08 Aug 23-NcManagement-Ta - Bh-235401-04672 - 0-01 Aug 2023-03 Aug 2023

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Nonconformity management

Organization name KVS Castings Private Limited

Audit start date 01.Aug.2023

Audit end date 03.Aug.2023

Audit type 2nd Surveillance audit

CB identification no. 2-IAO-QMC-01007

CB certificate no. 04672/0

IATF USI (Unique site identifier) GFMXGK

IATF certificate no. 0431539

Additionally to this report a digital NC management report file will be provided by the auditor which has to be completed in IATF NC
CARA at https://nc-cara.iatfglobaloversight.org. All information about the software and use is provided in the documentation
accessible at the provided link.

Organization name : KVS Castings Private Limited CB certificate no.: 04672/0 Cara Version
Report name/no: 235401 1.4
Nonconformity management

NC NC Auditor´s name Standard Standard Classification Due date max. Due date max. Reviewer Date reviewed Nonconformity observed in process
no. identification clause 20 days 60 days decision

1 1/4 Anil Murjani IATF 16949:2016 minor 02.Oct.2023 Process Design

2 2/4 Anil Murjani IATF 16949:2016 minor 02.Oct.2023 Production

3 3/4 Anil Murjani IATF 16949:2016 10.2.3 minor 02.Oct.2023 Quality Assurance

4 4/4 Anil Murjani IATF 16949:2016 minor 02.Oct.2023 Purchase & Stores

Organization name : KVS Castings Private Limited CB certificate no.: 04672/0 Cara Version 1.4
Report name/no: 235401 2/6
Nonconformity management

NC & actions
Nonconformity 1
To be completed by the CB auditor
NC header

NC identification no. 1/4

Standard IATF 16949:2016

Classification minor

Due date max. 60 days 02.Oct.2023

Nonconformity observed in process Process Design

Standard clause

Manufacturing process design output

The organization shall document the manufacturing process design output in a manner that enables verification against the manufacturing
process design inputs. The organization shall verify the outputs against manufacturing process design input requirements. The manufacturing
process design output shall include but is not limited to the following:
a) specifications and drawings;
b) special characteristics for product and manufacturing process;
c) identification of process input variables that impact characteristics;
d) tooling and equipment for production and control, including capability studies of equipment and process(es);
e) manufacturing process flow charts/layout, including linkage of product, process, and tooling;
f) capacity analysis;
g) manufacturing process FMEA;
h) maintenance plans and instructions;
i) control plan (see Annex A);
j) standard work and work instructions;
k) process approval acceptance criteria;
l) data for quality, reliability, maintainability, and measurability;
m) results of error-proofing identification and verification, as appropriate;
n) methods of rapid detection, feedback, and correction of product/manufacturing process nonconformities.

Statement of nonconformity

The Process of Process design is not fully effective.

Objective evidence

Refer to the part Front Housing Casting, Part no - IAC51-40090. Operation 60 in PFD - Melting found missing in FMEA.

Justification for classification

On further investigation it is found that same step is included in the control plan & control are in place at the same. Customer is not at risk,
hence graded as minor NC.

Anil Murjani 5-ADP-12-02-1318 03.Aug.2023 This document is valid without a

Auditor´s name Auditor ID no. Audit closing meeting date signature

Organization name : KVS Castings Private Limited CB certificate no.: 04672/0 Cara Version
Report name/no: 235401 1.4
Nonconformity management

Nonconformity 2
To be completed by the CB auditor
NC header

NC identification no. 2/4

Standard IATF 16949:2016

Classification minor

Due date max. 60 days 02.Oct.2023

Nonconformity observed in process Production

Standard clause

Monitoring and measurement of manufacturing processes

The organization shall perform process studies on all new manufacturing (including assembly or sequencing) processes to verify process
capability and to provide additional input for process control, including those for special characteristics.
The organization shall maintain manufacturing process capability or performance results as specified by the customer’s part approval process
requirements. The organization shall verify that the process flow diagram, PFMEA, and control plan are implemented, including adherence to the
a) measurement techniques;
b) sampling plans;
c) acceptance criteria;
d) records of actual measurement values and/or test results for variable data;
e) reaction plans and escalation process when acceptance criteria are not met.
Significant process events, such as tool change or machine repair, shall be recorded and retained as documented information.
The organization shall initiate a reaction plan indicated on the control plan and evaluated for impact on compliance to specifications for
characteristics that are either not statistically capable or are unstable. These reaction plans shall include containment of product and 100
percent inspection, as appropriate. A corrective action plan shall be developed and implemented by the organization indicating specific actions,
timing, and assigned responsibilities to ensure that the process becomes stable and statistically capable. The plans shall be reviewed with and
approved by the customer, when required.
The organization shall maintain records of effective dates of process changes.

