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New Narrative Pitogo

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On-the-Job Training (OJT) programs expose the students to work in their

field and prepare them once they get out of their university or college this
internship program actualizes the students’ competencies learned in theories
inside the vicinity of the university.
In collaboration, industry partner’s objectives provide students with actual
workplace experience, exposure in various management styles, industrial and
procedures of various occupations in relation to their respective fields of learning.
It also gives standards and guidelines for conducting OJTs such as amount of
workload, numbers of hours, learning objectives, monitoring scheme and
sanctions. It clearly establishes the roles and responsibilities of involved parties
and provide for protocols regarding different situations that may arise during the
OJT. It also promotes the OJT program through standardized procedures that
are uniform, manageable, and practical so that more institutions will participate.
A program for OJT has many advantages. It gives staff member’s practical
experience, which is crucial for acquiring information and abilities. Additionally,
because they feel valued and invested in the company. It raises employee
morale and job satisfaction

With more than a thousand enrollees every semester, our School of Criminology
aims to provide the community with graduates who are professionally competent
and morally upright individuals who can deliver efficient and effective services in
the field of Criminology. The $40 hours of practicum exposes students to police
related duties and orients them to the field of Criminology, the criminal justice
system and administration, public security and safety administration, and
correction and jail management. As a result of quality assurance mechanisms
which include qualified and competent faculty members, well-equipped
laboratories, state of the art facilities and strong linkage with police agencies and
other related offices, it is not surprising that our school has produced countless
board topnotches.
Mission and Vision of the School of Criminology
Mission: The criminology education mission is to provide the community with
graduates who are professionally competent and morally upright individuals who
can deliver an efficient and effective services in the field of Criminology, Law
Enforcement, Criminal Justice System Administration and Correction and in Jail
Vision: The school of criminology shall be an avenue to professionalize the future
member of the different law enforcement agencies to combat criminality for a
crime free community.
Objective of the School of Criminology
1. Provide the students with fundamental knowledge and skills in the various
law disciplines and different forensic sciences for better understanding
and application of the workings of the criminal justice system and in the
management of law enforcement and public safety.
2. Developed in the student communication skills vital to their continuous
acquisition of knowledge and use of interactive activities in the community
they may be destined to live and serve.
3. Develop in the students with proper attitude towards the use of integrated
approaches in social defense of criminal justice and crime prevention.
4. Enhance their vision so that in their enforcement tasks they would
intelligently decide on how to extract and abstract between justice, law
and order.
5. Provide the students with proper knowledge/management tools in
preparation for higher position in the future and an advance mechanism
on police matters and functions and prepare them to perform as members
of the organization, and
6. Create a strong professional force for the police organization
The Bureau of Fire Protection is the Philippines agency responsible for
firefighting and prevention. It was established in 1991 and has over 100,000
employees. The BFP traces its roots from earlier fire protection agencies and is
now responsible for fire services nationwide. It has a hierarchical command
structure and uses various fire trucks and equipment to respond to emergencies.
Republic Act No. 6975 created the Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP) as an
attached bureau to the Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG).
BFP envisions a modern fire service fully capable of ensuring a fire-safe nation
by 2034. The BFP modernization program seeks to upgrade the government's
firefighting capability to include fire protection services for buildings and
structures, including forests, airports, ships and vessels docked at wharves. This
is aligned with Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) No. 11 of the global
indicator framework in making cities and human settlements inclusive, safe,
resilient, and sustainable.
A. Name of Agency
Bureau of Fire Protection
B. Vision
A modern fire service fully capable of ensuring a fire safe nation by 2034.
C. Mission
We commit to prevent and suppress destructive fires, investigate its
causes, enforce Fire Code and other related laws, respond to man-made
and natural disasters and other emergencies.
D. Goals and objective

To prevent and suppress unwanted fires by rendering prompt and efficient

services so as to keep the loss of life and property to the minimum.

To conduct fire safety inspection in hazardous occupancies and to advise

Management so as to reduce risk by fire.

To impart training in Fire Prevention, Fire Fighting and Fire Protection.

To implement fire safety regulatory measures under Fire Service Rules for
uses of places and trades for purposes inter-alia involving risk from fires.

To provide stand by protection at large gatherings and important public

and private functions.

To check the installation of Fire Protection measures and carry out

Firefighting and responding to non-fire emergencies due to natural and
man-made disasters.

To prevent loss of life and property from fire and non-fire emergencies like
highway motor accidents, building collapse, landslides, still water rescue,
Industrial hazards, spillage and toxic release, inter-ail technological
hazards and to render humanitarian services and special services.

To promote Community based preventive and coping strategies for all

kinds of emergencies including fire etc.

