Savage Borderlands & Beyond

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Savage Borderlands

For use with Savage Requiem, an Iron Kingdoms translation for Savage Worlds

About this Translation

Those entries that are Wild Cards are indicated by a ⚙.

This document provides Savage Worlds Adventure Edition (SWAdE) rules and stat blocks for
creatures and NPCs found in the Iron Kingdoms: Borderlands & Beyond for 5th Edition. We
strongly recommend that you purchase the Iron Kingdoms campaign setting, Borderlands &
Beyond, and Monsternomicon by Privateer Press for complete details about the setting and
entries presented here.

Current Version: 1.0.2

Copyright and Trademark

This game references the Savage Worlds game system and the Savage Worlds Fantasy
Companion, available from Pinnacle Entertainment Group at Savage Worlds
and all associated logos and trademarks are copyrights of Pinnacle Entertainment Group. Used
with permission. Pinnacle makes no representation or warranty as to the quality, viability, or
suitability for purpose of this product.

Privateer Press®, Iron Kingdoms®, Immoren, WARMACHINE®, Cygnar, Cryx, Khador,

Protectorate of Menoth, Protectorate, Retribution of Scyrah, Retribution, HORDES, Trollbloods,
Trollblood, Circle Orboros, Circle, Legion of Everblight, Legion, Skorne, Grymkin, gun mage,
warjack, warcaster, and warbeast and their logos are trademarks of Privateer Press, Inc.

Iron Kingdoms created by: Matthew D. Wilson (Privateer Press)

Savage Worlds game designed by: Shane Hensley, with Clint Black

Setting adapted by: Peter Adams (architech99#7462) & Michael Scott with additional input by
SteelDraco. Find out where you can find us online at!

Arcane Mechanik (Iosan)

Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d10, Spirit d6, Strength d6, Vigor d6
Skills: Academics d6, Athletics d4, Common Knowledge d4, Fighting d4, Notice d4, Occult d6,
Persuasion d4, Repair d10, Science d6, Shooting d4, Stealth d4

Pace: 6; Parry: 4; Toughness: 6 (2)

Hindrances: Clumsy, Hard of Hearing (Minor), Outsider (Minor), Quirk

Edges: Arcane Background (Tinkerer), Heirloom (Light Iosan warjack)

Gear: Dungeoneer’s pack, mechanik’s toolkit, pistol (Range 10/20/40, Damage 2d6, RoF 1,
Shots 1), leather tunic and leggings (+2 Armor)

Powers: Blind, burst. Power Points: 15

Special Abilities
● Frail: Reduce Toughness by 1.
● Low Light Vision: Ignore penalties for Dim and Dark Illumination.

Battle Mage (Nyss)

Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d8, Strength d6, Vigor d6
Skills: Athletics d8, Common Knowledge d6, Fighting d10, Notice d6, Occult d8, Persuasion d6,
Stealth d6, Survival d6

Pace: 8 (d8); Parry: 6; Toughness: 7 (1)

Hindrances: All Thumbs (Major), Code of Honor, Vow

Edges: Fleet-Footed, Martial Artist, Mystic Powers (Monk)

Gear: Explorer’s pack, power gauntlets (Str+d6), robe with hooded cloak (+1 Armor)

Special Abilities
● Harsh Climate: Nyss start with +1 Toughness.

Advances: Spirit d8, Fighting d10, Occult d8, Mystic Powers (Monk)
Bone Grinder (Farrow)
Attributes: Agility d4, Smarts d8, Spirit d6, Strength d8, Vigor d6
Skills: Alchemy d8, Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d4, Fighting d8, Healing d6, Notice d4,
Occult d6, Persuasion d4, Stealth d4, Survival d6

Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 7 (2)

Hindrances: Greedy (Minor), Material Components, One Eye, Outsider (Minor), Ruthless
(Minor), Shamed (Minor), Stubborn
Edges: Arcane Background (Alchemist), Bone Grinder, Brute, Sweep

Gear: Alchemist’s pack, heavy club (Str+d6), leather tunic and leggings (+2 Armor)

Powers: burst, boost/lower Trait, fear, havoc, smite. Power Points: 15

Special Abilities
● Keen Senses (Smell): Farrow have +2 to Notice rolls involving the sense of smell.
● Immunity: Disease
● Tusks: Farrow are equipped with vicious tusks that inflict Str+d4 damage.

Advances: Bone Grinder, Fighting d8, Sweep, New Powers (fear, havoc).

Borderlands Guide (Ogrun)

Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d8, Spirit d6, Strength d6, Vigor d8
Skills: Academics d6, Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d8, Fighting d6, Healing d4, Notice d8,
Persuasion d6, Shooting d6, Stealth d6, Survival d10

Pace: 6; Parry: 5 (or 6, spear); Toughness: 10 (2)

Hindrances: Blighted, Selfless (Major), Wanted (Minor)

Edges: Explorer, Favored Terrain (choose one)

Gear: Dagger/knife (Str+d4), leather tunic and leggings (+2 Armor), military rifle (Range
24/48/96, Damage 2d8, RoF 1, Shots 1) or spear (Str+d6, Reach 1, Parry +1), wilderness pack

Special Abilities
● Big: Subtract 2 from Trait rolls when using equipment not specifically designed for
Ogrun. Custom equipment and additional food is double the listed price.
● Size 1: Ogrun are around eight feet tall and usually weigh less than 500 pounds.

Advances: Fighting d6 and Academics (archaeology) d6, Common Knowledge d8 and Healing
d4, Vigor d8, Survival d10.
Fane Knight (Iosan)
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Strength d8, Vigor d10
Skills: Athletics d4, Battle d6, Common Knowledge d4, Fighting d8, Notice d6, Persuasion d6,
Riding d6, Shooting d6, Stealth d6

Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 8 (3)

Hindrances: Code of Honor, Outsider (Minor), Obligation (Major)

Edges: Defender†, Formation Fighter†, Knight†, Soldier

Gear: Adventurer’s pack, chain mail shirt and leggings (+3 Armor), lance (Str+d8, AP 2 when
charging, Reach 2), long sword (Str+d8), medium shield (+2 Parry, -2 Cover).

Special Abilities
● Frail: Reduce Toughness by 1.
● Low Light Vision: Ignore penalties for Dim and Dark Illumination.

Advances: Soldier, Vigor d10, Formation Fighter, Defender

Justicar (Rhulfolk)
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d8, Strength d8, Vigor d6
Skills: Athletics d6, Battle d4, Common Knowledge d4, Faith d8, Fighting d8, Intimidation d6,
Notice d4, Persuasion d4, Repair d6, Riding d6, Shooting d4, Stealth d4

Pace: 5 (d4); Parry: 5; Toughness: 8 (3)

Hindrances: Cautious, Heroic, Idealistic, Vow (Major - Oath of Edicts)

Edges: Arcane Background (Cleric - Justice), Champion, Defender, Formation Fighter

Gear: Chain mail shirt and leggings (+3 Armor), cleric’s pack, scattergun (Range 12/24/48,
Damage 1-3d6, RoF 1, Shots 1), warhammer (Str+d6, AP 1).

Powers: Deflection, detect/conceal arcana, healing, sanctuary, smite. Power Points: 10

Special Abilities
● Size -1: Rhulfolk are four feet tall and weigh more than 125 pounds.

