Script For Facilitate Learning Session
Script For Facilitate Learning Session
Script For Facilitate Learning Session
Good morning! Before we start with our session, I would like to invite everyone in the room to
please rise for our opening prayer… Amen
Good morning once again, I am Jeffrey Denila I will be your competency-based trainer for the
qualification Electrical Installation and Maintenance NC II and I am ready to facilitate our
learning sessions.
Before I start facilitating our learning sessions, I have checked our facilities, tools, and
equipment based on occupational health and safety standards. I have also checked all of the
tools, materials, and equipment for our facilities are complete based on the Training Regulations
of our qualification and will be used in our training sessions and I am also ready to use them
when I provide the skill demonstrations for you.
You are all enrolled in the qualification Electrical Installation and Maintenance NC II for this
training duration. Before we start, I have here your attendance sheet and Learner’s Profile Form.
I will call your names one by one and as I call your name, please sign the space beside your
name in the attendance sheet and verify the contents of your individual Learner’s Profile Form if
the information provided is accurate. If it is, please sign above your printed name. So may I call
on Mr. / Ms. ______ (state trainee name 1 and hand out the documents, wait for the trainee to
sign.) Kindly check the information in the form, if it is correct, kindly affix your signature.
Alright, thank you, next we have Mr. / Ms. _____ (state trainee name 2 and hand out the
documents, wait for the trainee to sign.) Okay, thank you everyone.
So, with that, you are all now officially enrolled in Electrical Installation and Maintenance
NC II. I would like to welcome you all to Regional Training Center - Iligan, your training
center. Thank you for choosing RTC-Iligan as your training provider.
Before we proceed to the orientation proper, I will be administering first a data gathering
instrument, which will be used to determine your trainees’ characteristics. The results of this
form will provide me with valuable information on how I will manage the future training
sessions based on your specific individual characteristics. Kindly answer this instrument in 10
minutes and kindly answer this with all honesty.
(After 10 minutes)
Alright, is everyone finished? Okay, we will be evaluating the results of this instrument after our
orientation proper. Now, I will be administering a pre – assessment to all of you and the purpose
of this is just to measure whether or not you have prior learning or experience in the topics that
will be included in the training sessions of our qualification.
Part of this pre – assessment is the Self – Assessment Check, where you will be evaluating
yourself whether or not you have prior knowledge regarding our qualification. The form will
have an option for yes or no statements, to ask yourself if you can perform what is identified in
the statements. Another one is a pre – test, which is only a diagnostic tool, it is administered to
new trainees only to check whether or not you have background knowledge on the qualification
So, you will be given about one hour to complete this self – evaluation.
(After 1 hour)
Alright, is everyone done with their self – assessment? (Collect the forms from the participants
and thank them.) Alright, thank you so much.
Let us now have our orientation. Again, I am Mr. Jeffrey Denila. I will be your trainer for the
qualification Electrical Installation and Maintenance NC II and our training provider is RTC-
(Use PowerPoint presentation)
( Read Vision and Mission)
In any institution and training provider there are some rules to be followed in the conduct of the
training proper. So please take time to read and follow the provided rules and regulations that
will be enforced in our sessions that are posted within the vicinity of RTC-Iligan. These house
rules must be followed strictly while you are enrolled in this training center.
In RTC-Iligan, we are providing training for different qualifications and since this is a technical
vocational institution, we are using the Competency – Based Training delivery as our training
approach or mode or delivery in facilitating training for all of our qualifications.
So, what is competency – based training?
(Explain ten principles by comparing it with the traditional type of learning or formal education;
include in PowerPoint presentation and explain one by one.)
Okay, do you have any questions so far? On a final note, in competency–based training, you will
be experiencing different methodologies and approach in terms of training, you will be
experiencing the use of different tools, materials and equipment and lastly, you will be
experiencing the difference in interacting with a training facilitator with a classroom teacher.
(Explain the difference between a facilitator and a teacher; include in powerpoint presentation
and explain one by one.)
