461-Article Text-1069-1-10-20200519
461-Article Text-1069-1-10-20200519
461-Article Text-1069-1-10-20200519
Review Article
In India, the prevalence of undernourished (WHO) defines malnutrition as "the cellular
children is highest in the world with imbalance between the supply of nutrients and
consequences of mortality, morbidity, low energy and the body's demand for them to ensure
productivity and economic growth. According to growth, maintenance, and specific functions”.[2]
NFHS 3 Survey, 43% under-five children in India Inadequate consumption, poor absorption or
were underweight, and 48% were stunted. Kerala excessive loss of nutrients leads to this condition.
accounts for 23% of under-weight, 24.5% of But even after providing proper nutritional
stunted and 16% of wasted children, according to requirements underweight is getting a serious issue
the latest estimates of UNICEF in 2011.[1] for parents. Good nutritional status not only
Undernutrition affects the child at the most crucial depends upon the adequate amount of food intake
period of time of development which can lead to but also based on the proper digestion, absorption
permanent impairment in later life. Undernutrition and assimilation of the ingested food materials.
is used synonymously with malnutrition and Nutritional supplementation and nutritional
malnutrition denotes both undernutrition and interventions are the conventional method for
overnutrition. The World Health Organization preventing this condition. Kaumarabruthya
AYUSHDHARA | May - June 2019 | Vol 6 | Issue 3 2207
AYUSHDHARA, 2019;6(3):2207-2214
considered children are different from adults due to women resorts to fasting (Upavasa), observance of
the peculiarities like, they are delicate in nature religious rites (Vrathakarma), aversion to the intake
(Soukumaryatha), under developed body of fats (Sneha Dweshi) will aggravates Vata and the
(Alpakayatha), immature Dhatus (Aparipakwa foetus does not grow and remaining in womb for a
Dhatu), GIT not fit to eat all type of food long period without quickening. In newborn period
(Vividhaannaanupasevatha), less Dosha, Dushya and undernutrition throws the baby at risk of nutrition-
Mala (Dosha Dushya Mala Alpatha), undeveloped related chronic diseases in later life.
secondary sexual characters (Ajatha Vyanjanam), Infants and Young Children
cannot tolerate stress of any kind (Aklesa Saham), Disorders of breast milk or inadequate
unstable digestive power (Aniyatha Vahni), cannot breastfeeding are the major causes of
express the needs (Vak cheshtayorasamartham), undernutrition below the age of six months because
fond of Madhura rasa (Madhura rasa sathmyam) they mainly depend on breast milk for their
and poor immunity (Asampoorna Balam).[3] The nutrition. Hence, Acharyas have discussed
normal state of Jatharagni in children helps in abnormalities of breast milk well in detail. Among
proper digestion and assimilation of food they the Doshic abnormalities of breast milk, Vata Dushta
consumed, which in turn helps in the proper growth Stanya, becomes tasteless and the child becomes
and development of the child. Agni is maintained in emaciated. The child gets reduced of his strength
its normal state with the help of Vata (Samana because of this milk which is poor in
Vayu) Pitta and Kapha and should be in equilibrium unctuousness.[4] Acharya Charaka says that a child
state. The status of Agni in children is weak because taking Pitta Dushta Stanya will have a warm body
of children are predominant of Kapha Prakriti, they always and gets afflicted with anemia and jaundice.
are more fond of Madura Rasa (Madhura Acharya Kashyapa also explains a condition,
Sathmyam), and they have unstable digestive power “Ksheeraja Phakka”[5] which is caused due to breast
(Aniyatha Vahni). A Dhatu is evolved and milk vitiated by Kapha Dosha and which diminishes
transformed into next Dhatu as a result of the baby’s digestive fire, and leads to obstruction of
Pakaprakriya (biotransformation). If there is no the Rasavaha Srotas causing emaciation, weak and
Agni in Dhatus, such evolution cannot take place. withered body resulting in motor function
Vridhi and Kshaya of Dhatu depend on the strength insufficiencies. Qualitative and quantitative
of Jatharagni. Proper digestion and assimilation reduction in the milk of mother causes Ksheeraja
cannot take place if Agni get impaired and leads to Phakka in children. Acharya Vagbhata cites a
the formation of Ama. Ama by the virtue of its disease called “Kumarashosha”[6] which is caused
quality of Daurgandhatwa, Picchilatva, Tantumatva, due to milk vitiated by Kapha Dosha where the child
Guruta, obstructs the minute vessels causing suffers from anorexia, rhinitis, fever, cough,
Srothorodha, which results the nutritive materials emaciation and slimy pale appearance of face and
cannot reach their destination. Ultimately there is a eyes. Chakradatta calls this condition as
sequence of reduction of chronological formation of “Ahitundika” or “Ahindika”.[7] After six months, the
Dhatus. Consumption of food that of no nutritive major cause for undernutrition is improper
value is incapable to form Rakthadhatu. weaning practices and infections. Weaning foods
Consequently the volume of blood depletes and its can cover the nutrient needs in infant, only if it is
function gets retarded, since nutritive nutrition is rich in energy. The risk of infection also increases as
hampered and the degenerative process leads to infants lose immunity. Undernourished children are
Karsya. at high risk of permanently stunted growth and
Undernutrition at Different Age Groups development if left unattended. Such an extreme
Growing fetus and newborn babies condition has been explained by Acharya Kashyapa
Undernutrition in pregnancy may lead to called “Phakka”[8] where the child ends up in severe
anemia or infections which can drastically affect the acute malnutrition ultimately causing motor
health of the growing fetus. The inadequate diet and disability in the child.
