Dell PowerProtect Data Manager VM Integration-Participant Guide
Dell PowerProtect Data Manager VM Integration-Participant Guide
Dell PowerProtect Data Manager VM Integration-Participant Guide
Dell PowerProtect Data Manager VM Integration
Overview.................................................................................................... 6
Manager ................................................................................................... 17
The application-aware policy performs a virtual machine image backup that creates
an application-consistent Microsoft SQL database backup with transaction log
protection and truncation.
PowerProtect Data Manager supports the following two types of protection engine:
• VM Direct Engine
− VM Direct Engine is deployed as a virtual appliance in the vSphere
environment to perform virtual machine snapshot backups. VM Direct
Engine is based on the VMware Storage API for Data Protection (VADP)
• Transparent Snapshot Data Movers
After the VMware vCenter is added and registered to the PowerProtect Data
Manager, all virtual machines can be discovered by the PowerProtect Data
Manager automatically. No agent software must be installed on the virtual
With PowerProtect Data Manager, the virtual machine protection task has been
transferred from the backup administrator to the virtual infrastructure administrator.
VMware virtual machines can be backed up through:
PowerProtect Data Manager creates virtual machine backups and manages remote
replication copies based on the protection policy. PowerProtect Data Manager
performs the backups of the virtual machines and replication operations based on
the protection policy and governed by the SLA.
PowerProtect Data Manager integrates with Cloud Disaster Recovery (Cloud DR)
to protect virtual machines by uploading virtual machine images to the public cloud
(for example, Amazon Web Services and Microsoft Azure) object storage, and
orchestrating the disaster recovery operations.
After you enable the vSphere Plugin option, a PowerProtect pane appears in the
vSphere Client. This pane provides a subset of PowerProtect Data Manager
functionalities, including the availability to perform a manual backup, image-level
restore and file-level restore of PowerProtect Data Manager virtual machine
protection policies.
After a virtual machine protection policy is added, the VMware administrators can
perform the following PowerProtect Data Manager functionalities within the
vSphere Client Plugin:
• Backup Now
• File Level Restore
• Restore
PowerProtect Data Manager supports the following virtual machine restore use
The following VMware vSphere ESXi versions are supported by the PowerProtect
Data Manager:
The following VMware vCenter versions support the PowerProtect vSphere Client
Important: vSphere and ESXi version 6.5 and higher and VMware
Tools version 10.1 and higher are required to perform Microsoft SQL
Server application-aware protection.
After the administrators add vCenter Server as asset sources, PowerProtect Data
Manager automatically initiates a VMware entity discovery process. The initial
vCenter Server discovery identifies all ESXi clusters, ESXi hosts, and virtual
machines within the vCenter Server.
Step One
Log in to PowerProtect Data Manager. From the left navigation pane, select
Infrastructure > Asset Sources.
Step Two
Click Add.
Step Three
Enter a Name for the vCenter Server and specify its FQDN/IP information.
Select Add Credentials option from the Host Credentials drop-down menu.
Enter a Name for the credentials and specify the User Name and the Password to
access the vCenter Server.
Ensure the vSphere Plugin option is selected as Install. This enables the
administrators to initiate the PowerProtect Data Manager manual backup from the
VMware vSphere Client.
The vCenter Server has been added to PowerProtect Data Manager successfully
as an Asset Sources.
PowerProtect Data Manager administrators can also manually initiate the discovery
of VMware entities at any time from Infrastructure > Asset Sources > vCenter
tab, select the vCenter Server and click Discover.
The virtual machine assets appear in the Assets window of the PowerProtect Data
Manager UI under the Virtual Machines tab. From PowerProtect Data Manager,
select Infrastructure > Assets > Virtual Machine tab, all virtual machines are
discovered and listed here.
Discovery time is based on the network bandwidth. The resources that are
discovered and the resources that are performing the discovery impact
performance each time the administrator initiates a discovery process. It might
appear that PowerProtect Data Manager is not updating the Asset Sources data
while the discovery is in progress.
The VM Direct Engine (formerly VM Proxy) is the virtual machine data protection
solution within PowerProtect Data Manager. It enables administrators to perform
virtual machine snapshot backups in the vSphere environment and moves the
backup data to a PowerProtect DD system.
The following information is required when the administrators add the external VM
Direct Engine:
Transport Description
Hot Add Hot Add mode is a VMware feature where disk devices can be
added “hot” while a virtual machine is running. Hot Add is a good
way to get virtual disk data from a virtual machine to a backup
appliance (or backup proxy) for sending to the backup server.
