2023.ijcnlp Tutorials.3
2023.ijcnlp Tutorials.3
2023.ijcnlp Tutorials.3
Generative language technologies have become
integral to everyday communication, shap-
ing social interactions and informing critical
decision-making processes in areas such as re-
cruitment, healthcare, and education. However, Figure 1: DA theory quantifies key properties of text
they often struggle to grasp the "long tail" of data to inform us about model generalization; e.g., it
data distributions — concepts less frequently can identify the long tail to promote equitable text gen-
observed during training — which could have eration for underrepresented groups.
significant repercussions. These models may
marginalize underrepresented groups by failing
to comprehend preferred communication styles, algorithm design, and evaluation become more
such as code-switching, or perpetuating soci-
and more important. It is vital that under-served
etal biases like gender bias. Sectors like health-
care, education, and law, requiring personaliza- demographics are not left behind in the wake of
tion and exhibiting nuanced linguistic features, this technological wave – e.g., by supporting user-
are also particularly affected when pre-trained specific behaviors like code-switching (Harring-
models misconstrue or overlook "long tail" data ton and Egede, 2023), low resource languages like
concepts. While methods like distillation of American Sign Language (Inan et al., 2022), and
smaller language models, active learning, and equitable language use (Mayfield et al., 2019).
other bias mitigation strategies can augment tra-
ditional training techniques, a careful statistical While we still have much to learn about new
analysis is essential for their effective applica- generative technologies (Rogers et al., 2020), what
tion. This tutorial offers a comprehensive exam- we do know can be alarming. For example, these
ination of how to develop equitable, robust, and models typically fail to learn infrequent data con-
inclusive language technologies using statisti- cepts in the long tail of text distributions (Kand-
cal tools from Domain Adaptation (DA) that pal et al., 2022). Indeed, this can lead to unfortu-
catalyze positive social change. We will delve
nate, unintended outcomes such as social inequities
into strategies for bias mitigation, explore how
to measure bias, and examine open problems (Bolukbasi et al., 2016), abysmal lexical diversity
in creating culturally-grounded and inclusive (Shekhar et al., 2019), or hard to resolve toxicity
language technologies. Accompanying code issues (Xu et al., 2021). All this is to say, without
notebooks and packages will be provided.1 doubt, our use of machine learning as a tool has
outpaced our understanding of this tool in many
1 Introduction ways. For robust, responsible deployment of gen-
Large language models are increasingly deployed erative AI, we need a principled means of analysis.
in critical areas of our daily life. Applications can This tutorial aims to meet this demand, proposing
improve health literacy (Ufuk, 2023), offer new domain adaptation (DA) theory as a mechanism to
avenues for improved education (Kasneci et al., study the nuanced data issues that plague our mod-
2023), and yield new legal technologies (Chalkidis els; e.g., the linguistic and societal biases induced
et al., 2020). Meanwhile, as the complexity of by long tailed data. We cover statistical tools for:
these models increases, robust decision making, 1. training generative models with reinforcement
https://github.com/anthonysicilia/ learning, multi-agent techniques, distillation,
AACL2023-DA4GenerativeAI traditional supervision, and more;
Proceedings of the 13th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing and the 3rd Conference of
the Asia-Pacific Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Tutorial Abstracts), pages 14–22
November 1–4, 2023. ©2023 Association for Computational Linguistics
s Phan et al. (2023)
• Example: Personalized Education
⋆ Can we personalize generative models for
individualized student experiences?
s Hu et al. (2008)
• Example: Assistive Legal Technologies
Figure 2: Overview of planned topics. Application of
DA to text generation enables more than just obvious
⋆ Can generative models be robust to specifi-
applications (e.g., model transfer). This tutorial focuses cation (e.g., locality) in legal applications?
on these new emerging applications for generative AI. s Abdallah et al. (2023)
• Example: Inclusive and Accessible Dialogue
⋆ Can generative models support users with
2. evaluating the equity, human-likeness, inclusiv-
different preferences and capabilities?
ity, and robustness of generative models;
s Sicilia et al. (2023); Inan et al. (2022)
3. and, decision making in small data regimes –
2. Domain Adaptation Theory: The Basics
e.g., model and dataset selection strategies.
