Cambridge IGCSE: Computer Science 0478/22

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Cambridge IGCSE™

Fatima Sajjad
* 2 8 3 1 0 1 3 0 1 6 *


Paper 2 Algorithms, Programming and Logic February/March 2023

1 hour 45 minutes

You must answer on the question paper.

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● Answer all questions.
● Use a black or dark blue pen. You may use an HB pencil for any diagrams or graphs.
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● Write your answer to each question in the space provided.
● Do not use an erasable pen or correction fluid.
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● Calculators must not be used in this paper.

● The total mark for this paper is 75.
● The number of marks for each question or part question is shown in brackets [ ].
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This document has 16 pages. Any blank pages are indicated.

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1 Tick (3) one box to show which word accurately describes the scope of a variable declared in a

A Function

B Global

C Local

D Subroutine

2 (a) Four descriptions and five pseudocode statements are shown.

Draw one line to link each description to its most appropriate pseudocode statement.
Not all pseudocode statements will be used.

Description Pseudocode statement

a statement to count FOR Count 1 TO 10

Value Value + NewValue

a statement to total

WHILE Value > 10 DO

a statement to start a
pre-condition loop Value Value + 1

a statement to start a REPEAT

post-condition loop


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(b) Write an algorithm in pseudocode, using a single loop, to output the average of 50 numbers
that have been stored in the array Number[]










............................................................................................................................................. [5]

3 Describe the purpose of test data. Include an example of a type of test data in your answer.

Description .......................................................................................................................................




Example ...........................................................................................................................................


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4 Describe how variables and constants are used in programming.








.................................................................................................................................................... [3]

5 A food ordering system is an example of a computer system that is made up of sub-systems.

The food ordering system:

• allows the user to enter the details of the food they want to order and to pay for the order
• displays food available as pictures or as a list.

Complete the structure diagram for the given parts of the food ordering system.

Food ordering system


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6 The energy efficiency of an electrical appliance is the percentage of useful energy out compared with
the total energy in.

An algorithm has been written in pseudocode to calculate the energy efficiency of an appliance.
Values for total energy in and useful energy out are input. The efficiency is calculated and output
as a percentage.
The entry of the number –1 for either value stops the algorithm.

02 OUTPUT "Enter total energy in "
03 INPUT TotalEnergyIn
04 OUTPUT "Enter useful energy out "
05 OUTPUT UsefulEnergyOut
06 IF TotalEnergyIn <> -1 AND UsefulEnergy <> -1
08 Efficiency (UsefulEnergyOut / TotalEnergyIn) * 100
09 OUTPUT "Efficiency is ", Efficiency, "%"
11 UNTIL TotalEnergyIn <> -1 OR UsefulEnergyOut <> -1

(a) Identify the three errors in the pseudocode and suggest corrections.

Error 1 .......................................................................................................................................

Correction .................................................................................................................................


Error 2 .......................................................................................................................................

Correction .................................................................................................................................


Error 3 .......................................................................................................................................

Correction .................................................................................................................................


(b) Write pseudocode to check for an efficiency of 92% or over for this appliance and to output
“A-rated” if the efficiency is 92% or over.





............................................................................................................................................. [2]

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7 Consider this logic expression.


(a) Draw a logic circuit for this logic expression. Each logic gate must have a maximum of two
inputs. Do not simplify this logic expression.



(b) Complete the truth table from the given logic expression.

Working space

0 0 0

0 0 1

0 1 0

0 1 1

1 0 0

1 0 1

1 1 0

1 1 1


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8 This flowchart represents an algorithm to find the average value of a number of sales.


NumberSales 0
Total 0


IS Yes
SaleValue Average Total / NumberSales
= 0?

"Average sale
NumberSales NumberSales + 1 value ", Average

Total Total + SaleValue STOP

(a) Complete the trace table using this data:

5.50, 3.40, 6.25, 3.85, –11.00, 0

NumberSales Total SaleValue Average OUTPUT


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(b) Identify the error in the algorithm and describe how to correct it.

Error ..........................................................................................................................................


Correction .................................................................................................................................




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9 A shop that sells books has set up a new database table called BookList to store book details.
Part of this table is given.

