ATP 102 Probate and Administration Course Outline 2023-2024

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Course coordinator: Ms. Anastasia Otieno

Course Instructors:
Ms. Anastasia Otieno email: [email protected] Class D. E & F
Mrs. Rose T. Ruto email [email protected] Class A, B & C
Mr. Tonny Moses Odera email [email protected] Class G

Consultation: On appointment

Purpose of the Subject

The purpose of the subject is to equip the learners with knowledge and skills for practically handling
and resolving issues relating to estate of deceased persons according to the succession process and

Learning outcomes

By the end of the subject the learner should be able to:-

i. Identify the essentials of a valid written and oral will.

ii. Draw a valid will, codicil and other related documents
iii. Demonstrate the understanding of the court process of succession.
iv. Apply the substantive law of succession to different case scenarios.
v. Use the standard forms applicable in Succession.



Week 1 (2 hours)
Objective: At the end of this lesson the learner should be able to apply the Law of succession in the
right context.

i. Introduction- Historical background of succession law in Kenya.

● The commencement of the Law of Succession Act
● The law applicable before the commencement of the act
● Why is it relevant?
Reading pointers: Law of Succession Act Section 2 and 32
W. M. Musyoka Law of Succession Act pg. 11 to 15
Week 2 (2 Hours)

ii. Overview of the legal framework of law of succession-relationship between the law of succession
and other laws.
Principles of application of the Law of Succession Act- sec. 2(2)
● In relation to
o Marriage Act
o Customary Law

Week 3-4 (4 hours)

iii. Property exempted from the law of succession
● Property under Islamic law,
● Co-ownership of property
● Nominations

Week 4-6 (4 hours)

iv. Testate Succession – Introduction to Wills and Codicils

● Definition of wills
● Physical requirements of a valid will.-sec. 11

v. Drawing of valid Wills and Codicils

● Types of wills sec.3, 8,9
● Concurrent wills
● Codicils
Week 7 (2 hours)
● Capacity to write wills
o Mental capacity
o Insane dilutions
o Knowledge and approval
● Who may not be left out when writing a will?

Week 8 and 9 ( 6 hours)

vi. Process of revocation, alteration, and revival of Wills (sec 17-21)
● Capacity
● Revocation – expressed, by marriage and by destruction
● Alteration of wills - by other wills and codicils and by cancellation
● Revival of wills- sec. 21 LSA.
Week 10 (2 hours)

vii. Proof of Wills- oral wills, wills with executors, and wills without executors named

Week 11 (2 hours)

viii. Objection to wills- sec.29 , 67-70 Rules 7(4) and 17(1)

● Grounds for objections –sec, 26, 29.
● Procedure


Week 1 (2hours)
ix. Application for reasonable provision, testate
● Sec 26-30.
● Procedure

Week 2(2 hours)

x. Introduction to Intestate Succession

● Citations
Week 3-4 (4 hours)
● Dependents –sec 29
● Effect of marriages on succession
● Woman under sec.3(5)
Week 5 (2 hours)
● Definition of children

Week 6 (2 hours)
x. Protection of Estate- intermeddling

Week 7 (2 hours)
xi. Jurisdiction on matters of succession
● Magistrates Courts Act 2015

Week 8- 9 ( 4 hours)

xii. Petition for grant of letters of administration

● Who may take out grants
● Petitions
● Gazettement
● Simple grant
Week 10-11 (4 hours)
xiii. Objections
● Who may file objections
● Reasons for filing objections
o Sec 68
o Cohabitee
o Donation mortis causa
o Others
● Time of filing
Week 1 (2 hours)
● Objections filing process

Week 2 (2 hours)
xiv. Confirmation of grants

Week 3 (2 hours)
xv. Reasonable provision, intestate

Week 4-6 (6 hours)

xvi. Revocation and annulment of grants

Week 7(4 hours)

xvii. Limited grants
● Types
● Purpose
● Procedure

Week 8 (2 hours)
xviii. Procedure of succession for moveable and immoveable property in foreign jurisdictions.

Week 9 (2 hours)
Roles and Duties of the administrator

Weeks 10-11 (4 hours)

xix. Estate Accounts
Mode of Delivery
i. Interactive lectures
ii. Seminars and tutorials
iii. Guest lectures
iv. Power-point presentation slides
v. Group discussions
vi. Class Presentations
vii. Role Plays
viii. Audio-visual instruction aids
ix. Moot courts
x. Legal aid clinics
xi. Study tours
xii. Exchange programmes


Project work (including CAT) 20

Oral examination 20
Written Examination 60

Core Reading Materials

i. Musyoka, W.M., (2006). Law of Succession. Nairobi, Kenya: Law Africa Publishing (K) Ltd.

ii. Lady Justice Mary A. Ang'awa, (2015). Procedure in the Law of Succession in Kenya. Nairobi,
Kenya: Law Africa Publishing (K) Ltd.

iii. Barry & Clark, The Law of Succession 13th Edition

Recommended Reference Materials

i. Eugene Cotran, Restatement of African Law II- The Law of Succession

ii. Eugene Cotran, Case Book on Kenya Customary Law

a. Law of Succession Act Cap. 160
b. Law of Succession (Amendment) Act, 2021

c. The Marriage Act 2014

d. Matrimonial Property Act 2013
e. The Constitution of Kenya, 2010
f. The Land Act, 2012

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