In Hot Add mode, virtual disks from the target virtual machines
being backed up are automatically mounted to the VM Direct
Engine, so the virtual disks can be accessed by the VM Direct
Engine as local disks.
Hot Add transport mode offers two benefits:
• It is easy to move a virtual machine's virtual disks to a new
backup server.
• It backs up local disks without using the LAN.
PowerProtect Data Manager supports only the Hot Add and NBD transport modes.
The Hot Add mode is the default transport mode. When adding a VM Direct
Engine, the administrator can specify to use only Hot Add mode, only NBD mode,
or Hot Add mode with fallback to NBD mode if Hot Add is not available.
Step One
Log in to PowerProtect Data Manager. From the left navigation pane, select
Infrastructure > Protection Engines > VM Direct Engines tab.
Click Add.
The Networks Configuration page is used to configure the virtual network (VLAN)
to use for backup data. PowerProtect Data Manager supports multiple VLANs for
various purposes.
On the Summary page, review the information and then click Save to deploy the
external VM Direct Engine.
Step Five
Performing a backup with Transparent Snapshot Data Mover creates a bitmap that
represents a snapshot of data that has changed since the last backup. By using
this method, changes are tracked as they occur, thus eliminating the latency and
the performance impact on the virtual machines.
PowerProtect Data Manager list eligible ESXi hosts for TSDM installation
Existing protection policies that are created by the PowerProtect Data Manager
19.8 and earlier can be migrated to use the TSDM, or the administrator can specify
to use the TSDM at the asset level.
PowerProtect Data Manager will automatically install the new TSDM on the
supported ESXi clusters and hosts as part of your data protection configuration so
that your virtual machine protection can leverage this new data path without
requiring additional deployment steps.
The VIB is bundled with the PowerProtect Data Manager OVA and upgrade
package, and the VIB is required to enable the transparent snapshot for virtual
machine protection.
PowerProtect Data Manager manages the life cycle of VIB. This includes the
automatic installation of the TSDM on supported ESXi servers and automatic
updates to new versions of VIBs as they become available. PowerProtect Data
Manager manages the VIB to support the Transparent Snapshots virtual machine
protection workflows.
TSDM Considerations
As of PowerProtect Data Manager 19.10, the TSDM does not support the
application consistent protection and the application-aware protection of the virtual
TSDM protection is not supported for the following virtual machines, configurations,
and platforms:
TSDM restores of virtual machines only supports restore to the original virtual
The following are the requirements and prerequisites supporting TSDM for virtual
machine data protection:
TSDM only supports virtual machine crash-consistent protection policies, with the
following two options disabled (cleared):
Step One
Log in to VMware vCenter and select the designated ESXi host (
and verify the ESXi Server version number.
From the PowerProtect Data Manager left navigation pane, click Infrastructure >
Protection Engines > Transparent Snapshot Data Movers tab.
Expand vCenter > DPD_Datacenter hierarchies until all the VMware ESXi hosts
are displayed.
The Status column displays which ESXi hosts are eligible to deploy the TSDM
vSphere Installation Bundle.
Once the TSDM vSphere Installation Bundle is installed successfully, the Status
column displays Installed.
The crash consistent protection policy creates a snapshot of all the virtual
machine's disks simultaneously and then copies the snapshot to the protection
storage to create a transactional-consistent backup of VMware virtual machine.
Use the crash-consistent protection policy to protect the file systems running on
Windows and Linux virtual machines.
When the legacy VADP-based crash consistent protection policy is added, the
following data protection attributes can be specified:
Add VADP-based crash consistent protection policy from the PowerProtect Data
Step One
From the left navigation pane, select Protection > Protection Policies.
Click Add.
Specify the name and type for the crash consistent protection policy
Select Virtual Machine as Type and specify the name for the protection policy.
Step Three
Select the View Asset Table option to list all discovered virtual machines.
Step Five
To create a PowerProtect DD Storage Unit, select New on the Storage Unit drop-
down menu.
Specify additional backup options for the crash consistent protection policy.
Review the crash consistent protection policy, click Finish to create the protection
Step Nine
Once a crash consistent protection policy is added, the administrator can perform a
manual backup using the Protect Now option from the Protection > Protection
Policies page.
The Protect Now option on the Protection Policies page allows the administrator to
start a manual backup operation to back up multiple assets that are protected in the
designated protection policy.
To use the Protect Now option on the Protection Policies page, the protection
policy must be enabled, and the protection policy purpose must be one of the
• Crash Consistent
• Centralized Protection
• Application Aware
Start a crash consistent protection policy manually from the PowerProtect Data
Step One
From the left navigation pane, select Protection > Protection Policies.
