Anatoli Vankov
P.A.C.S.: 04.80 Cc
1 Introduction
The discovery of particle waves was made by Louis de Broglie in 1923-
1924. It is usually assumed that the de Broglie waves are described
by the Schroedinger equation. However, our study showed that the
de Broglie wave phenomenon is essentially relativistic. De Broglie was
never satisfied with probabilistic (“Copenhagen School”) interpretation
of Quantum Mechanics, and since 1924 he kept working on his own idea
of a next-level (“double-solution”) theory [1]. The physical meaning of
16 A. Vankov
d dxi
[m(s) ] = Ki (i = 1, 2, 3, 4) (1)
ds ds
that makes the problem definite with respect to five unknown functions:
xi (s) and m(s). The proper mass variation along the world line is ex-
plicitly seen from the next equation obtained from (1) and (2):
dm dxi d2 xi
+ m 2 = Ki (3)
ds ds ds
One may notice that in the common formalism of the Relativistic Me-
chanics the Minkowski force is orthogonal to the 4-momentum. However,
when the proper mass variation is taken into account, the orthogonality
condition does not take place:
dm X dxi
=− Ki (4)
ds i
where the momentum p(t) is proportional to the time elapsed. The mass
in (8) is supposed to be a constant proper mass m0 , but this is not true.
To check it, one has to consider a general problem on acceleration of
the particle by a pulse of force with transients specified. It follows from
(6) and (7) that the proper mass varies during transients. When the
force reaches a plateau it becomes constant but different from m0 , the
difference being a binding energy of a particle in the system “particle-
accelerator”. In the end of the pulse the proper mass acquires the initial
value m0 in a new state of free motion with kinetic mass-energy taken
from the accelerator. A dynamical change of the proper mass is a mani-
festation of a potential difference developed between the particle and the
accelerator; consequently, the interaction should be characterized by the
corresponding mass-energy current. A general relativistic mass-energy
formula following from (6) and (7) holds:
The expressions (14) and (15) have a point-like particle limit. In gen-
eral, the proper mass of a test particle at a point r in 3-space uniquely
characterizes a static gravitational field φ(r):
m(r)/m0 = [1 + φ(r)] (16)
The potential changes within the range −c2 ≤ φ(r) ≤ 0; therefore, it is
limited by the factor c2 . This is a result of fundamental importance. It
shows that a singularity is absent in the relativistic form of gravitational
potential. One could find the same proper mass exhaustion effect in the
case of the Coulomb attractive potential when the gravitational radius
was replaced by “the annihilation radius” ra = k0 Qq/m0 c2 (k0 is the
electric constant at infinity). In the case of the electric repulsive force
the annihilation radius should be taken negative; therefore, the proper
mass increases with field strength (m(r) ≥ m0 ).
Let us consider Dynamics of a massive particle and a photon in a
gravitational field. Conservative field properties become embedded in
equations (6) and (7) if the total mass is taken constant and equal to
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β ∗ (r) = β(r) = (1 − rg /r)2 (23)
As is seen, the photon while approaching the sphere slows down and
tends to stop in a strong gravitational field at r → R → rg < R. Our
analysis of the phenomenon led us to the conclusion that the photon
propagates in space of a gravitational field as in a refracting medium.
medium rather than like a particle in the field. It means that there is
no coupling of the photon to the gravitational field. Consequently, a
probing the field with the test particle and the photon results in a new
field characterization and new metric relations of physical quantities.
We used the above results in conducting the metric analysis in or-
der to determine basic physical units which could be transportable or
reproducible throughout the space to make it possible to compare their
values in a field and “at infinity”. The standard (stable) test parti-
cle may be chosen to play the role of a quantum-mechanical oscilla-
tor when being used as a resonance emitter or a detector. The “stan-
dard atomic clock” will be the equivalent term for the standard particle.
Then, characteristics of the electromagnetic wave emitted by the stan-
dard clock may be considered in choosing the standard units of length
and time. From previous results, one can see that the frequency f0
of the photon emitted from infinity by the standard clock at rest is a
field-independent standard quantity; therefore, the corresponding pe-
riod δt0 = T0 = 1/f0 is a field-independent standard unit of time inter-
val. We assert that the proper resonance frequency fres of the standard
atomic clock in the field is proportional to the proper mass at the radial
point r0 , as in (19) for a spherical symmetric field. Thus, the frequency
depends on a radial position of the atomic clock in the field, as next:
fres (r0 ) = fres
(1 − rg /r0 ) ∝ m0 (1 − rg /r0 ). By definition, the inverse
quantity is the field-dependent proper time interval δτ of the standard
atomic clock at point r0 : δτ (r0 ) = 1/fres (r0 ) = δτ0 /(1 − rg /r0 ), where
δτ0 is the proper time interval at infinity. It should be noted that so far
we do not differentiate between the electromagnetic wave of light and
the photon because the radial dependence of speed (22) is assumed to
be the same for all frequencies (there is no dispersion). We admit that
at ultra-high energy this assumption may be not valid.
Next, let us look for a field-independent unit of length. The instanta-
neous proper wavelength of the photon at any emission point r0 can play
this role. The wavelength is a ratio of the speed of wave propagation and
the resonance frequency of an emitter fres (r0 ); therefore, the standard
emission wavelength λ0 is constant and reproducible everywhere. We
come to the important conclusion that space-time mapping is possible
in terms of field-independent units. In general, the following formulas
describe the field dependent proper time interval of the standard atomic
clock and characteristics of the photon at point r, if emitted by the stan-
dard atomic clock at point r0 (both the emitter and the detector being
On de Broglie Wave Nature 23
gravitational red-shift, the bending of light, the time delay of light, the
planetary perihelion precession) are fully explained, their predictions
are in agreement with experimental data. c). Predictions of the new
“strong-field” testable effects are made; one of them is the existence of
superluminal particles in the gravitational field.
