Iot-Based Air Pollution Monitoring System For Surrounding Environments in Private Education Institute Using Mq135 and Mq7 Sensors

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IoT-based Air Pollution Monitoring System for Surrounding Environments in

Private Education Institute using MQ135 and MQ7 Sensors

Conference Paper · November 2022


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3 authors:

Daminda Herath Zahir Rizwan

Horizon Campus Horizon Campus


Priyanka Thirumugam
Horizon Campus


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IoT-based Air Pollution Monitoring System for
Surrounding Environments in Private Education
Institute using MQ135 and MQ7 Sensors
Y.A.U. Dilusha1, T Priyanka2., M., Zahir3, T. Yogamalar4, N. Wijethunga5,
H.M.D.S Herath.

Faculty of Information Technology, Horizon Campus, Malabe, Sri Lanka
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
In the 21st century, there are various contributing as stroke, heart disorder, lung disease, cancer,
factors to air pollution due to many human and respiratory infection may happen due to poor
activities, such as factory wastes, wildfire, and Air quality.
vehicle emissions. This air pollution produces Air pollution in the outdoor environment in
significant consequences, including health private education institutes should be considered
issues. This study suggests that IoT technology an essential factor. Usually, students visit the
with MQ7 and MQ135 sensors could be used to institute in the morning hours when the air
make a low-cost, portable, and easy-to-control pollution is higher due to vehicle emissions.
device based on ESP32. Accordingly, the device Since the roads are filled with people's vehicles
analyzed the carbon monoxide (CO) and carbon going to their jobs, schools, and other necessities,
dioxide (CO2) levels in the air for five days at it causes higher vehicle emissions. As a result,
different spots around the private education area the air becomes polluted. Usually, private
in Sri Lanka. The device collected data from education institutes are located in commercial
different places and sent it to the Thingspeak areas, which contain supermarkets, restaurants,
and public parks. Therefore, this air pollution
platform in the cloud. The data was then shown
negatively affects students and other parties, such
on a web app and later analyzed to make
as people who exercise in the morning in public
decisions and look at the air quality. parks and do day-to-day activities around the
private institute.
This study focuses on the outdoor and indoor
One of the most essential elements for environment around the private education
maintaining human life is air. In today's world, institute, Horizon Campus, located at Malabe in
air pollution is expanding at an alarming rate due Sri Lanka. First, an ESP32 board and MQ7 and
to climate change, negatively affecting everyone. MQ135 sensors were used, and indications
The air around us is polluted, because of toxic including carbon monoxide (CO) and carbon
emanations from businesses and vehicle dioxide (CO2) are recorded. The data is then
emissions, driving an increment in stored in a cloud platform called Thingspeak.
concentrations of hurtful gasses and particles in After that, the information can be afterward used
the environment. Outflows of harmful substances to do further studies and choices about the
such as industrial gasses and vehicle emissions
are unstable for earthbound. Health issues such


condition of the air quality utilizing a web follow government regulations for gas reduction.
application. Particularly in urban regions of emerging
nations, where industrialization and the rise in
2. LITERATURE REVIEW vehicle traffic cause the production of several
gaseous pollutants, health issues have been
2.1. IoT-based air pollution Monitoring System. becoming worse faster.

