENANCE REQUIRED” on the
multi-information display after maintenance at every 5,000 miles.
3 Perform these service items only if you drive primarily under the conditions indicated.
4 Includes operating on roads which road salt has been applied.
5 Inspect thickness measurement and disc runout.
6 Refer to “Engine Coolant” in the “Explanation of Maintenance Items” section in the back of this guide for more information.
7 Not all vehicles are designed for towing. Refer to your Vehicle Owner’s Manual for details.

Maintenance Log 49

95,000 miles or 114 months 100,000 miles or 120 months

A dd Toyota EFI Tank Additive or equivalent A dd Toyota EFI Tank Additive or equivalent
(Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Saipan and (Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Saipan and
American Samoa only) American Samoa only)
Check installation of driver’s floor mat Check installation of driver’s floor mat
Inspect and adjust all fluid levels 1 Inspect and adjust all fluid levels 1
Inspect wiper blades Inspect wiper blades
Rotate tires Replace engine coolant5
Visually inspect brake linings/drums Replace engine oil and oil filter 2
and brake pads/discs Rotate tires
Visually inspect brake linings/drums
NOTE: If 0W-16 oil WAS NOT used at
and brake pads/discs
the last oil change, replace engine oil
and oil filter. 2 Additional Maintenance Items for
Special Operating Conditions 3
Additional Maintenance Items for
Driving on dirt roads or dusty roads:
Special Operating Conditions 3
Inspect ball joints and dust covers
Driving on dirt roads or dusty roads: Inspect drive shaft boots
Inspect ball joints and dust covers Inspect engine air filter
Inspect drive shaft boots Inspect steering linkage and boots
Inspect engine air filter Re-torque propeller shaft bolt (4WD)4
Inspect steering linkage and boots Tighten nuts and bolts on chassis
Re-torque propeller shaft bolt (4WD)4 and body
Replace engine oil and oil filter2 Driving while towing, using a car-top
Tighten nuts and bolts on chassis carrier, or heavy vehicle loading: 7
and body Re-torque propeller shaft bolt (4WD)4
Driving while towing, using a car-top Tighten nuts and bolts on chassis
carrier, or heavy vehicle loading: 7 and body
Re-torque propeller shaft bolt (4WD)4
Replace engine oil and oil filter 2
Tighten nuts and bolts on chassis
and body
Repeated trips of less than five miles in

temperatures below 32°F / 0°C:

Replace engine oil and oil filter 2
Extensive idling and/or low speed driving
for a long distance such as police, taxi
or door-to-door delivery use:
Replace engine oil and oil filter 2

Dealer Service Verification: Dealer Service Verification:

Date: Date:
Mileage: Mileage:

50 Maintenance Log

105,000 miles or 126 months

 Toyota EFI Tank Additive or equivalent
Add Inspect wiper blades
(Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Saipan and Re-torque propeller shaft bolt (4WD)
American Samoa only) Rotate tires
Check installation of driver’s floor mat Visually inspect brake linings/drums
Inspect and adjust all fluid levels 1 and brake pads/discs
NOTE: If 0W-16 oil WAS NOT used at the last oil change, replace engine oil and oil filter. 2

Inspect the following:

__ Ball joints and dust covers _ Exhaust pipes and mountings
__ Brake lines and hoses _ Radiator and condenser
__ Cabin air filter _ Rear differential oil (4WD)
__ Drive belts _ Steering gear
__ Drive shaft boots _ Steering linkage and boots
__ Engine coolant6 _ Transfer case oil (4WD)
NOTE: Driving in heavy traffic, on dirt roads or in urban, dusty or desert areas may shorten
the life of the cabin air filter. Replacement may be needed if you notice reduced air flow
from the air conditioner and heater or if the windows fog easily when you use the “Fresh”
mode. Consult your dealer if any of these conditions occur.