Advances: Fighting d8, Strength d8, Formation Fighter, Defender

Mortitheurge (Eldritch)
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d10, Spirit d6, Strength d6, Vigor d6
Skills: Athletics d4, Common Knowledge d6, Fighting d4, Notice d6, Occult d10, Persuasion d6,
Shooting d6, Spellcasting d10, Stealth d4

Pace: 6; Parry: 4; Toughness: 6 (1)

Hindrances: Armor Interference (Major), Bad Luck, Bloodthirsty, Cautious, Material

Components, Outsider (Major)
Edges: Arcane Background (Wizard), Blood Magic, Silent Caster, Spellbooks

Gear: Light crossbow (Range 10/20/40, 2d6 Damage, Reload 1), light leather robe with hooded
cloak (+1 Armor), mage’s pack, short sword (Str+d6)

Powers: Bolt, detect/conceal arcana, dispel, lock/unlock, entangle, protection. Power Points:

Special Abilities
● Dread Touch: Str+d4. Cannot affect creatures with the Construct or Undead Special
● Dark Vision: Ignore all Illumination penalties and 2 points of penalties from invisibility
or similar powers within 10”.
● Eldritch Weakness: Eldritch have a -4 penalty to resist powers and abilities composed
entirely of organic materials (i.e. bone or wood) and those from divine sources (i.e.
Clerics, paladins, and shamans, excluding Toruk). This penalty is a bonus to damage
when used to attack the eldritch.
● Price of Undeath: Eldritch characters must commit 13 ritualistic murders a year or
they will waste away. Each month a character misses a murder, reduce any Trait die by
one step. This cannot reduce any Trait below d4-1.
● Undead: +2 Toughness, +2 recover from Shaken, ignores additional damage from
Called Shots, ignores one point of Wound penalties. Immune to disease and poison.
Does not eat, breathe, or Bleed Out.

Advances: Smarts d10, Spellcasting d10 and Occult d10, Spellbooks, Silent Caster.

Nomad (Soulless)
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Strength d6, Vigor d8
Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d6, Fighting d8, Notice d6, Persuasion d4, Shooting
d8, Stealth d6, Survival d8

Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 7 (2)

Hindrances: Grim, Outsider (Minor), Tongue-Tied, Wanted (Minor)
Edges: Arcane Resistance (Imp), Explorer, Favored Terrain, Scout

Gear: Leather tunic and leggings (+2 Armor), light crossbow (Range 12/24/48, 2d6 Damage,
RoF 1, AP 2, Reload 1), short sword (Str+d6), wilderness pack

Special Abilities
● Low Light Vision: Ignore penalties for Dim and Dark Illumination.
● Slight Build: Reduce Toughness by 1.

Advances: Explorer, Favored Terrain, Agility d8, Common Knowledge d6 and Fighting d8.

Shaman (Pygmy Troll)

Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d10, Strength d4, Vigor d6
Skills: Athletics d4, Common Knowledge d8, Faith d10, Fighting d6, Healing d6, Notice d4,
Occult d6, Persuasion d8, Stealth d6, Survival d6

Pace: 5 (d4); Parry: 5; Toughness: 6 (1)

Hindrances: Armor Interference (Minor), Impulsive, Outsider, Overconfident, Quirk

Edges: Arcane Background (Shaman), Beast Talker, Sacred Fetish

Gear: Fetish staff (Str+d6, Reach 1), shaman’s robes (+1 Armor), wilderness pack

Powers: Arcane protection*, beast friend, summon monster, environmental protection, relief.
Power Points: 10

Special Abilities
● Immunity: Poison and disease.
● Low Light Vision: Ignore penalties for Dim and Dark illumination.
● Slow Regeneration: Pygmy trolls may make a healing roll every day and may heal
recent permanent injuries once all other wounds are healed. This requires twice as
much food as normal to function (four times as much as a human). Without the extra
calories, they heal as normal and may not heal permanent injuries. After a week has
passed, any unhealed permanent injuries are truly permanent.

Advances: Sacred Fetish, Persuasion d6 and Fighting d6, Spirit d10, Faith d10 and Persuasion
Runeshaper (Trollkin)
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d8, Spirit d4, Strength d8, Vigor d6
Skills: Athletics d8, Common Knowledge d6, Fighting d8, Intimidation d8, Notice d4,
Persuasion d4, Spellcasting d8, Stealth d4, Survival d4

Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 6

Hindrances: All Thumbs, Impulsive, Thin-Skinned

Edges: Arcane Background (Elementalist), Berserk, Channeling, Elemental Absorption

Gear: Adventurer’s pack, hand axe x 2 (Str+d6, Range 3/6/12), javelin x 4 (Str+d6, Range
4/8/16), maul (Str+d10, AP 2, Two hands)

Powers: Bolt, deflection, Elemental manipulation (Earth), environmental protection (Earth),

protection. Power Points: 10

Special Abilities
● Big: Subtract 2 from Trait rolls when using equipment not specifically designed for
Trollkin. Custom equipment and additional food is double the listed price.
● Low Light Vision: Ignore penalties for Dim and Dark Illumination.
● Slow Regeneration: Trollkin may make a healing roll every day and may heal recent
permanent injuries once all other wounds are healed. This requires twice as much food
as normal to function (four times as much as a human). Without the extra calories, they
heal as normal and may not heal permanent injuries. After a week has passed, any
unhealed permanent injuries are truly permanent.
● Size 1: Trollkin are usually less than eight feet tall and weigh between 250 and 500

Advances: Smarts d8, Spellcasting d8 and Intimidation d8, Elemental Absorption, Channeling

Ryssovass (Nyss)
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d8, Strength d10, Vigor d6
Skills: Athletics d8, Battle d4, Common Knowledge d4, Fighting d8, Intimidation d8, Notice d6,
Persuasion d6, Stealth d4, Survival d6

Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 9 (3)

Hindrances: All Thumbs, Enemy (Blighted nyss hunter), Vow (Major)

Edges: Feint, Mighty Blow, Trademark Weapon (Nyss greatsword)

Gear: Adventurer’s pack, chain mail shirt and leggings (+3 Armor), nyss greatsword (Str+d10,
AP 2, Two hands)
Special Abilities
● Harsh Climate: Nyss start with +1 Toughness.

Advances: Mighty Blow, Spirit d8, Feint, Intimidation d8 and Battle d4.

Trader (Bogrin)
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d8, Spirit d10, Strength d4, Vigor d6
Skills: Athletics d4, Common Knowledge d8, Fighting d4, Notice d6, Occult d8, Persuasion d10,
Repair d6, Shooting d6, Stealth d6, Survival d6

Pace: 5 (d4); Parry: 4; Toughness: 4 (1)

Hindrances: Can’t Swim, Cautious, Clumsy, Greedy (Minor - non-bogrin only), Hesitant (Unless
allies outnumber foes), Mean
Edges: Connections, Streetwise, Strong Willed

Gear: Adventurer’s pack, dagger (Str+d4), light leather tunic and leggings (+1 Armor)

Special Abilities
● Dark Vision: Ignore all Illumination penalties and 2 points of penalties from invisibility
or similar powers within 10”.
● Size -2 (Small): Bogrin are three feet tall and weigh more than 40 pounds. They have a
maximum Strength of d8 and subtract 2 from their Toughness and damage rolls. Gear
made for Bogrin weighs and costs half the listed value. Reduce the minimum strength
for gobber armor by two die types (minimum d4).