So what are the roles of a facilitator and how is it different from a teacher? As you can see in the
slide, the function of “To teach” is not included. I am here to facilitate, to provide guidance and
to provide feedback on your performance and outputs. So I am not here to teach you, but rather
to guide you and facilitate your progress in learning the skills of the qualification.
Now what are your roles as a trainee of this qualification? So all of you are considered Adult
Learners, you are not students anymore in the confines of a classroom but are considered
trainees, you are training and practicing the application of your knowledge, skills, and attitudes
as a future employee or entrepreneurs of your chosen industry.
So, you have to (1) accomplish what is required, number (2) you have to present or perform
individual tasks (3) monitor your own progress or performance and (4) be responsible. The
bottom line is that we must all be responsible for our own attitudes and performance within the
training center because you are all adults and we all have different characteristics that must be
respected by each one. So, these are your roles as a trainee.
Alright everyone, please settle down. How was your break? I hope you have had the chance to
familiarize yourselves with our workshop during the breaktime. Alright, so I will call you one by
one, let us start with (state trainee name 1) ______ please proceed to the Contextual Learning
Area, where I will provide you with the feedback on your previously answered forms. The rest of
you can wait in this room.
(Go to the Contextual Learning Area, take your seat and face the trainee in the other room and
present his / her filled out forms.)
Okay, Mr. / Ms. (state trainee name 1), ______ based on your accomplished trainee’s
characteristics, you have a very good language and literacy average. Your results also show that
you are more of a visual learner. Regarding your pre – test , the score that you have acquired is
12 over 30, so do not worry about this since this is just a diagnostic test, designed to only to
check whether or not you have background knowledge on the qualification.
Please stay here. You may have this Information Sheet on (Identify types and usage of electrical
wiring devices and consumable items), please read and understand the contents of this sheet.
Afterwards, try to answer the Self – Check at the end of the info sheet to the best of your
knowledge. When you are done, compare your answers with the answer sheet. Review the
information sheet again based on your wrong answers then try to answer the self – check again.
Please be honest with yourself, and do not check the answer key unless you have read the
information sheet and answered the self – check on your own. Alright, do you have any
questions? If none, I will give you an hour to finish this activity. You may proceed to our
contextual learning area.
(Call the next participant (Trainee 2 – with PL), take your seat and face the trainee in the other
room and present his / her filled out forms.)
Okay, Mr. / Ms. (state trainee name 2), ____ so based on your accomplished trainee’s
characteristics, you have a very good language and literacy, and you are already a college
graduate. Your results also show that you are more of a kinesthetic learner. Then on your pre –
test, you answered 27 questions correctly out of 30, so that is very good. It means that you
already have prior knowledge regarding our qualification. In your self – assessment check, you
have also evaluated yourself to be knowledgeable in this unit of competency – and is evidenced
by your answers in the pre – test. So with that, we will focus your learning on the next activity
which is (Interpret electrical drawing and wiring diagram.)
So, to formally recognize your prior learning, you have to demonstrate how to (Install a lamp in
a series connection) Would you like to undergo an institutional assessment to fully recognize
your prior learning?
(Trainee will agree.)
Okay, so with that Sir / Maam, I will be giving you about 5 minutes to prepare yourself and then
we will be having our institutional assessment. So, after 5 minutes, I will meet with you at the
Institutional Assessment Area.
(Move to the Institutional Assessment Area and perform institutional assessment for one unit of
Alright, Sir/Maam ______ (state trainee name 2), I have here to discuss the condition and
performance objective of the UC 3 which is Install wiring devices of floor and wall mounted
outlets, lighting fixtures/switches and auxiliary outlets. This unit covers the knowledge, skills
and attitudes on selecting and installing wiring devices, installing lighting fixtures/switches and
notifying completion of work of floor and wall mounted outlets and auxiliary outlets. I will give
you 30 mins to do this activity. Do you have any questions? So if you don’t have any questions
you can start now
(state conditions and performance objective of UC to be performed. Provide a time limit and
quietly observe while the participant is performing the unit of competency.
(The trainee finishes the performance successfully.)
Alright Sir / Maam, kindly sit down. During your performance, you have shown that you can
install 3-way switch properly.
