Research Article: Fluid-Structure Interaction Analysis of Parachute Finite Mass Inflation
Research Article: Fluid-Structure Interaction Analysis of Parachute Finite Mass Inflation
Research Article: Fluid-Structure Interaction Analysis of Parachute Finite Mass Inflation
Research Article
Fluid-Structure Interaction Analysis of
Parachute Finite Mass Inflation
Copyright © 2016 Xinglong Gao et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Parachute inflation is coupled with sophisticated fluid-structure interaction (FSI) and flight mechanic behaviors in a finite mass
situation. During opening, the canopy often experiences the largest deformation and loading. To predict the opening phase of
a parachute, a computational FSI model for the inflation of a parachute, with slots on its canopy fabric, is developed using the
arbitrary Lagrangian-Euler coupling penalty method. In a finite mass situation, the fluid around the parachute typically has an
unsteady flow; therefore, a more complex opening phase and FSI dynamics of a parachute are investigated. Navier-Stokes (N-S)
equations for uncompressible flow are solved using an explicit central difference method. The three-dimensional visualization of
canopy deformation as well as the evolution of dropping velocity and overload is obtained and compared with the experimental
results. This technique could be further applied in the airdrop test of a parachute for true prediction of the inflation characteristics.
Navier-Stokes (N-S) equations for incompressible flows are Table 1: Statistical information of FSI models.
[13] Computational term Fluid Canopy Suspension lines
𝜌( + u ⋅ ∇u + f) − ∇ ⋅ 𝜎 = 0 on Ω𝑓 , Nodes 441000 9072 3244
𝜕𝑡 (5) Elements 460664 9488 3077
𝑓 Materials Solid Shell Beam
∇ ⋅ u = 0 on Ω ,
Density (kg/m3 ) 1.18 583 4850
where 𝜌𝑠 , u, f, and 𝜎 are the density, velocity vector, external Poisson’s ratio 0.13 0.13 0.13
body force, and stress tensor, respectively. By introducing the
ALE formulation combined with the fluid and material mesh,
which can move freely, the N-S governing equation can be
rewritten as
+ 𝜌 ⋅ div (k) + (k − w) ∇ ⋅ 𝜌 = 0,
𝜌 + 𝜌 (k − w) ⋅ ∇ ⋅ k = div (𝜎) + f, (6)
𝜌 + 𝜌 (k − w) ∇ ⋅ E = 𝜎 ⋅ ∇k + f ⋅ k,
where v, w, and 𝜌 are the fluid particle velocity, material
mesh velocity in reference coordinates, and fluid density,
respectively, and E is the specific internal energy. Obviously,
the ALE formulation contains both the Euler and Lagrange
formulations, and Dirichlet and Neumann-type boundary
conditions are prescribed on (Γ𝑡 )𝑞 and (Γ𝑡 )ℎ , respectively, Figure 2: Construct of parachute-load system.
where (Γ𝑡 )𝑞 and (Γ𝑡 )ℎ are complementary subsets of boundary
Γ𝑡 . The initial condition on the velocity is divergence-free. 20 m
𝑑P 2
= 𝑎 (𝜇, 𝜀) ⋅ krel + 𝑏 (𝜌, 𝜀) ⋅ krel , (7) 42 m
where P is the pressure, r is the normal direction of shell,
and 𝜀 is the porosity of material; the coefficient 𝑎(𝜇, 𝜀) is
the reciprocal permeability of the porous shell or viscous
coefficient, and 𝑏(𝜌, 𝜀) represents the inertia coefficient.
By using the explicit dynamic integral method, the veloc-
ities and pressures can be effectively solved, satisfying the Figure 3: Geometrical shape of fluid domain.
continuity constraint in (7).
2.3. Generation of Numerical Models for FSI. The load imple- The processing of elements primarily occupies the CPU
mented at the joint of the parachute was represented by time during the FSI computation. Because of the high cost of
a dummy body, and Figure 2 represents the finite element the ALE approach, the construction of FSI model was kept
method (FEM) model of the parachute system. For the simple and frugal. The density of fluid mesh varied according
finite mass inflation, the computation domain should be to the placement of the parachute. Table 1 summarizes the 3D
sufficiently large to accommodate the dropping distance of mesh information of the parachute, dummy, and fluid, and
the parachute within the filling time and reduce the influence Table 2 presents the physical parameters of the dummy.
of boundary reflecting as much as possible. The geometry The level of refinement in a CFD mesh should be decided
of fluid domain is cylindrical and meshed by hexagons by the size of the structure. The 1 : 1 length of elements
(Figure 3). The canopy geometry is designed by CATIA between the fluid and structure mesh is best for the accuracy
software and output into the FEM tool for meshing. and convergence of simulation. The grid density of the
4 International Journal of Aerospace Engineering
fluid was controlled according to the following dynamic 3.1. Opening Process. Parachutes are stochastic systems with
refinement criteria: the regions around the folded canopy large scattering of their performance characteristics, and
and geometrically porous area (including apex and slots) various parameters can affect their inflating performance
were refined to the finest resolution; in addition, the regions dramatically. However, we did not consider the influence of
covered by the turbulent wakes, behind the dummy body and stochastic wind in this study. Figures 4(a)–4(f) show the 3D
canopy, were refined to the finest resolution. Thus, the mesh deformation of the canopy from its initial stretched shape at
resolution was adequate to model the structure. 0.0 s up to 2.0 s, when the canopy was completely inflated.
