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Summer Holiday H.W. - Vi

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1. Learn all syllabus done in the month of April and May.

2. Read the passage carefully and answer the given questions:

Once there was a miser who sold all his possessions and, with the money, bought a great lump of gold,
dug a deep hole at the edge of the garden, and there he buried his gold. Once a day, thereafter, the
miser went to the garden, dug up his gold, and embraced it lovingly. One of the miser’s workmen
wondered why his master spent so much time in the garden. One day, he hid behind a tree and soon
discovered the secret of the hidden treasure. That night, when the miser was fast asleep, the workman
crept into the garden and stole the lump of gold. When the miser found that his gold was gone, he tore
his hair and cried aloud in his despair. A neighbour came running to see what the matter was, and the
grief-stricken miser told him what had happened.

Then the neighbours said, “Pray to stop your weeping. Go and find a stone. Place the stone in the hole
and imagine that it is your lump of gold. The stone will serve your purpose, for you never meant to
use the gold anyway.” “To a miser, what he has is of no more use than what he has not.”

i) How did the miser get the lump of gold?

a. By selling all he had b. While digging the garden?
c. From his ancestors d. From his neighbour
ii) Why did Miser spend so much time in the garden?
a. He was a nature lover. b. He liked watching children playing in the garden.
c. To keep an eye on his hidden treasure. d. To change the place of his lump of gold.
iii) By whom was the gold stolen?
a. A thief b. His neighbour
c. The miser’s workman d. The miser himself
iv) The neighbour advised the miser to put a stone in the hole because ____.
a. Gold is like a stone only.
b. The miser would never use the gold, hence no difference between the two.
c. The stone will become gold after some time.
d. For a wise man, gold and stone have equal worth.
v) Choose the most appropriate title for this story.
a. Gold and Stone b. The Miser and His Gold
c. The Miser and His Neighbour d. The Miser and His workman
3. Make a project of adverb and its kinds. Reference link is given below:
● https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MGevxiHX6-U
● https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PpSlBy6GNXw
4. Story Writing: Observe the picture carefully. Create a story by your own and write it on A4

5. Diary Designing:

● Make a beautiful diary with your creative ideas.

Write a diary entry in it for at least 10 days.

6. The Daily Dive (Newspaper reading):

Reading newspapers is an excellent way to promote literacy. As they get older, reading newspapers
on their own is also very beneficial. Newspapers are not only a source of information, but they also
help students to become better readers.


● Read newspapers on a daily basis. Collect five

News Headlines in a day and write on A4
Sheet for at least for 10 days

7. Reading stories (Fun learning)

*Read the story book of the given topics.

8. Write and learn application for Sick leave

उद्दे श्य-

*शुद्ध उच्चारण के साथ पढ़ने का अभ्यास।

*शब्दकोश में वद्

ृ धध।

*सुलेख द्वारा अक्षरों की बनावट में सुधार।

गतिविधिय ाँ

* भारत के ककसी भी एक पववतीय स्थल पर उपस्स्थत कुछ प्रससद्ध जगहों का एक कोलाज (समस्ु च्चत
धचत्रकला) बनाएँ एवं उनके ववषय में सलखें। (A-3 शीट)

* भारत में उपस्स्थत ककनहहं पाँच धासमवक स्थलों के ववषय में धचत्रों की सहायता से (A3 शीट ) पर वणवन
करें ।

* सभी भारतीय भाषाओं का एक चाटव बनाएँ एवं हहंदह भाषा के महत्व पर 10 पंस्ततयाँ सलखें। (A-4शीट)

* प्रततहदन हहंदह समाचार पत्र पढ़ें एवं उसमें से दे श ववदे श की खेल से संबंधधत कुछ (10 से 15) खबरें
छाँटकर A4

शीट पर धचपकाएँ।

* अपने गाँव दादा-दादह, नाना-नानी और अनय पररवार के सदस्यों के साथ बबताए हुए समय का
प्रस्तुतीकरण कर

एक वीडियो बनाएँ ।

* ग्रीष्मकालहन अवकाश में की गई गततववधधयों का एक वीडियो बनाएँ।

* दो कहातनयों की पुस्तकों का पठन अभ्यास करें । (बाल नैततक कहातनयाँ / सशक्षाप्रद प्रेरक कहातनयाँ)

* लेखन एवं पठन अभ्यास करें ।

1. Learn and write the tables from 2 to 20 on A4 size sheet
2. Do the Mental Maths of Whole numbers and playing with number in book
3. PROJECT WORK: - 3. Make Sieve of Eratosthenes on A3 size sheet from your textbook. Use different
colours for colouring prime numbers and composite numbers.
4. Make different types of angles with the help of matchsticks on A3 Size sheets.
5. Collect information about mathematician Aryabhata and Srinivas Ramanujan on A4 size sheet

