HY0T8CAT ELC Extended Life Coolant Premix 5050 With Embitterment
HY0T8CAT ELC Extended Life Coolant Premix 5050 With Embitterment
HY0T8CAT ELC Extended Life Coolant Premix 5050 With Embitterment
Product Identifier
Product name CAT ELC (Extended Life Coolant) Premix 50/50 with Embitterment
1195148, 2056611, 2056612, 2056613, 2056614, 2067831 OBS; 2144820 OBS, 2144821 OBS, 2144823 OBS, 2154242, 2154243 OBS,
Synonyms 2154245; 2154246, 2374951 OBS, 2374952 OBS, 2374953, 2388648, 2388649; 2388650, 3428220, 3488221, 3488222, 3611024, 3658395;
3658396, 3658397, 3658398, 4421692
Other means of identification Not Available
Relevant identified uses of the substance or mixture and uses advised against
Relevant identified uses
Use according to manufacturer's directions.
HAZARDOUS CHEMICAL. NON-DANGEROUS GOODS. According to the WHS Regulations and the ADG Code.
Poisons Schedule S5
Legend: 1. Classified by Chemwatch; 2. Classification drawn from HCIS; 3. Classification drawn from Regulation (EU) No 1272/2008 - Annex VI
Label elements
Hazard pictogram(s)
Hazard statement(s)
H302 Harmful if swallowed.
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Version No: Print Date: 02/24/2020
CAT ELC (Extended Life Coolant) Premix 50/50 with Embitterment
P501 Dispose of contents/container to authorised hazardous or special waste collection point in accordance with any local regulation.
See section below for composition of Mixtures
CAS No %[weight] Name
107-21-1 30-60 ethylene glycol
111-46-6 1-5 diethylene glycol
19766-89-3 1-5 2-ethylhexanoic acid, sodium salt
Not Available notspec bittering agent
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CAT ELC (Extended Life Coolant) Premix 50/50 with Embitterment
Extinguishing media
Alcohol stable foam.
Dry chemical powder.
BCF (where regulations permit).
Fire Incompatibility Avoid contamination with oxidising agents i.e. nitrates, oxidising acids, chlorine bleaches, pool chlorine etc. as ignition may result
Alert Fire Brigade and tell them location and nature of hazard.
Fire Fighting Wear full body protective clothing with breathing apparatus.
Prevent, by any means available, spillage from entering drains or water course.
Slight fire hazard when exposed to heat or flame.
Heating may cause expansion or decomposition leading to violent rupture of containers.
Combustion products include:
Fire/Explosion Hazard
carbon dioxide (CO2)
other pyrolysis products typical of burning organic material.
May emit poisonous fumes.
May emit corrosive fumes.
HAZCHEM Not Applicable
Environmental precautions
See section 12
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CAT ELC (Extended Life Coolant) Premix 50/50 with Embitterment
DO NOT allow clothing wet with material to stay in contact with skin
Avoid all personal contact, including inhalation.
Safe handling
Wear protective clothing when risk of exposure occurs.
Use in a well-ventilated area.
Store in original containers.
Other information Keep containers securely sealed.
No smoking, naked lights or ignition sources.
+ X + O + + +
Control parameters
Ingredient Material name TEEL-1 TEEL-2 TEEL-3
ethylene glycol Ethylene glycol 30 ppm 40 ppm 60 ppm
diethylene glycol Diethylene glycol 6.9 ppm 140 ppm 860 ppm
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CAT ELC (Extended Life Coolant) Premix 50/50 with Embitterment
Exposure controls
Engineering controls are used to remove a hazard or place a barrier between the worker and the hazard. Well-designed engineering controls can
Appropriate engineering be highly effective in protecting workers and will typically be independent of worker interactions to provide this high level of protection.
controls The basic types of engineering controls are:
Process controls which involve changing the way a job activity or process is done to reduce the risk.
Personal protection
up to 10 x ES A-AUS P2 -
Class 1 P2
A-AUS / Class 1
NATURAL+NEOPRENE C up to 50 x ES - -
NEOPRENE C up to 100 x ES - A-2 P2 A-PAPR-2 P2 ^
^ - Full-face
NITRILE+PVC C A(All classes) = Organic vapours, B AUS or B1 = Acid gasses, B2 = Acid gas or
PE/EVAL/PE C hydrogen cyanide(HCN), B3 = Acid gas or hydrogen cyanide(HCN), E = Sulfur
dioxide(SO2), G = Agricultural chemicals, K = Ammonia(NH3), Hg = Mercury, NO =
PVA C Oxides of nitrogen, MB = Methyl bromide, AX = Low boiling point organic
PVC C compounds(below 65 degC)
TEFLON C Cartridge respirators should never be used for emergency ingress or in areas of
unknown vapour concentrations or oxygen content.
