Contemp Clin Dent 2015 Narang 63 8
Contemp Clin Dent 2015 Narang 63 8
Contemp Clin Dent 2015 Narang 63 8
doi: 10.4103/0976-237X.149294
PMCID: PMC4319348
A comparative evaluation of the blood clot, platelet-rich plasma, and platelet-rich fibrin in
regeneration of necrotic immature permanent teeth: A clinical study
Isha Narang, Neelam Mittal, and Navin Mishra
Correspondence: Dr. Isha Narang, Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics, BHU, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, India. E-
mail: moc.liamg@gnaranahsird
This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
The nonsurgical endodontic management of mature teeth has shown favorable outcome rate of 95%
in teeth diagnosed with irreversible pulpitis[1] and 85% in necrotic cases.[2] However, necrotic
immature permanent teeth caused either by caries or trauma, offer prognosis due to thin dentinal
walls that are prone to fracture.[3,4] Moreover, open apices are difficult to seal either by thermo
plasticized or lateral condensation methods.[5] Conventionally such teeth are managed with calcium
hydroxide[6,7] or mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) apexification.[8,9] It is reported that 30% of
these teeth fracture during or after such treatment.[10] Thus, there was a paradigm shift in the
treatment protocol to Regeneration, a biological procedure that offers a huge potential for hard
tissue formation in such teeth.[11,12]
The microenvironment in periradicular region for regeneration is dependent upon the spatial
orientation of stem cells and signaling molecule on the suitable scaffold.[13,14] Earlier studies on
regenerative endodontics utilized blood clot as scaffold with the resultant increase in concentration
of growth micromolecules. However, recently platelet concentrates have shown their usefulness in
regeneration as they comprise increased concentration of growth factors and increase the cell
proliferation over time when compared to the blood clot.[15] There are several in vitro studies
supporting the direct dose-response influence of many growth factors like platelet-derived growth
factors on cell migration, proliferation, and matrix synthesis.[16,17,18] Hence, the acceleration of
the regenerative process can be expected if platelet concentrates are used instead of the blood clot.
Platelet-rich plasma (PRP)[19] and platelet-rich fibrin (PRF)[20] represent two concentrated sources of
platelets used in the field of maxillofacial and orthopedic surgeries. A natural human blood clot
contains 95% red blood cells (RBCs), 5% platelets, <1% white blood cells (WBCs), and numerous
amounts of fibrin strands. A PRP clot, on the other hand, contains 4% RBCs, 95% platelets, and 1%
WBCs.[21] Platelet count in PRP can exceed 2 million/μL, thus platelet concentration increases by
160% to 740%[22] whereas PRF produces a 210-fold higher concentration of platelets and fibrin
when compared to the initial input whole blood volume.[23] PRF, unlike PRP, is associated with slow
and continuous increase in cytokine levels.[24] PRP-mediated regeneration of vital tissues in teeth
with necrotic pulp and periapical radiolucency has been reported.[25] The purpose of this research
work was to evaluate and compare the regenerative potential of the blood clot, PRP, and PRF in
immature necrotic permanent teeth.
This pilot study was designed as a clinical trial comparing the regenerative potential of the blood
clot, PRP, and PRF in young healthy subjects below 20 years of age. Totally, 20 study subjects with
necrotic immature permanent teeth with or without associated apical periodontitis were enrolled in
the trial. The research protocol was approved by Institutional Reviews Board at Banaras Hindu
University, Varanasi. The study was conducted in Department of Conservative Dentistry and
Endodontics at Sir Sunderlal Hospital, BHU between September 2010 and August 2011. Medically
compromised patients were excluded from the study. Written informed consent was obtained from
all the subjects participating in the study.
Patient's medical, dental history, demographic, and socioeconomic data were collected. Intra oral
examination was performed by a single examiner. Pulpal and periradicular status was assessed
through percussion, palpation, thermal and electric pulp tests (Diagnostic unit; Sybron, Orange, CA).
Periapical radiographic examination was performed using Rinn XCP devices (Rinn Corp, Elgin, IL) and
photostimulable phosphor imaging plates. Images were processed and archived by scanner and
software interface (OpTime, Soredex, Finland).
Under Rubber dam isolation, access preparation was done in necrotic immature permanent teeth of
all the 20 subjects. Canals were copiously irrigated with 2.5% sodium hypochlorite, and minimal
instrumentation was done to prevent weakening of the lateral dentinal walls. Triple antibiotic paste
was placed as an inter appointment medicament in the dried canals, and the coronal access was
sealed with intermediate restorative material for 4 weeks. After 4 weeks, block randomization was
done, and cases were divided into four groups with five patients in each group. The study was
designed with three test arms and one control arm. The groups were as follows: Group I: MTA
apexification (control group), Group II: Blood clot was used as a scaffold, Group III: PRP + collagen
was used as a scaffold, Group IV: Platelet-rich Fibrin matrix (PRF or PRFM) was used as scaffold.
