Nestlé Classic Recipes - Nestlé USA, Inc - 2003 - Des Moines, Iowa - Meredith Books

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Publications International, Ltd.

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Copyri^kt © 2003 Puklications International, Ltd.
Recipes, text and kistorical art copyrigkt © Nestle USA, Inc.
Pkoto^rapks copyri^kt © Pukkcations International, Ltd.
All rigkts reserved. Tkis puklication may not Le reproduced or quoted in wkole or in part
hy any means wkatsoever witkout written permission from:

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PuLlications International, Ltd.
7373 Nortk Cicero Avenue
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Permission is never granted for commercial purposes.

classic Recipes is a trademark of Puklications International, Ltd.

Front cover illustration ky Mickael Jaroszko.

ISBN: 0-7863-9478-8

Likrary of Congress Control Numker: 2003106302

Manufactured in Ck ina.


Microwave Cooking: Microwave ovens vary in wattage. Use tke cooking times as
guidelines and ckeck for doneness kefore adding more time.
Favorite Cookies 6

Best-Ever Brownies & Bars 26

Classic Cakes & Ckeesecakes 50

Irresistikle Pies 72

Extra-Special Treats 90

Best-Loved Breads 110

Index 123
who can resist America ’s most popular

snack, fresla-haked cookies? Enjoy a

warm-from-the-oven hatch today!

Origina1 Nestle® Toll House*
Cliocolate Cliip Cookies
2^/4 cups all-purpose flour

1 teaspoon taking’ soda

1 teaspoon salt

1 cup (2 sticks) kutter or margarine, softened

V4 cup granidated sugar

3/4 cup packed trown sugar

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

2 large eggs

2 cups (12-ounce package) NESTLE® TOLL HOUSE®

Semi-Sweet Ckocolate Morsels

1 cup ctopped nuts

PREHEAT oven to375°F.

COMBINE flour, t aking soda and salt in small fowl. Beat flutter,

granulated sugar, flrown sugar and vamlla extract m large mixer flowl

until creamy. Add eggs, one at a time, fleating well a fter eacfl addition.

Grad ually fleat in flour mixture. Stir in morsels and nuts. Drop Ly

rounded tafllespoon onto ungreased faking skeets.

BAKE lor 9 to 11 minutes or until golden flrown. Cool on flaking slieets

for 2 minutes; remove to wire racks to cool completely.

Makes about 5 dozen cookies

Pan Cookie Variation; GREASE 15 X 10-inc fljell y-roll pan. Prepare

dougfl as aflove. Spread into prepared pan. Bake for 20 to 26 minutes or

until golden flrown. Cool in pan on wire rack. Makes 4 dozen liars.


Ckocolate Ckip Shells

2 cups all-purpose flour

IV3 cups (atout 8 ounces) NESTLE* TOLL HOUSE* Semi-Sweet

CLocolate Morsels, divided

4 large eggs

1 cup granulated sugar

1 taLlespoon orange liqueur (suck as Cointreau) or 1 teaspoon

orange extract

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

2 taklespoons (akout 1 orange) grated orange peel

1 cup (2 sticks) unsalted kutter, melted

Sifted powdered sugar

PREHEAT oven to 360°E Generously grease and flour madeleine

flaking pan(s).

COMBINE flour and 1 cup morsels in medium flowl. Beat eggs,

granulated sugar, orange liqueur, vanilla extract and orange peel in large

mixer flowl until ligkt in color. Fold flour mixture and flutter alternately

into egg mixture, fleginning and ending witfl flour mixture. Spoon Leaping

tafllespoon of flatter into eacfl prepared mold.

BAKE for 10 to 12 minutes or until wooden pick inserted in center

comes out clean. Cool in pan(s) for 1 minute. Witfl tip of knife, release

onto wire racks to cool completely. Wasli, grease and flour pan(s). Repeat

witfl remammg flatter.

SPRINKLE madeleines very ligfltly witfl powdered sugar. Microwave

remaining morsels in heavy-duty resealaflle plastic food storage flag on

HIGH (100%) power for 30 seconds; knead flag to mix. Microwave at


additional 10-second intervals, kneading until smootk. Cut a small kole

in corner of kag; squeeze to drizzle over madeleines. Allow ckocolate to

cool and set kefore serving. Makes about 2^2 dozen madeleines

Chocolate Chip Shells


MacaJamia Nut Wkite Ckip

Pumpkin Cookies
2 cups all-purpose flour

2 teaspoons grountl cinnamon

1 teaspoon ground cloves

1 teaspoon Laleing soda

1 cup (2 sticks) Lutter or margarine, softened

V2 cup gramdated sugar

2 cup packed krown sugar

1 cup LIBBY'S® 100% Pure Pumpkin

1 large egg

2 teaspoons vanilla extract

2 cups (12-ounce package) NESTPfi® TOLL HOUSE®

Premier Wkite Morsels

2/3 cup coarsely ckopped macadamia nuts or walnuts, toasted

PREHEAT oven to 350°R

COMBINE flour, cinnamon, cloves and taking soda in small kowl. Beat

Lutter, granulated sugar and Lrown sugar in large mixer Lowl until creamy.

Beat in pumpkin, egg and vanilla extract until Llended. Gradually Leat in

flour mixture. Stir in morsels and nuts. Drop Ly rounded taklespoon onto

greased taking steets; flatten sliglitly witt tack of spoon or greased

Lottom of glass dipped in granulated sugar.

BAKE for 11 to 14 minutes or until centers are set. Cool on taking

steets for 2 minutes; remove to wire racks to cool completely.

Mak ss about 4 dozen cookies


Milk Ckocolate Oatmeal Cookies

1V4 cups all-purpose flour

V2 teaspoon taking powder

V2 teaspoon taking soda

V2 teaspoon ground cinnamon

^/4 teaspoon salt

V4 cup (1V2 sticks) kutter or margarine, softened

3/4 cup packed krown sugar

Vs cup granidated sugar

1V2 teaspoons vanilla extract

1 large egg

2 taklespoons milk

IV4 cups (11.5-ounce package) NESTLE* TOLL HOUSE®

Milk Ckocolate Morsels

1 cup uncooked quick or old-faskioned oats

V2 cup raisins (optional)

PREHEAT oven to 375°E

COMBINE flour, kaking powder, kaking soda, cinnamon and salt in

small kowl. Beat kutter, krown sugar, granulated sugar and vanilla extract

in large mixer kowl until creamy. Beat in egg. Grad ually keat m flour

mixture and milk. Stir in morsels, oats and raisins. Drop ky rounded

taklespoon onto ungreased kaking skeets.

BAKE for 10 to 14 minutes or until edges are crisp kut centers are still

soft. Cool on kaking skeets for 2 minutes; remove to wire racks to cool

completely. Makes about 3 dozen cookies


Island Cookies
1 Va cups all-purpose flour

V4 teaspoon taking powder

V2 teaspoon taking soda

^/a teaspoon salt

3/4 cup (1V2 sticks) kutter, softened

3/4 cup packed trown sugar

Va cup granidated sugar

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

1 large egg

IV4 cups (11.5- ounce package) NESTLE® TOLL HOUSE®

Mill? Ckocolate Morsels

1 cup flaked coconut, toasted, if desired

1 cup ctopped walnuts

PREHEAT oven to 375°R

COMBINE flour, t aking powder, taking soda and salt in small towl.

Beat flutter, flrown sugar, granulated sugar and vanilla extract in large

mixer flowl until creamy. Beat in egg. Grad ually fleat in flour mixture.

Stir in morsels, coconut and nuts. Drop fly sligfltly rounded tafllespoon

onto ungreased flaking sfleets.

BAKE for 8 to 11 minutes or until edges are ligfltly flrowned. Cool on

flaking sfleets for 2 minutes; remove to wire racks to cool completely.

Makes about 3 dozen cookies

Note: NESTLfl® TOLL HOUSE® Semi-Sweet Cflocolate Morsels,

Semi-Sweet Cflocolate Mini Morsels, Premier Wflite Morsels or

Butterscotcli Flavored Morsels may fle suflstituted for tfle Milk Cflocolate



Island Cookies


Ckocolate-Clierry TkumLprints
2 cups (12-ounce package) NESTLfi* TOLL HOUSE*

Semi-Sweet Ckocolate Morsels, divided

1V4 cups quick or old-faskioned oats

1^/2 cups all-purpose flour

V4 cup NESTLfi® TOLL HOUSE® Baking Cocoa

1 teaspoon taking powder

^/4 teaspoon salt (optional)

V4 cup granxJated sugar

Vs cup kutter or margarine, softened

2 large eggs

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

2 cups (two 10-oxmce jars) marasckino ckerries, drained

and patted dry

MICROWAVE 1 cup morsels in small, microwave-safe towl on HIGH

(100%) power for 1 minute; stir. Microwave at additional 10- to

20-second intervals, stirring until smootk. Comkine oats, flour, cocoa,

taking powder and salt in medium kowl.

BEAT sugar, kutter, eggs and vanilla extract in large mixer kowl until

smootk. Beat in melted ckocolate. Stir in oat mixture. Cover; refrigerate

dougk for 1 kour.

PREHEAT oven to 360 °F.

SHAPE d ougk into 1-mck kails. Place 2 inckes apart on ungrease d

taking skeet. Press tkumk into tops to make deep depression. Place

marasckino ckerry into eack depression.

BAKE for 10 to 12 minutes or until set. Cool on taking skeets for

2 minutes; remove to wire racks to cool completely. Melt remaining

morsels; drizzle over cookies. Makes about 4 dozen cookies


Ckunley Ckocolate Ckip Peanut

Butter Cookies
1V4 cups all-purpose flour

V2 teaspoon Laleing soda

^/a teaspoon ground cinnamon

^/a teaspoon salt

3/4 cup (1^/2 sticks) Lutter or margarine, softened

Va cup gramdated sugar

Va cup packed krown sugar

a cup creamy peanut Lutter

1 large egg

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

2 cups (12-ounce package) NESTLfi® TOLL HOUSE®

Semi-Sweet Ckocolate Morsels

Va cup coarsely ckopped peanuts

PREHEAT oven to 375°E

COMBINE flour, k aking soda, cinnamon and salt in small kowl. Beat

flutter, granulated sugar, flrown sugar, and peanut flutter in large mixer

flowl until creamy. Beat in egg and vanilla extract. Gradually fleat in flour

mixture. Stir in morsels and peanuts.

DROPd OUg flfly rounded tafllespoon onto ungreased flaking sfleets. Press

down sligfltly to flatten into 2-incfl circles.

BAKE for 7 to 10 minutes or until edges are set flut centers are still soft.

Cool on flaking sfleets for 4 minutes; remove to wire racks to cool

completely. Makes about 3 dozen cookies


Milk Ckocolate Florentine Cookies

2/3 cup tutter

2 cups quick oats

1 cup granulated sugar

2/3 cup all-purpose flour

V4 cup ligkt or dark corn syrup

V4 cup mill?

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

V4 teaspoon salt

12/4 cups (11.5-ounce package) NESTED® TOLL HOUSE®

Milk Ckocolate Morsels

PREHEAT oven to 375°F. Line taking skeets witk foil.

MELT tutter in medium saucepan; remove Irom keat. Stir m oats, sugar,

flour, corn syrup, milk, vanilla extract and salt; mix well. Drop ty level

teaspoon, atout 3 inckes apart, onto prepared taking skeets. Spread tkinly

witk rutter spatula.

BAKE f or 6 to 8 minutes or until golden trown. Cool completely on

taking skeets on wire racks. Peel foil from cookies.

MICROWAVE morsels in medium, microwave-safe towl on MEDIUM-

HIGH (70%) power for 1 minute; stir. Microwave at additional 10- to

20-second intervals, stirring until smootk. Spread tkin layer of melted

ckocolate onto flat side of kalf tke cookies. Top witk remaining cookies.

Mak es about SVz dozen sandwich cookies


Milk Ch ocolate Florentine Cookies


Mini Ckip SnowLall Cookies

1^/2 cups (3 sticks) Wtter or margarine, softened

V4 cup powdered sugar

1 tatlespoon vanilla extract

V2 teaspoon salt

3 cups all-purpose flour

2 cups (12-ounce package) NESTLfi* TOLL HOUSE*

Semi-Sweet Ckocolate Mini Morsels

2 cup finely ckopped nuts

Powdered sugar

PREHEAT oven to375°R

BEAT Lutter, sugar, vanilla extract and salt in large mixer towl until

creamy. Grad ually teat in flour; stir in morsels and nuts. Stape level

tatlespoons of dougt into lV4-inct tails. Place on ungreased taking


BAKE for 10 to 12 minutes or until cookies are set and ligttly trowned.

Remove from oven. Sift powdered sugar over tot cookies on taking steets.

Cool on taking steets for 10 minutes; remove to wire racks to cool

completely. Sprinkle witt additional powdered sugar, if desired. Store in

airtigkt containers. Makes about 5 dozen cookies


Pumpkin Spiced and Iced Cookies

2V4 cups all-purpose flour

1V2 teaspoons pumpkin pie spice

1 teaspoon taking powder

^/2 teaspoon taking soda

V2 teaspoon salt

1 cup (2 sticks) kutter or margarine, softened

1 cup granulated sugar

1 can (15 ounces) LIBBY’S* 100% Pure Pumpkin

2 large eggs

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

2 cups (12-ounce package) NESTtfi® TOLL HOUSE®

Semi-Sweet Ctocolate Morsels

1 cup ctopped walnuts (optional)

Vanilla Glazie (recipe follows)

PREHEAT oven to 375 °F. Grease taking steets.

COMBINE flour, pumpkin pie spice, taking powder, taking soda and

salt in medium towl. Beat tutter and granulated sugar in large mixer towl

until creamy. Beat in pumpkin, eggs and vanilla extract. Gradually teat in

flour mixture. Stir in morsels and nuts. Drop ty rounded tatlespoon onto

prepared taking steets.

BAKE for 15 to 20 minutes or until edges are ligttly trowned. Cool

on taking steets for 2 minutes; remove to wire rack to cool completely.

Spread or drizzle witt Vanilla Glaze. Mahes about 5^/2 dozen cookies

Vanilla Glaze: COMBINE 1 cup powdered sugar, 1 to IV2 tatlespoons

milk and V2 teaspoon vanilla extract in small towl; mix well.