Advances: Strong-Willed, Spirit d10, Persuasion d10 and Occult d6, Survival d6 and Occult d8.

Warlock (Human)
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d8, Spirit d8, Strength d8, Vigor d6
Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d4, Faith d10, Fighting d6, Notice d8, Occult d8,
Persuasion d4, Stealth d6, Survival d6

Pace: 6; Parry: 4; Toughness: 6

Hindrances: Armor Interference (minor), Idealistic, Material Components, Talisman (minor),

Thin Skinned (minor), Vow (major)
Edges: Arcane Background (Druid), Warlock Resonance

Gear: Druid robes (+1 Armor), voulge (Str+d8, Reach 1, Two hands), wilderness pack.

Powers: Beast friend, entangle, environmental protection, shape change, summon animal.
Power Points: 10
Special Abilities
● Controller (Devourer Resonance): The character can form a bond with Devourer
● Wilderness Stride: Ignore movement penalties for Difficult Ground.

Advances: Strength d6, Faith d10, Survival d6 and Occult d8, Strength d8.


● +2 Agile: Start with d6 Agility and have a maximum Agility of d12+1.
● +1 Dark Vision: Ignore all Illumination penalties and 2 points of penalties from
invisibility or similar powers within 10”.
● -1 Nasty Reputation: Bogrin have the Mean Hindrance, their reputation (deserved or
not) makes others wary of them.
● -1 Opportunists: Bogrin have the Hesitant Hindrance when their allies don’t
outnumber their opponents.
● -1 Short Legs: Bogrin have a Pace of 5 and a d4 Running die.
● +2 Size -2 (Small): Bogrin are three feet tall and weigh more than 40 pounds. They
have a maximum Strength of d8 and subtract 2 from their Toughness and damage rolls.
Gear made for Bogrin weighs and costs half the listed value. Reduce the minimum
strength for gobber armor by two die types (minimum d4).
● +1 Sneaky: Bogrin start with a d6 in Stealth. This increases the skill’s maximum to
● -1 Tribe First: Bogrin have the Greedy (Minor) Hindrance when dealing with

Authors’ Note: The eldritch ancestry can dramatically change the tone of a campaign. Check
with your game master before selecting this ancestry.

● +2 Dread Touch: Str+d4. Touch attack. This cannot affect creatures with the Construct
or Undead Special Abilities.
● +1 Dark Vision: Ignore all Illumination penalties and 2 points of penalties from
invisibility or similar powers within 10”.
● -1 Didn’t Come Back Whole: Becoming eldritch also impacts the character’s
personality. Take one minor Hindrance to represent this shift.
● -2 Eldritch Weakness: Eldritch have a -4 penalty when resisting powers and abilities
composed entirely of organic materials (i.e. bone or wood) and that come from divine
sources (i.e. Clerics, paladins, and shamans, excluding Toruk). This penalty is a bonus to
damage when used to attack the eldritch.
● -2 Forsaken: Eldritch lost more than their lives when they accepted undeath. Eldritch
characters have the Bad Luck Hindrance.
● -2 Outsider (Major): As undead, eldritch characters will often be hunted when they
travel outside of Ios.
● -2 Price of Undeath: Eldritch characters must commit 13 ritualistic murders a year or
they will waste away. Each month a character misses a murder, reduce one Trait one
die type. This cannot reduce any Trait below d4-2. Regain one die type every 24 hours
after completing the 13th murder.
● +8 Undead: +2 Toughness, +2 recover from Shaken, ignores additional damage from
Called Shots, ignores one point of Wound penalties. Immune to disease and poison.
Does not eat, breathe, or Bleed Out.

● -1 Greedy as a Pig: Farrow have the Greedy (Minor) Hindrance.
● +1 Heightened Olfactory Senses: Farrow have the Keen Senses (Smell) Special Ability
from the Savage Monsternomicon.
● +1 Immunity: Disease
● -1 The Weak are Meant to be Ruled: Farrow have the Ruthless (Minor) Hindrance.
● +1 Tusks: Farrow are equipped with vicious tusks that inflict Str+d4 damage.
● +2 Vigorous: Start with d6 Vigor and have a maximum Vigor of d12+1.
● -1 Wild Folk: Farrow have the Outsider (Minor) Hindrance in civilized lands.

Pygmy Troll
● +1 Born to be Wild: Start with d4 Survival.
● -1 Cultural Variance: Choose either Outsider (Woodland Pygmy) or Grim (Northkin
● +1 Immunity: Poison and disease.
● +1 Low Light Vision: Ignore penalties for Dim and Dark illumination.
● -1 Reduced Pace: Reduce Pace by 1 and their running die is a d4.
● +1 Slow Regeneration: Pygmy trolls may make a healing roll every day and may heal
recent permanent injuries once all other wounds are healed. This requires twice as
much food as normal to function (four times as much as a human). Without the extra
calories, they heal as normal and may not heal permanent injuries. After a week has
passed, any unhealed permanent injuries are truly permanent.

● +4 Arcane Anathema: Soulless have the Improved Arcane Resistance Edge.
● +1 Keen Senses: Start with d6 Notice. This increases the skill’s maximum to d12+1
● +1 Low Light Vision: Ignore penalties for Dim and Dark Illumination.
● -1 Outsider: Suffers the Outsider (Minor) hindrance.
● -1 Slight Build: Reduce Toughness by 1.
● -2 Unsettling Demeanor: Soulless are difficult to relate to, treat them as having the
Tongue-Tied Hindrance.

Setting Rules

New Hazards

In addition to the Downtime activities found in the Savage Worlds Fantasy Companion, the
additional activity of shaping a warbeast’s animus is available in Savage Requiem.

Shape Animus
When a warlock spends downtime to shape their warbeast’s animus, the warbeast gains one
Animus power listed as a minor Innate Power. The warlock can activate the power using their
arcane skill as if they had learned it. If the warbeast is killed or otherwise lost to the warlock,
the warlock loses the ability to activate any of that warbeast’s Animus powers.

To shape their warbeast’s Animus during Downtime, the warlock must succeed at a Persuasion
or Intimidation roll and spend one week and 100 gold pieces in materials to train their
warbeast and shape one Animus power.

For a complete list of warbeasts and their associated Animi, see the Warbeasts section below.

Warbeasts are creatures of unbridled fury. Any action by the warbeast that would normally
require spending a Benny instead provides a Benny to the warbeast. A warbeast can hold a
number of Bennies equal to its Rank. This is the only way a warbeast can gain Bennies, and it
cannot spend any of the Bennies it accumulates. Any Bennies a warbeast has accumulated are
removed after it has rested for more than an hour.

At the end of any turn in which the warbeast gains a Benny, it must make a Spirit roll with a
penalty equal to the number of Bennies it has. Failure means the warbeast is Berserk (per the
Berserk Edge) until the warlock Controller succeeds at a Persuasion or Intimidation roll at –2.
The warbeast cannot choose to voluntarily end their rage. If it is not in melee, the warbeast
will move towards the closest creature (friend or foe), running if necessary, and attempt to
In addition, activating a warbeast’s animus, either by the warbeast or its warlock Controller,
provides the warbeast with one Benny and provokes a Spirit roll to maintain its focus.

