Article 10009
Article 10009
Article 10009
ISSN: 2455-216X
Received: 25-02-2024, Accepted: 19-03-2024, Published: 11-04-2024
Volume 10, Issue 1, 2024, Page No. 41-50
The aim of this study was to compare the effect of combining electron beam irradiation with the activation of the
lactoperoxidase system as a decontamination tool. Microbiological, physico-chemical and organoleptic analyses were carried
out during storage of the cheeses at +4±1ºC for 18 days, and the shelf life was determined.
The use of electron beam irradiation combined with lactoperoxidase had a significant effect on microbiological quality
compared with control cheeses and those activated by lactoperoxidase alone throughout the shelf life.
However, the activation of lactoperoxidase alone had no significant impact on the development of these germs. With regard to
sensory analysis, no descriptor had a significant effect detected by the panel throughout the shelf life. On the other hand, these
conservation combination enabled the the shelf life to be extended.
The control cheese had a use-by date of 3.63 days and the cheese preserved with lactoperoxidase only 3.09 days. The
combination, low-dose electron beam irradiation with LPS extended the shelf life of cheese to 6.82 days, the medium dose
(1kGy) combined with lactoperoxidase had the shelf life of 10.92 days compared with 16.93 days for the highest dose
(1.5kGy) combined with lactoperoxidase.
Keywords: Microbiological quality, shelf life, electron accelerator, lactoperoxidase, organoleptic quality
National Journal of Advanced Research
Food irradiation has been identified as a safe technology on in the presence of phenolphthalein at 1% (w/v), (1 mL of
the food process and used to disinfect and preserve food, NaOH (N/9) corresponds to 0.01 g of lactic acid per cent)
including extending shelf life (Huo et al., 2013) [8]. (Fedala et al., 2020) [6].
LPS activation
The sample was subjected to refrigeration combined with TDE: total dry extract
activation of the LP system by addition of sodium E1: weight in grams of the capsule and the test sample.
thiocyanate (NaSCN) as a source of thiocyanate (SCN) to a E2: weight in grams of the capsule and residue after drying
final concentration of 14 mg⁄L (Boulares et al., 2011) [4]. and cooling.
After 1 min of thorough mixing of the milk, 30 mg ⁄L of Mc: weight in grams of the empty capsule.
sodium percarbonate (2Na2CO33H2O) was added as a
source of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) as recommended by the Determination of the dry defatted extract
International Dairy Federation (IDF1988). It is the result of the difference between the total dry extract
and the fat content and
Technique of combining LPS with irradiation determined as follows:
This technique consists in activating the milk with LPS
which will be used for the manufacture of cheese, which
will be subsequently irradiated. The cheeses were irradiated
in the National Center for Nuclear Science and Technology TDE : total dry extract
(CNSTN) of Sidi Thabet of Tunisia using a gas pedal 10 ESD: dry extract defatted
MeV electron beam at doses of 0.5; 1; 1.5 kGy respectively MG: Fatty matter
(Huo et al., 2013) [8].
Measurement of moisture
The samples were distributed as follows The moisture is calculated by the following formula:
Samples Control LPS LPS+ 0,5 kGy LPS+ 1 kGy LPS+ 1,5 kGy
All the tests are spread over three periods: t0, t9 and t18.
National Journal of Advanced Research
focusing on the individual feelings related to the pleasure or milk constituents during draining (Vignola et al., 2002) [19].
displeasure caused by the food (Fedala et al., 2020) [6]. It requires a high level of dry extract and more specifically
Consumer acceptance was determined using a 9-point scale. protein (casein) and high fat concentrations (Vignola et al.,
The results of the sensory analysis are represented by a 2002) [19].
radar graph. It allows to highlight the data around a According to our results, we obtained a Cheese yield Y=
reference value (Fedala et al., 2020) [6]. 10.7%.
Fig 1: Effect of ebeam irradiation on the pH of fresh cheese (Control; LPS; 0.5kGy +LPS; 1 kGy+LPS; 1.5kGy+LPS)
National Journal of Advanced Research
Effect of Hurdle technology on acidity control and a sample activated only with LPS. We can see
The acidity developed in cheese results from the that there was a significant increase in acidity in the cheeses
transformation of lactose into lactic acid. It is measured by that had undergone electron beam irradiation combined with
titration (Gadi et al., 2020). The low titratable acidity values LPS compared with the other control cheeses and those
recorded in our results reflect weak lactic fermentation in activated by LPS only at t0.
the cheese samples, which depends on the casein, mineral However, the increase in acidity in cheeses irradiated with
salt and ion content. It also depends on the hygienic electron beams combined with LPS compared with control
conditions during milking, the total microbial flora and its cheeses and cheeses irradiated with LPS alone was not
metabolic activity and the handling of the milk (Gadi et al., significant at t9 and t18.
