Advanced Player's Guide (1st Printing) Errata - DEC 2010
Advanced Player's Guide (1st Printing) Errata - DEC 2010
Advanced Player's Guide (1st Printing) Errata - DEC 2010
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Pathfinder RPG
Advanced Player’s Guide Errata, 1st Printing
As long as the eidolon has 1 or more hit points, the summoner • Page 83—In the Sandman archetype, in the Stealspell
is protected from harm. Damage in excess of that which would bardic performance, in the third sentence, replace “+
reduce the summoner to fewer than 0 hit points is instead the bard’s level” with “+ 1/2 the bard’s level.”
transferred to the eidolon. This damage is transferred 1 point • Page 85—In the Sea Singer archetype, in the Call
at a time, meaning that as soon as the eidolon is reduced to a the Storm class feature, in the third sentence,
number of negative hit points equal to its Constitution score, replace “continues performing, but” with “continues
all excess damage remains with the summoner. performing (the effects of control weather happen
immediately), but.”
• Page 62—In the 2-Point Evolutions section, in the • Page 86—In the Subdomains section, in the f irst
Grab evolution, in the second sentence, change “claw, paragraph, add the following sentence to the end of
slam” to “claw, pincers, slam.” the paragraph:
• Page 62—In the 2-Point Evolutions section, in the
Rake evolution, add the following sentence before Subdomains can be selected by druids (except the metal
the last sentence: subdomain) and inquisitors (if their deity allows it).
This evolution counts as one natural attack toward the • Page 90—In the Exploration Subdomain, in the
eidolon’s maximum. Replacement Domain Spells section, delete “6th—find
the path,”. In the Fate Subdomain, in the Replacement
• Page 64—In the 4-Point Evolutions section, in the Domain Spells section, delete “9th—miracle.”
Large evolution, in the second paragraph, in the f ifth • Page 91—In the Growth Subdomain, in the Enlarge
sentence, change “increases to 15 feet” to “increases replacement power, in the f irst sentence, change
to 15 feet (10 feet for all other base forms).” “enlarge yourself, as if ” to “enlarge yourself for 1
• Page 64—In the Summoner Spells section, in the round, as if.”
6th-Level Summoner Spells list, change “summon • Page 94—In the Nightmare subdomain, in the
monster IV” to “summon monster VIII.” Replacement Domain Spells section, change
• Page 66—In the Hex class feature, in the Flight hex, “6th—nightmare” to “6th—cloak of dreams*.” Delete
add the following to the end of the paragraph: “9th—weird”
• Page 102—In the Urban Druid archetype, in the
This hex only affects the witch. Lorekeeper class feature, in the f irst sentence,
change “Knowledge (nobility) skills.” to “Knowledge
• Page 70—In the Patron Spells section, in the (nobility) skills to her list of class skills.”
Trickery paragraph, change “8th—phantasmal killer” • Page 105—In the Free Hand Fighter archetype, in the
to “8th—hallucinatory terrain.” Singleton class feature, in the last sentence, change
• Page 70—In the Witch Spells section, in the 0-Level “replaces weapon training 1” with “replaces weapon
Witch Spells, add “arcane mark” to the list in its training 1 and 4.” After the f irst sentence, add the
proper alphabetical location. following sentence:
• Page 80—In the Arcane Duelist archetype, in the
Arcane Bond class feature, change the f irst sentence This bonus increases by +1 per six levels after 5th.
to read as follows:
• Page 105—In the Mobile Fighter archetype, in the
At 5th level, an arcane duelist gains the arcane bond Leaping Attack class feature, in the last sentence,
ability as a wizard, using a weapon as his bonded item, change “replaces weapon training 1” with “replaces
allowing him to cast any one additional spell that he weapon training 1, 2, 3, and 4.”
knows once per day. • Page 105—In the Phalanx Soldier archetype, in
the Stand Firm class feature, in the f irst sentence,
• Page 80—In the Archivist archetype, in the change “overrun, pull, push, and trip” to “drag,
Lamentable Belaborment class feature, in the overrun, and trip.”
last sentence, replace “inspire greatness” with • Page 106—In the Polearm Master archetype, in
“suggestion.” the Polearm Training class feature, in the f irst
• Page 81—In the Archivist archetype, in the Magic sentence, change “A polearm master” to “At 5th
Lore class feature, in the f irst sentence, change “or level, a polearm master.”
decipher scrolls and may take” to “or decipher scrolls
equal to half his bard level and may take.”
