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Global Trends Mid Exam – Bahir Dar

Instruction I: Write true if the statement is correct and false if it is incorrect

1. Domestic political events can influence the relationship between states

2. Realists focus on the power of ideas, culture, and language

3. Multi-polarity in international system expresses the existence of two major powers

4. In system level analysis, the anarchic international system determines state behavior

5. Marxism as a theory of IR explains the unequal relations between core states and

Instruction II: Choose the correct answer for the following questions from the given

1. All of the followings are true about Liberalism theory of international relation, except?

A. International liberalization
B. Morality determine interest
C. International organization and international law effectively govern international relations
D. Liberalists are pessimist regarding the nature of international relation

2. Which statement is correct about Marxism/ structuralism theory of international relation?

A. Capitalism is the cause for international conflict

B. International relations is the mechanisms of the dominant to exploit the poor
C. State for Marxism is the agent of the bourgeois class
D. All

3. When one single state acts as a police agent in world politics, the system is
A. Bi-polar
B. Unipolar
C. Multi-polar
D. All

4. Which one of the following is a state actor in international-relation?

A. a president on power
D. human right groups

5. International relations as a field of study focuses on all of the following except

A. Study the factors that affect the interactions among states

B. Explain why international events occur
C. Primarily focuses on domestic political process
D. All of the above

6. States differ from nations in that states are primarily

A. Political, not cultural, entities

B. Geographic, not political, entities
C. Cultural, not geographic, entities
D. None of the above.

7. ____ Level of analysis explain international politics with reference to the political,
economic, and other attributes of particular states

A. Individual
B. State
C. International
D. System

8. Which of the following is the idea matched with liberal theory of IR?

A. Human nature is good, not evil

B. International institutions reduce conflict among states
C. Morality determine interest
D. All of the above

9. According to realist theory which of the following is the most important feature of
international relations
A. International law
B. morality
C. power
D. Cooperation

10. Which of the following is not the preferred tool of liberal internationalism?

A. International organizations
B. Military force
C. International law
D. Democracy

11. Which one of the following is wrong about state actors?

A. includes diplomats, militaries, bureaucrats and elected leaders

B. Considered the primary actor
C. Includes inter-governmental organizations
D. Influence the international process through domestic and foreign policy

12. All of the followings are intergovernmental organizations except

A. The International Monetary Fund

B. The World Trade Organization
C. Amnesty International
D. North Atlantic Treaty Organization

13. Putin’s military and leadership experiences as a president of Russia differently shape
and influences today’s international relation system; this statement best explains

A. Group level of analysis

B. State level of analysis
C. System level of analysis
D. individual level of analysis

14. Before the first world war (WWI), the structure of world politics was:

A. Bipolar
B. Multipolar
C. Unipolar
D. All

Instruction III: Fill the blank space

1. ___ is a compulsory political organization with a centralized government

2. ___ refers to the fact that in the international system there is no hierarchically superior,
coercive authority

3. ___ is the peace treaty signed during 1648 and ends the bloodiest warfare between

4. ___ is intergovernmental organization established after the end of WWI to prevent all
future inter-state wars

Global Trends Mid Exam – Wachemo University

Part I. Say true if the statement is correct or false if the statement is incorrect

1. In the international politics there is permanent friends or enemies, but not permanent
national interest

2. International relation is merely concerned with peaceful relation of states.

3. According to realism theory there is no anarchy, rather there is hierarchy in international


4. The actions of groups of individuals such as political parties and voters of country can be
group level analysis.

5. Non-state actors are regarded as sovereign entities in participating at the international


Part II. Choose the correct answer from the given alternatives

6. Which one of the following is the doctrine that asserts the nation as the basic political unit
in organizing society?

A. Nation-state
B. Nation
C. Nationalism
D. imperialism

7. Which one is different from the other?

A. States
B. Multinational corporations
C. Individuals
D. Terrorists

8. All of the following are true about liberalism/idealism except?

A. View human nature as innately good

B. Peace/cooperation is the normal state of affair
C. Prefer balance of power than collective security
D. Opt free trade over autarky/protectionism

9. Which one of the following is a positive side of nationalism?

A. Reluctance to help others

B. Promote the sense exclusionism
C. Enhance the prevalence of democracy
D. Encourages extremism in favor of one’s own interest