Under rubber dam isolation, triple antibiotic paste was removed from the canal using irrigation with
2.5% sodium hypochlorite. Canals were dried and following the procedure was carried out.
In Group I, MTA was placed in the canal using messing gun to form the 3–4 mm of apical plug. A
moist cotton pellet was placed in the canal, and tooth was temporarily restored for 24 h. It was
obturated using gutta-percha and AH Plus sealer. Tooth was permanently restored with adhesive
restoration in the same visit.
In Group II, under local anesthesia, a sterile 23 gauge needle was passed 2 mm beyond the confines
of working length and pushed with a sharp stroke intentionally to produce bleeding in the canal.
When frank bleeding was evident from the canal, a tight cotton pellet was inserted in the coronal
portion of canal and pulp chamber for 7–10 min to induce the clot formation in the apical two-third
of the root canal.
In Group III, PRF clot was used as a scaffold. It was pushed toward the apical region using endodontic
In Group IV, PRP + collagen was introduced as scaffold and pushed toward the apical area using
endodontic pluggers.
In all the three experimental groups, resin-modified glass ionomer cement was placed extending 3–4
mm in the canal. Access cavity was sealed with composite (Clearfil Majesty, Kuraray Medical Inc.,
Tokyo, Japan) during the same visit. Patients were kept on the follow-up period of 6 and 18 months.
All the 20 cases were evaluated clinically and radiographically at 6 and 18 months after treatment.
Clinical evaluation considered relief from pain, absence of swelling, drainage and resolution of sinus.
Radiographic evaluation included periapical healing, apical closure, root lengthening, and dentinal
wall thickening. [Figures [Figures11--4]4] with respect to Groups I–IV] The clinical and radiographic
evaluation was done by two independent observers who were blinded from the groups. Along with
it, radiographic measurements were done using radiovisiography software. The scoring was done as
follows: None score was denoted by-, Fair by 1, Good by 2, and Excellent by 3, respectively.
Clinically, all the groups showed excellent results. Patients were asymptomatic with no tenderness
on either percussion or palpation. The swelling and sinus had resolved completely.
The data were then analyzed statistically by Fisher's exact test using STATA11 (PC-02, Process Ltd.,
Nice, France). 1 software, and P = 0.05 was considered statistically significant.
There was no apical closure, root lengthening, and dentinal wall thickening in Group 1 as compared
to other groups which was kept as a control group.
Periapical healing
Of five cases in each group, 98% of cases in Group III (PRF group) showed excellent periapical healing
with P = 0.003 [Chart 1]. 60% in Group II and 80% in Group IV showed good results with no statistical
significant difference between two groups but revascularization supplemented with PRP gave better
results than blood clot group.
Apical closure
There was no statistical significant difference among Groups II-IV in terms of apical closure with P =
0.417 [Chart 2] 66.67% of cases in Group II, 40% in Group III, and 60% in Group IV showed good
apical closure.
Root lengthening
Ninety-nine percent of the cases in Group III showed excellent results in terms of root lengthening
with statistically significant difference over other groups with P = 0.002 [Chart 3]. 40% of the cases in
both Groups II and IV showed good results in terms of root lengthening with no difference.
Excellent results were seen in 60% of the cases in Group III in terms of dentinal wall thickening
with P = 0.047 [Chart 4] good results were obtained in 50% of cases in Group II and 20% of cases in
Group IV with no statistical significant difference with Group II showing better results as compared
to Group IV.
The ultimate goal of Regenerative Endodontics is to set the stage for maturogenesis in nonvital
immature tooth. It has been reported that the remnants of hertwig's epithelial root sheath or cell
rests of Malassez are sufficiently resistant to peri-apical infections.[26] Thus, the signaling networks
from these remnant epithelial root sheath cells may stimulate various stem cells like stem cells from
apical papillae,[27] periodontal ligament, bone marrow and multipotent pulp stem cells to form
odontoblasts-like cells in nonvital, immature and noninfected teeth. These newly formed
odontoblasts-like cells from dentine which helps in normal root maturation. This biological process is
also mediated by stimulation of cementoblasts at peri-apex leading to deposition of calcific material
at apex as well as on lateral dentinal walls. Several research groups have demonstrated the role of
morphogens like statins,[28] dexamethasone,[29] LIM mineralization proteins[30] on the
differentiation of odontoblasts-like phenotypes from dental stem cells. But the current perspective
of various regenerative studies is now to delineate the biological clues in the form of autologous
growth micro molecules that basically drive increased stem cell proliferation and differentiation
resulting in fast and effective growth. The source of concentrated platelets, that is, PRP and PRF is
autologous so, there are little or no chances of immunogenic reactions. These concentrates form a
three-dimensional network of fibrin which acts as a scaffold with concentrated growth micro
molecules. Fibrin scaffolds give good results when compared to synthetic polymer and collagen gels
in terms of cost, inflammation, immune response, and toxicity levels.[15] Such clinical application of
concentrated growth factors is an interesting trend in the other fields of dentistry like implants,
periodontal surgeries,[31] sinus lift procedures[32] and medical fields like ear, nose, throat surgeries,
plastic and orthopedic surgeries. Thus, PRF and PRP were used as a scaffold in inducing
revascularization in the present study.