Our SRT-based metric analysis showed that our theoretical treatment
of physical quantities is consistent with conservation properties of the
gravitational field. Let us consider, for example, a metric relationship
between the proper time interval dτ and the improper time interval dt of
the particle in the gravitational field ds = c0 dτ = c0 dt/γ where ds is the
arc length interval on the world line. The observer at infinity can verify
it by measuring an instantaneous improper time interval and comparing
it with the rate of his standard clock (similarly to imaginary experiments
in SRT). The interpretation of the comparison procedure follows from
our mass-energy concept: the proper time interval is the measure of
the proper mass of thep particle while the improper time interval is the
Lorentz factor γ = 1 − β 2 bigger, where the relative speed is meant
with respect to the rest observer at infinity. Thus, the improper time is
constant due to the total mass-energy conservation. A bound standard
clock (attached to a shell or in orbital motion) has a smaller amount of
total energy as compared to the similar clock in a hyperbolic motion.
For example, the improper time of a particle in the shell of radius r
is dt = dτ0 /γr . For a free motion at infinity, the SRT relations are
mtot = γ0 m0 and dt = γ0 dτ0 ; consequently, the metric form for a free
floating state of the particle with γ0 > 1 is
dr2 /dτ02 c20 + dτ 2 /dτ02 = 1,dτ /dτ0 = 1/γr = 1 − β2 (32)
The corresponding metric relation is ds2 = c20 dτ02 − dr2 ; the angle and
the rate of the Minkowski space rotation can be found. Having a solu-
tion to equations of motion (1) for some specific problem, one can find
scalar products of 4-vectors s2 = x · x, p2 = p · p and construct the anti-
symmetrical tensor Mik = xi pk − xk pi to check the angular momentum
conservation as well. The “gamma” transformation q(r) → q0 /γr ) of
basic metric units in Minkowski space reflects the rotational symmetry
being identical in the 4-coordinate and 4-momentum space. Obviously,
this is the reflection of conservation field properties.
One may compare our SRT space-time metric of the static spherical
symmetric field
ds2 = c20 dτ 2 = c20 dt2 − dr2 (33)
with the corresponding GRT (Schwarzschild) metric, in the polar coor-
dinate system, for simplicity:
ds2 = c20 dt2 (1 − 2rg /r)2 − dr2 /(1 − 2rg /r)2 − r2 dφ2 (34)
which has uniquely resulted from the analysis of a photon and particle
motion in the gravitational field and the methodology of transportable
and reproducible standard units. While the GRT metric contains singu-
larities under strong-field conditions, our metric is free of singularities in
the whole range of energy.
is frame dependent. At the same time, the de Broglie waves are associ-
ated with an excitation of physical vacuum states (virtual photons) in
the process of transformation of the proper mass into kinetic one. The
excitation process propagates in space with the ultimate speed of light
and should be treated in terms of coherent ingoing and outgoing waves
of the boson field. From this point of view, the wave nature of particles
(the de Broglie waves, tunneling effects and entangled collective states)
may be fully understood; however, the concept of “physical vacuum”
and the term “at infinity”need to be clarified. Intuitively, one may think
of a spherical shell of universe matter as the source of “physical vacuum
field” with a finite energy density. Then, the physical vacuum in the shell
is a background field for local fields in a cosmological potential well. In
this sense, to reach “infinity” means to get rid of all local fields. For an
atomic electron it could be a fraction of millimeter away. A single free
particle moving in the space of a constant residual potential is in equi-
librium with the physical vacuum (with the universe): there is no net
mass-energy, or a virtual photon, current between the particle and the
universe. This is a local particle-particle interaction, which breaks this
equilibrium and results in the net current between interacting particles
and the universe. The direction of current is determined by the field gra-
dient depending on the type of interaction. The process is traditionally
described in the quantum-mechanical concept of the photon exchange
mechanism to be revisited in the future non-linear theory. We empha-
size here the importance of relativistic mass-energy concept (a proper
mass variability) with cosmological connections as well as a possible uni-
versal role the 4-vector boson field (virtual photons) in a unified field
theory. In fact, we assume that virtual photons mediating gravitational
and electromagnetic forces are revealed in the form of the de Broglie
waves, which should be subject to further theoretical and experimental
νµ + p → n + µ,ν̃µ + n → p + µ̃ (45)
νe + p → n + e,ν̃e + n → p + ẽ (46)
4 Conclusion
The de Broglie wave is essentially relativistic phenomenon closely related
to the problems of mass origin and self-energy divergence. In our SRT-
based approach, the problem of 1/r field singularities is recognized as
the metric problem of dependence of basic (space-time and proper mass)
units and the speed of light on the gravitational potential. The metric
problem was analyzed in the Lagrangean formulation of Relativistic Me-
chanics. The criteria of our metric determination were the consistency
with the covariant form of equations of motion in a conservative force
field and the agreement with experimental data. It was found that the
proper mass and the speed of light are field dependent; they uniquely
characterize the gravitational field. Consequently, the new metric pro-
vides a unique mapping of the field with the use of a light signal and a
test particle. Experimental data and predictions (de Brolie wave proper-
ties included) are consistently treated in terms of Relativistic Mechanics.
Among the important results are, as follows:
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