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Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Week 9 Tutorial 8
Assignment 3 Solution Definition and Testing

Spring 2023



1. Assignment 2 feedback
2. Assignment 3 – defining and testing the solution(s)

21227 Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Assignment 2 Feedback
The better performing assignment were able to…
1. Overview
• Clearly outline the practical/theoretical roots of the chosen innovation theory.
• Build a compelling overview of why the theory exists and how it came to be so prominent (using in-text citations).
2. Critical Analysis
• Excellent depth of insight in outlining how the chosen innovation theory can be used as an analytical frame.
• Builds a compelling argument for the critical analysis by using key examples from literature.
3. Overview of the chosen organisation
• Builds a comprehensive SWOT table based on information from credible sources.
• Performs a SWOT analysis focussed on the internal and external factors that influence how the organisation goes about
4. Building an innovation strategy, structure and/or process
• The innovation strategy, structure and/or process is clearly linked to the innovation theory i.e., a theoretical framework
has been specified and is used as the foundation for building innovative suggestions.
• The suggestions stay within the bounds of what the theory is able to provide.
5. Discussion and Implications
• An excellent discussion including the specific performance implications of the strategy AND;
• Is based on the learnings garnered from the theoretical perspective adopted throughout the assignment.

21227 Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Assignment 3: Recommendation Logic (the double diamond)

Problem Solution
Problem Discovery Define Definition
Develop Deliver

Goal for

What are the problems? What are the solutions?

21227 Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Assignment 3: Time to Generate Some Ideas!

Today’s tools of choice

Problem Inspire Imagine Focus

Protype and
Definition (customer (generating (evaluating
needs) solutions) alternatives)

• PESTEL • Rapid ideation • Weighted scoring models • We will work on solidifying

• Ethnographic research • Brainstorming • Creative problem solving your solutions this week
• Interviews and Surveys • Mind maps (CPS) and in Week 10.
• Nominal Group Technique • Story boards • Analytical Hierarchy
• SCAMPER and other Process (AHP)
brainstorming tools • Force Field Analysis

21227 Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Your Turn: defining the solution
Follow these steps:
1. Review the results from the feedback session last
2. Based on the feedback, re-evaluate your solutions
using a “focus” tool of your choice.

“Success” Criteria
Definition Develop Deliver Solution 1. You have narrowed down your ideas to 1 solution
that best meets the problem requirements.

21227 Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Your turn: bring in the innovation funnel (STEP 1)

Is it feasible? Is it viable? Is it desirable?

“Can we do this?” “Should we do this?” “Do they want this?”

21227 Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Your turn: Switch it up and test (STEP 2)

Substitute Combine Adapt Modify Put to Eliminate Reverse

21227 Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Your turn: Switch it up and test (STEP 2)
1. Substitute
• What can be replaced? For instance, materials, resources, people, rules.
• Can the product/service/work itself be substituted?
2. Combine
• What features, uses or components can be combined?
• For example, the smart phone combines camera, phone, computer.
3. Adapt
• What can be slightly tweaked to improve the product or process?
• Think of mega trends in society, for example, what can we do to adapt?
4. Modify/Minify/Magnify
• How can the process be changed in a way that changes the outcomes?
• Is there anything that you can “magnify” to emphasise a particular part or process e.g., sometimes small changes to a logo can
have a significant impact on how they’re perceived by the public.
5. Put to another use
• What benefits might be gained by using the process/product in a different field or industry?
• Creative repurposing or upcycling is an example of this as well as using a tablet as a digital photo frame.
6. Eliminate
• What can be removed or simplified? Is there a way to better streamline the product?
• For example, Bluetooth removes the need for wires.
7. Reverse/Rearrange
• Would changing the sequence of effects produce a different outcome? What can be rearranged, flipped, or swapped?
• For example, taking the idea of a smart phone and flipping it on its head might end up with an idea for a foldable smartphone that
can open the door for more use cases.


21227 Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Active learning involves preparation

Be sure to complete your readings and pre-work ready

for Week 10.

Interactive and

21227 Innovation and Entrepreneurship

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