Automation and modernization are pervasively There must be effective, dependable, and
becoming more common. Additionally, pollution accurate monitoring of the environment and
is becoming more visible everywhere. To keep pollution levels near manufacturing facilities.
the cutoff points in check, the World Health The high pollution rates are checked by
Organization (WHO) has developed certain monitoring dangerous gases in the vicinity of the
regulations. regarding particular gases like O3, industry. It compares them to the norms, and
NO2, and SO2. It has been discovered that there when the quality falls below a predetermined
is a strong correlation between lung diseases and threshold, it alerts people that the situation is
environmental toxins. Monitoring of air pollution unsafe (Walsange & Yerigeri, 2020).
can also be used in daily routines to warn oil and
gas workers against complacency. It reenacts the 2.4. Designing an IoT-based air quality
three contaminating gases, including CO, CO2, monitoring system.
and SO2, in the air. This repetition creates Nasution, Muchtar, and Simon (2019) designed a
awareness among individuals in urban system to recognize the quality of air.
communities ( Sajjan & Sharma, 2019). Temperature, humidity, and chemicals present in
the air can all be measured as part of air quality
2.2. IoT-based Air Pollution Monitoring System monitoring.
for Smart Villages.
For people living in underdeveloped nations, air 2.5. Air Quality Monitoring: The Use of Arduino
pollution is a major health risk. Mild allergic and Android.
reactions and throat, eye, and nose irritation are In recent years, air pollution has posed a serious
just a few of the negative effects of air pollution. hazard. by keeping an eye on the air quality with
Serious issues like bronchitis, heart illness, lung three sensors. The optical dust sensor
disease, and worsened asthma might be brought GP2Y1010AU0F was used to measure the
on by it. concentration of dust particles in the air, and
Over the internet, the air quality is monitored by MQ9 and MQ135 are two of the gas sensors
an IOT-based air pollution monitoring system. (Husain, Rini, Haque, and Alam, 2016).
The system will trigger an alarm when there are
high levels of harmful gasses in the air. 2.6. Air Development of Blynk IoT-Based Air
Temperature and humidity are also monitored in Quality Monitoring System.
the system, as well as humidity and temperature
(Jazavac & Tatari, 2021). As air pollutants are affected by other air
pollutants, the challenge of air pollutants is
becoming more evident.
2.3. Air Pollution Monitoring System Using IoT.
These air pollutants are frequently due to human
In any nation, whether it was made or not, air
sports, open burning, smoke components, and
pollution is the most serious problem. Gas
lots of different gasses that could harm.
emissions frequently cause lung cancer, eye
Furthermore, these air pollutants contribute to
discomfort, and breathing problems in both
worldwide Global warming and should motivate
people and animals. Mild allergic reactions near
the melting of This polluted air can also motivate
the throat, eyes, and nose as well as more serious
acid rain to fall on polluted air areas.
conditions like bronchitis, heart infections,
pneumonia, lung, and aggravated asthma are a IoT systems with implanted air quality sensors,
few more harmful effects of pollution. These microcontroller units (MCUs), and electronic
issues typically arise when the industry fails to software frameworks enable data exchange.


Moreover, the information results can be used by 2.9. Air Pollution Monitoring System Using
further developing correspondence innovation Arduino With MQ135 Sensor.
frameworks to give moment refreshes other than
checking the effect of air quality levels Pollution also becomes more visible everywhere
specifically (Yunus, 2021). as technology and automation get more
extensive. It has been observed that human
pleasure increases rapidly in nations that produce
2.7. An IoT-based Approach To Minimize And
or make things mechanically. Air pollution is a
Monitor Air Pollution Using ESP32 and
problem that no system can screen or monitor.
Blynk Platform. There is a strong correlation between diseases
Air pollution is one of the worst environmental like asthma and Batten's climatic poisons,
problems, causing many harmful human health including lung-related illnesses. Around the
problems, impacting water resources and the world, air pollution is currently a major concern
climate, and causing ozone damage on Earth. In (Kanti, Jagadish, and Soumya, 2020).
all major cities, industry and automobiles are the Sensors are used by the system of continuous
main contributors to air pollution. internet checking to screen numerical values and
The offered IoT-based air quality measurement then transfer them to regulate the system's
system can be used in two ways. It works both as emphasis. This mode of information transfer
a standalone device and as a vehicle-mounted includes both wired and wireless systems.
device. To improve air quality, the device Although the framework is strong, it has flaws
proposes using an ESP32 microcontroller and across the board and a wide dynamic range, such
IoT technology to track the atmosphere. The as the intricate and expensive system cabling.
monitoring cycle for many environmental issues
is improved by IoT technology adoption. In this 3. METHOD
study, air quality management challenges are
proposed (Asra, Raju, and Varsha, 2020). The proposed system was built using the ESP32
Wi-Fi board. The carbon monoxide (CO) levels
in the air were measured using an MQ7 sensor,
2.8. IOT-based Air Quality Monitoring System and the carbon dioxide (CO2) levels were
Using MQ135 and MQ7 with Machine measured using an MQ135 sensor (PPM). The
Learning Analysis. readings were measured at an interval of five
Air pollution is rapidly increasing as a result of seconds. The proposed system's system overview
factors that can impair human health, such as diagram is shown in Figure 1.
industries, urbanization, population growth, and
automobile use. Industries that produce
poisonous gases, car emissions, and an increase
in dangerous gases and particulates in the
atmosphere are all responsible for pollution.
This research presents an independent, real-time
air quality monitoring system. All industries are
now making a substantial use of the Internet of
Things (IoT), which is essential to our system for
tracking air quality. In order to easily monitor the
air quality, we have set up our system to display
the PPM (Parts per Million) readings on a web Figure 1: System Overview Diagram
page. Anyone may check the pollution level
using a computer or a mobile device from An LCD (20x4) was connected to the ESP32
anywhere (Sai, Subbareddy, and Luhach, 2019). board to display the readings of the sensors.
Three LED bulbs (yellow, green, and red) were
associated with the board to indicate the different
levels of air quality, called good, average, and
poor. All physical components were fixed inside


