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Fundamentals of Information Technology Unit 10

Unit 10 Computer Software

10.1 Introduction
10.2 Computer Software
System Software
Application Software
10.3 System Software
10.4 Application Software
Office Tools
Entertainment software
Educational Software
10.5 Online Tools
Online Math Tool
Online Image Editor
Online Document Convertor
10.6 Proprietary Software
10.7 Open Source Software
10.8 Virus
10.9 Antivirus
10.10 Summary
10.11 Terminal Questions
10.12 Answers

10.1 Introduction
In the previous unit we have seen various wireless input and output devices
along with the troubleshooting steps. In this unit we will study computer
software, system software, application software, online softwares,
proprietary software and open source software. We will also study virus and
antivirus. Functioning of every hardware equipment is driven by software.
For example we can compare hardware and software with human body and
human intelligence, respectively. All human physical actions, such as
walking and eating are movements initiated and controlled by the brain. If
the brain does not initiate an action, we do not perform any physical activity.
Similarly, the functioning of every hardware component is driven by

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software. The combination of physical equipment (hardware) and

instructions (software) gives computer systems their power and versatility.
After studying this unit, you should be able to:
 define the computer software
 discuss various operating systems
 list and explain various application software’s
 describe proprietary software
 explain about virus and antivirus

10.2 Computer Software

The computer software refers to the instructions, or programs, that tell the
hardware what to do. As we know, a computer cannot think or perform on its
own. It performs operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication and
division only when the user instructs it to do so. The user gives logical
instructions and the Central Processing Unit (CPU) acts in accordance with
the instructions. The sets of instructions that control the sequence of
operations are known as programs, and collectively, the programs are
called software.
Computer software is categorized into:
 System software
 Application software
10.2.1 System Software
System software manages the fundamental operations of the computer,
such as loading programs and data into the memory, executing programs,
saving data to disks, displaying information on the monitor and so on. The
system software includes operating system, assemblers, compilers,
interpreter, debuggers and so on. System software manages and supports
the operation of a computer system. It acts as a bridge between the
application software and the computer hardware.
The system software installation takes place along with the installation of
operating system. You can update this software by running programs like
“windows update” for windows or “software update” for other non-windows

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operating systems. The system software is also known as “low-level”

software because it runs at the basic level and in the background.
10.2.2 Application Software
Application software is dependent on system software. Application software
performs specific tasks. Web browsers, e-mail programs, word processors,
games, and utilities are examples of application software. The word
"application" is used because each program has a specific application for
the user. For example, a word processor can help a student create a
research paper, while a video game can entertain students. Application
software basically serves the user. Application software can be loaded and
run on the operating system.
The usage of the software can be controlled by ownership rights. Once the
software program is developed, the developer holds the ownership rights for
that program. The decision of selling, sharing or distributing it is solely taken
by the developer. When you are purchasing a software program, you are
not actually buying the software program. Instead you are acquiring a
software license that permits you to use the software. The conditions for
using the software are specified by the license, which involve sharing of the
license and the software, with others. Most of the software licenses allow
installation of the software on only one computer.
Software can also be categorized based on how it is accessed by the end
user. Either it can be installed and run on the end user’s computer, or it can
be accessed through the Internet, known as web-based software.
Self-Assessment Questions
1. Application software can be loaded and run on the ____________
2. ___________ software manages fundamental operations of a
computer system.
3. System software is also called as “high level software”. (True/False)
4. Application software can be loaded and run on the operating system.

10.3 System Software

An Operating System or OS is a system software that enables computer
hardware to communicate and operate with the computer software. The OS
performs basic tasks such as controlling and allocating memory, prioritizing
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system requests, controlling input and output devices, facilitating

networking, and managing files. It also provides a graphical user interface
for higher level functions.
The operating system is the most important software because it is
responsible for booting the computer. Every computer must have an
operating system installed on it. The Windows family of OS is the most
Examples of windows family operating system are Windows Vista, Windows
XP, Windows98, Windows ME, Windows95 etc., Linux family of operating
systems include, Ubuntu, fedora, Red Hat, Mandrake, SuSE, Solaris, and
UNIX. Other OS are Mac OS, Android, Blackberry and Chrome.
Windows Operating System
Microsoft developed Windows operating system. The Windows operating
system is globally used. Windows 8 is the latest version of operating system
that offers lot of improvements over the previous ones. Some of the
previous versions are Windows 7, Windows Vista, and Windows XP.
Windows 8 provides heavier integration with Microsoft’s online services and
comes in different editions like Windows 8, Windows 8 Pro, Windows 8
Enterprise, and Windows 8 RT.
These are the key features available on latest versions of Windows
operating system.
 Interactive tiles
 Task Manager
 Secure Boot
 Restore PC
 Run ISOs and VHDs natively
 No new hardware requirements
 Airplane mode
 SkyDrive integration
 Windows Store
 Interactive lock screen
 Split-screen apps
 Split touch keyboard
 App contracts

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 Cross-device synchronization
 Improved 3G support
 Picture passwords
 Instant search
Linux Operating System
The Linux operating system is similar to Windows and Mac OS in its
operation. The major feature of Linux that is different from other operating
systems is that it is free and is an open source software. The operating
system’s installation files are available in the stores in the form of CDs and
DVDs, which have to be purchased and one can download and install this
operating system from the websites for free of cost. The various types of
Linux operating system are available for distributions. Which includes,
Ubuntu, Fedora, Red Hat Linux, Debian, and Mandriva Linux.
UNIX Operating System
UNIX was originally developed in 1969 by a group of American Telephone
and Telegraph (AT&T) employees at Bell Labs, including Ken Thompson,
Dennis Ritchie, Douglas McIlroy, and Joe Ossanna. UNIX is a computer
operating system that controls computer system and its peripherals. UNIX
provides the base mechanisms for booting a computer, logging in, running
applications, storing and retrieving files, and so on. UNIX systems also have
a graphical user interface (GUI) similar to Microsoft Windows which
provides an easy environment. Several people can use a UNIX computer at
the same time; hence UNIX is called a multiuser system. In UNIX, the user
can also run multiple programs at the same time, there by UNIX is called
multitasking operating system. There are various UNIX variants available in
the market. Solaris UNIX and HP UNIX are a few examples.
The philosophy behind the design of UNIX was to provide simple, powerful
utilities that could be pieced together in a flexible manner to perform a wide
variety of tasks. The kernel is the core of the UNIX operating system. The
kernel is a large program that is loaded into memory when the machine is
turned on, and it controls the allocation of hardware resources from that
point forward. The kernel knows what hardware resources are available (like
the processor(s), the on-board memory, the disk drives, network interfaces,
and so on.), and it has the necessary programs to talk to all the devices
connected to it.

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Difference between Linux and UNIX Operating System

Linux is Just a Kernel. All Linux distributions includes GUI system + GNU
utilities (such as cp, mv, ls, date, bash etc.) + installation & management
tools + GNU c/c++ Compilers + Editors (vi) + and various applications (such
as OpenOffice, Firefox). However, most UNIX operating systems are
considered as a complete operating system as everything come from a
single source or vendor.
License and Cost – Linux is Free. You can download it from the Internet or
redistribute it under GNU licenses. You will see the best community support
for Linux. Most UNIX like operating systems are not free (but this is
changing fast, for example OpenSolaris UNIX). However, some Linux
distributions such as Redhat / Novell provides additional Linux support,
consultancy, bug fixing, and training for additional fees.
User-Friendly – Linux is considered as most user friendly UNIX like
operating systems. It makes it easy to install sound card, flash players, and
other desktop goodies. However, Apple OS X is the most popular UNIX
operating system for desktop usage.
Security Firewall Software – Linux comes with open source
netfilter/iptables based firewall tool to protect your server and desktop from
the crackers and hackers. UNIX operating systems comes with its own
firewall product (for example Solaris UNIX comes with ipfilter based firewall)
or you will need to purchase a 3rd party software such as Checkpoint UNIX
Backup and Recovery Software – UNIX and Linux come with different set
of tools for backing up data to tape and other backup media. However, both
of them share some common tools such as tar, dump/restore, and cpio and
so on.
File Systems – Linux by default supports and use ext3 or ext4 file systems.
UNIX comes with various file systems such as jfs, gpfs (AIX), jfs, gpfs (HP-
UX), jfs, gpfs (Solaris).
Mac OS
Apple Company released Macintosh OS or Mac OS that can run on Mac
computers. Mac OS X is the latest version of this operating system. Like
Windows 7, Mac OS is easy to use and offers similar features. Mac OS runs

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faster and is less prone to system crashes. This operating system does not
suffer from as many viruses as the Windows does. Mac OS is popular with
students as well as graphic artists. The graphics software was initially
developed considering the Mac operating system.
Android Operating System
Now a days, millions of people are using mobile devices, smart phones and
tablet computers. Android acts as a Linux-based operating system for these
devices. It was initially developed by android Inc. Google purchased this
android operating system from its initial developer in 2005. A consortium of
84 hardware, software and telecommunications companies joined google
and formed a group, called the Open Handset Alliance. The Open Handset
Alliance is a consortium of big companies like Broadcom Corporation,
Google, HTC, Intel, LG, Marvell Technology group, Motorola, T-Mobile and
many more. This consortium designed and released the advanced open
standards of the android operating system for mobile device version in
2007. The developers of this consortium wrote applications in a special
version of Java. The Android code as open-source under the Apache
License was released by Google. More than 500,000 applications were
developed for android. Google then started on-line stores called the google
play from which one can directly download android applications. It is
estimated that till now more than 10 billion applications were downloaded
from the google play. Later, more computer companies joined the Open
Handset Alliance.
The Android Open Source Project (AOSP) led by the google maintains,
develops and updates android from time to time. The main goal of AOSP is
to provide really useful and successful real-world systems for the smart
phone users.
Android has a strong connectivity with technologies like Bluetooth, Wi-Fi,
and WiMAX. Necessary hardware support is provided for android to use
audio, video, still formats. External memory storage devices can also be
used in the android operating system, when high level memory storage is
required. In the android operating system, devices such as micro SD (Micro
Secure Digital) slots are included using which, one can read micro SD
cards. It uses external storage media such as USB flash drives and USB
Hard Disk Drives.

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Even though the main goal of designing the android is to serve mobile
devices, smart phones and tablet computers, it can be used on other
systems like laptops, notebooks, smart books, e-books readers and smart
television. It is more interesting to note that the android operating system is
being applied to gadgets such as wristwatches, headphones, car CD and
DVD players, cameras, portable media players and many more.
BlackBerry Operating System
The BlackBerry OS is the operating system designed for Blackberry mobile
devices. The BlackBerry Operating System is a software platform developed
by its manufacturer Research in Motion (RIM). The BlackBerry is a
Smartphone device released by Research in Motion (RIM) in 1999. Early
versions of blackberry were simply two-way pagers that were particularly
popular in business for their focus on e-mail facilities, as well as providing
wireless internet and calendar functions. With the release of the 5000 and
6000 series, BlackBerry made a switch to mobile phones. The 7000 series
followed, and were the first to feature colour screens and Bluetooth
capability. The 8000 and the 9000 series were the first to be targeted at
general consumers, incorporating more commercial features, such as built-
in cameras, memory card slots and clearer screens.
Updated versions of the BlackBerry OS are released regularly to support
new BlackBerry Smartphones. Latest version of blackberry OS is blackberry
10 OS. The current version of the OS allows complete wireless activation
and synchronization with email exchange, calendar and other features.
The BlackBerry supports multitasking like other mobile operating systems.
At a time it can run more than one applications, for example when you are
speaking to someone on the call, you can switch to the contacts application.
These contact applications run in the background while carrying out the
current task. However, the more applications that are running, the more
memory is used by the device. It also supports e-mail, Web browsing,
viewing of Office applications, music management, video recording,
calendar tools and many more.
Chrome Operating System
One of the popular thin client operating system is chrome OS. A thin client
OS is one in which does not have a lot of utilities or features, but has right
ones for the system on which it is installed. Chrome is the name of both an

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operating system and a web browser, both produced by google. Google

Chrome Operating System was circulated by Google and nine months later
it released the Chrome browser. Google Chrome OS is described as a
lightweight operating system. Chrome OS is a variant of Linux and was
developed through an open-source project called chromium OS. This simple
operating system comes preinstalled on some thin clients. It contains a
simple file manager, the google chrome web browser and a media player.
Ubuntu Operating System
Ubuntu was first released in 2004. Ubuntu is an African word which means
"humanity to others." An Ubuntu is a Linux-based operating system that can
be used on desktops, laptops and servers. Ubuntu is an open-source
Operating System (OS). The operating system includes a variety of
applications such as word processing, e-mail applications, Web server
software and also programming tools. Ubuntu is suitable for both desktop
and server use. Ubuntu OS does not provide security updates and
professional support for every package available in the open source world,
but selects a complete set of packages making up a solid and
comprehensive desktop system and provides support for that set of
packages. Ubuntu makes a release every six months and supports those
releases for eighteen months with daily security fixes and patches to critical
Fedora Operating System
Fedora is a Linux-based operating system developed in 2003 by a group of
people under the fedora project. Fedora is an open-source operating
system. This operating system is integrated with packaged software and
applications to provide enhanced abilities and functions. Fedora OS
provides the same functionality, processes and usability as a typical
operating system does, and includes collaboration tools, office productivity
applications, media playback, virus protection and other desktop application
and services.
Fedora is generally released and updated every six months and provides
only one month of support for the previous version. Fedora-based variants
are further published under different names and are commonly known as
Fedora Spins. They include operating system such as Red Hat Linux
enterprise edition, CentOS, and so on. Just as all Linux distributions, Fedora

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is focused on security. In Fedora a firewall is present right from the start and
can be easily configured both using the terminal or the graphical interface.
Fedora is also one of the main promoters for SELinux, which stands for
Security-Enhanced Linux, a feature which implements several security
policies, which are missing in most of the Linux-based distributions.
Self-Assessment Questions
5. Mention any two basic tasks that can be performed by operating
6. Mention any two examples for operating systems.
7. __________ developed Windows operating system.
8. UNIX system supports Graphical User Interface. (True/False)
9. ___________ is a thin client operating system.

10.4 Application Software

Application software is computer software designed to help the user to
perform single or multiple tasks. Typical examples are Word, Excel,
PowerPoint, Access, and entertainment software, educational Software,
Online Math Tool, Online Image Editor and Online Document Convertor.
10.4.1 Office Tools
Office Tools is a software package that consists of various software
applications for various activities. Office tools is most widely recognized
software suite in the world with about 600 million users worldwide. Office
tools includes, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access, OneNote, Publisher and
This software is used to create, edit, save, print, mail merge and perform
many such tasks in the document. In an organization, a lot of documents
need to be prepared, for example, letters to be written to suppliers,
customers, banks, authorities and so on. Similarly letters may have to be
written again and again. For all these, the letter may be typed once and
stored in the computer. When the same or similar letter is needed, it can be
retrieved and changes made to it if needed. Thus a lot of time is saved in
typing. So Word is a software which can be used to create, format, store,
retrieve, edit and print the document. Word was one of the earliest

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application and most widely used in computer. Extension of word document

is “.doc” or “.docx”.
Some of the functions of word processor are page numbers, tables, section
titles, bullets, numbering, spell checking which checks against the list of
words, grammar checking, checks against the sentence and a thesaurus
which finds words with similar meanings and many more. Figure 10.1 shows
a Word user interface.

Figure 10.1: Word

Excel is a software program which allows users to organize, format and
calculate data with formulae using a spreadsheet system. Spreadsheet is a
worksheet consisting of rows and columns. In a worksheet, each value sits
in a cell. In Excel, while doing the calculations one cell is dependent on
another. The relationship between the cells is called formula, and the names
of the cells are called labels. Calculation is done automatically once formula
is specified and the result is displayed for the user to see. If a change is
made in an independent cell, the worksheet is recalculated automatically to
reflect the changes in all the dependent cells.
There are various types of spreadsheet applications available in the market,
among those excel is most famous. Graphic features like charts and graphs
are supported by the spreadsheet. Extension of Excel document is “.xls” or

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In excel we can link one spread sheet to another spreadsheet by using a

formula. Sometimes many or a stack of spreadsheets can be linked to one
another by using the formulas. A change made in one spreadsheet
automatically affects other spreadsheets. Figure 10.2 shows an Excel user

Figure 10.2: Excel

PowerPoint is part of office tool. PowerPoint provides a set of tools for
creating powerful presentations. It is a widely used utility to create
presentations relating to products, organization, research papers and so on.
This presentation can be created at ease and fast. This is an effective
software, which provides techniques for designing dynamic presentations.
Using this software a slide can be designed, text can be inserted, graphics
can be inserted and animation can be given to the slides and we can insert
other objects like video, audio and animated files within the slide. Extension
of PowerPoint document is “.ppt” or “pptx”. Figure 10.3 shows a PowerPoint
user interface.

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Figure 10.3: Power Point

Access is a part of office tool. Access is an information management tool
that helps you to store information for reference, reporting, and analysis.
The software was fine while working with small databases but in larger files
there was the danger of data corruption. A database is a collection of
information that is organized in such a way that it can easily accessed,
retrieved and updated. With each release of Office tools, a newer version of
Access is included, each of which includes new or updated features.
Access helps you to analyze large amounts of information more efficiently
than Excel or other spreadsheet applications. It provides advanced and
powerful new tools for managing the database.

The extension of access is ".accdb". This format supports more complex

data types, but unfortunately it is not compatible with prior versions like
(“.mdb”) of the Access software. Figure 10.4 shows an Access user
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Figure 10.4: Access

10.4.2 Entertainment Software

Entertainment software refers to interactive, software-based games that are
played on a variety of platforms with display devices (typically screens),
sound reproduction capabilities, input interfaces such as keyboards,
joysticks, and mouse. These games combine visual representations, music
and sound. Entertainment software for personal computers includes
interactive games, videos, and other programs to support and provide
amusement and enjoyment. You might use entertainment software to play
games individually or with others online. Many games are available as web
applications, allowing you to play individually or with other online players.
The popularity of entertainment software has increased greatly during the
past few years. Many people play games on a mobile device such as smart
10.4.3 Educational Software
Educational software refers to software that is used by teachers and
students to support teaching and learning. Educational software is essential

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in any learning environment to allow teachers and students maximize the

use of the computer.
This vast collection of educational software can be divided into two
 Content-free software
 Content-rich software
Content-free Software
Content-free software is more flexible as it provides teachers and students
with the tools to create their own content. For example word processor can
be used to manipulate text, spread sheets can be used to perform extensive
and complicated calculations. It is not specifically designed for a particular
topic or area in the curriculum, but might be used for different purposes by
teachers of different subjects.
Content-rich software
Content-rich software provides multimedia content (example, graphics,
video, sound, animation, and so on), which is presented in a very structured
way in the content. There is a wide range of content-rich software available
in the market ranging from teaching basic number fundamentals to complex
mathematical equations. In the school, this type of software is used by
teachers to teach topics and by students seeking to gain a deeper
understanding of a particular topic.

10.5 Online Tools

10.5.1 Online Math Tool
Online refers to being connected to a network (such as Internet) of
computers. The Internet is used to send information quickly between
computers around the world. Online math tools are available in plenty that
can be accessed and used. Some of the online math tools are basic
calculator, scientific calculator, converters, equation solvers, tax calculators,
graphing calculator, mortgage calculators which includes mortgage payment
calculator, mortgage principal calculator and many more.
10.5.2 Online Image Editor
The online image editor means editing the images online. To edit the
images it has a set of tools which includes resizing, rotate, flip, color
correction, and inserts text titles to your images, crop, frames and borders.

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The look of the image can be improved by adding text or border to the
images, enhance color balance, adjust brightness and contrast, include
animations, and so on. Some of online image editor softwares are pixlr,
adobe Photoshop Express, FotoFlexer, sumo paint, picmonkey, pizap and
many more
10.5.3 Online Document Converter
Online Document convertor makes it possible for anyone to instantly convert
one of the file formats to other file format like word (.docx) to PDF. PDF
convertor is a free convertor and it is reliable in which it can convert Excel
(.xls), Word (.doc), and PowerPoint (.ppt) to PDF format. All PDF files can
be converted into word (.doc), excel (.xls), PowerPoint (.ppt) and many
Self-Assessment Questions
10. Mention any two application softwares.
11. _________ is the extension of word document.
12. Access is used for presentations. (True/False)
13. Educational software is used in _________ and ____________.
14. ______________ converts one file format to another file format.

10.6 Proprietary Software

Proprietary software is a software that is owned by an individual or a
company (usually the one that developed it). There are major restrictions on
its use, and its source code is always kept secret. Proprietary software has
its own limitations on using and copying, which is enforced by a proprietor.
The proprietary avoids the commercial software, since free software can
also be sold and used for commercial purposes. The risk involved with
proprietary software is that if for any reason the proprietor ceases
(terminates), or decides to cease; in such a situation there is no option to
come out of those problems.
Well known examples of proprietary software include Microsoft Windows,
RealPlayer, Adobe Photoshop, Mac OS, WinZip and many more. Some free
software packages are available under proprietary terms, examples include
MySQL & Send mail.
Some proprietary software provides access to the source code. In such a
situation users can study, modify and free to use the software, but are

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restricted either by licenses or non-disclosure agreements from

redistributing modifications or sharing the software. Freeware, is proprietary
software available at zero price, but it is free only for a trial period, after
which some restrictions are imposed.
Self Assessment Questions
15. _____________ is a software that is owned by an individual.
16. Mention any two examples of proprietary software.

10.7 Open Source Software

Open source refers to a program or software in which the source code (the
form of the program when a programmer writes a program in a particular
programming language) is available to the general public for use and/or
modification from its original design free of charge. Open source code is
typically created as a collaborative effort in which programmers improve
upon the code and share the changes within the community. The term free
software was replaced by Open-Source Software (OSS) in 1998. Software
developers may want to publish their software with an open-source software
license, so that anybody may also develop the same software or understand
how it works. Open-source software generally allows anybody to make a
new version of the software. The aim of open source is to let the software
be more understandable, modifiable, duplicable, reliable or simply
accessible, while it is still in market.
The distribution terms of open-source software must fulfill the following
1. Free Redistribution
The license shall not restrict any party from selling or giving away the
software as a component of an aggregate software distribution containing
programs from several different sources. The license shall not require a
royalty or other fee for such sale.
2. Source Code
The program must include source code, and it must be in distributed form.
Where some form of the software is not distributed with source code. The
source code must be the preferred form in which a programmer would
modify the program.

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3. Derived Works
The license must allow changes and derived works, and must allow them to
be distributed under the same terms as the license of the original software.
4. License Must Be Technology-Neutral
No provision of the license may be predicated on any individual technology
or style of interface. This provision is aimed specifically at licenses which
require an explicit gesture of assent in order to establish a contract between
licensor and licensee.
5. Integrity of the Author’ Source Code
The license may restrict source-code from being distributed in modified form
only if the license allows the distribution of "patch files" with the source code
for the purpose of modifying the program at build time. The license must
explicitly permit distribution of software built from modified source code. The
license may require derived works to carry a different name or version
number from the original software.
6. No Discrimination against Persons or Groups
The license must not discriminate against any person or group of persons.
7. Distribution of License
The rights attached to the program must apply to all to whom the program is
redistributed without the need for execution of an additional license by those
8. License Must Not Be Specific to a Product
The rights attached to the program must not depend on the program's being
part of a particular software distribution. If the program is extracted from that
distribution and used or distributed within the terms of the program's license,
all parties to whom the program is redistributed should have the same rights
as those that are granted in conjunction with the original software
9. License Must Not Restrict Other Software
The license must not place restrictions on other softwares which are
distributed along with the licensed software. For example, the license should
not restrict that all other programs which are distributed on the same
medium should be open-source software.

