Petty Cash Book Powerpoint
Petty Cash Book Powerpoint
Petty Cash Book Powerpoint
⚫ Cash payments made out of the petty cash fund are credited in the petty cash book.
⚫ At the end of the month, the petty cash book is totalled, balanced off and the double
entry completed with postings to the debit side of each expense account in the general
⚫ Payments to creditors from the petty cash fund is debited to each creditor account in
the Purchases Ledger.
⚫ It reduces the number of entries that are made to the
general ledger accounts and to the cash book.
⚫ It reduces errors since the petty cashier is in charge of a
small fund from which only specific payments are
made. Also, since the petty cashier has to reconcile the
amount disbursed with the total value of the petty
cash vouchers, it is more difficult to make errors and
commit fraud.
⚫ Chapter 19