Additional Maintenance Items for Special Operating Conditions 3

Driving on dirt roads or dusty roads:

Inspect engine air filter
Replace engine oil and oil filter 2
Tighten nuts and bolts on chassis and body
Driving while towing, using a car-top carrier, or heavy vehicle loading: 7
Replace engine oil and oil filter2
Replace rear differential oil (4WD)
Replace transfer case oil (4WD)
Tighten nuts and bolts on chassis and body
Repeated trips of less than five miles in temperatures below 32°F / 0°C:
Replace engine oil and oil filter 2
Extensive idling and/or low speed driving for a long distance such as police, taxi or
door-to-door delivery use:
Replace engine oil and oil filter 2

Dealer Service Verification:

Inspect sealed transmissions, transfer cases and differentials for signs of leakage. If any leakage from a sealed
component is suspected, it is recommended that you have the sealed component inspected by a Toyota dealer. Inspect
power steering fluid (if equipped) and brake fluid level/condition. Inspect engine and inverter (if equipped) coolant
level/condition/freezing point. Your dealer may recommend services (Dealer-Recommended Maintenance) based on
inspection results.
2 Reset the oil replacement reminder light (“MAINT REQD”) or the message “OIL MAINTENANCE REQUIRED” on the
multi-information display after maintenance at every 5,000 miles.
3 Perform these service items only if you drive primarily under the conditions indicated.
4 Includes operating on roads which road salt has been applied.
5 Initial replacement at 100,000 miles/120 months. Replace every 50,000 miles/60 months thereafter. Refer to “Engine
Coolant” in the “Explanation of Maintenance Items” section in the back of this guide for more information.
6 Refer to “Engine Coolant” in the “Explanation of Maintenance Items” section in the back of this guide for more information.
7 Not all vehicles are designed for towing. Refer to your Vehicle Owner’s Manual for details.

Maintenance Log 51

110,000 miles or 132 months 115,000 miles or 138 months

A dd Toyota EFI Tank Additive or equivalent A dd Toyota EFI Tank Additive or equivalent
(Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Saipan and (Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Saipan and
American Samoa only) American Samoa only)
Check installation of driver’s floor mat Check installation of driver’s floor mat
Inspect and adjust all fluid levels 1 Inspect and adjust all fluid levels 1
Inspect wiper blades Inspect wiper blades
Replace engine oil and oil filter 2 Rotate tires
Rotate tires Visually inspect brake linings/drums
Visually inspect brake linings/drums and brake pads/discs
and brake pads/discs
NOTE: If 0W-16 oil WAS NOT used at
Additional Maintenance Items for the last oil change, replace engine oil
Special Operating Conditions 3 and oil filter. 2

Driving on dirt roads or dusty roads:

Additional Maintenance Items for
Inspect ball joints and dust covers
Special Operating Conditions 3
Inspect drive shaft boots
Inspect engine air filter Driving on dirt roads or dusty roads:
Inspect steering linkage and boots Inspect ball joints and dust covers
Re-torque propeller shaft bolt (4WD)4 Inspect drive shaft boots
Tighten nuts and bolts on chassis Inspect engine air filter
and body Inspect steering linkage and boots
Driving while towing, using a car-top Re-torque propeller shaft bolt (4WD)4
carrier, or heavy vehicle loading: 9 Replace engine oil and oil filter 2
Re-torque propeller shaft bolt (4WD) 4 Tighten nuts and bolts on chassis
Tighten nuts and bolts on chassis and body
and body Driving while towing, using a car-top
carrier, or heavy vehicle loading: 9
Re-torque propeller shaft bolt (4WD)4
Replace engine oil and oil filter 2
Tighten nuts and bolts on chassis
and body
Repeated trips of less than five miles in

temperatures below 32°F / 0°C:

Replace engine oil and oil filter 2
Extensive idling and/or low speed driving
for a long distance such as police, taxi
or door-to-door delivery use:
Replace engine oil and oil filter 2

Dealer Service Verification: Dealer Service Verification:

Date: Date:
Mileage: Mileage:

52 Maintenance Log

120,000 miles or 144 months

A dd Toyota EFI Tank Additive or equivalent (Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Saipan and American Samoa only)
Check installation of driver’s floor mat
Inspect and adjust all fluid levels1
Inspect wiper blades
Re-torque propeller shaft bolt (4WD)
Replace cabin air filter
Replace engine air filter
Replace engine oil and oil filter 2
Replace spark plugs5
Replace transfer case oil (4WD)
Rotate tires
Inspect the following:
__ Automatic transmission fluid cooler __ Exhaust pipes and mountings
hoses and connections __  Fuel lines and connections, fuel tank band
__ Automatic transmission for signs of leakage and fuel tank vapor vent system hoses
__ Ball joints and dust covers __ Fuel tank cap gasket
__ Brake lines and hoses __ Radiator and condenser
__ Brake linings/drums and brake pads/discs6 __ Rear differential oil (4WD)
__ Drive belts __ Steering gear
__ Drive shaft boots __ Steering linkage and boots
__ Engine coolant 7 __ Vacuum pump for brake booster 8