If a warbeast has Bennies, a warlock Controller may spend any number of their warbeast’s
Bennies. For each Benny spent in this way, the warlock gains four Power Points and the
warbeast is afflicted with one level of Fatigue, even if otherwise immune. This can Incapacitate
the warbeast.

A warlock may choose to “rile up” their warbeasts (e.g. a vigorous game of fetch, punishment
from evil characters, etc) and force their warbeasts to gain any number of Bennies. If this is a
“friendly” riling (GM’s discretion), the warbeast may ignore up to 2 points of penalties to their
Spirit roll.

Warbeast Animus Powers Rank

Devourer Warbeasts

Argus Darksight, speed Novice

Burrow-Mawg Lower trait (Fighting), warrior’s gift (Counterattack) Novice

Duskwolf Warrior’s gift (Dodge), warrior’s gift (Extraction) Seasoned

Gorax Boost Trait (Fighting), warrior’s gift (Counterattack) Novice

Spine Ripper Boost Trait (Strength), darksight, warrior’s gift Veteran


Thornwood Mauler Boost Trait (Strength), deflection, warrior’s gift Heroic


Widow Bear Smite, warrior’s gift (Frenzy) Veteran

Farrow Warbeasts

Biboar Blast, relief, speed Veteran

Dust Hog Environmental protection (disease and poison), Novice

warrior’s gift (Counterattack)

Farrow Brute Blast, boost Trait (Fighting) Seasoned

Giant Farrow Boost Trait (Strength), relief Seasoned

Goliath Hog Boost Trait (Strength), healing, shape change Veteran

Razor Boar Entangle, warrior’s gift (Counterattack) Seasoned

Trollblood Warbeasts

Common Troll Boost Trait (Strength), entangle, speed Novice

Pyre Troll Damage field, environmental protection (fire), smite Seasoned

Slag Troll Damage field, lower Trait (Fighting), smite Veteran

Swamp Troll Boost Trait (Athletics), burst, darkness Seasoned

Winter Troll Burst, environmental protection (Cold), havoc Veteran

If a warbeast’s Controller is Incapacitated, draw an Action Card to determine its effect on the

Card Effect Card Effect

2-8 No effect Queen Vulnerable

9 Shaken King Defend

10 Frightened Ace Berserk

Jack Panicked Joker Stunned

New Edges

Ancestral Edges
Arcane Void
Requirements: Soulless

This individual’s connection to the void is so strong that they act like a lightning rod for magical
energy. When another creature within 3” (6 yards) is targeted by any power, this character
becomes the target. Any power’s Blast Template is re-centered on this character and affects
others normally. The centerline of a Burst Template must cross this character and affect others

Arcane Consumption
Requirements: Eldritch, Arcane Background with the drain Power Points power
The eldritch learns how to sustain itself on the arcane energy of its foes. The character gains
the following Power Modifier for drain Power Points:

● Arcane Consumption (+4): Instead of gaining drained Power Points, the character can
choose to heal one Wound for every 5 Power Points drained. Excess Power Points are

Create Sythyss
Requirements: Eldritch

The character can raise Iosan or Nyss elves with a soul that were slain by their Dread Touch
Special Ability as undead servants. The risen elf is an Extra with all of their Traits and Skills,
with the Undead Special Ability added, and Arcane Background (Gifted) with lower Trait
(Fighting/Strength) as their sole power. Sythyss lack free will and will follow the character’s
commands to the best of their ability. The character can control half their Spirit in sythyss.

Dark Restoration
Requirements: Eldritch, Create Sythyss

An eldritch character that takes one or more Wounds can choose to sacrifice a sythyss
in their Command Range instead of making a Soak roll. The sythyss takes the Wounds
and may not choose to make a Soak roll.

Improved Dread Touch

Requirements: Eldritch, Seasoned

The character refines their control over this innate ability: they may increase the damage die
one type, increase the AP by 2, or add the Necrotic Energy Power Modifier to the attack. This
Edge can be taken multiple times.

Power Edges

Bone Grinder
Requirements: Arcane Background (Alchemist or Shaman)

This character has learned how to access the latent arcane energy in the bones, flesh, and
organs of all living creatures. With a supply of fresh corpses (less than an hour old), a bone
grinder can spend an hour gathering enough raw materials and crafting a power talisman to
augment their spell casting. The bone grinder can spend an action to leech the arcane power
from the power talisman and immediately gain 5 Power Points and the talisman crumbles into
ash. Unused power talismans spoil within a week.
Improved Bone Grinder
Requirements: Veteran, Arcane Background (Alchemist or Shaman)

This bone grinder can tap into the magic unlocked in warbeasts by warlocks. Instead of
crafting a power talisman, the bone grinder can now craft a warbeast talisman. The
talisman is specific to the warbeast its parts were harvested from, and takes an hour to
prepare from a fresh (less than an hour old) warbeast corpse. A warbeast talisman
allows a bone grinder to cast the animus, with no Power Modifiers, as an Innate Ability
using their Spirit. After casting the animus, the warbeast talisman crumbles into ash.
Unused warbeast talismans spoil within a week.

Blood of Trolls
Requirements: Seasoned, Warlock Resonance (Trollblood Resonance)

Once per day, a trollblood resonance warlock can force a bonded warbeast to gain a Benny.
Both the warbeast and the warlock can immediately make a Natural Healing roll.

Calm the Beast

Requirements: Seasoned, Warlock Resonance (Devourer Resonance)

Once per day, a devourer resonance warlock can spend one Benny on a bonded warbeast to
gain Power Points without causing a level of Fatigue.

Requirements: Seasoned, Warlock Resonance (Farrow Resonance)

Once per day, a farrow resonance warlock can make one of their warbeasts Shaken for one
round and immediately gain 4 Power Points. The warbeast does not suffer any Fatigue, but it
cannot use a Benny to recover.

Transfer Damage
Requirements: Seasoned, Warlock Resonance (Any)

Instead of Soaking Wounds, a warlock can spend 4 Power Points to have one of their bonded
warbeasts suffer the Wounds instead. The warbeast cannot Soak these Wounds.

Warlock Resonance
Requirements: Novice, Arcane Background (Alchemist, Druid, Elementalist, Necromancer,
Shaman), Spirit d8+

The character is a warlock and has the ability to form magical bonds with warbeasts. The
character chooses the Controller (Devourer Resonance), Controller (Farrow Resonance), or
Controller (Trollblood Resonance) Special Ability (see Savage Iron Kingdoms). Warlocks
permanently lose the ability to passively recharge Power Points through rest. That arcane
energy is invested into their bonded warbeasts. See the Warbeasts section for details.

Warlocks may desperately choose to regain Power Points without a warbeast and their bond.
By inflicting 1 Wound on themselves, the Warlock gains six Power Points.

If taken at character creation, they also start with a bonded Novice warbeast appropriate for
their resonance.

Item Weight

† Gladelight Goggles 1

Increases normal vision to Low Light Vision, and Low Light Vision to Night Vision.

Gobber Bellows 10

Allows casting the darkness power with the personal Limitation and uses the Repair skill.

† Shyeel Personal Field Generator 1

Holds 5 Power Points and the user can cast deflection with the personal Limitation.

Spotting Scope 1

Allows Support rolls for ranged attacks at Long Range.

† Items marked with the dagger are considered complex modern items subject to the All
Thumbs Hindrance.

Other Gear
● † Arcanist’s Multitool - as Heavy Club, can be used to repair arcanika.

