Emil Nolde - Peter Selz (MOMA 1963)
Emil Nolde - Peter Selz (MOMA 1963)
Emil Nolde - Peter Selz (MOMA 1963)
Acknowledgmenr 6
Foreword 7
The Lonely Y c::irs of Preparation 9
Bridge to Himself
The Religious Pictures
Life in the Metropolis
earch for the Primitive
The ca, the Marsh and the Garden
The l?rints
The Fluid Image
The "Unpainted Pictures"
Biographical Chronology
elected Bibliography
Catalog of the Exhibition
elective Index
I wish to express my thanks, above all to the late Joachim von Lepe], who placed
at my disposal the exhat1 tive documentary resources of the Stiftung Seebull Ada
und Emil Nolde and provided much valuable information which has been of great
help to me. It is a great tragedy that M1·. on Lepe! died suddenly in Venice in the
summer of 1962, where he had gone to participate in the ceremonies for previous
prizewinners at the Biennale. I deeply regret that he will see neither the first
American Nolde retrospective exhibition nor this monograph, published in con-
nection with it which he was so instrumental in aiding. His widow, Mrs. Veronica
on Lepe!, was also most helpful to me, as was Dr. Martin Urban, the newly
appointed director of the Nolde Foundation who is carrying on so competently
at SeebUll and who has seen the work on this exhibition to completion.
On behalf of the Board of Trustees of The Museum of Modern Art, the San
Francisco Museum of Art and The Pasadena Art Museum, I wish to express my
gratitude to the Government of the German Federal Republic for its sponsorship
of the exhibition and its grant to cover the costs of transportation and insurance of
all German loans. We want particularly to thank three members of the German
Government who have been most helpful: Dr. Dieter Sattler, head of the Cultural
Department of the German Foreign Office, Dr. Hanns-Erich Haack, Cultural
Counselor of the German Embassy in Washington, and Miss Haide Russell, Consul
for Cultural Affairs of the German Consulate in New York.
We are grateful to the museum private collectors and dealers who have gene-
rously made works available for the exhibition and whose names are listed on
page 4. William S. Lieberman was kind enough to help in selecting the prints in
the exhibition.
Neither exhibition nor book could have materialized without the help of many
of my colleagues in German and Danish museums. Above all, I should like to
thank Dr. Alfred Hentzen of the Hamburger Kunsthalle for his many useful
suggestions and for using his good offices in expediting the shipment of paintings
from Germany to the United tates. I also want to acknowledge the help of
Dr. Kurt Martin, Munich· Dr. Christel Mosel, Hanover; Dr. Gert von der Osten,
Cologne; Dr. Werner Schmalenbach Hanover; Dr. Gunther Thiem, Hanover;
Dr. Paul Vogt, Essen; and I want to thank Dr. Bernhard Sprengel, Hanover, for
his cooperation. I obtained important information about Nolde and his work from
Mrs. Hans Fehr, Bern· Dr. Carl Gustav Schiefler, Hamburg and Mrs. Ala Story,
Santa Barbara. Werner Haftmann's previous studie of Nolde have been very use-
ful to me. My friend, George Rickey, went out of his way during a trip to Germany
in the fall of r962 to as i t us in many important details when help was urgently
For special assistance in connection with the book, gratitude is due to Mr. and
Mrs. Joseph M. Edinburg, Mr. and Mrs. Morton D. May, and Mr . Gertrud A. 6
Mellon. The manuscript was edited by Helen M. Franc and the book was designed
by Mary Ahern and seen through the press by Frarn;:oise Boas. The bibliography
was compiled by Inga Forslund and the index was prepared by Lucy Lippard. The-
rese Varveris has been responsible for the cataloguing of the exhibition and for all
the details of correspondence in connection with both book and exhibition .
Peter Selz
Director of the Exhibition
Born in 1867, Emil Nolde was the exact contemporary of Pierre Bonnard. ince
he grew up on the periphery of the art world, he matured considerably later than
his French contemporary; but like Bonnard, he became one of the pioneers of
modern art. On the foundation of impres ionism olde developed a symbolic
language of tumultuous color which serves as rhe primary element in a newly
structured picture space through which olde's figures move with eruptive anx-
iety. A pioneer in the early years of the century, Nolde - like Bonnard - did not
continue his innovations after the advent of non-objective art and cubism,
when leadership went to the more adventurous Kandinsky, born one year earlier
and to the much younger Picasso (born 188 T).
Nolde adhered to the ground he had conquered during the pre-war period but
constantly refined his position. The oldest of the German expressionists hi
derivations reach back to the ancient phantoms of Northern myth and his concerns
reach out to the primitive arts of all cultures. His painting reflects the very rhythm
of orthern existence, transformed by his unique sensitivity and the esthetic revo-
lution of his own time.
Although primarily a colorist, he became one of the few truly great graphic artists
of the twentieth century. Because he was a colorist above all he endowed wa ter-
color with new life and vitality and a heer visual beauty which places him in the
top rank of modern artists. ln this medium, he relied on improvisation and. ex-
pressive spontaneity, capturing his subject matter almost by accident in a manner
uggestive of later more abstract painter .
Nolde gave rise to no school and had few direct followers, but hi work became
of central concern to a later generation of painters those who might be called his
grandsons. It is with thi relevance in mind that the fir t major retrospective of
Nolde's work in the United States is presented a half-century after some of his
most important contributions.
P. . January 196 3 7
As one drives along the German-Danish border westward from Flensburg the
country becomes increasingly flat. The sparse forests of the Baltic coast thin out
into a few isolated clumps of trees the nearly bald plain is relieved only by
an occ.::.sional windmill or red brick church steeple and the low mounds raised
centuries ago by t:he Dutch as foundations for farms and houses. Dikes protect the
low green marshland from the North Sea, and sturdy cattle and horses roam
somberly over wind-swept pastures. The immense vault of the sky is rarely clear
but billows with heavy clouds. At evening the sky is richly colored by the sun as it
breaks through for a Little while. Then at sunset the most unexpected hues and
formations appear in the skie : storms build the clouds into towering thunder-
heads; when the light changes and wind sweeps across them, new configurations
emerge, totally altering the mood of the land. At certain times of the year
fogs blanket the plain, sometimes briefly summoning weird forms which appear
and disappear in the mist, and dulling the whole countryside for long months,
letting in only an occasional burst of sunlight.
The house of Seebiill in North Schleswig where Nolde Lived and worked
during the Last thirty years of his life, is close to the little town of Nolde where
-christened asEmilHansen-he was born in 1867. During his entire life he always
returned to the marshes on the ed 0 e of the sea - indeed no modern painter was
so intimately rooted to the earth and his homeland.
Taciturn and morose by nature, and highly introverted, Nolde felt most at l10me
among the peasants of his native soil. He shared a great many of their fears,
superstitions and prejudice , but with his unique artistic gifts he was able ro lend
these notions a mystical and often demonic aspect. He visualized himself as a mi -
sionary whose privileged duty it was to create a vital, intense art of the orth.
Standing somewhat apart from the main stream of the art of his time, he remained
essentially a regionalist, but a regionalist of geniu .
In his several autobiographical volumes and in his published and unpubli hcd
letters, Nolde appear as a misanthrope: one who suffered greatly from perpetual
loneliness, who was constantly aware of his inability to take part in the normal
human community, yet who longed desperately for signs of friend hip or at least
of acceptance. From early adolescence he shunned other people; he seems frequently
to have experienced deep religious feelings and mystic identifications with Christ's
Passion. His attitude of melancholy mysticism remained with him throughout hi
long lifetime.
Nolde's copious writings arc clumsy in ymax and phra ed in a na·ive vocab-
ulary, which is only partly due ro hi own strange language, characteristic of the
European border peasantry that is never fully at home in the culture of any lan-
guage. His persistent anti-intellectualism of course merely contributed to this
awkw,.,rdness of e:x:pression. Here was an artist who tells us that during his entire 9
life he managed to read only a single book all the way through : the rather simple
Ekkehard by Victor von Scheffel. While he waited for many years to "become an
artist," he remained almost entirely self-taught. He could no more submit to a
teacher than he could assimilate f rorn the arcs of past or present. After looking
forward with greatest anticipation to studying in Paris and Italy, he returned,
writing: "Paris has given me very little, and I had expected so much." 1 And later:
"Artistically che country [Italy] gave me nothing. ln no previous years had I ac-
complished so little and such poor work." 2
His admiration for the primitive and the primeva l was to lead him as far as the
South Seas, bm it was the same attitude that made him return to his nati vc soil.
A suspicion of the "isms" of the twentieth century as well as his morose personality
made him rely deeply on animistic fantasy and his intense experience of
nature in the forms of the sea, clouds, marshes and flowers . But in the true fashion
of the romantic and the expressionist, he imposed his special artist's personality
on che world, di corting ics image to express his own unresolved conflicts.
It was at the age of thirty that olde, whose name was still Hansen, painted his
first canvas The Mountain Giants. Although surrounded solely by peasants in his
childhood, his propensity for art had manifested itself early. While still a small
d1ild he modeled a series of clay figures which were almost at once demolished by
his comrades. Soon he began coloring the pictures in his Bible, drew avid ly, loved
his drawing classes in school and then made attempts at painting, using the juice
of elderberries and red beets. He read with admiration aboLtt Di.irer and, coming
across the obituary of Hans Makart, noted that an artist could still enjoy glory in
his own time. While he worked on the family farm, he stole time to draw and paint,
leaving the catcle hungry.
At seventeen he left the farm, took the still unusual step to the city and became
an apprentice wood carver in a furniture factory in Flensburg. There he drew and
carved ornaments for twelve hours a day, six days a week. Sundays he studied
drawing with a professional painter. In his spare time he sketched landscapes and
portraits. His determination and constancy of purpose were certainly those of a
young man convinced of a mission.
After four years of apprenticeship, Nolde began his period as a journeyman
cabinet maker, working briefly in a furniture facrory in Munich and then in Karls-
ruhe, where he was able to quit his job for a short time to attend all-day
cla ses at the School for Arts and Crafts. By 1890 his so litary wanderings
took him to Berlin, but it was so difficult for him co find employment there that
the further burden of bitter poverty was added to his loneliness. He sketched, did
odd jobs and finally found a decent position with a large furniture manufacturer.
Soon thereafter, however, he learned of a vacancy at the Museum of Indu trial
Arts in St. Gall and was accepted as a teacher of drawing. He was to remain there
from 1892 till r898, leading for the fir t time a more regulated existence. In
Switzerland he sought close physical contact with nature, even daring some very
perilous ascents on the Jungfrau Monte Rosa and the Matterhorn. It was during IO
his stay in Switzerland that he learned for the first time something about contem-
porary thought, from friends who talked to him of the philosophy of Nietzsche,
the poecry of Verlain and Rimbaud, the music of \'V'agner, the plays of Ibsen and
Strindberg the novels of Hamsun and Gorky. He went to Milan where in Santa
Maria dellc Grazie he aw Leonardo's Last 'upper which made a lasting impression
on him. But in the art museum in Vienna he was still not ready to pause in front
of the paintings, fearing that their attraction v.·otdd precipitate him too rapidh·
into the career of an arti t. Among contemporaries he admired Bocklin and was
partial to Hadler, and one day he even met a famous artist when Lovis Corinth
visited St. Gall.
During this period Nolde sketched the Swiss towns and mountains, but he was
especially fascinated by the pea ant types and made caricatures of their faces . He
did a series of grotesque and demonic masks and endowed the mountains with troll-
like features in accordance with the concepts 0£ popular fan ta y and nomenclature.
He made small postcards of these personified mountains and, encouraged by their
reproduction in the famous magazine fugend, printed an edition of ioo,ooo card .
Their crude and simple ami-art qualit}', which made no demands on intellect or
csthetic sensibility, so captured popular taste that the edition was exhausted in ten
days earning ol<le 25,000 Swiss francs. As soon as he could, he gave up his
reaching job and left for Munich to b come a full-time student of painting. He was
now thirty-one years old.
At once be applied to the famous Franz von Stuck for admission tO his classes
at. the Academy, only to be rejected. He commented later: 'How beautiful it might
have been to meet there Kandinsky, Klee and perhaps also Marc, who were all
students of Stuck's at that time" 3 - indeed a fascinating speculation. Instead he
studied privately with Friedrich Fehr in Munich and Adolf Holze] in Dachau_ Hol -
ze!, who later became a pioneer of abstract painting , at that time still practiced the
dark, moody naturalism which was as characteristic of the regional nature painters
in both Worpswede and Dachau as it had been of the earlier Barbizon painters.
Nolde at last had time to study the work of other artists; he began making truc-
tmal sketches of paintings by artists who then enjoyed popularity - Bocklin, Con-
stable, Goya, Liebermann, Menzel, Millet, Sruck, Watt \'V'histler, Zorn - reducing
their compositions to two-dimensional planes and paying particular attention to
the contrast and balance of tonal values. The two painters whom he considered the
"most significant of our time" were G. B. Watt and Arnold Bocklin, with Millet
and Whistler following a close seconds. 4 He was aL-eady convinced, at least in
theory if not necessarily in hi choice of artists, that a great work of art had to be a
The Matterhorn Smiles. (1894). Color
fusion of "ability fanta y and poetic power." 5
postcard, 5 7 /~ x 4 1/ •. olde Foundation,
In the autumn of I 899 olde went to Paris, where his great expectations were
ro be so disappointed. He enrolled briefly at the Academie Julian under Lefeb re
and Flcuri, but found his tim more profitably pent in the museums where he
made a faithful copy of Titian's Allegory of Alfonso d'Avalos and admired Rem-
brandt' Supper at Emmaus. He was greatly interested in Daumier's paintings I1
and in Rodin's sculpture which he saw at the World's Fair of r900; he familiarized
himself with impressionism, loving Manet's "light beauty" and disdaining the
" weetness of the paintings by Renoir, Monet, Pissarro, which did not appeal tO
my harsher Northern sen c . "u A year lacer, the restless olde moved to
openhagcn where he went through an anguished crisis in both his solitary
life and hi still incipient art. Hi loneliness at least was ended by his marriage
in 1902 w a Danish girl, Ada Vilstrup. The young couple moved bad< and forth
between Berlin, Flensburg and a little fisherman's shack on the island of Alsen,
and a nobody would buy Nolde's paintings they lived in abject poverty for a
good many year . Ada, who had had some theatrical training, made an unsuccessful
attempt as a music-hall entertainer in Berlin which was followed by complete
physical exhaustion and a recuperative trip to icily during the winter of r 904-0 5.
At the time of his marriage the painter had changed his name from Emil Hansen
to Emil Nolde - after his native village - not only because of the great number
of Han ens in that part of the world, but also in order to mark the separation
between his life of preparation for art and his life as an artist. During the first
years of the century his work was till quite eclectic. One of his first canvases,
Before Sunrise (page 61 ), borrows from Bocklin's fantasy with two birdlike dra-
gons on high mountain cliffs over aLconardesque landscape. Moonlit ight of 1903
is painted in veiled grey tonal values related to H()lzel's paintings of Dachau moor
111Bavaria, although the more orthern painter emphasizes in a quite personal
way the vastness of the flat marshland lying in the mysterious moonlight, and
the solitariness of th single habitation. A year later the lovely Spring Indoors
clearly indicates his familiarity with impressionism. The composition of related
warm color , the room penetrated by light, and the quiet intimacy of the interior
scene with Ada reading at a table are all very similar w the work of Bonnard .
Yet, although Bonnard was Nolde's exact contemporary, the two painters never
knew each other and probably never saw one another's work. Both great colorists,
their paintings, except for this single example, arc completely different.
olde was soon ro go in a very different direction . He had studied the work
of the impre sionists and greatly re peered the paintings of van Gogh, Gauguin,
and Munch. However, his opinion of the German impressionists, who were the
leading figures at home wa never very high. He felt they were weak imitators
at a time when it was necessary to forge ahead. He wrote about the magic power
pure brilliant color had for him, and in the summer of 1904 he excitedly applied
the brightest pigments with a broad and vehement brushstrokc to his canvas
Harvest Day. In this canvas, the rhythm of the brush troke and the personal
feeling for the free expression of color no longer tied directly to the object,
establi h him as an artist with a different approach. In a letter to his clo e friend
Hans Fehr he relates: "I was as if intoxicated when I painted this picture. I sur-
pri ed myself and was astonished by its effect, its movement and brightness.' 7
Almost at once Nolde had both mastered impressionism and transformed it
into a more passionate and energetic statement of great intensity.
Harvest Day was painted before he left on hi ltalian trip of 1904-05. Upon
his return he found that it had been accepted for the important annual exhibition
of the Berlin Secession . He met Carl Ernst Osthaus, one of the first patron of
advanced art in Germany, studied Osthaus' superb collection, which later became
the Folkwang Museum 8 and even sold his Spring Indoors to the collector. Soon
he met the print connoisseur, Gustav ~chiefler, who was to purchase a number
of his etchings. While mo t of the criticism of bi. work was hostile and negative,
at least he was now recognized. And encounters with two older painters whom
he esteemed highly, Christian Rohlf and Edvard Munch, for the first time
gave him much-needed moral support for his way of painting.
Having supposed himself to be completely alone in his seard1 for new artiscic
expression, olde was overjoyed when in Febrnary of 1 906 he received a letter
from Karl Schmidt-Rottluff, inviting him to become a member of the recently
formed Dresden artists' group Die Briicke (The Bridge) whid1 had as one of
its aspirations: "to draw ro itself all revolutionary and fermenting clements."~
The young Briicke artist , seeing a few paintings Nolde had exhibited at the
Galerie Ernst Arnold in Dresden, admired his 'tempests of color" and expressed
their esteem in this invitation. olde speaks of his amazement aml joy at recog-
nition by his peers: "l was not alone! There were other young painters imbued
with the future, with aims similar to my own." 10 Schmidt-Rottluff accepted
Nolde's invitation to visit him in Alsen during the early fall, at which time views
and opinions were freely exchanged. In 1907 the Noldes went to Dresden, where
the always ickly Ada underwent special medical treatments while olde
enjoyed the stimulating company of the young Kird111er Heckel and Pechstein.