Additional Maintenance Items for Special Operating Conditions 3

Driving on dirt roads or dusty roads:

Tighten nuts and bolts on chassis and body
Driving while towing, using a car-top carrier, or heavy vehicle loading: 9
Replace automatic transmission fluid
Replace rear differential oil (4WD)
Tighten nuts and bolts on chassis and body
Extensive idling and/or low speed driving for a long distance such as police, taxi or
door-to-door delivery use:
Replace automatic transmission fluid

Dealer Service Verification:

Inspect sealed transmissions, transfer cases and differentials for signs of leakage. If any leakage from a sealed
component is suspected, it is recommended that you have the sealed component inspected by a Toyota dealer. Inspect
power steering fluid (if equipped) and brake fluid level/condition. Inspect engine and inverter (if equipped) coolant
level/condition/freezing point. Your dealer may recommend services (Dealer-Recommended Maintenance) based on
inspection results.
2 Reset the oil replacement reminder light (“MAINT REQD”) or the message “OIL MAINTENANCE REQUIRED” on the
multi-information display after maintenance at every 5,000 miles.
3 Perform these service items only if you drive primarily under the conditions indicated.
4 Includes operating on roads which road salt has been applied.
5 Maintenance services of spark plugs are required under the terms of the Emissions Control Warranty.
6 Inspect thickness measurement and disc runout.
7 Refer to “Engine Coolant” in the “Explanation of Maintenance Items” section in the back of this guide for more information.
8 Replace the vacuum pump vane and the vacuum pump vane caps with new ones and never reuse the vacuum pump
vane and the vacuum pump vane caps.
9 Not all vehicles are designed for towing. Refer to your Vehicle Owner’s Manual for details.

Maintenance Log 53

he following descriptions are Brake Lines and Hoses
provided to give you a better
Visually inspect for proper installation.
understanding of the maintenance
Check for chafing, cracks, deterioration
items that should be performed on your
and signs of leakage. Replace any
vehicle. The scheduled maintenance log
deteriorated or damaged parts. A qualified
indicates at which mileage/time intervals
technician should perform these operations.
each item should be performed. Please
note that many maintenance items should Brake Linings/Drums and
be performed only by a qualified technician. Brake Pads/Discs
Check the brake linings (shoes) and
For further information on maintenance drums for scoring, burning, fluid leakage,
items you can perform yourself, see the broken parts and excessive wear. Check
“Maintenance and Care” section of the the pads for excessive wear and the discs
Owner’s Manual. for runout, excessive wear and fluid
leakage. Replace any deteriorated or
damaged parts. A qualified technician
Automatic Transmission Fluid should perform these operations.
Inspect or replace at specified intervals.
When performing inspections, check each Cabin Air Filter
component for signs of leakage. If you Replace at specified intervals. Driving in
discover any leakage, have it repaired by heavy traffic, on dirt roads or in urban,
a qualified technician immediately. desert or dusty areas may shorten filter’s
life. More frequent replacement may
Ball Joints and Dust Covers
be necessary.
Check the suspension and steering
linkage ball joints for looseness and Drive Belts
damage. Check all dust covers for Inspect for cracks, excessive wear and
deterioration and damage. Replace oiliness. Check the belt tension and adjust
any deteriorated or damaged parts.

if necessary. Replace the belts if they

A qualified technician should perform are damaged.
these operations.

54 Maintenance Log

Drive Shaft Boots Engine Coolant

Check the drive shaft boots and clamps for Drain the cooling system and refill with an
cracks, deterioration and damage. Replace ethylene-glycol type coolant. Inspect hoses
any deteriorated or damaged parts and, if and connections for corrosion and leaks.
necessary, repack the grease. A qualified Tighten connections and replace parts
technician should perform these operations. when necessary. A qualified technician
should perform these operations. (For
Driver’s Floor Mat further details, refer to “Radiator, Condenser
 nly use the driver’s floor mat and Hoses” in the “Maintenance and Care”
designed specifically for the model section of the Owner’s Manual).
and model year of your vehicle.

