X - April - Monthly Test
X - April - Monthly Test
X - April - Monthly Test
70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% utilization of computer for academic activities utilization of computer for
personal use How often do you use mail? How often do you use the internet for work? How often do you use the
internet for leisure? everyday 2-3 days a week once a week once a month never
(2) At present, many schools and universities have been implementing internet-based learning, as it supplements
the conventional teaching methods. The internet provides a wide variety of references and information to
academics as well as scientific researchers. Students often turn to it to do their academic assignments and projects.
(3) However, research on Internet is very different from traditional library research, and the differences can cause
problems. The Internet is a tremendous resource, but it must be used carefully and critically. (4) According to a
2018 Academic Student e-book Experience Survey, conducted by LJ’s research department and sponsored by
EBSCO, when reading for pleasure, almost 74% of respondents said they preferred print books for leisure whereas,
45 % of respondents chose e-books rather than the printed versions, for research or assignments.
(5) When asked what e-book features make them their favourite for research, the respondents were clear. Having
page numbers to use in citations, topped the list (75%); followed by the ability to resize text to fit a device’s screen
(67%); the ability to bookmark pages, highlight text, or take notes for later reference (60%); downloading the entire
e-book (57%); and allowing content to be transferred between devices (43%) were the varied responses.
Based on your understanding of the above passage, answer the questions given below by choosing the most
appropriate option:
1. The word ‘tremendous’, as used in paragraph 3, means the same as
(A) expensive (B) renowned (C) Innovative (D) incredible Ans. Option (D) is correct.
2. Based on the graphical chart in the passage, choose the option that correctly states the depiction of internet
usage for work and for leisure, for once a month.
3. Based on the given graphical representation of data in the passage, choose the option that lists the statements
that are TRUE with respect to the usage of email.
a. The everyday usage of email is more than the everyday usage of computer for personal use.
b. About 18% people use email once a week.
c. There are a smaller number of email users using it 2-3 times a week than the ones using it once a month.
d. Less than 5% of people never use the email.
(A) a and c (B) b and d (C) a and b (D) c and d
4. Based on the given graphical chart, pick the option that lists the area of zero response from respondents.
(A) Never using the internet for work and leisure
(B) Daily use of the computer for academic activities
(C) Writing and receiving emails once a week
(D) Using the internet for personal tasks once a month
5. In the cartoon, the student’s reaction reveals that he is ______________.
1. There are more unemployed than ever before.
2. The question is whether the man can be trusted.
3. I don’t want that woman to come here ever again
4. We are still awaiting instructions.
GRAMMAR (1)4 (1)3
TOTAL 20 3 6 11
20+3+6+11=40 Marks