77 Nursing Diagnosis Handbook An Evidence Based Guide To Planning
77 Nursing Diagnosis Handbook An Evidence Based Guide To Planning
77 Nursing Diagnosis Handbook An Evidence Based Guide To Planning
Policy 09.13.47
Section: Clinical Responsible Vice President: EVP & CEO Health System
Subject: General Clinical Procedures and Care Responsible Entity: Trauma Services & Transfusion Services
I. Title
Massive Transfusion Protocol-Adult and Obstetric
II. Policy
A. The Massive Transfusion Protocol (MTP) is a multidisciplinary process whereby blood and
blood products can be rapidly obtained for an exsanguinating patient. The need for rapid
response time places a premium on rapid and effective communication.
B. This protocol applies to conditions warranting massive transfusion. Such conditions include
hemorrhage following significant trauma, GI bleeds, postpartum bleeding, significant
intraoperative blood loss and other similar clinical scenarios.
D. Goals for patients at risk for ongoing bleeding is to achieve a core temp temperature of >35.9,
pH >7.3 and achieve hemostasis.
E. The decision to activate MTP can only be made by a Faculty physician. A resident or any other
staff member can be delegated to make the notification call to the Transfusion Service provided
that the authorizing faculty physician’s name is stated.
F. In the event blood is needed prior to completion of testing, the ordering physician must sign the
Emergency Release of Blood Products waiver found on the Blood Bank Division Primary
Request form (Form BB10) for uncrossmatched blood to be dispensed. This signature can be
obtained after the emergency release of products.
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IHOP Policy 09.13.47
G. UTMB has two protocols with component ratios based on type of activation and campus.
1. Adult Activation
2. Obstetric Activation
Plasma 6 3 3 3
5. At each campus, 1 cryoprecipitate dose is issued on every round for obstetric MTP
activations. The first cryo dose may be issued after all other Round 1 products are
issued to allow component processing time to thaw the product. Rounds repeat as
necessary with platelets on odd numbered rounds.
Note: The next round of MTP is prepared once the previous round is picked up. Products
are prepared until deactivation notice or after 1 hr of no request for blood products.
IHOP Policy 09.13.47
1. Tranexamic Acid (TXA): Tranexamic acid (TXA) is a potential adjunct therapy during
MTP cases.
a. Tranexamic acid should not be mixed with blood transfusion or solutions
containing mannitol or penicillin
b. Trauma patients:
i. TXA must be given as early as possible (within 1-3 hours of injury) and is
ineffective if given three (3) hours after injury
ii. Loading dose of 1 gram of TXA should be given intravenously over 10
minutes (started within 3 hours of injury), followed by 1 gram over the
next 8 hours as a continuous infusion
c. Obstetric patients: clinically diagnosed post-partum hemorrhage patients should
i. 1 g in 10 ml (100 mg/ml) TXA intravenously as soon as possible and no
more than 3 hours after childbirth
ii. A second dose of 1 gm should be given intravenously if bleeding
continues after 30 minutes or restarts within 24 hours of the first dose
III. Procedures
A. Initiating the Massive Transfusion Protocol
1. Faculty physician declares the need to activate MTP and calls the Transfusion Service or
delegates a team member to make the notification call. Residents or any other
staff members can make the activation call provided that the authorizing faculty
physician’s name is stated.
2. Provide the Transfusion Service with the following information:
a. Patient’s name and MRN
b. Current location
c. Activating physician’s name (not a resident’s name)
d. Contact person’s name and phone extension
e. Patient’s age and gender
f. Case type (Trauma, Obstetric, GI bleed, other)
g. Pediatric Weight (if pediatric)
3. A patient care team delegate notifies the Clinical Operations Administrator (COA).
and provide the patient’s name, MRN, current location, and a contact phone number.
3. Runner will complete blood read-back verification process with Blood Bank team
member. Continuous rounds of blood components will be prepared by Blood Bank and
will be picked up by a blood runner until deactivation notice is received.