2020). This increase can be explained by the deacidifying effect of
certain germs such as psychotropics and moulds and the
Fig 2 Shows the effect of cheese acidity at t0, t9 and t18 of resulting degradation or inhibition of the microbial flora and
storage at 4±1°C after a combination of ebeam treatment in particular the lactic acid bacteria responsible for the
with 0.5; 1 and 1.5 kGy and LPS activation compared to a acidification of the cheese (Leksir, 2018).
Effect of Hurdle technology on total dry extract compared with a control and a sample activated only with
The level of dry extract varies from one type of cheese to LPS.
another. This difference is due to the use of salt and the Graphical analysis shows an increase in dry extract content
draining time. The cheese's high dry matter content gives it as a function of dose, from a minimum of 35.73 g/kg
a relatively firm consistency. (Control) to a maximum of 36.93 g/kg (1.5 kGy).
Fig 3 shows the effect on the total dry extract of the cheese This increase was significant at t0, t9 and t18 and could be
at t0, t9 and t18 of storage at 4±1°C after a combination of due to the phenomenon of radiolysis of the water, which
ebeam treatment with 0.5, 1 and 1.5 kGy and LPS activation increased the percentage of dry extract.
Fig 3: Effect of ebeam irradiation on the total dry extract of fresh cheese (Control; LPS;
0.5kGy +LPS; 1 kGy + LPS; 1.5kGy+LPS)
Effect of Hurdle technology on fat content acids. Milk fat plays an essential role in the development of
Fat content and dry matter are very important in cheese both the taste and texture of cheese (Vignola, 2002) [19].
production because milk lipids are characterised by the Cheese texture depends on its fat content. In fact, the water
presence of relatively short-chain fatty acids which can be content and the proportions of long polysaturated fatty acids
absorbed by a simpler mechanism than long-chain fatty in the milk determine the texture of the dough: extra hard,
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semi-soft, soft, and so on. For example, with more than 60% cheeses and those activated by LPS and those irradiated
fat and less than 51% water, you get an extra-hard cheese. with 0.5 and 1 kGy combined with LPS at t0.
Too high a fat content can lead to problems with draining On the other hand, all the other samples showed a
and coagulation (Vignola, 2002) [19]. significant increase compared with the controls and those
Fig 4 shows the variation in the fat content of cheeses activated by LPS at t9 and t18.
treated with the first combination and control cheeses over a This increase could be due to oxidation of the lipids by the
storage period of 18 days at 4±1°C. irradiation process, producing OH radicals formed mainly as
The highest dose 1.5 kGy combined with LPS activation a result of radiolysis of water.
had a significant effect on fat content compared to all other This was approved by Hyun et al, (2010) who showed that
samples throughout the storage period. electron beam irradiation induced higher values of
However, there was a slight increase in fat content as a thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) in samples
function of dose, but it did not exceed 2% in the control irradiated at 5 kGy than in other samples.
Fig 4 : effect of ebeam irradiation on the fat content of fresh cheese (Control; LPS;
0.5kGy +LPS; 1 kGy+LPS; 1.5kGy+LPS)
Effect of Hurdle technology on defatted dry extract with the control cheeses and those activated by LPS
Figure 5 shows the variation in fat-free dry matter of treated throughout the shelf life.
and untreated cheeses stored at 4±1°C. It can be seen that However, there was a significant variation in the defatted
the defatted dry extract values increased in proportion to the dry matter of cheeses irradiated with the highest dose (1.5
technique applied, rising from 5.40, 4.53 and 4.17 g/kg at t0. kGy) combined with LPS compared with control cheeses
The three doses applied did not have a significant effect and those activated by LPS throughout t9.
(p>0.05) on the fat-free dry extract of the cheeses compared
Fig 5: Effect of ebeam irradiation on the defatted dry extract of fresh cheese (Control; LPS;
0.5kGy +LPS; 1 kGy+LPS; 1.5kGy+LPS)
Effect of Hurdle technology on humidity moisture content is less than 58%), or a fairly moist, and
For the moisture parameter, if the values are outside the therefore fragile, dough if the moisture content% is greater
standards, there is a risk of having a fairly hard dough (if the than 60%. The TSE content is linked to the moisture
National Journal of Advanced Research
content%, so outside the range given in table (40-42), there activated by LPS. On the other hand, no significant variation
is a risk of varying the moisture content% and therefore in humidity was observed in the LPS-activated cheese
ultimately contributing to the hardness or brittleness of the compared with the controls at t0.