Step Three
• Backup Now
Step Four
From the left navigation pane, select Jobs > Protection Jobs. The crash
consistent protection policy completes successfully in a few minutes.
When the TSDM-based crash consistent protection policy is added, the following
data protection attributes can be specified:
TSDM-based crash consistent protection policy does not support the following
virtual machines and configurations:
Add TSDM-based crash consistent protection policy from the PowerProtect Data
Step One
From the left navigation pane, select Protection > Protection Policies.
Click Add.
Specify the name and type for the crash consistent protection policy
Select Virtual Machine as Type and specify the name for the protection policy.
Step Four
Select the View Asset Table option to list all discovered virtual machines.
Step Six
To create a PowerProtect DD Storage Unit, select New on the Storage Unit drop-
down menu.
For the TSDM-based crash consistent protection policy, ensure that the following
two options are disabled (not selected):
Review the crash consistent protection policy, click Finish to create the protection
Step Nine
To manually back up one asset at a time, the administrator can use the Back Up
Now option from the Infrastructure > Assets page.
The Back Up Now option on the Assets page allows the administrator can starts a
single manual backup operation to back up only one asset at a time.
To use the Back Up Now option on the Assets page, the asset must have an
associated protection policy (enabled), and the protection policy purpose must be
one of the following: crash consistent, centralized protection, and application
The Back Up Now option on the Assets page creates a full backup for the
selected asset.
Step One
From the left navigation pane, select Infrastructure > Assets > Virtual Machine
Step Two
The PowerProtect Data Manager portlet appears when the ESXi administrator
selects Hosts and Clusters or VMs and Templates in the left pane of the vSphere
Client home page and then selects a virtual machine within the data center.
After the virtual machine protection policy is created, the ESXi administrator can
perform the following PowerProtect Data Manager functionality within the vSphere
Back up a virtual machine asset from the VMware vSphere Client plug-in:
Step One
Select the virtual machine to back up and select the Summary tab.
On the Jobs > Protection Jobs page, wait for the manual backup to complete
Restores a virtual machine's backup to its original location on the vCenter. This
operation restores the virtual machines that were backed up with the protection
policy back to an earlier point in time. Use this process for restoring the
production system.
After virtual assets are backed up by a virtual machine protection policy, the
administrator can perform image-level and file-level recovery from an individual or
multiple virtual machine backups and also restore individual virtual machine disks
(VMDKs) to their original location.
During the restore operation, the virtual machine is powered off first, and then the
virtual machine in the datastore reverts to the point in time of the selected backup
copy before being powered back on.
• Users who want to perform a virtual machine restore must have the
PowerProtect Data Manager Administrator and the PowerProtect Data
Manager Restore Administrator privileges. A user with the role "User" cannot
perform a restore.
• Ensure that the protection storage (for example, the PowerProtect DD system,
the PowerProtect DD Management Center, or PowerProtect DD Virtual Edition),
and the vCenter server are added.
• Ensure that the protection of the virtual machines completes successfully. If the
virtual machines are backed up by a protection policy, the assets appear in the
Restore > Assets window.
• A minimum vCenter version 6.7 is required if the administrator wants to restore
the virtual machine protection policy backup's storage policy assignments.
Step One
From the left navigation pane, select Restore > Assets > Virtual Machine tab.
Step Two
Step Three
Step Four
Step Six
• Create a new virtual machine using a copy of the original virtual machine
After virtual assets are backed up by a virtual machine protection policy, the
administrator can perform image-level and file-level restore from an individual or
multiple virtual machine backups, and also restore individual virtual machine disks
(VMDKs) to their original location.
Restore VM Tags This option restores vCenter tags and categories that
are associated with this backup copy.
Restore Storage Policies This option restores any virtual machine disk-level or
non-disk specific storage policy assignments.
• Users who want to perform a virtual machine restore must have the
PowerProtect Data Manager Admin or the PowerProtect Data Manager Export
and Recovery Admin privileges. A user with the role "User" cannot perform a
• Ensure that the PowerProtect DD system, the PowerProtect DD Management
Center (DDMC) or PowerProtect DD Virtual Edition (DDVE), and the vCenter
server are added.
• Ensure that the protection of the virtual machines is completed successfully. If
the virtual machines have been backed up by a protection policy, the assets
appear in the Restore > Assets window.
• Ensure that sufficient space is available on the target datastore.
Step One
From the left navigation pane, select Restore > Assets > Virtual Machine tab.
Click Restore.
Step Two
Step Three
Step Four
On the Restore Type page, select Create and Restore to New VM.
On the VM Information page, select the vCenter from the drop-down menu and
select the wanted Datacenter.