Ile was grateful to belong to a group of avant-garde artists, not only to share
their ideas but also, quite practically, to join the fight for the acceptance of a
new, still unnamed kind of painting, and to get his work exhibited and perhaps
bought. He gladly participated in the group shows of Die Briicke not only in
Dresden, but also in Hamburg, Flensburg and Magdeburg.
Nolde had needed their understanding and fellowship. Beginning with 1906
the sheer quantity of his production increased considerably. Breaking through
Nolde's isolation, the young painters helped him to find his own style as nothing
else could have done at that time. Nevertheless he soon retreated to his apartness,
rejecting this or any community of artists. He felt that these younger men were
still groping, that their group was too closely knit and their paintings all resembled
one another; at the time of the r 907 exhibition at the Kun tsalon Richter in
Dresden, he remarked that they should "not call them elves Briicke but van
Goghiana." 11 He realized that to retain his identity as an artist, he must solve his
own problems by himself.
After a series of successful garden pi tures done in dazzlingly brilliant colors,
he portrayed himself as The Free Spirit (page i6) a large, introverted, proud indi-
vidual, dressed in a Roman toga, unaffected by the smaller praising, doubting and
mocking figures ro his left and right. This canvas of 1907 foreshadows his religious
paintings in its symbolic content, and its clarity of composition also presages hi
later work. The four figures - bright red, orange, green and blue - are painted
in large flat planes and arc firmly constructed. After completing this canvas,
however, Nolde turned it to the wall and showed it to no one possibly realizing
that it was not completely successful, for the four figures have a comi al aspect
not in keeping with the seriousness of his intention.
The Free pirit. (1907). Oil on canva>, 27 1 /sx 35". Nolde Foundarion, Sccbi.ill
oldc now returned for a number of years ro painting nature, relying on his
pontaneous reaction to pure color rather than on narrative fantasy. He painted
garden pieces, cows at pasture, trees or forests, indicating in all of them his
love for en uou color. He wanted almo t pa ively to fol low the beckoning
of color. olde, very prudish in his attitude to life, became a hedonist when
writing about color and he wi hed to transmit this joy to the viewer.
Jn hi Wildly Dancing Children of 1909, th pigment is app lied with extra-
ordinary freedom . "The quicker a painting is done the better it is,' 12 he wrote,
and forecasting like Kandin ky, the art of fifty years later: "In art I fight for
unconscious creation. Labor destroys painting." i:i The loaded brush went wild ly
over the canvas as if making its own wriggles and swirls. Colors are extremely
bright, with light purple and juicy green predominating. The gay colors the
whirling brush, the exaggerated impressioni t di solution of deprh and form
create a sweeping joyous movement. For a brief time, Nolde's work seems happy,
and unencumbered. 16
Wildly Dancing Children . (1909).0il on canvas, 28 3 /.i x34 5 / ./. Kunsthalle zu Kiel
The Last upper. 1909. Oil on canvas 34°/Rx 42 1/2".
Tbe Royal Museum of Pinc Arn Copenhagen
The loose and sparkling paintings after nature did not, however, suffice for
olde's aspirations. In his etchings, woodcuts and lithograph he had first made
some fantastic figure compositions of considerable dramatic force. During his
entire life he felt a deep personal, almost visionary concern with religion,
regarding himself as almost a mystic evangelist. In the summer of 1909, while
he was living alone in Rutrebiill in northwestern Schleswig close tO his birth-
place, he fell severely ill. During this time he experienced a sudden, urgent
need for religious self-expression through paintings. "I followed an irresistible
desire to represent profound spirituality, religion and tenderness, without much
intention, knowledge or deliberation," 14 he recalls in his a utobiography .
Although w hen painting The Last Supper olde undoubtedly remembered
Leonardo's fresco and perhaps even more vividly Rembrandt's Supper at Emmaus,
this canvas bears little relationship to traditional iconography. Instead he ex-
pressed the fervent religious belief of the myth-inspired orthern peasantry as
well as his own childhood fantasies.
Color and light are used evocatively, reaching the greatest climax in the figure
of Christ with His glowing yellow face red robe and hair and white shirt. His
personage dominates the scene in light, color and value. The space is crowded
and confined. The Apostles with tbeir crude, masklike faces modeled from Frisian
fishermen press toward the center, implying a great symbolic embrace. Christ'
gesture, too, is in keeping with the general spiritual and mystic content of olde's
painting. Instead of the dramatic situation represented in Leonardo's mural,
Rembrandt: S1tppcr at Emmaus. Musee du
when Christ exclaims, "One of ye shall betray me " olde shows Christ offering Louvre, Paris. Phoro Bettmann Archive
the cucharistic wine conveying the impr ssion of unity and elf-sacrifice.
The Last Supper was followed by the great Pentecost, similar in composition
and incense emotion. The Last S1-tpper and Pentecost mark the turning point from
external and optical d1arm to deeply felt inner experience. 15 The following year
still living in the little house in his native marshland and still imbued with Old
and cw Testament images Nolde completed no less than ten religious canvases.
Among them is the bold Dance Around the Golden Calf (page 21) brilliantly colo-
red in trident yellow and blues, and wildly turbulent in it jerky rhythm. Here
the story of the Je' s' unrestrained worship of the forbidden idol serves a a pretext
for painting a sensual and frenzied scene expressed through movement and color.
aide's biblica l paintings frequently combine a pronounced sensual excitement
with his unquestionably sincere religiou passion : religion seems after all, to have
been for him a matter of primitive passion, and often he frankly expressed inhibit-
ed exual drives. On the other hand a rather simple personal color symbolism is
the key to che tender Christ Among the Children (page 20), formerly in Hamburgs
Kunsthallc. Herc the tender figure of the Saviour, draped in a blue mantle looms
up protectively as an overpowering diagonal form, separating the bright children 19
Christ Among the Children. (i 910). Oil on canvas, 34 1 /2x 4 l 7 /~".
The Museum of Modern Arr, ew York. Gift of Dr. W.R. Valeminer
- all aglow in red and yellow - fr m the dark purple disciple, rebuking chose
"\Yho brought the children, dubiou and a~tonished at Christ's concern for them.
Nolde now turned t0 his mo t ambitious work, a large nine-part cycle of The
Life of Christ, 10 related in form and pirit to the late medieval German altar-
pieces in the church of t. Mary in Flensburg which he had copied with loving
emotion and helped restore during hi years of apprenticeship. He began this great
cycle in Berlin during the winter of 1911-12. lt included rhe rather blurred and
pulsating Christ and ]Hdas, and the striking panel of Holy Night in which Mary,
seen in profile much like a figure in an gyptian wall painting, hold s a pink
fetal Christ Child in her proudly out ' tretd1ed arm . Ther is a larg central panel
of the Crucifixion, with its jagged angular forms and glowing color and the
austere and powerful composition of the Doubting Thomas. As the cycle pro-
gressed, the forms became simplified, and the vestiges of impressionist technique
in the broken color patches were abandoned for firm construction in large areas
of separate, symbolic colors, arranged two-dimen ionally in broad planes. 20
Dance Around the Golden Calf. (1910) . ii on canvas, H;,/, x .p ·'/~". oldc Foundation, eebiill
A BOVE LEI'T: Mary of Egypt: In the Port of Alexandria. ( r 9 r 2). Oil on canvas, 33 7 / 8 • 39 3 /~ ". Kunsthalle, Hamburg
ABOVE ENTER AND OPPO IT!:.: Mary of Egypt: The Conversion. (1912). Oil on canvas, .p 3i· x 47 1 / 4". Kunsthallc, Hamburg
ABOVE RIGHT: Mary of Egypt: Death in the Desert. (1912). Oil on canvas, 3f/ x 39 3/ ". Kunsthalle, Hamburg
In 1912, he also completed the powerful triptych of Mary of Egypt, inspired
by the legend of the Alexandrian prostitute who, after seventeen years in her
profession, was converted to a chaste life by an image of the Virgin in Jerusalem
and became a hermit in the desert across the River Jordan, where she finally
died in solitude and was buried by St. Zosimus with the help of a lion. The
artist's violent feelings are expressed in this triptych through vibrant gesmres
and rhythms and, above all, through the blazing reds and yellows. Color pulls
the viewer into a picture whid1 is lacking in traditional spatial illusion. But color
o.nd gesture are overtly sensuous in the left-hand panel, where the harlot is seen
at the height of her powers, flaming like a tord1 of sensuality among the lustful
and vulgar men. Nolde's notions of sensual behavior and attitudes can be primitive
almost to the point of caricature. Jn the central panel Mary, in a vermilion gown
with her hair falling in a black cascade, cries out with savage pain in her revelation
before the na'ively painted statue of the Virgin. At the right her body has become
emaciated, her face peacefully transfigured as she lies dying in the company of
the old prayi11g saint and a lion who looks as if he had been borrowed from a
children's book.
"In intervals of a few years my pictures with biblical religious content came
into existence. The concepts of the small boy, who during the long winter months
used to spend all his evenings earnestly reading the Bible were reawakened.
There were pictures of the richest Oriental fantasy. They kept rising in my
imagination until the adult man and artist could paint them in dreamlike inspi-
ration ." i ;
Afler a journey to the South Seas, Nolde resumed his biblical subjects in 1915 .
It was then that he accomplished what is probably his finest painting, the monu-
mental Entombment. Here ecstatic excitement has been subdued to deal with the
tragedy of death. The two large shapes of Mary and t. Joseph of Arirnathea
seem to hold Christ's body like a coffin, containing or trying to contain Him.
Mary seems to want to take Him back into her womb, but He is much too
large for her or for the space that holds Him in the picture. This Christ is not
resigned to death but is still struggling : broken-up areas of yellow against rhe
large blue forms create a tension which symbolizes the ultimate tragedy of death.
olde's great concern with masks at this time may account for St. John's mask of
agony the amazement of Joseph of Arimathea and the tragic suffering of the
Nolde returned intermittently ro biblical subjects in paintings and prints until
almost the end of his life. An outstanding later example is Christ and the Adulteress
of 1926 (page 26) with its golden-yellow glow and stable composition. Its Christ
is loving, its mood one of contentment. In "Be ye as little children" (page 27)
the child is still a romping young ter mud1 Like those in the earlier Christ
and the Children, but the Apostles seem to wear Oceanic masks, while the Christ
of the parable is treated as though He were a benevolent and blessing demon.
The Entombment. (1915). Oil on canva, 33 7 /n:;. 46". olde foundation, eebi.ill
Christ and the Adulteress. (r926). Oil on canvas, 33 7/ x 413 / 4". Dr. Walther Berndorff Cologne
When No lde ent his Pentecost to the annual exhibition of the Berlin ecession
in 1910 it wa arrogantly refused, cau ing a heated public argument. Four years
later Max auerlandt the young director of the Halle Museum, bought The
last Supper, provoking a pointed censure from Germany's arr czar, \Vi Ihelm von
Bode. Nolde, who with Rouault and hagall painted the most significant twen-
tieth-century pictures of explicitly religious subjects, never found acceptance for
his work among ecclesia tical authoritie . 0 thaus, enrhusia tic about the large
nine-panel Life of Christ, exhibited it at an international exposition in Brussels
in 1912 only to have it rejected by the Cat holic clergy. Nolde then discovered
that the Prote rant church had little more appreciation for his biblical paintings
mostly because it objected to hi use of pronounc cl Jcwi h types for Christ
and the Apostles. Yet when a number of his religious paintings, including both
the large altarpiece and the triptych of Mary of Egypt, were exhibited at St.
Catharine's Church in Liibeck in the winter of 1921-22, a reviewer remarked
that only when seen in the environment of the big medieval church, with the
brilliant colors muted by the diffused light, did they achieve their full, vibrantly
glowing effect. 18
But none of Nolde's religious paintings was ever commissioned or even per-
manently installed in a church. With rare exceptions, such as the Dominican church
at Assy, the Church of St. Matthew at orcharnpton in England and the synago ue
of the Hebrew University Medical Center near Jerusalem religious authorities
in our tune have tended to prefer sweet, or at lease 'non-controversial," devo-
tional images to powerful and authentic statements about !ife and its ultimate
values, and this was doubtless why no use was found for olde's myth-making
representation of violence and tragedy .
ln 1910, when Nolde was already exhibiting all over Germany, he was outraged
at having his Pentecost rejected by the jury of the Berlin Secession. The entries
of the Briicke painters were all turned down that same year, and it became
quite evident that the powerful Secession, originally founded in the spirit of
artistic freedom and once advocating progressive tendencies in painting, wa
now determined to protect it own vested interests against a new generation. 19
Faced with this situation, Nolde attacked the leadership, appointing himself
spokesman for the new generation of German artists.
The Secession was under the direction of Germany's most prominent dealer
in contemporary art, Paul Cassirer, and the country's most renowned painter,
Max Liebermann. Both men were oriented toward French impressionism and they
were both Jewish. Nolde seemed to blame the Jews for his lad'- of general
acceptance during these first ten years of his activities as a painter; his autobiogra-
phy and letters are filled with the narrow-minded anti-Semitism, nationalism and
racism prevalent among the isolated German peasantry and later exploited so
successfully by the Nazis. And although his own painting had evolved from
impressionism, he now vehemently rejected it in order to affirm bis forceful,
often brutal kind of art. Admitting thar during the nineteenth century Paris had
made the greatest contributions to art, he proclaimed that the time had finally
arrived for German art to wrest leadership from the French. 20
No sooner had the leading Berlin art journal Kunst und Kiinst!er published
an attack upon the young painters, than Nolde took the offensive with an open
letter to the Secession's president, Max Liebermann, in which he accused him
of dictatorial methods, of personal publicity-seeking, and of bad painting. Natu-
rally this precipitated a public controversy in the Berlin art world. Artists, critics
and dealers took sides, and the Seccs ion expelled Nolde. A group calling itself
the New eces ion under the leadership of Max Pechstein and including all the
Briicke artists was formed, but most of its members shared neither Nolde's uncom-
promising attitude nor his provincial chauvinism, and that organization was soon
Meanwhile an important exhibition at the Galeric Commeter in Hamburg,
directed by the noted archaeologist Botho Graef, proved so successful that some
of Nolde's fo1ancial worries were solved. In addition he seems actually to have
enjoyed the public controversies and now began happy and productive years,
in which the ummers were spent on Alsen and the winters in Berlin, where he
became the rallying point for the new generation of German artists. He partic-
ipated with them in the great onderbund exhibition in Cologne in 1912, which
was the first show to manifest the international d1aractcr of a new type of art.
He was visited by a great many artists, including Barlach, Lehmbruck, Beck-
matm and Marc. In 1912 when the futurists held their show at Walden' Sturm
OPPOSITE: Master of Ceremonies. (c. r9rr). India ink on Japan paper rr 1/2x r 5". olde Foundation, eebull
AnovE LEFT: A Glass of Wine. (19n). Oil on canvas, 34:;/~x 28~/~w. Nolde Foundation, eebi.ill
AnovE RIGHT: Slovenes. (191 r). il on canva, 31 1 / 2x27 1/4". Nolde Foundation, eebuU
till Life of Masks I. (1911). Oil on canvas, z8 3/ 4x 301/ 2".
elson Gallery of Art. Atkins Museum, Kansas City, Mo. (Friends of Art Co!Jection)
gallery, Boccioni and Marinetti called on him. Soon thereafter Otto Freundlich
returned from Paris and told him about the new cubist movement. olde was
sincerely excited by all the new developments in painting and observed how they
exerted their influence on most of the German painters of his generation. He
was fascinated by the cubist analysis of form, buc finally reached the conclusion
that "instead of disintegration I sought after cohesion, instead of the breakup of
forms I wanted concentration, and in place of taste and technique I searched for
deepened expression, broad p lanes and healthy strong colors." 21
During these years Nolde spent only a srnaU part of his rime and energy
on Berlin art politics, for he became as absorbed in the night life of the
metropolis as he had been in the harbor life of Hamburg in 1910. He had alway 30
Candle Dancers. (1912). Oil on canvas, 39 3/ x 3J 1/ 2". olde F undarion, eebull
loved the dance: he was fascinated by Loie Fuller and grew to be a close friend
of Mary Wigman, the famous exponent of modern dance, who e portrait he
painted in watercolor (page 6 5). He was also grearly attracted to the tage
and for a while could be seen almost nightly in Max Reinhardt' famou theater,
~ketching the most celebrated personalitie of the Berlin stage in plays by hake-
speare, Moliere, Goethe and Hebbel. He went to the circus, cafes, cabarets and
dance halls, sketd1ing singers, dancers, night club impresarios, as well as spectators.
These drawings, often catching a quick movement gesture or glance with a ingle
e prcssive line, have the vitality of immediate impres ions. Their exquisite light-
ness and sophistication stand in great contrast to most of Nolde's painting and
show unexpected versatility.
After setting down these quick impressions, oldc painted some of the night-life
su bjects. A Glass of Wine of i911 retains mudl of the ketchy quality of the
drawings and has an astonishing similarity to Kirdlner's paintings of the same
time - this was the year in whidl Kirchner moved to Berlin from Dresden.