* CPI - Chemwatch Performance Index The wearer must be warned to leave the contaminated area immediately on
A: Best Selection detecting any odours through the respirator. The odour may indicate that the mask is
B: Satisfactory; may degrade after 4 hours continuous immersion not functioning properly, that the vapour concentration is too high, or that the mask is
C: Poor to Dangerous Choice for other than short term immersion not properly fitted. Because of these limitations, only restricted use of cartridge
NOTE: As a series of factors will influence the actual performance of the glove, a final respirators is considered appropriate.
selection must be based on detailed observation. - Cartridge performance is affected by humidity. Cartridges should be changed after 2
* Where the glove is to be used on a short term, casual or infrequent basis, factors such hr of continuous use unless it is determined that the humidity is less than 75%, in
as "feel" or convenience (e.g. disposability), may dictate a choice of gloves which might which case, cartridges can be used for 4 hr. Used cartridges should be discarded
otherwise be unsuitable following long-term or frequent use. A qualified practitioner daily, regardless of the length of time used
should be consulted.
Appearance Red liquid with faint or mild odour; miscible with water.
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CAT ELC (Extended Life Coolant) Premix 50/50 with Embitterment
The material is not thought to produce respiratory irritation (as classified by EC Directives using animal models). Nevertheless inhalation of
vapours, fumes or aerosols, especially for prolonged periods, may produce respiratory discomfort and occasionally, distress.
Inhalation of vapours may cause drowsiness and dizziness. This may be accompanied by sleepiness, reduced alertness, loss of reflexes, lack of
co-ordination, and vertigo.
Inhaled Inhalation of vapours or aerosols (mists, fumes), generated by the material during the course of normal handling, may be damaging to the health
of the individual.
Aliphatic alcohols with more than 3-carbons cause headache, dizziness, drowsiness, muscle weakness and delirium, central depression, coma,
seizures and behavioural changes. Secondary respiratory depression and failure, as well as low blood pressure and irregular heart rhythms, may
Accidental ingestion of the material may be harmful; animal experiments indicate that ingestion of less than 150 gram may be fatal or may
produce serious damage to the health of the individual.
Swallowing of the liquid may cause aspiration into the lungs with the risk of chemical pneumonitis; serious consequences may result.
If swallowed, the toxic effects of glycols (dihydric alcohols) are similar to those of alcohol, with depression of the central nervous system, nausea,
vomiting, and degenerative changes in the liver and kidney.
For ethylene glycol:
Symptoms following swallowing ethylene glycol include failure of breathing, central nervous system depression, cardiovascular collapse, lung
swelling, acute kidney failure, and even brain damage. Swallowing 100 millilitres has caused death.
There are three stages of ethylene glycol poisoning.
Repeated exposure may cause skin cracking, flaking or drying following normal handling and use.
Most liquid alcohols appear to act as primary skin irritants in humans. Significant percutaneous absorption occurs in rabbits but not apparently in
Skin Contact
Open cuts, abraded or irritated skin should not be exposed to this material
There is some evidence to suggest that the material may cause mild but significant inflammation of the skin either following direct contact or after
a delay of some time. Repeated exposure can cause contact dermatitis which is characterised by redness, swelling and blistering.
There is some evidence that material may produce eye irritation in some persons and produce eye damage 24 hours or more after instillation.
Moderate inflammation may be expected with redness; conjunctivitis may occur with prolonged exposure.
Based on experience with animal studies, exposure to the material may result in toxic effects to the development of the foetus, at levels which do
not cause significant toxic effects to the mother.
Substance accumulation, in the human body, may occur and may cause some concern following repeated or long-term occupational exposure.
There is some evidence from animal testing that exposure to this material may result in reduced fertility.
Exposure to ethylene glycol over a period of several weeks may cause throat irritation, mild headache and low backache. These may worsen with
increasing concentration of the substance. They may progress to a burning sensation in the throat, a burning cough, and drowsiness.
