LAB2 My - VHDL - Tutorial
LAB2 My - VHDL - Tutorial
LAB2 My - VHDL - Tutorial
1. Introduction
VHDL stands for VHSIC (Very High Speed Integrated Circuits) Hardware Description Language.
o Hardware description language with the goal to develop very high-speed integrated circuit.
o Allow you to describe and simulate complex digital systems
VHDL language look similar as conventional programming languages, there are some important
o A hardware description language is inherently parallel, i.e. commands, which correspond to
logic gates, are executed (computed) in parallel, as soon as a new input arrives.
o A HDL program mimics the behavior of a physical, usually digital, system. It also allows
incorporation of timing specifications (gate delays) as well as to describe a system as an
interconnection of different components.
A digital system can be represented at different levels of abstraction. This keeps the description and
design of complex systems manageable. Figure 1 shows different levels of abstraction.
The highest level of abstraction is the behavioral level that describes a system in terms of what it
does (or how it behaves) rather than in terms of its components and interconnection between them.
o A behavioral description specifies the relationship between the input and output signals.
This could be a Boolean expression or a more abstract description such as the Algorithmic
o As an example, let us consider a simple XOR circuit. At the behavioral level this could be
expressed as,
The structural level, on the other hand, describes a system as a collection of gates and components
that are interconnected to perform a desired function.
o For the example above, the structural representation is shown in Figure 2 below.
VHDL allows one to describe a digital system at the structural or the behavioral level.
The behavioral level can be further divided into two kinds of styles: Data flow and Algorithmic.
The dataflow representation describes how data moves through the system. This is typically done in
terms of data flow between registers (Register Transfer level).
A digital system in VHDL consists of a design entity that can contain other entities that are then
considered components of the top-level entity.
Each entity is modeled by an entity declaration and an architecture body.
o One can consider the entity declaration as the interface to the outside world that defines the
input and output signals,
o while the architecture body contains the description of the entity and is composed of
interconnected entities, processes and components, all operating concurrently, as
schematically shown in Figure 3 below.
a. Entity Declaration
o The entity declaration defines the NAME of the entity and lists the input and output ports.
The general form is as follows,
o signal_names consists of a comma separated list of one or more user-selected identifiers that
specify external interface signals.
o mode: is one of the reserved words to indicate the signal direction:
o in – indicates that the signal is an input
o out – indicates that the signal is an output of the entity whose value can only be read by
other entities that use it.
o buffer – indicates that the signal is an output of the entity whose value can be read
inside the entity’s architecture
o inout – the signal can be an input or an output.
o type: a built-in or user-defined signal type. Examples of types are bit, bit_vector, Boolean,
character, std_logic, and std_ulogic.
o bit – can have the value 0 and 1
o bit_vector – is a vector of bit values (e.g. bit_vector (0 to 7)
o std_logic, std_ulogic, std_logic_vector, std_ulogic_vector: can have 9 values to indicate
the value and strength of a signal. Std_ulogic and std_logic are preferred over the bit or
bit_vector types.
o boolean – can have the value TRUE and FALSE
o integer – can have a range of integer values
o real – can have a range of real values
o character – any printing character
o time – to indicate time
o generic: generic declarations are optional and determine the local constants used for timing
and sizing (e.g. bus widths) the entity. A generic can have a default value. The syntax for a
generic follows,
generic (
constant_name: type [:=value] ;
constant_name: type [:=value] ;
constant_name: type [:=value] );
o For the example of Figure 2 above, the entity declaration looks as follows.
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
std_logic_arith package: provides arithmetic, conversion and comparison
functions for the signed, unsigned, integer, std_ulogic, std_logic and
std_logic_vector types
std_logic_misc package: defines supplemental types, subtypes, constants and
functions for the std_logic_1164 package.
To use any of these one must include the library and use clause:
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.std_logic_arith.all;
use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;
b. Architecture body
o The architecture body specifies how the circuit operates and how it is implemented.
o an entity or circuit can be specified in a variety of ways, such as behavioral, structural
(interconnected components), or a combination of the above.
-- Statements
end architecture_name;
Behavioral model
o The architecture body for the example of Figure 2, described at the behavioral level, is given
o The “<= ” symbol represents an assignment operator and assigns the value of the expression
on the right to the signal on the left.
entity XOR2 is
port (A, B: in std_logic;
Z: out std_logic);
end XOR2;
o Logic operators that are allowed are: and, or, nand, nor, xor, xnor and
not. In addition, other types of operators including relational, shift, arithmetic are allowed.
o Concurrency
It is worth pointing out that the signal assignments in the above examples are
concurrent statements.
For instance, when the input A changes, the internal signals X and Y change values
that in turn causes the last statement to update the output Z. There may be a
propagation delay associated with this change.
The execution of the statements is determined by the flow of signal values. As a
result, the order in which these statements are given does not matter (i.e., moving the
statement for the output Z ahead of that for X and Y does not change the outcome).
This is in contrast to conventional, software programs that execute the statements in
a sequential or procedural manner.
Experiment 1: Write VHDL code for realize all logic gates.
a) AND Gate: A Logic circuit whose output is logic ‘1’ if and only if all of its inputs are logic ‘1’.
VHDL Code for AND Gate:
-- File : andgate.vhd
-- Entity : andgate
b) OR Gate: A logic gate whose output is logic ‘0’ if and only if all of its inputs are logic ‘0’.
VHDL Code for OR Gate:
-- File : orgate.vhd
-- Entity : orgate
-- Description : VHDL code to realize OR gate functionality
--The IEEE standard 1164 package, declares std_logic, etc.
library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
Entity Declarations
entity orgate is
Port( A : in std_logic;
B : in std_logic;
Y : out std_logic);
end orgate;
architecture Behavioral of orgate is
Y<= A or B ;
end Behavioral;
c) NOT Gate: A logic gate whose input is complement of its input.
VHDL Code for NOT Gate:
-- File : notgate.vhd
-- Entity : notgate
Entity Declarations
entity notgate is
Port( A : in std_logic;
Y : out std_logic);
end notgate;
architecture Behavioral of notgate is
Y<= not A ;
end Behavioral;
d) X-OR (Exclusive OR): A logic gate whose output is logic ‘0’ when all the inputs are equal and
logic ‘1’ when they are un equal.
VHDL Code for XOR Gate:
-- File : xorgate.vhd
-- Entity : xorgate
-- Description : VHDL code to realize EX-OR gate functionality
--The IEEE standard 1164 package, declares std_logic, etc.
library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
Entity Declarations
entity xorgate is
Port( A : in std_logic;
B : in std_logic;
Y : out std_logic);
end xorgate;
architecture Behavioral of xorgate is
Y<= A xor B ;
end Behavioral;