CatNo Title Fiction Author PaperBack Price StockLevel

BK01 The Princes’ Story Yes B Penn Yes 4.50 500
BK02 The Princesses’ Story Yes B Penn Yes 4.50 350
BK03 Computer Science No Way Yu Yes 19.99 20
BK04 The Modern World No P Patel No 25.00 5
BK05 The Ancient World Yes P Patel No 25.00 5
BK06 Computer Science No R Dale Yes 27.35 8
BK07 The Princes’ Story Yes B Penn No 12.50 3
BK08 The Princesses’ Story Yes B Penn No 12.50 0
BK12 Famous Five Yes E Bly Yes 2.75 45
BK15 Secret Seven Yes E Bly Yes 2.75 25
BK16 The Last Knight Yes P Mann Yes 5.99 7
BK17 The Dark Tower Yes P Mann Yes 5.99 5
BK19 The Final Chase Yes P Mann Yes 5.99 5
BK21 Maths Today Part 1 No B Ward Yes 6.75 25
BK22 Maths Today Part 2 No B Ward Yes 6.75 15
BK23 Maths Today Part 3 No B Ward Yes 6.75 10
BK26 Maths Today Workbook No B Ward Yes 6.75 30
BK27 Knitting for Beginners No A Smith Yes 6.99 3
BK30 Woodwork for Beginners No A Smith Yes 6.99 4
BK31 Networking for Beginners No A Smith Yes 6.99 0

(a) State the number of records in this part of the database table.

............................................................................................................................................. [1]

(b) (i) Give the name of the field that would be used for the primary key.

..................................................................................................................................... [1]

(ii) State the reason for choosing this field for the primary key.


..................................................................................................................................... [1]

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(c) Complete the table to identify the most appropriate data type for each field based on the data
shown in the table BookList

Field Data type






(d) Write the output from this structured query language (SQL) statement.

SELECT CatNo, Title, Author

FROM BookList

WHERE StockLevel = 0;




............................................................................................................................................. [2]

(e) Complete this SQL statement to display all the titles by the author B Penn.

SELECT .....................................................................................................................................

FROM .........................................................................................................................................

WHERE .....................................................................................................................................;

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10 The variables X, Y and Z are used in a program: X stores a whole number, Y stores a decimal
number and Z stores a flag that can be set to TRUE or FALSE

(a) Write pseudocode statements to declare the variables X, Y and Z



............................................................................................................................................. [3]

(b) The function Same(A,B) returns TRUE if the value of A is the same as the value of B when B
is rounded to the nearest whole number and FALSE otherwise.

Write pseudocode statements to:

• define the function
• call the function with X and Y and store the return value in Z

Function definition ....................................................................................................................








Function call .............................................................................................................................




(c) State the difference between defining and calling a function.


............................................................................................................................................. [1]

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11 The one-dimensional (1D) array TeamName[] contains the names of teams in a sports league.
The two-dimensional (2D) array TeamPoints[] contains the points awarded for each match.
The position of each team’s data in the two arrays is the same. For example, the team stored at
index 10 in TeamName[] and TeamPoints[] is the same.

The variable LeagueSize contains the number of teams in the league. The variable MatchNo
contains the number of matches played. All teams have played the same number of matches.

The arrays and variables have already been set up and the data stored.

Each match can be played at home or away. Points are recorded for the match results of each
team with the following values:
• 3 – away win
• 2 – home win
• 1 – drawn match
• 0 – lost match.

Write a program that meets the following requirements:

• calculates the total points for all matches played for each team
• counts the total number of away wins, home wins, drawn matches and lost matches for each
• outputs for each team:
– name
– total points
– total number of away wins, home wins, drawn matches and lost matches
• finds and outputs the name of the team with the highest total points
• finds and outputs the name of the team with the lowest total points.

You must use pseudocode or program code and add comments to explain how your code works.

You do not need to declare any arrays, variables or constants; you may assume that this has
already been done.

All inputs and outputs must contain suitable messages.

You do not need to initialise the data in the arrays TeamName[] and TeamPoints[] or the
variables LeagueSize and MatchNo










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.................................................................................................................................................. [15]

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