dough. On the other hand, there was a significant difference
Fig 6 shows that the control cheese samples had an average between the cheeses that had been subjected to the different
moisture content of 64.27% and the LPS-activated cheese doses with LPS in terms of moisture compared to the
had a value of 64.83%, while the irradiated cheese samples controls and those activated only by LPS, and no significant
had values of 62.47%, 61.83% and 60.03% respectively at difference between the cheeses activated by LPS and the
t0. controls at t9 and t18. Thus the moisture content of the
In fact, there was a significant difference between the irradiated cheese samples was significantly lower than that
control and irradiated groups combined with LPS, since of the controls and those activated only by LPS.
there was a significant decrease in the cheeses with the This decrease can be attributed to the effect of gamma
highest dose combined with LPS compared with all the irradiation on the capacity of cheese proteins to retain water.
other samples at t0. Almost similar results were reported by Gosh et al, (1999).
Moreover, the other two doses combined with LPS had a
significant effect compared with the controls and those
Fig 6 : Effect of ebeam irradiation on the moisture of fresh cheese (Control; LPS; 0.5 kGy
+LPS;1 kGy+LPS; 1.5kGy+LPS)
Rheological study Calcium from the core then migrates to the surface to re
Texture is an essential factor in consumer acceptance of a establish the equilibrium, causing the micelles to destabilise
product. The term 'firmness' is commonly used to describe a and the cheese to soften as a result McSweeney, (2004) [11].
parameter assessed by means of empirical mechanical tests The changes observed in the texture of the untreated and
and considered as an attribute that must be maintained treated samples could be linked to this phenomenon.
during storage and processing. However, the three doses applied in combination with LPS
Table 1 shows the variation in firmness of treated and did not have a significant effect on cheese firmness at t0, t9
untreated cheeses stored at 4±1°C. and t18.
It can be seen that the average firmness value of the cheeses
decreases directly following irradiation and over time. Table 1: Effect of ebeam irradiation on the firmness of fresh
In fact, non-irradiated cheeses went from 0.28 to 0.2 N after cheese (Control ; LPS ; 0.5kGy +LPS ; 1 kGy+LPS; 1.5kGy+LPS)
18 days of refrigerated storage.
For cheeses activated only by LPS, firmness fell from 0.277 Time Doses T0 T9 T18
Control 0,28±0,0 0,247±0,005 0,2±0,01
to 0.21 N after 18 days of refrigerated storage.
LPS 0,277±0,01 0,243±0,01 0,21±0,00
As for the cheeses treated with the low dose combined with
0,5kGy 0,273±0,01 0,24± 0,00 0,207±0,01
LPS, their firmness fell from 0.27 to 0.21 N. For the 1 kGy 0,27±0,0 0,237± 0,00 0,2±0,0
medium dose (1 kGy) combined with LPS, the average 1,5 kGy 0,265±0,01 0,233± 0,01 0,187±0,01
firmness value rose from 0.27 to 0.20 N.
For the 1.5 kGy dose with LPS, a decrease was observed, Microbiological quality
reaching 0.26 N after 18 days of conservation. The results of the evolution of the microbial flora of the
This decrease in texture over time could be due to the cheeses at (t0) and after 9 and 18 days of storage at 4±1°C.
migration of calcium in response to the pH gradient and the The germs sought and counted in our work are considered to
activities of fungal enzymes and rennet. Several authors, be indicators of the overall quality of the finished product
Spinnler et al, (2004) [18] have reported that the change in and reflect compliance or non-compliance with good
texture is due to this phenomenon, as calcium phosphate hygiene practices (Gadi et al., 2020).
precipitates at the generally high pH of cheese rinds.
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The use of the combination of electron beam irradiation at On the basis of the deterioration index reported, if the
low doses produced similar results to those obtained by the overall acceptability score was less than 5, the product
use of electron beam irradiation at high doses. would be considered a putrid food (Lainez et al., 2008) [10].
The figures represent the results of the sensory analysis of
Yeasts and moulds the cheeses after treatment (t0), 9 days after irradiation (t9),
Yeasts and moulds in cheese are considered to be spoilage 18 days after irradiation (t18) stored at 4°C.
organisms leading to flavour and texture deterioration, The "aroma" descriptor for the cheeses was scored as
including softening and discolouration (Aly et al., 2012). follows: the highest score was awarded for cheeses activated
For yeasts and moulds (table 2), there was a significant only by LPS at t0, scored at 5.58 out of 9, but decreased to
decrease in the microbial load following the combination of 3.83 towards the end of storage at t18.
ebeam with LPS. On the other hand, the lowest score was awarded to cheese
In fact, the lowest dose and the average doses of 0.5 and irradiated with electron beams in combination with LPS,
1kGy combined with LPS resulted in an average value for which totalled 4.83 out of 9 and fell over time to 4.17 at t18.
