Conventional Wisdom 2004 12 01
Conventional Wisdom 2004 12 01
Conventional Wisdom 2004 12 01
Filling out the convention card — part 5
The 24-part Conventional Wisdom series is available online at
Expected Min. Length: Check the appropriate box(es) to indicate the minimum number
of cards that you expect when partner opens 1⽦ or 1⽥. Although most North American
players prefer using five-card majors, some will vary this approach in third or fourth seat
where only four cards are promised.
If you expect a five-card suit regardless of which position opener is in, check the boxes in
the “5” column. If you are a four-card major enthusiast instead, check the boxes in the “4”
column. And if you expect five cards in the major in first or second seat, but only four after
a third- or fourth-seat opening, check the box under the “5” column for the row labeled
“1st/2nd” and check the box in the “4” column for the row labeled “3rd/4th.”
➤ After Overcall: You and your partner might decide the double-raise sequences have
➤ the same meaning even if the opponents interfere. Or you might decide to change your
agreements after an overcall. For example, after
You Opp. Partner Opp.
1⽦ 2⽤ 3⽦ Pass
what does partner’s 3⽦ mean? Is it the same as when the opponents were silent? Or
is it different? Check the appropriate box to match your agreements.
Note that the preemptive jump is not Alertable when the opponents interfere. A
Conv. Raise: Many pairs use conventional forcing raises after a major-suit opening. L
Common treatments are listed here. If you play any of the following methods, check E
the appropriate RED boxes on this line and Alert the opponents. R
2NT: Many pairs use the auction
You Partner
RESPONSES 1⽦ or 1⽥ 2NT
Double Raise to show a game-forcing raise in the major with four-card or longer trump support. The
How does your partnership treat these convention called Jacoby 2NT is the most common example.
sequences: 3NT: After you open one of a major, say partner jumps to 3NT. Without an agreement,
You Opp. Partner Opp. the default position is that 3NT is natural, showing a balanced hand with game-going
1⽦ Pass 3⽦ Pass values. Some partnerships prefer, however, to use 3NT to show a specific hand type.
? A common treatment is that 3NT shows a 4–3–3–3 pattern with opening values.
or Opener may pass or correct to four of the major or even search for slam. There are
You Opp. Partner Opp. other possible variations, as well.
1⽥ Pass 3⽥ Pass Splinter: Another popular treatment is that a double jump into a new suit shows
? a game-going or better hand with four-card or longer support for opener’s suit and
Are they forcing to game? Invitational? shortness in the suit bid. This treatment is called a splinter. For example:
Preemptive (weak)? Whatever your You Partner
agreements, check the appropriate A 1⽥ 4⽤
Playing splinters, partner’s 4⽤ would show club shortness, good spade support and
box. L a good hand.
If you play a double raise as preemptive E L
(weak) in a non-competitive auction, R Other: Any other conventional major-suit raises may be listed here. The popular E
you should check the RED box and T Bergen raises, for example, would be listed on this line. Note that any treatment listed R
Alert the opponents. here must be Alerted. T