E. Core Values

- Reliability
- Oneness
- Nationalism
- Service
- Integrity
F. Explain their Logo, Emblems Etc.
The design features which includes the Malta Cross, black shield, BFP
motto, the two branches of laurel leaves, the fire fighting tools and
equipment, the image of Lapu-lapu and the National Flag, symbolize the
true ideals of the Bureau of Fire Protection.

The Malta Cross (knighthood emblem) is the symbol of protection; a

badge of honor, courage and pride; and a representation of the ideals of
the Fire Service in saving lives and property and the extinguishment of
destructive fires.

The Shield represents protection against harm and a firefighters’ shield in

combating fire and the black color represents the totality of the
administration on fire protection in the country.

Protect and Serve – the BFP motto.

The Two Branches of Laurel Leaves signify the 14 regions when the BFP
was recognized as a separate Bureau under the DILG.

The Badge also features the primary firefighting tools and equipment of
the BFP embedded on each part of the cross.

The Image of Lapu-Lapu, who was the first Filipino who led the country in
fighting the Spanish conquistadores, signifies bravery, leadership and
heroism. The National Flag is also included in the background of Lapu-

G. Organizational Structure
H. Their duties and responsibilities
Responsible for the development of fire prevention programs and plans of
action for the company or organization to address possible fire situation
Initiate the procurement of necessary firefighting equipment and supplies
for use of the brigades.
Periodic evaluation of all equipment available for firefighting and replacing
missing equipment or correction of inoperative equipment.
Bring to the immediate attention of the company or establishment head
any situation that would likely reduce the effectiveness of firefighting
Ensure that the brigades are suitably staffed
Prepare training programs for the members of the fire brigade and
supervise its implementation
The Deputy Fire Brigade Chief shall assume and perform the duties and
responsibilities of the Fire Brigade Chief, in his/her absences.

I. Common responsibilities that will help the community

A firefighter does more than put out fires. That’s just one of many things
that a firefighter does. Because as well as extinguishing flames and saving
people from danger, a firefighter also helps with hazardous materials, road
traffic incidents, medical emergencies, floods, and even rescues

J. Expectations of the personnel to the future law enforcement officers of

Το become a uniformed personnel like the officers they socialize with
everyday in the station and to serve the country

K. Expectations of the personnel to the future law enforcement officer of

L. Career Guidance, etc

Date and time February 19,2024 (7:00am-11:00am 1:00pm-5:00pm)

Activity Deployment

Narration of On the first day the 4th yr student who will having a ojt went
the whole day first to school at exactly 6:30 in the morning to have minute
activity/duty of formation before going to the partner agencies. We ojt
student who assign in BFP Tuguegarao with our ojt
coordinator went to the bfp tuguegarao at exactly 8:00am. In
that time, we met SFO4 Moises T. Tupiño who welcome us
in there good office. He gave a brief introduction about the
station and he also inform us about the Do’s and Don’ts
after that we introduce ourselves. After that, some of the
female officer gave me an assign work whichh are assisting
some clients and gave their Fire Safety Inspection Certificate
(FSIC), cutting of registration form, and lastly we also do the
profiling. In 5:00pm the task is done, ojt students dismissed
from the fire station office.

Knowledge I learned a lot this day, I learned to be respectful to each

gained from everyone, camaraderie, and being helpful.
the whole day

Date and time February 20,2024 (7:00am- 11am 1:00pm- 5:00pm)

Activity Separating and fixing Fire Safety Inspection Certificate

Cleaning fire truck

Narration of We ojt student went to the location of BFP TUguegarao at

the whole day exactly 7:00 in the morning to start our first morning
activity/duty exercise. Next we do is to prepare because we have
expected visitors who will come in the fire station office. The
first task that given to me is to stapler all the important
documents they gave to me, second we separated and fix
the Fire Safety Inspection Certificate (FSIC) according to it’s
series and last thing we do is to clean fire truck. In 5:00pm
the task is done, ojt students dismissed from the fire station

Knowledge I learned to be patience in everything I do

gained from
the whole day

Date and time February 21,2024 (7:00am-11:00am 1pm-5pm)

Activity Exercise
Encode documents

Narration of We arrived 6:30 in the morning at BFP station in order for us

the whole day not be late in the office. We do exercise and In afternoon
activity/duty they give me a job which is encoding some files and after
that I help fellow ojt student in their assign work. When it’s
already 5:00pm in the afternoon our team leader gathered us
in order for him to check the attendance and after that he
dismissed us in the fire station office.