I just have some follow-up questions regarding your performance. What are the important factors
to consider when decorating cakes? (ask questions based on performance and the trainee will
answer satisfactorily.) That is very good, Sir / Maam. So this evaluation shows that you are
really skilled and at the same time knowledgeable in Install wiring devices of floor and wall
mounted outlets, lighting fixtures/switches and auxiliary outlets. So, we can now recognize your
prior learning on UC 3 which is Install wiring devices of floor and wall mounted outlets, lighting
fixtures/switches and auxiliary outlets (unit of competency) and with that, as your trainer, I will
now provide you with your certificate of achievement as evidence of your RPL. (hand a
document to the trainee) Congratulations Sir , here is your certificate. So at our next session,
starting tomorrow, you will be moving on to the next unit of competency ( learning outcome),
which is Install wiring devices (next UC after the performed UC during IA).
The trainee will go back to the contextual learning area with you, and you will ask how the first
participant is doing.
Hello Sir/Maam (state trainee name 1) _____, are you done with your Information Sheet? Have
you answered the Self – check? How about your score? May I see? Alright, so based on your
score, you have answered all correctly, so I just hope that you did not check with the answer key
before answering? Alright very good.
So with that, tomorrow we will be having our demonstration of skills, and you are to attend the
next session in the practical work area where we will have the demonstration on (state the same
UC that was in the information sheet).
Alright, so with that, thank you everyone for joining today’s session, I will see you all tomorrow.
Thank you and goodbye!
Good morning everyone! Welcome to another session of our training! Let’s have the attendance
first, kindly sign the attendance, thank you, alright so we are all in!
For today we are going to have a demonstration on Install wiring devices of floor and wall
mounted outlets, lighting fixtures/switches and auxiliary outlets specifically “ Installing a 3-way
switch connected to 1 lamp (state UC title). We will now go to the practical work area, where I
am going to demonstrate to you on how to perform (UC) it
Alright, so we are now in the practical work area. (Mention OHS or safety procedures before
starting if and when applicable.) Here are your supplies and tools for this demonstration.
Start performing the demonstration.
Do you have any questions?
Alright so, if none, let us have (Trainee 2), can you please perform a return – demonstration?
Okay please come here.
(Participant will perform. He/she will perform satisfactorily.) Alright, very good Sir/Maam. I
observed that you … mention good points about the participant’s demonstration.
Now, I will provide you with your Task Sheet, for you to practice the demonstration on the first
page and then check your output using the performance criteria checklist on the next page. Please
proceed to that empty area and start practicing. I will give you one hour to perform this task
(Trainee 2 will move away and you will move on with trainee 1) This participant is problematic
on his / her performance, you will provide feedback on where the mistakes or gaps has been
made. The participant will try again and when less mistakes has been made, you will also
provide the task sheet.
Move on to Trainee 2 again and ask if he / she is done.
Alright Sir/Maam, are you finished? Do you think you are ready to perform the institutional
assessment? Okay, so before that (move to a part of the wall, assuming there is a 4X6feet display
of the Achievement Chart and the Progress Chart.)
So here is our Achievement Chart, I will now check your achievement, so we have Sir / Maam
(trainee 1), (move to the wall as if you are marking the charts) and sir / maam (trainee 2).
Congratulations Sir/Maam (Trainee 1), now I would like to request that you answer this short
Feedback Form, you responses will be highly appreciated for the improvement of the aspects of
this training and it will be treated with utmost confidentiality.
Provide feedback to trainee 2.
(Stand up and face the two participants.)
So that concludes our (Qualification NC II) Training. So, the two of you have successfully
finished the competencies and you are now ready to take the National Assessment for this
qualification to receive your National Certificate. Congratulations to both of you.
I will now award to you your Certificate of Completion as well as your Certificates of
Achievement as evidence of your competencies during the training. (Hand out documents to
trainees.) Thank you very much.
Please proceed to the assessment center office to fill out the necessary forms for the application
for assessment.
Thank you for choosing Colegio de Sta. Monica de Angat as your training center. God bless you
and your endeavors, and I hope to see you all soon.