Semester Project DB

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University of Management and Technology,

Lahore Campus

Semeter Project: Spring 2024

Course Name: Database Systems Course Code: CC2141 4(3,1)
Course Instructor/s: Ms. Samra Kanwal Program Name BS Compuetr Science
Semester/ Section: BSCS 4, V9 Maximum Marks: 10
Submission Moderator
Jun 23, 2024
Deadline: Signature
 Your project report should be submitted in PDF format.
 There is a ZERO tolerance policy for plagiarism. Tasks found with copy-pasted material or copied
from fellows will be marked as ZERO.
 Submit your assignments on LMS within the given time frame. Emailed project will not be accepted.
 VIVA is compulsory for every group.
 Your project should use the approach of “ANSI-SPARC Three-Level Architecture”:
o View level (External)
o Logical level (Conceptual) / Logical Database Design
o Physical level (Internal) / Physical Database Design
 Create a proper project outline (Hyperlink based) in the report

Course Learning Outcomes (CLO)

Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction to the Problem.....................................................................................................3
1.1 Introduction.......................................................................................................................................4
1.2 Purpose..............................................................................................................................................4
1.3 Objective............................................................................................................................................4
Chapter 2: Logical Database Design...........................................................................................................5
2.1 Entities...............................................................................................................................................6
2.2 Attributes...........................................................................................................................................6
2.3 Relationships.....................................................................................................................................6
2.4 Functional Dependenices and Normalization....................................................................................6
2.5 Complete Enhanced Entity Relationship Diagram.............................................................................6
2.6 Complete Relational Model...............................................................................................................6
2.7 Data Flow Diagram (DFD)..................................................................................................................7
2.7.1 Level 0 DFD...............................................................................................................................7
2.7.1 Level 1 DFD...............................................................................................................................7
Chapter 3: Physical Database Design.........................................................................................................8
3.1 Physical Data Model..........................................................................................................................9
3.2 Physical Data Model Implementation (MySQL Workbench)..............................................................9
Chapter 1: Introduction to the Problem
1.1 Introduction
The Problem introduction gives an explanation about the issue that is being addressed by
the project. It also argues in favor of implementing the project in the proposed area in the
existing conditions.

1.2 Purpose
Define the purpose why you are developing your project what is the need and how this
system or project will help in the market or in life of the society

1.3 Objective
Define your objectives what you want to achieve after the completion of the project
Chapter 2: Logical Database Design
2.1 Entities
Identify all the entities

2.2 Attributes
Identify all the attributes against each entity. Attributes are single, multi-valued, simple,
composite, and derived attributes.

2.3 Relationships
Specify the relationship (One to one, One to many, and many to many) between entities
with minimum and maximum cardinalities.

2.4 Functional Dependenices and Normalization

Mentioned Functional Dependencies of attributes
Mentioned how you normalize your tables (1NF,2nd NF, 3NF)

2.5 Complete Enhanced Entity Relationship Diagram

Entity Relationship Diagram with complete relations with dependencies of your project. Sample
ERD is given below:
2.6 Complete Relational Model
Convert the ERD to Relational Model
Mentioned Primary Key, Super Key, Composite Key, alternative key, foreign key of each
table if exist.

2.7 Data Flow Diagram (DFD)

2.7.1 Level 0 DFD
2.7.2 Level 1 DFD
Chapter 3: Physical Database Design
3.1 Physical Data Model
Sample is given Below:

3.2 Physical Data Model Implementation (MySQL Workbench)

 Create Query: Create all the tables

Write Queries Here

 Insert Query: Insert atleast five records in each table

Write Queries Here

 Alter Query: alter a few things in your project tables

 Select Query: Retrieve data from single table or multiple tables
 Must write atleast one query of each clause and each topic discussed in class (i.e.
orderby, having, like, limit etc…)
 Apply Referential Integrity Constraint
 Apply Joins between tables (ALL TYPES)
 Apply Views, Index, stored procedures, triggers

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