Recitation 4
Recitation 4
Recitation 4
Felix Munoz
Exercise 1. Prove that Shephard’s lemma is implied by Roy’s identity. [Hint: Assume that we are at
an optimum.]
Answer. Since the identity v p, e p, u u holds for all p, differentiation with respect to p yields
v p, e p, u
p v p, e p, u p e p, u 0. ①
where w e p, u , and we differentiate the first argument v p, and the second argument
v , e p, u . We apply the chain rule when differentiating the second term.
v p, e p, u v p, e p, u
xl ( p, w)
w pl ②
v p, e p, u
Finally, by 0 (Maximal utility from the UMP is increasing in income.) and
h p, u p e p, u .
Exercise 2. Verify for the case of a Cobb-Douglas utility function, u x x1 x12 , that all of the
Answer. Recall that, from Example 3.D.1, the Walrasian demand for the Cobb-Douglas utility function
EconS 501 Recitation #4 Fall 2016
Felix Munoz
x1 ( p, w) w and x2 ( p, w) w.
p1 p2
Dw x p, w 1 ,
(As a remark, note that these derivatives are positive, thus confirming that both goods 1 and 2 are
normal rather than inferior.)
e( p, u ) p1 h1 ( p, u ) p2 h2 ( p, u )
p2 1 p1
e( p, u ) p1 u p2 u
1 p1 p2
1 p12 (1 ) p1
e( p , u ) p u p2 u
(1 )1 p11
(1 ) 1 p12 p2 1 (1 ) p1 p1
e( p , u ) u
p1 p2 1
(1 ) 1 (1 ) (1 ) 1 ( 1 )
e( p , u ) u u
p1 p2 1 p1 p2 1
(1 ) 1 p1
e( p , u )
1 u
We now seek to confirm that the derivative of e( p.u) with respect to prices, p e( p, u ) , yields the
EconS 501 Recitation #4 Fall 2016
Felix Munoz
Hicksian demands we defined above (that is, we seek to confirm Shephard’s lemma) . Indeed,
e( p, u ) p p
u 1 2 h1 ( p, u )
p1 1 p1
e( p, u ) p p 1
u 1 2 h2 ( p, u )
p2 1 p2
Or, more compactly, in matrix notation,
1 p
p p 1
e p , u u 1 2 ,
1 1
In addition, we seek to test the property Dp2e( p, u ) Dp h( p, u ) . Differentiating our above result with
respect to p yields
(1 ) 1
p, u D p h p, u u 1 2
p p p1 p2
D 2p e 1
1 1
p1 p2 p22
(1 ) 1
(1 ) p12 p1 p2 0
0 and det 1
p12 1
p1 p2 p22
EconS 501 Recitation #4 Fall 2016
Felix Munoz
(1 ) 1
p1 p2 p12 p1 p2 p1
1 1 1 p2
p1 p2 p22
(1 ) (1 )
p1 p2
1 2 p1 p2
p p p1
u 1 2
1 1 p1
p 2
p1 p2 p22
(1 ) (1 )
1 p
p p 1
u 1 2
1 1 1
p2 p2
p p 0
u 1 2 0 0
(Recall from our class discussion that this property entails that not all goods are net substitutes, nor all
goods are net complements.)
The last property we seek to check is that Roy’s identity holds. That is, if we differentiate the indirect
utility function v( p, w) with respect to pl and w , the negative of the ratio of derivative coincides
v( p, u )
xl ( p, w)
v( p, u )
In order to show this result, first note that the indirect utility function for u ( x) x1 x12 is
v p, w w.
p1 p2
v( p, w) 1
1 p1 (1 ) w
p1 p2
v p, w 1
w p1 p2
Hence, the ratio of these derivatives can be simplified as follows,
EconS 501 Recitation #4 Fall 2016
Felix Munoz
v( p, u ) 1
1 p1 (1 ) w
pl p2
w xl ( p, w)
v( p, u )
p1 p2
A similar argument applies for good 2.
u x u x .
For instance, in the context of three goods, an additively separable function would be
good , x .1 In words, this type of utility function indicates that the consumer only cares about the
number of units of each good, but does not find interactions between the units of good k and the utility
he derives from good j. Show that the induced ordering on any group of commodities is independent
of whatever fixed values we attach to the remaining ones.
