Act 10
Act 10
Act 10
CHM121.2 - A56
Dissolve the solids in water, transfer the solution to a clean 250ml volumetric flask and dilute to
the final volume of the flask.
Obtain the water to be analyzed from the instructor. Measure 50-mL and transfer into each of
three 250-mL Erlenmeyer flasks. Then to the first sample, add 1.0 ml of the buffer solution and 5
drops of the Eriochrome Black T Indicator solution.
Titrate the solution with the prepared 0.01M EDTA solution to a color change of wine -red to
pure blue. And record the volume of EDTA solution consumed in reaching the end point of the
Repeat the procedure (2-4) on the other two portions of the water. Then, calculate the total
hardness of the water as parts per million(ppm) of calcium carbonate.