IV. Shear Strength of Soil

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SHEAR STRENGTH OF SOIL shear stress on the failure plane as a linear The box is split horizontally into halves.

x is split horizontally into halves. Normal

function of the normal stress (Coulomb, 1776). force on the specimen is applied from the top
The shear strength of a soil mass is the internal This linear function can be written as: of the shear box. The normal stress on the
resistance per unit area that the soil mass can specimens can be as great as 1050 kN/m2.
offer to resist failure and sliding along any plane Shear force is applied by moving one- half of
inside it. One must understand the nature of the box relative to the other to cause failure in
shearing resistance in order to analyze soil where c = cohesion the soil specimen.
stability problems, such as bearing capacity, Ø = angle of internal friction
slope stability, and lateral pressure on earth- σ = normal stress on the failure plane
retaining structures. τf = shear strength

The shear strength of soil may be attributed to

1. Frictional resistance to sliding between solid SHEAR STRENGTH PARAMETERS
particles. There are several laboratory methods available
2. Cohesion and adhesion between particles. to determine the shear strength parameters of
3. Interlocking and bridging of solid particles to various soil specimens in the laboratory. They
resist deformation. are as follows:
• Direct shear test
Mohr-Coulomb Failure Criterion • Triaxial test
Mohr (1900) presented a theory for rupture in • Direct simple shear test
materials that contended that a material fails • Plane strain triaxial test
because of a critical combination of normal • Torsional ring shear test
stress and shearing stress and not from either DIRECT SHEAR TEST
maximum normal or shear stress alone. Thus,
the functional relationship between normal The direct shear test is the oldest and simplest
form of shear test arrangement. A diagram of
stress and shear stress on a failure plane can be
the direct shear test apparatus is shown in
expressed in the following form:
Figure 12.4. The test equipment consists of a
metal shear box in which the soil specimen is
placed. The soil specimens may be square or
The failure envelope defined by equation above circular in plan. The size of the specimens
is a curved line. For most soil mechanics generally used is about 51 mm X 51 mm or 102
problems, it is sufficient to approximate the mm X 102 mm across and about 25 mm high.
TRIAXIAL SHEAR TEST measured by a proving ring or load cell attached
to the ram.
The triaxial shear test is one of the most
reliable methods available for determining
shear strength parameters. It is used widely for
research and conventional testing. A diagram of
the triaxial test layout is shown in Figure 12.20.
Figure 12.21 on page 447 shows a triaxial test in
progress in the laboratory.
In this test, a soil specimen about 36 mm in
diameter and 76 mm (3 in.) long generally is
used. The specimen is encased by a thin rubber
membrane and placed inside a plastic
cylindrical chamber that usually is filled with
water or glycerin. The specimen is subjected
to a confining pressure by compression of the
fluid in the chamber. (Note: Air is sometimes
used as a compression medium.) To cause
shear failure in the specimen, one must apply
axial stress (sometimes called deviator stress) Connections to measure drainage into or out of
through a vertical loading ram. This stress can the specimen, or to measure pressure in the
be applied in one of two ways: pore water (as per the test conditions), also are
provided. The following three standard types of
1. Application of dead weights or hydraulic triaxial tests generally are conducted:
pressure in equal increments until the 1. Consolidated-drained test or drained test
specimen fails. (Axial deformation of the (CD test)
specimen resulting from the load applied 2. Consolidated-undrained test (CU test)
through the ram is measured by a dial 3. Unconsolidated-undrained test or
gauge.) undrained test (UU test)
2. Application of axial deformation at
a constant rate by means of a
geared or hydraulic loading press.
This is a strain-controlled test.

The axial load applied by the loading ram

corresponding to a given axial deformation is

σ1 = major principal stress, maximum normal

stress, normal stress until failure occur, axial
stress at failure

σ2 = deviator stress, plunger stress

σ3 = minor principal stress, minimum normal
stress, cell pressure, chamber confining

σf = normal stress at failure

σTmax = normal stress at maximum shear
τf = shear stress at failure
τmax = maximum shearing stress
c = cohesion
Ø = angle of friction, angle of shearing resistance
θ =angle of failure
PROBLEMS: 3. In a direct shear test, the soil was c. Drained angle of internal
determined to have an angle of internal friction of the soil possess a
1. A dry sand sample is tested in direct
friction of 31deg and cohesion of 26kPa. cohesion of 12kPa 23.68
shear. The test procedure includes
If the normal stress is 150kPa. Determine 6. A cohesive soil with an angle of shearing
having a normal (compressive) stress of
the ff: resistance of 28deg has a cohesion of
200kPa imposed while the sample
a. Total shear stress 116.13kPa 32kPa. Determine the ff.
undergoes shearing. The sample fails
b. Force required to cause failure a. Normal Stress 60.19
when the shear stress reaches 135kPa.
when the sample has a b. Confining pressure 21.73
a. a. Determine the angle of
dimension of 50mm by 50mm c. Maximum principal stress 166.69
internal friction for this soil.
and height of 75mm 290N 7. The soil sample in a tri-axial test have the
4. A sample of sand is subjected to direct ff. stresses
b. A second sample of the same
shear testing at its normal water Cell Deviator Pore
sand is also be tested in direct
content. Two tests are performed. For Pressure stress Stress
shear but the applied normal
one of the test, the sample fails at a 25kPa 20kPa 12kPa
(compressive) stress will be 34kPa 31kPa 10kPa
shear stress of 3000psf when the normal
145kPa. What shear stress is
stress is 4000psf. In the second test, the
expected to cause the sample to Compute the ff:
sample shears at a stress of 4000psf
fail. 97.9kPa a. Drained angle of internal friction
when the normal stress is 6000psf.
Determine the ff: 19.47
2. The following are the results of direct b. Cohesion of soil 2.47kPa
a. Angle of internal friction
shear tests performed in two identical c. Angle of failure in shear 54.74kPa
samples of the soil. In test one, the
b. Cohesion of soil 1000psf
sample shears at a stress of 71kPa when
5. A consolidated-undrained soil test was
the compressive normal stress is 95kPa.
conducted on a normally consolidated
In test two, the sample shears at a stress
sample with a chamber pressure of
of 104kPa when the normal stress is
140kPa. The sample failed when the
deviator stress was 124kPa. The pore
a. Determine the value of apparent
water pressure in the sample at that
cohesion 14kPa
time was 75kPa. Determine the ff.
b. Determine the value of internal
a. Undrained angle of internal
friction for the damp sand
friction 17.87
b. Drained angle of internal
friction 29.22

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