Knowledge I learned something new in this day I encode some important

gained from documents even though it’s a bit confusing but I finished it in
the whole day good job.
Activity Assisting clients
Detaching renewal certificate

Narration of I arrived in BFP Tuguegarao at exactly 8 o’clock in morning.

the whole day The task given to me are organizing a document and I also
activity/duty help my fellow ojt students which is assisting some clients
and logged the newly applied business and business
renewals, we also detached renewal certificate and
organized it according to the series. In afternoon, we
lectured about the mission and vision of BFP led by SFO4
Moises T. Tupiño. In 5:00pm the task is done, ojt students
dismissed from the fire station office.

Knowledge What I have gained during may 4th day of being ojt student is
gained from that we should have patience in looking of documents
the whole day specially it’s a lot inside the office that is kept and I also
duty gained the true meaning of the vision and mission.


Date and time February 26,2024 (8:00am-12:00pm, 1:00-5:00pm)

Activity Number series of certificate

Assisting clients to claim their business permit
Bundling FSIC

Narration of At early in the morning at exactly 8am, we started our day.

the whole day We started in arranging the FSIC certificate according to it’s
activity/duty series and after that we bundle it with the help of other ojt
students. In afternoon we have a lot of client that’s why I
help may co-ojt students to assist the clients. In 5:00pm the
task is done, ojt students dismissed from the fire station

Knowledge I learned to be patience in everything I do

gained from
the whole day



Date and time February 27, 2024 (8:00am-12:00, 1:00-5:00pm)

Activity Cleaning a hose

Narration of On my 6th day of my ojt, we came at 8 o’clock in the morning

the whole day at fire station. The first tasks/job we do is cleaning some
activity/duty hose that they use during the fire out.

Knowledge In doing a task it’s better to help or get help to someone who
gained from master the tasked given.
the whole day

Date and time February 28, 2024 (8:00am-5:00pm)

Activity Assisting clients

Helping my co-ojt student to look for FSIC

Narration of It’s a new day again and our duty is start at 8:00am. It’s the
the whole day same duty what I have done yesterday. Assisting clients to
activity/duty get their certificate, helping may co-ojt students to look for
FSIC and in afternoon we do an exercise after our exercise
it’s time for checking of attendance before going home.
Knowledge It’s better to worked in team so that theirs a team work to be
gained from seen.
the whole day



Date and time February 29,2024 (8:00am-5:00pm)

Activity Inspection
Zumba practice

Narration of This day it’s my 8 day here at BFP Tuguegarao. We have an

the whole day inspection which they look as if we are in proper position and
activity/duty after that we proceed in excercising. In afternoon we have a
Zumba practice which we do next week

Knowledge The knowledge that I have gained or learned this day is we

gained from should have patience in assisting senior citizen specially in
the whole day fill uping their requirements and photocopying their
duty requirements needed in their new or renewal business



Date and time March 4, 2024 (6:30am-5:00pm)

Activity Zumba practice

Detaching of FSIC renewal certificate

Narration of I arrived in the BFP station at exactly 6:30 in the morning in

the whole day order for me not to be late at the formation and attendance.
activity/duty The first activity or task we do is to practice zumba to be
performed this day at SM Downtown. And after that we help
the other co-ojt to their assign work which is detaching FSIC
renewal certificate. At 5:00pm our team leader check our
attendance before going home.
Knowledge Helping the grade 12 intern in doing their task is better that
gained from to judge them in doing their task incorrect.
the whole day


DAY 10

Date and time March 5, 2024 (7:20am-5:00pm)

Activity Assist clients

Cleaning fire hose

Narration of
the whole day
activity/duty I arrived at FS office at 7:20 in the morning. We started in
assisting clients to get their business certificate and we also
do the cleaning of hose. In 5:00pm the task is done, ojt
students dismissed from the fire station office.
Knowledge The knowledge that I have learned this day is we should not
gained from complain when there are complaining clients also,be
the whole day patience for them and be kind.


DAY 11

Date and time March 6, 2024 (7:40am-5:00pm)

Activity We practice the basic command and turning

Narration of
the whole day
activity/duty I arrived in FS office at 7:40 in the morning in order for me
not to late in the formation and attendance. We practice the
basic command and turning. In 5:00pm the task is done, ojt
students dismissed from the fire station office.