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Pathfinder RPG
Advanced Player’s Guide Errata, 1st Printing
• Page 110—In the Drunken Master archetype, in • Page 139—In the Serpentine bloodline, in the Den of
the Drunken Ki class feature, in the sixth sentence, Vipers bloodline power, add the following sentence
change “as a move action” to “as a swift action.” to the end of the paragraph:
• Page 118—In the Warrior of the Holy Light archtype,
in the Power of Faith class feature, in the second You may use this ability once per day.
paragraph, in the third sentence, change “She can
call upon” to “She can spend a use of her lay on hands • Page 140—In the Shadow bloodline, in the
ability to call upon”. Enveloping Darkness bloodline power, add the
• Page 124—In the New Combat Styles section, in the following sentence to the end of the paragraph:
Weapon and Shield paragraph, in the f irst sentence,
change “Shield Prof iciency, and Shield Slam.” to You may use this ability once per day.
“Shield Slam, and Two-Weapon Fighting.”
• Page 126—In the Inf iltrator archetype, in the • Page 140—In the Starsoul bloodline, in the Minute
Adaptation class feature, in the humanoid (aquatic) Meteors bloodline power, in the f irst sentence,
paragraph, delete “sahuagin blood frenzy.” change “30 feet high” to “30 feet high, with a range of
• Page 129—In the Skirmisher archetype, in the 30 feet.” In the Breaching the Gulf bloodline power,
Hunter’s Tricks class feature, in the Surprise Shift in the last sentence, change “and immediately begins
paragraph, in the f irst sentence, change “as a move to suffocate” to “and must hold its breath or begin to
action” to “as a swift action.” suffocate.”
• Page 129—In the Urban Ranger archetype, in the • Page 142—In the Earth School elemental arcane
Push Through class feature, add the following school, in the Earth Supremacy ability, in the f irst
sentence to the end of the paragraph: sentence, change “bull rush, pull, push, reposition”
to “bull rush, drag, reposition.”
This replaces woodland stride. • Page 146—In the Generation School, in the Wind
Servant replacement power, in the f irst sentence,
• Page 129—In the Urban Ranger archetype, in the change “(or objects) in your possession” to “(or
Blend In class feature, add the following sentence to objects) or an object in your possession.”
the end of the paragraph: • Page 156—In the Cloud Step feat, in the Benef it
paragraph, add “, maximum 50 feet.” to the end of
This replaces camouf lage. the f irst sentence.
• Page 156—In the Cockatrice Strike feat, in the
• Page 131—in the Rogue Talents section, in the Prerequisites line, change “base attack bonus +16”
Honeyed Words rogue talent, change the f irst to “base attack bonus +14.” Repeat this change on
sentence to read as follows: Table 3–1 on page 152 in the prerequisites line of the
Cockatrice Strike feat.
Once per day, the rogue can roll two dice while making a • Page 157—In the Crippling Critical feat, in the title,
Bluff check, and take the better result. She must choose change “(Combat)” to “(Combat, Critical).”
to use this talent before making the Bluff check. A rogue • Page 168—In the Repositioning Strike feat, in the
can use this ability one additional time per day for every Prerequisites section, change “Improved Trip” to
f ive rogue levels she possesses. “Improved Reposition.”
• Pages 168–169—In the Selective Spell feat, in the
• Page 131—In the Rogue Talents section, in the Benef it section, in the f irst paragraph, in the f irst
Offensive Defense rogue talent, change “+1 sentence, change “with an area effect, you can” to
circumstance bonus to AC” to “+1 dodge bonus to AC “with an area effect and a duration of instantaneous,
for each sneak attack die rolled.” you can.” In the second paragraph of that section,
• Page 137—In the Boreal bloodline, in the Blizzard change “do not have an area of effect do not” to “do not
bloodline power, add the following to the end of have an area of effect or a duration of instantaneous
the paragraph: do not.”
• Page 170—In the Spider Step feat, in the Benef it
You may use this ability once per day. paragraph, in the f irst sentence, change “slow fall
distance across” to “slow fall distance (maximum 50
feet) across.”