Ghordson Brassbarrel Ammunition: +1 AP against targets wearing metal armor.

Stormfall Alchemical Arrows: Firing these warheads from any bow except a Stormfall Great
Bow or Nyss Long Bow adds a -2 modifier to the attack roll.

● † Breath of Lyliss: as Knockout Grenade - Savage Requiem, 2d6 Damage.

● † Bramblethorn Arrow: as Stormfall Great Bow, MBT, area is covered in Caltrops, see
Savage Worlds Fantasy Companion.
● † Emberstorm Arrow: as Incendiary Grenade, Savage Requiem.
● † Starstrike Arrow: as Stun Grenade, 2d6 Damage.

Melee Weapons
Item Damage Min Str Weight

† Power Gauntlets Special d4 3

Increases damage die of an unarmed melee attack by one step. Grants Innate Power bolt
(Fighting) to the wielder.

† Steam Drill Str+d8 d8 35

+4 damage against objects.

† Items marked with the dagger are considered complex modern items subject to the All
Thumbs Hindrance.

Other Melee Weapons

● Halfspear - as Short Spear.
● Kopis - as Short Sword.
● Heavy voulge - as Great Sword, Reach 1.
● Hooked greatsword - as Great Sword, +1 on Push Tests to trip a target.
● Nyss curved halberd - as Halberd, Heavy Weapon.
● Nyss greatsword - as Great Sword, +1 Parry.
● Sickle staff - as Halberd.

Ranged Weapons
Item Range Damage Shots ROF Min Str Weight

† Barrage Arquebus 15/30/60 3d6 3 1 d10 35

MBT, Heavy Weapon, Two hands, Can fire all three barrels at once and change to LBT.

Caber 3/6/12 Str+d10 1 1 d10 180

Heavy Weapon, Any creature 2” (4 yards) behind a target hit is also hit, taking full
damage. May be used as a melee weapon, Str+d10 Damage, Reach 1.

† Hand mortar 6/12/24 2d6 1 1 d6 8

SBT, Reload 1, Heavy Weapon

† Harpoon Pistol 4/8/16 2d4 1 1 d4 1

On a hit, Small creatures may immediately pull themselves to their target.

Stormfall Great Bow 20/40/80 2d8 1 1 d10 5

AP 4, Heavy Weapon, Two hands, Can fire Stormfall alchemical arrows.

† Vortex Cannon 24/48/96 2d8 5 1 d6 5

AP 2. Each time in a round a creature is hit by a vortex cannon after the first, place a MBT
over the target, all creatures under the template are affected by the Pull Power Modifier
with the attack roll serving as the casting roll.

† Items marked with the dagger are considered complex modern items subject to the All
Thumbs Hindrance.

Other Ranged Weapons

The following additional weapons are available from the Savage Worlds core rules: medieval
ranged weapons, black powder weapons, and double-barrel shotgun (scattergun).

Blackpowder weapons use the standard rules for reloading. Other weapons which are
breech-load or use rifled cartridges or magazines can be reloaded with a standard action.
Unless otherwise specified, other ranged firearms are Rate of Fire 1, Shots 1.

● † Arcantrik cannon - as Sharps Big 50 (.50), Heavy Weapon, Reload 1, Shots ∞, fire
● † Dawnguard sword-cannon - as Sword-cannon in Savage Requiem, Shots 6
● † Fire breather - as Flamethrower, 2d6 Damage, Shots 5
● † Houseguard heavy rifle - as Barret (.50)
● † Iosan Heavy Pistol - as Desert Eagle (.50), Shots 5
● † Iosan Long Rifle - as Winchester ‘73 (.44-40), Range 30/60/120, Shots 5
● † Iosan Pistol - as Police Revolver (.38), 2d6-1 Damage
● † Lance cannon - Ranged: as Sharps Big 50 (.50), Heavy Weapon; Melee: as lance
● Pig Iron - as Spencer Carbine (.52), can be used as a club without penalty
● † Rocket Launcher - as Bazooka
● † Slugger - as M60 (7.62mm), Shots 30

The dwarves of Rhul take a pragmatic approach to warfare. In addition to standard steamjack
Special Abilities, Rhulic ‘jacks have the following:

● Durable: Rhulic ‘jacks are ruggedly built for warfare and labor. Rhulic laborjacks have
the Built for War trait. Increase the ‘jacks Vigor die by one die type (included in the
profiles below).
● Advanced Cortex: Rhulic ‘jacks come stock with an Arcanum-grade cortex.
● Slow: Much like their creators, Rhulic ‘jacks tend not to be as swift as their Human and
Elven counterparts. Reduce their Pace by 1 and reduce the running die by one step.

Ghordson Basher
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d10 (A), Spirit d8, Strength d12+1, Vigor d12+2

Pace: 5 (d4); Parry: 2; Toughness: 16 (4)

Edges: Charge

Special Abilities
● Armor: +4. Heavy Armor.
● Flak Field: As an action, characters in a Large Blast Template centered on the basher
take 3d6 damage.
● No Arms: The basher cannot pick up or carry any object, or be equipped with
additional weapons.
● Size 3

Ghordson Driller
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d10 (A), Spirit d8, Strength d12, Vigor d12+2

Pace: 5 (d4); Parry: 2; Toughness: 16 (4)

Special Abilities
● Armor: +4. Heavy Armor.
● Size 3

Grundback Runner
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d10 (A), Spirit d8, Strength d12, Vigor d12+2

Pace: 7 (d6); Parry: 2; Toughness: 13 (2)

Edges: Charge

Special Abilities
● Armor: +2. Heavy Armor.
● No Arms: The Runner cannot pick up or carry any objects.
● Size 2
● Weapon Hardpoint: The runner can equip one weapon designed for its chassis.

Rhulic ‘Jack Melee Weapons

Item Damage Min Str Weight

Pulverizer Str+d10 d10 35

Stunning Blow (as the Edge in the Savage Worlds Fantasy Companion).

Other Melee Weapons

● Grappler - as Cargo Claw in Savage Requiem.
● Rock Drill - as Drill Rig in Savage Requiem.
● Shield System - as a Medium Shield.

Rhulic ‘Jack Ranged Weapons

Item Range Damage Shots ROF Weight

Avalanche Cannon 30/60/120 3d8 5 1 150

MBT, Heavy Weapon.

Flamestorm Cannon Cone Template 3d6 10 1 35

Heavy Weapon, Focus Efficient.

Grundback Light Cannon 24/48/96 3d6 10 1 35

Heavy Weapon, Focus Efficient.

Hailshot Cannon Cone Template 1-3d6 10 1 35

Heavy Weapon, Focus Efficient.

Sledge Cannon 20/40/80 3d8 5 1 200

AP 4, Heavy Weapon, Two hands, Can fire Stormfall alchemical arrows.

Iosan ‘jacks all have the following common abilities.

