Proximate Composition of Several Fish From Jatigede Reservoir in Sumedang District, West Java
Proximate Composition of Several Fish From Jatigede Reservoir in Sumedang District, West Java
Proximate Composition of Several Fish From Jatigede Reservoir in Sumedang District, West Java
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Abstract. The aim of research is to determine the nutritional contents of fishes in the Jatigede
Reservoir, the research uses survey method from November 2016 to October 2017. Sample
collecting is done in the Wado district and Jatigede district. Samples are identified by its
species and the nutritional contents are determined. The analyzed parameter includes water
content, ash content, crude fiber content, protein content, fat content and carbohydrate content.
Research shows that the nutritional contents of 13 species of fish vary. The water contents
ranges between 67.50 % to 77.75 %, the highest percentage found in Chana striata. Ash
contents ranges between 1.25 % to 4.87 %, the highest percentage found in Rasbora
argyrotaenia. Crude fiber percentage cannot be found. Protein ranges between 14.43% to
21.93 %, the highest percentage found in Chanos chanos. Fat ranges 0.72 % to 6.86 %, the
highest percentage found in Hampala macrolepidota. Carbohydrate ranges between 0.12 % to
2.64 %, the highest percentage found in Osteochillus vittatus.
1. Introduction
The fish found in the Jatigede Reservoir are derived from the indegenous fish of Cimanuk River, as
well as fish deliberately stocked by the Ministry of Fisheries and Marine for specific purposes. Fish
from the Cimanuk River consist of Barbodes balleroides, Barbodes gonionotus, Osteochillus sp,
Osteochillus vittatus, Rasbora argyrotaenia, Diplocheilichthys pleurotaenia , Tor duorensis, Cyprinus
carpio, Hampala macrolepidotta, Mystacoleucus marginatus, Chana striata, Mystus gulio,
Oreochromis niloticus, Tilapia mozambica, Trichogaster pectoralis, Liposarcus pardalis, and
Mastacembelus erythrotaenia. Fishes that were intentionally stocked are fishes that already inhabited
the Cimanuk River and were restocked, such as Osteochillus haseltii, Barbodes gonionotus, Barbodes
balleroides, Tor duorensis, Cyprinus carpio, and Oreochromis niloticus. Additionally, new fishes that
previously did not inhabit the Cimanuk River were also stocked, such as Barbodes orphoides,
Pangasius hypopthalmus, Chanos chanos, Stenoparingodon iddella, and Helostoma teminkii.
The number and species of fish stocked to Jatigede Reservoir in October 2015 to December 2015
numbered to 3,355.600 fish; in January 2016 to July 2016 5,240,000 fish; and again on 30th August
2016 to the amount of 2,105,000 fish. In the framework of World Water Day on April 27th 2017,
550,000 fish consisting of 1,000,000 Pangasius hypopthalmus fishes, 500,000 Cyprinus carpio fishes,
2,000,000 Oreochromis niloticus fishes, 350,000 Helostoma teminkii fishes, 200,000 Barbodes sp
fishes, 650,000 Osteochillus haseltii fishes, and 250,000 Chanos chanos fishes were stocked.
The consumption level of fish in West Java in 2015 was only 27 kg per capita per year, meaning that
it is still far from the ideal consumption of the Word Health Organization (WHO) standard [1]. The
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IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 137 (2018)
1234567890 ‘’“” 012055 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/137/1/012055
Governor of West Java has utilized Jatigede Reservoir as a new center of fish production as a means to
increase the fish consumption of West Java citizens. Capture fishery is the utilization system used at
the Jatigede water reservoir.
Fish is one of the food commodities and is a source of protein and fat from the waters. The chemical
composition of fish meat consists of water, ash, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals, whose
composition varies greatly between one fish species to the other. The differences in the chemical
composition of fish meat for both the amount and the constituent components are due to the
environmental and biological factors of the fish. Biological factors which are commonly called
intrinsic factors are factors derived from the type of fish such as the species or class, age and sex of
fish [2]. The species or class of fish is very influential on the difference in the composition of fish
meat; each type of fish has a different kind of chemical composition in its meat. Age also affects the
chemical component, the older the fish, the more fat content it will tend to have. Additionally, gender
is closely related to gonad maturity; while an actively moving fish encourages it to find enough food
to meet its energy needs. Habitats also affect the composition of meat; predatory fish will be different
from plant-eating fish. Environmental factors that affect the nutritional composition of fish meat
include the source of food. Based on the above description, research on the composition of nutrition in
the fish inhabiting Jatigede Reservoir is necessary.
