Article 4

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Nom d'élève :

Phase :
jour / semaine
Stretching mobilisation Reps Séries Durée Repos
SMR: Upper trapezius 1 1 30s

Stretching: Upper trapezius 1 1 30s

SMR: Levator Scapula 1 1 30s

Stretching: Levator Scapula

1 1 30s
SMR: Pectoralis 1 1 30s

Stretching: Pectoralis
1 1 30s
Cardio 1 Durée Intensité FC max %
Treadmill 5mn Moyenne 50-70%
Core Reps Séries Durée Repos
Floor Cobra 12-20 2 4-2-1 90s
Plank 12-20 2 4-2-1 90s
Pallof 12-20 2 4-2-1 90s
Balance Reps Séries Durée Repos
Single-Leg Balance 1 3 4-2-1 90s
Single-leg throw and catch 6-10 3 4-2-2 90s
Résistance Reps Séries tempo intensité Repos
Chest & Triceps: Chest press 12 2 4-2-1 50-70% 90s
Legs: Ball Squat 12 2 4-2-1 50-70% 90s
Shoulders: Swiss Ball shoulder press
12 2 4-2-1 50-70% 90s
Back: Standing tubing row 12 2 4-2-1 50-70% 90s
Cardio 3 Durée Intensité FC max %
Treadmill 10mn Intermediate 50-70%
Stretching mobilisation Reps Séries Durée Repos
SMR: Upper trapezius 1 1 30s
Stretching: Upper trapezius 1 1 30s
SMR: Levator Scapula 1 1 30s
Stretching: Levator Scapula 1 1 30s

SMR: Pectoralis 1 1 30s

Stretching: Pectoralis 1 1 30s

1: Stabilisation endurance
séance n1 : Full body
Commentaire Stretching mobilisation
Hold pressure on tender spots for 30 seconds. SMR: Erector Spinae

SS*: Tuck chin and slowly draw left ear to left shoulder. Stretching: Erector Spinae

Hold pressure on tender spots for 30 seconds. SMR: Iliopsas

Stretching: Iliopsas
SS*: Continue by rotating chin downward until a slight stretch is
Hold pressure on tender spots for 30 seconds. SMR: Rectus Femoris
SS*: Looking straight ahead, Clasp your hands behind your back,
Stretching: Rectus Femoris
and hold the stretch for 30sec
Commentaire Cardio 1
Fast walking to jogging Bike
Commentaire Core
Do not move the spine Floor Bridge
Keep your body in a straight line Bird dog
Engage your core, do not move. Dead bug
Commentaire Balance
Maintain your balance while standing on one leg. Single leg balance reach
Engage the core Single-leg hip rotation
Commentaire Résistance
Control the movement Legs: Front lunges
Press the ball against the wall Back: TRX ROW
Sit on the swiss ball, and stay in a steady position while doing the Shoulders: Rear delt row
Keep your back and head straight Chest: Dumbbell chest press
Commentaire Cardio 3
Slow walk Bike
Commentaire Stretching mobilisation
Hold pressure on tender spots for 30 seconds. SMR: Erector Spinae
SS*: Tuck chin and slowly draw left ear to left shoulder. Stretching: Erector Spinae
Hold pressure on tender spots for 30 seconds. SMR: Iliopsas
SS*: Continue by rotating chin downward until a slight stretch is
Stretching: Iliopsas
felt on the right side.

Hold pressure on tender spots for 30 seconds. SMR: Rectus Femoris

SS*: Looking straight ahead, Clasp your hands behind your back,
Stretching: Rectus Femoris
and hold the stretch for 30sec
Nom d'élève :
Physical Trainer Phase : 1: Stabilisation endurance
Cas pratique 'FATIMA' jour / semaine Séance n2: Full Body
Hold pressure on tender spots for 30 secon
Stretching mobilisation Reps Séries Durée Repos Commentaire
MR: Erector Spinae 1 1 30s
SS*: Lay down in supine position, Flex hips and knees
Grab the lower hamstring and pull knees towards
etching: Erector Spinae 1 1 30s chest/shoulders
Hold pressure on tender spots for 30 secon

MR: Iliopsas 1 1 30s

SS*: Start in a lunge position with the front knee ove
and the back leg in line with the hips. Rest the back k
etching: Iliopsas 1 1 30s ground and focus on opening the chest, leaning sligh
Hold pressure on tender spots for 30 secon

MR: Rectus Femoris 1 1 30s

etching: Rectus Femoris SS*: Bend your knee and hold onto the ankle, Tilt yo
1 1 30s backwards, Pull your leg backwards, Push your hips f
Cardio 1 Durée Intensité FC max % Commentaire
e 5mn Moyenne 50-70% Light to moderate pace
re Reps Séries Durée Repos Commentaire
or Bridge 12-20 2 4-2-1 90s Tighten your glutes and abs
d dog 12-20 2 4-2-1 90s Form a straight line while keeping your arm and le
ad bug 12-20 2 4-2-1 90s Make sure your spine keeps a steaudy and neutra
lance Reps Séries Durée Repos Commentaire
gle leg balance reach 6-10 3 4-2-2 90s Neutral spine and abs drawn in
gle-leg hip rotation 6-10 3 4-2-2 90s do rotation movement with your hip
sistance Reps Séries tempo intensité Repos Commentaire
gs: Front lunges 12-20 2 4-2-1 50-70% 90s Focus on the tempo
ck: TRX ROW 12-20 2 4-2-1 50-70% 90s Keep your elbows close to the body

oulders: Rear delt row Engage your core

12-20 2 4-2-1 50-70% 90s
est: Dumbbell chest press 12-20 2 4-2-1 50-70% 90s Focus on the excentric
Cardio 3 Durée Intensité FC max % Commentaire
Bike 10mn 50-70% Cool down at an easy pace
Hold pressure on tender spots for 30 secon
Stretching mobilisation Reps Séries Durée Repos Commentaire
MR: Erector Spinae 1 1 30s
Hold pressure on tender spots for 30 secon
etching: Erector Spinae 1 1 30s SS*: Lay down in supine position, Flex hips and knees
MR: Iliopsas 1 1 30s Grab the lower hamstring and pull knees towards
SS*: Start in a lunge position with the front knee ove
and the back leg in line with the hips. Rest the back k
etching: Iliopsas ground and focus on opening the chest, leaning sligh
Hold pressure on tender spots for 30 secon
1 1 30s
MR: Rectus Femoris 1 1 30s

etching: Rectus Femoris SS*: Bend your knee and hold onto the ankle, Tilt yo
1 1 30s backwards, Pull your leg backwards, Push your hips f
bilisation endurance
ance n2: Full Body
n tender spots for 30 seconds.

position, Flex hips and knees to 90˚,

g and pull knees towards
n tender spots for 30 seconds.

tion with the front knee over the ankle

with the hips. Rest the back knee on the
ning the chest,
n tender leaning
spots for slightly back
30 seconds.

hold onto the ankle, Tilt your pelvis

backwards, Push your hips forwards.
t to moderate pace

n your glutes and abs
hile keeping your arm and leg aligned
keeps a steaudy and neutral position
spine and abs drawn in
movement with your hip
cus on the tempo
elbows close to the body

ngage your core

us on the excentric

own at an easy pace
n tender spots for 30 seconds.
n tender spots for 30 seconds.
position, Flex hips and knees to 90˚,
g and pull knees towards
tion with the front knee over the ankle
with the hips. Rest the back knee on the
ning the chest, leaning slightly back
n tender spots for 30 seconds.

hold onto the ankle, Tilt your pelvis

backwards, Push your hips forwards.

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