Course Syllabus
Credit Units: 3
Level: P5
Medium of
Instruction: English
Medium of
Assessment: English
(Course Code and Title) LW5656 Company Law I
(Course Code and Title) Nil
LW4657 Company Law II
Equivalent Courses: LW6104E Company Law II (only applicable to students who completed
(Course Code and Title) LW6104E before Sem A 2019/20)
Exclusive Courses:
(Course Code and Title) Nil
Part II Course Details
1. Abstract
This course aims to build upon basic company law knowledge through a review of the law, policy and
practice in relation to equity and debt financing of companies, and the external administration of
companies (receivership, liquidation etc).
3. Teaching and Learning Activities (TLAs)
(TLAs designed to facilitate students’ achievement of the CILOs.)
issues in company law, and to communicate arguments in
writing will be tested.
Examination: (duration: 2 to 3 hours , if applicable) 70%
Students’ ability to apply the principles of company law to
given situations, to resolve problems, and to communicate
arguments in writing will be tested.
Students’ ability to analyse and critically evaluate, and to
communicate arguments in writing will be tested.
To pass this course students must obtain an aggregate mark of 40% and a minimum of 40% in each of the
continuous assessment and the examination elements of the assessment. Continuous Assessment for this
purpose means those ways in which students are assessed otherwise than by the end of session
The portion of the overall mark allocated to performance/participation in inter-active in class activities
will be assessed on the quality of the participation. Assessment criteria for those activities, their nature and
their timing will be set out in the study guide/course manual and will be further expanded upon by the
course leader.
To enable the full benefit to be obtained from this course, students should attend all of the classes and
Assessment will be formative to enable students to demonstrate their capacity to understand, analyse and apply
rules and principles and summative to assess ability to synthesise primary and secondary material to solve
novel problems.
5. Assessment Rubrics
(Grading of student achievements is based on student performance in assessment tasks/activities with the following rubrics.)
Part III Other Information (more details can be provided separately in the teaching plan)
1. Keyword Syllabus
(An indication of the key topics of the course.)
• Financing corporate enterprises.
• Share capital.
• Public issues of securities and official listing.
• Borrowing and loan capital.
• Security for loans and charges.
• Creditor remedies, including receivership.
• Corporate rescue processes.
• Liquidation.
Detailed Syllabus:
2. Reading List
Stefan Lo & Charles Qu, Law of Companies in Hong Kong, 2nd ed (Sweet & Maxwell. 2015)
Vanessa Stott, Hong Kong Company Law, Longman, Hong Kong (12th edition)
Philip Smart, Katherine Lynch, Anna Tam, Hong Kong Company Law: Cases,
Materials and Comments, Butterworths, Hong Kong, 1997
Hong Kong Company Law Handbook: Companies Ordinance, Butterworths, Hong
Mayson S, French D, Ryan C, Mayson, French & Ryan on Company Law,
Blackstone, London (latest edition)
Davies P, Gower and Davies’ Principles of Modern Company Law, Sweet and
Maxwell, London (latest edition)
Pennington R, Pennington’s Company Law, Butterworths, London (latest edition)
Farrah J and Hannigan B, Farrar’s Company Law, Butterworths, London, (latest
Sealy L, Cases and Materials in Company Law, Butterworths, London, (8th edition)
Hicks A and Goo S H, Cases and Materials on Company Law, Oxford University
Press, Oxford (latest edition)
Morse G, Partnership Law, Blackstone, London (latest edition)
Banks L R, Lindley and Banks on Partnership, Sweet and Maxwell, London (latest
Ferran E, Principles of Corporate Finance, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2008
Low C K, ed, Financial Markets in Hong Kong, Springer, Singapore, 2000
McGuinness P, A Guide to the Equity Markets of Hong Kong, Oxford University
Press, Oxford, (latest edition)
Sin K F, Building Project Finance in Hong Kong, 2nd ed, Butterworths, Hong Kong,
Sabine M, Corporate Finance: Flotations, Equity Issues and Acquisitions,
Butterworths, London (latest edition)
Rutterford R and Montgomerie R, Handbook of UK Corporate Finance, Butterworths,
London (latest edition)
Goode R, Commercial Law, Butterworths, London, (latest edition)
Goode R, Legal Problems of Credit and Security, Sweet and Maxwell, London, (latest
McCormack G, Registration of Company Charges, Sweet and Maxwell, London, 1994
Goode R, Principles of Corporate Insolvency Law, Sweet and Maxwell, London, 1997
Hadden T, Company Law and Capitalism, 2nd ed, Weidenfeld & Nicolson, London,
Looseleaf services:
Company Law in Hong Kong – Practice and Procedure, Sweet and Maxwell, Hong
Hong Kong Company Law: Legislation and Commentary, Butterworths, Hong Kong
Hong Kong Company Law and Practice, CCH, Singapore
The Law of Loans and Borrowing, Sweet and Maxwell, London
Report) 1997
Standing Committee on Company Law Reform Report on Pascutto Report 2000
Standing Committee on Company Law Reform Consultation Paper on the Proposals
made in Phase I of the Corporate Governance Review 2001
Standing Committee on Company Law Reform Consultation Paper on the Proposals
made in Phase II of the Corporate Governance Review 2003
Annual Reports of the Standing Committee on Company Law Reform
Report of the Review Committee on Insolvency Law and Practice (the Cork Report)
London 1982
The Law Reform Commission of Hong Kong issued three Reports as part of its
Insolvency Law Review between 1995 and 1999 on Bankruptcy, Corporate Rescue
and Insolvent Trading, and the Winding-up Provisions of the Companies Ordinance
Online Resources: