Troubleshooting Banding Caused by PCDU
Troubleshooting Banding Caused by PCDU
Troubleshooting Banding Caused by PCDU
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Symptom / Cause
SP 2-109-003 26 26 26 26
(Test pattern no.)
2-109-006 5 0 0 0
(Bk output density)
2-109-007 0 5 0 0
(C output density)
2-109-008 0 0 5 0
(M output density)
2-109-009 0 0 0 5
(Y output density)
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Bands caused by the Development Roller [53mm/26.5mm pitch]
4. Do the procedure: "Centering the axis of the Drum" described on the next page.
5. Replace the drum and execute DEMS (SP3040-001).
6. Replace the PCDU and execute DEMS (SP3040-001).
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Centering the axis of the drum
Similarly to the above procedure, center the axis of the drum by performing the
following procedure.
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