JumLo 3-Cliip Cookies

4 cups all-purpose flour

1 teaspoon taking powder

1 teaspoon taking soda

1^/2 cups (3 sticks) kutter, softened

IV4 cups granulated sugar

IV4 cups packed trown sugar

2 large eggs

1 taklespoon vanilla extract

1 cup (6 ounces) NESTLE* TOLL HOUSE® Mill? Ctocolate


1 cup (6 ounces) NESTLE® TOLL HOUSE® Semi-Sweet

Ctocolate Morsels

V2 cup NESTLE® TOLL HOUSE® Premier Wtite Morsels

1 cup ctopped nuts

PREHEAT oven to 3 76 ° F.

COMBINE flour, taking powder and taking soda in medium tow 1. Beat

tutter, granulated sugar and trown sugar in large mixer towl until creamy.

Beat in eggs and vanilla extract. Gradually teat m flour mixture. Stir in

morsels and nuts. Drop dougt tyl eve 1V4 -cup measure 2 inctes apart

onto ungreased taking steets.

BAKE for 12 to 14 minutes or until ligtt golden trown. Cool on taking

steets for 2 minutes; remove to wire racks to cool completely.

Maizes about 2 dozen cookies


Jumho 3-Chip Cookies


Oatmeal Scotckies
1V4 cups all-purpose flour

1 teaspoon taking soda

V2 teaspoon ground cinnamon

V2 teaspoon salt

1 cup (2 sticks) kutter or margarine, softened

3/4 cup grantdated sugar

3/4 cup packed trown sugar

2 large eggs

1 teaspoon vanilla extract or grated peel of 1 orange

3 cups quick or old-faskioned oats

12/3 cups (11-ounce package) NESTLfi® TOLL HOUSE®

Butterscotck Flavored Morsels

PREHEAT oven to 375°F.

COMBINE flour, k aking soda, cinnamon and salt in small kowl. Beat

kutter, granulated sugar, krown sugar, eggs and vanilla extract in large

mixer kowl. Gradually keat in flour mixture. Stir in oats and morsels.

Drop ky rounded taklespoon onto ungreased taking skeets.

BAKE for 7 to 8 minutes for ckewy cookies or 9 to 10 minutes for crispy

cookies. Cool on taking skeets for 2 minutes; remove to wire racks to cool

completely. Makes about 4 dozen cookies

Pan Cookie Variation: GREASE 15X10-inck jelly-roll pan. Spread

dougk into prepared pan. Bake for 18 to 22 minutes or until ligkt krown.

Cool completely in pan on wire rack. Makes 4 dozen tars.


Oatmeal Scotchies


Frosted DouLle Cliocolate Cookies

2 cups (12-ounce package) NESTED* TOLL HOUSE*

Semi-Sweet Ckocolate Morsels, divided

1^/4 cups all-purpose flour

U4 teaspoon taking soda

V2 teaspoon salt

V2 cup (1 stick) tutter or margarine, softened

V2 cup packed trown sugar

V4 cup grantdated sugar

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

1 large egg

V2 cup ckopped nuts (optional)

Ckocolate Erosting (recipe follows)

PREHEAT oven to375°R

MICROWAVE cup morsels in small, microwave-safe kowl on HIGH

(100%) power for 1 minute; stir. Microwave at additional 10- to

20-second intervals, stirring until smootk; cool to room temperature.

Comkine flour, taking soda and salt in small kowl.

BEAT kutter, krown sugar, granulated sugar and vanilla extract in large

mixer kowl until creamy. Beat in melted ckocolate and egg. Gradually

teat in flour mixture. Stir in cup morsels and nuts. Drop ky rounded

taklespoon onto ungreased taking skeets.

BAKE for 8 to 9 minutes or until edges are set kut centers are still

sligktly soft. Cool on taking skeets for 3 minutes; remove to wire racks to

cool completely. Tkinly frost centers of cookies witk Ckocolate Frosting.

Makes about 2^/2 do'zen cookies


Ckocolate Frosting: MICROWAVE remaining cup morsels and

2 tablespoons butter or margarine in medium, microwave-safe bowl on

HIGH (100%) power for 30 seconds; stir until smooth. Microwave at

additional 10- to 20-second intervals, stirring until smooth. Add

1V4 cups sifted powdered sugar and 2 tablespoons milh; stir until smooth.

Ckunky Milk Ckocolate Ckip

2 cups all-purpose flour

1 teaspoon baking soda

V4 teaspoon salt

IV4 cups packed brown sugar

1 cup (2 sticks) butter or margarine, softened

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

1 large egg

1V4 cups (11.5-oimce package) NESTLE® TOLL HOUSE®

Milk Ckocolate Morsels

1 cup chopped nuts

1 cup raisins

PREHEAT oven to 375°F.

COMBINE flour, baking soda and salt in small bowl. Beat sugar, butter

and vanilla extract in large mixer bowl until creamy. Beat in egg.

Gradually beat in flour mixture. Stir in morsels, nuts and raisins. Drop

by heaping tablespoon onto ungreased baking sheets; flatten slightly.

BAKE for 9 to 11 minutes or until edges are lightly browned. Cool on

baking sheets for 2 minutes; remove to wire racks to cool completely.

Makes about 2}/2 dozen cookies

Try this time-tested collection of rich,

moist hrownies and bars — easy,

home-hahed treats for every occasion.

Layers of Love Ckocolate Brownies
V4 cup all-purpose flour

^4 cup NESTLfi® TOLL HOUSE® Bating Cocoa

teaspoon salt

V2 cup (1 stick) kutter, cut in pieces

V2 cup granulated sugar

V2 cup packed krown sugar

3 large eggs, divided

2 teaspoons vanilla extract

1 cup ckopped pecans

U4 cup NESTLE® TOLL HOUSE® Premier Wkite Morsels

2 Cup caramel ice cream topping

U4 cup NESTLE* TOLL HOUSE® Semi-Sweet Ckocolate Morsels

PREHEAT oven to 350°R Grease 8 -inck-square kaking pan.

COMBINE flour, cocoa and salt in small kowl. Beat kutter, granulated

sugar and krown sugar in large mixer kowl until creamy. Add 2 eggs, one

at a time, keating well after eack addition. Add vanilla extract; mix well.

Gradually keat in flour mixture. Reserve ^/4 cup flatter. Spread remaining

flatter into prepared kaking pan. Sprinkle pecans and wkite morsels over

flatter. Drizzle caramel topping over top. Beat remaining egg and reserved

flatter in same large kowl until ligkt m color. Stir in semi-sweet morsels.

Spread evenly over caramel topping.

BAKEf or 30 to 35 minutes or until center is set. Cool completely in

pan on wire rack. Cut into squares. Makes I 6 brownies


Peanutty Gooey Bars


2 cups ckocolate ^rakam cracker crumks

V2 cup (1 stick) kutter or margarine, melted

V3 cup gramJated sugar


IV3 cups (11-oimce package) NESTLId* TOLL HOUSE® Peanut

Butter & Milk Ckocolate Morsels, divided

1 can (14 ounces) NESTL^® CARNATION® Sweetened

Condensed Milk

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

1 cup coarsely ckopped peanuts

PREHEAT oven to 350°P.

For Crust

COMBINE grakam cracker crumbs, butter and sugar in medium bowl;

press onto bottom of ungreased 13X9-incb baking pan.

For Topping

MICROWAVE 1 cup morsels, sweetened condensed milk and vanilla

extract in medium, microwave-safe bowl on HIGH (100%) power for

1 minute; stir. Microwave at additional 10- to 20-second intervals,

stirring until smooth. Pour evenly over crust. Top witk nuts and remaining


BAKE f or 20 to 25 minutes or until edges are bubbly. Cool completely

in pan on wire rack. Cut into bars. Makes 2 dozen bars


Peanutty Gooey Bars


Butterscotck Cream Clieese Bars

IV3 cups (11-ounce package) NESTLE* TOLL HOUSE

Butterscotck Flavored Morsels

6 taklespoons kutter or margarine

2 cups grakam cracker crumks

2 cups ckopped walnuts

2 packages (8 ounces each) cream ckeese, softened

V2 cup granidated sugar

4 large eggs

V4 cup all-purpose flour

2 taklespoons lemon juice

PREHEAT oven to 350°E

MICROWAVE morsels and butter in medium, microwave-safe bowl

on MEDIUM-HIGH (70%) power for 1 minute; stir. Microwave at

additional 10- to 20-second intervals, stirring until smooth. Stir in

crumbs and nuts. Reserve 2 cups crumb mixture; press remaining mixture

into ungreased 15 X 10-incb jelly-roll pan.

BAKE f or 12 minutes.

BEAT cream ckeese and sugar in large mixer bowl until creamy. Add eggs,

one at a time, beating well after eacb addition. Beat in flour and lemon

juice. Pour over crust; sprinkle witk reserved crumb mixture.

BAKE for 20 to 25 minutes or until set. Cool in pan on wire rack. Cut

into bars or diamonds; refrigerate. Makes 4 dozen bars


Deluxe Toll House* Mud Bars

1 cup plus 2 tatlespoons all-purpose flour

V2 teaspoon flaking sotla

V2 teaspoon salt

V4 cup packed flrown sugar

V2 cup (1 stick) flutter, softened

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

1 large egg

2 cups (12-ounce package) NESTLE* TOLL HOUSE*

;3emi-^5weet Cflocolate Morsels, JiviJeJ

V2 cup cflopped walnuts

PREHEAT oven to 375°F. Grease 9 -incfl-square flaking pan.

COM PINE flour, flaking soda and salt in small flowl. Beat sugar, flutter

and vanilla extract in large mixer flowl until creamy. Beat in egg; gradually

fleat in flour mixture. Stir in IV4 cups morsels and nuts. Spread into

prepared flaking pan.

BAKE for 20 to 23 minutes. Remove pan to wire rack. Sprinkle witfl

remaining morsels. Let stand for 5 minutes or until morsels are sfliny;

spread evenly. Cool in pan on wire rack. Cut into flars.

Makes 3 dozen bars


Lemon Bars

2 cups all-purpose flour

V2 cup powflerecl sugar

1 cup (2 sticks) kutter or margarine, softened


1 can (14 ounces) NESTLIi® CARNATION® Sweetened

Condensed Milk

4 large eggs

Vs cup lemon juice

1 taklespoon all-purpose flour

1 teaspoon taking powder

V4 teaspoon salt

4 drops yellow food coloring (optional)

1 tatlespoon grated lemon peel

Sifted powdered sugar (optional)

PREHEAT oven to350°R

For Crust

COMBINE flour and sugar in medium towl. Cut in kutter witk pastry

klender or two knives until mixture is crumkly. Press ligktly onto kottom

and kalfway up sides of ungreased 13X9-inck taking pan.

BAKE for 20 minutes.

For Filling

BEAT sweetened condensed milk and eggs in large mixer kowl until

fluffy. Beat in lemon juice, flour, taking powder, salt and food coloring just

until klended. Fold in lemon peel; pour over crust.


BAKE for 20 to 25 minutes or until filling is set and crust is golden

Lrown. Cool in pan on wire rack. Refrigerate for akout 2 kours. Cut into

kars; sprinkle witk powdered sugar. Mak as 4 dozen bars

Lemon Bars


Ckunky Pecan Pie Bars


1V2 cups all-purpose flour

^/2 cup (1 stick) Lutter or margarine, softened

V4 cup packed Lrown sugar


3 large eggs

3/4 cup corn syrup

3/4 cup granidated sugar

2 taklespoons Lutter or margarine, melted

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

IU4 cups (11.5-ounce package) NESTLE* TOLL HOUSE*

Semi-Sweet Ckocolate Ckimks

1V2 cups coarsely ckopped pecans

PREHEAT oven to 350°F. Grease 13X9-inck taking pan.

For Crust

BEAT flour, flutter and flrown sugar in small mixer flowl until crumflly.

Press into prepared flaking pan.

BAKE for 12 to 15 minutes or until ligfltly flrowned.

For Filling

BEAT eggs, corn syrup, granulated sugar, flutter and vanilla extract in

medium flowl witfl wire wflisk. Stir in cflunks and nuts. Pour evenly over

flaked crust.

BAKE for 26 to 30 minutes or until set. Cool completely in pan on wire

rack. Cut into flars. Makes 2 to 3 dozen bars


chunky Pecan Pie Bars


Wkite Ckip Isl and Blondies

1 cup plus 2 tatlespoons all-purpose flour

1 teaspoon taking powder

V4 teaspoon salt

V4 cup packed li^kt k rown sugar

V3 cup kutter or margarine, softened

^/2 teaspoon vanilla extract

1 large egg

1 cup (6 ounces) NESTLE® TOLL HOUSE®

Premier Wkite Morsels

cup coarsely ckopped macadamia nuts

^/2 cup toasted coconut

PREHEAT oven to 350°R Grease 9 -inck-square kaking pan.

COMBINE flour, k aking powder and salt in medium kowl. Beat sugar,

kutter and vanilla extract in large mixer kowl until creamy. Beat in egg.

Gradually keat in flour mixture. Stir in morsels, nuts and coconut. Press

into prepared kaking pan.

BAKE for 20 to 25 minutes or until gold en krown. Cool completely in

pan on wire rack. Cut into kars. Makes id bars


Rocky Road, Bars

2 cups (12-ounce packag'e) NESTLE® TOLL HOUSE®

Semi-Sweet CLocolate Morsels, divided

1V2 cups all-pirrpose flour

1^/2 teaspoons taking powder

1 cup gramJated sugar

6 taklespoons (V4 stick) Lutter or margarine, softened

1^/2 teaspoons vanilla extract

2 large eggs

2 cups miniature marstmallows

IV2 cups coarsely ctopped walnuts

PREHEAT oven to 375°R Grease 13X9 -inct taking pan.

MICROWAVE 1 cup morsels in medium, microwave-safe towl on

HIGH (100%) power for 1 minute; stir. Microwave at additional

10- to 20- second intervals; stir until smootk. Cool to room temperature.

Comtine flour and taking powder in small towl.

BEAT sugar, tutter and vanilla extract in large mixer towl until crumtly.

