Santosa-2007-Australian Dental Journal1
Santosa-2007-Australian Dental Journal1
Santosa-2007-Australian Dental Journal1
86 13,345
1 author:
Robert Santosa
All content following this page was uploaded by Robert Santosa on 27 November 2018.
Fig 3a. Pre-operative radiograph. The patient had generalized refractory periodontitis, especially in the maxillary arch.
Fig 3b. Pre-operative facial view. One of the patient’s chief complaint was the anterior crowding and the vertical drifting of maxillary
anterior teeth.
Fig 3c. Diagnostic wax up of the planned restoration illustrating anticipated contours of the final restoration. The alignment of anterior
teeth was altered to provide straighter, more aesthetically pleasing teeth. The incisal lengths of maxillary incisors were reduced, decreasing
the horizontal and vertical relationship of the anterior teeth.
Fig 3d. Facial view of prepared teeth immediately after extraction. Strategic teeth were maintained to retain the provisional prosthesis.
The implant sites were previously selected and the non-strategic teeth were removed according to the diagnostic wax up.
Fig 3e. Provisional acrylic restoration prior to insertion. The provisional restoration is relined with compatible self cure resin to fit over
the prepared abutment teeth.
Fig 3f. Fixed provisional restorations cemented on strategic natural abutments. The molars have been retained temporarily to maintain the
vertical dimension of occlusion.
implant site with an attached pontic. An alternative resin and/or ultra high molecular weight polyethylene
method is the use of resin bonded provisional pontic, ribbon (Ribbond Bondable Reinforcement, Ribbon;
which are tooth supported and retained by acid etching Ribbond Inc, Seattle, Wash., USA).8,14 These prostheses
the neighbouring teeth. Sometimes small retentive may continue to be reused as provisionals after an
grooves within enamel on the adjacent teeth can be appropriate implant healing period. The archwire/resin
used to increase retention of the pontic. The pontic can retainer can be removed and reattached between the
be in the form of an acrylic tooth, porcelain, or different surgical and prosthetic stages. They can also
decoronated extracted tooth. The resin bonded acrylic be used to guide the surgeon during grafting procedures
or natural tooth may be reinforced with composite and as a template for the final restoration.
236 Australian Dental Journal 2007;52:3.
provisional restoration, and the transitional implants
are backed out of position using a ratchet arm and
insertion tool used in the reverse mode (Fig 4).
Post-implant placement
Implant retained provisional restorations
Provisional restorations may be used at the time of
implant placement or after an appropriate healing
period. The term “immediate restoration” is used when
a prosthesis is fixed to the implants within 48 hours
without achieving full occlusal contact with the
opposing dentition, whereas “immediate loading” is
when the prosthesis is fixed to the implants in occlusion
within 48 hours.17
Fig 4. Immediate provisional implants were placed and strategic
teeth were maintained to support long-term telescopic provisional There are several benefits to members of the
restoration. The 14-year-old patient requested a long-term fixed treatment team and patient in using an immediate
provisional restoration until the definitive implants are placed. provisionalization technique. Immediate provisional-
ization offers the patient improved comfort and
A resin bonded, cast metal framework prosthesis function during the implant healing period compared
such as Maryland Bridge is suitable for long-term with a conventional denture.4 There are also fewer
provisionalization in the anterior region, especially in denture adjustments postoperatively with no need for
young patients.8 This type of provisional is difficult to tissue conditioning or relining.
reuse throughout the implant procedure as the bond The decision to immediately restore or load dental
strength between the metal retainer and the enamel can implants is usually made during the treatment planning
be unpredictable during removal and reattachment phase. The treatment can only be confirmed clinically
between procedures. Furthermore, the laboratory costs at the time of implant placement with appropriate
are relatively high. assessment of implant stability, bone quality, and
In some cases, a staged extraction and implant general site health. In a recent consensus review,18 four
placement approach can be adopted.8,15 In this implants in an edentulous mandible, rigidly splinted
technique, the implant sites are selected, and teeth that with a fixed restoration on a framework (acrylic and/or
occupy these sites are extracted while the remaining metal) or hybrid prosthesis, can provide patients with a
teeth are used to support a fixed provisional restoration. reasonable degree of confidence for evidence-based
Usually, natural abutments with poor prognoses are treatment. Primary stability of these implants is crucial
used as interim abutments and can be extracted when in the decision for immediate provisionalization.9,19 The
the implants have integrated. The teeth supported implants need to be well distributed across the
provisional restoration is then converted into an mandibular arch to provide cross-arch stabilization.
implant supported provisional restoration. This The final implant positions are based on the proposed
indirect–direct technique is often used in a full arch restoration through the use of templates/surgical guide.
situation, where the patient’s dentition is failing due to In immediate loading of edentulous mandible, the
periodontal disease (Figs 3a–3f) or when the adjacent patient’s existing denture can be converted into screw
natural teeth require fixed prosthesis at the same time.8 retained provisional fixed hybrid prosthesis. The
technique involves the placement of temporary
Transitional implant provisional restorations cylinders onto the implants and the modification of
In extended partial edentulous areas where there are patient’s existing mandibular denture. These cylinders
no or limited natural abutments to support a are luted to the rest of the denture using self cure resin.