• Learning Theory and Adaptation Bounds
Our accessible presentation of these tools can help
s Redko et al. (2020)
to enable more robust deployment of generative AI.
While DA theory first appeared at ∗ ACL venues • Classifier-based Statistical Distances
over a decade ago (Blitzer et al., 2007), recently, s Ben-David et al. (2010); Sicilia et al.
more and more contemporary works have seen the (2022a);
benefit of carefully analyzing impacts of data-shift • Measuring Model Data-Efficiency
on their models. This is for good reason. DA theory s Shalev-Shwartz and Ben-David (2014); Si-
allows us to answer complex questions like: cilia et al. (2021c)
• Will a pre-trained model generalize to my data? • Domain Adaptation for Generative Models
s Sicilia and Alikhani (2022)
• Can I improve generalization without much data?
3. Inclusive Text-Generation Algorithms
• Is my corpus even large enough to measure bias • Adversarial Training for Domain Alignment
and other language errors of a model? ⋆ Application Areas: Unsupervised and Semi-
Despite its utility, the use of DA theory is supervised Summarization
not wide spread – a quick keyword search on s Ganin et al. (2016); Chen and Chen (2019)
aclanthology provided less than 10 papers at • Other Ways to Align: Semantics and Tokens
∗ ACL venues (excluding our own), which employ
⋆ Application Areas: Out-of-Domain Machine
DA theory2 or related techniques. This tutorial Translation and Low Resource Languages
aims to bring awareness to emerging applications s Štefánik et al. (2023); Phan et al. (2023)
of DA theory to equitable, inclusive, and robust • Adapters and Adapter Soups
generation in an accessible way – connecting DA ⋆ Application Area: Adapting Language Mod-
to more contemporary works whenever applicable. els to New Domains without Training
s Chronopoulou et al. (2022, 2023)
2 Overview of Topics
• Augmentation with Generative Models
We give a presentation plan next. For most topics, ⋆ Applications: Semi-supervised Question-
we highlight application areas or detailed questions Answering, Accessible Dialogue, Counseling
we aim to address (see: ⋆ and italicized text), and s Yang et al. (2017); Parthasarathi et al.
also provide potential reading lists (see: s). (2020); Shen et al. (2020); Inan et al. (2022)
1. Inclusive Generation: Setup and Motivation • Instance Weighting for Generative AI
• Language Models and Data Sources ⋆ Applications: Out-of-Domain Machine
⋆ Which end-users are left behind? Translation and Personalized Dialogue
s Brown et al. (2020) s Wang et al. (2017); Welch et al. (2022)
• Example: Summarizing Medical Records • Domain Adaptive MLM Objectives
⋆ Are domains with limited data impacted? ⋆ Applications: Mental Health Risk Predic-
We distinguish between more common DA applications,
tion and other Healthcare Tasks
and theoretical foundations; e.g., as in Redko et al. (2020). s Aragon et al. (2023); Lu et al. (2023)
4. Computational Techniques (Activity) been discussed in past tutorials (e.g., transfer learn-
• Confidence intervals and significance ing and learning with limited data), the focus of
⋆ Is my test set large enough? this tutorial is on more rigorous theoretical aspects
s Shalev-Shwartz and Ben-David (2014) of DA and how these techniques can be applied
• Uncertainty and Confidence for Fairness in the, perhaps, unexpected area of equitable and
⋆ Is my model fair to protected demographics? inclusive generation. Our tutorial will also pay
Do I even have enough data to determine this? particular attention to large language models.
s Ethayarajh (2020)
Timing We anticipate each of the 6 numbered
• Transferring Models across Text-Genres top-level sections will take roughly 20 minutes,
⋆ How can I pick datasets when transferring leaving extra time for questions and longer sections.