● (2) Nimble: The advanced Arcantrik engines of Iosan myrmidons are significantly more
compact and lighter than the bulky steam engines of their human-made counterparts.
Iosan ‘jacks increase their Agility by one die type (included in the profiles below). This
increases their maximum Agility to d12+1.
● (-2) Arcane Part Dependency: Iosan myrmidon parts are not compatible with parts
manufactured by human companies. Subtract 4 from Repair rolls made without
specialized parts (subtract 2 if the campaign is set primarily outside of Ios).
● Arcane Condenser: Myrmidons are powered by arcane energy sources and do not
require coal and water to generate power. Myrmidons do not have the Steam Power or
the Vulnerability (water) rules (see Steamjack Function in Savage Requiem). Each hour
of activity costs a myrmidon 1 Power Point from its arcane condenser. Myrmidons
completely recharge Power Points in their arcane condenser after being shut down for
four hours.
● Arcane Cortex: All myrmidons come stock with an Aurum-grade cortex.
● Light Construction: Myrmidons tend towards lighter frames of advanced alloys, for
construction almost as robust as their human and rhulic counterparts. Light
myrmidons start with +1 Armor, and heavy myrmidons get +2 Armor.
● (2) House Shyeel - Force Field: Myrmidons manufactured by House Shyeel have
advanced magical barriers to protect them from damage. Shyeel light myrmidons can
take one Wound before suffering any Wound penalties. Shyeel heavy myrmidons can
take two extra Wounds before suffering any Wound penalties. Myrmidons cannot use
Bennies to Soak Wounds absorbed by the Force Field. These wounds heal automatically
at the rate of one per hour outside of combat.
● (2) House Vyre - Force Generator: House Vyre myrmidons use the power from their
Arcane Condensers to make arcanikal ranged attacks and support heavier armor. They
can select one of the House Vyre myrmidon energy weapons. Light myrmidons start
with +2 Armor, and heavy myrmidons get +4 Armor.

House Shyeel Heavy Myrmidon

Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d8 (A), Spirit d6, Strength d12+1, Vigor d12+1

Pace: 6 (d6); Parry: 2; Toughness: 13 (2)

Edges: Charge

Special Abilities
● Arcane Condenser: 20 Power Points.
● Armor: +2. Heavy Armor.
● Force Field: The myrmidon can take two extra Wounds before suffering any Wound
penalties. It cannot use Bennies to Soak Wounds absorbed by the Force Field. One
force field Wound heals automatically for each hour out of combat.
● Size 3

House Shyeel Light Myrmidon

Attributes: Agility d12, Smarts d8 (A), Spirit d6, Strength d12, Vigor d12

Pace: 8 (d8); Parry: 2; Toughness: 11 (1)

Special Abilities
● Arcane Condenser: 10 Power Points.
● Armor: +1. Heavy Armor.
● Force Field: The myrmidon can take one extra Wound before suffering any Wound
penalties. It cannot use Bennies to Soak Wounds absorbed by the Force Field. One
force field Wound heals automatically for each hour out of combat.
● Size 2

House Vyre Heavy Myrmidon

Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d8 (A), Spirit d6, Strength d12+1, Vigor d12+1

Pace: 5 (d4); Parry: 2; Toughness: 15 (4)

Edges: Charge

Special Abilities
● Arcane Condenser: 10 Power Points.
● Armor: +4. Heavy Armor.
● Size 3

House Vyre Light Myrmidon

Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d8 (A), Spirit d6, Strength d12, Vigor d12

Pace: 8 (d8); Parry: 2; Toughness: 12 (2)

Special Abilities
● Arcane Condenser: 10 Power Points.
● Armor: +2. Heavy Armor.
● Size 2
Myrmidon Melee Weapons
Item Damage Weight

Distortion Blade Str+d8 24

The myrmidon can spend 1 Power Point to reroll this weapon’s damage.

Force Claw/Fist Str+d6 8

Glaive/Saber Fist Str+d8 15

Repulsor Str+d4 8

The mymidon can spend 1 Power Point to Push its opponent, with the attack roll serving
as the myrmidon’s Push roll.

Rune Blade Str+d8 12

Rune Fist Str+d6 16

If the target hit is under the effects of a power, the myrmidon can spend 1 Power Point to
use the dispel power with its attack roll serving as the casting roll.

Thermal Blade Str+d10 32

The myrmidon can spend 1 Power Point to inflict fire damage with this weapon. This can
ignite objects (see Fire Hazard in Savage Worlds core rules).

Void Blade Str+d10 32

The myrmidon can spend 1 Power Point to add the necrotic energy Power Modifier.

Myrmidon Energy Weapons

All myrmidon energy weapons have the Heavy Weapon special rule and cost a number of
Power Points to activate each time the myrmidon makes an attack. All energy weapons use the
Shooting skill.

House Vyre Energy Weapons

Item Range Damage Power Points ROF Weight

Death Driver Cannon 20/40/80 3d6 1 1 40

AP 2. When this weapon Incapacitates a target, the myrmidon can spend an addional
Power Point to animate the body per the zombie power.

Runespear Cannon 30/60/120 3d8 1 1 40

AP 4, Shots 10. Targets hit gain the Arcane Sensitivity (Major) Hindrance until the end of
the following round.

Shatter Cannon 50/100/200 3d10 2 1 60

AP 6.

Vortex Cannon 20/40/80 3d8 2 1 45

AP 4, MBT. All creatures under the template are affected by the Pull Power Modifier with
the attack roll serving as the casting roll.

Wind-flayer 30/60/120 3d8 1 1 35

AP 2. Targets hit are affected by the Push Power Modifier with the attack roll serving as
the casting roll.

House Shyeel Energy Weapons

Item Range Damage Power Points ROF Weight

Cyclone Cannon 30/60/120 2d8 1 1 40

AP 4. For 3 Power Points, the Cyclone Cannon becomes RoF 3.

Force Cannon 30/60/120 2d8 2 1 25

AP 2. Increase damage by 1d4 for each Benny on the myrmidon.

Halo Cannon 20/40/80 3d8 2 1 25

AP 4, LBT, Fire damage.

Polarity Cannon Cone Template 2d8 1 1 25

AP 2. The myrmidon can spend 1 Power Point to add the Hinder Power Modifier to the

Myrmidon Upgrades
Item Weight

Fleet Generator 15

While the myrmidon has the Wound(s) granted by its force field, it benefits from the
Fleet-Footed Edge.
Force Generator 25

While the myrmidon has the Wound(s) granted by its force field, increase its Strength die
by two steps.

Force Lock Generator 35

While the myrmidon has the Wound(s) granted by its force field, opponents cannot
withdraw from melee with it.

Kinetic Capacitor 40

The myrmidon gains a Benny every time it takes a wound.

Phantasmal Field Generator 35

While the myrmidon has the Wound(s) granted by its force field and a Benny, it always
has the Innate Ability minor darkness power SBT centered on it.

Phoenix Field Generator 25

The myrmidon can spend a Benny to heal one of the wounds granted by its force field
one per round.

Arcane Backgrounds


Note: Instead of the Nature Domain, the Druid Arcane Background can select this domain.
Replace the shape change starting power with healing.

Powers: Arcane protection, banish, barrier, beast friend, blessing, boost/lower Trait,
confusion, conjure item, darksight, deflection, detect/conceal arcana, disguise, dispel,
divination, empathy, entangle, environmental protection, farsight, fly, growth/shrink, havoc,
healing, light/darkness, mystic intervention, protection, relief, sloth/speed, slumber, smite,
sound/silence, speak language, stun, summon ally, summon animal, warrior’s gift.

Note: Instead of the Nature Domain, the Druid Arcane Background can select this domain.
Powers: Barrier, beast friend, blast, bolt, boost/lower trait, burrow, burst, conjure item,
damage field, darksight, deflection, detect/conceal arcana, disguise, divination, elemental
manipulation, entangle, environmental protection, farsight, fear, fly, growth/shrink, havoc,
light/darkness, mystic intervention, protection, shape change, sloth/speed, smite,
sound/silence, stun, summon animal, summon monster, wall walker, warrior’s gift.