Knowledge The knowledge that I have gained this day is, its better to
gained from
the whole day have a patience in practicing those commands


DAY 12

Date and time March 7, 2024 (7:40am-5:00pm)

Activity Assisting clients

Preparing acknowledgement receipt
Writing of FSIC, Renew, New, OCC information of the

Narration of I arrived in FS office at 7:40 in the morning in order for me

the whole day not to late in the formation and attendance. It is the same as
activity/duty what I done yesterday, the task or activity that I do are
assisting clients to get their certificate and for fast
transaction, I also prepared acknowledgement receipt that is
needed for clients and I also write the FSIC, renew, new,
OCC information of the clients.

gained from
the whole day Always be patience in every work or activity you do


DAY 13

Date and time March 11, 2024 (8:00am-5:00pm)

Activity Cleaning of hose

Narration of the I arrived in FS office at 7:40 in the morning in order for me

whole day not to late in the formation and attendance. It is the same as
activity/duty what I done yesterday, we hose that is used.

Knowledge Always have patience in doing works

gained from the
whole day duty
DAY 14

Date and time March 12,2024 (7:40am-5:00pm)

Activity Assist clients

We refilled the drums

Narration of the I arrived in FS office at 7:40 in the morning in order for me

whole day not to late in the formation and attendance. I do assisting
activity/duty some clients and after that we went to somewhere to refilled
some drums

Knowledge Always be kind to every clients even though they are short
gained from the temper clients
whole day duty


DAY 15

Date and time March 13, 2024 (8:00am-5:00pm)

Activity Assist clients

Narration of
the whole day
activity/duty This day the usually we do every morning is having a
formation in order to know the actual present on this day and
after that the female is assigned to office worked with is the
usually I do is to assist clients.
Knowledge The knowledge that I gained this day is making friends to
gained from other.
the whole day


DAY 16

Date and time March 14, 2024 (8:00am-5:00pm)

Activity We refilled the fire truck a water

Narration of
the whole day
activity/duty I arrived in fire station at 7:30 in the morning. We begin in
formation and after the formation. This is the usually we do
in the station we do do the refilling of fire trucks. In 5:00pm
the task is done, ojt students dismissed from the fire station
Knowledge The knowledge that I gained this day is always be productive
gained from to every worked that is that we make
the whole day


DAY 17

March 18, 2024 (8:00am-5:00pm)

Date and time

Activity Donning and doffing of PPE ( Sir Pelovello, sumer)

(Sir Kelly Maccasaddug, sir sumer) self contain breathing
apparatus - SCBA
Encoding the RMF, IPCR, PMCJ of the officer

Narration of I arrived in fire station at 7:10 in morning. This day there is

the whole day an activity here in fire station which the activity called
activity/duty community relations week, we ojt students and kindergarten
kids joined this events or activity. The first activity we do is
donning and doffing of PPE demonstrated by sir Pelovello
and sir Sumer, second, Sir Kelly and sir Sumer
demonstrated the self contain breathing apparatus. In
afternoon I encode the RMF, IPCR, and PMCJ of the officer.
In 5:00pm the task is done, ojt students dismissed from the
fire station office.


DAY 18

Date and time March 19, 2024 (8:00am-5:00pm)

Activity Detaching
Bundling Text, the clients
Lecture in sm city- fire safe lecture (SFO2 Theresita Yague,
FO2 Leah Geronimo)
Narration of I arrived at fire station at exactly 7:14 in the morning. We
the whole day started in formation and after the formation we go back in the
activity/duty office to do our work or activity. We detached the applicants
copy of business certificate from the second copy, bundled
and arranged inspection orders into series and we texted
them. In afternoon, SFO2 Theresita Yague and FO2 Leah
Geronimo invited us to come with them in lecture at SM City
about fire safe.

I and my other co-ojts assisted clients


DAY 19

Date and time March 20, 2024 (8:00am-5:00pm)

Activity Lecture at CSU (SFO2 mar pastores, SFO1 Julieta Capili,

FO3 Nang, FO2 Tabago)
* Lecture in the Fire station
* Teaching us the different types of tighting strategy (sir
Sherwin Tabago, sir Peejay Nang)

Narration of
the whole day
activity/duty This day we have formation at 7:50 in the morning and after
that SFO2 Mar Pastores, SFO1 Julieta Capili, FO3 Peejay
Nang, FO2 Sherwin Tabago invited us to come with them at
CSU Carig for the lecture about Fire Safety. In afternoon I
and Ms. Valencia a ojt students lectured Infront of our co-ojt
students on what we have learned in the lectured at CSU
Carig. FO3 Peejay Nang and FO2 Sherwin Tabago teach us
the different types of tighting strategy. In 5:00pm the task is
done, ojt students dismissed from the fire station office.

Knowledge All that we learned on the lectured about fire safety, we

gained from should always remember because in times of emergency we
the whole day know how to do.