provisional restoration, one or more transitional The denture is then converted into an immediate load,
implants may be used.16 These transitional implants are screw retained provisional hybrid fixed prosthesis with
loaded immediately to support the provisional minimal cantilever and occlusal contacts (Figs 5a–5c).
restoration. They can be used to support fixed A lingual wire may be used within the acrylic
restorations or to retain complete mandibular dentures. framework to provide reinforcement. The provisional
Care should be taken in planning the position of these hybrid restoration will need to remain during the
implants and with their maintenance post-loading. recommended period of implant healing to allow the
They should not interfere with potential implant sites, implants to fully osseointegrate.17
or be placed in poor quality bone. When the depth of This technique may also be used in early or delayed
available bone is less than 14mm or the amount of loading implant protocols. The provisional hybrid
cortical bone is insufficient to provide stabilization, the restoration may have multifunctional uses. It can be
immediate provisional implant may be contraindicated.16 used as a verification jig (Fig 5d) to determine the
Once the implants integrate, the supporting provisional passivity and accuracy of the master impression,
restoration will be converted into implant supported providing all the implants are relatively placed parallel
Australian Dental Journal 2007;52:3. 237
e f
Fig 6a. A cement on, prefabricated abutment was torqued to the recommended value, six weeks post-placement. The abutment was
chosen to allow adequate space for crown construction within the available interocclusal space.
Fig 6b. A denture tooth with appropriate shade and shape was selected to fit the edentulous space. The acrylic tooth was then hollowed
out to fit over a practice implant analog and abutment extra-orally.
Fig 6c. The denture tooth was relined intra-orally using self cured acrylic resin to capture the indexing component of the abutment.
Fig 6d. The relined denture tooth was fitted over the practice implant extra-orally. Note on the deficiency from the implant margin to the
acrylic tooth due to tissue impingement.
Fig 6e. The deficiency was filled in and the excess material trimmed to the appropriate emergence profile.
Fig 6f. The provisional crown was cemented with provisional cement.
Aesthetic provisional restorations can be constructed subgingivally, especially in the anterior aesthetic region
for such abutments during the period between impres- of the mouth. Access to the deeply placed implant
sion and prosthesis delivery.8 The provisional shoulder can be difficult, and excess residual cements are
restorations are usually made from a prefabricated difficult to clean and may cause peri-implant
custom shell (prefabricated preformed acrylic crowns; inflammation.22 Alternatively, a temporary meso
vacuform template from the diagnostic wax up; abutment would allow a machined connection at
hollowed out denture tooth; or even a hollowed out implant shoulder, and customized cement margin that
decoronated clinical crown) relined using self or light can be modified to allow a slightly subgingival
cured resins intra-orally to capture the indexing restorative margin for ease of cement removal. This
component of the abutment, and then completed extra- abutment can be modified intra- or extra-orally,
orally to fit the implant restorative margins (Figs 6a–6f). prepared using diamond bur with accessible cement level
To facilitate treatment, the crown form can be waxed placed just below the gingival margin, and correction of
up, or selected, sized, and trimmed ahead of time to fit any angulation problems to retain the provisional crown
the edentulous site on the study cast. can be made. A cementable provisional crown is then
Care should be taken during the cementation constructed using conventional crown and bridge
procedure where the crown margin is placed deep technique (Figs 7a and 7b).
Australian Dental Journal 2007;52:3. 239
a a
b b
Fig 7a. A temporary meso abutment, one piece temporary abutment Fig 8a. A screw retained provisional crown was made at chairside
fits directly into the implant body. The abutment is made of PEEK from the patient’s existing partial denture, attached to the
(Polyetheretherketone) plastic and titanium inlay. temporary cylinder using additional self cure resin. The excess
Fig 7b. Unaltered temporary meso abutment on the soft tissue temporary cylinder is reduced to follow the palatal contour of the
working cast. The abutment can be prepared in the laboratory or existing partial denture and patient’s occlusion.
chairside with altered cement margin and corrections of any Fig 8b. Facial view of screw retained provisional restoration on
angulation problems. tooth 11 site. The provisional restoration was hand tightened.
Screw retained provisional prostheses final prosthesis must be able to imitate the natural
Screw retained provisional restorations would tooth crown form when emerging from the gingival
eliminate the possibility of having any temporary tissues with narrow margins to fit the implant head.
cement present in the peri-implant tissue. This can be This transition zone between the implant shoulder to
achieved using temporary cylinders directly placed on the gingival crest, often up to the contact points is
the implant level. The provisional crown can then be shaped by the subgingival part of the provisional
built up in the laboratory on the master cast or restorations. The transition zone can be up to 5mm
chairside by using self or light cure resin or composite deep, especially in the palatal and interproximal tissues
resin according to the diagnostic wax up. The of teeth in the aesthetic zone. The peri-implant tissues
temporary cylinder often has to be adjusted to fit into
the occlusion (Figs 8a and 8b).
The most important advantage of provisional
restorations at the start of the restorative procedure is
in shaping of the peri-implant tissues.8,23 This process
will establish a natural and aesthetic soft tissue form
that will help the laboratory fabrication with an
anatomically appropriate soft tissue model.24-26 A well-
shaped peri-implant tissue including interdental
papillae will facilitate seating of the final prosthesis.
The provisional restoration can be modified over
several appointments to achieve the desired emergence
profile (Fig 9).