Power Modifiers

■ Soothe Beast (+3): When using the recover option, the caster may also affect a warbeast’s
Berserk condition. Warbeasts immediately stop raging, gain a level of Fatigue, and may act

Magic Items
Amulet of Stone Strength: Increase Strength die one step.

Ancestral Weapon: This blade gives its wielder +1 to Fighting rolls.

Blade of Bitter Frost: Targets hit with this weapon suffer the Hinder Power Modifier.

Codex of the Claywives: Permanently increase Smarts die one step.

Deathshadow Blade: The blade gives its wielder +1 to Fighting rolls and the Minor invisibility
Innate Ability. The character can cast Minor invisibility as a limited free action after
Incapacitating a target with this weapon.

Deck of the Defiers: Draw a card from the Action Deck. Continue drawing until one of the
playing cards below is drawn to gain the effect specified in the table below. If the card is a
Joker, shuffle the deck as usual.

Playing Card Card Effect

King of diamonds The King of Nothing For the next round, all creatures
within 12” are -2 Armor and all
attacks have the Necrotic Energy
Power Modifier.

Queen of diamonds The Dreamer Immediately cast Major slumber and

Major illusion.
Jack of diamonds The Baron Innate Ability: Minor burst and Minor
boost Trait (Athletics).

King of hearts Dolly Innate Ability: Minor Growth, Claws

(Str + d6 Damage).

Queen of hearts The Child Innate Ability: Major boost Trait


Jack of hearts The Lady Innate Ability: Major empathy with

the Charm Power Modifier. Can only
target Grymkin and ignores their

King of clubs The Wanderer When attacked during the following

round, the character can choose to
swap places with another creature
they can see. The swapped creature is
the new target of the attack.

Queen of clubs The Twilight Sisters (Heidrun) For the next minute, each time the
character inflicts a Wound they can
heal one Wound.

Jack of clubs The Dread Harvester Innate Ability: Minor light, Sweep

Eight of spades Lord Longfellow Innate Ability: Major wall walker and
ranged weapons with Shots greater
than 1 cannot run out of ammunition.

King of spades The Heretic Immediately cast Blast (Spirit) and

Major arcane protection.

Queen of spades The Twilight Sisters (Agrona) Innate Ability: Minor healing up to
half Spirit die times.

Joker The Gate Keeper Immediately cast Major teleport

without risk of infernal attention.

Fang of Calder:

Calder’s Phase Effect

Full +2 to Fighting, damage die increases one step, the character can make a
natural healing roll at the end of any turn they cause a Wound.

Waxing +2 to Fighting, Innate Ability: Minor light.

Waning +1 to Fighting, +1 to Taunt rolls.

New No bonuses.

Glyrny’s Music Box:

Music Box Type Effect

Lullaby When activated, all characters who can hear the music box are affected
by slumber as if cast with a raise.

Song of Hours Extends the golden hour for healing by one hour.

Song of Soothing Creatures that can hear the song are affected by the healing power with
a standard success after a minute.

Song of Spring Each round on the same initiative it was activated, the music box casts
the entangle with the Area of Effect (Large Blast Template) Power

Song of Twilight The music box casts the darkness power with the True Darkness Power

Song of Winter The ground around the music box is covered with ice and any open
flame sources are extinguished.

Harrowing Blade: This weapon provides +2 to Fighting rolls. One per day, when the character
Wounds a target, they can mark the target for harrowing. When the character takes Wounds,
they may choose that the harrowed target suffers the Wounds instead.

Horn of Bragg: Once per day, characters that drink from the horn gain the Hardy Special
Ability and the Brave Edge for one hour.

Krielstone: A character with the Warlock Resonance (Trollkin Resonance) Edge can spend 4
Power Points to store a Benny in the Krielstone carried by a friendly character. A krielstone can
hold up to 3 Bennies. As an action, a character holding the Krielstone can spend a Benny to
cast the protection power on all friendly characters within a 6” radius of the character holding
the krielstone.

Nonokrian Pact Blade: This weapon provides +1 to Fighting rolls. While a character wields the
blade, infernal horrors will not harm the character, but they are treated as a marked soul (see
Savage Iron Kingdoms).
Rune Belt of Margor: While wearing the belt, the character gains the Fleet Footed Edge and
the following Innate Abilities which are always active: Minor boost Trait (Stealth), minor boost
Trait (Survival).

Rune Blade: This weapon provides +1 to Fighting rolls. The weapon has one of the following
abilities that it can use once per day: minor boost Trait (Fighting), minor smite, or minor
warrior’s gift (Feint).

Scroll of Grindar and Gelfas: The scrolls contain the chapters of an epic Trollkin saga. A
character can read a chapter aloud as an action. The chapters must be read in order.

● Chapter 1: The Valley of Mist. When this chapter is read aloud the reader casts the
minor darkness power with the Area Effect Power Modifier.
● Chapter 2: The Charge of the Trolls. Friendly creatures within Smarts x2 of the reader
gain the Pack Tactics Special Ability for one round.
● Chapter 3: The Hero’s Tragedy. Friendly creatures within Smarts x2 of the reader have
the warrior’s gift (Counterattack) power cast on them.

Shackles of Spellburning: Whenever a character wearing the shackles tries to cast a power
they must make a Vigor roll with a -2 penalty. On a failure they suffer 2d6 fire damage, the
power is not cast, and the Power Points are spent. On a success, the character takes 2d4 fire
damage and the power is cast normally. While the character wears the shackles, they cannot
regain Power Points from any source.

Spear of Scyrah: This weapon provides +1 to Fighting rolls and ignores any bonuses to Armor,
Parry, or Toughness granted by powers. When this weapon damages a character with an
Arcane Background, Mystic Powers, or Innate Powers it deals +1d6 damage.

Splinterbow: This weapon can change its damage from a single target to a Medium Blast
Template three times per day.

Stoneshard: These weapons grant +2 to Fighting rolls. Once per day, on a successful fighting
roll, the character can cast minor protection on all friendly creatures within a Large Blast
Template centered on the wielder.

Talisman of Subdual: As a limited free action, the character can use the talisman to force an
attacking warbeast to make a Spirit roll with a -2 penalty. On a failure, the warbeast is Shaken
before and may not attack.

Torch of the Fell Caller: This heavy stone torch holds 3 pints of oil and can burn for 10 hours.
While the torch is burning and the character carries it, they gain the Command and Command
Presence Edges. Trollkin and pygmy trolls with an Arcane Background (Bard) double the range
of their powers while carrying the torch.

Withering Blade: On a successful Fighting roll, the affected Target is affected by the Hinder
Power Modifier and must make a Vigor roll or suffer the effects of minor lower Trait (Strength).
Wraith Bane: This weapon provides +1 to Fighting rolls. Against targets with the Ethereal
special ability, Fighting rolls are made at +2 and the damage die increases by one step.

Cracked Lens of Velshes: Looking through the lens grants the character the Blindsense
Special Ability. The character gains the minor scrying Innate Ability while holding the lens.

