Aisha Questionnaire

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Survey Questionnaire for Learners

Instruction: Please fill out items and check your answer to questions given below. Please answer each item honestly.
Name (optional): Section:
After each statement, place a check mark in the column, which you feel most nearly describes the truth in your own case now.
LEGEND: 5 - SA = Strongly Agree
4 - A = Agree
3 - U = Undecided
2 - D = Disagree
1 - SD = Strongly Disagree
Part I. Learning Style towards Mathematics
Visual Learning Style
Indicators for (Visual Learning Style) SA A U D SD
5 4 3 2 1
1.I use color-coded highlighting for formulas.
2.I practice mathematics always with textbooks.
3.I use graph paper to help create charts and diagrams that demonstrate key points.
4.I use computer to organize materials and to create graphs, tables, charts, and spreadsheets.
5.I like to write things down or to take notes for visual review.
Tactile/Kinesthetic Learning Style
Indicators for (Tactile/Kinesthetic Learning Style) SA A U D SD
5 4 3 2 1
1.I walk around the room for appropriate books and other resources.
2.I use flashcards for each step in the procedure. Put the cards in order until the sequence becomes
3.I sit near the front of the classroom to take notes.
4.I use rhythm (beats) to memorize formulas or explain something.
5.I spend extra time in any labs offered to focus studying.
Auditory Learning Style
Indicators for (Auditory Learning Style) SA A U D SD
5 4 3 2 1
1.I read explanations out loud.
2.I make up and repeat rhymes to remember formulas and names.
3.To learn sequence of steps, I wrote them out in sentence form, then read them out loud.
4.I am easily distracted by noise or radio when it is time to study.
5.I do best in mathematics by listening to lectures and tapes.
Group Learning Style
Indicators for (Group Learning Style) SA A U D SD
5 4 3 2 1
1.I join or create a study group, or to get a study partner.
2.I study mathematics with a friend(s).
3.I answer my assignments through group study.
4.When I can’t remember formulas, I will ask my classmates.
5.I become more confident in answering quizzes with a partner.
Individual Learning Style
Indicators for (Individual Learning Style) SA A U D SD
5 4 3 2 1
1.I enjoy answering mathematics problem alone.
2.I always do my assignments alone.
3.I practice mathematics always with myself.
4.I feel so good when I solved mathematics problem by myself.
5.I spend less time with my friends during school days to concentrate more on my studies.

Part II. Study Habit towards Mathematics

Note Taking
Indicators for (Note Taking) SA A U D SD
5 4 3 2 1
1.I read my books during holiday period and write down the important ones like formulas.
2. During discussion, I would rather take note formulas than picture it in my mind/head.
3.I go through my books/notes after every lesson and look out the things that I wrote down.
4.I can easily solve mathematics problems when I have my “Note Taking” notes.
5.I use flashcards in note taking.
Test Preparation
Indicators for (Test Preparation) SA A U D SD
5 4 3 2 1
1.I study and prepared for quizzes and tests.
2.I do best in mathematics problems by preparing formulas and steps in flashcards.
3.I prepared myself two (2) days ago before exams.
4.I can easily understand the given problems when I am prepared.
5.I think the best way to remember formulas is when you are prepared.

Time Management
Indicators for (Time Management) SA A U D SD
5 4 3 2 1
1.I study mathematics even when I am very tired.
2.I study mathematics for about 50 minutes and then take about 10 minutes before starting again.
3.I study mathematics for a very long period without regard to my time table.
4.I spend my vacant time in doing assignments or studying my lessons.
5.I prefer finishing my mathematics assignment before watching any television program or logging -in
to my different social media accounts.
Indicators for (Concentration) SA A U D SD
5 4 3 2 1
1.I study mathematics with a high level of concentration.
2.I exert more effort and concentration when I do difficult problems in math subject.
3.I have a specific place of study at home which I can concentrate when I am studying and answering
my assignments in math subject.
4.I can’t concentrate to study math subject when I am tired.
5.I can’t concentrate when it is noisy.

Part III. Attitude towards Mathematics

Indicators for (Confidence) SA A U D SD
5 4 3 2 1
1.I struggle with my concept in mathematics.
2.Mathematics is enjoyable and stimulating to me.
3.I have always enjoyed studying math in school.
4.Math content has usually been easy for me to understand.
5.I usually don’t worry about my ability to solve math problems.
Indicators for (Anxiety) SA A U D SD
5 4 3 2 1
1.I have usually been at ease during math test.
2.Mathematics makes me uncomfortable and nervous.
3.My math teacher often became frustrated with me.
4.Math makes me feel uneasy and confused.
5.I did not like being introduced to new mathematical concepts.
Indicators for (Value) SA A U D SD
5 4 3 2 1
1.My teacher often applied her math lesson to real world situation.
2. I would like to develop my mathematical skill and study this subject more.
3.Math is very worthwhile and necessary subject.
4.Math helps develop a person’s mind and teaches him/her to think.
5.I am interested and willing to acquire further knowledge of mathematics.
Indicators for (Enjoyment) SA A U D SD
5 4 3 2 1
1.I look forward to teaching mathematics.
2.Mathematics is enjoyable and stimulating to me.
3.I am happier in a mathematics class than in any other class.
4.I am interested and willing to use math outside school and on the job.
5.My mind goes blank and I am unable to think clearly when doing mathematics.
Indicators for (Motivation) SA A U D SD
5 4 3 2 1
1.I do not want to teach mathematics in the future.
2.I have selected mathematics as my area of emphasis.
3.When I had trouble with a concept I usually gave up and stopped trying.
4.I have generally considered math as related, sequential, progression of ideas.
5.I enjoy going to beyond the assigned work and try to solve new problems in math.
Teacher’s Expectation
Indicators for (Teacher’s Expectation) SA A U D SD
5 4 3 2 1
1.My teacher emphasized understanding and not just memorization.
2.My math teacher was supportive in my efforts to learn mathematics.
3.My math teacher assigned several homework problems each night.
4.My math teacher was very patient with me.
5.My math teacher often applied their math lesson to real world situation

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