DAY 20

Date and time March 21, 2024 (8:00am-5:00pm)

Activity Assist clients

* Watch broad exam reviews
Narration of
the whole day
activity/duty At exactly 7:45 in the morning we have formation and have
inspection on us. The task that I do is to assist clients to get
their business certificate in order to have fast transaction. In
afternoon we watch board exam reviewers. In 5:00pm the
task is done, ojt students dismissed from the fire station

gained from
the whole day Always be friendly and make patience in every clients in
duty station and watched educational reviewers that can prepared
us on coming board exam


DAY 21

Date and time March 25, 2024 (8:00am-5:00pm)

Activity National simultaneously EARTHQUAKE DRILL
* We went to cathedral with SFO2 PASTORES

Narration of This day is a national simultaneously EARTHQUAKE DRILL

the whole day we ojt students joined this activity together with other officer
activity/duty of BFP we do the proper drill the “Duck Cover and Hold”and
other drills that they teach on us. In afternoon we went to
cathedral with SFO2 PASTORES , FO3 ANDAL and F02
Daquioag to look if there is an accident on that area.

Knowledge Always enjoyed the activity everyday for us to have a better

gained from experience
the whole day


DAY 22

Date and time March 26, 2024 (8:00am-5:00pm)

Activity Cleaning fire hose

* Assist clients

Narration of
the whole day
activity/duty In the morning the first thing that we usually do is having
formation in order to know the actual present on this day
after that we went to the office to assist clients. In afternoon,
we clean fire hose that they used in grass fire. In 5pm the
task is done ojt students dismissed in fire station.

Knowledge Be patience in work

gained from
the whole day


DAY 23

Date and time March 27, 2024 (8:00am-5:00pm)

Activity Giving advice of personnel

Narration of On this day SFO4 Moises Tupino let us to wear as civilian

the whole day because were having a half day due to semana santa which
activity/duty is holiday. For FO2 Macasaddug shared his experience
about his college life until he become a uniformed personnel,
he gave us an advice for us to enlighten how is education is
so important and share a tips on how to pass the upcoming

Knowledge I learned to listen in advice that I can use soon

gained from
the whole day


DAY 24

Date and time April 1, 2024 (8:00am-5:00pm)

Activity We went to BFP region to help them to fix tents

Narration of In morning we having formation at exactly 7:50am. The first

the whole day tasks that I do is profiling, we put the second copy of their
activity/duty fSiC documents in folder after we went to BFP Region to
help them fixing tents n 5:00pm the task is done ojt student
finished their tasks.

Knowledge Always work hard

gained from
the whole day


DAY 25

Date and time April 2, 2024 (8:00am-5:00pm)

Activity Profiling
Detaching and texting the clients
Rewrite the blotter

Narration of
the whole day
activity/duty This day we do profiling and we put the second copy of their
fSiC, FSEC and etc to the folder. We do detaching and
texting the clients I also rewrite in the blotter book and lastly
assist clients to get their certificate for fast transaction. In
5:00pm the task is done ojt student finished their tasks.

Knowledge Always have a patience in doing works specially theirs a lot

gained from of paper works inside the office
the whole day


DAY 26

Date and time April 3, 2024 (8:00am-5:00pm)

Activity Assisting clients
Rewrite the blotter report

Narration of
the whole day
activity/duty This day we usually do every morning the formation in order
to know who’s the absent after our formation we go back in
office to do our task or activity. I rewrite in the blotter book
and lastly assist clients to get their certificate for fast
transaction. In 5:00pm the task is done, ojt student
dismissed from the fire station office.

Knowledge Always make smile while assisting clients

gained from
the whole day

Pictures of my co-ojt while writing in blotter book


DAY 27

Date and time April 4, 2024 (7:50am-5:00pm)

Activity Texting clients
Assist clients
Rewrite in blotter report
Performed rope Manship

Narration of
the whole day
activity/duty In morning we having formation at exactly 7:50am. The first
tasks that I do is profiling, we put the second copy of their
fSiC documents in folder after that I rewrite in the blotter
book, I also assist clients to get their certificate for fast
transaction and lastly, we performed rope Manship that FO3
PeeJay Nang teach as. In 5:00pm the task is done ojt
student finished their tasks.

gained from
the whole day Be knowledgeable in experiencing the other types of rope
duty Manship which we can use in near future


DAY 28
Date and time April 8, 2024 (8:00am-5:00pm)

Activity Demonstrate the proper bandaging


Narration of the whole In morning we having formation at exactly 8:00am. The

day activity/duty first tasks that I do is profiling, we put the second copy of
their fSiC documents in folder after that FO2 Peejay Nang
demonstrate to us the proper bandaging of patient. In
5:00pm the task is done ojt student finished their tasks.