Answer. Define the set of goods S 1, , L and let T be a subset of the goods in the list S. For
instance, if the set of goods is S 1, ,5 , subset T could include the first three goods, that is,
T 1, 2,3 . The commodity vectors for those goods in T are represented by z1 z T #T
and similarly for commodity vectors of those goods outside T, which are represented by
z2 z T L # T
. ℝContinuing with our above example, z1 since the cardinality of
set T is 3 (it contains three goods), and z2 given that there are two remaining goods (for a
total of 5). For instance, we could have z1 {15, 6,8} , indicating 15 units of good 1, 6 units of good
We shall prove that for every z1 #T , z1 #T , z2 L #T , and z2 L # T ,
For example, u x could be u x ax or u x ax 2 where a>0; or more generally,
That is, for a given commodity vector z2 , the consumer compares z1 against z '1 . In other words,
his preference for z1 over z '1 (where he only considers T goods) is unaffected by the specific
In fact, since this preference relation is represented with the above additively separable utility
T u z T u z T u z T u z .
which simplifies to
T u z T u z .
Likewise, z , z z , z is equivalent to
1 2 1 2
T u z T u z T u z T u z .
which also simplifies to
T u z T u z .
Hence, they are equivalent to each other.
b) Show now that the Walrasian and Hicksian demand functions generated by an additively
separable utility function admit no inferior goods if the functions u are strictly concave. (You
Answer. First, we know that the following tangency condition holds both in the UMP and in the EMP:
uk xk p, w pk
MRS k ,l
u x p, w p
Importantly, in this context the marginal utility of good k is only function of the units of good k that
the individual consumes, but is independent on the units of other goods. A similar argument applies to
the marginal utility of good .2
uk xk p, w u x p, w
for every k 1, L .
For instance, if the utility function is 𝑢(𝑥, 𝑦) = 𝑎𝑥 2 + 𝑏𝑦, the marginal utility of x is a function of x alone,
and similarly for good y. However, if the utility function is not additively separable, for example if 𝑢(𝑥, 𝑦) =
𝑎(𝑥𝑦)2 + 𝑏𝑦, the marginal utility of x is a function of both x and y.
EconS 501 Recitation #4 Fall 2016
Felix Munoz
The next figure depicts the term in the left-hand side of the above expression, uk ( xk ( p, w)) , which is
positive for all xk (i.e., positive marginal utility), but decreasing (i.e., diminishing marginal utility).
In addition, the figure also illustrates the term in the right-hand side, ul( xl ( p, w)) , which is
constant in xk .
uk ( xk ( p, w))
ul ( xl ( p , w ))
xk ( p , w ) xk
Suppose now that the wealth level w increases and all prices remain unchanged. Then the demand for
at least one good (say, good ) has to increase by Walras’ law. We seek to show that the demand for
the remaining good k must also increase, thus implying that all goods are normal.
If the demand for good increases, its marginal utility ul( xl ( p, w)) decreases. [This follows by
concavity, which intuitively represents diminishing marginal utility in the consumption of all goods.]
Graphically, a decrease in ul( xl ( p, w)) implies that the line representing ul( xl ( p, w)) shifts
downwards, yielding a new crossing point to the right-hand side of the initial crossing point depicted
in the above figure. As a consequence, the consumer demands a larger amount of good k , i.e.,
xk ( p, w) increases, ultimately implying that good k is normal. Thus, all goods are normal.
Exercise 4. If leisure is an inferior good, what is the slope of the supply function of labor?
Answer. Use Slutsky equation to write:
EconS 501 Recitation #4 Fall 2016
Felix Munoz
w w m
L L ,
where L is leisure, w is wage rate, m is income. Note that the substitution effect is always negative, i.e.,
0 , term L L measures the amount of working hours and it is always positive. Hence, if
leisure is a normal good, 0 , the sign of the total effect is negative and unambiguous, as the
following expression illustrates.
w w m
( ) +! ( ) (+)
In contrast, if leisure is inferior, 0 , the total effect, , is not necessarily negative. Indeed,
m w
w w m
( ) ? () (+)
In order to provide a more general analysis of this case, let us rearrange the equation above, solving
for the total effect,
w w m
Thus, the slope of the labor supply curve depends on whether the total effect is positive or negative,
which ultimately depends on whether the (negative) substitution effect dominates the (positive)
( L L) L
income effect. Comparing the Substitution and Income effects, and noting that ,
w w
L ( L L)
1. If SE IE , then 0, and 0 . This implies that the total effect is positive,
w w
( L L)
which implies that the slope of the leisure curve is positive i.e., 0 . Therefore the
slope of the labor supply curve must be negative, 0.
EconS 501 Recitation #4 Fall 2016
Felix Munoz
L ( L L)
2. If SE IE , then 0, and 0 . This implies that the total effect is negative,
w w
( L L)
which implies that the leisure curve is negatively sloped i.e., 0 . As a
consequence, the labor supply curve is positively sloped, 0.