Everspring Staff: This quarterstaff provides +2 to Fighting rolls. While the staff is in a
character’s hands, the wielder gains the following Innate Abilities: minor healing, and minor

Gek’s Gutslicer: This short sword provides +2 to Fighting rolls, and grants the major darkness
Innate Ability.

Ghorblood: This great axe provides +2 to Fighting rolls, increases its damage die one step, and
deals +4 damage to creatures with the Construct and Elemental Special Abilities. The axe also
has 5 Power Points that the wielder can use to cast the barrier, elemental manipulation
(earth), and protection powers.

Hammer of Nyolise: This hammer provides +2 to Fighting and Repair rolls. In addition, the
hammer can use major unlock and major smite once per day.

Hrordsker: This short sword provides +2 to Fighting rolls and the Immunity (Fire) Special
Ability. Whenever the blade Shakes or Wounds a creature, the wielder can cast blast with the
Area of Effect (Large Blast Template) Power Modifier and the fire trapping centered on the
creature hit.

Mask of Jhord: This mask allows the wearer to be permanently affected by the disguise power
at will. For every 24 hours of continuous disguise, the wearer must make a Spirit roll. For every
additional 24 hours beyond the first, a cumulative –1 penalty applies to the Spirit roll.

On a success, they may revert back to their original form. On a failure, the wearer permanently
takes the form of the disguise and the mask falls off. The mask will never work for the
character again.

Odomweyd: When held by a character with an Arcane Background, this book allows the owner
to learn how to use new powers. Once per day, when a creature casts a power within sight of
the book’s owner, the owner can choose to add the power to the book. Until a new power is
captured, the book allows its owner to cast the power as if it was on their available powers list.

Shield of Aesoss: This shield protects its owner against acid, cold, fire, or electrical damage
until sunrise the next day. This is equivalent to minor environmental protection against the
specified damage type. The owner chooses the energy type each day at sunrise.
Creatures with the Ethereal Special Ability lose that Special Ability while within 6” (12 yards) of
the shield. Once per day, the owner can also choose to activate major sanctuary with the Area
Effect (Large Blast Template) and Strong Power Modifiers.

Shield of Volarr: This medium shield has 5 Power Points. As an action, a character holding the
Shield may spend a Power Point to activate minor protection on all friendly characters within
8” (16 yards). As a limited free action, the wielder can spend a Power Point when a friendly
creature within 8” is targeted by an enemy attack to increase active minor protection to major.

Spear of Aelwys: This spear provides +2 to Fighting rolls. When damaging an infernal or
undead creature, the spear deals an extra d6 damage. While holding the spear, it sheds bright
light within 4” (8 yards) and dim light for an additional 4”.

Telmirr, “Winter’s End”: This long sword provides +2 to Fight rolls and has its damage die
increased by one step. As an action, the wielder can drive the sword into the ground and
create a thick tangle of plant growth with a 12” (24 yards) radius that reaches 12” into the air.
The area is Difficult Ground for all creatures except those the wielder designates as exempt.
When the sword is pulled from the ground, the plants wither and die. Additionally, as an
action, the wielder can use the minor healing Innate Ability once per day.

Udolenraz: This warhammer provides +2 to Fighting rolls. On a hit, the wielder can choose to
cast one of the following powers instead of dealing damage: the major empathy power with
the Truth Power Modifier or the major silence power with the Greater Silence Power Modifier.
Each power may only be used once per day.

Voass, “Summerbane”: This nyss greatsword adds +2 to Fighting rolls, the damage die
increases one step, and deals +1d6 damage to divine creatures (Archons, for example). When a
creature without Environmental Resistance (Cold) or environmental resistance (cold) is Shaken
or Wounded by this weapon, they must make a Vigor roll at -2. On a failed roll, the creature is
encased in solid ice. At the end of the creature’s turn every round, the creature may attempt a
new Vigor roll. Failing the Vigor roll three times it is completely immobile for one hour.

As an action, the sword may be driven into the ground to create a blizzard affecting a 12” (24
yard) radius and that reaches 12” vertically. The blizzard obscures vision (equivalent to the
minor darkness Innate Ability with the True Darkness Power Modifier) and deals 2d4 cold
damage to all creatures within the area of effect.

Well of Truth: Once per day, when a character pours water into this basin, the character and
any friendly creatures within 20” (40 yards) cannot be detected by the scrying power and are
affected by the invisibility power for the next hour.

Potent Consumables
These items have both positive and negative effects. Each entry lists a skill used to identify the
item’s properties, the penalty to the roll to identify its negative properties, and its number of
uses. When a character wishes to learn about an item, they make a single check. If the result
of the check succeeds even with the penalty applied, the character learns all the item’s

Bag of Worms
Skill: Survival
Penalty: –2
Uses: 3

Positive: As an action, a character can throw a handful of bugs from this bag with a Range of
4/8/16. When the bugs land, they spread out and form an area of Difficult Ground in a Large
Blast Template. Anyone within the template must succeed on a Fear roll. Extras who fail are
Panicked and Wild Cards roll on the Fear Table.

Negative: If the character doesn’t throw the bugs, or rolls a Critical Failure, the effect of the
bag is centered on them.

Fetish of Primal Rage

Skill: Occult
Penalty: –2
Uses: 4

Positive: As an action, a character can give themself or another character +1 to Fighting and
damage rolls for 5 Rounds.

Negative: On a Critical Failure, the character will hit a random character in their attack range
(not the intended target). If there are no other targets in range, the attack simply misses.

Flask of Endless Remedies

Skill: Occult
Penalty: –3
Uses: 3

Positive: As an action, a character can drink from the flask and gain one of the following
benefits on a successful Vigor roll:

● Ignore one level of Wound penalties for 5 turns.

● Recover from being Panicked or a temporary Fear Table effect.
● Remove a level of Fatigue.
● Stop a poison’s effects.
● Stop the progress of a Lethal Disease.

Negative: The character reduces their Vigor die by one type for the next five Rounds. If this
would reduce their Vigor below a d4, they are immediately Incapacitated.
Iosan Mirror of the Moon
Skill: Occult
Penalty: –4
Uses: 5

Positive: Once per day, a character with an Arcane Background can cast an offensive power
without spending Power Points.

Negative: The spell is duplicated and the second spell targets the caster.

Tincture of Health
Skill: Occult
Penalty: –2
Uses: 1

Positive: A character who ingests this potion gains two extra Wounds for the next 24 hours.
The character cannot choose to Soak Wounds applied to these bonus Wounds.

Negative: When the character takes the potion, they immediately take one Wound, which can
Incapacitate them. If given to an Incapacitated character, they must roll a second time on the
Injury Table. The additional Injury will heal once all other Wounds have healed.

Tincture of Magical Invulnerability

Skill: Occult
Penalty: –2
Uses: 1

Positive: A character who ingests this potion gains the Improved Arcane Resistance Edge for 5

Negative: The character takes +4 damage from all other attacks for the duration of the

Tincture of Physical Invulnerability

Skill: Occult
Penalty: –2
Uses: 1

Positive: A character who ingests this potion increases their Toughness by 2 for 5 Rounds.

Negative: The character gains Major Arcane Sensitivity for the duration of the tincture.
Tincture of Resistance
Skill: Occult
Penalty: –4
Uses: 5

Positive: For the next hour, the character gains Environmental Resistance to one type of

Negative: The character suffers from the Environmental Weakness Special Ability to two other
damage types for the duration of the tincture.

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