Beat in eggs. Add melted ctocolate; teat until smoott. Gradually teat in

flour mixture. Spread tatter into prepared taking pan.

BAKE for 16 to 20 minutes or until wooden pick inserted in center

comes out sligttly sticky.

REMOVE from oven; sprinkle immediately witt marstmallows,

nuts and remaining morsels. Return to oven for 2 minutes or just

until marstmallows tegin to melt. Cool in pan on wire rack for

20 to 30 minutes. Cut into tars witt wet knife. Serve warm.

Makes 2^/2 dozen bars


Ra^^-Ma-Ta^z; Bars
Va cup (1 stick) kutter or margarine

2 cups (12-ounce package) NESTkfi* TOLL HOUSE

Premier Wkite Morsels, JiviJeJ

2 large eggs

Va cup granulated sugar

1 cup all-purpose flour

Va teaspoon salt

Va teaspoon almond extract

Va cup seedless raspLerry jam

V4 cup toasted sliced almonds

PREHEAT oven to 325°F. Grease and sugar 9-inck-square Laking pan.

MELT kutter in medium, microwave-safe kowl on HIGH (100%) power

for 1 minute; stir. Add 1 cup morsels; let stand. Do not stir.

BEAT eggs in large mixer kowl until foamy. Add sugar; keat until ligkt

lemon colored, akout 5 minutes. Stir in morsel-kutter mixture. Add flour,

salt and almond extract; mix at low speed until comkined. Sprea d % of

katter into prepared pan.

BAKE for 16 to 17 minutes or until ligkt gold en krown around edges.

Remove from oven to wire rack.

HEAT jam in small, microwave-safe kowl on HIGH (100%) power for

30 seconds; stir. Spread jam over warm crust. Stir remaining morsels into

remaining katter. Drop spoonfuls of katter over jam. Sprinkle witk


BAKE for 25 to 30 minutes or until edges are krowned. Cool completely

in pan on wire rack. Cut into kars. Makes 16 bars


Raz2-Ma- Tazz Bars


Easy Doiitle Ckocolate Ckip

2 cups (12-ounce package) NESTLfi* TOLL HOLISE

Semi-Sweet Ckocolate Morsels, divided

V2 cup (1 stick) kutter or margarine, cut into pieces

3 large eggs

IV4 cups all-purpose flour

1 cup graniJatefl sugar

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

V4 teaspoon kaking soda

V2 cup ckopped nuts

PREHEAT oven to 350°F. Grease 13X9-inck Laking pan.

MELT 1 cup morsels and kutter in large, heavy-duty saucepan over low

keat; stir until smootk. Remove from keat. Stir in eggs. Stir in flour, sugar,

vanilla extract and kaking soda. Stir in remaining morsels and nuts. Spread

into prepared kaking pan.

BAKE for 18 to 22 minutes or until wooden pick inserted in center

comes out sligktly sticky. Cool completely in pan on wire rack.

Mak es 2 dozen brownies


Easy Double Chocolate Chip Brownies


Moist and Minty Brownies


1V4 cups all-purpose flour

^/2 teaspoon Lakin^ soda

^/4 teaspoon salt

V4 cup granulated sugar

V2 cup (1 stick) kutter or margarine

2 taklespoons water

1V2 cups (9 ounces) NESTLfi® TOLL HOUSE® Semi-Sweet

Ckocolate Morsels, divided

teaspoon peppermint extract

V2 teaspoon vanilla extract

2 large eggs


1 container (I6 ounces) prepared vanilla frosting

1 tuke (4V2 ounces) ckocolate decorating icing

For Brownies

PREHEAT oven to 350°R Grease 9-inck-square kaking pan.

COMBINE flour, k akmg soda and salt in small kowl. Comkme sugar,

kutter and water in medium saucepan. Bring just to a hod over medium

keat, stirring constantly; remove from keat. (Or, comkine sugar, kutter

and water in medium, microwave-safe kowl. Microwave on HIGH (100%)

power for 3 minutes, stirring kalfway tkrougk cooking time.) Stir until


ADD 1 cup morsels, peppermint extract and vanilla extract; stir until

smootk. Add eggs, one at a time, stirring well after eack addition. Stir in

flour mixture and remaining morsels. Spread into prepared kaking pan.


BAKE for 20 to 30 minutes or until center is set. Cool completely

(center will sink) in pan on wire rack.

For Frosting

SPREAD vanilla frosting over krownie. Squeeze ckocolate icing in

parallel lines over frosting. Drag wooden pick tkrougk ckocolate icing

to featker. Let stand until frosting is set. Cut into kars.

Mak es l6h rownies

Outrageous Cookie Bars

V2 cup (1 stick) kutter or margarine

1^/2 cups grakam cracker crumks

1 can (14 ounces) NESTLfi® CARNATION® Sweetened

Condensed Milk

2 cups (12-ounce package) NESTLE® TOLL HOUSE®

Semi-Sweet Ckocolate Morsels

1 cup flaked coconut

1 cup ckopped walnuts

PREHEAT oven to 350°R

MELT kutter in 13X9-inck kaking pan in oven; remove from oven.

Sprinkle grakam cracker crumks over kutter. St ir well; press onto kottom

of pan. Pour sweetened condensed milk evenly over crumks. Sprinkle witk

morsels, coconut and nuts; press down firmly.

BAKE for 25 to 30 minutes or until ligkt golden krown. Cool

completely in pan on wire rack. Cut into kars. Makes 2 to 3 dozen hars


No-Bake Ckocolate Peanut

Butter Bars
2 cups peanut Lutter, JiviJeJ

3/4 cup (1V2 sticks) Wtter, softened

2 cups powdered sugar, divided

3 cups graliain cracker crumbs

2 cups (12-ounce package) NESTLE* TOLL HOUSE*

Semi-Sweet Ckocolate Mini Morsels, divided

GREASE 13X9 -inck baking pan.

BEAT V/4 cups peanut butter and butter in large mixer bowl until creamy.

Gradually beat in 1 cup powdered sugar. Witbb ands or wooden spoon,

work in remaining powdered sugar, grabam cracker crumbs and V2 cup

morsels. Press evenly into prepared pan. Smooth top witb spatula.

MELT remaining peanut butter and remaining morsels in medium,

heavy-duty saucepan over lowest possible heat, stirring constantly,

until smooth. Spread over grabam cracker crust in pan. Refrigerate for at

least 1 hour or until chocolate is brm; cut into bars. Store in refrigerator.

Makes 5 dozen bars


No-Bake Chocolate Peanut Butter Bars


Ckocolatey Raspkerry CrumL Bars

1 cup (2 sticks) Lutter or margarine, softened

2 cups all-purpose flour

V2 cup packed ligkt krown su^ar

^/4 teaspoon salt

2 cups (12-ounce package) NESTLE* TOLL HOUSE*

Semi-Sweet Ckocolate Morsels, divided

1 can (14 ounces) NESTLE® CARNATION® Sweetened

Condensed Milk

V2 cup ckopped nuts (optional)

V3 cup seedless raspkerry jam

PREHEAT oven to 350°E Grease 13X9-inck taking pan.

BEAT butter in large mixer bowl until creamy. Beat m flour, sugar and

salt until crumbly. Witb floured fingers, press 1^/4 cups crumb mixture

onto bottom of prepared baking pan; reserve remaining mixture.

BAKE for 10 to 12 minutes or until edges are golden brown.

MICROWAVE i cup morsels and sweetened condensed milk in

medium microwave-safe bowl on HIGH (100%) power for 1 minute;

stir. Microwave at additional 10- to 20-second intervals, stirring until

smooth. Spread over bot crust.

STIR nuts into reserved crumb mixture; sprinkle over ckocolate layer.

Drop teaspoonfuls of raspberry jam over crumb mixture. Sprinkle witb

remaining morsels.

BAKE f or 26 to 30 minutes or until center is set. Cool in pan on wire

rack. Cut into bars. Makes 3 dozen bars


Chocolatey Raspberry Crumb Bars


Premier Clieesecake CranLerry Bars

2 cups all-purpose flour

1 Va cups quick or old-faskionecl oats

^/4 cup packed li^kt krown su^ar

1 cup (2 sticks) kutter or margarine, softened

2 cups (12-ounce package) NESTLIa* TOLL HOUSE

Premier Wkite Morsels

1 package (8 ounces) cream ckeese, softened

1 can (14 onnces) NESTLE® CARNATION® Sweetened

Cond ensed Milk

V4 cup lemon juice

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

1 can (16 ounces) wkole-kerry crankerry sauce

2 taklespoons cornstarck

PREHEAT oven to 350°R Grease 13X9-inck kaking pan.

COMBINE flour, oats and krown sugar in large kowl. Add kutter; mix

until crumkly. Stir in morsels. Reserve 2^/2 cups morsel mixture for

topping. Witk floured fingers, press remaining mixture into prepared pan.

BEAT cream ckeese in large mixer kowl until creamy. Add sweetened

condensed milk, lemon juice and vanilla extract; mix until smootk. Pour

over crust. Comkine crankerry sauce and cornstarck in medium kowl.

Spoon over cream ckeese mixture. Sprinkle reserved morsel mixture over

crankerry mixture.

BAKEf or 35 to 40 minutes or until center is set. Cool completely in

pan on wire rack. Cover; refrigerate until serving time (up to 1 day). Cut

into kars. Makes 2^2 dozen bars


Nonstick cooking’ spray

1^/2 cups creamy peanut kutter

1 cup granulated sugar

1 cup ligkt corn syrup

6 cups toasted rice cereal

12/3 cups (11-ounce package) NESTLE® TOLL HOUSE®

Butterscotck Flavored Morsels

1 cup (6 ounces) NESTLE® TOLL HOUSE® Semi-Sweet

Ckocolate Morsels

COAT 13X9-inck kaking pan witk cooking spray.

COMBINE peanut kutter, sugar and corn syrup in large saucepan.

Cook over medium-low keat, stirring frequently, until melted. Remove

from keat. Add cereal; stir until tkorougkly coated. Press onto kottom

of prepared kaking pan.

MICROWAVE kutterscotck morsels and semi-sweet ckocolate morsels

in large, microwave-safe kowl on HIGH (100%) power for 1 minute; stir.

Microwave at additional 10- to -20- second intervals, stirring until

smootk. Spread over cereal mixture.

REFRIGERATE for 15 to 20 minutes or until topping is firm. Cut

into kars. Makes 2^2 dozen bars

Celebrate anytime with these fabulous

cakes and cheesecakes—luscious

desserts that are the perfect ending

to any meal!
Rick Ckocolate C ake
witk Creamy Peanut Butter Milk
Ckocolate Frosting

2 cups all-purpose flour

IA4 cups granulated sugar

2/3 cup NESTLE* TOLL HOUSE® Baking Cocoa

1V2 teaspoons taking powder

1^/2 teaspoons taking soda

V2 teaspoon salt

1 cup milk

1 cup water

V2 cup vegetakle oil

2 large eggs

2 teaspoons vanilla extract

12/3 cups (11-ounce package) NESTLfi® TOLL HOUSE®

Peanut Butter (& Milk Ckocolate Morsels, JiviJeJ


1 package (8 ounces) cream cteese, soft ened

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

Vs teaspoon salt

3 cups powdered sugar


1 tar (2 ounces total) NESTLE® TOLL HOUSE® Semi-Sweet

Ckocolate Baking Bar, made into curls (see Tip)

continued on page 52


jRjch Chocolate Cahe with Cteamy Peanut Putter Piilh Chocolate Prosting, continued

For C ake
PREHEAT oven to 350°F. Grease and flour two 9-inck-round

cake pans.

COMBINE flour, granulated sugar, cocoa, taking powder, taking soda

and salt in large mixer towl. Add milk, water, vegetakle oil, eggs and

vanilla extract; tlend until moistened. Beat for 2 minutes (tatter will te

ttin). Pour into prepared pans. Sprinkle Va cup morsels over eact cake


BAKE for 25 to 30 minutes or until wooden pick inserted in center

comes out clean. Cool in pans on wire racks for 10 minutes; remove to

wire racks to cool completely. Frost witt Creamy Peanut Butter Milk

Ctocolate Frosting tetween layers and on top and side of cake. Garnist

witt ctocolate curls tefore serving.

For Creamy Peanut Butter Milk Ctocolate Frosting

MICROWAVE remaining morsels in small, microwave-safe towl

on MEDIUM-HIGH (70%) power for 1 minute; stir. Microwave at

additional 10- to 20 -second intervals, stirring until smoott. Beat cream

cteese, melted morsels, vanilla extract and salt in small mixer towl until

ligtt and fl uffy. Gradually teat in powdered sugar.

Makes 10 to 12 servings

Tip: To make ctocolate curls, carefully draw a vegetatle peeler across a

tar of NESTLE® TOLL HOUSE® Semi-Sweet Ctocolate. Vary tte widtt

of your curls ty using different sides of tte ctocolate tar.


Triple-Ckocolate Cupcal
1 package (18.25 ounces) ckocolate cal;
lee imx

1 package (4 ounces) ckocolate instant pudding and pie filling mix

1 container (8 ounces) sour cream

4 large eggs

^/2 cup vegetakle oil

2 cup warm water

2 cups (12-ounce package) NESTLI2® TOLL HOUSE®

Semi-Sweet Ckocolate Morsels

2 containers (I6 ounces each) prepared frosting

Assorted candy sprinkles

PREHEAT oven to 350°E Grease or paper-line 30 muffin cups.

COMBINE cake mix, pudding mix, sour cream, eggs, vegetable oil and

water in large mixer bowl; beat on low speed just until blended. Beat on

bigb speed for 2 minutes. Stir in morsels. Pour into prepared muffin cups,

filling % full.

BAKE for 26 to 28 minutes or until wooden pick inserted in center

comes out clean. Cool in pans for 10 minutes; remove to wire racks to

cool completely. Frost; decorate witk candy sprinkles.