Slovenes, also of r91 r, is a more carefully executed character study of a rather
depraved couple at a cafe table: a brmish-looking man with a dark face and a
grim, despondent lady with a large and most expressive walleye are seated
behind a significant still life of bottle and glass. The facial expressions of these
individuals although related in style to tbe Berlin skerdles, seem hardened into
Nolde's use of masks as a theme in his painting .indeed began at about th.i
ttme. His interest in primitive objects went back to the time he was introduced
to them by the Briicke artists. But now, early in 191 r, he had visited James Ensor
in Ostend. Ensor had been using masks as a device for portraying human cruelty
and suffering ever ince the eighties; unlike hi masks, however, Nolde's are
never ocial comments, nor arc they satirical. He had neither much interest in
society nor much sense of humor. His masks are les literary than Ensor's, and
more awesome in their grotesque shapes, symboli color and savage fantasy.
Nolde love for the dance, like his interest in the mask, stems from a concern
with primitive life and ritual. His paintings of the dance, sud1 as Wildly Dancing
Children, Dance Around the Golden Calf, and Candle Dancers, gave him the
chance to make the paint move in the exciting sinuou patterns he wanted to trace
on the canvas. In Candle Dancers the entire painting dances: the tall, flickering
candles repeat in staccato rhythm the writhing movements of the dancing women.
Even the paint dances: the white of the canvas shimmers at intervals among the
vibrating reds and yellows of the badcground and the twisting green and bluish
stripes of the women's skirts. The rich pinks of the half-nude bodies leap out start-
lingly against the shrill Chinese reds and sulphur yellows behind them, and the
women's great nipples leap on their breasts like flames. With the vibrant, emotional
colors Nolde expres es his own en uous reactions to thi spectacle.
Over the years Nolde' interest in pmmtl ve art had constantly grown more
intense. He even hoped to publish a book on the art of indigenous peoples, based
on his studies in the ethnological museums. He saw in this art, with its abstract
and rhythmic sense of ornament and color and its mystic power, an affirmation
of his own anti-classical art. He was one of the first artists to protest against
the relegation of primitive art objects to anthropological museums where they
were still exhibited as scientific specimens. His own "blood and soil" mystique
made him an early proponent of the indigenous art of all peoples.
He was delighted, therefore to be asked by the German Colonial Ministry to
participate as picrorial reporter in an expedition to investigate standards of health
in German New Guinea in 1913. The Ki.ilz-Leber Expedition, consisting of two
physicians, a trained nurse, olde and Ada, left Berlin in the early autumn. After
traveling by rail across European Russia and Siberia to Mandmria, they sailed
to I orea and Japan, where they stayed for three weeks, then across the China
Sea back to the Asian continent and Peking Hankow, anking, Shanghai and
Hongkong. From there they went on to Manila and the Palau Islands and
on to northeastern New Guinea and New Ireland (at that time the German
colonies of Kaiser-Wilhelm-Land and Neu-Mecklenburg) and to the Admiralty
Nolde made sketd1es at each stage of the journey. There are drawings of patient
Russians waiting for days in Siberian railroad stations, of junks sailing the China
Sea, of native dancers of New Guinea, a.s well as idealized and heroic portrait
studies of natives. He completed relatively few paintings but made innumerable
sketches in pencil and watercolor. He was enthralled with the cohesion of art
<Jnd life among the aborigines. IIis long letters, as well as the diary notes for
the book Welt und H eimat, 22 are full of admiration for the islanders and are
highly critical of the European administration's colonial officials, and the mission-
aries, all of whom he felt exploited the natives: "A magnificent people in so
far a they have not already been spoiled by their contact with the white man ...
who is trying to bring the inhabitants of the whole world into ervitude." 23
While Picasso and some of the Briicke painters actually changed their styles
under the impact of primitive art, thus giving rise to cubism and the mature
Brucke style, Nolde never made use of the formal aspects of tribal art. Even his
masks, though infused with vital intensity, are painted in a completely Western
style. He hoped, however, that by absorbing some of the culture of the islanders,
he would be able to approach the mystic sources of an and recapture what Jung
would call a "racial memory."
During the winter of r9r 3-14 the Noldes spent six months in Melanesia where
he was sick with tropicnl diseases for part of the time. They then returned by way
of Indonesia, where Nolde loved the rich ornamentation of the Javanese temple ,
and Burma, where he made skecche of the dances. Finally they sailed from
Singapore to Port a"id only to be caught by the declaration of war. Their belong-
ings were seized by the British, but the Noldes themselves managed to return to
Germany and the isolated island of Alsen. The canvases Nolde had completed
in Melanesia were among the confiscated baggage, and it was not until 1921
that he was able to recover chem, in aLnost miraculously good condition, from
the loft of an importer in Plymouth.
Nusa lik, which he painted in ew Ireland was among this group. One of the
least representational land capes Nolde ever painted, it is conceived in large and
decorative rhythms of blues and greens. The whole vast lonely scene with its
little boats in the small bay and the sea under a bank of clouds is seen from a
great height, which accounts for its abstract contours, unusual in Nolde's work.
The impressions of his extensive travels remained with him after his return
to Germany, and much of his work was based on the material he had brought
back in his sketchbooks. A painting like Evening Glow, with the beautiful lyric
colors of cloud , water and setting sun is derived from the studies he made in
the China Sea, a well as from actual observation of the sea in the Baltic.
Nolde's new love for Oriental splendor is combined with the intensely per onal
quality of his religious pictures in The Ruler (page 36). The ruler, garbed in his
bright yellow robe and striped turban is seated on his throne, glancing ideways
at the iewerwith a sly smile. In the background on the left are three soldiers behind 34
bars, while on his right and eparated by a definite black vertical line - the
painting has the appearance of a diptyd1 - we see two sensuously naked girl
from hi harem. The space in this painting remains undefined: the girls seem to
be in some sort of limbo yet they continue the colors and lines of the chief,
while the soldiers are quite out of focus. Everyone's position - in space and
therefore in life - seems to depend on the temper of the ruler, who alone i
endowed with real presence.
The character sketd1es Nolde had made of Russians during his Tran - iberian
journey led to a series of paintings in i914-15. Perhaps the finest of this group
is the Three Russians (page 37); their half-length figures arc heavily painred, wi th
rnasklike faces crammed into the frame in regular, rhythmic arrangement like a
continuous frieze of heads. Yet there i a sharp di tinction of types: the emaciated,
ascetic face on the right is in ·harp contra t to the other two dark, square, heavier
ones - symbols of brutishness and primitive strength.
evening Glow - outh Pacific. (L9LS). Oil on can as, HXJ9 1 / t".
Collection Mr. and Mrs. Donald Winswn, Los Angeles
The Ruler. (1914). Oil on canvas, 34"/RX 40 1/8 ". Galerie Rudolf Hoffmann, Hamburg
Russian ll. (c. 1914). Oil Oll canva, 26 1 / 2x23".
Coll ection Larry Aldrich, ew York
After his return from the South Pacific Nolde relied increasingly on emotional
expressions intensified by his feeling for color. Although he hated all categories
and wrote : "Intellectuals and I iterati call me an ex pre sionist. l do not like thi
narrow classification. A German artist, that I am." 24 He was indeed recognized
as a founder and leader of the expressionist movement. He may be so regarded
if expressionism can be defined as a probing seard1 for a deep emotional reality
behind appearances - a reality that the artist finds by observing his own sub-
jective reactions, and for which he then fashions an adequate and equivalent
formal means to evoke a similar response in the viewer.
olde set out to paint a scene as it must feel from inside it. His response to
rhe ocean was particularly acute. He was born on the edge of the sea and all
hi life he chose to live close to it. His brief stay in Hamburg in i910 brought
about not only a group of superb drawings, woodcuts and etchings, but generated
also a series of splendid oils of tugboats and steamships in which the color itself
communicates the life of the harbor, its feel aud smell, and its atmosphere of
water, clouds and diffused light. He tells of a violent crossing of the Kattcgat
whid1 took place at about this time. The small boat was cos ed angri ly with each
wave. "This day," he says, "has remained so fixed in my memory, that for years
afterwards all my paintings of the sea consisted of wildly heaving green waves
and only a little edge of yellow sky on the upper fringe." 2:;
The experience gave ri e to a long series of pictures in which the ocean is no
longer seen from a distance as in traditional seascapes, including Nolde's own
early Moonlit Night (page 12). These paintings, with their surging bottle-green
waves and sparkling, heaving whitecaps, the dark valleys between the crests the
low horizons and sometimes strange sweeping cloud formations are more than
depictions of the sea. They are visual equivalent of a physical experience. It is
as if the painter were saying: "This is what it feels like to be rossed about in
the sea." Usually the pictures of autumnal seas are close-up views, limited to
waves and sky. Occasionally boats appear as in the recollections of the hina
ea of 1915 or in a painting, such a Fi hing Boat of one year later. But no
safe shore line is ever indicated. The sea was for olde the embodiment of a
regenerative primordial force, alway changing and never tame - an clement
of ominous power. He continued painting the ocean until the very end of
his long life but over rhe years his seascapes became less tempe. tuous, more quiet,
and a soft light become an increasingly important element in them. ln Luminous
Sea (page 40), one of his last paintings, a diffus light dematerialize the seascape
in a manner reminiscent of the late work of Turner, its still mood and fusion of
sea and sky sugge ting infinity.
The Sea Ill. (1913). Oil on canvas, J4X39~ ' -"· olde Foundation, eebi.ill
Luminous ea. ( 1948). Oil on canvas, 26a/ 1x 34;;/s" . Nolde Foundation, • eebLlU
The Evening (Marsh Landscape). ( r9 r6). Oil on canvas, 29 x 39·'/8". Kunstmu cum, Basel
During the rwenties and thirties olde continued tO spend his winters in Berlin
and to take an active part in the arti tic and intellectual life of the metropolis.
He exhibited widely, by this time being recognized as a major fore in modern
art. His paintings were entering the chief museums. In 192 r Max auerlandt
published an important monograph on his work, and in r927, on the occasion
of his sixtieth birthday, a large retrospective exhibition of over two hundred
paintings was arranged by Rudolf Probst in Dresden and later shown in Ham-
burg, Kiel, Es en and Wie baden. In r 9 3 1 he was finally elected to membership
in the Prussian Academy of Fine Arts and the same year he published the first
part of his memoirs to be followed by a second volume three years later. There
i no doubt that Nolde enjoyed his status as a public figure and that he needed
and loved the excitement of the capital and the various stimuli it offered. But
late in the pring he always returned t0 the north country, and it was there
that all hi significant later canvases were xecuted.
He had left his little fi herman's shack on the island of Alsen in r 916 for small
quarters in the village of Utenwarf close to hi birthplace. When after World War I
this area joined Denmark, Nolde be ame a Danish citizen remaining a Dane until
hi death. In r926, however, he acquired land on the German ide of th border.
where he began building his own house and studio, calling it Seebull. He and Ada
found the particular spot after extensive searching, largely on foot, along the
whole coast of chleswig-Holstein. Here the artist designed a strange six-cornered
brick building of no particular style, roo heavy for the landscape which it domi-
nates like a ca de, but whose unconventional plan was precisely what he needed
and wanted. There he spent his long ummers until 194 T, and the entire year
throughout the remainder of his life.
In Utenwarf and Seebiill in this rather desolate and lonely northern country-
side, he executed some of the most powerful landscapes of the twentieth century,
landscapes that speak of the vast spaces and the great quiet of the moors, where the
ever-changing light and restless clouds give drama and life t0 nature. Long stretchc
of marshland wirh low horizons appear in The Evening, in which a jagged, grey
cloud cape dominates the lonely green marsh, and the viewer is pulled along the
winding path toward a distant center where a sulphur yellow sky and a distant
blue mountain range beckon. He painted clouds which sweep across the sky like
the threatening finger of a mighty hand intimidating young horse . In Sultry
Evening he superimposes a huge bunch of flowers on a fantastic landscape. The
fiower do not relieve the frightening aspect of the scene, with its orange c1oud
looming out of the green ky and surmounting the low-lying black cloud that
enshrouds the farmhouse · it blazing color threatens the spectator like an eerie
manor in Gothic tales, but with far more effective simplicity of statement. He
made pictures of the mills which dot the countryside, but communicate a feeling of
mystery, as in N ordermuhle (page 44), where no wind animatesthe arms of the mill,
and no human being enters the portentous scene. A burning orange and yellow
Sn/try Evening. (1930). Oil on canva, 28°/,1x 393 1~·. olde Foundation eebiill
Nordermuhle. (1932). Oil on canva, 288/ 4 x 345 / ". Bayerische taatsgemaldesammlungen, Munich
The Creal Gardener. (1940). OiJ on canvas, 2J' i2.x 22"
Collection Dr. Bernhard Sprengel, Hanover
cloud is reflected in the sil nt pool, and the stil 1 water seems to be smoldering with a
sulphurous flame. He loved the mysteriou mood: in Frisian Farm on a Canal
(page 48), mostly composed of the saturated green of the moorland and the rich
ultramarine blue of the sky, two small light clouds and the glowing yellow hay-
stack only underline the mood of heavy olemnity .
This painting was made in r 93 5, when Nolde had been gr:l.\'cly ill for some time
with cancer of the tomach. He now underwent surgery, and the mood f his work
became less forbidding after the succ ssful oper.1tion. 45
Ripe wnflowers . (1932). Oil on canvas, 29 ~ 3 •.The Detroit institute of Arts
Frisian Farm on a Canal. (1935). ii on canvas, 28 3/n 34;;/~ ". Nolde Foundation, ccbiill
In addition to the northern ocean and marshland, oldc always loved flowers.
Poor as he was, he planted a luxurious flower garden next ro his linle hur in Alsen.
When he moved his summer quarters to Urenwarf, he grew another garden (they
were unknown to the farmen in the coastal r gions until that rime). finally, when
he had erected Seebi.ill, he planted a lush flower garden in that bleak councryside
and filled it with sunflowers, ama ryl lis, roes, poppies, even camellias. The flower
beds themsel es were arranged to form tbc initials "A" and "E" for Ada and Emil
(Nolde's taste was a peculiar combination of middle-class banality and unique
individuality); this garden erved as his model for a great many oils and water-
colors during the last thirty years of his life.
The garden picrures of r 906 were the first really suc.:essfol group of paintings.
He recalls: "It was in midsummer. The colors of the flower attracted me irresist-
ibly and at once I was painting. My first flower pictures came into being." 26 In
them he began to approach color for its own sake, and it was these paintings which
appealed to the Bruckc painters as "tempests of color" causing them to invite him
to membership. The dramatic quality of rhese pictures, ,.;till impressionist, was
soon enhanced. He became less interested in the effect of light working in the
shade in order to see color most clearly without the diffusion of sunlight, and by
about r 9 r 3 color ha overcome other elemenrs in the garden pictures. They re-
semble tapestries in which massed flat areas of color are placed in a rhythmic
:lrrangement. Ar rimes he strove for a great brilliance of color; at others a dark,
subdued, almost ominous mood prevails. Here, e en more than in hi other oils,
color is the basis for his form and does in fact create an order following its own
needs. He was also fond of including flower in his still lifes, combining a bouquet
with Melanesian masks Burmese carvings, Chinese idol or other items from hi
variegated collection of exotic objects. This melange of oddities often lends a
trange, almost surreal flavor to the familiar flowers them elve .
But his finest flower pictures are removed from all environmental relationship.
Like the waves seen without coastlines, they are painted without soil or vase. 1 olde
presents us only with petals, stamens, pi tils and perhaps a few leave . These he
humanizes with his own emotion: "The blo soming colors of the flowers and rhe
purity of tho e colors - 1 lovc them. I loved the flowers and their fate: hooting
up, blooming, radiating, glowing gladdening bending, wilting, thrown away and
dying." 27
It took considerable boldness for a painter who admired van Gogh 28 as much as
Nolde did to paint sunflower , yet he often returned to them and added a new
and rich interpretation tO the motif. Ripe Sunflowers of r 937 is an irnpa sioned
painting of the flowers in full bl om. These blo om are large, engulfing, womb-
like creations, but they are al. already marked with the sign of death a the heavy
flowers bend with their own weight, soon to lose their seed which they will no
longer be able to hold.
In a much happier moods is Great Poppies - Red, Red, Red of r942 one of
the few pictures he dared paint during the Nazi persecution. The Whistlerian sub-
title suggests that Nolde was concerned primarily with the pure play of color:
v rmilion, pink and purple. These flowers, beautifully composed within the picture
frame, stand up against the elements with a fresh, windswept vitality.
At times Nolde would also set personage in his gardens. In the Lemon Grove
is a modern allegory on the theme of love, expressed of course by means of color.
The Great Gardener of i940 resembles a quiet poem about the mystery of
creation: the nai'vely conceived God - the German Lieber Gott, bearded kind,
benevolent - tends His garden fructifying a miraculously tall orange flower whid1
grows toward Him like a burning dialice.
Flower Garden. (c. 1913). Oil on canvas, 28 3 / 4 x 343/ J". ollecrion Mr. and Mr. Morton D. May, t. Louis
Nolde, who came to occupy the top rank among twentieth-century printmakers.
had begun etching in 1898. His first important group of etd1ings - a series of gro-
tesques and fairy-tale fantasies - was made in 1904, about four years before his
work in oil shows a similar richness of imagination. At times certain compositions
appear years earlier in Nolde's prinrs than in his paintings, bur in a good many
instances the painted version precedes the graphic one. Y ct in every instance, the
peculiar characteristics of the medium had a determining effect on the final prod-
ucts . " [ want my work to grow from the material, just as in nature the soil from
which it grows determines the character of the plant," Nolde wrote in r906. 29
His early etchings were still soft and rather diffuse, showing an influence from
impressioni m rnud1 like that in his early painting style. In other prints, especially
of nudes, the decorative, sinuous line indicates a derivation from art nouveau.