• A lways properly secure the driver’s Your Toyota is equipped with Genuine
Toyota Super Long-Life Coolant. The
floor mat using the retaining hooks.
replacement intervals for engine coolant
 ever install another floor mat on top recommended in this booklet are based
of the existing driver’s floor mat. on replacement with Genuine Toyota
Super Long-Life Coolant or similar
 ever install the driver’s floor mat high-quality non-silicate, non-amine,
upside down. non-borate ethylene-glycol coolant with
Engine Air Filter long-life hybrid organic acid technology
(i.e., a combination of low phosphates
Inspect or replace at specified intervals. and organic acids). If another type of
When performing inspections, check for ethylene-glycol coolant is used,
damage, excessive wear and oiliness, and replacement intervals may be different.
replace if necessary.

Maintenance Log 55

Engine Oil and Oil Filter Fuel Lines and Connections,

Replace the oil filter and drain and refill Fuel Tank Band and Fuel Tank
the engine oil at specified intervals. For Vapor Vent System Hoses
recommended oil grade and viscosity, Visually inspect for corrosion, damage,
refer to the Owner’s Manual. cracks, and loose or leaking connections.
NOTE: Your vehicle is certified with Tighten connections or replace parts
Genuine Toyota 0W-16 motor oil. For as necessary.
VEHICLES CERTIFIED FOR 0W-16 motor Fuel Tank Cap Gasket
oil, the oil change interval is 10,000 miles
Visually inspect for cracks, deterioration
or 12 months IF 0W-16 MOTOR OIL IS
and damage and replace if necessary.
BEING USED. If 0W-16 is not available,
0W-20 mineral oil may be used. However, Nuts and Bolts on Chassis
it must be replaced at a 5,000-miles or and Body
six-month INTERVAL with 0W-16 motor oil.
Retighten the seat-mounting bolts and
For customers who primarily drive their front/rear suspension member retaining
vehicle under any of the listed Special bolts to specified torque.
Operating Conditions, the motor oil and
filter should be replaced at 5,000 miles or Propeller Shaft
six months, REGARDLESS OF THE OIL USED Re-torque the propeller shaft bolt. Only
(OR CERTIFICATION OF THE VEHICLE). a qualified technician should perform
this operation.
Exhaust Pipes and Mountings
Visually inspect the exhaust pipes, muffler
Radiator and Condenser
and hangers for cracks, deterioration and Inspect for debris, corrosion and signs
damage. Start the engine and listen of damage. Have any problem repaired
carefully for any exhaust gas leakage. immediately by a qualified technician.
Tighten connections or replace parts
Rear Differential Oil

as necessary.
Inspect or replace at specified intervals.
When performing inspections, check each
component for signs of leakage. If you
discover any leakage, have it repaired
by a qualified technician immediately.

56 Maintenance Log

Spark Plugs Transfer Case Oil

Replace at specified intervals. Install new Inspect or replace at specified intervals.
plugs of the same type as originally When performing inspections, check
equipped. A qualified technician should for signs of leakage. If you discover any
perform this operation. leakage, have it repaired by a qualified
Steering Gear technician immediately.

Inspect for signs of leakage. If you Vacuum Pump for Brake Booster
discover any leakage, have it repaired Inspect or replace at specified intervals.
immediately by a qualified technician. A qualified technician should perform
Steering Linkage and Boots this operation.
With the vehicle stopped, check for Wiper Blades
excessive freeplay in the steering wheel.
The wiper blades should not show any
Inspect the linkage for bending and
signs of cracking, splitting, wear,
damage and the dust boots for
contamination or deformation. The wiper
deterioration, cracks and damage. Replace
blades should clear the windshield without
any damaged parts. A qualified technician
streaking or skipping.
should perform these operations.

Tire Rotation
Tires should be rotated according to the
instructions in the Owner’s Manual. When
rotating tires, check for damage and
uneven wear. Replace if necessary. MAINTENANCE

Maintenance Log 57


In-service date

Selling dealership

Key number

Body style

Mileage at delivery

Selling dealership phone number

Vehicle Identification Number


58 Maintenance Log


Maintenance Log 59

60 Maintenance Log


Maintenance Log 61

62 Maintenance Log


Maintenance Log 63

64 Maintenance Log
Warranty & Maintenance Guide 2020

Printed in U.S.A. 8/19 toyota.com


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