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Ves & - Ies Endings

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-ves & -ies

wolf wolves
shelf shelves
knife knives
family families Includes
bunny bunnies BINGO
story stories game!

Created by Jessica Jung © 2015

Thank you for purchasing this -ves and -ies Irregular Plural Nouns packet! I hope
you find it useful to use with your students as either individual work, in literacy
centers, small group instruction (especially the included Bingo game), or as

Activities for the “-f/-fe to -ves” AND “-y to -ies” endings include:
P.1 “-ves Endings” Anchor Chart
P.2 “-ies Endings” Anchor Chart
(Anchor Charts can be put up on wall as class posters or used as individual
student reference charts)

P.3 Complete the Words (-ves endings)

P.4 Complete the Words (-ies endings)

P.5 Matching Singular to Irregular Plural Nouns (-ves endings)

P.6 Matching Singular to Irregular Plural Nouns (-ies endings)

P.7 Changing Singular to Irregular Plural Nouns (-ves endings)

P.8 Changing Singular to Irregular Plural Nouns (-ies endings)

P.9 Read and Find the Correct Irregular Plural Nouns (-ves endings)
P.10 Read and Find the Correct Irregular Plural Nouns (-ies endings)

P.11 Using & Understanding Irregular Plural Nouns (-ves endings)

P.12 Using & Understanding Irregular Plural Nouns (-ies endings)

P.13 “Guess Who?” (fill in the speech bubbles with the correct -ves words)
P.14 “Guess Who?” (fill in the speech bubbles with the correct -ies words)

P.15-16 Crossword Puzzle: -ves endings (with answer key)

P.17-18 Word Search: -ies endings (with answer key)

P.19 An original silly story: “The Elves that Kept to Themselves” (read and
highlight the irregular plural nouns with -ves endings)
P.20 An original silly poem: “Pennies In My Pocket” (read and highlight the
irregular plural nouns with -ies endings)

P.21 Find & Sort (activity for both -ves and -ies endings)

P.22-24 BINGO! Game directions and teacher's word lists—2 versions

P.25-30 BINGO! Game (10 different cards on half pages AND blank game card)

Jessica Jung © 2015

p.3 Name: ____________________

Complete the Words (-ves ending)

Write the correct ending for each plural word:
leaf elf

lea__ __ __ el__ __ __
wolf knife

kni__ __ __
wol__ __ __
thief shelf

shel__ __ __
thie__ __ __
loaf half

loa__ __ __
hal__ __ __
sheaf wife

wi__ __ __
shea__ __ __
calf life

cal__ __ __ li__ __ __

Jessica Jung © 2015

p.9 Name: ____________________
Read & Find the Correct Plural Noun
Check the box next to the sentence that uses the correct spelling of the plural noun.

The pack of wolves howled I raked up the fallen leafs.

at night.

The pack of wolfs howled

at night. I raked up the fallen leaves.

I cut the fruit into two halfs. They helped themselfs

to more cake.

I cut the fruit into two halves. They helped themselves

to more cake.

Their wifes decorated for the Two thieves stole my car!


Their wives decorated for the

Two thiefs stole my car!

The baby calves were born Do you smell the loafs of

last night. bread baking in the oven?

The baby calfs were born Do you smell the loaves of

last night. bread baking in the oven?

There are many bookshelves in All of our lives are important.

the library.
Jessica Jung © 2015

There are many bookshelfs in

All of our lifes are important.
the library.
Irregular Plural Nouns: Name: ____________________
-ies ending
Guess Who?
Write the correct plural noun in each speech bubble.

We are all women.

Who are we? You are ______________.

We are different groups of

people, and each individual
group lives together and is You are ______________.
closely related.
Who are we?

We are small, cute and

need to be loved and taken You are ______________.
care of. Who are we?

We say unkind words

and do hurtful things to
others. We need to learn You are ______________.
how to treat people
better. Who are we?

Unfortunately, we do not like

each other and we do not You are ______________.
get along. Who are we?

enemies families babies ladies bullies
Jessica Jung © 2015
Name: ____________________

Irregular Plural Nouns:

Find & Sort

Find the plural
nouns, then sort
them into two Circle the -ves words in blue.
groups (-ves & Circle the -ies words in red.
-ies endings).

pennies wolves enemies loaves knives

memories babies halves factories berries
thieves candies leaves families shelves
calves stories countries wives sheaves

-ves ending -ies ending

1. ________________________ 1. ________________________

2. ________________________ 2. ________________________

3. ________________________ 3. ________________________

4. ________________________ 4. ________________________

5. ________________________ 5. ________________________

6. ________________________ 6. ________________________

7. ________________________ 7. ________________________

8. ________________________ 8. ________________________

9. ________________________ 9. ________________________

10. ________________________ 10. ________________________

Jessica Jung © 2015

leaves elves stories puppies countries

knives bunnies families sheaves candies

shelves lives FREE! memories wolves

cities thieves ladies wives ponies

cherries loaves pennies factories berries

halves selves enemies calves families

factories knives sheaves wives loaves

stories wolves FREE! leaves memories

puppies candies elves cherries thieves

cities shelves ladies pennies countries

Jessica Jung © 2015

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