7 4 Inherent Requirement Statement 20151014
7 4 Inherent Requirement Statement 20151014
7 4 Inherent Requirement Statement 20151014
Endorsed by the Executive Committee of Medical Deans Australia and New Zealand 29th September
Endorsed by Members Representative of Medical Deans Australia and New Zealand 8 th October 2015
at the Medical Deans Annual Conference
Use of this document
This document is a guideline statement that has been accepted by all medical
schools in Australia and New Zealand. All University medical schools will be
provided with a copy of these guidelines and they will be implemented locally as
required by individual medical schools.
Professor Ian Wilson (Chair) and members of the Inherent Requirement Working Group,
Medical Deans Australia and New Zealand Inc
[email protected]
02 8084 6557
In preparation of this statement we wish to acknowledge the significant support from all
members of the working groups past and present
The inherent requirements for medical students have been developed by the Medical
Deans Australia and New Zealand (Medical Deans) and originated from those
developed by the University of Western Sydney.1 Other information has been
incorporated, most notably the Higher Education Occupational Physicians (HEOPS) /
Practitioners: Medical students – standards of medical fitness to train.2
1 http://www.uws.edu.au/ir/inherent_requirements/inherent_requirements_for_medicine_courses
*Developed from: Johnson, A., Allan,T., Phillips,K., Azzopardi,T., Dickson,C., Goldsmith,M & Hengstberger-Sims,
C. (2011). Inherent Requirements of Nursing Education (IRONE), UWS School of Nursing & Midwifery and
Student Equity & Disability Services.
2 http://www.heops.org.uk/HEOPS_Medical_Students_fitness_standards_2013_v10.pdf
idance_notes.pdf and
5 http://www.medicalboard.gov.au/Codes-Guidelines-Policies/Code-of-conduct.aspx
academic integrity of the university’s learning, assessment and accreditation
processes. Note: making a requirement compulsory does not necessarily make it an
inherent requirement.”6
The AVCC has stated (1996), “universities should have in place teaching and
assessment strategies which are appropriate to students with disabilities. The
assessment policies and practices of the university should make explicit provision for
the use of procedural variations and/or alternative assessment strategies for
students with disabilities”.8
The following inherent requirements are categorised under the headings of the
course learning outcomes for medical programs produced by the Australian Medical
On entry to professional practice, Australian and New Zealand graduates are able to:
1.2 Apply core medical and scientific knowledge to individual patients, populations and health
1.3 Describe the aetiology, pathology, clinical features, natural history and prognosis of common
and important presentations at all stages of life.
1.4 Access, critically appraise, interpret and apply evidence from the medical and scientific
1.5 Apply knowledge of common scientific methods to formulate relevant research questions and
select applicable study designs.
1.6 Demonstrate a commitment to excellence, evidence based practice and the generation of
new scientific knowledge.
Knowledge and cognitive skills
During the medical course a medical student’s knowledge and cognition will be
assessed by performance in assessments and during small group and clinical
Competent literacy skills are essential to provide safe and effective delivery of
medical care.
10Australian Tertiary Admission Ranking, Grade Point Average, Undergraduate Medical and Health
Sciences Admission Test, Graduate Australian Medical School Admission Test
Competent and accurate numeracy skills are essential for safe and effective patient
On entry to professional practice, Australian and New Zealand graduates are able to:
2.1 Demonstrate by listening, sharing and responding, the ability to communicate clearly,
sensitively and effectively with patients, their family/carers, doctors and other health
2.2 Elicit an accurate, organised and problem-focussed medical history, including family and
social occupational and lifestyle features, from the patient, and other sources.
2.3 Perform a full and accurate physical examination, including a mental state examination, or a
problem-focused examination as indicated.
2.4 Integrate and interpret findings from the history and examination, to arrive at an initial
assessment including a relevant differential diagnosis. Discriminate between possible
differential diagnoses, justify the decisions taken and describe the processes for evaluating
2.5 Select and justify common investigations, with regard to the pathological basis of disease,
utility, safety and cost effectiveness, and interpret their results.