Soon, however, he developed a unique and personal technique which, though
ad1ieved by pure etching, gives his prints an effect similar to aquatint. [n these his
interest in tonal values rather than in line determined the results. As early as 1906
Gustav Schiefler, the collector and connoisseur of prints, while working on the
definitive catalog of Edvard Munch's graphic work, was attracted by Nolde's
etchings and became their first important collector. Soon thereafter Schieflcr wrote
the first comprehensive essay on olde and as early as 1911 published a definitive
catalog of his prints to date, following it with a second volume in 1927. 30
When in 1906 Nolde joined the Briicke, he was already an accomplished etcher
and while he was tead1ing his friends about etd1ing, they in turn introduced him
to the woodcut. 31 He was fascinated with this printing technique, mastering it
quickly because of his early training in wood carving and he completed his firsc
series of about thirty woodcuts that same year. These woodcuts show the influence
of Munch as much as that of the Brucke painters. A comparison of Nolde's early
woodcuts with those of Kirchner reveals the contrast between the two rather than
their similarities. As a colorist, Nolde is concerned with light and dark values and
their planar relationships, whereas Kirdmer surrenders himself to the free ara-
besque of linear movement. In his woodcuts olde gave free rein to his imagina-
tion. In The Large Bird (page 56), an awkward little girl stolidly confronts a
monstrous gloomy bird, flapping his big wing ; the enormous bird - itself a rather
threatening image - seems frightened by the girl. It suggests some strange legend
of a bird pursued by a child much smaller than itself, neither aware of its own
power and strength. Six years after having made this woodcut, which perhaps was
known to Munch when he did his lithograph Omega and the Bear in the Omega
Series of 1908-09, Nolde djd a highly effective painting of the same fantasy, now
in the Royal Museum of Fine Arts, Copenhagen.
In i910 Nolde went to Hamburg where, enthralled by the harbor he made a
group of superb India-ink drawings with a dry brush (page 62), as well as wood-
cuts and etchings (page 54,56). These print are not as subjective in content as th
earlier (or later) series; he was thoroughly excited by the visual stimulus of the in-
dustrial landscape the port with its barges, tenders, tugs and docks, and its waves
and smoke. During the day he sketched and drew in a small boat, and at night in his
sailor's hostel he etched his plates with furious speed placed chem in the acid, lay
down to sleep for a few hours, and awoke in time to remove them from the bath.
Sometimes he eems to have used double biting for the deepest line . These etching
of Hamburg harbor with their network of brittle lines capture the viral atmosphere
of the port as it was experienced in the artist's highly stimulated imagination. They
al o show his enjoyment of the medium and the rich inventiveness of his technique.
The woodcuts of identical ubjects arc simpler and harder, as one would expect.
Like the ink drawings, ro wbich they are related, they are also reminiscent of far
Eastern art in their large and emblematic calligraphic forms.
The prints of Barn burg were followed in r 9 t 1 by a series of religious etd1ings,
such as Solomon and His Wives, Saul and David and Scribes (page 5 5), revealing
Reclining Woman. 1908. Etching and aquatint, printed in green T2 1/ x 18 5/s". ( ch. R 92 III/Ill).
The Mu eum of Modern Art, ew York. Purchase
N11de. (1906). Etching, 7 11 /isx 5"/ ". ( ch. R 34, IT, a). The Artist's Wife. (191 r ). Drypoinc, 9 1/Jn x 7alto •.
olde Foundation, ccbtill ( ch. R 165 IIl /IlI).
The Museum of Modern Art, cw York. Purdia e 53
Flood. (1921). Etching, 97/MX 16 15/16". (S ch. R 113, III).
Nolde Foundation, SeebUll
Hamburg Harbor. 1910. hching and aquatint, 12.l / 16X 161 /,., ".
(Sch. R 137). Collection Mr. and Mrs. E. Powis J ones, New York
Scrihes. ( r9 r I). Etching and aquatin t, primed in brown-black, 10 1 / 2 x 1 1 3/ 1".
( ch. R r H 11/11). The Museum of Modern An, ew York. Purchase
the same fan ta tic and mystic vision tha[ give such force to his religious paintings.
"My etchings," he wrote, "do not belong to ~ome kind of art that can be enjoyed
from a comfortable easy chair ... they demand that the viewer leap drunkenly
with them." 32
He ought a similar effect in the series of powerful woodcuts of 1912. The
Prophet (page 57) from thi group is startling at first gbnce bccau e of the large
areas of black, but the white ections are actually those that receive chief cmphasi .
Broken by black lines an inch or half an inch in thid<.ness, these white areas are
largely concentrated in the center of the picture. The gaunt cheekbones, the retina
of the left eye, the stubborn lower lip, the high, loping bony forehead - these
areas, besides being effective because of their central position, arc also easily read
as symbols: they are traditionally as ociared with the prophet. Like a legendary
mask, thi disembodied head floats into the picture and gives the print some f the
dramatic intensity and the heavy monumentality of an Leon. A1though as a graphic 55
medium the more painterly lithography was to occt1py his chief interest and atten-
tion after 19! 1, Nolde continued to work in both etching and woodcut. In 1917, in
fact, he completed another fine set of woodcuts including the rather savage print
The Family. These are freer in form than the earlier prints, and the artist's incli-
nation toward the broadly conceiv d plane finds the woodcut technique partic-
ularly congenial.
The last eries of etchings, done in t 918 and I 922 - grotesques and fantasies as
well as landscape - hows an increasing graphic sen ibility, a new delicac y of
technique and a mastery of the material which results in infinite variations of greys
and beautifully textured surfaces of organic ridrness.
As early as his Munich period in the nineties, olde made an attentive study of
Daumier's lithographs, fascinated by their tension and large planes of light an<l
hade, Perhaps he had een and admired Daumier' prints even earlier; his cari-
catures of Swiss types would certainly suggest such a po sibility.
It was also while in Munich that Nolde first became familiar with the technical
process of lithography. In 1907 he made his first series of thirty-one lithographs,
drawing the faces and figures of music-hall dancers with India ink on tracing paper
and simply using the stone for multiplication of the de ign - a procedure that was
customary at the time. But it was not until 1913 that he really learned about the
medium, when in a lithography workshop in Flensburg he was given complete
freedom among the stone and presses. Like Picasso at Mourlot's in r947 Nolde
was enthralled with the medium, realizing that "the painter can experience the
fascination of the technique and its far-reaching possibilities only when he himself
works creatively on the stone." 33 Tor: The Large Bird. (1906). Woodcut,
He loved the possibilities of stone for various colors and at times used as many 6 1 hx !! ·1/ 111". (Sch. H 9, TTT).
as five, indeed expanding the limits of color lithography by making huge prints Nolde Foundation Seebiill
which combine a powerful color symbolism with the flames peculiar to the gra-
phic medium. He constantly experimented with different states and variation s: Fishing Roat . ( 19 ro). Wood uL, 1 2 x 1 5:1/ 1".
Young Couple (page 58) exist in seventy-two printings. 3'1 Thi print, The Three (Sch. H J.1.). oldc Foundation, Sccbi.il l
Kings, Discussion, Mother and Child, and the magnificent Dancer (page 59) while
lacking the often brutal roughness of the oils, have an emotional appeal equal tO
that of his work in any medium. His feeling about human encounters as sacred,
piritual or magical events are evoked by color and plane as well as by expressive
gesture. As a unit, Nolde's thirteen color lithographs of 1 913 constitute the climax
of German expressionist graphic art.
Nolde returned once more to color lithography in 1926, now eliminating the
black stone entirely. In keeping with the general development of his work in the
twenties, these large prints, while lacking the dramatic agitation of the earlier
lithographs, are handled more broadly. They have an effect of great peace, and,
at times, a in The Sea done in the late twenties, achieve monumentality .
Owing partly to a weakening of hi eye ight, Nolde gave up his work as a print-
maker in his ixties; this coincided with hi greatest concentration upon the fluid
medium of watercolor.
Family. (1~117). Woodcut, 9 7 /iex12~/ ".
( d1. H 128, 11). olde Foundation, ebiill
Young Couple. (1913). Lithograph, princed in color from three stooes
24 7 /rnx 20 1/rn". ( ch. L 52, D fl /E, sixth variation). The Museum of Modern
Art, ew York. Mrs. John D. Rod~efeller, Jr. Purchase Fund.
Dancer. 19r3. Lithogr.iph, printed in color, 21 1
/ rnx27 1 .,•.(Sch. L 56). olleccion Mrs. Gertrud A. Mellon, ew York
BELOW LEFT: Steamer on the Elbe. (1910). Pen and wash 13 1 /sx9 7/sn. Wallraf-Richarcz-Muscum, Cologne
BELOW RIGHT: Chinese J1mk. ( . i914). Watercolor, 10~/~ x 12 1/ 2". Collection Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Victor Thaw ew York
Kurland. Watercolor, 133/ xi 85/ ".
tadcischc Galerie im Lande museum, Hanover
AHovi:: Ll::FT: Head of an Apostle. (1909). Wacercolor, 13:!/ 1x II 1/ 1". Kunschallc, Hamburg
A11ovr·: RIGHT: South-Sea Island Chief. (c. r913). Watercolor, 19s i3 ·;/x". Collccrion Dr. G . Thiem, Hanover
OPPOSITE LI:.FT: Self Portrait. Watercolor, 18 1/ 2 x 13 7/, ". Nolde Poundacion, Scebi.ill
Qpposnr RIGHT: Portrait of Mary Wigman. (c. 1920). Watercolor, 19 x 1 5". Collect. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. M. Edinburg, Chestnm Hi ll , Mass.
Red Poppies. Watercolor, 13 x 18". Collection Mr. and Mrs. Han s Popper. an Francisco
The following years in a state of great excitement, he began working again
with watercolor, or rather wash and pencil on paper, in studies for heads of the
Apostles for The Last Supper (page 64). In r910 he did his telling interpretations
of Hamburg harbor with a dry brush and India ink (page 62), and in 191 T he
turned to watercolor and a thin brush for his quick, delightful renditions of Berlin
night life (pages 28, 68).
He found watercolor most useful for rapid sketches on his trip to the South
Seas in 1913. He execmed a group of extraordinary watercolors of Chinese junks
which although using Western illusionistic space, are nevertheless strongly remin-
iscent of Oriental art, not merely in their subject matter but in the astonishing
certainty of the dashing line, in their economy of means and in the definite
emblematic appearance of the black hapes and their disposition on the page.
ln New Guinea he made a number of portraits of aborigines, lending them the
nobility of native deities. Nolde quite clearly continued to be imbued with ro-
mantic faith in the Noble Savage.
A number of watercolors of the Northern landscape, many of which were exe-
cuted in Utenwarf, were done on non-absorbent paper whose whiteness served as
the white of the picture. After applying the color, olde would add strong and
decorative black outlines which animate the composition (page 63, top).
But after his trip to the Orient, and possibly slightly earlier, he also used a
different technique which he pushed to a highly advanced point. Employing an
absorbent Japan paper, he moistened it and then applied the watercolor, permitting
the pigments to flow into each other, controlling their movement with a tuft of
cotton. There is no white, only color. This new use of watercolor was his innova-
tion, necessary to permit him the free improvisations he desired . Often - almost
as in a Rorschach ink blot - the configuration on the wet page would suggest a
cloud, a mountain, the sea or a flower, from which the artist would captme and
articulate the vision.
These watercolors are impossible to date. Chronological classification seemed
pedantic and unnece sary to olde, for he once told Fehr: "To the annoyance of
art historians I shall de troy all lists that give information about the dates of my
pictures." 39 Jn view of this attitude, it is amusing as well as helpful that a precise
catalog of his oils wa kept by Ada Nolde and, after her death, by Joachim von
Lepe!, as director of the Nolde Foundation. Unfortunately however this list did
not include the thousands of watercolors, and a there is little stylistic or thematic
change after about 1920, it is impos ible to assign specific dates to most of
them. The only alteration which seems apparent is that in the late sheets he used
an even easier and softer transition between color area and a spotty technique
within individual areas giving them an organic appearance of fungi or lichen that
he had earlier achieved only in the etchings.
The theme of the watercolors vary little from the oils. He was fascinated by
the skies the drama of light and dark performed by the clouds. There are many
close-ups of flowers, some beautifully decorative, some with heavily symbolic
Singer. (c. r9u). Watercolor, 12 1 izxS~/4",
Kunsthalle, Hamburg
sexual overtones; his figure pieces, increasing in number over the years, arc also
preoccupied with the male-female relationship.
The watercolors range from the lightest transparency t0 deep and full opacity,
from the firm structure of the usually earlier ones with their heavy outlines to the
more fluid later pictures. They have become the most accessible and therefore the
most popular of his works but perhaps they are also the most ful ly resolved . Nolde
elevated watercolor far above the level of a specialized technique and achieved
works of a breathtaking and ephemeral beauty which stand unique in the history
of twentieth-century art. They remain unencumbered by the occasional awkward
handling of pastose paim: but rather convey by a light di rectness rhe spontaneity
witb which they were done. In this wet-on-wet tedmique oldc welcomes t he
accident, he controls it, and anticipates a later generation of "informal" painters,
some f whom surely felt the impact of his work. 68
The watercolor of the very dramatically conceived figures of early 1932 was
created during one night when NOLDE suddenly jumped out of bed and in his dressing gown ran
into his atelier to get freed of the vision of figures in which he symbolized the love of his very
own happiness. His wife Ada was amazed by the sudden awakening of Emil, and she told me
in his presence that when the composition of the two figures was finished, he took a deep breath
and said to her, "This is our best portrait of our superior being". And then, he added, "Emil
worked as thou~h obsessed and he refused to sit down and have breakfast t1S he could not leave
the picture until it was finished."
from a letter T<;O BRANTI CHWEI LH to Ala Story,
Valla de Bravo, Mexico. July q, 1957.
The Lovers (Self Portrait of the Artist with His \Vife). (1932).
Watercolor, 13 1/2x 19 1/2".
Collection Mrs. Ala tory, anta Barbara
"Blood and Soil," "Art and Race," and similar cultural propaganda slogan
trumpeted by the Nazis could not fail to appeal w Emil Nolde, whose own position
was consistently that of a pan-German chauvinist. acional identity has always
been a highly sensitive matter among the Germans. But a feeling of national
insecurity i apt to run especially high among the border populations, like those
of omh Tyrol, the Sudetenland, and the Baltic, as well as North Schleswig. In
addition Nolde felt that all great arc had to be "indigenous to the race," which
accounts to a considerable extent for Jijs admiration of primitive art. His own
position as a German artist, as we have seen, had been con istently anti-French
and anti-Jewish. He was, however, thoroughly inexperienced politically, and when
Hitler and his supporters proclaimed the German National Revolution of 1933
Nolde naively expected to become a part, and indeed the artistic spearhead of
"The Movement."
He was soon to be deeply disillusioned. The petty-bourgeois taste of Hitler
himself prevailed against all aspects of modernism, and Nolde in particular was
singled om for attack as a" degenerate artist" and "cultural bolshevik." His friends
among the German museum directors, including his champion Max Sauerlandt,
were di missed from their positions as soon as the Nazis wok power, and Nolde's
own work began to disappear from the walls of museums. An exhibition of his
work wa clo ed by the Gestapo. In the Degenerate Art exhibition in Munich in
1937 the Nazi art officials mockingly displayed twenty-seven of his works
together with those of mo t other important modern artists. Soon all his paintings
not in his own or other private hands were seized, and some were sold at auction
in Switzerland. Unlike mot of his contemporaries at work in Germany - artists
such as Albers, Beckmann, Feininger, Grosz, Kandinsky, Klee, and Kokosd1ka -
Nolde did not emigrate. As a Danish subject he could not have been prevented
from leaving the country, but he could not conceive of giving up his beloved
SeebUll, and in any ase he still had faith in the eventual acceptance of his German
art by the National ocialist government. He continued to petition the author-
ities and even wok new hope when his local chapter of an organization of German
nationalist in North Schleswig was absorbed into the azi party in 1940. Yet
in the summer of 1941 he was ruthlessly informed that: "In view of the FUhrer's
decree concerning the elimination of degenerate art from the museums, 105 2 of
}' 01.1r works have been confiscated .... For your lack of reliability you are expelled
from the Board of National Culture and are as of this instant forbidden from
exercising any professional or avocational activity in the fine arts." 10
When olde wrote to his friend Hans Fehr about this annihilating decree, he
nevertheless still expressed his hope and faith in Germany's victory in the war.
till he did not wholly obey the interdiction, but secretly painted many very
small watercolor , the "Unpainted Picture ," As late as r942 he made a final
attempt to appeal to Nazi officialdom, traveling tO Vienna to see Austria's Gau-
leiter, Baldur von chirach, only to be rejected once more. To add to his mis-
fortune, his Berlin studio was totally burned in an Allied air raid in r943, and
all his etching plates, woodblocks and lithography stones as well as about three
thousand print and drawings were destroyed. At the same time he was anxiously
concerned over the whereabouts and condition of all his confiscated paintings -
the creative endeavor of a lifetime.
Nevertheless, sitting in a mall room in eebi.ill during the years of Nazi
persecution and using very mall pieces of paper he painted hundreds of water-
colors. These he called "Ideas for Paintings' or "Unpainted Pictures." As in the
earlier watercolors he allowed wet paint tO flow over the wet paper and again
the old artist's trained eye and matured imagination spontaneously caught the
images suggested by the fluid color. But unlike larger watercolors, the Unpainted
Pictures arc denser in their composition. Their mud1 smaller size - usually only
about eight by six inches - and the fact that they were intended as studies for
oil paintings necessitated this change toward a more definite condensation.
These multitudes of small papers are only now beginning to be known. There
are still occasional landscapes, but almost all of them deal with the human
figure. Many look almost like specific illustrations to unwritten stories. But the
only fable that is illustrated by the e untitled watercolors is olde's own fantasy,
the imagination of a storyteller whose images emerge from ancient myth and
Old Man with Beard. Watercolor and
personal fantasy.
gouache on Japan paper, ro 1 '2x9''.
