Were Godfrey Odero
Were Godfrey Odero
Were Godfrey Odero
MAY 2012
[,Were Godfrey Odero, hereby declare that this is my original research work
and that it has never been presented to any University or any other Institution
of higher learning for any academic award.
This is to certify that Were Godfrey Odero undertook a research work titled
"The effect of Taxation on small scale Businesses" A case study of small scale
businesses in Namuwongo market Kampala, under my supervision and
guidance. This work is now ready for submission with my approval.
This work is dedicated first of all to the Almighty God who gave me life,
knowledge and health to pursue my study, my Father Wandera David Odero,
Mother Akochi Bena, Brother Oundo Seperia Odero who contributed
generously for my education, Wanyama James, Okumu Godfrey, Sisters
Nabwire Jessica, Ajambo, Gertrude Nyongesa, In-laws Mrs. Eunice Oundo,
Mrs. Annastisha Wanyama, friends Noon J . Deng who supported me more
financially as a parent here in Kampala, Philip Tongo Malek and Mulumba
It would have been impossible to complete this study without the co-operation
and guidance from various people during the various stages, from proposal
development, field work and preparation of the final report. I am grateful to my
supervisor Mr. Barasa Henry for his guidance and close supervision of the
study work throughout the course of this research.
I would like to make special mention of the entire Staff of Faculty of Applied
Economics and Management Science of Kampala International University who
trained me during my degree in Business Administration Accounting option
For extraordinary spiritual, emotion and financial support they gave in running
the studies and research work.
Table of Content
DECLARATION ......................................................................................... ....... .i
APPROVAL .. ....... ................................................................. ..... ................ ...... .ii
DEDICATION .. ...... .......... .... ............ ......................................................... ...... .iii
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ................................................................................... iv
LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ...................................................................................................... v
Table of Content .......... .............................. ............... ............. ...... ............... .... vi
LIST OF TABLES ............................................................................. .... ..... ...... ix
LIST OF FIGURES .................. ............. ... ..... ............ ............ ... ........ .... .. ... ........ x
ABSTRACT ................................................................................................................................... xi
2.1.3 THEORIES OFTAXATION .......... .. .... .... ....... ... ... ... ... .. .. ... ... ....... ..... .......... 9
2.1.4 THE PURPOSE OF TAXATION .................... .. ................ .. .............. .. ....... 11
2.2 PERFORMANCE OF SMALL SCALE BUSINESS ........................................ 12
2.2.1 SMALL SCALE BUSINESS (SSB) .................... .. ............ .. ................ .. ..... 13
BUSINESS .. .... ... ... .... .............. .. .... .............................................. .......... ......... 16
PREFORMANCE ......... ... .... .... ....... . ......... ............................. ..... .......... ... .. ...... 19
REASAERCH METHODOLOGY ... .. ... .. ....... ..... ....................... ....... ..... ...... ... .... 2 1
3.1 INTRODUCTION ............... .... ...................... ........ ........ .... .. ........ .. ... .... .. ... . 2 1
3.2 RESEARCH DESIGN ........ .... ............................................ ........... .... ......... 21
3. 3 TARGET/RESEARCH STUDY POPULATION . .... .......... .................. .... ....... . 2 1
3. 3 .1 SAMPLE SIZE . ......... ... .... .... .. .. ... ...... .... .. ................. ..... .................. ....... 21
3.3.2 THE SAMPLING TECHNIQUES ................................................ .. ..... .. .. .. 22
3.4 DATA COLLECTION METHODS .................................................... .. .. ....... 22
3.5 INSTRUMENTS OF DATA COLLECTION ............................................ .. .. ... 22
3.5.1 Questionnaires ......... ............ ...................... .............................. .. ... .... ... 23
3.5.2 Interview ........................................ .. ........................................ ...... ... ... 23
3 .5.3 Observation ........ ..... ........................... .... .................................. .... .. .. .... 23
3.6 Sources of Data............................... .. ....... ........................................ ... .. .. 24
3.6.1 Primary sources ......... ..... ........ .................................... ... .............. ... ... .. . 24