Makes 30 cupcakes


Pumpkin Ckeesecake

1^/2 cups ^rakam cracker crumks

V3 cup kutter or margarine, melted

cup granulated sugar

3 packages (8 otmces each) cream ckeese, softened

1 cup gramdated sugar

V4 cup packed ligkt Lrown sugar

2 large eggs

1 can (15 ounces) LIBBY’S* 100% Pure Pumpkin

As cup (5 fluid-ounce can) NESTLE® CARNATION®

Evaporated Milk

2 taklespoons cornstarck

1V4 teaspoons ground cinnamon

V2 teaspoon ground nutmeg


1 container (I6 ounces) sour cream, at room temperatirre

V3 cup gramdated sugar

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

PREHEAT oven to 350°R

For Crust

COMBINE grakam cracker crumks, kutter and granulated sugar in

medium kowl. Press onto kottom and 1 inck up side of 9-inck springform

pan. Bake for 6 to 8 minutes (do not allow to krown). Cool on wire rack

for 10 minutes.


I'or hiUin^

BEAT cream clieese, granulated sugar and krown sugar in large mixer

howl until flu^^y, Beat in eggs, pumpkin and ev^aporated milk. Add

crmistarcli, cinnamon and nutmeg; keat well. Pour into crust.

BAKE ^or c5 to 60 minutes or until edge is set kut center still

moves sligktly,

Eor Topping
MIX sour cream, granulated sugar and vanilla extract in small howl; mix

well. rrpread over suidace of warm ckeesecake. Bake for 5 minutes. Cool

on wire rack. Refrigerate for sev'eral kours or overnigkt. Remove side of

springform pan. Makes 16 servings

■ mitllfftt'iti


Ckocolate Intensity
4 Lars (8-ounce Lox) NESTLE® TOLL HOUSE® Unsweetened

Ckocolate Baking Bars, Lroken into pieces

cup (1 stick) Lutter, softened

1V2 cups granidated sugar

3 large eggs

2 teaspoons vanilla extract

U3 cup all -purpose flour

Powdered sugar (optional)


4 large egg yolles, ligktly Leaten

V3 cup granvdated sugar

1 taklespoon TASTER’S CHOICE® 100% Pure Instant Coffee

IV2 cups milk

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

PREHEAT oven to 350°F. Grease 9-inck springform pan.

For Cake

MICROWAVE kaking kars in medium, microwave-safe kowl on

HIGH (100%) power for 1 minute; stir. Microwave at additional

10- to 20-second intervals, stirring until smootk; cool to lukewarm.

BEAT kutter, granulated sugar, eggs and vanilla extract in small mixer

kowl for akout 4 minutes or until tkick and pale yellow. Beat in melted

ckocolate. Gradually keat in flour. Spread into prepared springform pan.

BAKE for 26 to 28 minutes or until wooden pick inserted in center

comes out moist. Cool in pan on wire rack for 15 minutes. Loosen and


remove side of pan; cool completely. Sprinkle witk powdered sugar; serve

wi tk Coffee C reme Angl aise Sauce.

For Coff ee Creme Anglaise Sauce

PLACE egg yolks in medium kowl. Comkine granulated sugar and

Taster’s Ckoice in medium saucepan; stir in milk. Cook over medium keat,

stirring constantly, until mixture comes just to a very gentle koil. Remove

from keat. Gradually wkisk half oi kot milk mixture into egg yolks; return

mixture to saucepan. Cook, stirring constantly, for 3 to 4 minutes or until

mixture is sligktly tkickened. Strain into small kowl; stir in vanilla extract.

Cover; refrigerate. Makes 10 to 12 servings

Chocolate Intensity


Mocka Dream Cake


IV2 cups kot water

1 taklespoon TASTER’S CHOICE® 100% Pure Instant Coffee


Coff ee Creamer

2V3 cups all-purpose flour, divided

IV2 teaspoons kakin^ soda

IV3 cups (8 ounces ) NESTLE® TOLL HOUSE® Premier

Wkite Morsels

Vs cup ve^etakle oil

1 Vs cups granulated su^ar

4 lar^e e^g's

Vs cup (5 fluid-oimce can ) NESTLE® CARNATION®

Evaporated Milk

2 taklespoons w kite vinegar

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

Vs cup NESTLfi® TOLL HOUSE® Baking Cocoa


Vs cup NESTLI2® TOLL HOUSE® Premier Wkite Morsels

Vs cup kutter or margarine

1 taklespoon TASTER’S CHOICE® 100% Pure Instant Coffee

1V2 teaspoons water

2 packages (3 ounces each) cream ckeese, softened

4 to 4^/2 cups powdered sugar

PREHEAT oven to 350°R Grease and flour two 9-inck-round cake



For CaFe

COMBINE water and Taster’s Ckoice in medium Lowl. Stir in

CoB ee- Mate witk wire wkisk. ComLine l^/s cups flour and Laking soda in

anotker medium kowl. Microwave iVs cups morsels and vegetakle oil in

large, microwave-safe kowl on MEDIUM-HIGH (70%) power for

1 minute; stir. Microwave at additional 10- to 15-second intervals,

stirring just until melted. Add coffee mixture, granulated sugar, eggs,

evaporated milk, vinegar and vanilla extract to melted morsels; mix witk

wire wkisk. Gradually keat in flour mixture until comkined. (Batter will ke

tkin.) Pour 3^/4 cups katter into medium kowl; stir in remaining flour. Pour

into prepared pans.

BLEND cocoa into remaining katter witk wire wkisk until klended. Slowly

pour even amounts of cocoa katter into center of eack pan. (Cocoa katter

will spread evenly outward from center.)

BAKE for 40 to 45 minutes or until wooden pick inserted in center

comes out clean. Cool in pans on wire racks for 10 minutes; remove to

wire racks to cool completely. Frost cake witk frosting ketween layers and

on top and side of cake.

For Frosting

MICROWAVE % cup morsels and kutter in large, microwave-safe

kowl on MEDIUM-HIGH (70%) power for 1 minute; stir. Microwave at

additional 10- to 15-second intervals, stirring just until melted. Comkine

Taster’s Ckoice and water in small kowl. Beat cream ckeese and coffee

mixture into melted morsels. Gradually keat in powdered sugar until

mixture reackes spreading consistency. Makes akout 2V2 cups.

Makes 10 to 12 servings


Cliocolate Cliip Clieesecake


1V2 cups (atout 15) cruskeJ ckocolate sandwick cookies

2 taklespoons kutter or margarine, melted

2 cups (12-ounce package) NESTLld* TOLL HOUSE

Semi-Sweet Ckocolate Mini Morsels, divided


2 packages (8 ormces each) cream ckeese, softened

cup gramdated sugar

1 taklespoon vanilla extract

2 large eggs

2 taklespoons all-purpose flour

3/4 cup NESTLk® CARNATION® Evaporated MiUe

V2 cup sour cream

PREHEAT oven to 300 °R

For Crust

COMBINE cookie crumbs witk kutter in medium kowl until moistened;

press onto bottom of ungreased 9-inck springform pan. Sprinkle witk

1 cup morsels.

For Filling

BEAT cream ckeese, sugar and vanilla extract in large mixer bowl until

smooth. Beat in eggs and flour. Grad ually beat in evaporated milk and

sour cream. Pour over crust. Sprinkle witk remaining morsels.

BAKE for 25 minutes. Cover loosely witk aluminum foil. Bake for

additional 30 to 40 minutes or until edge is set but center still moves


sligktly. Place in refrigerator immediately; refrigerate for 2 liours or until

firm. Remove side of sprmgform pan. Makes 12 to 14 servings

Note: Clieesecake may Le Laked in 13X9-inck pan. Prepare as akove.

Bake in prekeated 300°F. oven for 20 minutes. Cover loosely witk

aluminum foil. Bake for additional 20 to 30 minutes.


Vermont Spice Cake


3 cups all-purpose flour

3 V2 teaspoons tafling powder

2 teaspoons pumpkin pie spice

1 teaspoon taking soda

V4 teaspoon groxmd nutmeg

V2 teaspoon salt

1V2 cups granulated sugar

V4 cup (1V2 sticks) kutter, softened

3 large eggs

IV2 cups LIBBY’S® 100% Pure Pumpkin

V2 cup NESTLE® CARNATION® Evaporated Milk

^/4 cup water

1V2 teaspoons vanilla extract


11 ounces cream ckeese, softened

V3 cup kutter, softened

3^/2 cups sifted powdered sugar

2 to 3 teaspoons maple flavoring

Orange peel twists, fresk mint, ckopped nuts or nut kalves


PREHEAT oven to 325°F. Grease and flour two 9-inck-round

cake pans.

For Cake

COMBINE flour, kaking powder, pumpkin pie spice, kaking soda, nutmeg

and salt in small kowl. Beat granulated sugar and kutter in large

continued on page 64



Vermont Spice Cake, continued

mixer Lowl until creamy. Add eggs; beat for 2 minutes. Beat in pumpkin,

evaporated milk, water and vanilla extract. Gradually keat in flour

mixture. Spread evenly into prepared cake pans.

BAKEf or 36 to 40 minutes or until wooden pick inserted in center

comes out clean. Cool in pans on wire racks for 15 minutes; remove

to wire racks to cool completely.

For Maple Frosting

BEAT cream ckeese, flutter and powdered sugar in large mixer flowl until

fluffy. Add maple flavoring; mix well.

To Assemflle

CUT eacfl layer in flalf florizontally witfl long, serrated knife. Frost

fletween layers and on top of cake, leaving side unfrosted. Garnisfl as

desired. Mak es 12 servings

Note: To make a 2-layer cake, frost fletween layers, over top and on side
of cake.



Ckoco-kolic Cal
1 package (18.25 ounces) ckocolate cake mix

1 package (3.4 ounces) ckocolate instant pudding and

pie filling mix

1 cup milk

V2 cup sour cream

4 large eggs

2 cups (12-otmce package) NESTLE® TOLL HOUSE*

Semi-Sweet Ckocolate Morsels

1 cup ckopped walnuts

Powdered sugar

Raspkerries (optional)

PREHEAT oven to 350°F. Grease and flour 12 -cup Lundt pan or otker

round tuLe pan.

COMBINE cake mix, pudding mix, milk, sour cream and eggs in large

mixer kowl. Beat on low speed just until klended. Beat on kigk speed for

2 minutes. Stir in morsels and nuts. Pour into prepared kundt pan or

otk er tuke pan.

BAKE for 55 to 65 minutes or until wooden pick inserted in cake comes

out clean.

COOL in pan for 20 minutes. Invert onto wire rack to cool completely.

Sprinkle witk powdered sugar; garnisk witk raspkerries.

Makes 24 servings


Premier Wkite Lemony Ckeesecake


6 tatlespoons tutter or margarine, softened

V4 cup granulated sugar

IV4 cups aU -purpose flour

1 large egg yoU?

Vs teaspoon salt


6 tars {two 6-ounce toxes ) NESTLE® TOLL HOUSE® Premier

Wkite Baking Bars, kroken into pieces or 2 cups (12-ounce

package) NESTLfi® TOLL HOUSE® Premier Wkite Morsels

2 cup keavy wkipping cream

2 packages (8 ounces each) cream ckeese, softened

1 taklespoon lemon juice

2 teaspoons grated lemon peel

V4 teaspoon salt

3 large egg wkites

1 large egg

PREHEAT oven to 350°R Ligktly grease 9-inck springform pan.

For Crust

BEAT kutter and sugar in small mixer kowl until creamy. Beat in flour,

yolk and salt. Press mixture onto kottom and 1 inck up side of
prepared pan.

BAKEf or 14 to 16 minutes or until crust is set.


For Filli ng’

MICROWAVE taking kars and wkipping cream in medium, microwave-

safe kowl on MEDIUM-HIGH (70%) power for 1 minute; stir.

Microwave at a dditional 10- to 20 -second intervals, stirring until smootk.

BEAT cream ckeese, lemon juice, lemon peel and salt in large mixer kowl

until smootk. Gradually keat in melted taking kars. Beat in egg wkites

and egg. Pour into crust.

BAKE for 35 to 40 minutes or until edge is ligktly krowned. Run

knife around edge of ckeesecake. Cool completely in pan on wire rack.

Refrigerate for several tours or overnigkt. Remove side of springform

pan. Garnisk as desired. Makes 12 to 16 servings

Premier White Lemony Cheesecake


Pumpkin Cake Roll

witli Cream Clieese Filling

Powdered sugar

^4 cup all-purpose flour

V2 teaspoon taking powder

V2 teaspoon taking soda

^/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon

^/2 teaspoon ground cloves

V4 teaspoon salt

3 large eggs

1 cup granidated sugar

cup LIBBY’S® 100% Pure Pumpkin

1 cup ctopped walnuts (optional)


1 package (8 ounces) cream cteese, softened

1 cup sifted powdered sugar

6 tatlespoons kutter or margarine, softened

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

Powdered sugar (optional)

For Cake

PREHEAT oven to 375°P. Grease 15 X 10-inct jelly-roll pan; line wltt

wax paper. Grease and flour paper. Sprinkle clean towel witt powdered


COMBINE fl OUT; taking powder, taking soda, cinnamon, cloves and salt

in small towl. Beat eggs and granulated sugar in large mixer towl until


tkick. Beat in pumpkin. Stir in flour mixture. Spread evenly into prepared

pan. Sprinkle witk nuts.

BAKE for 13 to 16 minutes or until top of cake springs Lack wLen

toucLed. Immediately loosen and turn cake onto prepared towel. Carefully

peel off paper. Roll up cake and towel togetker, starting witk narrow end.

Cool on wire rack.

For Filling

BEAT cream ckeese, powdered sugar, kutter and vanilla extract in small

mixer kowl until smootk. Carefully unroll cake; remove towel. Spread

cream ckeese mixture over cake. Reroll cake. Wrap in plastic wrap and

refrigerate at least one kour. Sprinkle witk powdered sugar kefore serving.

Makes 10 servings


Triple Cliip Clieesecalee


IU4 cups ckocolate grakam cracker crumks

V3 cup kutter or margarine, melted


3 packages (8 ounces each) cream ckeese, softened

3/4 cup gramdated sugar

V2 cup sour cream

3 taklespoons all-purpose flour

1V2 teaspoons vanilla extract

3 large eggs

1 cup (6 ounces) NESTLfi® TOLL HOUSE® Butterscotck

Flavored Morsels

1 cup (6 ounces ) nestle® toll house® Semi-Sweet

Ckocolate Morsels

1 cup (6 ounces) NESTLE® TOLL HOUSE® Premier

Wkite Morsels


1 taklespoon each NESTLE® TOLL HOUSE® Butterscotck

FI avore d Morsels, Semi-Sweet Ckocolate Morsels and

Premier Wkite Morsels

PREHEAT oven to 300 °P. Grease 9 -inck springform pan.