Many years before Nolde turned to these trange little pictures, on the occasion
olde Foundation ecbiill
of his sixtieth birthday, his close friend Paul I lee had written: " ... In their
divorce or flight from earth, abstractionists sometimes forget Nolde's existence.
Not so I, even on my remotest flights from whidt I always return in order to
rest with a newly di covered weight. Nolde is more than only bound to the earth.
He is also a demon of the lower earthly regions . Y ct, even from another sphere,
one senses in him a ousin of the deptbs but a cousin by election .... His hand
i a creative human hand, not without heaviness, which writes in a script not with-
out flaws the mysteriou full-blooded hand of the lower regions .... The heart
of creation beats for all and nourishe all spheres.' H
But now at last the hand of the old painter work "without heavinc s." By this
time Nolde had learned much about human relationship and in this great cycle
he gave a pa ionate visual form to hi wisdom. There are figures that appeal,
reject, wail, smile and contemplate. There arc lonely people, jealous people
alienated individuals who wish to form contacts but arc unable to do o. This
world is peopled with beautiful and desirable young women, blindly groping
old men, grimacing gnomes and compassionate demons. Again we ee combination
of man and flower as well as disputation between the most unlikely antagonists.
The imagination here often recall the dramatis personae of The Tempest, Peer
Gynt or Munch's anxious fantasie , although it is much le perturb d than that
of Munch. Indeed, Nolde's private world ha been transfigured into a serene
realm of human actors whose chief function is their subservience to the color
which ga vc them birth.
The colors are still "tempe tuous" but no longer aggressiYe. In read they now
have the full resonance that occur at times in the work of master in their
old age. The colors and the figure co whom they have given form pursue oldc's
interest in the dualities of human relation 'hip. He asks here the same time-worn
question o often a ·ked by creative artist : How do the sexe face each ocher?
What is the relation hip between old age and youth, tragedy and joy good and
evil? How does man confront society? Which i reality and which the mask?
But all thee question have become vi ual question and ;ire e pressed with
"ability, fonta y and vi ual power," the three virtues Nolde postulated for great
art during his student days in Munich .
After the bitter and frustrating years of azism and war, Nolde emerged a
the grand old man of German arc. But in r946 his wife Ada, long an invalid,
died of a heart attad<. To combat hi loneliness the aged painter became engaged
to the twenty-six-year-old Jolanthe Erdmann, daughter of his friend, the pianist
Eduard Erdmann, and wa married to her in r 948. He continued painting, trans-
lating om of his Unpainted Pictures into oils (page 74). His color were more
subdued now and he shunned the contra t of complcmentarie which he had
liked o much in his earlier, more vigorous days. Hi final paintings have a
softened quality; their mood is erene and contemplative. A diffuse, liquid light
wa added to hi vocabulary and became, indeed, an essential el ment (page 40).
Jn T952 a grea[ celebration honoring his eighty-fifth birthday took place in
eebUll, where distingui bed friend from all over Germany, Denmark and
, witzerland mingled with his peasant relative . He wa now decorated and
bemedaled given an honorary professorship, awarded important na[ional and
international prizes and large rerro pective exhibition . He could finally look
back on the rid1 accompli hment of a fertile life.
Hi la toil are dated in his eighty-fifth year, and he continued painting water-
color almost until hi death on April r3th, 1956 at the age of eighty-eight.
Always reluctant to part with hi painting , which he and Ada considered their
children, Nolde had retained a '\Cr · large number of hi oil , watercolor and
prints, including many of the most important works . These he left in perm.-inenc
trust tO the Nolde Foundation, a<lmini tered after hi death under the capable
and loving direction of hi devoted friend, the lace Joachim von Lepe!. The
studio-house of eebi.ill has now become the Nolde Museum and i a fining
memorial to a great painter. There in Noldc's own countryside, which was so
e sential to his art, the visitor can con cntrare in quiet contemplation upon the
unique pictorial language Nolde created: a language which endow cc.I the mystical
spirit of the North and a turbulent per onal fanca y with a command of color,
unprecedented in it · power.
AllovE LEFT: Circus People. Watercolor and gouache on
Japan paper, 83 / x 7 5 /~·. olde Foundation ccbiill
ABOVE: Girls from Far Away. 1947. Oil on canvas, 26 3 /4x 34 6/ ".
Kunsthalle Mannheim
The Passer-by. Watercolor and gouache on Japan paper,
9'l/ 1x65/s". Nolde Foundation, eebiill
NOTES !o The German e>.pressioni>rs were not alone in their conviction
char they had assumed the >ucccssion of rhe . chool of Paris. The
oldc, Dai eigene Leben, Berlin, Rembrandt Verlag, 1931, futuri sts in Italy :innounccd the same thing at the . :tme time.
P· 1 52· More rhan a gener.uion later a similar belief pre,•ailed amon~
Nolde, /aim! der Kampfe, Berlin, Rembrandt Verlag, 193-1, member> of the :"Jew York School.
p. 62. tJ olde, jabre der Kiimpfe, p. 196.
oldc, Das eigene Leben, p. 1.27. ~~ Noldc's Welt. 1md l-leimat , whid1 is the third volume of hi,
~ Nolde, letter co Hans Fehr, Dad1au, May 7, rS89, in Han• aurobiography, has nor yer been published, but will appear
f.chr, Nolde, Cologne, DuMont chauberg, 1917, p. 13 . shonly at the Christi:tn Wolff Verlag, l lensburg. lr deals wirh
Ibid. olde'> trip to the Sourh Sea and his activities in German)'
o Nolde, Das eigene Leben, p. 144. duJ·ing World War 1.
olde, lcccer to Hans Fehr, Fricdenau, Mardl 5, r909, in Paul :a Nolde, letter to l fan Fehr, May 24 1914-, 1n Fehr, op. cit.,
native Hagen in 1902 co house principally his own colleccion :?6 Ibid., P· 93 ·
of impressionist and posc-impressionisr paintings. This early 27 Ibid.
museum of modern an was designed by his friend, Henry v:i.n 28 olde was intereHed rn van Gogh as early as 1898 when he
de Vclde. In 1922, after his death, rhe Folkwang Museum wa; saw van Goi;h's Self Portrait on exhibition in Munich.
transferred to the city of Essen, and a hand;ome new building to Nolde, introduction to rhe catalog of his exhibition at rhc
was builr after World War IT. The city of Hagen now has its Kumtverein, Cologne. 1950, p. 4.
own museum, which is called Karl-Ernsr-Osthaus-Museum in ~ 0 See Bibi., 86, also 21, 22.
memory of the great collecrnr. "' E. L. "-.irchner, Chro11ik der Briicke, translated in Selz, op. cit.,
" Karl Sd1midt-Rotduff in Nolde, jah1·e der Kampf e, pp. 90-91. Appendix A, p. 320.
0 Nolde, /aim: der Kiimpfe, p. 91. "~ olde, letter ro Hans Fehr, I lildlcnbadi, October 13, 1905, in
olde in Fehr, op. cit., p. 53. Wcsrheim, op. cit., p. 134.
~ Nolde, ]ahre der Kiimpfe, p. 95. ss Nolde, Jaine der Kiimpfe, p . 228.
13 olde in Fehr, op. cit., p. 63. M William . Lieberman in Andrew C. Ritd1ic, ed., German Art
14 Nolde, Jahre der Kiimpfe, p. r 04. of the Twentieth Cem11ry, New York, Museum of Modern Art,
Hi Ibid., p. 107. 1957, p . 200.
10 Nolde ne,·er wanted ro part wirh this nine-part work and '-' 1oldc, Jahre der Kiimpfe, pp. 181-182.
retained it in his own collection. It is now permanently in- liGIbid., p. ( 8J·
stalled in the olde Museum in ·eeb i.ill. ~7 olde, Das eigene Leben, second enlar1'ed edition, Chrisrian
11 Wolff Verlag, Flensburg, 1949, pp. r41-r.p.
oldc, Jahre der Kiimp/e, p . r89.
~ (Karl) With, "Kiinstlerbrief Lubeck," Feuer, vol. Ill, no. 2-3 "' Nolde, Jahre der Kampfe, pp. 88-89.
(Nov.-Dec. r921), pp. 15-18. 3n Nolde in Fehr, op. cit.J p. 65.
IP For a more detailed history of rhe Berliner Sezession and th~ rn Verfligung des f>ra~idencen der Rcichskammer der bildenden
Ne11e Sezession see elz, German Expressionist Painting, Berke- Kunst, August 23, 1941, quoted in Fehr, op. cit., p . 154.
ley and Los Angeles, University of California Press, 1957, 11
Paul Klee, in Festschrift fur Emil Nolde, Dresden, Neuc Kun t
PP· 36-38, 113-1t4. Fides, i927, p. 25.
BIOGRAPHICAL CHRONOLOGY 1915 Painc3 The Entombmeni.
1y16 Moves his summer residence from the island oi Alsen tO
Utenwarf on che mainland. Remaius in Berlin during the
winters until 1940. F.:xhibicion at J.B. Neumann. Berlin.
1867 August 7, born as Emil I Lrnscn on a farm in North One-man shows in Frankfurt, Hanover, Municli, Dre~-
Schbwig near No lde. J.l dcn, Hamburt;, Wiesbaden, Kiel, Essen, Lubeck, Berlin.
1884- F lensburg. Apprentice :u Sauermann's Furniture facrory. 19~ 1 Trip to Eng land, France, pain. Max auerlandc's mono-
88 graph is published (Bibl. 10).
1S88- Mt1nich and Karl ruhe. Works in furnilurc factories .1s Trip to Italy.
&9 journeyman; part-time arc student in Karlsruhe. Buys form in eebiill and move; his summer residence
1889- Berlin. there. Honorary doctorate, University of l iel.
91 Large rcLro pcctive exhibition on the occasion of his
l 891- Sc. GaU, Switzerland. Tcacl1er at JvlL1scum fo r Industrial sixtieth birchday: Dresden, Hamburg, l iel, Essen, Wies-
98 Arts. baden. fr.<tschrif t f iir Emil Nolde (Bibi. q). Publication
1S96 Complcrcs his first oil painting: Mountain Giarits. vf second volume of t he catalog of J1is graphic works
1898 Munich. Swdics with Fricdrid1 Fehr. First etchings. (Bibi. n) .
1899 unich. Swdics with Adolf Hol1el. Travels to Paris in Large exhibition at Kunsthalle, Basel.
che autumn. Appoinced member of Prussian Academr of Fine Ano;.
1900 Paris. Student at Academie Julian; frequent visits to Included in exhibirion, German Painting 11/ld Sculpture,
Louvre: is panicularly impressed by paintings or Tician, Museum of M.odern Arc, New York. Publication of first
Rcmbr:rndt and Goy.i. Moves to Copenhagen in the volume of his autobiography (Bibi. 3).
<Wtu lllll. 1 93+ Publication of second volume of his aucobiography
1901 Copenhagen. Meets Ada Vil~trup. (Bibi. 4).
1902 Berlin. lvla1'1'ies 1\da Vilscrup; d1angcs name to Emil 19 .l5 Successful operation for cancer.
Nolde. 1 937 Nolde's works are shown at Nazi Degenerate Arc ex-
i9c3 Hensburg. Summers on the island of Alsen (unril 1916). hibition in Municli :tnd other German cities; his pictures
1904- He11sburg, Alsen, and trip to Sicily·. and prints arc removed f rorn German museums and con-
05 fisc:ned by the German government.
1905 Nolde's first onc-m<1n show at Ga lerie Ern t Arnold, l'irst one-man show in U.S. at Cure V:dcnrin's Buclihob:
Dresden. Exhibits ~H Berlin Secession. Gallery, New York.
.Joi11s Btiicke. Meets Gustav Sd1icfler, who introduces One-m:i.n show ar che Katharine Kuh G:illt•q, Chicago .
him to Fdvard Mu11d1. First woodcuts. Fo rbidden to exhibit, sell or painr by the Nazi govern-
Dresden, Alsen, Soest. First lithogr.1plu. Schiefler pl1b- ment.
Ji shes first important critical essay on Emil 'Jolde (Bibl. Travels to Vienna to .1ppeal, umuccessfull], for clem-
86). Nolde resigns from Briicke. ency from Nazi persecution.
Soest, .Jena, Alsen, Copenha~cn, Stodd1olm. Berlin srudio, rnntaining most of his graphic work,
Fu·sc imporrnm religious picwres, including The Last destroyed by Allied bombing.
S11pper and Pentecost. first postwar exhibition in Hamburg. Appointed pro-
l lambul'g and Berlin. Paintings, drawing~ and prims of fessor br ~ovcmmeat of Scblcswig-Hob1ci.J1. Dc:uh of
Hamburg harbor. Nolde's entries rejected by Berlin e- Ada.
cession; he is co-founder of the Neue Sczession and Eightieth birthday celebration. Exhibitions in Berlin,
parricip<ites in ic.~ e:11.hibi1ion. Hambur~-, Kid and Lubeck.
191 1 Nolde expelled from Berlin eccssion. Visits Ensor in Marriage to Jolamhc Erdmann. Trip to , witzerland.
Ostcnd. Jmportant exhibition :u Galcric Commeter, Important retrospective exhibition at Kc.~tner-Gescll
l hmburg. Publication of first vo lume of definitive cat:t- sdrnf r, Hanover.
log of 'old e's prints (Bibl. l1 ). XXVl Venice Biennale. Prize for graphic work. S 5d1
Parcicipates in second Bla11e Rei1e1· exhibition in Municli birthday celebration in Sccbiill. Recrospcctivc exhibition
and Sontlerbund exhibition in Cologne. Meers imurists in Kiel .ind l\fannheim.
in lkrlin. April 13. ·olde's death u1 Scebiill. Creation of olde
Great series of color lithograph>. In die ,1urumn sets our foundation.
on expedition co the South Sea·. 1957 pcning of Nolde Museum in ccbiill. Large memorial
Return s from Mdancsia and Asia to Berlin :md Alsen. exhibicion (5 50 works) at Hamburg Kunuverein. 77
SELE CT ED BIB LI 0 GRAPH Y foreword by Rudolf Probsr. - Contains excerpts from lc1-
rers and other writings by Nolde. - Statements by Nold~
By Inga Forslund, R.._eference Librarian, on Kirchner, p. rp-152.
The Museum of Modern Art l.J· Festschrift fi.ir E mil Nolde anlasslich seines 60. Gebunsrai:;cs.
Dresde n, Neue Kunst Fi<les, 1927. ~lp . plus [38J pl.
Contains contributiom by P.wl Klee and others. - Inrro-
TE X TS BY ,\ I 0 L DE (,1rra11ged d;ro110/ogicall;•J ducrion by Rudolf Probst.
1. Aus Leben und Werkstatt Emil Noldes. /l.us7iigc aus Briefen 15. GOSEBRUCH, AhRTtN. Nolde. Aquarellc und Zeid111ungen. Ein-
Emil Noldcs, zusammengestellt und erlautert von Hans T-ehr. fiihrung von Manin Gosebrud1. l lcrausgcg('ben von der Stif-
In Wcsthcim, Paul, Kiinsderbekennmissc: Briefe, Tagcbud1- lung Seebiill Ada und Emil ol<lr. Munich, Brudrn1nnn, c.19p.
bl:irtcr, Betrachtungen heutiger Kiinstlcr. Gesammelt und her- 74p. incl. 2r pl. (mostly col.)
ausgcgeben von Paul \V:/e theim. Berlin, Propy liien, [ r 92 5] . r6. HAFTMANN, WERNER. Emil olde. N. Y., Abrams, t959. 192 ] p.
p. 233-239. incl. ill. plus +6 col.pl. - Includes bibliography.
2. Briefe aus den .Jahren 1894-1926. Herausi{cgcbcn u!1ll mit Tr:inslate<l by Norbert Guterman from rhc German edition,
einem Vorwort versehcn von Max aucrlandt. Berlin, Furchc, DuMonr chauberg, Cologne, r95$.
[r927]. 183p. port. 17. HoH\tANN, RuDOLF, ed. 1 lolz sdmitrc von Emil 1 oldc. Zw:rn -
3. Das eigene Leben . Berlin, Rembrandt, 1931. 204p. i11cl. ill. zig Wiedergaben. l lcrausgcgcben von Rudolf 1 loffmann mit
2d e<l. Plensburg, Christian Wolff, 1949· 1-'irst volume of Einleitung von Werner Haftmann. Bremen, f lcrr7., 1947. [8] p.
autobiography. plu~ 20 pl.
4. Jahre dcr Kampfe. Berlin, Rembrandt, 19.14. 262p. incl. 16 pl., 18. HOFFMANN, Ruoo1 r, ed. Radierungcn von Emil Nolde. Vier·
front. zig Wiedergaben . Hcrausgegeben von Rudolf Hoffman n nm
2d en!. ed., Flensburg, Christian Wolff, [1958]. Hcrc1usge- Einleitung von Werner Hafttuann. Bremen , Tierr7., r948. [5] p.
geben von der tiftung Seebiill Ada unJ Emil Nolde. - plus 40 plates.
Also Danish ed.: "En Kunsmers Kampar," Copenhagen, 19. NOLJJE fl.D ,, UNO E'vur, STtFTUNG, Srm1ULL. Jahrbud1. i:ten s-
Gad, 1958. - Second volume of aurobiograpby, r9o~ ·r9q . burg, Christian Wolff. 1957/58 - [1961 ] . .
5. [Introduction to :] Emil Nolde: Gemalde und Aquarellc, Co- a) r957/58: femchrifr. Ausstellungse roffnung am 25. Aprll
logne, Kunstverein, May 13-July 2, r950. See also b ibl. 101. 1957 im Tlause Seebull. Ada unJ Emil '\Joldc zum Ge·
6. Emil Nolde zum fiinfundachtzigstcn Gcburcstag. Gedanken diichtnis. Zusammemtellung und Nad1won: Jo,1d1im v.
und Ausspri.id1e des Maiers . Die Kunst und das schone Heim Lepe!. 5op. plus ill. Jncludes bibliography. ,
v. 51 no. 1 :14 Oct. i952. b) 1958/ 59: Jahrbuch ... Max Saucrlandr zum Gedachrnis.