4. The goal of the Transfusion Service is to have at least 1 MTP cooler ahead for the
duration of the MTP activation.
b. Under Unverified Blood or Massive Transfusion Protocol, select the button for
the component to be transfused (Packed Red Blood Cells, Fresh Frozen Plasma,
Cryoprecipitate, Platelets). See image below.
c. Click the comment box next to “Unit Number - Scan Barcode into Comments” in
the section for the correct component to be scanned (Packed Red Blood Cells,
Fresh Frozen Plasma, Cryoprecipitate, Platelets). See image below
ii. Do NOT use the level I to warm and transfuse the following:
Granulocyte suspensions
B. Inpatient Workflow
1. The transfusionist and a second verifier must complete the dual sign off, date, and time on
the Blood Transfusion Record Tag of each unit to be transfused.
2. Transfused components should be entered into the Blood Administration Flowsheet in Epic
a. Go to the Blood Administration flowsheet.
b. Select Add Column, then select the row titled Unverified Blood or Massive
Transfusion Protocol. See image below.
IHOP Policy 09.13.47
c. Select the component type (Packed Red Blood Cells, Fresh Frozen Plasma,
Cryoprecipitate, Platelets). See image below.
d. Select “Unit Number - Scan Barcode Into Comments” in the row name for the
component to be scanned (Packed Red Blood Cells, Fresh Frozen Plasma,
Cryoprecipitate, Platelets).
e. Place the cursor in the “comment (F6)” box.
f. Scan the component barcode on the product to be transfused.
g. Verify that information entered in the comment field matches the donor unit
barcode number on the blood bag.
h. Select “1” in the row details box to document the 1 unit to be given.
i. No stop time is recorded because products are rapidly transfused.
j. Indicate if there are signs/symptoms consistent with a possible transfusion
reaction by answering the suspected reaction question either Yes or No.
k. Repeat for each transfused unit
3. If there is a software workflow issue, do not delay the transfusion but complete all
documentation on the Blood Transfusion Record Tag (Downtime Form).
4. The Blood Transfusion Record Tag must always be placed in the patient’s paper chart as a
permanent record.
5. Enter vitals as necessary per IHOP 9.13.29 Transfusion policy.
6. The blood product volume is printed on the transfusion record tag.
7. Use of the Level 1 Rapid Infusor
a. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ldzajt2OugY
Single use tubing comes pre-packaged in sterile container
i. Types of products that can be used in the Level I rapid infuser:
Packed Red Blood Cells
ii. Do NOT use the level I to warm and transfuse the following:
Granulocyte suspensions
iii. Do NOT mix the following with blood products:
Lactated Ringers solution
Dextrose in water
IHOP Policy 09.13.47
IHOP Policy 09.13.47
IHOP Policy 09.13.47
V. MTP Overview
A. Nursing Responsibilities
1. Verify that an authorization is completed for MTP by ordering faculty.
a. If using non-crossmatched blood-verify that the ordering faculty has completed
the emergency release of blood products waiver.
2. Document and monitor vital signs in accordance with IHOP policy 9.13.29
3. Document and monitor urine output
4. Ensure the patient has at least 2 working large bore intravenous catheters (IV) catheters for
use with the MTP protocol and use with the rapid infuser.
a. Ensure a dedicated intravenous line for use with each type of blood product.
b. Types of products that can be used in the Level I rapid infuser:
i. Crystalloids
ii. Colloids
iii. Packed Red Blood Cells
5. Activating MTP
a. Notify transfusion services that MTP has been ordered and activated and provide
the following information to the transfusionist
i. Ordering faculty’s name
ii. Patient name and MRN
iii. Current location
iv. Patient’s age and gender
v. Case type (Examples: trauma, obstetric, GI bleed)
vi. Pediatric weight (for pediatric cases)
Notify the COA of the MTP activation.
vii. Perform an ongoing assessment to monitor for signs of a transfusion
reaction. See IHOP policy 9.13.29.
viii. Monitor for signs and symptoms of fluid overload
ix. Monitor and assess for pain
x. Provide education to patient and family members related to current
plan of care for the patient receiving MTP
c. Start time
d. Volume transfused
e. Any signs or symptoms consistent with a possible transfusion reaction
IHOP Policy 09.13.47