Letter of Intent Rose Joy D.O
Letter of Intent Rose Joy D.O
Letter of Intent Rose Joy D.O
I have learned through Division Memorandum No. 197, s. 2024, dated March 11,
2024, that your good office is in need of a Teacher I applicant. I am writing to
express my interest in applying for a teaching position for Teacher I in Junior High
School in your Division of Santa Rosa.
I am Rose Joy Dublin Ibarreta, 27 years old, a resident of Macabling Santa Rosa,
Laguna. I have 3 years of teaching experience at Kainos Learning Institute under the
supervision of Mrs. Bernardina G. Geluz, School Principal, from June 2019 to March
2022. I currently work as HR staff at Excell Contractors and Developers Inc. I
graduated from St. Louis Anne Colleges of San Pedro, Laguna, with a Bachelor of
Secondary Education major in Filipino and became a Licensed Professional Teacher
in the past year of 2022.
I hope that my being dedicated and passionate about teaching makes me a suitable
candidate for a teaching position in your division. Given my college training and
experience at work, I am confident that I am prepared to work and assume
responsibilities because I am fully equipped with potential, skills, and learning and I
know that your reputable department can provide me with the opportunity to develop
myself professionally. In addition, I am willing to be trained and to attend a series of
workshops and lectures in order to improve my skills.
I would be honored to have the opportunity to join your team of dedicated educators.
I am hoping for your favorable response. Thank you for considering my application.
Respectfully yours,