2. Methodology
Fish identification was carried out by using books by [3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11]. The types of fish taken as
samples to analyze nutritional content were fish caught during the research. Samples were taken
randomly from the catch of fishermen. The nutrient parameters analyzed were moisture content, ash,
crude fiber, protein, fat, and carbohydrates. The analysis methods used: were the Oven Method for
water and ash content, the Kjeldhal Method for protein content, and the Soxhlet Method for fat
content. The work procedure of analysis refers to the guidelines of [12]. Carbohydrate content is
determined by difference with the calculation = 100 % - (% water + % ash + % fat + % protein). Food
standarization was referenced from the book by [13,14]. The composition of 100 gram material of
fresh fish is 76 % water content, 17 % protein, and 4.5 % fat [13]. The composition of 100 gram
material fresh fish, is 70 % to 85 % water content, 15 % to 25 % protein, 0.5 % to 7 % fat, 0.1 % to 1
% carbohydrate, and 0.1 % to 4 % ash [14]. The analysis was conducted at the Laboratory of Animal
Feed Technology at the Faculty of Animal Husbandry of Padjadjaran University and at the laboratory
of the Faculty of Agricultural Industrial Technology of Padjadjaran University.
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 137 (2018)
1234567890 ‘’“” 012055 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/137/1/012055
The composition of the fish nutrition of Diplocheilichthys pleurotaenia are as follows: 70.91 %
water content, 4.73 % ash, 19.05 % protein, 2.89 % fat and 2.42 % carbohydrate. The nutritional
composition of fish from the genus Osteochyllus, Osteochyllus sp is: 75.60 % water content, 3.24 %
ash, 17.18 % protein, 3.59 % fat and 0.39 % carbohydrates. For Osteochyllus hasseltii: 70.35 % water
content, 4.30 % ash, 18.63 % protein, 4.04 % fat and 2.64 % carbohydrate. In the case of Fish Hike:
73.30 % water content, 4.24 % ash, 17.67 % protein, 2.82 % fat and 1.97 % carbohydrate. The
nutritional composition of the fish Hampala macrolepidota: 71.15 % water content, 2.21 % ash, 19.31
% protein, 6.86 % fat and 0.47 % carbohydrate. The nutritional composition of the Rasbora
argyrotaenia fish: 70.80 % water content, 4.87 % ash, 19.88 % protein, 2.58 % fat and 1.87 %
carbohydrate. Research results of the Research Centre for Marine and Fisheries Product Processing
and Biotechnology measured the Rasbora fish protein level at 10 %, and fat at 3.2 %. Compared to
these results, levels of Rasbora fish protein that inhabit Jatigede Reservoir are higher with a smaller fat
content. The nutritional composition of Mastacoleucus marginatus was measured at: 75.93 % water
content, 3.59 % ash, 15.64 % protein, 4.40 % fat and 0.74 % carbohydrate. When compared with the
results from the Research Centre for Marine and Fisheries Product Processing and Biotechnology, the
fish protein and fat content of Mastacoleucus marginatus found at Jatigede Reservoir is higher,
because results from the Research Centre for Marine and Fisheries Product Processing and
Biotechnology showed protein to be at 14.8 %, and fat 2.3 %.
Chanos chanos has the following nutritional composition: 74.22 % water content, 1.98 % ash, 21.93
% protein, 1.66 % fat and 0.21 % carbohydrate, while the research results of the Research Centre for
Marine and Fisheries Product Processing and Biotechnology measured 75.85 % water content, 2.81 %
ash, 21.49 % protein, 0.72 % fat and 0.11 % carbohydrate. Water content was found to be at 74.0 %,
protein 20.0 %, fat 4.8 % [2]. When comparing research results of protein, fat and carbohydrate levels
between the milkfish from Jatigede Reservoir, the Research Centre for Marine and Fisheries Product
Processing and Biotechnology and Muchtadi R, the milkfish from Jatigede Reservoir measured higher.