Knowledge gained from Be kind and patience in all times

the whole day duty


DAY 29
Date and time April 11, 2024 (8:00am-5:00pm)

Activity Assist clients

Updating of Fire certificate inspection system
Detaching certificate and texting clients

Narration of This day we usually do every morning the formation in order

the whole day to know who’s the absent after our formation we go back in
activity/duty work which is cleaning a hose and in afternoon we execise.
In 5:00pm the task is done, ojt student dismissed from the
fire station office.

Knowledge Be kind
gained from
the whole day


DAY 30
Date and time April 15, 2024 (8:00am-5:00pm)

Activity Assist clients

Re write blotter report

Narration of
the whole day
activity/duty This day we usually do every morning the formation in order
to know who’s the absent after our formation we go back in
office to do our task or activity. I rewrite in the blotter book
and lastly assist clients to get their certificate for fast
transaction. In 5:00pm the task is done, ojt student
dismissed from the fire station office.

Knowledge Always be patience

gained from
the whole day


DAY 31
Date and time April 16 2024 (8:00am-5:00pm)

Activity Assist clients

Writing the Complete Background Investigation (CBI) of an

Narration of This day we usually do every morning the formation in order

the whole day to know who’s the absent after our formation we go back in
activity/duty office to do our task or activity. I write the complete
Background Investigation (CBI) of an applicant and lastly
assist clients to get their certificate for fast transaction. In
5:00pm the task is done, ojt student dismissed from the fire
station office.

gained from
the whole day Always patience in doing work

I was the one who capture this picture while my co-ojt’s is busy in writing


DAY 32
Date and time April 17 2024 (8:00am-5:00pm)

Activity Profiling
We went to BFP Region to get the tent that is used before

Narration of This day we usually do every morning the formation in order

the whole day to know who’s the absent after our formation we went to BFP
activity/duty Region to get the tent that is used before with other officer.
In 5:00pm the task is done, ojt student dismissed from the
fire station office.

Knowledge Today, I have learned how hard and tiring the profiling can
gained from be because we had to look for its assigned number the look
the whole day for its folder wherein sometimes, we would cut our fingers
duty when we had to return the folder


DAY 33
Date and time April 18 2024 (8:00am-5:00pm)

Activity Assist clients


Narration of This day we usually do every morning the formation in order

the whole day to know who's the absent after our formation we go back in
activity/duty office to do our task or activity. We do profiling which is
inserting a files in folder lastly assist clients to get their
certificate for fast transaction. In 5:00pm the task is done, ojt
student dismissed from the fire station office.

Knowledge Sometimes in the part of ojt’s we cannot deny that their are
gained from clients that in short temper that’s why we should be kind to
the whole day them


DAY 34
Date and time April 22 2024 (8:00am-5:00pm)

Activity Flag raising

Updating of Fire certificate inspection system
Assist clients

Narration of This day we have a flag raising ceremony after that we go

the whole day back in office to do our task or activity. I assist clients to get
activity/duty their certificate for fast transaction, I updating of fire
certificate inspection system and lastly, we do profiling. In
5:00pm the task is done, ojt student dismissed from the fire
station office.

Knowledge Always make a big patience

gained from
the whole day


DAY 35

Date and time April 23 2024 (7:50am-5:00pm)

Activity Assist clients

* Went to MPWD for fire safety lecture

Narration of In morning we having formation at exactly 7:50am. The first

the whole day tasks that I do is profiling, we put the second copy of their
activity/duty fSiC documents in folder after that we do profiling, assist
clients to get their certificate for fast transaction and lastly we
went to MPWD for safety lecture. In 5:00pm the task is done
ojt student finished their tasks.

Knowledge I learned that there are still a lot of documents that need to
gained from be profiled or need to put it in the folder.
the whole day


DAY 36
Date and time April 24 2024 (7:50am-5:00pm)

Activity Assist clients


Narration of Narration of the whole day activity/duty In morning we having

the whole day formation at exactly 7:50am. The first tasks that I do is profiling, we
activity/duty put the second copy of their fSiC documents in folder after that we
do profiling and lastly assist clients to get their certificate for fast
transaction. In 5:00pm the task is done ojt student finished their

Knowledge Be good to other clients

gained from
the whole day

We do profiling but i don’t have picture this day that’s why I put the picture of my


DAY 37

Date and time April 25 2024 (8:00am-5:00pm)

Activity Attend the lecture of SFO3 Teresita Yague

Narration of On our 37th day of OJT, we had daily formation in order to

the whole day know the absent on this day. For todays the interns of UCV
activity/duty and FL vargas attend in the lecture that conducted by SFO3
Teresita Yague

Knowledge I learned so many this day because they teach us in what

gained from importance in the BFP which can help as also in future.
the whole day


DAY 38

Date and time April 29 2024 (7:50am-5:00pm)

Activity lecture

Narration of In morning we having formation at exactly 7:50am. SFO2

the whole day Mhar Pastores lectured us about fire safety . In 5:00pm the
activity/duty task is done ojt student finished their tasks.