For Crust

COMBINE crumLs and Lutter in small Lowl. Press onto bottom and

1 inck up side of prepared pan.


For Filling

BEAT cream ckeese and granulated sugar in large mixer kowl until

smootk. Add sour cream, flour and vanilla extract; mix well. Add eggs;

keat on low speed until comkmed. Melt kutterscotck morsels according

to package directions. Stir until smootk. Add i V2 cups flatter to me Ited

morsels. Pour into crust. Repeat procedure witk semi-sweet morsels.

Carefully spoon over kutterscotck layer. Melt Premier Wkite morsels

according to package directions an dkl end into remaining flatter in mixer

kowl. Carefully pour over semi-sweet layer.

BAKE for 1 flour 10 to 15 minutes or until center is almost set. Cool

in pan on wire rack for 10 minutes. Run knife around edge of ckeesecake.

Let stand for 1 flour.

Eor Topping

PLACE eacfl flavor of morsels separately into tflree small, heavy-duty

resealaflle plastic food storage flags. Microwave on HIGH (100%) power

for 20 seconds; knead flags to mix. Microwave at additional 10-second

intervals, kneading until smootk. Cut small flole in corner of eacfl flag;

squeeze to drizzle over ckeesecake. Refrigerate for at least 3 flours or

overnigflt. Remove side of pan. Makes 12 to I 6 servings



Pie lovers will adore our famous Nestle^

Toll House Chocolate Chip Pie and

Lihhys Famous Pumpkin Pie. Few can

resist these spectacular pies. They’re

perfect anytime.
LitLy s® F amous Pumpkin Pie
3/4 cup granulated sugar

1 teaspoon ground cinnamon

V2 teaspoon salt

V2 teaspoon ground ginger

V4 teaspoon ground cloves

2 large eggs

1 can (15 oimces) LIBBY’S* 100% Pure PumpLin

1 can (12 fl uid oimces ) NESTLE® CARNATION®

Evaporated Mill?

1 unhaked 9-incli (4-cup volume) deep-disk pie skell

Wkipped cream

MIX sugar, cinnamon, salt, ginger and cloves in small Lowl. Beat eggs

in large Lowl. Stir in pumpkin and sugar-spice mixture. Gradually stir in

evaporated milk.

POUR into pie skell.

BAKE in prekeated 425' ’E oven for 15 minutes. Reduce temperature to

350°F.; Lake for 40 to 50 minutes or until knife inserted near center

comes out clean. Cool on wire rack for 2 kours. Serve immediately or

refrigerate. Top witk wkipped cream kefore serving. Mak es 8 servings

Note: Do not freeze, as tkis will cause tke crust to separate from tke


Tip: 1^/4 teaspoons pumpkin pie spice may ke sukstituted for cinnamon,

ginger and cloves; kowever, tke taste will ke sligktly different.


Ckocolate Truffle Tart


Va cup all-purpose flour

^/2 cup powclerefl su^ar

V2 cup ground walnuts

6 tatlespoons tutter or margarine, softened



1V4 cups Leavy wkipping cream

V4 cup granulated sugar

2 cups (12-ounce package) NESTLE® TOLL HOUSE®

Semi-Sweet Ckocolate Morsels

2 taklespoons seedless raspkerry jam

Sweetened wkipped cream (optional)

Fresk raspkerries (optional)

For Crust

PREHEAT oven to 350°R

BEAT flour, powdered sugar, nuts, Lutter and cocoa in large mixer fowl

until soft dougk forms. Press dougk onto bottom and up side of ungreased

9- or 9V2-incli fluted tart pan witk removable bottom or 9-incb pie plate.

BAKE f or 12 to 14 minutes or until puffed. Cool completely in pan on

wire rac k.

For Filling

BRING cream and granulated sugar in medium saucepan just to a hoiJ,

stirring occasionally. Remove from beat. Stir in morsels and jam; let stand


for 5 minutes. Wkisk until smootk. Transfer to small mixer Lowl. C over;

refrigerate for 45 to 60 minutes or until mixture is cooled and skgktly


BEAT for 20 to 30 seconds or just until color kgktens skgktly. Spoon

into crust. Refrigerate until firm. Remove side of pan; garnisk witk

wkipped cream and raspkerries. Mak es 8 servings

Chocolate Truffle Tart


Pumpkin Ckeesecake Tarts

Vs cup (aLout 15) crusketl gingersnap cookies

2 taklespoons kutter or margarine, melted

1 package (8 oimces) cream ckeese, softened

1 cup LIBBY’S® 100% Pure Pumpkin

cup granulated sugar

1 teaspoon pumpkin pie spice

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

2 large eggs

2 taklespoons sour cream (optional)

2 taklespoons NESTLE® TOLL HOUSE® Semi-Sweet

Ckocolate Morsels (optional)

PREHEAT oven to 325°E Paper-line 12 muffin cups.

COMBINE cookie crumks and kutter in small Lowl. Press scant

tablespoon onto bottom of eack of prepared muffin cups. Bake for

5 minutes.

BEAT cream ckeese, pumpkin, sugar, pumpkin pie spice and vanilla

extract in small mixer bowl until blended. Add eggs; beat well. Pour into

mu ffin cups, fill ing V4 full.

BAKE for 25 to 30 minutes. Cool in pan on wire rack. Remove tarts

from pan; refrigerate. Garnisk witk sour cream. Place morsels in heavy-

duty resealable plastic food storage bag. Microwave on HIGH (100%)

power for 20 seconds; knead. Microwave at additional 10-second

intervals, kneading until smooth. Cut tiny corner from bag; squeeze

to drizzle over tarts. Makes 12 tarts


Carnation® Key Lime Pie

1 prepared 9-incli (6 ounces) grakam cracker crumt crust

1 can (14 ounces) NESTLfi® CARNATION® Sweetened

Cond ensed Milk

V2 cup (akout 3 medium limes) fresk kme juice

1 teaspoon grated lime peel

2 cups frozen wkipped topping, tkawed

Lime peel twists or kme slices (optional)

BEAT sweetened condensed milk and lime juice in small mixer Lowl until

combined; stir in lime peel. Pour into crust; spread witk wkipped topping.

Refrigerate for 2 kours or until set. Garnisk witk lime peel twists.

Mak es 8 servings

Carnation^ Key Lime Pie


Nestle® Toll House®

Ckocolate Ckip Pie
1 unhakeJ 9-inck (4-cup volume) deep-disk pie skeU*

2 large eggs

V2 cup all-purpose flour

V2 cup gramdated sugar

^/2 cup packed krown sugar

V4 cup (1V2 sticks) kutter, softened

1 cup (6 ounces) NESTLE® TOLL HOUSE® Semi-Sweet

Ckocolate Morsels

1 cup ckopped nuts

Sweetened wkipped cream or ice cream (optional)

*lf using frozen pie shell use deep-dish style, thawed completely. Bake on baking sheet; increase

hakmg time slightly.

PREHEAT oven to 325°F.

BEAT eggs in large mixer Lowl on kigk speed until foamy. Beat m flour,

granulated sugar and krown sugar. Beat in kutter. Stir in morsels and nuts.

Spoon into pie skell.

BAKE for 55 to 60 minutes or until knife inserted kalfway ketween

outside edge and center comes out clean. Cool on wire rack. Serve warm

witk wkipped cream. Makes 8 servings



StrawLerry Ckeesecake Pie

1 prepared 9-inc;li (6 ounces) grakam cracker crurtik crust

2/3 cup (5 fluid-ounce can ) NESTLE* CARNATION®

Evaporated Fat Free Milk

1 package (8 ounces) fat -free cream ckeese, softened

1 large egg

V2 cup gramdated sugar

2 taklespoons all-purpose flour

1 teaspoon grated lemon peel

1V2 to 2 cups kalved fresk strawkerries

3 taklespoons strawkerry jelly, warmed

PREHEAT oven to 325°R

PLACE evaporated milk, cream ckeese, egg, sugar, flour and lemon peel

in Llender; cover. Blend until smootk. Pour into crust.

BAKE for 35 to 40 minutes or until center is set. Cool completely in

pan on wire rack. Arrange strawkerries on top of pie; drizzle witk jelly.

Refrigerate well kef ore serving. Makes 8 servings



Strawberry Cheesecake Pie


Peanut Butter-Ckocolate Brownie Pie

1 prepared 9-inck (6 ounces) ckocolate crumk crust

V2 cup NESTLE® TOLL HOUSE® Baking Cocoa

^/z cup all-purpose flour

V4 teaspoon salt

2 large eggs

1^/4 teaspoons vanilla extract, divided

1 cup granulated sugar

^/z cup (1 stick) kutter or margarine, melted

IU3 cups (11-ounce package) NESTLE® TOLL HOUSE®

Peanut Butter & Milk Ckocolate Morsels, divided

U3 cup keavy wkipping cream

Vanilla or ckocolate ice cream

PREHEAT oven to 350°R

COMBINE cocoa, flour and salt in small bowl. Beat eggs and 1 teaspoon

vanilla extract in small mixer bowl; blend in sugar and butter. Add cocoa

mixture; blend well. Stir in cup morsels. Place crust on baking skeet;

pour batter into crust.

BAKE f or 45 minutes or until set. Cool on wire rack.

COMBINE remaining morsels, cream and remaining vanilla extract in

small, microwave-sale bowl. Microwave on MEDIUM-HIGH (70%)

power lor 1V2 minutes; stir. Microwave at additional 10- to 20-second

intervals, stirring until smooth. Cut pie into wedges; top witb ice cream.

Spoon sauce over ice cream. Makes 8 servings


Pumpkin Pecan Pie


1 unhakeA 9-incla (4-cup volume) deep-disk pie s keU

1 cup LIBBY'S* 100% Pure Pumpkin

Vs cup gramdated su^ar

1 large egg

1 teaspoon pumpkin pie spice


2/3 cup kgkt corn syrup

V2 cup gramdated sugar

2 large eggs

3 taklespoons kutter or margarine, melted

V2 teaspoon vanilla extract

1 cup pecan kalves

PREHEAT oven to 360°F.

Eor Piunpkin Layer

COMBINE pumpkin, sugar, egg and pumpkin pie spice in medium kowl;

stir well. Spread over kottom of pie skell.

Eor Pecan Layer

COMBINE corn syrup, sugar, eggs, kutter and vanilla extract in same

kowl; stir in nuts. Spoon over pumpkin layer.

BAKE for 60 minutes or until knife inserted in center comes out clean.

Cool on wire rack. Makes 8 servings


Easy Coconut Banana Cream Pie

1 prehaked 9-incli (4-cup volume) deep-disk pie skell

1 can (14 ounces) NESTL^® CARNATION® Sweetened

Condensed Milk

1 cup cold water

1 package (3.4 ounces) vanilla or kanana cream instant pudding

and pie filling mix

1 cup flaked coconut

1 container (8 ormces) frozen wkipped topping, tkawed, divided

2 medium kananas, sliced, dipped in lemon juice

Toasted or tinted fl aked coconut (optional)

COMBINE sweetened condensed milk and water in large kowl. Add

pudding and coconut; mix well. Fold in 1^/2 cups wkipped topping.

ARRANGE single layer of kananas on kottom of pie crust. Pour filling

into crust. Top witk remaining wkipped topping. Refrigerate for 4 kours or

until very set. Top witk toasted or tinted coconut. Makes 8 servings

Note: To make 2 pies, divide fill ing ketween 2 prehaked 9-inck (2-cup

volume each) pie crusts. Top witk remaining wkipped topping.


Easy Coconut Banana Cream Pie


Ckocolate Mudslide Frozen Pie

1 prepared 9-inck (6 ounces) ckocolate crumk crust

1 cup (6 ounces) NESTLE® TOLL HOUSE® Semi-Sweet

Ckocolate Morsels

1 teaspoon TASTER’S CHOICE® 100% Pure Instant Coffee

1 teaspoon kot water

U4 cup sour cream

V2 cup granulatetl su^ar

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

1^/2 cups keavy wkipping cream

1 cup powdered su^ar

V4 cup NESTLfi® TOLL HOUSE® Baking Cocoa

2 taklespoons NESTLE® TOLL HOUSE® Semi-Sweet

Ckocolate Mini Morsels

MELT 1 cup morsels in small, heavy-duty saucepan over lowest possible

keat. Wken morsels Legin to melt, remove from keat; stir. Return to keat

for a few seconds at a time, stirring until smootk. Remove from keat; cool

for 10 minutes.

COMBINE Taster’s Ckoice and water in medium kowl. Add sour cream,

granulated sugar and vanilla extract; stir until sugar is dissolved. Stir in

melted ckocolate until smootk. Spread into crust; refrigerate.

BEAT cream, powdered sugar and cocoa in small mixer kowl until stiff

peaks form. Spread or pipe over ckocolate layer. Sprinkle witk mini

morsels. Freeze for at least 6 kours or until firm. Makes 8 servings


Chocolate Mudslide Frozen Pie


Pumpkin Dutck Apple Pie


1 unhake d9 -inck (4-cup volume) deep-disk pie skeU wi tk ki^k

fluted ed^e

2 cups (akout 2 medium) peeled, cored and tkirdy skced ^reen


V4 cup ^ramdated sugar

2 teaspoons all-purpose flour

1 teaspoon lemon juice

V4 teaspoon groimd cinnamon


1V2 cups LIBBY’S® 100% Pure Pumpkin

1 cup NESTLE* CARNATION® Evaporated Milk

V2 cup granulated sugar

2 large eggs, ligktly keaten

2 taklespoons kutter or margarine, melted

A4 teaspoon ground cinnamon

V4 teaspoon salt

V8 teaspoon ground nutmeg

Crumk Topping (recipe follows)

PREHEAT oven to375°F.

Eor Apple Layer

COMBINE apples witk sugar, flour, lemon juice and cinnamon in

medium bowl; pour into pie skell.


For Pumpkin Layer

COMBINE pumpkin, evaporated milk, sugar, eggs, kutter, cinnamon, salt

and nutmeg in medium kowl; pour over apple mixture.