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Pathfinder RPG
Advanced Player’s Guide Errata, 1st Printing
• Page 171—In the Summoner’s Call feat, change the • Page 267—In the Terrain Dominance class feature,
f irst sentence after the title to read as follows: in the Swamp paragraph, add the following sentence
to the end of the paragraph:
Whenever you summon your eidolon, it is more powerful
for a brief period of time. He must be at least 5th level before selecting this power.
• Page 202—In the Aqueous Orb spell, in the second • Page 279—In the Defensive Powers section, in the
paragraph of the description, in the second sentence, Increased Damage Reduction power, in the last
change “but a Medium or smaller” to “but a Large sentence, change “4th” to “6th.”
or smaller.” • Page 288: In the Jurist special weapon ability, in the
• Page 214—In the Dancing Lantern spell, in the f irst paragraph, delete the last sentence.
Description, in the last sentence, change “a • Page 294—In the Metamagic, Bouncing rod, in the
permanency spell.” to “a permanency spell (CL 9th, Price description, change the prices to “3,000 gp
2,500 gp). (lesser), 11,000 gp (normal), 24,500 gp (greater).” In
• Page 216—in the Divine Vessel spell, in the f irst the Cost description, change the prices to “1,500
paragraph of the description, in the second sentence, (lesser), 5,500 gp (normal), 12,250 gp (greater).”
change “Your height doubles” to “Your size increases • Page 295—In the Metamagic, Persistent rod, in the
by one category, your height doubles,”. Price description, change the prices to “9,000 gp
• Page 222—In the Flames of the Faithful spell, change (lesser), 32,500 gp (normal), 73,000 gp (greater).” In
the second sentence of the description to read as the Cost Description, change the prices to “4,500 gp
follows: (lesser), 16,250 gp (normal), 36,500 gp (greater).”
• Page 295—In Table 7–8: Rods, change the cost of the
If you are using the judgment class feature, your weapon following rods to the listed amount and reorganize
gains the f laming burst property instead. to their proper alphabetical location: Metamagic,
persistent, lesser “9,000 gp”, Metamagic, bouncing,
• Page 225—In the Ghostbane Dirge spell, in the Saving lesser “3,000 gp”, Metamagic, persistent “32,500
Throw line, change “Fortitude negates” to “Will gp”, Metamagic, bouncing “11,000 gp”, Metamagic,
negates.” persistent, greater “73,000 gp”, Metamagic, bouncing,
• Page 255—In the Wall of Suppression spell, in the greater “24,500 gp.”
f irst paragraph of the description, in the seventh • Page 301—In the Boots of Friendly Terrain magic item,
sentence, delete “supernatural abilities,”. in the description, in the second sentence, change
• Page 264—In Table 6–2: Holy Vindicator, change the “one of his favored terrains” to “one of his favored
bonuses listed in the Will save column to match the terrains, granting him a +2 bonus.”
bonuses listed in the Fort save column. • Page 302—In the Catching Cape magic item, in the
• Page 265—In the Terrain Mastery class feature, Description, in the third sentence, change “or until
in the f irst paragraph, add the following sentence the wearer is successfully struck by a ranged weapon,
before the last sentence: whichever comes f irst” to “or until the wearer is
missed by a ranged attack due to the power of the
This bonus lasts for a number of rounds equal to the cloak, whichever comes f irst.”
horizon walker’s Wisdom modif ier (minimum 1). • Page 310—In the War Paint of the Terrible Visage
magic item, in the Description section, in the third
• Page 266—In the Terrain Dominance class feature, sentence, add “(DC 11)” to the end of the sentence.
in the Astral Plane paragraph, in the first sentence,
change “+1 insight bonus” to “+1 competence bonus.”
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Pathfinder RPG
Advanced Player’s Guide Errata, 1st Printing
The following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. 6. Notice of License Copyright: You must update the COPYRIGHT
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3. Offer and Acceptance: By Using the Open Game Content You System Reference Document. Copyright 2000, Wizards of the
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4. Grant and Consideration: In consideration for agreeing to use based on material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.
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5. Representation of Authority to Contribute: If You are Pathfinder Advanced Player’s Guide. Copyright 2010, Paizo
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represent that Your Contributions are Your original creation and/ Pathfinder Advanced Player’s Guide Update 1.0. Copyright 2010,
or You have sufficient rights to grant the rights conveyed by this Paizo Publishing, LLC; Author: Jason Bulmahn.
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