3.6.2 Secondary sources ... ............. ....... .... ....... ... .. ... ....... ........ ... ..... .. .. .. ... ...... 24
3.7 DATA PROCESSING .... ... ............. .. ............ ........ .. ...................... .. .. ..... .. .. . 24
3.9 DATA ANALYSIS ....................... .. .................... ....... .................... ........ .. .... 24
J\J?J?~Iil>l(;~~--························································· ·································~1
APPENDIX INSTRUMENTS (I) ......... ....................................... .................... .... 40
A. QUESTIONAlRES ........................................................................... .. ..... 40
(B) INTERVIEW GUIDES ............ ....... ......... .... ... ..... ... .... ..... ........ ..... .... .... .... ... 44
APPENDIX (II) TIME FRAME .... .. .. ...... ..... ........... ... ......... ..... ................... .. .... .. 46
APPENDIX (III) ... .. ....... ... ... .... ...... .. ......... ..... ........ ... .... .. .. ........... .. .. ... ........ ...... 47
BUDGET FRAME WORK ........ ........... ........... .. ......... ....................... .......... ... ... 47
Table 2: Shows Responses on how the Tax System is related to the Performance
of their Small Scale Businesses .................... .......................................... ....... 26
Table 5: Show the Ages of Respondents ... ..... .. .. ... ...... .. ...... .... .... ........ ... ......... 30
Figure 4.1 .................. ... ..... ........ ..... . .... ..... ............. ... ... .... .......... ........... ... ...... 26
Figure 4 .2 ................. ... .. ................................ ...... ...... ............ ..... ... ... ............. 28
Figure 4.3 ....... ................. ... ... .. ..... ........... ........... ... ... ........ .. ........... ....... ......... 29
Figure 4.4 .............. .......... ... ...... ........................ .. ..... ... .... ... .......... ....... .... ....... 30
Figure 4.5 ..... ..... ..... .. ....... ....................... ...... .... ..... .......... ..... ... ... ... ................ 31
This study was conducted in Namuwongo Market Kampala. The objective of the
study was to assess the effect of taxation on small scale businesses. The
research adopted the quantitative and qualitative methods of data collection
among the study population consisting of a adolescents and adults between
18-45 above years old.
This chapter consists of the background of the study, problem statement, and
purpose of the study, research objective, and research question, scope of the
study, significance of the study and the structure of the study.
on the economic activities of its nationals of which small scale business
dominate the larger part of the informal sector.
The taxes collected are of various classifications such as; Direct taxes are those
that affect individual of firm directly through a deduction, such as wealth tax
and turnover tax. Indirect taxes are those paid to government by an
intermediary then passed on consumer by including the tax in the final price,
such as value added tax custom duty turnover tax. Proportional tax is one
where the liability increases with the increase in income. Progressive tax is
when the tax rate and absolute tax amount increase with the increase in
revenue. Regressive tax, this is a tax whose tax liability falls with increase in
income. Digressive tax, this is a tax where high income earners pay less or low
tax for the extra income earned.
In Uganda, there exist several small scale business undertakings, such as
capital employed, according to Kawabiblah ( 1995), employing 5-50 workers.
Sales turnover; According to Sejjaka (1997), a small scale business is any
business pay VAT of US$ 20,000 as an agreed threshold.
The government of Uganda through the ministry of finance, planning and
economic development consider business with capital investment of less than
US$ 5000000 both for public and private, URA.(2001). Tax payer Guide. Small
scale business contribution about 30% to GDP. Due to taxation, many small
scale businesses today are coming out of operations; the owners claim that
high taxes are disincentives for growth. Hence may be seen to affect the
performance of these small scale businesses.
like initial allowance of 50% to encourage their development of located in
prescribed areas of Kampala, Namanve, Entebbe, Jinja and Njeru. Despite the
efforts by the government many of the small scale business can't leave beyond
the first birthday. This may be attributed to the many taxes imposed on them.
The high taxes have affected the performance of the small scale business
leaving them with little or 'no revenue for their operation. (New Vision, July 11,
2003). The researcher will try to establish how tax policies affect the
performance of small scale business.
The geographical scope of the study will be focused in Namuwogo market;
Positive impacts of taxation
• Profitability of business
·ax system
'regressive tax • Documentary evidence of
scale business.