International Journal of Aerospace Engineering 5
(a) (b)
Figure 5: Comparison of parachute-load systems’ steady state ((a) is simulation results and (b) is experimental results).
25 25
20 20
Opening overload (g)
Drag area (m2 )
15 15
10 10
5 5
0 0
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2
t (s) Time (s)
24 1.015E + 05
1.014E + 05
1.013E + 05
20 1.012E + 05
18 1.011E + 05
16 1.010E + 05
1.009E + 05
1.008E + 05
12 1.007E + 05
10 1.006E + 05
8 1.005E + 05
1.004E + 05
1.003E + 05
6 1.002E + 05
5 1.001E + 05
4 1.000E + 05
9E + 03
8E + 03
2 7E + 03
24 1.015E + 05
22 1.014E + 05
1.013E + 05
20 1.012E + 05
18 1.011E + 05
16 1.010E + 05
1.009E + 05
1.008E + 05
12 1.007E + 05
10 1.006E + 05
8 1.005E + 05
1.004E + 05
1.003E + 05
6 1.002E + 05
5 1.001E + 05
4 1.000E + 05
9E + 03
3 8E + 03
2 7E + 03
24 1.015E + 05
1.014E + 05
1.013E + 05
20 1.012E + 05
18 1.011E + 05
16 1.010E + 05
1.009E + 05
1.008E + 05
12 1.007E + 05
10 1.006E + 05
8 1.005E + 05
1.004E + 05
1.003E + 05
6 1.002E + 05
5 1.001E + 05
4 1.000E + 05
3 9E + 03
8E + 03
2 7E + 03
(a) (b)
Figure 9: CFD pressure distributions and velocity vectors contours during opening ((a) is velocity vectors results and (b) is pressure
distribution results).
International Journal of Aerospace Engineering 7
1.2E + 07 0.02
1.1E + 07
1E + 07 0.014
9E + 06 0.012
8E + 06 0.008
7E + 06 0.006
test. The weight of load was 300 kg, and the peak overload of Von Mises stress and the equivalent plastic strain on the
of the simulation and experiment were 23.44 and 21.36 g, canopy, we observed that the red area near the top of canopy
respectively. The figure shows that these two curves are very experiences high levels of fabric strength. The central area of
close, considering the approximations used in the model. The each gore also suffers higher tensile strength than the average
numerical and experimental results differ by approximately level of the whole canopy.
0.1 s in their initiation; that is, the numerical curve starts
0.1 s ahead of the experimental curve. This is because of the 4. Conclusions
representation of the initial shape of canopy in the FSI model
that has a larger volume than the experimental canopies. This paper presents the FSI phenomenon of a parachute
Moreover, we did not entirely consider the damping effect of during finite mass inflation with low speed and altitude.
the canopy, which has a strong effect on the peak force value The results of the numerical model were compared with the
in the numerical models in this study. The larger the damping experimental results obtained from the airdrop test, and the
constant is, the lower the numerically predicted peak force is. curves from different conditions of numerical models were
The instant velocity when canopy is stretched is equal to compared and investigated. The ALE technique is capable
the initial velocity of opening. Figure 8 shows the velocity of reproducing the FSI phenomenon of a parachute during
change of the parachute-load system. The velocities reduced opening process. Both the SD of canopy and fluid field
rapidly at the beginning of the opening process for high evolvement around parachute were visually simulated and
overloads and then tended to keep steady with the balance analyzed. The changing rules of the shape and overload of
between the drag and aerodynamic forces on the canopy. the canopy were in good agreement with experimental data,
These steady velocities could be used as the initial velocities of which prove the good inflating performance of this type of
the nine degrees of freedom models to compute the trajectory slot-parachute.
of the parachute-load system. As mentioned earlier, this numerical approach can be
The FSI model also predicts a phenomenon known as a part of the integrated simulation system of parachute
wake recontact, shown in Figure 9. Wake recontact can occur airdrop and is now being increasingly studied. Future studies
in finite mass openings during or soon after the load has should consider much more uncertainties and probabilities
undergone maximum deceleration. The wake trailing the in environmental factors, such as gust.
opening canopy starts moving close to the speed of the
load. As a result, when the load undergoes its maximum Competing Interests
deceleration, the wake contacts the apex of the canopy. The
The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
recontacting wake results in a negative differential pressure
that indents the apex of the canopy. This phenomenon can
also be seen in Figure 4(e).
The structure response of the canopy under aerodynamic This study was cosupported by Research Project of Chinese
pressure can also be seen in Figure 10. From the distribution National University of Defense Technology (no. JC13-01-04)
8 International Journal of Aerospace Engineering
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