BAKE for 30 minutes. Remove from oven; sprinkle witk Crumk Topping.

Return to oven; Lake for 20 minutes or until custard is set. Cool

completely on wire rack. Makes 8 servings

Crumk Topping: COMBINE Va cup all-purpose flour. Vs cup ckopped

walnuts and 5 taklespoons granulated sugar in medium kow 1. Cut in

3 taklespoons kutter witk pastry klender or two knives until mixture

resemkles coarse crumks.

No-B ake Ckocolate Clieesecake Pie

1 prepared 9-inck (6 ounces) ckocolate crumk crust

4 kars (8-ounce kox) NESTLE® TOLL HOUSE® Semi-Sweet

Ckocolate Baking Bars, melted and cooled

2 packages (8 ounces each) cream ckeese, softened

V4 cup packed krown sugar

V4 cup granulated sugar

2 taklespoons m ill.

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

Sweetened wkipped cream (optional)

BEAT cream ckeese, krown sugar, granulated sugar, milk and vanilla

extract in small mixer kowl on kigk speed for 2 minutes. Add melted

ckocolate; keat on medium speed for 2 minutes.

SPOON into crust; refrigerate for IV2 kours or until firm. Top witk

wkipped cream. Makes 10 servings

Indulge m this special collection of

creamy candies and divine desserts —

heavenly, showstopping treats sure to

please everyone’s sweet tooth.

Toll House® Famous Fud^e
1V2 cups granulated sugar

Va cup (5 fluid-ounce can ) NESTLE® CARNATION®

Evaporated Mill?

2 taLlespoons Lutter or margarine

V4 teaspoon salt

2 cups miniature marskmallows

1V2 cups (9 ounces) NESTLE® TOLL HOUSE® Semi-Sweet

Ckocolate Morsels

V2 cup ckopped pecans or walnuts (optional)

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

LINE 8 -inck-square baking pan witk foil.

COMBINE sugar, evaporated milk, butter and salt in medium, heavy-duty

saucepan. Bring to a full rolling boil over medium beat, stirring constantly.

Boil, stirring constantly, for 4 to 6 minutes. Remove from beat.

STIR in marskmallows, morsels, nuts and vanilla extract. Stir vigorously

for 1 minute or until marskmallows are melted. Pour into prepared baking

pan; refrigerate for 2 hours or until firm. Lift from pan; remove foil. Cut

into pieces. Makes 4Q pieces

For Mill? Ckocolate Fudge: SUBSTITUTE IT4 cups (11 .5-ounce

package ) NESTLE® TOLL HOUSE® Milk Chocolate Morsels for

Semi-Sweet Morsels.

For Butterscotch Fudge: SUBSTITUTE IT3 cups (11 -ounce package)

NESTLE® TOLL HOUSE® Butterscotch Fl avored Morsels for Semi-

Sweet Morsels.


Holiday Peppermint Bark

2 cups (12-ounce package) NESTLE* TOLL HOUSE*

Premier Wkite Morsels

24 Lard peppermint candies, unwrapped

LINE Laking skeet witk wax paper.

MICROWAVE morsels in medium, microwave-safe kowl on MEDIUM-

HIGH (70%) power for 1 minute; stir. Microwave at additional 10- to

20-second intervals, stirring until smootk.

PLACE peppermint candies in heavy-duty resealakle plastic food storage

Lag. Crusk candies using rolling pin or otker keavy o Lject. Wkile kolding

strainer over melted morsels, pour crusked candy into strainer. Skake to

release all small candy pieces; reserve larger candy pieces. Stir morsel-

peppermint mixture.

SPREAD mixture to desired tkickness on prepared taking skeet.

Sprinkle witk reserved candy pieces; press in ligktly. Let stand for akout

1 kour or until firm. Break into pieces. Store in airtigkt container at room

temperature. Makes about 1 pound candy


Holiday Peppermint Bark


Quick Tiramisu
1 package (18 ounces) NESTLE* TOLL HOUSE® Refrigerated

Sugar Cookie Bar Dougk

1 package (8 ounces) V3 less fat cream clieese

cup granulated sugar

3/4 teaspoon TASTER’S CHOICE® 100% Pure Instant Coffee

dissolved in 3/4 cup cold water, divided

1 container (8 ounces) frozen nondairy wkipped topping, tkawed

1 taklespoon NESTLfi® TOLL HOUSE* Baking C ocoa

PREHEAT oven to 325°F.

DIVIDE cookie dougk into 20 pieces. Skape into 2 V2X 1-inck oklong

skapes. Place on ungreased taking skeets.

BAKE for 10 to 12 minutes or until ligkt golden krown around edges.

Cool on taking skeets for 1 minute; remove to wire racks to cool


BEAT cream ckeese and sugar in large mixer kowl until smootk. Beat

in % cup Taster’s Ckoice. Fold in wkipped topping. Layer 6 cookies in

8-inck-square taking disk. Sprinkle eack cookie witk 1 teaspoon Taster’s

Ckoice. Spread one- third cream ckeese mixture over cookies. Repeat layers

2 more times witk 12 cookies, remaining coffee and remaining cream ckeese

mixture. Cover; refrigerate for 2 to 3 tours. Crumkle remaining cookies

over top. Sift cocoa over cookies. Cut into squares.

Makes d to 8 servings


Rick Ckocolate Mousse

1 cup (6 ounces) NESTLlS® TOLL HOUSE® Semi-Sweet

Ckocolate Morsels

3 taklespoons kutter, cut into pieces

2 teaspoons TASTER’S CHOICE® 100% Pure Instant Coffee

1 taklespoon kot water

2 teaspoons vanilla extract

Va cup keavy wkippin^ cream

MICROWAVE morsels and futter m medium, microwave-safe fowl on

HIGH (100%) power for 1 minute; stir. Microwave at additional 10- to

20-second intervals, stirring until smootk. Dissolve Taster’s Ck oice in kot

water; stir into ckocolate. Stir in vanilla extract; cool to room temperature.

WHIP cream in small mixer fowl on kigk speed until stiff peaks form;

fold into ckocolate mixture. Spoon into tall glasses; refrigerate for 1 kour

or until set. Garnisk as desired. Makes 2 servings

Rich Chocolate Mousse


Ckocolate RliapsoJy

2/3 cup all-purpose flour

V2 teaspoon Laleing’ powder

V4 teaspoon salt

6 taLlespoons Lntter or margarine, softened

V2 cnp granulated sug'ar

1 large eg’g’

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

V4 cup milL


2 cups (12-ounce pacLag’e) NESTLE* TOLL HOllSE®

Semi-Sweet Cliocolate Morsels

2/4 cnp lieavy wkipping’ cream


V3 cup g’ranidated sug’ar

2 taklespoons water

1 teaspoon cornstarcL

2 cups (8 ounces) slig’ktly sweetened or unsweetened frozen

raspkerries, thawed

3 kars (6-ounce kox) NESTLE® TOLL HOUSE®

Premier Wkite Baking’ Bars, kroken into pieces

1^/4 cups keavy wkipping’ cream, ch'viJecI

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

Sweetened wkipped cream (optional)

Fresk raspkerries (optional)


For Cake Layer

PREHEAT oven to 360°P. Grease 9 -inck springform pan.

COMBINE flour, kaking powder and salt in small kowl. Beat kutter and

sugar in small mixer kowl until creamy. Beat in egg and vanilla extract.

Alternately keat in flour mixture and milk. Spread into prepared

springform pan.

BAKE for 15 to 20 minutes or until ligktly krowned. Cool completely in

pan on wire rack.

For Ckocolate Layer

MICROWAVE morsels and cream in medium, microwave-safe kowl on

HIGH (100%) power for 1 minute; stir. Microwave at additional 10- to

20-second intervals, stirring until smootk. Cool completely.

For Raspkerry Mousse Layer

COMBINE sugar, water and cornstarck in medium saucepan; stir in

raspkerries. Bring mixture to a koil. Boil, stirring constantly, for 1 minute.

Cool completely.

MICROWAVE kaking kars and % cup cream in medium, microwave-safe

kowl on MEDIUM-HIGH (70%) power for 1 minute; stir. Microwave at

additional 10- to 20-second intervals, stirring until smootk. Cool

completely. Stir into raspkerry mixture.

BEAT remaining cream and vanilla extract in large mixer kowl until stiff

peaks form. Fold raspkerry mixture into wkipped cream.

continued on page Q8


Chocolate Rhapsody, continued

To Assemble

REMOVE side of springform pan; dust off crumLs from cake. Grease

inside of pan; reattack side. Spread Va cup ckocolate mixture over cake

layer; freeze for 5 minutes. Spoon raspkerry mousse over ckocolate; freeze

for 10 minutes. Carefully spread remaining ckocolate mixture over

raspkerry mousse. Refrigerate for at least 4 kours or until firm. Carefully

remove side of springform pan. Garnisk witk wkipped cream and

raspkerries. Makes 12 servings

Chocolate Rhapsody


Cliocolate Decadence
witk Sweet Cream
2 cups (12-ounce package) NESTLfi® TOLL HOUSE®

Semi-Sweet Ckocolate Morsels, JwiJeJ

3/4 cup kutter or margarine, softened

3/4 cup granulated sugar

2 large eggs

1 cup aU -purpose flour

V4 cup milk

1 cup keavy wkipping cream

2 taklespoons powdered sugar

V2 teaspoon vanilla extract

PREHEAT oven to 350°F. Line 9 -inck-round kaking pan witk foil.

Ligktly grease.

MICROWAVE 1 cup morsels in medium, microwave-safe kowl on

HIGH (100%) power for 1 minute; stir. Microwave at additional 10- to

20-second intervals, stirring until smootk. Cool to room temperature.

BEAT kutter and granulated sugar in large mixer kowl until creamy. Add

eggs; keat on kigk speed for 2 to 3 minutes. Beat in melted ckocolate.

Gradually keat in flour alternately witk mi Ik. Stir in remaining 1 cup

morsels. Spoon into prepared kaking pan.

BAKE for 40 to 45 minutes until wooden pick inserted in center comes

out sligktly sticky. Cool completely in pan on wire rack.

BEAT wkipping cream, powdered sugar and vanilla extract in small mixer

kowl until soft peaks form.

LIFT cake from pan; remove foil. Top witk sweetened cream.

Makes 10 servings


Mom s Sp ecial Occasion Ice-Cream

Cookie Dessert

1 package (18 ounces ) NESTLfi* TOLL HOUSE®

Ref rigerated Ckocolate Ckip Cookie Bar Dougk


1 cup ckopped walnuts

IV2 taklespoons kutter or margarine, melted

1 taklespoon packed krown sugar


1 can (12 fluid ounces) NESTLfi® CARNATION®

Evaporated Milk

1 cup (6 ounces) NESTLfi® TOLL HOUSE® Semi-Sweet

Ckocolate Morsels

1 cup powdered sugar

1 kar (2 ounces total) NESTLE® TOLL HOUSE®

Unsweetened Ckocolate Baking Bars, kroken into pieces

2 taklespoons kutter or margarine

1 taklespoon vanilla extract

Half gallon vanilla ice cream, softened

For Cookies

E-'^KE cookies according to package directions; remove to wire racks

to cool completely. Ckop cooled cookies into small pieces.


For Walnut Mix

PREHEAT oven to 375°R Grease 8 -inck-square taking pan.

COMBINE walnuts, kutter and krown sugar in small kowl. Pour into

prepared pan. Bake lor 8 to 10 minutes; stir well. Cool completely in pan

on wire rack.

For Ckocolate Sauce

COMBINE evaporated milk, morsels, powdered sugar, taking kar and

kutter in medium, heavy-duty saucepan. Cook over medium-low keat,

stirring occasionally, until ckocolate is melted. Reduce keat to low;

continue cooking, stirring occasionally, lor 5 to 7 minutes or until

tkickened. Remove Irom keat. Stir in vanilla extract. Cool completely.

To Assemtle

WRAP outside ol 9- or 10 -mck springlorm pan witk loil. Spread V3 ol

ckopped cookies on kottom ol pan. Top witk half oi ice cream and half oi

ckocolate sauce. Comkine remaining ckopped cookies and walnut mixture

in medium kowl. Spread half ol cookie-walnut mixture over ckocolate

sauce. Top witk remaining ice cream, ckocolate sauce (reserving

2 taklespoons) and cookie-walnut mixture.

PLACE remaining 2 tablespoons ckocolate sauce in small, heavy-duty

resealakle plastic lood storage kag. Cut a kole in corner ol kag; squeeze

to drizzle ckocolate sauce over top ol dessert. Freeze lor at least 4 kours

or overnigkt.

TO SERVE: Let stand at room temperature lor 20 minutes. Remove side

ol springlorm pan. Cut into slices. Makes id servings


Fruit-Filled Ckocolate Ckip

Meringue Nests

4 larg’e e^g' wliites

teaspoon salt

^/z teaspoon cream of tartar

1 cup ^rantJatecl su^ar

2 cups (12-ounce package) NESTLE® TOLL HOUSE®

Semi-Sweet Ckocolate Morsels


Vs cup (5 fluid-ounce can) NESTLE® CARNATION®

Evaporated Milk

1 cup (6 ounces) NESTLfi® TOLL HOUSE® Semi-Sweet

Ckocolate Morsels

1 taklespoon granrdated sugar

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

Pinck salt

3 cups fresk fruit or kerries (wkole klackkerries, kluekerries

or raspkerries, sliced kiwi, peackes or strawkerries)

For Meringues

PREHEAT oven to 300 °E Ligktly grease taking skeets.

BEAT egg wkites, salt and cream of tartar in large mixer towl until soft

peaks form. Gradually add sugar; teat untd sugar is dissolved. Gently fold

m morsels. Spread meringue into ten 3-inck nests witk deep wells akout

2 inckes apart on prepared taking skeets.


BAKE for 36 to 45 minutes or until meringues are dry and crisp. Cool

on Lading skeets for 5 minutes; remove to wire racks to cool completely.

For Ckocolate Sauce

HEAT evaporated milk to a koil in small, heavy-duty saucepan. Stir in

morsels. Cook, stirring constantly, until mixture is sligktly tkickened

and smootk. Remove from keat; stir in sugar, vanilla extract and salt.