Step Six
On the Datastore page, select the destination datastore from the Storage drop-
down menu.
Step Eight
Clear (Disable) the Enable instant access for the virtual machine restore
Step Ten
Step Eleven
Verify that the new virtual machine has been created and restored on the ESXi
Instant Access to a VM
• Create a new virtual machine directly from the original virtual machine backup
on the PowerProtect DD system for the purposes of instant backup validation
and restore of individual files.
The Instant Access VM Restore process does not copy or move any data from the
PowerProtect DD system to the production datastore.
The instant access virtual machine is initially available for 7 days. An instant access
virtual machine restore also provides the option to move the virtual machine to a
production datastore when the administrator wants to retain access to the virtual
machine for a longer time.
Restore VM Tags This option restores vCenter tags and categories that
are associated with this backup copy.
Instant Access
To monitor and manage the instant access virtual machine restore session, select
Restore > Running Sessions > Instant Access tab. The following three options
are available:
Options Description
Migrate Migrate option starts the Migrate Storage vMotion wizard, which
enables the administrator to move the instant access virtual
machine to a protection datastore.
Delete Delete option unmounts the instance access virtual machine and
deletes the instant access virtual machine session.
Step One
From the left navigation pane, select Restore > Assets > Virtual Machine tab.
Click Restore.
On the Select Copy page, select the wanted backup copy to restore. By default,
the latest backup copy is used to restore.
Step Three
Step Five
On the VM Information page, select the destination vCenter Server from the drop-
down vCenter menu and select the destination data center.
Step Seven
Enter the Instant Access virtual machine name and select other restore options
On the Jobs > Protection Jobs page, wait for the restore operation to complete
Step Ten
Click Restore > Running Sessions > Instant Access tab to manage the Instant
Access virtual machine recovery, which includes the option to extend the live virtual
machine session beyond the default period of 7 days.
The Instant Access virtual machine is created on the destination ESXi host
Verify that the Instant Access VM has been created on the destination ESXi host.
For File Level Restore, the administrator can only restore files:
File-Level Restore is only supported for the following platforms and operating
system versions.
RedHat Enterprise Linux 6.x, 7.x, and SuSE Linux Enterprise Server versions
8.x 11.x and 12.x
Windows 7, 8, 10, Server 2008, 2012, 2016 (all 64-bit, and R2) on FAT and NTFS
The FLR Agent is required for file-level restore operations and is installed
automatically on the target virtual machine when the administrator initiates a file-
level restore and provides the virtual machine credentials.
The FLR Agent installation on Linux virtual machines requires the administrator
uses the root account. Once the FLR Agent installation is completed by a root user,
the administrator can perform file-level restore operations as a non-root user.
FLR Prerequisites:
• Ensure that the protection storage (for example, the PowerProtect DD system,
the PowerProtect DD Management Center, or PowerProtect DD Virtual Edition),
and the vCenter server are added.
• Ensure that the protection of the virtual machines is completed successfully. If
the virtual machines have been backed up by a protection policy, the assets
appear in the Restore > Assets window.
• Ensure that the FLR Agent is installed on the target virtual machine.
• File Level Restore from the PowerProtect Data Manager UI can only be
performed by the administrator.
Step One
From the left navigation pane, select Restore > Assets > Virtual Machine tab.
Select the backup copy and start the file level restore
On the left pane, click DD. On the right pane, select the backup copy that you want
to restore.
Step Three
On the Mount Copy on Target Virtual Machine page, specify the login credentials
for the virtual machine that you want to perform file-level restore.
Select the Keep FLR Agent Installed option. Select this option to allow future
recovery to this target virtual machine without having to reinstall the FLR agent.
Click Start Mount to initiate the disk mount. It might take three to five minutes to
complete the mount operation.
Step Six
On the Options page, select Restore to Original Folder and Overwrite Original
Files option.
Step Eight
• Restore the virtual machine directly to an ESXi host without a vCenter server.
Reconnect the virtual This option reconnects the virtual machine's NIC after
machine's NIC when the the restore operation completes.
restore completes
Step One
From the left navigation pane, select Restore > Assets > Virtual Machine tab.
Step Two
Select the backup copy and start the direct restore to ESXi operation
Step Three
On the Options page, review the options and select the wanted options.
On the ESX Host Credentials page, enter the destination ESXi hostname and its
login credentials.
Click Verify Credentials to ensure that the ESX host credentials are correct.
Step Five
Step Six
On the Jobs > Protection Jobs page, wait for the restore operation to complete
Step Eight
Verify that the virtual machine is restored to the destination ESXi host
Verify that the virtual machine has been direct restored to the specified ESXi host
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