Dermal (rabbit) LD50: 9530 mg/kg[2] Eye (rabbit): 100 mg/1h - mild
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CAT ELC (Extended Life Coolant) Premix 50/50 with Embitterment
Oral (rat) LD50: 12000 mg/kg[2] Eye: no adverse effect observed (not irritating)[1]
diethylene glycol
Skin (human): 112 mg/3d-I mild
Skin (rabbit): 500 mg mild
2-ethylhexanoic acid, sodium
dermal (rat) LD50: >2000 mg/kg[1] Not Available
Oral (rat) LD50: 2043 mg/kg[1]
Legend: 1. Value obtained from Europe ECHA Registered Substances - Acute toxicity 2.* Value obtained from manufacturer's SDS. Unless otherwise
specified data extracted from RTECS - Register of Toxic Effect of chemical Substances
ETHYLENE GLYCOL [Estimated Lethal Dose (human) 100 ml; RTECS quoted by Orica] Substance is reproductive effector in rats (birth defects). Mutagenic to rat cells.
The material may cause skin irritation after prolonged or repeated exposure and may produce on contact skin redness, swelling, the production of
vesicles, scaling and thickening of the skin.
Diglycolic acid is formed following the oxidation of accidentally ingested diethylene glycol in the body and can lead to severe complications with
fatal outcome.
Asthma-like symptoms may continue for months or even years after exposure to the material ends. This may be due to a non-allergic condition
known as reactive airways dysfunction syndrome (RADS) which can occur after exposure to high levels of highly irritating compound. Main
criteria for diagnosing RADS include the absence of previous airways disease in a non-atopic individual, with sudden onset of persistent
asthma-like symptoms within minutes to hours of a documented exposure to the irritant. Substance has been investigated as a mutagen in
CAT ELC (Extended Life
Coolant) Premix 50/50 with
Embitterment & No significant acute toxicological data identified in literature search.
CAT ELC (Extended Life
For ethylene glycol:
Coolant) Premix 50/50 with
Ethylene glycol is quickly and extensively absorbed throughout the gastrointestinal tract. Limited information suggests that it is also absorbed
Embitterment & ETHYLENE
through the airways; absorption through skin is apparently slow. Following absorption, it is distributed throughout the body.
Coolant) Premix 50/50 with Not Not Not
Embitterment Not Available Not Available
Available Available Available
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CAT ELC (Extended Life Coolant) Premix 50/50 with Embitterment
Legend: Extracted from 1. IUCLID Toxicity Data 2. Europe ECHA Registered Substances - Ecotoxicological Information - Aquatic Toxicity 3. EPIWIN Suite
V3.12 (QSAR) - Aquatic Toxicity Data (Estimated) 4. US EPA, Ecotox database - Aquatic Toxicity Data 5. ECETOC Aquatic Hazard Assessment
Data 6. NITE (Japan) - Bioconcentration Data 7. METI (Japan) - Bioconcentration Data 8. Vendor Data
For Ethylene Glycol: Log Kow: -1.93 to -1.36; Half-life (hr) air: 24 hrs; Henry�s Law Constant: 1.41 � 10-3 or 6.08 � 10-3 Pa.m3/mol, (depending on method of calculation); Henry's
atm m3 /mol: 2.3x10 atm-m/mol; Vapor Pressure: 7.9 Pa @ 20 C; BOD 5: 0.15 to 0.81, 12%; COD: 1.21 to 1.29; ThOD: 1.26; BCF: 10 to190.
Atmospheric Fate: In the atmosphere, ethylene glycol exists mainly in the vapor phase. It is degraded by reactions with hydroxyl radicals, (estimated half-life 24-50 hours).
DO NOT discharge into sewer or waterways.
Bioaccumulative potential
Ingredient Bioaccumulation
ethylene glycol LOW (BCF = 200)
diethylene glycol LOW (BCF = 180)
Mobility in soil
Ingredient Mobility
ethylene glycol HIGH (KOC = 1)
diethylene glycol HIGH (KOC = 1)
Labels Required
Marine Pollutant NO
HAZCHEM Not Applicable
Safety, health and environmental regulations / legislation specific for the substance or mixture
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CAT ELC (Extended Life Coolant) Premix 50/50 with Embitterment
Other information
Classification of the preparation and its individual components has drawn on official and authoritative sources as well as independent review by the Chemwatch Classification
committee using available literature references.
The SDS is a Hazard Communication tool and should be used to assist in the Risk Assessment. Many factors determine whether the reported Hazards are Risks in the workplace or
other settings. Risks may be determined by reference to Exposures Scenarios.
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CAT ELC (Extended Life Coolant) Premix 50/50 with Embitterment
end of SDS