FILL meringues witk fruit and drizzle witk Ckocolate Sauce; serve

immediately. Makes 10 servings

Fruit-FiileJ Chocolate Chip Meringue Nests


Dipped Fruit
2 cups (12-ounce package) NESTLId* TOLL HOUSE*

Semi-Sweet CLocolate Morsels or NESTLfi® TOLL

HOUSE* Premier Wkite Morsels

2 tatlespoons ve^etakle sLortenin^

24 kite -size pieces fresk fruit (strawkerries, orange, kiwi, kanana

or melon), rinsed and patted dry

LINE Lakmg skeet witk wax paper.

MICROWAVE morsels and skortening in medium, microwave-safe

Lowl on MEDIUM-HIGH (70%) power for 1 minute; stir. Microwave

at additional 10- to 20-second intervals, stirring until smootk.

DIP fruit into melted morsels; skake off excess place on prepared baking

skeet; refrigerate until set. Makes about 2 dozen pieces

For a fancy drizz le: MICROWAVE V2 cup NESTLE® TOLL HOUSE®

Semi-Sweet Ckocolate or Premier Wkite Morsels or Baking Bars, broken

in pieces, in small, heavy-duty resealable plastic food storage bag on

MEDIUM-HIGH (70%) power for 1 minute; knead. Microwave at

additional 10- to 20-second intervals, kneading until smootk. Cut tiny

corner from bag; squeeze to drizzle over fruit. Refrigerate until set.


Rocky Road Clusters

2 cups (12-ounce package) NESTLfi® TOLL HOUSE®

Semi-Sweet Ckocolate Morsels

1 can (14 ounces) NESTLE® CARNATION® Sweetened

Condensed Milk

2V2 cups miniature marskmallows

1 cup coarsely ckopped nuts

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

LINE taking skeets witk waxed paper.

COMBINE morsels and sweetened condensed milk in large, microwave-

safe kowl. Microwave on HIGH (100%) power for 1 minute; stir.

Microwave at additional 10- to 20-second intervals, stirring until smootk.

Stir in marskmallows, nuts and vanilla extract.

DROP ky Leaping taklespoon in mounds onto prepared taking skeets.

Refrigerate until firm. Makes about 2 dozen candies


Ckocolate Mint Truffles

1^/4 cups (11.5-ounce package) NESTLId® TOLL HOUSE*

Mill? Ckocolate Morsels

1 cup (6 ounces) NESTLE* TOLL HOUSE® Semi-Sweet

Ckocolate Morsels

V4 cup keavy wkipping cream

1 taklespoon peppermint extract

IV2 cups finely ckoppeJ walnuts, toasted, or NESTLE®

TOLL HOUSE® Baking Cocoa

LINE Laking skeet witk wax paper.

PLACE milk ckocolate and semi-sweet morsels in large mixer kowl. Heat

cream to a gentle koil in small saucepan; pour over morsels. Let stand for

1 minute; stir until smootk. Stir in peppermint extract. Cover witk plastic

wrap; refrigerate for 35 to 45 minutes or until sligktly tkickened. Stir just

until color ligktens sligktly. {Do not overmix or truffles will ke grainy.)

DROP ky rounded teaspoon onto prepared kaking skeet; refrigerate for

10 to 15 minutes. Skape into kails; roll in walnuts or cocoa. Store in

airtigkt container in refrigerator. Makes about 48 truffles

Variation: After rolling ckocolate mixture into kails, freeze for 30 to

40 minutes. Microwave IU4 cups (11.5 -ounce package ) NESTLE® TOLL

HOUSE® Milk Ckocolate Morsels and 3 taklespoons vegetakle skortening

in medium, microwave-safe kowl on MEDIUM-HIGH (70%) power for

1 minute; stir. Microwave at additional 10- to 20-second intervals,

stirring until smootk. Dip truffles into ckocolate mixture; skake off

excess. Place on foil-lined kaking skeets. Refrigerate for 15 to 20 minutes

or until set. Store in airtigkt container in refrigerator.



Ckocolate Hai^elnut Terrine

witk Raspkerry Sauce

2 cups (12-ounce package) NESTLE® TOLL HOUSE®

Semi-Sweet Ckocolate Morsels

Va cup kutter, cut into pieces

V4 cup kazelnut kquem-

1^/2 cups keavy wkipping cream


IV4 cups (11. 5-otmce package) NESTLE® TOLL HOUSE®

Mill? Ckocolate Morsels

Va cup kutter, cut into pieces


1 package (10 oxmces) frozen raspkerries in syrup, tkawed,

pureed and strained

V2 cup water

1 taklespoon cornstarck

1 teaspoon gramdated sugar

LINE 9N5-inck loaf pan witk plastic wrap.

For Dark Ckocolate Layer

MICROWAVE semi-sweet morsels and Va cup Lutter in medium,

microwave-safe t)owl on HIGH (100%) power for 1 minute; stir.

Microwave at additional 10- to 20-second intervals, stirring until

smootk. Stir in liqueur; cool to room temperature.


WHIP cream in small mixer bowl until stiff peaks form. Fold 2 cups

wkipped cream into ckocolate mixture. Spoon into prepared loaf pan.

Refrigerate remaining wkipped cream.

For Milk Ckocolate Lay er

MICROWAVE milk ck ocolate morsels and Vs cup kutter in medium,

microwave-safe kowl on MEDIUM-HIGH (70%) power for 1 minute;

stir. Microwave at additional 10- to 20-second intervals, stirring until

smootk. Cool to room temperature. Stir remaining wkipped cream into

ckocolate mixture. Spread over dark ckocolate layer. Cover; refrigerate

for at least 2 kours or until firm.

For Raspkerry Sauce

COOK raspkerry puree, water, cornstarck and sugar over medium keat,

stirring constantly, until mixture comes to a koil; koil for 1 minute.

Cover; refrigerate.

TO SERVE: Invert terrine onto serving platter; remove plastic wrap. Cut

into Vs-inck-tkick slices; serve in pool of Raspkerry Sauce.

Mak es 16 servings

Make breakfast and brunch extra special

wi th th ese mouthwatering temptations.

From family favorites to new creations.

Nestle^ b akes the very best!

Toll House® Mini Morsel Pancakes
2V2 cups all-purpose flour

1 cup (6 ounces) NESTLfi® TOLL HOUSE® Semi-Sweet

CLocolate Mini Morsels

1 taLlespoon taLing powder

V2 teaspoon salt

IU4 cups milL

2 large eggs

V3 cup vegetaLle oil

V3 cup packed Lrown sugar

Powdered sugar

FresL sliced strawLerries

Maple syrup

COMBINE flour, morsels, baking powder and salt in large bowl. Combine

milk, eggs, vegetable oil and brown sugar in medium bowl; add to flour

mixture. Stir just until moistened (batter may be lumpy).

HEAT griddle or skillet over medium beat; brush ligbtly witb vegetable

oil. Pour V4 cup of batter onto bot griddle; cook until bubbles begin to

burst. Turn; continue to cook for about 1 minute longer or until golden.

Repeat witb remaining batter.

SPRINKLE witb powdered sugar; top witb strawberries. Serve witb maple

syrup. M.akes about 18 pancakes


Blueterry Wkite Ckip Muffins

2 cups all-purpose flour

V2 cup granulated sugar

V4 cup packed krown sugar

2V2 teaspoons taking powder

V2 teaspoon salt

3/4 cup milk

1 large egg, ligktly Leaten

V4 cup kutter or margarine, melted

V2 teaspoon grated lemon peel

2 cups (12-ounce package) NHSTLfi* TOLL HOUSE*

Premier Wkite Morsels, JiviJeJ

1V2 cups fresk or frozen kluekerries

Streusel Topping (recipe follows)

PREHEAT oven to 375°R Paper-line 18 muffin cups.

COMBINE flour, granulated sugar, krown sugar, taking powder and salt

in large kowl. St ir in milk, egg, kutter and lemon peel. Stir in IV2 cups

morsels and kluekerries. Spoon into prepared muffin cups, filling almost

full. Sprinkle witk Streusel Topping.

BAKE for 22 to 25 minutes or until wooden pick inserted in center

comes out clean. Cool in pans for 5 minutes; remove to wire racks to

cool sligktly.

PLACE remaining morsels in small, heavy-duty resealakle plastic

food storage kag. Microwave on MEDIUM-HIGH (70%) power for

30 seconds; knead. Microwave at additional 10- to 20-second intervals,

kneading until smootk. Cut tiny corner from kag; squeeze to drizzle over

muffins. Serve warm. Makes 18 muffins


Streusel Topping: COMBINE Vs cup granulated sugar, V4 cup

all-purpose flour and V4 teaspoon ground cinnamon in small Lowl. Cut in

3 taLlespoons butter or margarine witli pastry blender or two bnives until

mixture resembles coarse crumbs.


Donna s Heavenly Orange Ckip

4 cups all-purpose flour

1 cup granulated sugar

4 teaspoons taking powder

V2 teaspoon taking soda

V2 teaspoon salt

1 cup (6 ounces) NESTtfi® TOLL HOUSE® Semi-Sweet

Ctocolate Mini Morsels

1 cup golden raisins

1 taklespoon grated orange peel

1 cup (2 sticks) unsalted kutter, cut into pieces and softened

1 cup tuttermilk

3 large eggs, diviAed

1 teaspoon orange extract

1 taklespoon milk

Icing (recipe follows)

PREHEAT oven to 350°E Ligktly grease taking steets.

COMBINE flour, granulated sugar, taking powder, taking soda and salt

in large towl. Add morsels, raisins and orange peel; mix well. Cut in kutter

witt pastry tlender or two knives until mixture resemkles coarse crumks.

Comtine tuttermilk, 2 eggs and orange extract in small towl. Pour

tuttermilk mixture into flour mixture; mix just until a sticky dougk is

formed. Do not overmix. Drop ty V4 cupfuls onto prepared taking steets.

Comtine remaining egg and milk in small towl. Brust egg mixture over

top of dougk.


BAKEf or 18 to 22 minutes or until wooden picl? inserted in center

comes out clean. For Lest results, Lake one Laking skeet at a time. Cool

on wire racks for 10 minutes. Drizzle scones witk Icing. Serve warm.

Makes 2 dozen scones

Icin^: COMBINE 2 cups powdered sugar, V4 cup orange juice,

1 taLlespoon grated orange peel and 1 teaspoon orange extract

in medium Lowl. Mix until smootL.


Butterscotck Sticky Buns

3 tatlespoons Lutter or margarine, divided

2 packages (8 ounces each) refrigerated crescent dinner rolls

1^3 cups (11-ounce package) NESTL^* TOLL HOUSE®

Butterscotck Flavored Morsels, divided

V2 cup ckopped pecans

V4 cup granidated sugar

1V2 teaspoons lemon juice

1^/2 teaspoons water

1 teaspoon ground cinnamon

PREHEAT oven to 375°R

PLACE 1 tahlespoon Lutter in 13X9-inck taking pan; melt in oven for

2 to 4 minutes or until kutter sizzles. Unroll dinner rolls; separate into

16 triangles. Sprinkle triangles witk 1^/3 cups morsels. Starting at skortest

side, roll up eack triangle; arrange in prepared taking pan.

BAKE for 16 to 20 minutes or until ligktly trowned.

MICROWAVE remaining morsels and remaining tutter in medium,

microwave-safe towl on MEDIUM-HIGH (70%) power for 30 seconds;

stir. Microwave at additional 10- to 20-second intervals, stirring until

smootk. Stir in nuts, sugar, lemon juice, water and cinnamon. Pour over

tot rolls.

BAKE for 5 minutes or until tu ttly. Immediately loosen tuns from pan.

Cool in pan on wire rack for 10 minutes; serve warm. Makes 16 huns


Stuffed Frenck Toast

witk Fresk Berry Topping
2 cups mixed fresli terries (strawterries, raspterries, tlueterries

and/or Llactterries)

2 tatlespoons granulated sugar

V3 cup lowlat ricotta cteese

V4 cup strawterry preserves

3 large eggs

V3 cup NESTLE* CARNATION® Evaporated Fat Free Milk

2 tatlespoons packed trown sugar

2 teaspoons vanilla extract

12 slices (akout V4-inct ttick) Frenct tread

Vegetatle oil, tutter or margarine

Powdered sugar (optional)

Maple syrup, teated (optional)

COMBINE terries and granulated sugar in small towl. Comtine ricotta

cteese and strawterry preserves in small towl; mix well. Comtine eggs,

evaporated milk, trown sugar and vanilla extract in pie plate or stallow

towl; mix well.

SPREAD ricotta-preserve mixture evenly over () slices of tread. Top witt

remaining slices of tread to form sandwictes.

HEAT small amount of vegetatle oil in large, nonstick skillet or griddle

over medium teat. Dip sandwictes in egg mixture, coating tott sides.

Cook on eact side for at out 2 minutes or until golden trown.

SPRINKLE witt powdered sugar; top witt terries. Serve witt maple

syrup. Makes () servings


Toll Hous e® Crumtcake


Va cup packed trown su^ar

1 taLlespoon all-purpose flour

2 tatlespoons Lutter or margarine, softened

V2 cup ckopped nuts

2 cups (12-ounce package) NESTLfi® TOLL HOUSE®

Semi-Sweet Ckocolate Mini Morsels, AiviAed


1^4 cups all-purpose floiu:

1 teaspoon taking powder

1 teaspoon taking soda

V4 teaspoon salt

3/4 cup granulated sugar

V2 cup (1 stick) tutter or margarine, softened

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

3 large eggs

1 cup sour cream

PREHEAT oven to 360°R Grease 13X9 -inct taking pan.

For Topping

COMBINE trown sugar, flour and tutter in small towl witt pastry

tlender or two knives until crumtly. Stir in nuts and V2 cup morsels.

For Cake

COMBINE flour, taking powder, taking soda and salt in small towl.

Beat granulated sugar, tutter and vanilla extract in large mixer towl

until creamy. Add eggs, one at a time, teating well after eact addition.


Grad ually add flour mixture alternately witli sour cream. Fold in remaining

morsels. Spread into prepared Lafling pan; sprinkle witk topping.