-poor planning
embezzlement, fraud.
This chapter looks at the taxation in relation to performance of small scale
businesses. It consists of existing literature on taxation by scholars and
research studies, form textbooks, journals, newspapers and magazine.
is legally compulsory transfer of money from public to the government mainly
as a source of government revenue.
2.1.1 TAX
Balunyrwa in his book ( 1998) defined tax as a compulsory and unrefundable
contribution executed by government for public purposes. Payment is not
followed by a concurrent benefit in return the law institute the charge. Bhatia
(2000) on the other hand argued that tax is a compulsory levy, those who are
taxed to pay the sums irrespective of any corresponding return of goods and
services by the government. In agreement Manasseh (2000) said that, tax is
paid without a corresponding retum in terms of goods and services to
government and hence it is referred to as non-quid-proquo payment.
DIRECT Vs INDIRECT TAXES; the distinction between these two has not
always been satisfactory and consistent. However the basis of distinction
includes: Incidence of tax: where the incidence of the tax rests upon the person
paying the tax, then it is regarded as direct tax. Otherwise the tax is deemed to
be indirect when the burden falls on another person, rather than the person
paying their tax.
Tax based or activity: activity tax on this basis taxes levied on production
income are generally direct taxes while those levied on consumption and
expenditure are in direct.
The relationship between taxpayer and tax authority- where the tax authority
deals direct with a taxpayer such a tax is direct, while if the taxpayers deal
with a tax authority through an intermediary the such tax is referred to as an
indirect tax.
Mode of assessment- on this basis of distinction the liability in respect of a
direct tax is determined directly with reference to the tax paying ability of
However, for indirect taxes the tax liability is assessed directly; i.e. there is no
prior contact with the taxpayer to assess his/her ability to pay.
Sometimes also progressive taxes are defined as taxes in which the marginal
tax rate rise as income rise. Whereas proportional tax is one where the tax
liability increases with the increases in income.
Hatred for tax by the taxpayers is a well-establish fact world over and is as old
as man. Strong statements from taxpayer like: "A tax collector leads those
people going to stay on the moon so as to make this earth a better place to live
in ... " are a confirmation that imposition of taxes can create great unrest in
society said by (Okello).
Practicability theory
This theory asserts that the choice of various tax proposals, the authorities
need not consider various economic and social objectives or the effect of the tax
system. The authorities would on general want to pluck the goose where the
feathers are thickest and there is a minimum amount of squawking.
Sociopolitical theory
Theory is creation of Adolph Wagner, a German scholar. He asserted that in
contrast to the practicability theory, the social and political objective should be
the cornerstones in a tax system. Wagner argued in his theory that a society
consisted of individual member. He further said that society had an existence
and entity of its own which needed and taking care of. in this regard, a tax
system should not be designed to serve the needs of the individual member but
should be used to cure the ills of the society in so far as is possible. Wagner
was specifically in favors of using taxation for reduction of income inequalities,
and so to achieve this objective, he advocated for small income to exempt from
Benefit Received theory
This theory traces its origin from the contracts theory of the state, where the
state provides various goods and services to the member of the state and they
contribute to the cost of these supplies in proportion of the benefits received.
Normally, income is sometimes used as an indicator of the benefits r eceived. In
this case it is assumed that without the protection of the state the economy
cannot exist and accordingly it may be inferred that benefits each member of
society derives from the state are in proportion to his income. Such an
inference would lead to policy recommendation for proportion taxation.
Cost of service theory
This theory implies that the citizens are not entitled to any benefits from the
state and if they any, they must pay cost thereof. The theory emphasizes the
semi-commercial relationship between the state and the citizens to a greater
extent. The theory can notes a budget policy since it require the state to give up
its basic protection and welfare function and embark on receiving the costs of
services provided. This would leave neither benefits nor surplus in the
Ability-to-pay theory
The theory suggests that citizen is to pay taxes because he can and his relative
share in the total tax burden is to be determined by his relative paying
The theory emphasizes that the burden of taxation should be shared amongst
the members of society so as to conform to the principle of justice and equity,
and that this equity criterion will be satisfied if the tax burden is apportioned
according to the relative ability to The theory of ability to pay is combined with
the objective of maximum welfare of the society. The index of paying ability is
translated in terms of equal-marginal sacrifice such that society undergoes the
least aggregate sacrifice in meeting the tax liability. Therefore the to pay is not
an absolute quantity. It is related, indices are available for determine the
relative ability to pay of the taxpayer; it could be income, wealth property or
consumption expenditure.