The nutritional composition of Trichogaster pectoralis from Jatigede Reservoir had a water content of
71.31 %, 3.73 % ash, 18.96 % protein, 4.18 % fat and 1.82 % carbohydrate. Protein content performed
by the Agency for Biotechnology and Food Processing Marine and Fisheries was 8.79 %, indicating
that the protein content of the Three Spot Gourami from Jatigede Reservoir is higher. The nutritional
composition of Oreochromis niloticus from the Jatigede Reservoir is as follows: 76.81 % water
content, 1.67 % ash, 18.75 % protein, 1.58 % fat and 1.19 % carbohydrate. The nutrition of Chana
striata from the Jatigede Reservoir: 77.75 % water content, 2.85 % ash, 18.57 % protein, 0.72 % fat
and 0.12 % carbohydrate. Mystus gulio from Jatigede reservoir: 75.95 % water content, 1.25 % ash,
16.90 % protein, 4.94 % fat and 0.96 % carbohydrate.
Water content is very influential on the quality of food, hence water content is often removed or
reduced by means of evaporation or drying during food processing. Fish found in the Jatigede
Reservoir with the lowest water content was obtained from Barbodes balleroides at 67.50 %, while the
highest was obtained from Chanos chanos at 77.75 % (figure 1). The content of water in foodstuffs is
an indication of food resistance against microbial attack, therefore the food to be processed should be
dry so that resistance to microbial growth can be suppressed [13].
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 137 (2018)
1234567890 ‘’“” 012055 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/137/1/012055
Mystus gulia had the lowest ash level at 1.25 %, while the highest was Rasbora argyrotaenia at 4.87
% (figure 2). The high level of ash in Rasbora argyrotaenia comes from bones and scales, because the
fish is rather small so every organ consisting of head, body, tail and scales were measured.
Barbodes gonionotus had the lowest protein level at 14.43 %, while the highest was found in Chanos
chanos at 21.93 % (figure 3). Protein is a nutrient group that is very important in enzyme, antibody,
and some hormone production.
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 137 (2018)
1234567890 ‘’“” 012055 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/137/1/012055
Hike fish had the lowest fat level at 0.72 %, while the highest was Barbodes balleroides at 6.52 %
(figure 4). Each gram of fat consists of 2.25 times the calories from the total calorie made by one gram
of protein of carbohydrate [13]. Fat acts as a supplier of some of the energy necessary to perform daily
activities, and are also providers of fatty acids and a component of food taste and vitamins.
Chana striata had the lowest level of carbohydrate at 0.12 %, while the highest was measured in
Osteochyllus hasseltii at 2.64 % (figure 5). The low level of carbohydrate in Chana is caused by their
main food source which comes from fish or is in the carnivore fish group. The high level of
carbohydrate in Osteochyllus hasseltii is because the fish is a herbivore.
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 137 (2018)
1234567890 ‘’“” 012055 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/137/1/012055
Silver barb, silver rasbora, spotted barb, milkfish, and three spoted gouramy that inhabit Jatigede
Reservoir had a relatively higher protein level when compared to the same fish that were researched
by the Research Centre for Marine and Fisheries Product Processing and Biotechnology, and [2],
research results suggest that these are caused by environmental factors.
4. Conclusion
According to research results from 13 fish species that inhabit Jatigede, we can conclude that:
1. Fish that live in the Jatigede Reservoir contain good nutrients to be consumed as a food
ingredient because it contains important substances for the body such as proteins, fats and
carbohydrates. The levels of the nutrients are different for each species.
2. Silver Barb, Silver Rasbora, Spotted Barb, Milk Fish, and Three Spoted Gouramy that inhabit
the Jatigede Reservoir had a relatively higher protein level when compared to the same fish
that were researched by the Research Centre for Marine and Fisheries Product Processing and
Biotechnology, and [2].
We suggest that further research needs to be done on complete nutrition content analysis including
mineral and vitamin content.
5. References
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1234567890 ‘’“” 012055 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/137/1/012055
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Funding for this research came from the flagship research Universities, The Ministry of Research,
Technology and Higher Education of Republic Indonesia. Number of MoU 855/UN6.3.1/PL/2017,
date March 8, 2017