a small container box, as shown in Figure 2, to

carry the device to different locations.
The data was collected for five days, and the
collected data was sent to the Thingspeak cloud
platform using a write API through the Wi-Fi
connection from the board. Afterward, the data
was retrieved from the Thingspeak cloud using
the read API and stored in a local database. A
web application is created to evaluate the
gathered data using indicators like maximum,
minimum, mean, and median. Following that,
separate tables for MQ7 and MQ135 readings for
the five days with daily charts were produced
using the analyzed results. Figure. 3: Map of experimented locations

A graphical analysis of the data acquired for CO

and CO2 values with time on the X axis and air
quality in PPM on the Y axis is demonstrated in
the following set of figures, which are displayed
in Figure 4. Additionally, it displayed line charts
created using PHP with MySQL as the backend
and Bootstrap as the front end, utilizing data
gathered from the Thingspeak account in CSV

Figure. 2: Air Pollution Monitoring Device

The detailed implementation was presented. The
experiment was done from five locations over
five days. Table 1 shows the dates and locations,
Figure 4: Time vs. Air Quality in PPM at Chandrika
and Figure 3 displays the map of each location. Kumaratunga Mw

TABLE I. Experimented Locations with Dates

No Location Date

01 Chandrika Kumaratunga 2022-09-01


02 Millennium Drive 2022-08-31

03 Suhada Mawatha 2022-08-30

04 Horizon Campus Open Area 2022-08-29 Figure 5: Time vs. Air Quality in PPM at Millennium Drive

05 Horizon Campus Inside 2022-08-25


08-31 CO 21.51 20.67 .88 167.28

3 2022- CO2 3.68 3.41 2.59 10.2


CO 29.85 16.42 7.84 604.31

4 2022- CO2 3.01 2.92 1.97 4.55


CO 27.61 15.5 2.66 167.72

5 2022- CO2 8.81 8.88 1.25 14.21

Figure 6: Time vs. Air Quality in PPM at Suhada Mw

CO 21.71 21.04 15.6 45.25


According to the result of the research, the air
quality of five locations was monitored within
five days. The mean and median levels of carbon
dioxide (CO2) and carbon monoxide (CO) were
Figure 7: Time vs. Air Quality in PPM at Horizon Campus measured. Because many diseases are conveyed
Open Area by the air, people must be aware of the air quality
in their local area. Providing awareness might
suggest solid solutions for such a problem. There
can be certain levels between the maximum and
the lowest. If those levels change, it might cause
diseases. Rarely does air pollution cause deaths
as well.
Low is defined as 50 PPM when addressing
levels of carbon monoxide exposure that vary
from low to harmful; mid-level is defined as
between 51 PPM and 100 PPM. Furthermore, if
no one is exhibiting symptoms, a PPM level
Figure 8: Time vs. Air Quality in PPM at - Horizon Campus
Inside greater than 101 is considered high. However, if
someone is experiencing symptoms when the
Table 2 presents a statistical analysis of air range is significant than 101 PPM, that level is
quality in PPM surrounding areas. dangerous. According to the air quality levels,
several symptoms can be experienced. For
Table 2. Statistical Analysis of Air Quality in example, after two to 200 PPM, people may
PPM experience a slight headache, fatigue, and
dizziness when the carbon monoxide level
Loca Date Na Mean Media Min Max increases to three hours. When the level is 400 At
tion me s n
PPM, someone may experience a frontal
headache within one to two hours. Dizziness,
1 2022- CO2 2.63 2.6 2.1 4.67 nausea, and convulsions may be felt within 45
minutes of an 800 PPM reading.
CO 21.51 18.72 0.93 70.08
Unconsciousness may be felt within two hours,
and death may occur within two to three hours.
2 2022- CO2 2.70 2.66 0.41 5.07 People may experience headaches, dizziness, and


nausea within 20 minutes of the dangerous 1600 symptoms, they must consider it and leave the
PPM level, which results in death within an hour. environment. Both carbon monoxide and carbon
dioxide should be in appropriate levels to
Body metabolism generates carbon dioxide, conclude that this environment is suitable.
which is a colorless, odorless, and non-