The theory of equal sacrifice
This theory is closely related to the ability to pay theory. It has its meaning
derived from two angles namely, the equity and the welfare view. The equity
approach presupposed that each taxpayer should be made to undergo amount
of sacrifice irrespective of his income. It should therefore be envisaged that
equal sacrifice admits of different interpretation and one tallies with the welfare
wealth are initially dependent on factors endowments because of differing
factor endowments and abilities differ.
(1983) argued that performance is the process by which a business ensures the
achievement of its set objectives by using the available resources. The
objectives include maximization of profits, market share and customer
satisfaction. In addition Druckerjl990)said that profit is the responsibility of an
enterprise to the society that is the first to enterprise in the society to make
profit This agrees with Richard,(1 983) argument that profit is excess of
revenue over all opportunity costs include those of the capital in nature. For
the purpose of the research much emphasis will be put on profit as per
This led to less production hence poor performance, the major obstacles the
growth and development of small businesses has been the taxation policies.
Which have serious implication on business profits and liquidity position? This
is because of the unfair tax rates.
On the other hand Druker (1990) argued that small scale business is applied to
any type of business that is operated by one or few individuals commonly
found in the service and retail fields. This agrees with income tax Act of
Uganda 1997 section 3 argument that small scale business as a business
whose total annual sales turnover doesn't exceed Uganda shillings 50.000.000
In addition Mugerwa (2003) said that small business is basing on some general
features. For instance a business is relatively small with less volume and less
number of employees who are most family members. The location of operation
of business is normally near the resident of the owner and worker comes from
same location. The provision of capital in small business is mainly provided by
the proprietors.
Uganda Manufacturer Association, using the investment code enacted in 1993
groups business in accordance with the people employed and the capital
invested. For instance as micro business employed less than 30 people and
capital investment less than two thousand five hundred dollars($ 2500).
Medium business employs from fifty to two hundred and fifty people and
capital investment is five thousand to ten thousand dollars and above all the
stated are treated as large business. According to the Uganda small scale
Industries Association, a small scale business is one employing between to 25
people and with assets capital not exceeding US $ 100.000. The Ministry of
Finance, Planning and Economic Development defined small business unit
within a capital investment not exceeding $300,000.
According to tax news March, (2003, the private sector foundation defined
small business as that which have an investment of between untied state
dollars five thousand to fifty thousand dollar. This agrees with Bhatia (2002)
argument that small scale enterprises or industry in fixed asset (plant and
machinery). In addition Richard, (1993), said that small scale business is small
undertaking, characterized by small number people and dependence on small
market share. Thus small scale businesses are normally located around
markets and trading centers.
ss 5,000,000 Nil
)00,000/= to less than 20,000,000 Nil
xe than 20,000,000/= but lea than 250,000/= or 1% of Gross turnover
1,000,000/= whichever is lower
xe than 30,000,000/= but less than 350,000/= or 1% of Gross turnover
1,000,000/= whichever is lower
xe than 40,000,000/= but less than 450,000/= or 1% of Gross turnover
),000,000/= whichever is lower
Source: Taxes payer Guide (22nd edition).
business development. This may not be the case on the developed countries.
Consequently, even if is opportunity to exploit, it may be difficult to realize
because of lack of market.
Another aspect is the fragmentation of African market both physically
culturally. For example selling in Uganda with over 40 languages becomes
nightmare for salesman. Whereas in the development countries, the commodity
of culture and language ease the selling process. The level of development itself
imposes additional constraint to small business growth because of usage of low
level technology; small businesses cannot compete with large businesses that
have benefits that arise from economies of scale.