7. Emil olde iiber die Exprcssionisten. ln Wingler, I tan s Maria, 53p. plus ill. lncl ucles bibliography. See a lst) bihl. 20.
Wie sie einander sahcn. Moderne Maler im Urreil ihrcr Gcfahr- c) r961: Seebiill III. Emil Nolde von Max Sauerbndt. Au ~
ten . Munid1, Langen & Muller, 1957· p. -18. den Vorlcsungen uber die Kun st der letncn 30 Jahre,
8. Gedanken und Aufz.eicbnungen au~ Bricfen und Lebe11sbud1ern H amburg 1933- !See also bib!. 85.] - Die "ungem:1l ten
von Emil olde. In Emil olde. Aquarelle. Lubeck, Overbcck - ni lder» VOil Joachim v. Lepe!. 109p. plus ill. Includes
Gcsellschaft, June 26-Aug. q, 1960. ce also bibl. ro9. bibliograph y.
9. Weir und Heimac. Flensburg, Christian Wolff, in publi ca rion. 20. S11 vERLANDT, lv!J\Jc Emil oldc. Munich, Curt Wolff, r921. 8 5p.
Third volume of aurobiography, t914-1919. plus 100 pl. (some mount. col. )
10. Reisen - i\dirung - Befreiung, 19r9-1946.
A slightly abridged edition was published in .Jahrbuch <ler
Founh volume of :1.Utobiography. Manuscript to be published. Stifrnng eebull Ada und Emil Nolde r95 8/59.
21 . SCHIEFLER, G USTAV. Das graphisd1c Werk Emil Noldes bis 191 c.
J3crlin, Julim Bard, 1911. t 39p. incl. ill.
1:1001\S ON NO LOE 22. ScHrrr.urn, GtiSTA\. Das grapltisd1e Werk \•on Emil Nolde
11. BAUMGART, FRITZ. Emil o !Jc. Ein Gedenkbiid1lein. Rudol- 19to - 1925. Berlin, Euphorion, (1927). 172p. ind. ill.
stadt, 1946. 23. SCHMIDT, PAut- FERDtNANU. Emil Nolde. Berlin, Klinkhardc &
12. BuscH, GUNTER. Emil olde. Aquarelle. Nachwon von Gun- Bierm.inn, 1929. 16p. plus 32 pl., col.front. (Junge Kunst.
ter Bu ch. Hcrausgcgeben \•on Jer Stiftung Seebiill Ada und BJ. 53.)
Lmil Nolde. Munid1, Piper, c.1957. [ 5 r] p. incl. 16 col. pl. 24. URBA , MARTIN. Emil Nolde. Sudst!e-Ski7.Zen. Hrrausgegeben
t J· FFHR, HANS . Emil olde. Ein Buch der Preundschaft. Cologne, von der Stifrnng ' ccbiill Ada und Emil Nolde. N,ldiwort von
DuMom Schau berg, 1957. I 82p. incl. ill. col. mount. pl., pom, lanin Urban. Munid1, Piper, c1961. 57p. incl. ill. ( 16 col.pl.)
facsim. A selection of his South ca skctd1es in their origin;iJ size.
CENERALWORKS 41. MYERS, BEKNAKO S. The German expressioniscs. A gencracion in
25. APOLl,ONJO, u~mrw. "Die Briickc" e la cul rum dell'espressio- revolt. N. Y., Praegcr, 1957. passim.
ni~mo. Venice, Alfieri, 19 52· passim. 42. NFMrrz, fRITZ. Demsche Malcrei dcr Gegenwart. Munich, Piper,
16. BucHrtEIM, LOTHAK.-GONTllfR. Die Kiinstlergemcin~chafr Briik- 1948. p. 72-n incl. ill.
ke. felch fin g, Buchheim, c.1956. p. 317-336 and passim. ill. 43. NEW You. Mus-r.uM OF MOOERN ART. German art of the
no~. 3 54- 399. twentieth century. 13y Werner Hafrmann, Alfred Hent""Len,
27. ECKARDT, JiERDTNAND. Berliner Graphiker tier Gegenwan. William S. Lieberman, edited by Andrew Carnduff Ritchie.
Baden bci Vienna, Graphische Kiinstc, r931. N . Y., The Museum, 1957. passim (index p. 239).
28. E1Nsn:1N, CARl.. Die Kunst des 20. Jahrhunderts. 3. Aufl. Ber- H· PLATTE, HANS. Malerci. Munich, Piper, 1957. p. 180-i85 incl.
lin, Propyl:icn, 19\J. p. 15 7- 162 , 642, ill. p. HT-++5 plu~ col. 3 ill. (Die Kunst des 20. Jahrhundcns. Hrsg. v. Carl Georg
pl.1 s. Heise.)
29. Gr.ROLD, KARL GusTA v. Deutsche Malerei unserer Zeit. Vienna, 45. RAYNAL, MAURICE. Modern painting. Geneva, Skira, c1953.
Munich, Basel, Ve rlag Desd1, c.1956. p. 13 - 56 and passim. p.mim (index p. 331).
30. GROHMA1'N, W1LL. Bildcndc Kunst und Architektur. Berlin, Also ocher langu,1gc editions and revisions.
Suhrkamp, 1953. p. 60-62 and passim ill. pl. 6 (Zwi>d1en den 46. RrAo, HERBERT. Art now. Rev. and enl. ed. London, Faber and
beidcn Kriegen. Bd. 3 .) Faber, 1948. p. 83-84.
3 t. HAHMANN, WERNER. Pai ming in the twentieth cenrury. N. Y., 47. SAUJ:.RLANDT, MAX. Die Kunst der letzten 30 Jahrc. Heraus-
Praeger, i960. v. r (texr) p. 83-S5 and p;i.ssim; v.2 (ill.) p. 74- gegebcn durcl1 Harald Busdi. Berlin, Rembrandt, 1935. p. 73-
75, 82-85 (1 col.) 13 j.
A completely revised ve rsion of the German edition pub- Lectures given in 19 3, rhree of them on 'olde. The firsr lec-
lished in 1954-19H and 1957 by Prestel, Munid1. ture is almost identical with che article in rhe Zeitschrif t fiir
F· HANDtF.R, GERHARD. German painting in our time. Berlin, b;/dende Kunst, 1914 (bib!. 85). Thi~ edition of the book was
Remb randt 1916. p. t4-t), pl. 20-23 (1 col.) confiscated and banned by the Nazis soon ahcr it appeared.
Tr.inslation of the German edition, 1956. A new unabridged edition was publjsbed in 1948, Verlag
33. HAR1 LALIU, GusTAV f.R1EDRICH. Kunst und Religion. Leipzig, Laatzcn, Hamburg. A sligbrly abridged version appears in Emil
Kun \'V'olff, 1919. p. R1, 85, 87-88 , 89-91, 94 -96 ill. pl. 55- Nolde, Scebiill Ill (bibl. r9c).
63 . (Da> neuc Bild . Hrsg. v. Carl Georg Heise. Bd. 2.) 48. Sctt1EFLER, GuSTAV. Meine Grapbik-Samrnlung. Hamburg, Ge-
34· HAUSENSTEThi, \\7 ILHELM. Die bilden<le I unst der Gegc1rn•art. sellschaft der Biichcrfrcunde, 1927. p. 40-46 plus l pl.
Malcrei, Pl:mik, Zeichnung. 2. Au fl., Srutq~art :mJ Berlin, Deut- 49. Sc11MJJ)T 1 PAUL FERDINAND. Geschichte dcr modcrncn Malerei.
sd1c Vel'iap-An~ralt, L920. p. j ,q - _]27 and passim. 4. Aufl., Stuttgart, Kohlhammcr, 195+· p. 164-170 incl. 2 ill.
1st edition published 1914. ( 1 col.) and passim.
H· H1sTORY Of Mool:RN PAINTING. Geneva, Skira, .:.1949-195v. l>l ed. 195.1.. Frequently revised.
v 2 Mati~sc, Munch, l\ouaulr: f.auvi~m, Expressionism. p. 112- 50. SELZ, PnER. German expressionist paiming. Ilerkeley and Lo•
1 r+ incl. ill. and passim. Angeles, Uni,•ersit)' of California Press, 1957. p. 120-129 and
Aho other language editions. pecial bibliography in German passim plus ill. pl.
edition. 51. Vo1uEHR, T!il:ODOR. Fiihrungen im K:i.i er-Fricdrid1-Museum
_;6. JoLLOs, WALDEMAR. Arte tedcsca fra le due guerre con un der Stade Magdeburg. Il:Pan 14 "Vom Expres>ionismus ( mil
saggio introdunivo c a cura di Luigi Rognoni. Vt!rona, Monda- Nolde - Erid1 Heckel)," Magdeburg n. cl . Sp.
dori, 1955. p. tp-161 . p. WESTllEIM, PAUL. Heiden und Abenceurer. Welt und Leben der
37. J STI, Luow1G. Von Corinth bis lee. Berlin, Julius Bard, 1931. 1--.iinscler. Berlin, Heckendorf, c.1930. p. 207-209.
p. 117- u2, pl. 47, 48. s'· WF.STl!FfM, PAUL. Das Holzschninbud1. Potsdam, Kicpenheuer,
3S. KNAUF, ER1c1i. Emporung und GcstalLUng. KiinsLlerproFilc von 1921. p. 1 p :md p.mim. iii. p. 165-166.
Dau111icr bis Kollwitz. Berlin, Buchmci ster, i928 . p. 145-t 5+ 54. W1:-iKLEI\ 1 WAl.TER. Ps>·d1oloi;ie dcr modernen Kunst. Tiibingen,
incl. ill. Alm.:1 Macer, c.1949. p. 173-1~4 in I. 3 ill. (1 col. pl.)
39. KottN 1 Ht:Ii\"Z. cuere .Meister der letnen fiinfzig Jahre au~
dcm Museum Folkwang 1.u fas~n. Cologne, 5cemann, c1 95 S. p.
[ 5-GJ plus 2 col. pl. A RT I C I. F, S 0 , !'..: 0 I. D F
Color reproductions and analysis of "The Burid of Man· 5\. A~HTON, DottF. Nolde: ard1rypc expre sionist. Art Digest v.28
of .Egypt~ and " usa lik." no.1 :15,zS incl. r ill. Apr.1 1 1954.
40. KuttN, C111\Rl.FS L German expressionism an<l absrr.1c1 art. The Re, iew of ei..hibition at Borgenidu Gallery.
Harvard collccrions. Cambridge, Mnss., I larvard University 56. IlENNINGllOH, Luow1c. Emil Nolde (zu dcr Ausstellung in
Press, 1957. passim. Hamburg). Der Kreis 4 no.5:263 -168 plus 2 ill. May 1927. 79
57. GENSON £. M. Emil Nolde. l'arnassus v.5 no.1:12-q, i5 incl. 7i. HErsr:, CARL GEORG. Emil No lde. \"\le""1 und Web seine r reli-
2 ill. Jan. 1933. giihen Malerei. Ccni1H v.1 :18-32 incl. 10 mounr. pl. 1919.
58. BOYESEN, LARS RosTRl.iP. Emil Nolde. G11tenbergsl111s, Copen - 76. Ji\11:--~ R, (HoKsT]. "oldc, oder Die Tragodie cines Eim:el -
hagen. Arsskrift. [Copenhagen] 1958. p. (38-51] . col. ill. r;;ingers. Bi!dende Kunst 1956:418-431, ill.
59. BRATTSKOVEN' OTTO. Nolde und Matisse, zwei Maler a ls n:aio- 77. KLEr:, PAuL. Emcl Nolde. Bekenmnis w seinem Werk. In \J(/ing-
nale Reprascntanten. Der Kreis 7 no.4:213-216 Apr. 1930 lcr, Hans Maria, \Vie sie einander sahen. Moderne Maler im
60. llRPllNJ c, MARCAkFT. [Emil 'olde.] Arts v .· i no.1 :p incl. U rreil ihrer Gefahrtcn. Munid1, Langen & Muller, 19 57. p.6..!.
1 ill. Oct. 1957. See :i.lso bibl. 7.
Review of exhibition of oils and watercolors at the New 78. K1, FF, PAUL. Nolde. Jan. 1927. Art.< \'.JO no.2:r5 incl. ill. Nov.
Gallery, Sept. 25-0ct. 26, 1957· 1 95 5.
61. BuLLlET, C. ]. Around the galleries. Chicago Diiily New. Tribute by P:i.ul Klee to his fellow :lrtist, published for the
Oct. 5, 1940. (incl. ill.) first time in English in connection with exhjbition of Nolde
Review of che olde exhibition at the Katharine Kuh G1l- and Kirchner, "Die Briicke" artist,,. ov. 9, 1951-Jan. 8, 19~6
lery. (His first one-man show in Chicago.) at ·1 he Museum of Modern Arr, New York.
62. FEHR, HANS. Emil Nolde ,1ls Lehrer in St. Gallen. DM Boden- 79. l.INFFRT, CARL. Entziinden und verbrenncn . .Einc lletraclnuni;
seebudJ. Zurich. 33:46-47, 1947. zu Emil olde. Ne11e Deutsche He/ te 8 5: rz6-133 J.111.-Fcb.
63. Pu:MMJNG, HANS THEODOR. Emil Nolde. Studio v.155 no. 779: 1961.
44--17 incl. ill. (1 col. pl.) T<eb. 1958. So . PonESTA, ATTlllO. Emil Nole.lee l'espre.>sioojsmo tcdesco. Em-
6+ i"LFMMJNC, H1\NS TmonoR. Der friihe olde. Di~ Kunst mul porium \ '.I 16 no. 691-91 :29-H incl. ii I. port. July-Aug. 1952 .
das sdJi.ine lleim v.56 no.6:2 01-205 incl. ill. ( r col.) Mar. 81. PROBST, Ruoo1 .1.. Emi l oldc. Neue Blatter fiir Kunst 11ml
1958. Dicbtung. 2:207-209, 19.:0.
65. GOLDBERG, I. The las t Tcmon :i.rtist. Boston Tramcripl 1\pr.29, 82. RuHMER, EBERHARD. Emil Nolde: Berliner Naduleben. Dh!
1 9'4·
Km1>t Jmd das schone Heim v.57 uo.5:t66-169 ind. ill. (r col.)
66. Go1 o CllMJDT, LINA. Emil Nolde. New York Times M:iy 25, Feb. 1959.
1930. SJ. Ru\1l'FL, l-IF.1NRrc11. !.:.mil 'olde. 'X'e rk 32 110.3 :87-92 incl.
Review of exhibition :it the G:illcry Ferdinand Moeller.
5 ill. Mar. 19-15 ·
67. GROHMANN, WILL. Emil 'olde. Blatter der Ga/e,·ic rerdmand
~+. SAKAZAKI, 0TsuRo. Nolde. M1z11e no.645 :-15-p incl. ill. (1
Moeller (Berlin) Feb. 1930:1-16 incl. ill.
col.pl.} Feb. 1959.
68. GURLJTT, HILDEBRAND. Zu Emil Noldes Aquarcllcn. Die Kunst
ln Japanese.
/itr ,if/e H no.2:41--12 plus 3 pl. (1 col.) ov. 1928.
S5. SAUERLANOT, MAX. Emil Nolde. %eitschrift fiir bi/deride Kunst
69. HAFTMANN, WERN.ER. Emi l "Nolde en het duit,e eJo.pressionisme.
n. ~. 15 v.49 no.7:181-192 in.: I. ill. i9q.
M11se11mjo1>Ynal s.4 no.1 :6-rr, ill. p. r7, June 1958.
This arricle is almost identical wi th the fi rst lecture in au-
On the occasion of the Nolde exhibition at the Stedelijk
erlandt, M., Die Kun~t der let7.ten 30 J:ihre. (bib!. 47). A
Mu cum in Amsterdam.
slightly abridged version appe:lrs in Scebi.ill fll (bib!. 19c).
70. HM-rMA ' N, WrnNT:R. Die Litliographien Emil Noldcs. In Jah-
S6. Sc111EFl.FR, Gu TAV. Emil Nolde. Zeitscbrif t fiir bildende Kim\£
resring 55/56. Stuttgart, Deumhe Verlags-Anstalr c955. p.15-1-
n. s. 19 no.2:25-p incl. ill. 1907.
170 plus ill.
~7· SrntFF, GERT. Emil oldc, 1867-1956. \Vnk .+5 no. 11:suppl.
71. HANOVER. KESTNER-G.ESHLSCHAFT. Flugschriften. 1. Hanover,
1918. zop. 13 r incl. 1 ill. Dec. 1958.
I. Zur Kunst unserer Zeit. Cedanken anla Blich der Emil-
Review of exhibition in Kunsd1 :rns Ziiricb, Oct. 11-Nuv.9,
olde-Ausstcllung. CONTENTS: Paul Erich Ki.ippers: Rede 1958.
gehalren zur Eroffnung dcr N lde-Ausstellung am 6 . .Jant1ar 88. SCHMIDT, PAUL FEKDrNANO. Emil Nolde. Jahrbud, der j1mgeJJ
1918. - Chr. Spengcmann: tcllung zur Kunst. - Wilh. V. Kunst (Leipzig) 1,23:110-u-1- ind. ill.
Deb chtt7.: :Ein Gesprad1. - Han~ I aiser: Emil Nolde. 39. Sc.:HKOTF.R, I l11Ns. Ei nflii s'e Jer alten Kunst in Emil Koldcs
72. HASlNGER, HERMANN. Die rclii;iosen Bilder von Emil Nolde. friihen Wcrken. In Edwin Redslob. Zum 70. Geburtsta,;. Eine
Die K11mt rmd das schunc Heim v .56 no.7 :i 5z-2 5 5 incl. ill. Pestg.1be. Berlin, Blasd1ker, 1955. p.321 -j3 t i11cl. ill.
