Basic Accounting Reviewer
Basic Accounting Reviewer
Basic Accounting Reviewer
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Fabu Company shows the following on hand at the end of the period,
assets in its statement of financial what is the adjusting entry?
position: Prepaid Rent- 5,000; Dr. Supplies 8,000; Cr. Supplies
Unearned Revenue- 350,000; Expense 8,000
Inventory- 200,000; Building The following are the major types
2,000,000; Cash equivalents- (categories) of adjusting entries,
112,000. What is the total current Except:
asset of the company? Recognized Revenue
317,000 It reports the results of the business
operations and shows the revenues
and expenses of a particular period.
Income Statement
Accounting for Merchandising
Under a perpetual inventory system
when goods are purchased for
resale by company:
The trial balance shows a debit Which of the following should not
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Goods held on consignment from The sales accounts that normally
another company have a debit balance are:
Both sales Discounts and Sales
If net sales are r40,000, cost of good Returns and Allowances normally
sold is 310,000 and operating have a debit balance
expenses are 60,000, the profit is: Partnership
90,000 (Revenue – COGS) Upon the formation of a
Gross profit will result if: partnership, each partner’s initial
Net sales are greater than cost of investments of assets should be
goods sold recorded at their:
If beginning inventory is 60,000, Fair values
cost of goods purchased is 380,000, Ben and Sam formed a partnership.
and ending inventory is 50,000, cost Ben contributed 80,000 and used a
of goods sold is: truck that originally cost 350,000
390,000 (Beginning Inventory + and had accumulated depreciation
Purchases and Other Costs - Ending of 150,000. The trucks fair value
Inventory = Cost of Goods Sold.) was 160,000. Sam, a builder,
Cost of goods available for sale contributed a new storage garage.
consists of two elements: beginning His cost of construction was
inventory and: 400,000. The garage has a fair value
Cost of goods purchased of 550,000. What is the combined
In determining the cost of goods total capital that would be recorded
sold in a periodic system: on the books of the partners?
Freight-in is added to net purchases 79,000 (Total capital (cash) + fair
Which of the following accounts value of truck + fair value of the new
will normally appear in the ledger storage garage)
of a merchandising company that It is a company whereby the owners
uses a perpetual inventory system? are not personally liable for the
Cost of Goods Sold company’s debt or liabilities.
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Limited liability company share of the total bonus is equal to the total
bonus (P7,500) times Mills’ income ratio
(20%) or P1,500.)
NBC company reported net income
Which of the following statements
of 60,000. If partners N, B and C about partnership financial
have an income ratio of 50%, 30% statements is CORRECT?
and 20%, respectively, C’s share of The owners’ equity statement is called the
the net income is: partners’ capital statement.
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These can either be a certain
amount of pesos per share or a
certain percent of par or stated
value paid to stockholders.
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