2.7 Make clinical judgements and decisions based on the available evidence. Identify and justify
relevant management options alone or in conjunction with colleagues, according to level of
training and experience.
2.8 Elicit patients’ questions and their views, concerns and preferences, promote rapport, and
ensure patients’ full understanding of their problem(s). Involve patients in decisionmaking and
planning their treatment, including communicating risk and benefits of management options.
2.9 Provide information to patients, and family/carers where relevant, to enable them to make a
fully informed choice among various diagnostic, therapeutic and management options.
2.10 Integrate prevention, early detection, health maintenance and chronic condition
management where relevant into clinical practice.
2.11 Prescribe medications safely, effectively and economically using objective evidence. Safely
administer other therapeutic agents including fluid, electrolytes, blood products and selected
inhalational agents.
2.12 Recognise and assess deteriorating and critically unwell patients who require immediate
care. Perform common emergency and life support procedures, including caring for the
unconscious patient and performing CPR.
2.13 Describe the principles of care for patients at the end of their lives, avoiding unnecessary
investigations or treatment, and ensuring physical comfort including pain relief, psychosocial
support and other components of palliative care.
2.14 Place the needs and safety of patients at the centre of the care process. Demonstrate safety
skills including infection control, graded assertiveness, adverse event reporting and effective
clinical handover.
2.15 Retrieve, interpret and record information effectively in clinical data systems (both paper and
Verbal Communication
Note: IELTS 7.0 (or other standard as promulgated) is required by AHPRA for
international students at the point of commencing internship. One promulgated
criterion (HEOPS) is the ability to be understood at 3 m in a quiet room
Non-verbal Communication
Adequate visual acuity is required to provide safe and effective medical care.
Note: One set of promulgated criteria (HEOPS) state that a visual acuity with
maximal correction of N8 and/ or 6/18 (or better) is required for the practice of
Students whose vision is insufficient to meet these criteria or who have significant
other visual problems (such as visual field defects, nystagmus, etc) may require
assessment by an ophthalmologist.
During the course a medical student’s visual difficulties will become apparent during
assessments and clinical training.
Adequate auditory ability is required to provide effective and safe medical care.
During the course a medical student’s hearing difficulties will become apparent
during assessments, small group teaching and clinical training.
Sufficient tactile ability is required to perform competent and safe medical care.
At entry a medical student’s difficulties with touch will be documented through self-
During the course a medical student’s difficulties with touch will become apparent
during assessments and clinical training.
Mobility and gross motor skills
Mobility and gross motor skills are required in medicine to undertake appropriate
clinical care.
During the course a medical student’s impaired mobility will become apparent during
clinical skills training and clinical practice
Medicine is a profession that requires manual dexterity, and possession of fine motor
skills is fundamental in providing adequate clinical care.
Medical students, by the end of their training should be able to carry out the
following; Venepuncture, wound suture, intravenous cannulation and other practical
procedures as determined by the School
At entry a medical student with impaired fine motor skills will be documented through
self-declaration or during the selection interview.
During the course a medical student with impaired fine motor skills will become
apparent during assessments, clinical skills training and clinical practice
Sustainable performance
Medical practice requires both physical and mental performance at a consistent and
sustained level to meet individual student needs over time. Medical courses are
typically integrated over the course of a year and are structured to ensure
progressive development of attributes. Fragmentation of the course, for example
through prolonged absences during parts of the year or during parts of a day,
hinders such learning. A medical student can expect to attend for 35 – 40 hours per
week for over 40 weeks a year. A medical student will be required to undertake the
course in a fulltime, continuous fashion.
During the course a medical student’s difficulties with sustainable performance will
become apparent during the course.
Interruptions to consciousness
Medical practice requires the student to be conscious and aware at all times when
interacting with patients. Unexpected interruptions to consciousness place patients
at risk.
On entry to professional practice, Australian and New Zealand graduates are able to:
3.1 Accept responsibility to protect and advance the health and wellbeing of individuals,
communities and populations.
3.2 Explain factors that contribute to the health, illness, disease and success of treatment of
populations, including issues relating to health inequities and inequalities, diversity of cultural,
spiritual and community values, and socio-economic and physical environment factors.