flammable gas. In inhabited interior spaces with On August 30th, 2022, the Suhada Mawatha area
efficient air exchange, carbon dioxide levels in was visited to monitor the air quality of this area.
the external air typically vary from 400 to 1000 The air quality of the Suhada Mawatha area could
PPM (less than 400 PPM) and 300 to 400 PPM be measured at a 10.2 PPM carbon dioxide
(less than 400 PPM). Poor air has a PPM level maximum level, and the minimum level of
greater than 1000. Carbon dioxide concentrations carbon dioxide was 2.59 PPM. In addition, the
in urban areas can reach 600–900 PPM. mean was 3.68, and the median was 3.41. It
might be decided that polluted air is not included
On the first day, August 25th, 2022, the air quality with carbon dioxide. However, the maximum
of the campus environment was measured. level of carbon monoxide has increased to 604.31
According to the results of measurements, the PPM. The minimum level was 7.84. The mean
carbon dioxide maximum level was 14.21 PPM,
and median were 29.85 and 16.42. The maximum
and the minimum level was 1.25 PPM. level might be changed according to the time.
Furthermore, the mean was 8.81, and the median Sometimes, polluted air might be included with
was also 8.88. Given that the values are below carbon monoxide. Finally, informing people who
400 PPM, it is possible to infer that carbon reside in this area might be suggested by
dioxide is not affected by air pollution. When distributing notices in relation to air quality
moving on to carbon monoxide, the maximum awareness.
level was 45.25, and the minimum was 15.65.
Those ranges are less than 50 PPM and close to On August 31st, 2022, the air quality of the
the low-level range. The mean carbon monoxide Millennium Drive area was measured. The
was 21.7, and the median was 21.04. maximum level of carbon dioxide was 5.07 PPM,
Additionally, the median and mean were below and the minimum level was 0.41 PPM. In
50 PPM (Low Level). Because of that, we can addition, the mean and median were 2.70 and
decide that the carbon monoxide level is 2.66. Therefore, it might be concluded that
appropriate for our campus environment. So, it is polluted air is not included with carbon dioxide.
suitable for people to behave in this environment When discussing carbon monoxide levels, the
according to the health guidelines. maximum carbon dioxide level was 167.28. This
maximum level is not appropriate, even if it is a
On August 29th, 2022, air quality monitoring was metropolitan area. It means that polluted air
done on campus outside the environment. Due to might may include with carbon monoxide.
the second day's results, a 4.55 PPM maximum
level was received for carbon dioxide as a 1.97 On September 1st, 2022, monitoring air quality
minimum level of carbon dioxide had been was measured at Chandrika Kumaratunga
measured. The mean was 3.01, and the median Mawatha. According to the results, the
was 2.92. All ranges mentioned are less than 400 maximum carbon dioxide level was 4.67 and the
PPM. So, it might be concluded outside minimum was 2.1; the mean and median were
environment of the campus the prevalence of 2.63 and 2.67. Those levels were appropriate.
carbon dioxide ranges and that it differs from Therefore, it might be decided that air pollution
campus indoor air quality levels. When is not present with carbon dioxide. In addition,
discussing carbon monoxide levels, the carbon monoxide levels were checked, a 70.08
maximum level was 161.72 PPM, and the PPM maximum level was received, and the
minimum was 2.66 PPM. However, the minimum level was 0.93. The mean and median
maximum level is higher than 101 PPM. That is values were 21.51 and 18.72. When considering
not a suitable air quality level, though the mean the maximum level, it is at the mid-level. That is
and median are 2.66 and 27.06. Sometimes, appropriate to some extent when comparing with
polluted air might be included in this air. It is other locations’ carbon monoxide levels.
important to be safe from polluted air. Finally, it
might be suggested that if someone experiences