yeasts and moulds (1.45 and 0.81 log CFU/g respectively) For the other descriptors such as salty taste and acid taste,
compared with the control, which was initially 2.34 log the lowest scores were attributed to the control cheeses,
CFU/g and 2.31 log CFU/g for those activated only by LPS, which scored 5.33 and 5.08 out of 9 respectively at t0 and
and almost zero with the highest dose combined with LPS. decreased over time to 5.00 and 4.67 out of 9 at t9. The
No significant difference in the number of moulds was panel gave a score of 4.50 and 3.75 over 18 days of storage.
observed between the control and the LPS-activated cheeses In fact, the descriptors studied, such as colour, acidity,
at t0. texture and odour, and linking them to physicochemical
parameters, will be detailed below.
Moreover, these results are approved by Seifu et al, (2004)
[17] For the "texture" descriptor, the scores attributed by our
who demonstrated that LPS activation has no significant
panel to the 0.5, 1 and 1.5 kGy doses combined with LPS
effect on the evolution of yeasts and moulds.
had no significant effect (p>0.05) on cheese texture. This is
During storage at 4±1°C, the yeast and mould levels of confirmed by the analytical test measuring the firmness of
untreated (non-irradiated) raspberries increased over time to the cheeses, which found that the different doses combined
3.97 compared with those treated only with LPS, which had with LPS had no significant effect compared to the controls
an average value of 3.95 log CFU/g at t18. or to the cheeses activated only by LPS. However, the panel
Similarly, for products irradiated and combined with LPS, found that texture deteriorated significantly over time.
an increase in fungal growth was observed over time, but For the descriptor "colour", the scores attributed by our
this increase remained significantly lower than for the panel to doses of 0.5, 1 and 1.5 kGy combined with LPS had
control and that activated only by LPS at t9 and t18. no significant effect (p>0.05), but we note that time
Similar results were reported by Aly et al, (2012) who significantly affected colour at t18 only, whereas there was
showed that gamma irradiation at the highest dose of 5 kGy no significant difference between t0 and t9.
reduced the proliferation of these microorganisms. The Concerning the odour descriptor rated by the panel at t0, t9
doses used by these authors were 1, 3 and 5 kGy. and t18. The scores given are not significant (p>0.05). In
fact, there were no significant differences between all the
Sensory analysis samples. On the other hand, we note that time has a
The sensory analysis, hedonic test, was carried out directly significant effect throughout the shelf life. These two
after treatment at t0, t9 and t18 days of storage at 4°C on descriptors, colour and odour, were highly correlated
control cheeses, activated by LPS, having undergone (p<0.01).
irradiation at 0.5, 1 and 1.5 kGy combined with LPS. We On the other hand, there was no significant difference in
chose to carry out these analyses throughout the 18-day overall acceptability between all the samples, although it
storage period on the basis of the cheese quality assessed. was noted that shelf life affected overall acceptability
The characterisation of the sensory properties of the cheeses significantly at t18 only, whereas there was no significant
was analysed using the radar diagram constructed with the difference between t0 and t9. Moreover, overall acceptability
scores obtained for the different parameters evaluated by the was strongly correlated with colour, odour and texture
panellists. (p<0.01).
Fig 7 : Effect of ebeam irradiation with LPS on the organoleptic properties of fresh cheese.
National Journal of Advanced Research
Effect of hurdle technologies on the evolution of the the acceptability) for the the combination throughout the shelf
shelf life of cheese life.
Estimation of the use-by date using the accelerated aging The study of the microbiological quality of the cheese
test showed that irradiation with ebeam combined with LPS had
The spoilage kinetics of a foodstuff is a representation of the a significant effect on the microbiological quality (total
deterioration of a parameter A as a function of time and coliforms, mesophilic aerobes, yeasts and moulds)
temperature. These kinetics are generally of order zero or of compared with control cheeses and cheeses activated only
order one. by LPS.
The determination of the order of the spoilage reaction is In addition, the determination of the shelf life showed that
obtained by comparing the coefficient of determination R2 the use of these combination resulted in its extension of by
of the linear regression of the three kinetic models related to 3.63 days, compared with 3.09 days for the LPS cheese
a quality criterion A by drawing the graphs: alone.
Order zero: A = f(t) In fact the combination, low-dose electron beam irradiation
Order 1: Ln (A) = f(t) with LPS extended the shelf life of the cheese to 6.82 days,
Order 2: (1/H) = f(t) compared with 10.92 and 16.93 days respectively for 1 and
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evolution of yeasts and molds, indeed the microbial limit of system.
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National Journal of Advanced Research