Knowledge The knowledge that I gained this day is we should always

gained from prepared in anytime
the whole day


DAY 39

Date and time April 30 2024 (6:30am-5:00pm)

Activity Teaching as the different types of roles

Narration of This day, at 6:30 in the morning we went to the river side
the whole day which is our location this day for them to teach us the
activity/duty different types of hose roles and how to throw it in proper
position or posture. In afternoon we go back to the station to
have a lecture since there is a emergency happened that’s
why we go back to administration office to assist some
clients for them to have fast transaction

Knowledge I have learned the 5 types of hose rolls and the 4 types of
gained from hose connections
the whole day


DAY 40
Date and time May 2 2024 (8:00am-5:00pm)

Activity Preparing the self-contain breathing apparatus

Narration of In morning we having formation at exactly 7:50am. We

the whole day prepared the self-contained breathing apparatus because
activity/duty they needed it in the provincial. In 5:00pm the task is done
ojt student finished their tasks.

Knowledge Be kind and always make smile

gained from
the whole day


DAY 41
Date and time May 6 2024 (8:00am-5:00pm)

Activity Assist clients


Narration of
the whole day
activity/duty This day we usually do every morning the formation in order
to know who’s the absent after our formation we go back in
office to do our task or activity. I assist clients to get their
certificate for fast transaction, I update the fire certificate
inspection system and lastly we do profiling which is
inserting the new files in folder . In 5:00pm the task is done,
Ojt student dismissed from the fire station office.

Knowledge Be patience
gained from
the whole day


DAY 42

Date and time May 7 2024 (8:00am-5:00pm)

Activity Cleaning of hose

Narration of
the whole day
activity/duty This day we usually do every morning the formation in order
to know who’s the absent after our formation we go back in
office to do our task or activity. We cleaned the hose that is
used. In 5:00pm the task is done, ojt student dismissed from
the fire station office.

Knowledge I learned to be patience to do work

gained from
the whole day


DAY 43
Date and time May 8 2024 (8:00am-5:00pm)

Activity Assist clients


Narration of
the whole day
activity/duty This day we usually do every morning the formation in order
to know who’s the absent after our formation we go back in
office to do our task or activity. I assist clients to get their
certificate for fast transaction, I update the fire certificate
inspection system and lastly we did the profiling which is
inserting the new files in folder. In 5:00pm the task is done,
ojt student dismissed from the fire station office.

Knowledge Always be patience

gained from
the whole day


DAY 44
Date and time (5:00am-12:00pm)

Activity Fire Fighting

Narration of As early as 5:am we went to the fire station to prepared

the whole day some foods before going the river side to performed the
activity/duty drills. First we do is having some exercise we also do the
proper emergency pole slide and after that we went to the
location to performed firefighting.

gained from
the whole day I enjoyed so much this day because there’s a lot that I
duty gained and remember during the firefighting


DAY 45
Date and time May 13 2024 (8:00am-5:00pm)

Activity Cleaning a hose

Narration of This day we usually do every morning the formation in order

the whole day to know who’s the absent after our formation we go back in
activity/duty office to do our task or activity ,we cleaned again a hose . In
5:00pm the task is done, ojt student dismissed from the fire
station office.

Knowledge Always be patience

gained from
the whole day


DAY 46
Date and time May 14,2024 (8:00am-5:00pm)

Activity Cleaning the fire truck

Narration of
the whole day
activity/duty This day we usually do every morning the formation in order
to know who’s the absent after our formation we go back to
work.we cleaned the fire trucks and the ambulance. In
5:00pm the task is done, ojt student dismissed from the fire
station office.

Knowledge Always be patience in cleaning hose because as a intern it is

gained from part of them
the whole day


DAY 47
Date and time May16, 2024 (8:00am-5:00pm)

Activity Cleaning hose

Narration of This day we usually do every morning the formation in order

the whole day to know who’s the absent after our formation we go back to
activity/duty worked to cleaned again a hose. In 5:00pm the task is done,
ojt student dismissed from the fire station office.

Knowledge Be patient in doing works

gained from
the whole day


DAY 48
Date and time May 17, 2024 (9:00am-11:00am)

Activity Exit Call

Narration of This day is a saddest but happy day because it’s finally our
the whole day last day in station or we called it exit call

Knowledge I learned so many in my whole time staying in Tuguegarao

gained from City Fire Station we make friends in all officer of BFP, we
the whole day feel the loved and support they given to us.