Lack of access to finance; the access to finance as one of the key constraints
to small business growth. This is worsened by the absence of financial market
in the developing countries. Small business owners cannot easily access
finance to expand their business and they are usually faced with problems of
collateral, feasibility studies and the unexplained bank charges. This means
that they cannot access finance to enable them to grow. He makes a detailed
analysis of finance as a constraining factor and includes collateral, interest
rates, inability to evaluate financial proposals and lack of financial skills as
hindrance to small business growth. Under developed financial markets impose
additional constraints. There are no financial instruments and no independent
financial sources that is market driven.
Low level technology; because of their smallness these business end up using
a cheap technology which is usually not top of the range. This result into high
costs of production and un-competitiveness. For instance small business
cannot afford to use computers or even where they have a computer, to
continuously upgrade their equipment. Therefore they cannot compete with
large businesses. This may not be the case in the developed countries where
because of market opportunity and likely success due to environment enabling
factors, it is easier to new technology. Beside, this technology originates from
the developed countries and unlike in the developing countries where it must
be imported, it is relatively cheap.
Managerial skills; the managerial skill is the most important constraint faced
by small business. At the formation stage a small scale business owner is able
to run a business but as it grow and ages, managerial demands arise. These
are in the form of operational managerial requirement like production, sales,
and finance and most important is the ability on how manage them. Some
owners have the ability over these but in the long run they need to employ
other people. Some people believe that entrepreneurship skills are part of
managerial skills. While others would wish differ and go beyond that.
Entrepreneurship 1s beyond management and not all mangers are
Tumwine, (200 1), says that the growth and performance of small scale
business has been retarded mostly by poor taxation policies. He revealed that
high indirect taxes hinder business expansion with a big proportion of
business profits ending up being paid as taxes therefore it is clear that profit of
small business are greatly reduced by the tax paid by then in order to survive,
traders have been forced to increase the prices of their commodities so as to
incorporate the tax elements. But this has left most of them unhappy as the
number of customers decrease reduction in the sale and in some case a
subsequent closure of the business are unavoidable facts in the same way.
On the other hand Hanson J .L (1978) said that, high taxes affect consumption
and consequently discourages investment in small scale businesses. High
direct taxes will lead to high prices of good hence a shift in consumption
pattern from highly goods to lowest priced goods hence taxation and
performance of small scale businesses are mutually related. Keynesian modes
taxes are show that government revenues can be realized through fiscal policy
mechanism. Has adverse effect on business in form of savings propensity to
consume. Fiscal policy includes tax policies therefore meaning that, taxation
and small scale business performance are related.
In addition Zake (2003) said that high taxes considerably reduce the profit
margins of individuals undertaking, and act as a disincentives to further
investments. These taxes are threatening the firm's investment in the area to
earn enough incomes, but they failed to do business because of high taxes.
This agrees with Frank, (1995) who argues that, earnings from mcome
statement of small business after netting taxes little income is left for
appropriation this has scared new entrants in the industry, hence meaning
that taxation and performance of small business are related. When taxes are
high the level of business performance is low and when the taxes are low
business performance tend to be high.
From the above, summary suggests that, taxation being the process of
administering and collecting taxes. It is concerned with public revenue,
expenditure and public debt. The efficiency of taxpayers and reduction in
ability to work will be due to poor tax administration which will negatively
affect production levels. Hence taxation seen major obstacles of small business
growth and performance.
This chapter covers the background which data which will b e gathered. It
discusses the research design, methods of collecting data, data processing,
analysis and presentation as well as limitations to the study and it includes the
target/research population and the sample size and sample design and the
appendix instrument.
Total 50
The researcher shall employ three sampling techniques for carrying out the
research. This will include, quota sampling, multi- stage cluster sampling and
purposive judgmental sampling in data collection.
A. Quota sampling
This shall address the issues of repetitiveness where the matrix describing the
characteristics of the largest population will be used to determine what
proportion of the population is male and female and for each sex, what
proportion falls into the various educational levels.
B. Multi -stage sampling
This sampling technique shall involve two basic steps; listing and sampling of
the study population; the list of the primary sampling units will comprise of
forty three (43) small scale business owner, seven(7) workers within the shop,
this sample of those units will be selected and then listed.
