Haider Kadhum Raddam
Haider Kadhum Raddam
Haider Kadhum Raddam
Cerebral palsy is one of the most common health problems for premature babies. About 1 to 2
out of every 1,000 babies born to term will develop cerebral palsy. For babies born at less than
37 weeks gestation, the risk is twice as high, approximately 100 in 1,000 live births. (Martin &
Osterman, 2018; Blinko, 2012).
A premature baby is defined as the birth of a baby before 37 weeks of gestation. Premature
babies are more likely to suffer from several complications, especially cerebral palsy, which
can affect children for life, in addition to some complications of respiratory distress syndrome,
jaundice, infections, and seizures. These complications could lead to the child’s life at an early
age (Marhoon, 2021).
A preterm baby is defined as the birth of a baby before 37 weeks gestation, and it occurs in 8%
to 11% of all pregnancies. These obstetric complications account for 75% to 80% of all
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neonatal deaths. In addition to significant morbidity rates among infants and newborns
(Marhoon & Nasser K, 2017).
Cerebral palsy constitutes a high rate of complications that threaten premature babies and
ranges between 40% and 50%. Most of these cases (75-90%) are thought to be caused by
problems occurring around the time of birth in the case of twins or triplets, often immediately
after birth in cases of dystocia or by forceps or other assisted delivery in cases of normal
delivery. birth injuries. In those born weighing between 1 kg (2.2 lb) and 1.5 kg (3.3 lb) CP
occurs in 6%. [2] Of those born before 28 weeks gestation this occurs in 8% [68] [a] Genetic
factors are believed to play an important role in prematurity and cerebral palsy in general. In
those born between 34 and 37 weeks, the risk is 0.4% (three times normal) (Mohroon, 2021).
The chapter deals with analyzing data after collecting, processing, tabulated and managing it
statistically, then the scientific and logical interpretation of the results related to the objectives
of the study.
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Table (1) Study Sample Demographic Data
Demographic Data Rating and Intervals Frequency Percent
18-28 25 50.0
29-39 15 30.0
40 and more 10 20.0
Total 50 100.0
Urban 30 60.0
Residence Rural 20 40.0
Total 50 100.0
does not read 10 20.0
Reading 8 16.0 66%
Primary 15 30.0
Education Level
Secondary 7 14.0
Diploma or Bachelor's degree 10 20.0
Total 50 100.0
I raised a house 35 70.0
Table No. 1 shows the demographic information of the sample. In terms of age, it turns out
that the age group for the sample is 18-28. Hence, 50% of the sample is expected to be the
most appropriate age for childbearing. It turns out that the sample is young and this result is
consistent with the study (AL-Mukhtar& Abdulghani, 2020). In terms of Residence, the table
shows that the largest proportion of the sample is from the city, at 60%. While it is the
educational level of the sample, it turns out that the largest percentage is from mothers who
neither read nor write, and who read and write, and from primary school, which is 66%, and
this percentage is very high, and this is consistent with the study (Knowledge of mothers with
premature births About Antenatal corticosteroid therapy for fetal lung maturation)
(Abdulkareem & Abbas, 2016).
Table (2) Study Sample maternal productivity data
Maternal Productivity Data Rating and Intervals Frequency Percent
Once 36 72.0
Twice 8 16.0
Pregnancy Number
three and more 6 12.0
Total 50 100.0
Once 9 18.0
Twice 3 6.0
The Number of Premature Births three and more 2 4.0
No found 36 72.0
Total 50 100.0
Once 7 14.0
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Twice 6 12.0
three and more 5 10.0
No found 34 68.0
Total 50 100.0
Once 10 20.0
Twice 2 4.0
The Number of Premature infants three and more 2 4.0
with cerebral palsy
No found 36 72.0
Total 50 100.0
Table No.2: shows the productive information of the mother in terms of the number of
pregnancies, premature births, abortions, live births, or stillbirths. It turned out that the most
pregnancies in the sample were those who had pregnancies for the first time and with a
percentage of 72%, While the number of premature births was in the category, there was no
previous pregnancy with a percentage of 72%, and this indicates that mothers are less
experienced and knowledgeable about pregnancy. While live births, the table showed that it is
the most common category, there were three or more births, 64% of the sample size, while
abortion with pregnancy was not, and mothers who did not complain of abortion during
pregnancy, 68% of the sample size. Also, the number of Premature infants with cerebral palsy,
which is the largest percentage of the sample size is 20 %, and this agrees with the research
(Knowledge of Mothers with Premature Births About Antenatal Corticosteroid Therapy for
Fetal Lung Maturation) (Abdulkareem & Abbas, 2016).
Table No. 3: Overall Distribution Assessment of Knowledge among Mothers
Level of mother' knowledge Frequency Percent Mean Std. Deviation
Low 25 50.0
Fair 15 30.0
1.30 .464
Good 10 20.0
Total 50 100.0
Table 4 shows the mean of the level of mother knowledge was (1.67), and the majority of the
study sample (50.0 %) had a low level of mother’s knowledge.
Table (4) Association between the Overall Assessment of Mothers’ Knowledge and
Their Demographic Data
Demographic Data P-Value Sig
Age/Years .001 H.S
Residence .001 H.S
Education Level .001 H.S
Occupational .057 N.S
The Number of Pregnancy .001 H.S
The Number of Live Births .001 H.S
The Number of abortions .001 H.S
The Number of Premature Births .001 H.S
The Number of Premature infants with cerebral palsy .001 H.S
Income .001 H.S
The results of Table (5) show that there is association between mother' knowledge with their
demographic data at p value of less than (0.05). Except item (Occupational) there is no
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association between mother' knowledge with demographic data at p value of more than (0.05)
These results are in agreement with the study AL-Mukhtar (2020).
The study showed that mothers have insufficient knowledge about Premature infants with
cerebral palsy. Factors such as mother's education, mother's age, and economic level are related
to the mother’s knowledge.
Organizing educational courses for mothers, Increasing the cultural awareness of mothers and
families, establishing educational programs for pregnant women that play a key role in
avoiding complications and reducing the risk of Premature infants with cerebral palsy, creating
recommendations on radio and television that contribute to raising the awareness of mothers,
there is a need for more large sample studies to generalize these results, as well as efforts, must
be adopted by the Iraqi Ministry of Health to establish educational programs.
The authors declare no conflict of interest.
Consent was obtained from all the samples of the study.
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