3.3 Communicate effectively in wider roles including health advocacy, teaching, assessing and
3.4 Understand and describe the factors that contribute to the health and wellbeing of Aboriginal
and Torres Strait Islander peoples and/or Māori, including history, spirituality and relationship
to land, diversity of cultures and communities, epidemiology, social and political determinants
of health and health experiences. Demonstrate effective and culturally competent
communication and care for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and/or Māori.
3.5 Explain and evaluate common population health screening and prevention approaches,
including the use of technology for surveillance and monitoring of the health status of
populations. Explain environmental and lifestyle health risks and advocate for healthy lifestyle
3.6 Describe a systems approach to improving the quality and safety of health care.
3.7 Understand and describe the roles and relationships between health agencies and services,
and explain the principles of efficient and equitable allocation of finite resources, to meet
individual, community and national health needs.
3.8 Describe the attributes of the national systems of health care including those that pertain to
the health care of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and/or Maori.
3.9 Demonstrate an understanding of global health issues and determinants of health and
disease including their relevance to health care delivery in Australia and New Zealand and the
broader Western Pacific region.
On entry to professional practice, Australian and New Zealand graduates are able to:
4.1 Provide care to all patients according to “Good Medical Practice: A Code of Conduct for
Doctors in Australia” and “Good Medical Practice: A Guide for Doctors” in New Zealand.
4.2 Demonstrate professional values including commitment to high quality clinical standards,
compassion, empathy and respect for all patients. Demonstrate the qualities of integrity,
honesty, leadership and partnership to patients, the profession and society.
4.3 Describe the principles and practice of professionalism and leadership in health care.
4.4 Explain the main principles of ethical practice and apply these to learning scenarios in clinical
practice. Communicate effectively about ethical issues with patients, family and other health
care professionals.
4.5 Demonstrate awareness of factors that affect doctors’ health and wellbeing, including fatigue,
stress management and infection control, to mitigate health risks of professional practice.
Recognise their own health needs, when to consult and follow advice of a health professional
and identify risks posed to patients by their own health.
4.6 Identify the boundaries that define professional and therapeutic relationships and
demonstrate respect for these in clinical practice.
4.7 Demonstrate awareness of and explain the options available when personal values or beliefs
may influence patient care, including the obligation to refer to another practitioner.
4.8 Describe and respect the roles and expertise of other health care professionals, and
demonstrate ability to learn and work effectively as a member of an inter-professional team or
other professional group.
4.9 Self-evaluate their own professional practice; demonstrate lifelong learning behaviours and
fundamental skills in educating colleagues. Recognise the limits of their own expertise and
involve other professionals as needed to contribute to patient care.
4.10 Describe and apply the fundamental legal responsibilities of health professionals
especially those relating to ability to complete relevant certificates and documents, informed
consent, duty of care to patients and colleagues, privacy, confidentiality, mandatory reporting
and notification. Demonstrate awareness of financial and other conflicts of interest.
11 At the time of publication the Inherent Requirement Working Group acknowledges the parallel work
being undertaken in this domain by the AMC Professionalism Working Group. Recommendations by
this group may lead to future modifications of the guidelines contained in Domain 4 of this document
Ethical behaviour
Medical students are part of a profession governed by codes, guidelines and policies
where students (and practitioners) are both accountable and responsible for
ensuring professional behaviour in all contexts.
At entry all medical students will be required to complete a Criminal Record Check
and (if required) a self-declaration of previous ethical and/or dishonest behaviour.
The self-declaration is to be in line with that completed by each registered
practitioner at the time of re-registration. If there are previous misdemeanours, the
onus will be on the student to convince the School that such misdemeanours no
longer pose a substantial risk.
Behavioural stability is the ability of a medical student to monitor and manage their
own mental and physical health.
During the course medical students will demonstrate their compliance with this
requirement through annual self-declaration and by assessment of their behaviour.
During the course medical students can demonstrate compliance with annual self-
declaration at the time of entry into the clinical setting.
Note – in New Zealand a new Criminal Record Check is required every three years