Conventionally, PRP is prepared by collection of venous blood in test tubes containing anticoagulants
and then it is subjected to a two-step procedure. In the first step, PRP is formed by separation of a
platelet concentrate from the platelet poor plasma, white and red cell fraction.[33] In the second
step, exogenous thrombin, or other activator like batroxobin is added together with calcium chloride
or calcium gluconate, to the platelet concentrate.[34] This converts fibrinogen into fibrin, and the
fibrin network is formed. In contrast, PRF is prepared by collection of patient's blood in dry glass
tubes without anticoagulant. The collected blood is centrifuged at low speed which activates platelet
activation and fibrin polymerization immediately. Three layers are formed: RBC base layer, acellular
plasma on topmost layer, and a PRF clot in the middle. The present study documented the beneficial
effect of PRF over PRP, Blood Clot in maturogenesis of necrotic immature permanent teeth. The
possible explanations are:
The cytokines are small soluble molecules which remain trapped in PRFM even after
serum exudation, which necessarily implies an intimate incorporation of these
molecules in the fibrin polymer molecular architecture. The concentration of the
cytokines is maximum in matrix formed by PRF as compared to PRP and blood clot
The addition of high thrombin levels for conversion of fibrinogen to fibrin in PRP leads to
drastic activation and rapid polymerization leading to dense network of monofibers
poor in cytokine concentration whereas slow physiological polymerization in PRF allows
the formation of flexible three-dimensional fibrin network that supports cytokine
enmeshment and cellular migration
Platelet-rich fibrin shows consistent and stronger healing kinetics than PRP on rat
calvaria osteoblasts.[35] PRP basically shows the osteopromotive mechanism and is
associated with the significant release of cytokines and mitogens, that is, 81% of total
transforming growth factor-β1 and similar levels of total platelet-derived growth factor-
AB within the 1st day with significantly decreased release at 3, 7, and 14 days. Since the
maximum release of morphogens occurs before the actual cell ingrowth, fewer signaling
molecules are left for osteoblasts and odontoblasts from the surrounding tissues. Thus,
the effect of PRP on bone and dentine regeneration is limited. However, second-
generation platelet concentrate, that is, PRF releases its growth factors steadily with the
peak level reaching at 14 days corresponding to the growth pattern of periapical tissues
Platelet-rich plasma generates a strong proliferation, but inhibits differentiation of bone
mesenchymal cells (BMSC)[36,37,38] Choukroun's PRF, however shows proliferation and
differentiation of BMSC with no associated cytotoxicity toward dental pulp stem cells,
[39] periadipocytes, dermal prekeratinocytes, osteoblasts, oral epithelial cells,
periodontal ligament cells, and gingival fibroblasts[40]
Platelet-rich fibrin is preferable over PRP in clinical setting as PRP has poor mechanical
properties because its liquid or gel form results in washing out of released growth
factors such as during an operation in arthroscopic joint repair procedures[41]
The PRF clot is an autologous biomaterial and not an improved fibrin glue. Unlike the
PRP, strong fibrin matrix of PRF by Choukroun's technique does not dissolve quickly
after application instead, it is remodeled slowly in a similar way to a natural blood clot.
Phase contrast microscopy has shown the attachment of osteoblasts, periodontal ligament cells, and
gingival fibroblasts to the edge of PRF membrane. The leukoocyte-rich fibrin clot is fragile in
nature[43] because of the presence of GP IIb IIIa receptor on polymorphonuclear leukocytes, thus
making handling of clot a little bit difficult. Dr. Joseph Choukroun in 2007 made PRF box for the
preparation and standardization of leukocyte- and PRF clots and membranes.[44] These PRF
membranes when placed through open apices enhanced the growth characteristics in immature
necrotic teeth when compared to PRP and blood clot. It resulted in a reduction in size of periapical
radiolucency, increase in thickness of the dentinal walls, and root elongation and apical closure in a
shorter period.
Source of Support: Nil.
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Figure 2
Group II (a) Preoperative intra oral peri-apical (IOPA) radiograph (b) IOPA radiograph after 6 months (c) IOPA
radiograph after 18 months
Figure 3
Group III (a) Preoperative intra oral peri-apical (IOPA) radiograph (b) IOPA radiograph after 6 months (c) IOPA
radiograph after 18 months
Figure 4
Group IV (a) Preoperative intra oral peri-apical (IOPA) radiograph (b) IOPA radiograph after 6 months (c) IOPA
radiograph after 18 months
Chart 1
Chart 2
Comparative evaluation of apical closure
Chart 3
Chart 4
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