) HDR D FRQ': Ffif, Ar Rffil
) HDR D FRQ': Ffif, Ar Rffil
) HDR D FRQ': Ffif, Ar Rffil
) riir'a, dfdrT
frnfu}, Through Website
k., fund.
(i) Disrrict Education officer (E.E.)/(S.E.) shall have full powers
to sanction refundable advances subiect to condition laid down in
the rule \3.L4 of Puniab CSR Vol.II provided the amount of
advance does not exceed two third of the arnount at the credit of
the subscriber in fund.
(ii) District Education officer (E.E.)/(S.E.) shall have full powers
to sanction non-refundable advance subject to the conditions laid
down in relevant rules in chapter 13 of Punjab CSR Vol. II,
provided that the amount of advance dose not exceedTlo/o of the
amount at the credit of the subscriber in the Fund. District
Education Officer (E.E.)/(S.E.) shall also have the full powers to
sanction thefinal payment and 90% final withdrawal before
retirement on supersnnuation, strictly in acoordance with the
relevant rules and instructions.
f5-o rI.fti t6 f6rfi)?f'FilJ'3 f*rrr #frna dd:-
1. ffrq, frfnd)t, )afaro/Jdfrdr nr} ffitar )2{6ffir dB' ffiT }1r}
a-ffiar )?Etr'r ,r=f,d dde EIT fus f€'dr d&' IrH FDT fr.fi.,ta.
mirfr r-fi ilEfu fr rrryu dil& r*61 EEd rffir
L. fi.fi.)td. )?rfflH fr t?rE ftBfr drlrg-fr t ra+.o sB HA ffi fr
dtr ilffi )?j-3 fu + fuo.r€r iE ffi + t{.} ffi fu offi a'rq-dd
{il& yd6 W fus esfirs ir
J. Drart h{fr6 ffi rrr+ rigd ilc6 + uftrat' fu
wffi EE -reE, t+dT' fd miErs ffi u fi.td& Hr6 s
3HrH E{'fls}rr'&fr-d f€€ yfr rg rdfanr fil,?{' & ry-} fu* rm t
his 3 ffi e if,il fr fi.fi.,td. H'ile1 rffi ** i't r
*Jr t m d,* r
5. 11r ;rrs FIT FIT 3 fi1q, flind)?f' €Ts fr fr.rfr.,ira. m+ +ts' rd'fuar
),lr} ffita )4,{-6FkI fB' lr=*" at} ar} refundable fi.fi.ftd.