C. Purposive sampling
In this sampling technique, the researcher will sample the population basing
on the researcher's own knowledge of the population, its elements and the
nature of the research designed, especially in the initial design with the
questionnaires wishes to select the particular respondents to test the broad
applicability of the research questions designed.
3.5.1 Questionnaires.
These will be advanced by the researcher to get information on facts of how
taxes affect the performance of small scale business.
The researcher anticipates that questionnaires will help to collect data from
respondents who will have no time to be interviewed within the market and
also those who may have time. The respondents will have to answer or fill in
the answers at their own place or free time.
3.5.2 Interview
The researcher shall carry out interview with the sampled such as shops owner
or small scale businesses owners. By get the information that may be relevant
for him to draw logical conclusion on which he may base his opinion.
3.5.3 Observation.
In this method, the researcher will use the eye to observe what actually
happens on the ground and will take the record, more so, the researcher will
observe the activities of the correspondents, selling and buying activities of
shops and how they carry their business activities. This will be done using
observation technique such as natural observation.
3.6 Sources of Data.
The researcher will use mainly two sources of data to get information on how
taxes affect the performance of small scale businesses include the following
The processing of data will be done so as to verify the data collection. This is so
in order to ensure the completeness and uniformity, editing will be done by the
researcher which will involve checking the data for error, omissions and gaps.
This will help the researcher to detect the errors that may influence the results.
Editing will also help the researcher to ensure that every question in the
interview guide has an answer and these answers given are accurate and
Under data analysis, both quantitative and qualitative method will be used in
this statistical and non statistical approaches will be used in the analysis of
the finding.
4.0 Introduction.
This section reflects t he findings of the study, the related interpretations and
discussion on the effect of taxation on the performance of small scale
businesses in Uganda using the literature review obtained in pervious chapter
in the line with the research objective such as;
(i) To evaluate the operation of taxation in Uganda.
From the table above 56% of the respondents were female and 44o/o were male
thus there was no bias on either sex. This implies that majority of the
respondents are female who own small scale business and have shops.
Figure 4.1
Female 28 60
Total 50 100
- -
· re4.2
When the respondents were asked about their education levels the following
responses were obtained.
Table 4: Showing the education background of respondents
Fi re 4.3
25 • Small scale businesses owners
15 • Frequency
10 • Percentage(%)
O'level A' level Diploma Degree
The researcher further consulted the respondents to determine their ages. The
researcher found out the following responses.
Table 5 : Show the ages of respondents
Table 6 Shows that the respondents within the age bracket of 18-24 formed the
percentage of 20%, 25-30 formed the percentage of 40o/o, those between 30-45
years formed the greatest percentage of 20% whereas those above 45 years
formed the percentage of 20o/o out of the sub percentage of 100.
Figure 4.4
• frequency
• percentage
0 ~---------.----------.----------.----------~
Table 6: Shows the Marital Status of Respondents
Figure 4.5
• Frequency
• Percentage
4.2 objective two: The performance of small scale businesses in Uganda
The study revealed on the performance of small scale businesses, it was based
on profits. The study found out that profit in simple term is the function of
revenue and cost. Also the study found out the profit is the responsibility of an
enterprise to the society that is the first responsibility of an enterprise in the
society is to make profit.
This means that the performance depend on the level of production, where the
level of production is low the profit will be from the operation of the enterprise
while where the level of production is high will be increase in profits.
The study found out that different scholars looked at profit is excess of revenue
earned over total costs incurred in the process or event of providing goods and
services. Hence profit is the responsibility of an enterprise in the society.
The re search revealed that Income Tax Act of Uganda section three defined
small scale businesses as a business whose total annual sale turnover doesn't
exceed Ugandan shillings 50,000,000 million. Also the study found out that
small business is based on some general. feature as explained in chapter three.
Therefore the study found out that most business groupings are based on the
investment code Act 1993, under Ugandan Manufacturers Association. The
various groups are in the term of the number of people employed the capital
investment in United State dollars.
related. Hence own view taxation and small scale business level is low business
pay high taxes and when taxes are high the level of business is low. Therefore
low taxes repaid leaving too many incomes for day today running of the
enterprise and increasing their performance.