(1 col.). Apr. 1958. 90. SF.1.z, PETER. Beckoning color in a world of fanta>)'. New York
73. ] IEILMAJER, HANs. Emil ·oldc. Un expressionis te nordique. Times Rook Review P-7> Apr.17, 1960.
I 4 soli J 110.2:16-17 i.ncl. 1 ill. Mar.-Apr. 1956. Re\ iew of \V. Haftmann: Emil Nolde.
74. HEILM/\rnR, HA ·s. D:i.s gr:lpbische d1affcn Emi l Nol<les. Die 91. URBAN, MARTIC\'. Gcdankcn tur Kunst Emil Noldes. Seine spii-
Kunst 1md d,is schone Heim v.56 no.4:1.!r-115 incl. ill. Jan. tcn Aquarelle. Kunst in Schlcswig-llolstw1. Jahrbud1. 19 52:
1958. n5-137 incl. 4 ill. col. front. 80
92. WANKMULLER, R1J<P. Zur f.arbe im Werk von Emil Nolde. 105. HAMBURG. KuNSTVERElN. Gedachmisaussrellung Emil Nolde.
Kunstwerk c2 no.5 16:27-30 plus c ill. (col.) Nov.- Dec. r95S. Hamburg, i957. 4op. plus 210 ill. (pt. col.).
93. WErss, KONRAD. Emil Nolde als Graphikcr, ausgcstellt im Gra- Exhibition Apr.27-june16, 1957. - 550 works. - Foreword
phisd1en Kabinete, Mund1en. Die Kuns! /iir a/le 42 :226-232 by Alfred Hemzcn p.5-21.
incl. 6 ill. 1926/:i.7. rn6. ·Ew YORK. MusEUM OF Moot.RN ART. German arc of the rwen-
94. W1NTZEN, RENE. Corinth ct olde. Dem.. grands peinrrcs alle- cieth century. N. Y., 1957. 239p. incl. ill. {pt. col.) Includes bib-
mands. Les Becmx Arts (Brussels) 16 no.553:9 Dec:.28, 1951. liography.
95. WYss, Hwy A. Emil ">Jolde. \\'!erk 36 no.4: Suppl. p. 40-41 Exhibition Oct.1-Dec.8, 1957. - r 1 works by Nolde. See
/\pr. 1949· also bib!. 4 3.
R eview of exhibition at the Kupfcrstid1k;ibinett <ler ETH, 107. HELSINKI. ATENEUM. Emit olde. Helsinki, 1958. [36]p. incl.
Zurid1, Feb.-Apr. 1949. ill. (pt.col.).
Exhibition ept.16-Dec.7, r958. - 107 works. - Introduc-
tion by Klaus Lconhardi. - Text in Finnish and wedi h.
10S. ZDRICH. KuNsT11Aus. Emil Nolde. [Zurich, 1958.J 29, [19]p.
S F I F CT f' D CA I ALU C ( <trranged thronological{y)
plus 11 pl. (6 col.)
96. NEUMANN, ]. B., G1(/\PmscnEs h.ABJNETT, BE1t1.1N. Graphismc Exhibition Oct.11- ov.9, 1958. - 207 works. - Introduc-
/\ussrellung Emil I\'olde. Berlin [1916]. 16p. ill. non by Alfred Hent7en (p. 5-19). - Includes extracts
Exhibition March 1916. - 1.f4 works. from ~olde's autobiography (p. 20-2 5), biographical notes
97· VIENNA. GESELLSCl-IAfT ZUK fORDllRUNG MODERNER }' UNST. (p. 26-28), bjbliograpby (p. 29).
Ausstellung Emil Nolde. [Vienna, 1924.] 13p. 109. Liin£cK. OvtR.DECK-GESELLSCHAFT. Emil olde. Aquarelle.
Exhibition Mar.11-Apr.8, i924. - qi works. - lnrroduc- [LUbeck, 1960.] [22]p. incl. 7 col. pl., front. (port.).
tion by H a ns Tietze (p.3 -7) . Exhibition June 26-Aug. 14, 1960. - 78 works. - lncludcs:
98 . BASEL. KuNSTHAI LE. Ausstellung Emil Nolde. [l.lascl, 1928 .J Gedanken und Auf?eichnungen :ius Bricfcn uml Lebens-
16p. plus 8 pl. buchern von Emil Nolde.
l:,),.hibition Ocu 1-Nov.4, 1918. - 169 \\Orks. - lntroduc - 110. B1tus r-1 . PALAIS DES BEAUX-ARTS. Emil Nolde. Brussels, 1961.
cion by Georg Sd1111i<lt (p.1-9). (.u]p. plus 199 ill. (pt.col.).
99. Ni:w YORK. MusEUM OF MoDERN ART. German painting and Exhibition May-June 1961. - 2+4 works. - Introduction
sculpwrc. N. Y., 1931. 43p. plus 4 ill. by Werner Haftmann. - Includes biograph). - Text in
Exhibition March 13-Apr. 26, t93 1. - 6 work by NolJe. French.
- Text on Nolde, p.32. r 11. l IA NOVER. KuNSTVER.£1. . Emil Nol<le. Olgem3.ldc - Aqua-
1oo. I IANO\'ER. KcSTNrn-Gr:sn r.s HAFT. Emil NolJe.H:Lno,•cr, 19+G. rclle - Zeidrnungen. Hanover, 1961. [22]p. plus 68 ill. (pt.
[21 ]p . incl. ill. col.).
Exhibition Oct.-Nov. 1948. - 1+5 work~. - Inrrodunion fa.hibition July 16- ept. 3, 196r. - 177 works. - Intro-
by Al fre<l Hent7.en. - Includes extract from .1 letter by duction by Gert von der Osten. - Text in German.
Nolde. 11 i. MuN1c11. HA us DER KuNST. Enrartete KullSt. Ilildersturm vor
101. COLOGNE. KuNSTv.ER.C!N. E111il olde. Gem:ilde und Aquarelle. 25 Jahrcn. Munim, 1962. xxxii, +F p. ind. ill. (pi.. col.).
Cologne, 1950. [to]p. plus 9 ill., Front. Exhibition Oct. 2 5-Dec. 16, r96z. - Text by Jurgen Klaus.
bhibition May 13-July 2, 1950. - 40 works. - lntroduc- - In German.
tion by Nolde p.f 4- 6]. See also bib!. 5.
10.!. KtfJ... KuNSTHALL.r:. l~ mil Nolde. [Kiel, 19p.] qp. plus 9 pl.
Exhibition June 11-July 27, 1952. - 108 works. - Con -
tains "Auszi.ige aus dcr von Rudolf Probt 1927 herau gege-
benen Festsclirift :wm 60. Geburrsta~ Jes Kunstlers." - Al ·o
facsimile of text by P.llll Klee.
r0 3. IJR1;Mr,, KuNSTHALLE. Emil Nolde. Das graphi ·che Werk. [Bre-
men, 1956.] 2op. incl. ill.
Exhibition of the Bernhard Sprengel collection, H.rnover,
feb . 11-M.u. i 5, 195 6. - H7 works.
104. K1EL. Ki;NffHALLE. Emil Nolde. Gcclachmisausstellung. [1' id,
1956.] [.J5Jp. plus 24 pl.
Exhibition Dec.9. 1956-Jan.13, 1957. - 209 works. - ln-
troduction by Leonhardi. - Includes short bib! iogr.i.phy.
CATALOG 17 . 1X'oman ln Bright Light (Frau ir1 bellem Licht ). (1911). Oil on
canvas, 13•/," 19". Colle~tion Mr. and :-.1rs. Morton D. May,
St. Loui
0 11.S
1 8 . Mother and Child ( Mutter tmd Ki11d ). (1912) . Oil on canvas,
* r. Moonlit Nigbt (Mondn.tcbcl. (1903). Oil on canvas, z5 1/ 2 ~ 30 1/.1x 28". Signed lower rig ht. Sta<lcische Galerie im Landcs-
32•/H''. igned lower right. Wallraf-R idianz.-Museum, Cologne museum I Ianover.
Ill. P· I}. 19. Cbild and Big Bird (Kind 1md grofle1· Vogel ). (1912). Oil on
2. Summer Ciw:H - .H.111 under Tree; (Feriengas t - 1\,fomz unter canv:is, i9 x p 1/ 1". , igned lower cenrer. The Royal Mu ~e um
Biiumen). 1904. Oil on canvas, 28 3/.1x 34 1/i •. Signed and dated of Fine Ans, Copenhagen
lower right. Nolde Foundation, Sccbi.ill * 20. Candle Dancers ( Kerzentan7.erinne11 ). ( 19 r 2). Oil on canvas,
·9 3/ Rx 33 1 /~·. Signed lower left. olde Foundation, Seeb[ill.
* 3. Spri11g Indoors (Friihling im Zimmer ). 1904. Oil on canvas,
[JI. cover a nd p. Jr
J4 7 /a x 28 7/M". Signed and dated lowe r right. 1\"olde Found-
'I' 11. Mary of Egypt: ln the Port of Ale.'tandria (1\foria Aegyptiaca:
ation, Scebiil l. HI. p. 1 3
lm Ha/ en v on Alex.mdrien). ( 1912). Oil on canvas, 3 7/a x
* 4. Harvest Day ( E.mtei.zg). (1904). Oil on canv:i ~, 2 8~/ •" 35 7/k •. 39~;.·. Signed lower left. Kunsth::dle, Hamburg. Ill. p. 22
Signed lower right. Collection Andreas Kohlsd1i.iner- f:ehr,
Cambridge, Massadrnse m. (Exhibitec.l in New York only) * 22 . Mary of Egypt : Tbe Con ve nion ( Maria Aegypti<1ca: Die Be-
kehrzmg ). (1912). Oil on c.rnvas, .p 3i.x47 1/ 4". Signed lower
Ill. p. 13
left. Kunsd1alle, Hamburg. rll. pp. 22, 23
* 5. The Free Spirit (Freige ist ). (1907). Oil on canvas, 27 1/gx
* 23. Mary of Egypt: Death in the Desert ( Maria Aegyptiaca: Der
35". igncd lower right. Nolde Foundation, Sccbi.ill. 111. p. 16
Tod in der \'(/iJste). (1912). Oil on canvas, J.1 71H X.)9 ''.1• "·
6. Red and Yellow Roses ( Rote 1md gelbe Rosen ). 1907. Oil on
Signec.l lower center. Kunsdmlle, Hamburg. Jll. p. 22
canvas, 25a/ 8 x p 1 /~". Si gned and dated lower left. Wallraf-
24. ,~!other and Clnld ( Mutter 1111d Kind ). (19r3). Oil on c:lnvas,
Ric.:hartz-Museum, Cologne
z7 1U x 2 r7/'o". Signed lower left. Collection Otro Sd1afer,
7. Cattle in cbe Lowl.md (Ocbsen im Koog ). 1909. Oil on call\·as,
Schwein fort
i.7 x 3 5•. Signed and dated lower right. Los Angeles County
2 5. Battle/ ield ( Scblacbtfcld ). ( r91 3). Oil on canvas, 4i a14 x 47 1/4" .
Museum of Art. Gifc of Josef von Scernberi:;
Nolde Foundation, Secbiill
S. The fo,-est Path (\Valdweg). (1909). O il on canvas, 35 x27 1/s ".
* 26. The Sea Ill ( Das Meer Ill ). (191 ;). Oil on canvas, H x 39~!8 ",
Sii:;ned lower left. Collection Dr. Rauen, Hamburg.
Signed lower left. Nolde FounJacion, Secbull. Ill. p. 39
* 9. The Last Supper ( Abemlmahl). 1909. Oil on canvas, 34.;ls x * z7. Flower G11rdc11 ( IJl:tmengartcn). (c. 191 J). Oil on .:;invas,
42 1/2 ". Signed and daced lower right. The Roy:ll Museum of 28''/ u. 34"/4". Si gned lo,ver right. Collection .Mr. and Mr~.
fine Arts, Copenhagen. ll 1. p. 18 Morron D. Mar, St. Louis. lll. p. 50
10. Man and Little Girl (Mann und klei11es /,f,~dchen) . (1910). Oil
* 23. Nusa lik. (1914). Oil on canvas, 27 1/2x4r". igned upper left.
on canvas, H "/" x 26 3 /t". NolJe Foundation, Scebiil l Museum Folkwang. Essen. (Exhibited in New York only).
* 11. Dance Around the Golden C11lf (Tan"ii 11m das goldene Kalb ). Ill. p. 34
(1910). Oil on canvas H 5/o x 41 .;/ ". ii:;ned lower left. Nolde * z9. Tbe Rufer ( Der Herrscher). (19q). Oil on c.:anva, , Hs/s x
Foundation, Seebiill. Ill. p. 21 40 11.". Signed lower right. Galerie Rudolf Hoffm an n, H:im-
* 12. Christ Among the Children (Christus und die Kinder). (1910). burg. fll. p. 36
Oil on canvas, 34 1/nq 1 ;/~ " . Signed lower le fr. The Museum * 30. The Two Goldsm11hs (Goldschrmede). (c. 1914). Oil on wood,
of Modern Arc, New York . Gift of Dr. W.R. Valeminer. z8 x 20". Si~ned lower right. Collection Mr. and Mrs. Th<>mas
Ill. p. 20 M . Futter, Westfield, Massac hmetts. Ill. p. 2
lJ. Smoking Steamers (Q11almemle Damp/er ). (1910). Oil on * 31. Russian fl ( Russe II ). (c.1914). Oil on c:inva ~ , 26 1/2x2 .1".
canvas, 22 1/ zx 28 3/s". Nolde Foundation, Seebiill Signed lower right. Collection Larry Aldrich, New York.
* 14. A Glass of Wine (Am W!eintisch ). (1911). Oil on ca nvas, 111. P· 37
34'1 /s x 283/t". Signed lower righc. oldc Found:ttion, Seebi.ill. * p. Three Russians (Drei Russen ). 191 5. Oil on burlap, 2$ 3/., x
Ill. p. 29 39' !2" . . igned and dared upper right. Collection Mr. and Mrs.
* q. Slovenes (Sloweneri). (1911). Oil on canvas, 31 1 /~x27' /4" . David Bakalar, Boston. (Exhibited in New York only). Ill.
SigneJ upper left. olde Foundation, cebiill. 111. p. 29 P·37
* 16. Still Life of Masksl(Maskenstillebenl).(1911). Oil on canva~, 33. M1d,uto (1\fztlattii1 ). (1915). Oil on canvas, 30 1/2 x zSll/4".
2sa/ 4 x ·0 1/2". Signed lower left. elson Galler y of Art. Atkim Signed lower lcfc. l~usch -Reisinger Museum, Harvard Uni-
Museum, Kansas Cicy, 'lis~o ~1ri (Friends <>f Art Collection). ver~ity, Cambridge, Massachusetts. Anonymou' gift in memory
(TixhibireJ in New York a n<l San Francisco only). Ill. p. p of Curt Valentin
34· Mr. Sch. ( lien· Sch.). (19q). Oil on c::rnvas, 11 7/o x 28"11• . cann.s, 28~/ 1 x 35 •. Signed lower right. Collection Dr.-lng.
Signed lower ri ght. Collection C. G. Schicflcr, Hamburg E. H. Max Liir7c, Bad Homburg \"Or der Hoh-.:
3 5. Summer G11est1 II ( Fe1·iengaste ll ). ( 1915 ). Oil on can ,·as, * 55. /·risian Farm 011 i: Ca1102I r Frie>engeboft am Kanai). (193)).
3 3 1/ e x 39• ib". Signed lower left. Collection -:Vlr. and Mrs. Leo Oil on anvas, 2S 3 / , x 34•;~·. igned lower right. . 'oldc Found-
M. Rogers, New York .nion, eebUll. Ill. p. 48
* .)6. E·vening Glow - South Pacific (Abend glut - Meer tier SiidH!e). 56. Flowers and Clouds (Blumen tmd V'lalken ). (1938). Oil on
(19r1). Oil cm c;mvas, H x39 1.1 1" . Signed lower right. Collect- canvas, 28 3/ • x Hr.IR". Collection Dr. Bernhard prengel, Han-
ion Mr. :i.nd Mrs. Donald Winston, lo,; Angeles. Ill. p. 35 over
* J7· Tl;e /;°ntombment (Grab leg1mg ). (1915), Oil on canvas, J\ 7 /s x * 57. The Great Gardener (Der groftl' Gartner). (19 +0). Oil on
+6". Signed lower right. Nolde foundation, Scchiill. Ill. p. 21 canvas, 27'/" x n". igned 1 wcr right. Collection Dr. I3ern-
38. Flowers ( Blumen ). (1915?). Oil on burlap, ~6 1 ' 4X 31'/ 1". ig- h.1rd Sprengel, Hanover. 111. p. 45
ncd lower left. The 1vfuseum of Modern An, New York. Gift * 58. Great Poppies - Red, Red, Red (Crofter Mohn - Rot, rot, 1·otJ.
of :Mr. and 1 Ir~. \1~ erner E. Josten
1 ( 1942). Oil on canvas, 28 3 ~ x 34 11• ". igncd lower right. Tolde
39. Sea II ( Meer l! ). ( 19r 5?). Oil on canva_~, 16 3/ 1 x 3 5 1/ 4". Signed Foundation, eebUI!. Ill. p. 47
lower right . Collection Dr. Bernhard Sprcngcl, Hanover 59. Sunflowers in the Storm (Sonnenb/11men im S11trmwmd).