models to small data regimes like medicine? Every 2 sections can be followed by a break.
s Blitzer et al. (2007); Atwell et al. (2022)
• Supplementing Expertise with Bronze labels 4 Prerequisite Knowledge
⋆ What’s the best annotation protocol when
Some familiarity with text-generation techniques
(domain expert) gold labels are too expensive?
and related tasks is recommended. The tutorial
s Hao and Paul (2019); Elsahar and Gallé
content will be accessible to Senior undergraduate,
(2019); He et al. (2021)
masters, and PhD students. In particular, we as-
5. Equitable Text-Generation
sume no attendee will have experience with DA
• Bias, Representational Harm, & Task Success theory, and plan to explain adaptation bounds and
s Mayfield et al. (2019); Harrington and their distribution distances in an accessible way,
Egede (2023) giving preference to visualizations and high-level
• Defining Bias and Equity in Text-Generation descriptions (over detailed equations). If desired,
s Hendricks et al. (2018); Das and Balke attendees can expound these topics themselves af-
(2022); Sicilia and Alikhani (2023) ter the tutorial, using take-home resources pro-
• Representation Learning and Bias Projection vided during the talk or on the tutorial website
⋆ Applications: Mitigating Social Bias in Text (e.g., python packages, papers, surveys, etc.).3
Embedding and Masked Language Modeling
s Vargas and Cotterell (2020); Yu et al. 5 Related Tutorials
(2023); Kumar et al. (2023)
No tutorial on DA theory for inclusive and eq-
• Data Augmentation and Interventions uitable generation has been provided at an ∗ ACL
⋆ Applications: Toxicity Reduction in Masked venue. With that said, recent tutorials have related
Language Models and Equitable Distillation motivation and complementary coverage.
s Sun et al. (2019); Thakur et al. (2023) Dyer et al. (2016); Church et al. (2022) and
• Reinforcement Learning and Self-Play multiple other tutorials have previously considered
⋆ Applications: Morality, Toxicity, and Bias in deep neural networks for NLP. Deep networks have
Language Models; Bias in Dialogue Systems become a dominating trend and, as noted, their
s Liu et al. (2022); Madanagopal and Caver- complexity poses issues for confident, responsible
lee (2023); Sicilia and Alikhani (2023) decision making as it pertains to training and de-
6. Future Work: TBA, Time Permitting ploying these models for generative applications.
Our tutorial complements these existing tutorials,
3 Tutorial Type and Length and pays careful attention to tools from DA theory
specifically designed for large language models (Si-
This tutorial is meant to be a cutting-edge tutorial
cilia et al., 2022a). Our hope is to make application
and is meant to fill up a 3 hour time slot.
of these models more robust.
Cutting Edge While DA theory has been well Chien (2019) present a tutorial on Deep
studied in ML theory communities, practical ap- Bayesian techniques, Ruder et al. (2019) present
plication for inclusivity, equity, and robustness of a tutorial on transfer learning, Yang et al. (2022)
generative AI is an emerging area. Indeed, most of present a tutorial on learning with limited data, and
the reading-list has been published in ∗ ACL venues 3
across the last few years. While similar areas have AACL2023-DA4GenerativeAI
Fisch et al. (2022) present a tutorial on uncertainty tification of linguistic and social biases in large
estimation. These tutorials set the stage for our pro- language models. Previously, he also applied learn-
posed tutorial, since DA theory provides rigorous ing theory in vision, especially small-data medi-
solutions to many of the problems posed within cal applications with a primary focus on bias miti-
these topics. As such, we do expect some topical gation and robust model evaluation (Sicilia et al.,
overlap, but all of the techniques and solutions we 2021a,b,c; Zhao et al., 2022).
present to attendees are likely to be new. Attendees Malihe Alikhani is an expert in natural lan-
that were/are interested in these previous tutorials guage processing (NLP) and machine learning.