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Some examples of the Open Source Projects are:

Sendmail – Sendmail is an open source mail transfer agent (MTA) used for
routing and delivery e-mail. The original version of Sendmail was written by
Eric Allman in the early 1980s. It is estimated that Sendmail is installed on
60 to 80 percent of the Internet's mail-server computers.
Apache Web Server – Often referred to as simply Apache, a public-domain
open source Web server developed by a loosely knit group of programmers.
The first version of Apache, based on the NCSA httpd Web server, was
developed in 1995. Core development of the Apache Web server is
performed by a group of about 20 volunteer programmers, called the
Apache Group. However, because the source code is freely available,
anyone can adapt the server for specific needs, and there is a large public
library of Apache add-ons.
(Pronounced lee-nucks or lih-nucks) – A freely distributable open source
operating system that runs on a number of hardware platforms. The Linux
kernel was developed mainly by Linus Torvalds. Because it is free, and
because it runs on many platforms, including PCs and Macintoshes, Linux
has become an extremely popular alternative to proprietary operating
GNOME – Acronym for GNU Network Object Model Environment.
(Pronounced guh-nome) GNOME is part of the GNU project and part of the
free software, or open source, movement. GNOME is a Windows-like
desktop system that works on UNIX and UNIX-like systems and is not
dependent on any one window manager. The current version runs on Linux,
FreeBSD, IRIX and Solaris. The main objective of GNOME is to provide a
user-friendly suite of applications and an easy-to-use desktop.
Self-Assessment Questions
17. In 1998, the term free software is replaced by __________.
18. Mention any two criteria’s that satisfy the distribution of open source
19. Mention any two examples of Open Source projects.

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10.8 Virus
A computer virus is a program or piece of code that is loaded onto your
computer without your knowledge and runs against your wishes. All
computer viruses are man-made. A simple virus that can make a copy itself
over and over again is relatively easy to produce. Even such a simple virus
is dangerous because it will quickly use all available memory and bring the
system to a halt. Viruses are even capable of transmitting across networks
and bypassing security systems.
Viruses attempt to hide themselves and can often attach themselves to
other programs. They remain in resident memory locations and are reloaded
when another infected program runs. Some viruses automatically duplicate
themselves by sending an e-mail containing the virus to everyone in a
user's address book.
One of the most common types of attack on information systems is the
virus. Once the virus is resident of a computer system, internal computer
security tools are needed to detect and recover from the virus. Some
popular viruses are multipartite viruses, macro virus, Trojan Horse virus, file
viruses, boot sector virus and many more.
Some symptoms of virus attack are:
 Computer runs slower than usual.
 Computer no longer boots up.
 Screen sometimes flickers.
 PC speaker beeps periodically.
 System crashes for no reason.
 Files or directories sometime disappear.
 Some computers display a message.
 Erasing of files.
 Scrabble data on a hard disk.
 Halt the computer.
 Many viruses do nothing except spread
Self-Assessment Questions
20. __________ attacks on information system.
21. Name any two viruses.
22. List any two symptoms of virus attack.

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10.9 Antivirus
Antivirus is software which is designed to detect and destroy computer
viruses. Antivirus software scans a computer hard disk and main memory to
detect viruses and sometimes, to destroy them. Antivirus solutions are of
different types and multiple antivirus solutions are provided by enterprises.
Examples of anti-viruses are Symantec, Norton antivirus, Mcafee virus
scan, panda antivirus, platinum and so on. New viruses appear every day,
so it is advisable to look for an antivirus utility that offers frequent online
updates without additional cost.
A remedy for virus attacks is the installation of the latest, updated and
strong antivirus software. Antivirus software detects the presence of viruses
by scanning each file. Regular scanning of systems for detecting and
removing viruses helps to keep systems free from viruses. Antivirus
solutions are easy-to-use, have good interfaces and can be easily updated.
It must be able to scan different types of files and must be capable of
providing online and real-time protection as well. While surfing the web, it is
always advisable to keep enabled the auto protection facilities available with
antivirus software.
Installation of anti-spyware/malware programs can prevent spyware
programs from getting installed. Spyware is a type of program that is
installed with or without your permission on your personal computers to
collect information about user. Spyware removal programs help in removing
spyware software from systems. Regular scanning of systems is
recommended to remove spyware. Spyware can exist as dll files or as
Active X controls. Complete removal of spyware is tricky. Since spyware
acts like a program, these can be removed using add or remove program
option from the control panel menu in windows systems.
Self-Assessment Questions
23. ____________ detects and destroys computer virus.
24. Mention any two antiviruses softwares