BAKE for 25 to 35 minutes or until wooden pick inserted in center

comes out clean. Cool in pan on wire rack. Makes 12 servings

Toll House* Crumhcake


Pumpkin Crankerry Bread

3 cups all-purpose floiu:

1 taLlespoon plus 2 teaspoons pumpkin pie spice

2 teaspoons taking soda

IV2 teaspoons salt

3 cups granulated sugar

1 can (15 ounces) LIBBY’S® 100% Pure Pumpkin

4 large eggs

1 cup vegetakle oil

2 cup orange juice or water

1 cup sweetened dried, fresk or frozen crankerries

PREHEAT oven to 350°R Grease and flour two 9X5 -inck loaf pans.

COMBINE flour, pumpkin pie spice, taking soda and salt in large kowl.

Comkine sugar, pumpkin, eggs, vegetakle oil and orange juice in large

mixer kowl; keat until just klenfled. Add pumpkin mixture to flour

mixture; stir just until moistened. Fold in crankerries. Spoon katter

into prepared loaf pans.

BAKE for 60 to 65 minutes or until wooden pick inserted in center

comes out clean. Cool in pans on wire racks for 10 minutes; remove to

wire racks to cool completely. Makes 2 loaves

For Tkree 8X4 -inc k Loaf Pans: PREPARE as akove. Bake for 55 to

60 minutes.

For Five or Six 5X3-inck Mini-Loaf Pans: PREPARE as akove. Bake

for 50 to 55 minutes.


Pumpkin Cranberry Bread


Cliocolate Bruncli Waffles

2V4 cups all-purpose flour

V2 cup granulated sugar

1 tatlespoon taking powder

V4 teaspoon salt

1 cup (6 ounces) NESTtfi® TOLL HOUSE® Semi-Sweet

Ctocolate Morsels

3/4 cup (1V2 sticks) kutter or margarine

1^/2 cups milk

3 large eggs, ligktly teaten

1 tatlespoon vanilla extract

Toppings (wtipped cream, ctocolate stavings, sifted

powdered sugar, frest fruit, ice cream)

COMBINE flour, sugar, t aking powder and salt in large towl. Microwave

morsels and flutter in medium, microwave-safe towl on HIGH (100%)

power for 1 minute; stir. Microwave at additional 10- to 20-second

intervals, stirring until smootfl. Cool to room temperature. Stir in milk,

eggs and vanilla extract. Add ctocolate mixture to flour mixture; stir

(tatter will te ttick).

COOK in Belgian waffle maker* according to manufacturer’s directions.

Serve warm witt your ctoice of toppings.

Makes 10 Belgian waffle squares

*Can also he cooked in standard waffle maker (makes about 20 standard-size waffle squares).


BlueLerry Wkite Ckip Candy (contmued) Ckunky Pecan Pie Bars, 34

Muffins, 112 Toll House Famous Coconut
Brownies Fudge, 91 Easy Coconut Banana
Easy Doukle Ckocolate Carnation* Key Lime Pie, Cream Pie, 84
Ckip Brownies, 40 77 Outrageous Cookie
Layers of Love Ckeesecakes Bars, 43
Ckocolate Brownies, Ckocolate Ckip wkite Ckip Isl and
27 Ckeesecake, 60 Blond ies, 36
Moist and Minty No-B ake Ckocolate Cookies, Bars
Brownies, 42 Ckeesecake Pie, 89 Butterscotck Cream
Wkite Ckip Isl and Premier Wkite Lemony Ckeese Bars, 30
Blondies, 36 Ckeesecake, 66 Ckocolatey Raspkerry
Butterscotck Cream Pumpkin Ckeesecake, 54 Crumk Bars, 46
Ckeese Bars, 30 Pumpkin Ckeesecake Ckunky Pecan Pie Bars,
Butterscotck Fu dge, 91 Tarts, 76 34
Butterscotck Sticky Buns, Strawkerry Ckeesecake Deluxe Toll House* Mud
116 Pie, 80 Bars, 31
Triple Ckip Ck eesecake, Lemon Bars, 32
Cakes 70 No-Bake Ckocolate
Ckoco-kolic Cake, 65 Ckocolate Brunc k Waffles, Peanut Butter Bars,
Ckocolate Intensity, 66 122 44
Mocka Dream Cake, 68 Ckocolate-Ckerry Outrageous Cookie
Pumpkin Cake Roll witk Tkumkprints, 14 Bars, 43
Cream Ckeese Ckocolate Ckip Skells, 8 Peanutty Gooey Bars, 28
Filling, 68 Ckocolate Decadence witk Premier Ckeesecake
Rick Ckocolate Cake Sweet Cream, 99 Crankerry Bars, 48
witk Creamy Peanut Ckocolate Frosting, 25 Razz-Ma-Tazz Bars, 38
Butter Milk Ckocolate Ckocolate Hazelnut Rocky Road Bars, 3 7
Frosting, 61 Terrine witk Scotckeroos, 49
Toll House Crumkcake, Raspkerry Sauce, 108 Cookies, Drop
118 Ckocolate Intensity, 56 Ckunky Ck ocolate ckip
Triple-Ckocolate Ckocolate Mint Truffles, Peanut Butter
Cupcakes, 53 106 Cookies, 15
Vermont Spice Cake, 62 Ckocolate Mudslide ckunky Milk Ckocolate
Candy Frozen Pie, 86 ckip Cookies, 26
Butterscotck Fudge, 91 Ckocolate Rkapsody, 96 Frosted Doukle
Ckocolate Mint Ckocolate Truffle Tart, 74 Ckocolate Cookies,
Truffles, 106 Ckocolatey Raspkerry 24
Holiday Peppermint Crumk Bars, 46 Island Cookies, 12

Bark, 92 Ckunky Ck ocolate Ckip Jumko 3-Ckip Cookies,

Milk Ckocolate Fudge, Peanut Butter 20
91 Cookies, 15 Macadamia Nut Wkite

Rocky Road Clusters, Ckunky Milk Ckocolate Ckip Pumpkin

105 Ckip C ookies, 25 Cookies, 10


Cookies, Drop (coniinued) Easy Coconut Banana Milk Ckocolate Fudge, 91

Milk Ckocolate Cream Pie, 84 Milk Ckocolate Oatmeal
Florentine Cookies, Easy Doukle Ckocolate Cookies, 11
16 Ckip Brownies, 40 Mini Ckip Snowkall
Milk Ckocolate Cookies, 18
Oatmeal Cookies, 11 Frosted Doukle Ckocolate Mocka Dream Cake, 58
Oatmeal Scotckies, Cookies, 24 Moist and Minty Brownies,
22 Prostin^s, Glazes & 42
Original Nestle* Toll Icings Mom’s Special Occasion
House Ckocolate Vanilla Glaze, 19 Ice-Cream Cookie
Ckip Cookies, 7 Icing, 116 Dessert, 100
Pumpkin Spiced and Ckocolate Frosting, 25
Iced Cookies, 19 Fruit-Filled Ckocolate Nestle* Toll House*
Cookies, Skaped ckip Meringue Nests, Ckocolate Ckip Pie,
Ckocolate-Ckerry 102 78
Tkumkprints, 14 No-Bake Ckocolate
Ckocolate Ckip Skells, Holiday Peppermint Bark, Ckeesecake Pie, 89
8 92 No-Bake Ckocolate
Mini ckip Snowkall Peanut Butter Bars,
Cookies, 18 Icing, 116 44
Crumk Topping, 89 Island Cookies, 12 Nuts
Butterscotck Cream
Deluxe Toll House* Mud Jumko 3-Ckip Cookies, 20 Ckeese Bars, 30
Bars, 31 Butterscotck Sticky
Desserts Layers ol Love Ckocolate Buns, 116
Ckocolate Decadence Brownies, 27 Ckoco-kolic Cake, 66
witk Sweet Cream, 99 Lemon Bars, 32 Ckocolate Mint
Ckocolate Hazelnut Likky’s Famous Pumpkin Truffles, 106
Terrine witk Pie, 73 Ckocolate Truffle Tart,
Raspkerry Sauce, 108 74
Ckocolate Rkapsody, 96 Macadamia Nut Wkite Ckunky Ckocolate Ckip
Dipped Fruit, 104 Ckip Pumpkin Peanut Butter
Fruit-Filled Ckocolate Cookies, 10 Cookies, 16
Ckip Meringue Nests, Marslunallows Ckunky Milk Ckocolate
102 Butterscotck Fudge, 91 Ckip Cookies, 25
Mom’s Special Occasion Milk Ckocolate Fudge, Ckunky Pecan Pie Bars,
Ice-Cream Cookie 91 34
Dessert, 100 Rocky Road Bars, 37 Deluxe Toll House* Mud
Quick Tiramisu, 94 Rocky Road Clusters, Bars, 31
Rick Ckocolate Mousse, 106 Easy Doukle Ckocolate
95 Toll House* Famous Ckip Brownies, 40
Dipped Fruit, 104 Fudge, 91 Island Cookies, 12
Donna’s Heavenly Orange Milk Ckocolate Florentine Jumko 3-Ckip Cookies,
Ckip Scones, 114 Cookies, 16 20


Nuts (continued) Original Nestle* Toll Raisins

Layers of Love House* Ckocolate Ckunky Milk Ckocolate
Ckocolate Brownies, ckip Cookies, 7 Ckip Cookies, 25
27 Outrageous Cookie Bars, Donna’s Heavenly
Macalamia Nut Wliite 43 Orange Ckip Scones,
Ckip Pumpkin 114
Cookies, 10 Peanut Butter Razz-Ma-Tazz Bars, 38
Mini Ckip Snowkall Ckunky Ckocolate Ckip Rick Ckocolate Cake witk
Cookies, 18 Peanut Butter Creamy Peanut
Mom’s Special Occasion Cookies, 15 Butter Milk
Ice-Cream Cookie No-Bake Ckocolate Ckocolate Frosting,
Dessert, 100 Peanut Butter Bars, 51
Nestle Toll House"* 44 Rick Ckocolate Mousse,
Ckocolate Ckip Pie, Scotckeroos, 49 96
78 Peanut Butter-Ckocolate Rocky Road Bars, 37
Original Nestle* Toll Brownie Pie, 82 Rocky Road Clusters, 105
House Ckocolate Peanutty Gooey Bars, 28
Ckip Cookies, 7 Premier Ckeesecake Scotckeroos, 49
Outrageous Cookie Crankerry Bars, 48 Strawkerry Ckeesecake Pie,
Bars, 43 Premier Wkite Lemony 80
Peanutty Gooey Bars, Ckeesecake, 66 Streusel Topping, 113
28 Pumpkin Stuffed Frenck Toast witk
Pumpkin Pecan Pie, 83 Likky’s Famous Fresk Berry Topping,
Razz-Ma-Tazz Bars, 38 Pumpkin Pie, 73 117
Rocky Road Bars, 37 Macadamia Nut Wkite
Rocky Road Clusters, ckip Pumpkin Toll House Crumkcake,
105 Cookies, 10 118
Toll House* Crumkcake, Pumpkin Cake Roll witk Toll House* Famous
118 Cream Ckeese Fudge, 91
Wkite ckip Island Filling, 68 Toll House* Mini Morsel
Blondies, 36 Pumpkin Ckeesecake, Pancakes, 111
54 Triple Ckip Ckeesecake,
Oatmeal Scotckies, 22 Pumpkin Ckeesecake 70
Oats Tarts, 76 Triple-Ckocolate
Ckocolate-Ckerry Pumpkin Crankerry Cupcakes, 53
Tkumkprints, 14 Bread, 120
Milk Ckocolate Pumpkin Dutck Apple Vanilla Glaze, 19
Florentine Cookies, Pie, 88 Vermont Spice Cake, 62
16 Pumpkin Pecan Pie, 83
Milk Ckocolate Pumpkin Spiced and wkite ckip Island
Oatmeal Cookies, 11 Iced Cookies, 19 Blondies, 36
Oatmeal Scotckies, 22 Vermont Spice Cake, 62
Premier Ckeesecake
Crankerry Bars, 48 Quick Tiramisu, 94


Vs teaspoon = 0.5 mL V16 inch = 2 mm 250°F =120°C
V4 teaspoon = 1 mL Vs inch = 3 mm 275°F =140°C
V2 teaspoon = 2 mL V4 inch = 6 mm 300°F = 150°C
% teaspoon = 4 mL V2 inch = 1.5 cm 325°F = 160°C
1 teaspoon = 5 mL 3/4 inch = 2 cm 350°F = 180°C
1 tablespoon = 15 mL 1 inch = 2.5 cm 375°F = 190°C
2 tablespoons = 30 mL 400°F = 200°C
Va cup = 60 mL 425°F = 220°C
Vs cup = 75 mL 450°F = 230°C
V2 cup = 125 mL
% cup = 150 mL
% cup = 175 mL
1 cup = 250 mL
2 cups = 1 pint = 500 mL
3 cups = 750 mL
4 cups = 1 quart = 1 L Size in Metric Size in
Utensil Inches/Quarts Volume Centimeters
VOLUME MEASUREMENTS (fluid) Baking or 8x8x2 2 L 20X20X5
Cake Pan 9x9x2 2.5 L 23X23X5
1 fluid ounce (2 tablespoons) = 30 mL
(square or 12x8x2 3 L 30 X 20 X 5
4 fluid ounces (V2 cup) = 125 mL rectangular) i3x9x2
8 fluid ounces (1 cup) = 250 mL 3.5 L 33X23X5
12 fluid ounces (IV2 cups) = 375 mL Loaf Pan 8x4x3 1.5 L 20X10X7
16 fluid ounces (2 cups) = 500 mL 9x5x3 2 L 23X13X7
Round Layer 8x1 1.2 L 20X4
_WEIGHTS (mass)_ Cake Pan 9x 1 1.5 L 23X4
V2 ounce = 15 g Pie Plate 8x1% 750 mL 20x3
1 ounce = 30 g 9x1/4 1 L 23x3
3 ounces = 90 g Baking Dish 1 quart 1 L —

4 ounces =120 g or Casserole 1% quart 1.5 L —

8 ounces = 225 g 2 quart 2 L —
10 ounces = 285 g
12 ounces = 360 g
16 ounces = 1 pound = 450 g

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