10. All of the following are the main features of the state of nature in the international
politics, except

A. Anarchism & disorder

B. Brutality & Nasty
C. Peace & stability
D. War & insecurity

Global Trends Final Exam – Samara University

Part I. Say true if the statement is correct, and false if the statement is incorrect

1. The state of analysis considers the global system as a framework in which states
2. States are ready to negotiate when short range foreign policy objective are
3. Power determines the relative influence of actors and shapes the structure of the
international system
4. Liberal theory of international relation believes relations between states are
determined solely by the pursuit of power
5. In the era of globalization, participation in international relations is inevitable
6. Foreign policy of the state only concern state actors
7. Bipolar system usually reflects various equally powerful states competing for power
8. State level analysis of international relations focused on the behavior and intention of
9. Anarchy refers to the absence of shared institutions with the right to enforce common
rules and dictate international relations
10. International relation is a discipline that exclusively studies the relations between and
among states of the current international system.
Part II. Choose the best answer among the given alternatives

11. All are actors of international relation except

A. Non-governmental organization
B. Individual
C. State
D. Multinational Corporation
E. None

12. All of following theory of international relation has pessimistic attitude toward
international relations except

A. Realism
B. Structuralism
C. Idealism
D. None

13. Which one of the following statement best describes foreign policy

A. Decisions and actions that concern relations between one States

B. Rules and regulations as well as procedures which guides other state relation
C. The expression of its national interest vis-a-vis other states
D. All

14. One of the following is not in the scope of contemporary study of international relations

A. The increasing interconnectedness of likeminded people around the world

B. Terrorism
C. State and human security
D. Poverty and climate change
E. Dialogue and conflict between different beliefs and ideologies
F. None

15. The foundation assumption of realism theory of internal relation in their analysis of the
nature of the international system relays on

A. Cooperative actions of individuals

B. Conflict behavior of States
C. Class antagonism
D. Cooperative nature of corporations

16. The structure of the international system where numerous states are competing for
potency to dominate the whole structure is said to be
A. Bi-polar system
B. Unipolar system
C. Multi-polar system
D. Anarchical system

17. A set of objectives and tools Where a state implements to guide its relation with other
states in the international system is termed as

A. Diplomacy
B. National interest
C. Foreign policy|
D. Ideological interest

18. In the eyes of liberal theorists, the most important thing that makes human being as
innately good and cooperative than being aggressive and war loving in the international
system is

A. Egosim
B. Self-centeredness
C. National interest
D. Share liberal values

19. In marx’s analysis of the nature of international relation, the central thesis of the unit of
analysis of his discussion focuses on

A. The state
B. Class antagonism
C. Individual behavior
D. Shared values and interests

20. All are middle range foreign policy objective except

A. Economic
B. Material needs
C. Technological advancement
D. Territorial integrity

21. Ethiopia agreed to revise its foreign policy in favor of chinese efforts to restructure
global system and to take global leadership. Such kind of foreign policy pattern is known as

A. Self-extension
B. Self-abnegating
C. Self-preservation
D. All
22. The management of international relations by negotiation is known as?

A. Foreign policy
B. International relation
C. Diplomacy
D. National interests

23. An economic policy instruments in which limitation is imposed on exported commodities

is known as ?

A. Teriff
B. Embargo
C. Quota
D. Boycott

24. Which analytical device of international relations conceives the global system as the
cooperative, competitive and confrontational environment of states to achieve its national
interest ?

A. Group level analysis

B. Individual level analysis
C. State level analysis
D. System level analysis

25. The state’s authority to formulate and enforce laws over activities within its territory

A. Sovereignty
B. Power
C. Diplomacy
D. Territorial integrity

26. A body of customary and conventional rules whic are binding on civilized states in their
intercourse with each other is known as

A. Diplomacy
B. International law
C. International politics
D. Vienna convention on diplomatic relations

Part 3. Writing part

23. List down the short range and middle range objectives of Ethiopia’s foreign policy
24. Explain the relations between foreign policy and diplomacy

25. Explain the realist’s views on the cause of war

26. What is the central thesis of Marxist theory in international relation

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