10.10 Summary
 Computer software is defined as a set of programs, procedures, and
related information that instruct a computer system what it has to do.

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 System software manages and supports the operation of a computer

system. It acts as a bridge between the application software and the
computer hardware.
 An operating system or OS is a computer program that enables
computer hardware to communicate and operate with the computer
software. Examples of various operating system are Windows, Linux,
UNIX, Mac OS, Android, BlackBerry, Chrome, Ubuntu and Fedora.
 Application software is a computer software that helps the user to
perform a specific task. Examples of application software are Office
tools (Office Tools includes word, Excel, Power Point, access),
Entertainment software, Educational Software, Online Math Tool, Online
Image Editor and Online Document Convertor.
 Proprietary software is a software that is owned by an individual or a
company. There are major restrictions on its use, and its source code is
always kept secret.
 Open source is a computer software whose source code is available
under a copyright license that allows the users to study, change, and
improve the software, and to redistribute it in modified or unmodified
 The distribution terms of open-source software must fulfil the criteria of
free redistribution, source code, derived works, license must be
technology, integrity of the authors source code, no discrimination
against persons or groups, distribution of license, license must not be
specific to a product, license must not restrict other software.
 A computer Virus consists of a program code that is carried to a
computer from a downloaded file, message or e-mail.
 Antivirus is software which is designed to detect and destroy computer

10.11 Terminal Questions

1. What is computer software? Explain its types.
2. Define system software and explain any three system softwares.
3. Explain any two application softwares.
4. Write a note on proprietary software.
5. Briefly explain open source software.
6. Discuss about virus and antivirus.

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10.12 Answers
Self Assessment Questions
1. Operating System (OS)
2. System
3. False
4. True
5. Allocating memory and prioritizing system requests.
6. Unix and android
7. Microsoft
8. True
9. Chrome OS
10. Educational and Entertainment software
11. .doc
12. False
13. Teaching and learning.
14. document converter or online document converter
15. Proprietary
16. Adobe Photoshop, WinZip
17. Open source.
18. Source code and distribution of license
19. Apache Web server and GNOME
20. Virus
21. Trojan Horses & file viruses
22. Computer no longer boots up and erasing of files
23. Antivirus
24. Symantec, Norton antivirus
Terminal Questions
1. The computer software refers to the instructions, or programs, that tell
the hardware what to do. (Refer to section 10.2)
Computer software is categorized into System software and application
software. (Refer to section 10.2)
2. System software manages the fundamental operations of the computer,
such as loading programs and data into the memory, executing
programs, saving data to disks, displaying information on the monitor
and so on. (Refer to section 10.3)

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3. Application software is a computer software designed to help the user to

perform a single or multiple tasks. Typical examples are office tools,
entertainment software, educational Software. (Refer to section 10.4)
4. Proprietary software is a software that is owned by an individual or a
company. There are major restrictions on its use, and its source code is
always kept secret. (Refer to section 10.6)
5. Open source refers to a program or software in which the source code
(the form of the program when a programmer writes a program in a
particular programming language) is available to the general public for
use and/or modification from its original design free of charge. (Refer to
section 10.7)
6. A computer Virus consists of a program code that is carried to a
computer from a downloaded file, message or e-mail. (Refer to
section 10.8)
Antivirus is a software which is designed to detect and destroy
computer viruses. (Refer to section 10.9)

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