The research also found out that apart from taxation lack of good managerial
skills affect the performance of small scale businesses. A challenge only comes
when small businesses fail to prepare proper books of accounts thus affecting
their performance.
This chapter presents conclusion drawn from discussion of findings and are
closely related to the purpose and objectives of the study, it is also
recommendation on the performance of small scale businesses and further
research based on the literature review.
5.2 Conclusions
Generally ther e has been poor taxation system by tax authority with focus
being on the small scale businesses, hence resulting into a greater scope to
taxation for instance VAT. Also there is need to receive and improve the legal
system in order to ensure efficiency, enforcement of tax laws to increase
compliance to introduce tax education to enlighten small scale businesses on
the importance of paying taxes.
Poor performance of small scale businesses is as a result of inadequate
identification assessment and collection, which are aspects of taxation
performance. Therefore tax policy should focus on improving taxation
performance in favor of small businesses. Likewise other factors also affecting
this variable should be taken into account. Taxation performance remains a
major area to be explored by revenue authorizes of various classes of taxes,
since improving taxation performance enhances almost all aspects of tax
policy, including tax from small scale businesses.
Small scale businesses are those annual gross turnover does not exceed million
Uganda shilling, while large scale businesses are those with capital of more
than fifty million Uganda shillings. The small business taxed depending on
gross turnover and they pay fixed amount orl% of the annual turnover which
is lower while large businesses are taxed at rate of 30 %. Therefore URA tried to
avoid business income tax difference by imposing a fixed rate of 30% on
businesses regardless of whether it is a small or large business. High direct
taxes will be high prices of goods hence a shift in consumption pattern from
highly taxation and performances of small scale businesses are mutually
5.3 Recommendation
Basing on the study carried out, the researcher recommends the following:
The government through URA should embark on intensive tax education
program especially for business community. This should be done through
various media and in different languages on radio stations, televisions. URA
should carry out massive training of its staff about tax assessment collection
methods, as well as how to handle taxpayers.
Taxpayers should employ skilled people like accountants to ensure proper and
complete records keeping in their businesses. This will enable then to pay only
the taxes that they must pay and infringe on their profits.
Tax education should be included in primary school syllabus to ensure greater
sensation even among the young generation since a greater percentage of small
scale business owner have as far as primary least with this knowledge
taxpayers can control their liquidity position.
Bhatia H.L (2002), Public Finance 23rd published edit Vikas house PVT Ltd.
Coping with Taxes Value Added Tax and Tax policy, A publication of Makerere
university printer, Kampala.
Musgrave R. A 1980 Public Finance in Theory and Practice (3° edition) McGraw
Hill. New Vision Friday July 11th 2003.
Okello Khalist (2006), Principle of Taxation, Printed in Uganda By Kakadde and
Kampala Printers.
Sejjaka S. Et al. Coping with Taxes VAT and Tax Policy Makerere University
Journal. Taxation and Economic Development, the Uganda Economic Journal
Dear respondent,
As a student of Kampala International University pursumg Bachelor of
Business Administration, I am carrying out a research on the topics: The
effects of taxation on the small scale businesses.
Case study: - Small shops on market and small scale business
Your response will be treated with high degree of confidentiality and the
information gathered or obtained is strictly for academic purposes.
6. Is there any relationship between the taxes and how it affects the
performance of the small scale business?
c) Some how
a) Yes
b)No D d) others (specify') D
7. How do you determine the efficiency of taxes that are collected from your
8. Does the tax system cope up with the technology changes in the country?
a) Yes D c) S b) some how · D
b)No D d) None D
9. Does the tax system affect your business performance?
Yes D No D
Ifyes, how?
12. What are the specific effects are of taxes on the performance your
13. How do you manage and solve the problems of your business?
1. How do you determine the efficiency of tax systems used in the country?
3. What relationship is there between the tax systems and the performance of
your small scale business?
4. What are the general effects of taxes on the performance of your business
5. Do you think the tax system can help your business to achieve the vision,
mission, and set objectives?
Yes c===J No c===J
If yes, How
6. What are your views on the future of taxation?
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