40. Landscape with Young Horse> ( La11dsch,1ft mit pngen Pfer- (19f3). Oil on wood, 18~ ' 1XH';;~·. Signed lower right. Nolde
den). (1916). Oil on canvas, 28~ 1 1 x _19° /0 ". Signe<l lower right. Foundation, Sccbiill
olde FoutJdacion, SeebUI I 60. Two Figures (lwei Mmschen) . T945· Oil on wood, 34 5/,n.
41. Fi.<bi11g B0i1t (Fischk1111er). (1916). Oil on c:inv:is, 34•(,x 26'1/b". Signed and d.ucd lower ri gh t . Nolde Foundation,
28 3 /~ '. Signed lower ri~ht. Nolde foundation, SccbUll Seebilll
42 Self Portrait (Selbstbild). (19r7). Oil on wood, p:ii" x 15~1~·. 61. Friend> fFre11ndmnen) . (1946). Oil on canvas, 27 1/2 x n" .
Signed lower right. Nolde Foundation, Seebiill Signed lower right. Nolde foundation, Seebiill
43. Polish Girl (Polnisches Madcheri ). (1917). Oll on canq1,
* 62. Luminous SM (Lic:htes Meer). (1943). Oil on can\' as, 26'111x
345/a". Signed lower left. Nolde foundation, Seebiill. Ill. p. -10
3 51/o x 32 3/ 4". World H ou'e Galleries, New York
++ Brother ,md Sister (Bruder :ind Schu·e;rer). (t918). Oil on
..:;uwas, 3oa/4 x 2 5 5 i~ ·. Signed upper right. r\oldc Foundation, WATl'R COLORS Ai-..:O ()RA\\ l.\JGS
45. Young Girl (}1mges Nadchen), (1918}. Oil on canv.b, H 11• x Early Landscapes and Ponra1 ts
18 1 /~ ' . ignccl upper right. Nolde Foundation, Seebiill 6 3. Before Sunrise. (1 9+). Watercolor, 3 1/i x +". Nolde Found-
46. Ingeborg. (1919). Oil on canvas, 16 1/4x 103/4". igncd lower ation, ScebUll. Ill. p. 61
left. Collection Herbert Ma~'er, N'ew York * 6+. Sunset. 1908. Watercolor, q 1/ 4 x 19 1/4". igned and dated
47. 011ncers (T.'inzerinnen ). (1920). Oil on canv.15, 41': , 4" ,; +5/,, ". lower left. Nolde found.ttion, Seebiill. Ill. p. 61
Signed lower left. St.i.:nsgaleric Swrrgarr 65. Portrait of M.ixim Gorky. 1905. Black chalk, 11 7/M • 8 1 /~".
* +R . Clnist and t/Je Adulteress (Christus und die iinderin). (1926). igned and dated lower right. Kumthalle, Hamburg
Oil on canvas, 33 7/s x41a/ 1". Signed upper left. Dr. Walther
lkrndorff, Cologne. 111. p. 26 Studies for Religious Pictures 1909
* +9· "He J'e <ls little d1ildnm" (So ihr 11icht werdet wic die Km- "'66. He.id of an Aposcle. Watercolor, r _i 31 >x 11 1/4". igned lower
de1 ). 1929. Oil on c:lnv.1s, 41 3 /~x47 1 i1". Signed and d:nc,I right. Kunsthalle, H.tmburg. Ill. p. 6-1
lower right. Collection Ermt Henke, Essen. (Ex hibited in ·cw 67. Head of a Prophet. Waten:olor, 1 5~i! x 12~/1". City Art
York only). Ill. p. i7 Museum of r. Louis
50. Sea E (Mee >· £). (r930). Oil on w()Od, 28 3 x 39 3/ •". SigneLI
lower left. Nolde Foundation, SccbUJI H.1mburg Harbor 1910
* p. Sult,.y lovening (Schw1iler Abend). (1930). Oil on canvas, 68. l'icr in Hamburg H11rbor. India ink, 9 7 1 ~ x 12 1 14. i~ncd lower
i8'1/ • x 39:1/s '. iI;ned lower ngln. lolde Foundation, Secbiill. right. Kunsthallc, H:i.mburg
Ill.p.43 * 69. Sre11mcr on the Elbe. Pen and wash, 13 1/•},. 91 1c,•. Signed lowcl'
51. T/Je Family (Die F.imilie). ( 193 1 ). Oil on canvas, .l9~/o. 28' /• ". left and lower right. Wallra -Richartz-M~eum, Cologne. Ill.
Sigr !<I lower right. Nolde foundation, Seebiill p.62
' 5 3. Ripe S1mf lowers ( Reife Sonncnbfomen). ( 1932 ). Oil on canvas, 70. T11gboar. India ink on Japan p:tper, 9 1 /~ x 1 ) 81;". igncd lower
~9 x 35". Signed lower center. The Detroit ln,titute of Art,. right. Nolde Found:mon, ccbiill
ill. p 46 7 r. Sailboat. India inl,. on Japnn paper, 13 '- iS". ii;ned and dated
54. In tl.e Lemon Grove ( Im litrrmeng11rtm). ( 19n). Oil on lower right. Nolde foundation Seehiill
Actors, Dancers and Nighc Life 91. }'oung Girl. \X'atercolor, 18 1/ 2 x 13 7/s". Signed lower right.
Nolde Foundation, eebiill
72. Ti/la. Durieux. 1907. Watercolor, 18'1 /~ x 13 3/4°. Signe~! and
92. Portrait of a Boy. Watercolor, 18 x r 31/•". Colle..:tion Dr.
daccd lower right. Collection Mrs. Heinz Schultz, Great Neck,
Herny M. Roland, Woking, Surrey, England
ew York
93. Girl' · Head. Watercolor, n x r5". Signed lower ril<ht. Col-
73. Three Seatrd Figitres. (<'. 1911). Urush, ink anJ wash, 81 / , x
lection Henry B. Blunden, Haslemere, Surrey, England
u 1/%". Signed lower rigl1r. The ll'luscum of Modern Art, New
York. Gift of Curt Valentin
74. Toe Dancer. (c. 19n ). fndi a ink on japan paper, 103/• x t1 ".
Signed lower right. 'olde Foundation, ~eebiill * 94. The Lovers (Self Portrait of tbe Artist wilb his \Vife }. (1931 }.
75. Toe Dancer. (c. 1911). W;i.tercolor, 10"/sx9•. SigneJ lower Watercolor, r 1h x 19 1/2". Signed lower center. Collec: ri on
right. olde Foundation, Sccbiill Mrs. Ab Story, S;inca Uarbara. Ill. p. 69
* 76. Singer. (c. 1911). W:uercolor, 12 1/n: 83 / •" . Signed lower right. 95. The Couple. ( 1934}. Warercolor, 9• /, x 1; ". Si~ n ed low er righ t.
Kunsthalle, Hamburg. Ill. p. 68 Collection Alfred :ind Anne Hentzen, Hamburg
77. Singer. (c. 1911). Watercolor, 9x61/s". Signed lower right. 96. Two Bearded ?vlen. Watercolor, i6;,/ •x 14 1/•" · S'gn"d lower
Kunsthalle, Hamburg left. Collection Mr. ::1nd Mrs. I larry Lynde !k1dl cy, M il-
* 78. Masler of Ceremonies. (c. 1911). India ink on j::1pan paper, waukee
11 1/2x 15 •. Signed lower right. Nolde Fou ndation, SeebiiU. 97. Magicians. (1930-34). Watercolor, 201/ sx q"/~ ". S' p1cd lower
lll. p. 28 left. The Museum of Modern An, New York. Pnrchas.:
79. Two Ladies. (c. 1911). India ink on Japan paper, 13 x 8"/R". 98. The Couple. \'\''atcrcolor, 17 3/ • x 13 1/4". Signed lower right.
Signed lower right. Nolde Foundation, Seebiill Collection j\fr. and Mrs. M<tx Will , Ridgefield , Connect icu t
* 80. Portrait of Mary Wigman. (c. 1920). Watercolor, 19 x 15 " . 99. The Co11ple. \\/arercolor, r .1 ,1~ x 1 S". Signed lower rit\ht. Col·
Signed lower right. Collection 1'.fr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Edin- lecrion Mr. and Mrs. C. Bagley Wright, Jr., s~attlc
burg, Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts. Ill. p. 6 5
South Pacific 1913-1914 100. Star \'(fa/ker. Watercolor, 17 1 1~ xi 1 7 /o". Sii:;ned lower ri!;hr.
* 81. South-Sea Island Chief. Watercolor, 19 x 13'/•". Signed lower Nolde Foundarit)n, Seebiill
ri ght. Collection Dr. G. Thiem, Hanover. rll. p. 64 1ot. Suffragettes. Watercolor, .1.1xr9 7 i~ ·. Signed lower right.
82. Native - Red Hair. Watercolor, zo x 1 51/e". Signed lower Nolde Foundation, Seebiill
right. Nolde Foundation, Seebul! 102. Yo1<th. \Vatercolor, 107/e x 143/s". Signed lower right. N:oldc
83. Head of a Native. Watercolor, 19 1/ , x I ( . Signed lower ri ght. ~oundation, Seebull
Colleccion Herbert Mayer, Nc11· York
* 84. Chinese }1t11k. Watercolor, 103/ 1x 1 z '/~·. Signed upper right. Animals
Collection Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Vicror Thaw, New York. 103. Two Goldfish. Watercolor, 13 1 !~ .... tS"/~". Signed lower ri ght.
Ill. p. 62 I<unsthallc, Hamburg
S5. Chinese Junks. Watercolor, 91h x II•. Signed lo,q~r left. Wall - 104. Flamingos. Watercolor, 18 1 /~ x 15 ". Si g ned lower r it;lll . Nolde
raf-Richartz-Museum, Cologne Foundation, Scebiill
Alsen, 12, 15, 28, H, -P, 45, 77 Hamburg lfarbor, 54 orienml art, 33-,).1, 49, 52, 67
The Artist's Wife, 53 Hansen, Emil, sec '\!lde, Emil Osrham, Carl Ernsr, q, 26, 76 n. 8
Asian rrip, 33-34, 38, 67, 77 H,n-vest Da y, 1 J, 14 P,1r is, TO, 1 t t 2, 28, 30, 76 n. zo, 77
"Bt• ye a.; little children", 24, .q Head of an Apostle, 64 7'he l'"sser-by . 7 5
Refore Stmrise, 1 +, 60, 61 Heckel, Erich, 1 5 P•·clHrein Max, t 5, 28
Berlin, lo, 12, w, 28, 32, 38, 67, 71, 77 I-Joly Night, 10 Pentecost, 19, 26, 28
Berlin Secession, Lh i.6, 2& , 76 n. 19, 77 Holze!, Adolf, 1 1 , q, 77 Port rail of Miiry W!igmnn, 31, 6 5
Bird Over Mountains, !J [mpres;,ionism, t z, 14, 16, zS, 49, 5 t primitive arc, 10, 32, 31-34, -i9
Der Blaue Reicer, 77 / 11 the Lemon Grove. 50 Prop/Jet, 5 5, 57
Bocklin, Arnold, er, 14 fr ,1l y, to, q Reclining \Voman , 52
Bennard, Pierre, &, q Jugend, 1 t
Red Poppies, 66
Die Briicke, l 5, 28, J2, 33, ~9· 5 I. 77 religious pictures, 9, r 5, 19-27, 50, p, 5 5
Kandinsky, \Vass ily, 8, 1 r, 16, 60, 70
Candle Dancers , coi-·er, JI, _P Karlsruhe, ro, 77
Rembrandt van Rijn, 11, 19, 77
Clmiese Junk, 6~ Kirchner, Ernst J.udwi g, r 5, )2, 51, 76 n. 3 t
Ripe S1mflo~vers, 46, +9
Cbl'ist Among the Cbildren, 19, 20, 24 Rohlfs, Christian, 1 -i
Klee, Paul, l 1, 70, 71
Christ and }nd"s, 20 Kurland, 63
The R1,ler, 34-3 5, _11>
Christ ,md the Adulteress, q, i6 R11 s;ia n 11, 37
Circus People, 7 J TIH: Large Hird, 51, 56
auerlandt, 11ku.., 26, -Fi 70, 77
Copenhagen, 12, 77 The Last Supper, 18 , l'J, 16, 67
Saul and David, 5 2
Crncifixion, 20 lconardo da Vinci, 11, 14, 19
Schieflcr, Gustav, q, 51, 77
cubism, 30, 3 :I Liebermann, Max, 1 t, 28
Schmidr- Rott luff, Karl, 15, 76 n. 9
T/;e Life of Christ , 20, 16, 76 n_ 16
rhe dance, J2 Scribes, p, 55
Little Faun, 7)
Dance A round the Golden Calf, t 9, u, 3 2 The Sea (lithograph), 56
The Lovers, 69
Dancer, 56, 59 The Sea Ill, 39
Luminous Sc,,, 38, 40
Daumier, Honore, 1 1, 56 eebLill, 9, +1, 49, 70, 71, 72, 77
"Degenerate An", 70, 77 Marc, 1-'ranz, 1 1, 30 Self Porlrait, 65
j\fary of Egypt, 22-23, 14, 16-17 Singer, 68
D1.<cussion , 56
Do11bting Thom"s, 20 masks, 11, 24, 30, 32, 33, 49, 5 5, 72 Sloven<!s, 29, p
Dresden, 1 5, 32, 42, 77 Master of Ceremonies, 18 Solomon and lfis Wive;, p
The Matce1·horn Smiles, r r Sonderbund (Cologne), 28, 77
Ensor, James, J2, 77 .11oonlit Night, 12, q, 38 ouch Pacific, 10, 24, 33- 34, 38, 67, 77
The Entombment, 24, 25, 77 Mother and -C/;ild, 56 Soitth Sea I sla11d Chief, 64
The Evening ( Marsb Landscape ), 4r, .p The Mountain Gian1s, 10, 77 Spring Indoors , 13, 14
Evening Glow - South Pacific, 34, J5 Munch, Edvard, q, p, 71, 77 Steamer on the !:.'/be, 6~
exp ressionism, 38, 56, 60, 76 n. 20 Munich 10, 11, 56, 70, 72, 76 n. 28, 77 ti fcung Sccbi.ill Ada und Emjl No lde,
The Family, 56, 57 Nazis, 28. 49, 70-71, 72 , 77 sec olde Foundation
Fehr, Hans, 14, 67, 70, 76 n. 4· 7, 13, 31 New Secession, .28, 76 n. 19 Still Life of Masks I, JO
fishing Boat, 38 Nolde, Ada (Mrs. Emil 'olde), ll, q, 15, 33, Stuck, Franz von, 1 I
fi shing /Joat (woodcut), 56 42, -19, 53 (pore.), 67, 69, 72, 77 Sultry Ev ening, 42, 4}
Flensburg, 9, lo, l 2, 1 5, 20, 56, 77 Nolde, Emil, dr:iwings, 32, 33, 34, 38, 5 1-p, Sunset, 60, 6r
Flood, 54 67, 71; influences, 1r-12, 77; prints, q, 19, Switzerland 10-u, 60, 70, 72 77
Flower Garden, 50 38, 5 1- 59, 67, 71, 77; smtements, 10, 11, 12, the theatre, 32
flower pictures, 45-47, +!r50, 67 q, 15, 16, 19, 2-f, 30, 3.i. 38, +9· p, 55, 56, The Three A-ings, 56
The Free Spirit, q, 16 Go, 67; teachers, 1 1 ; waterco lors, 56, 60-69, Three Russians, 35, J7
Frisian Farm on a Canal, 42, 4 5, -18 70-71, 72; \Veit und Heimat, J3 1 76 n. 22 Turner, J. M. W., 38
futurism, 30, 76 n. 20 Nolde Foundation, 6, 67, 72, 76 11. 16, 77 The Two Goldsmiths, fronwpiccl!
Ch-ls from Far Away (oil), 74, Nolde, Jola.nthe Erdmann, 72, 77
lJten wacf, 42, -i 5, 67, 77
Girls from Far Away (watercolor), 74 Nordermiihle, -P, 44
A Glass of Wine, 29, 32 North Sea, 63 VLlstrup, Ada, ee Nolde, A<la
Gogh, Vincent van, 14, 15, 49, 76 n. 18 Nude (etching), 53 Wans, G. Et, 11
The Great Gardener, 45, 50 Ni;sa lik, 34 Whiscler, James A . M., 11, 49
Great Poppies - Red, Red, Red, 47, 49 Old M.m u:ith Beard, 71 \'('i/dly Dancing Children, 16, 17, 32
Hamburg, 1 5, 19, 18, 32, 42, 51-p, 67, 77 Omega series, 5 r Young Couple, 56, 58 88
A elected List of Publications of The Museum of Modern Art, 11 Wet 53 erect ew York 19, e York
Pione r of Modern Design from William Morri to Walter Gropiu . 1 5l pages; 137 plate i loch ·• 4.95
Jackson Pollock. 36 page ; 26 plates (1 in color); paper, 75 c
Odilon Redon - Gu tave Moreau - Rodolphe Bredin. 1 4 page ; 123 pl re (31 in color); board ;· 7.50; paper, " 3.75
Mark Rothko. 44 pages; 30 place (6 in olor); paper,.' 2.25
Georges Rouault: Paintin and Prints. 132 page ; 131 plate (4 in color); clorh · .75
ixteen American (1959). 96 page; 92 plat ; paper, ·~ 1.95
teichen the Photographer. o pa e ; 55 place ; paper, '2.50
De tijl. r6 page ; 16 plate (3 in color); paper, 75
Textile and Ornarncnrs of India. 96 page· l IO plate (16 in olor); b ards, ." 4.00
Mark Toh y. 112 page ; 75 plate (12 in color); cloth $ 5.50; paper,· 3.50
What i M dern Painting? 4 page · 5 5 plat ( 1 i;i color); paper, ." 1.2 5