will benefit from seeing how DA theory can be Alikhani’s research interests center on using repre-
applied to solve their problems in a new way. sentations of communicative structure to improve
Tripodi and Pelillo (2016) present a tutorial on ethical and practical machine learning models. One
game theory, Belinkov et al. (2020) present a tu- of the main focuses of her recent research has been
torial on interpretability, and Lucic et al. (2022) on studying formal methods of machine learning
present a tutorial on reproducible ML. Each of for designing equitable and robust NLP tasks. This
these tutorials shares a common theme with our pro- includes using tools from learning theory for effi-
posed tutorial: making NLP more robust through cient dialogue management, text generation, classi-
principled analyses. Similar to these tutorials, we fication and measuring and mitigating biases in gen-
will provide the tools for NLP practitioners apply- eration and classification tasks (Atwell et al., 2022;
ing ML to rigorously justify their decision making Sicilia and Alikhani, 2022; Sicilia et al., 2022b;
processes and algorithm designs. Atwell et al., 2021; Sicilia and Alikhani, 2023; Si-
Finally, Chang et al. (2019) present a tutorial on cilia et al., 2022a). Her work in these areas have re-
bias and fairness in NLP. Our tutorial complements ceived three best paper awards at UAI 2022, ACM
this previous tutorial in topic, but presents a new UMAP 2022 and INLG 2021.
perspective: the application of DA theory to this She has designed several task-oriented dialogue
area with a focus on large generative models. systems and conversational QA models (Khalid
et al., 2020b,a; Sicilia et al., 2022b). Her work has
6 Instructors explored data-driven modeling of inferential links
in text and imagery (Alikhani and Stone, 2019),
Anthony Sicilia is a 5th year Ph.D student, special- neural controllable description generation mod-
izing in applications of learning theory and domain els for images (Alikhani et al., 2020b), datasets
adaptation theory to NLP problems such as inclu- and models of coherent diagram interpretation
sivity, equity, and robustness. He has experience (Alikhani and Stone, 2018; Hiippala et al., 2021)
in practical deployment of NLP systems, leading and interpretation of multimodal pointing actions in
an Alexa Prize TaskBot team (focused on inclusiv- human-robot collaboration (Alikhani et al., 2020a).
ity and collaboration) to 3rd place overall in this She has worked on distributional semantic ap-
international contest. He has published 4 papers proaches for modeling lexical aspect of verbs in En-
on robust NLP at ∗ ACL venues, which are present glish and six other languages (Kober et al., 2020).
in the reading list: Atwell et al. (2022); Sicilia and She has also been involved in various projects for
Alikhani (2022); Sicilia et al. (2022b); Sicilia and studying the cognitive science of language use (Per-
Alikhani (2023). He also received a best paper saud et al., 2017) and formal language and au-
award at UAI 2022 for his work on novel PAC- tomata, including probabilistic models of success
Bayesian DA theory for multiclass neural-networks runs in Markov independent trials (Alikhani et al.,
(Sicilia et al., 2022a). His work spans application 2015). Alikhani has collected several corpora anno-
of DA theory to diverse areas such as: analysis of tated by crowdworkers and expert linguists in the
the impact of data-shift on parsers and sentiment area of discourse, multimodality, dialogue, human–
classifiers, dialogue management and generation robot interaction and psycholinguistics (Alikhani
in non-cooperative multi-objective environments, and Stone, 2019; Hiippala et al., 2021; Alikhani
causal analysis of the impact of model/dataset prop- and Stone, 2018; Alikhani et al., 2019a, 2020a).
erties on discourse analysis, human-like dialogue She has designed software for annotation, formal
management and generation, equitable dialogue and ML models for studying communicative intents
management and generation, evaluation of both and the context of human-machine communication
human-likeness and equity in dialogue, and quan- (Alikhani et al., 2019b; Khalid et al., 2020b).
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