6. Take print out of the given below worksheet


1. Which of the following numbers is divisible by 3?

a. 24357806 (b) 35769812 (c) 83479560 (d) 3336433

2. Which of the following is the prime number?

a. 117 (b) 171 (c) 179 (d) None of these

3. Which of the following are co- prime numbers?

a. 8, 12 (b) 9, 10 (c) 6, 8 (d) None of these

4. The HCF of 144,180 and 192 is

a. 12 (b) 16 (c) 1 8 (d) 8

5. The greatest number which divides 134 and 167 leaving 2 as remainder in each case is

a. 14 (b) 17 (c) 19 (d) 11

6. The LCM of 24, 36 and 40 is

a. 4 (b) 90 (c) 360 (d) 720

7. The product of two numbers is 2160 and their HCF is 12. The LCM of these numbers is

a. 12 (b) 25920 (c) 180 (d) None of these

8. The least number divisible by each of the numbers 15, 20, 24, 32 and 36 is

a. 1660 (b) 2880 (c) 1440 (d) none of these

9. How many whole numbers are there between 1018 and 1203?

a. 185 (b) 186 (c) 184 (d) none of these

10. The predecessor of the smallest 3-digit number is

a. 999 (b) 100 (c) 101 (d) 99

11. On dividing a number by 53 we get 8 as quotient and 5 as remainder. The number is

a. 419 (b) 423 (c) 429 (d) none of these

12. Find the greatest number which divides 285 and 1249.Leaving remainders 9 and 7 respectively.
13. Three measuring rods are 45 cm, 50 cm and 75 cm in length. What is the least length (in metres) of
a rope that can be measured by the full length of each of these three rods?
Q1. Make a Chart on - Main Topic: - Conservation of energy
Sub Topic:-
a. Tips of saving electricity
b. Conservation in day to day life
c. Solar energy
d. Wind energy
e. Cooking energy conservation
f. Bathroom water conservation
Q2. Perform an activity at home to separate a mixture of sand, sawdust and common salt.
● Make a video of it and send it to the Subject Teacher.

Q3. Working model

● To make a 4 stage water purifier.

Take a hint from the given link.
Q4. Make a Herbarium file.
a) Collect different types of 4-5 leaves, dry them out and paste them with their scientific names
on A-4 size sheet
b) Take a flower and carefully separate its different parts. Paste them on A-4 size sheet with
their scientific names.

a) Name three herbivore species shown in the diagram.

b) Name the carnivores who are food for other two organisms.
c) Name the organisms which get food from others but are not eaten by others.
d) Name the organism which is food for the maximum number of organisms.
e) What will be the food habits of rats if they start eating corn seeds?
● Do it on an A-4 size sheet.

Honey bees collect pollen and nectar as food. Nectar is a sweet fluid found in flowers. Honey bees collect
nectar and
convert it into honey. Nectar stored within their stomach is passed from one worker to the next until the
within it diminishes. At this point, the nectar becomes honey. The worker bees store this in the cells of the
honeycomb. The main diet of honey bees is honey and pollen.

a) What is raw material collected by honey bees for making honey?

b) How is nectar converted into honey?
c) What is the food of honey bees?
d) When nectar is converted into honey, the amount of water in it –
i) increases ii) decreases iii) do not change iv) none of these
● Do it on an A-4 size sheet.

Q7. Learn all the syllabus done in the month of April and May.
1. On an outline Political map of India mark and level.
a) Neighbouring countries of India.
b) States of India. (Through which Tropic of cancer passes)
2. On an outline Physical map of India mark and level.
a) Mountain region. b) Plains
c) Plateau d) Coastal region
e) Desert. f) Island
3. on an outline Physical Map of the World mark and level.
a) Seven Continents. b) Five Oceans
4. Draw Diagram on A4 sheet.
a) Important Latitude and Heat Zones.
b) National Emblem
c) Revolution of the Earth causes season.
5. Make any one model on the given topic.
a) Save Earth. b) Water Cycle
c) Sanchi Stupa. d) Biosphere
6. Draw a map of your school (Highlight following areas)
a) Primary wing b) Account Office c) Reception area.
d) Library e) Computer lab f) assembly area
7. Learn syllabus done in the month of April and May.


1) गायत्री माता का धचत्र बनाए और गायत्री मनत्र अथव सहहत सलखे।

2) उत्तर प्रदे श की जीवनदातयनी( गंगा ) नदह की ववशेषताएँ सलखखए।

3) 1 से 30 तक संस्कृत में धगनती सलखे ।

4) बारह महहनों के नाम संस्कृत में सलखे ।

5) 10 फलों व 10 सस्ब्जयों के नाम सलखे धचत्र सहहत संस्कृत सलखखए।

1) Prepare your school timetable in MS Excel .Format it to make the worksheet look
attractive. Now, take out its printout.
2) Prepare a PowerPoint presentation on “Computer Languages.”
3) Write an algorithm to multiply two numbers.
4) Draw a flowchart to calculate area of rectangle.
5) Draw the flowchart symbols on A3 sheet.


1. Paste pictures of 5 ‘Famous environmentalists’ and write a paragraph about each of them.
2. Paste pictures of 5 ‘Greatest Athletes in Olympics’ and write a paragraph about each of them.


 Learn anyone skill from your grandmother mother and make one object or thing by using that
 Make one cartoon character with tissue paper bracket open tissue paintings)
 Draw colour wheel in your drawing notebook painted with using water colour.
 Make one lippan art/board.

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