6. CONCLUSION Husain, A. M., Rini, T. H., Haque, M. I., &

Alam, R. (2016). Air Quality Monitoring:
In this paper, a low-cost IOT-based air pollution
The Use of Arduino and Android. Journal of
monitoring system has been designed for private
educational institutes, which can get real-time air Modern Science and Technology. 4(1), 86
pollution data. – 96.
Yunus, N. M. (2021). Development of Blynk
MQ135 and MQ7 sensors were used to design IoT-Based Air Quality Monitoring System.
this device to detect air quality. A number of Journal of Engineering Technology. 9, 63–
research studies on tracking air quality have also 68.
been examined by reading literature reviews. The Asra, N., Raju, J., & Varsha, V. (2020). An IoT-
ESP32 board has sent data to the cloud system Based Approach to Minimize and Monitor
using Wi-Fi. Then, the Thingspeak cloud was
Air Pollution Using ESP32 and the Blynk
used to receive data from the ESP board. After
Platform. Journal of Xi'an University of
that, the data was analyzed using a web
application to make further decisions and Architecture and Technology. 558-566.
analyses about the state of air quality. Sai, K., Subbareddy, S., & Luhach, A. (2019).
IOT-based Air Quality Monitoring System
Nowadays, a lot of diseases are spread by air Using MQ135 and MQ7 with Machine
pollution. As a result, this research is very Learning Analysis. Scalable Computing:
important for students who are studying in Practice and Experience. 20(4), 599-606.
private education institutes to avoid dangerous Kanti, A., Jagadish, P., & Soumya, P. (2020).
diseases. Awareness of good air quality levels AIR POLLUTION MONITORING
causes us to minimize dangerous diseases. SYSTEM USING ARDUINO WITH
The MQ135 gas sensor is anticipated to be added MQ135 SENSOR. International Research
to the ESP32 board in the future to detect Journal of Modernization in Engineering
ammonia gas in the environment and provide Technology and Science. 2(8), 412-421.
more information about air pollution. In order to
provide more accurate information on air
pollution, it is also anticipated that the web
application would improve in terms of giving
more statistical data.

Sajjan, V., & Sharma, P. (2019). Research on an
IoT Based Air Pollution Monitoring System,
International Journal of Innovative
Technology and Exploring Engineering
(IJITEE), 8( 92), 553-557.
Jazavac, N., & Tatari, (2021). IoT-based air
pollution monitoring system for smart
villages. Bachelor Thesis, Kristianstad
University, Sweden.
Walsange, M., & Yerigeri, V.V. (2020). A
Review: Air Pollution Monitoring System
Using IoT. International Journal of Creative
Research Thoughts (IJCRT), 8(4), 1959-
Nasution, T. H., Muchtar, M. A., & Simon, A.
(2019). Designing an IoT-based Air Quality
Monitoring System. IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater.
Sci. Eng. 648(1), 012037.


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