nutrition of the mother is directly responsible for School-age Children and Adolescents
intra-uterine growth retardation and low birth Lack of nutrients and anaemia slow down
weight. Ayurveda explains the similar conditions the process of growth in school children compared
Upavishtaka and Nagodhara.[4] The well formed and to their healthy peers. A child who is physically
matured fetus will remaining the womb by weak will be mentally weak, and cannot be
inhibition of growth, because of bleeding by the expected to take full advantages of schooling.
intake of hot (Ushna), and sharp (Theekshna) things Nutrient needs are at peak during puberty as there
by a pregnant women. In Nagodhara, pregnant
AYUSHDHARA | May - June 2019 | Vol 6 | Issue 3 2208
Manjusha.M, Roshni Anirudhan. Undernutrition In Children: An Ayurvedic Perspective with Special Reference to Karsya
is dramatic increase in growth both physically and Shuska Revati
mentally. Increased incidence of anaemia in girls is Shushka Revati one of Graha (Demon)
prevalent at this age due to start of menstruation. affecting the child represents infectious spectrum of
Nutritional Deficiency Disorders Mentioned in diseases resulting Sarvanga kshaya (Emaciation). In
Ayurveda: this child though fed with enough quantity of high
Bala Sosha and Ksheeraja Phakka quality food ends up in malnutrition. When it
Balasosha and Ksheeraja phakka are becomes chronic child presents with Anna Dwesha
mentioned by two different authors. The causes of (aversion to food), Vivarnata (loss of lustre)
Bala Sosha are Shlaishmika Sthanya Sevana (intake Nanavidha Sakrita (variegated colour stools), Udara
of Kapha Dushta Sthanya), Seethambu (drinking Granthi (abdominal nodular swellings),
cold water), Diva swapna (excessive day sleep) Jihvayanimnata (geographic tongue). Child shows
done over period leads impairment of Agni which progressive emaciation at the outset the clinical
further leading clinical features of Arochaka condition which can be correlated with abdominal
(reduced digestive capacity), Prathishyaya (Running tuberculosis.[12]
nose), Jwara (fever) and Kasa (Cough); these Karsya and Underweight
conditions if not detected early may leads to Sosha Karsya is a condition resulting from less
(Emaciated). In Ksheeraja Phakka due to the intake intake, Vatadushta Stanya[13] or secondary to
of breast milk vitiated by Kapha Dosha leads to Agni debilitating disorder where child becomes
Dushti results in Bahuvyadhi (Infectious disease) undernourished. Nutritional deficiency where the
and Kshaya (failure to thrive). weight loss (under weight) is main event can be
Parigarbhika[9] and Garbhaja Phakka considered as Karsya and can be viewed under
Abrupt stoppage of breast milk or child on Apatharpanajanya Vyadhis. The word “Karsya” is
feeding breast milk of pregnant women which has derived from the root “Krish” which means to
Alpa Poshakamsha (poor nutrients) leads to become lean or to become emaciated. According to
Parigarbhika/ Garbhaja Phakka and the vitiated Amarakosha, Krusha means Alpa-decreased body
Stanya of pregnant mother diminishes the Agni of weight and Krushata is the result of Soshita Rasa
the child causing Dhatu Dushti and vitiation of Dhatu causing decrease in Mamsa of the body[14]
Kapha Dosha with features such as Kasa (cough), Acharya Dalhana has given the meaning of
Agnisada (impaired digestive fire), Vamathu Atikarsya as the reduction in Upachaya, Rupa, and
(vomiting), Tandra (stupor), Jwara (fever), Aruchi Bala.[15] In our Samhitas there is no direct reference
(anorexia) and Koshta Vrudhhi (pot belly). The available regarding the symptoms of Karsya. Hence
reference of “Sandashi Jataharini”[10] is also seen in the signs and symptoms of Atikarsya can be
Kasyapa Samhita which is similar to Parigarbhika, considered as sign and symptoms of Karsya.
where Karsya is found as an early symptom Clinical Features (Rupa of Karsya)[16]
Vyadhi Sambhavaja Phakka[11] (Various diseases Sushka, Sphig,Udara, Griva (Emaciated buttock,
leading to Karsya) abdomen, neck region)
Vyadhija Phakka mentioned by Kasyapa Dhamanijala Santata (Prominent venous
refers to severe forms of malnutrition. The clinical network)
features like Shushka Sphik (wasting of buttocks), Twak Asthi Sosha (Skin bone appearance)
Shushka Bahu (wasting of upper limbs), Shushka Sthula Parva (Prominent joint)
Uru (wasting of thighs), Mahodara (pot belly),
Patient can’t tolerate
Mahashira (head appears big) due to relatively
wasting in body parts, Nischeshta Adho Kaya Ativyayama (excessive exercise)
(inability to walk) etc., represents grades of protein Kshut, Pipasa, (Hunger, Thirst)
energy malnutrition. Ati Sita Ushna maithuna (excessive cold, hot,
sexual intercourse)
Etiology of Undernutrition
Rookshaannapanam Ativyavaya Chinta
Alpa Bhojanam, Veghadharanam, Bhaya
Vishamabhojanam Veghodheeranam Soka
Kashaya, Katu, Tiktha Langhanam Krodha
Rasa- Sevana
Vata Vridhi
Ruksha Guna Vridhi
Rasakshaya Dhatukshaya
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