Statement of nonconformity

The Process of Production is not fully effective.

Objective evidence

Refer to the operation Turning of Part - Front Hub ABS/ACE - 554533405501, the RPM mentioned in control plan is 1200, during the audit same
found as 950.

Justification for classification

On further investigation it is observed that the part is within the specifications, customer is not at risk, hence graded as minor NC.

Anil Murjani 5-ADP-12-02-1318 03.Aug.2023 This document is valid without a

Auditor´s name Auditor ID no. Audit closing meeting date signature

Organization name : KVS Castings Private Limited CB certificate no.: 04672/0 Cara Version
Report name/no: 235401 1.4
Nonconformity management

Nonconformity 3
To be completed by the CB auditor
NC header

NC identification no. 3/4

Standard IATF 16949:2016

Classification minor

Due date max. 60 days 02.Oct.2023

Nonconformity observed in process Quality Assurance

Standard clause 10.2.3

Problem solving

The organization shall have a documented process(es) for problem solving, which prevent(s) recurrence, including:
a) defined approaches for various types and scale of problems (e.g., new product development, current manufacturing issues, field failures,
audit findings);
b) containment, interim actions, and related activities necessary for control of nonconforming outputs (see ISO 9001, Section 8.7);
c) root cause analysis, methodology used, analysis, and results;
d) implementation of systemic corrective actions, including consideration of the impact on similar processes and products;
e) verification of the effectiveness of implemented corrective actions;
f) reviewing and, where necessary, updating the appropriate documented information (e.g., PFMEA, control plan).
Where the customer has specific prescribed processes, tools, or systems for problem solving, the organization shall use those processes, tools,
or systems unless otherwise approved by the customer.

Statement of nonconformity

The Process of Quality assurance is not fully effective.

Objective evidence

Refer to the customer complaint dated - 25.04.2023, Part Name - XP & XPL Bodies, Problem - Blow Hole after machining, the actions found not
updated in FMEA.

Justification for classification

On further investigation it is observed that the actions are implement at the problem point & concerned are also aware of the actions taken.
Customer is not at risk, hence graded as minor NC.

Anil Murjani 5-ADP-12-02-1318 03.Aug.2023 This document is valid without a

Auditor´s name Auditor ID no. Audit closing meeting date signature

Organization name : KVS Castings Private Limited CB certificate no.: 04672/0 Cara Version
Report name/no: 235401 1.4
Nonconformity management

Nonconformity 4
To be completed by the CB auditor
NC header

NC identification no. 4/4

Standard IATF 16949:2016

Classification minor

Due date max. 60 days 02.Oct.2023

Nonconformity observed in process Purchase & Stores

Standard clause

Supplier selection process

The organization shall have a documented supplier selection process. The selection process shall include:
a) an assessment of the selected supplier’s risk to product conformity and uninterrupted supply of the organization’s product to their customers;
b) relevant quality and delivery performance;
c) an evaluation of the supplier’s quality management system;
d) multidisciplinary decision making; and
e) an assessment of software development capabilities, if applicable.
Other supplier selection criteria that should be considered include the following:
— volume of automotive business (absolute and as a percentage of total business);
— financial stability;
— purchased product, material, or service complexity;
— required technology (product or process);
— adequacy of available resources (e.g., people, infrastructure);
— design and development capabilities (including project management);
— manufacturing capability;
— change management process;
— business continuity planning (e.g., disaster preparedness, contingency planning);
— logistics process;
— customer service.

Statement of nonconformity

The Process of Purchasing is not fully effective.

Objective evidence

Refer to the New supplier selection of Radha Sands & Foundry Products, the risk related to product conformity & uninterrupted supply found not

Justification for classification

This is an isolated gap, checked other samples & found to meet the requirements. Customer/system is not at risk, hence graded as minor NC.

Anil Murjani 5-ADP-12-02-1318 03.Aug.2023 This document is valid without a

Auditor´s name Auditor ID no. Audit closing meeting date signature

Organization name : KVS Castings Private Limited CB certificate no.: 04672/0 Cara Version
Report name/no: 235401 1.4

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