Challenges Observed in the agency

During our first week as an intern at the assigned agency for us which is BFP
Tuguegarao, we faced some challenges which was also solved after we were
able to know and adjust to the new environment. The challenges that I have
encountered during our on-the-job training were knowing my fellow interns
because most of them came from another section but after some time, I have
memorized their names and faces. Another challenge for me were learning the
different tasks given to us by the personnel like arranging the Fire Safety
Inspection Certificates, knowing the different certificates that the BFP releases,
logging onto their log book but due to the fact that I am a fast learner, I was able
to adopt and learn the different tasks less than a week. I have also troubled
memorizing the names and ranks of all the BFP officers because they have two
shifts that is why some of the officer’s pressures us on memorizing their whole
name and ranks and as time goes by, we were able to familiarize the ranks and
names of the officers in the station



 Exploring Competencies Options & Interest

Identifying your career interests helps you make a well-informed and more
strategic career decision. Following your career interests means you’re
pursuing a career that uses your talents and aligns with your values and
preferences. Simply, put, you’re finding out what you enjoy doing regularly

 Setting frame for an effective process

-The frame step, planning decision making, requires that time be spent to
define the purpose and scope of a decision. This involves being clear
about how success is defined. If decision framing is done poorly, you
could end up making the wrong decision. Like any plan, decision framing
does not ensure the outcome.

 Designing a competence portfolio for your future career

Designing portfolio needs to impress and make an impact. It needs
meticulous preparation in order to yield positive results. It must showcase
your education, abilities, and skills. During a job interview, a hardcopy of
your career portfolio can provide a powerful visual impact and back up
your skills and accomplishments with real life examples. You can also use
career portfolio to demonstrate your achievements during a performance
review or when you are seeking a raise or promotion.

 Your Driving Force

Motivation and your passion for your goals in the driving force behind our
thoughts, feelings, words and actions which transfer us from one reality to
another, from where I am to where I wish to be. It is an inner positive
energy, a combination of enthusiasm and clear perception that enables us
to accomplish a task or overcome a challenge. It is the desire to be
continually interested and committed to a task or attain a goal or cross a
difficult situation.

 Self- Presentation
Self-presentation is how you portray and present yourself to other people.
It includes how you look, what you say, and what you do, and is all about
marketing you, the brand that is you. What others see and hear from you
will influence their opinion of you. Good personal presentation is therefore
about always showing yourself in the best possible light.

 Decision Making
Decision-making skills of an individual refer to his ability to choose the
best course of action carefully analyzing and examining the available
options and the given circumstances. Whether trivial or significant,
decision making is an integral part of our personal as well as professional
lives. By making a choice you are basically defining your position in any
given situation. Therefore, decision making skills require being involved in
a thought process where the pros and cons of each alternative are
weighed and the outcome of each option is forecasted based on the
available information.

 Providing Evidence for your Skills

 Mastering the Application Interview
 Preparing the Job Application


12 Days Reveille Attendance sheet

Instruction: Put (X) if absent and ( ) if present

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6

Day 7 Day 8 Day 9 Day 10 Day 11 Day 12

Day 1-4 Activity: 5:00-8:00am (3 Hours)

Activities: 1 set of Army Dozen

Warm-Up Exercise
1. Stork Walk
2. Bobber
3. Back Field Crouch

Army Dozen Proper

1. High Jumper
2. Squat Bender
3. Squat Thrust
4. Bend and Reach
5. Four Counts Push-Up
6. Knee Bender
7. Trunk Twister.
8. Turn and Bounce
9. Eight Counts Push-Up
10. Side Bender
11. Mountain Climbing
12. Bottoms Up

Day 4-8 Activity: 5:00-8:00am (3 Hours)

Activities: 2 set of Army Dozen

Warm-Up Exercise
1. Stork Walk
2. Bobber
3. Back Field Crouch

Army Dozen Proper

1. High Jumper
2. Squat Bender
3. Squat Thrust
4. Bend and Reach
5. Four Counts Push-Up
6. Knee Bender
7. Trunk Twister.
8. Turn and Bounce
9. Eight Counts Push-Up
10. Side Bender
11. Mountain Climbing
12. Bottoms Up

Day 8-12 Activity: 5:00-8:00am (3 Hours)

Activities: 3 sets of Army Dozen

Warm-Up Exercise
1. Stork Walk
2. Bobber
3. Back Field Crouch

Army Dozen Proper

1. High Jumper
2. Squat Bender
3. Squat Thrust
4. Bend and Reach
5. Four Counts Push-Up
6. Knee Bender
7. Trunk Twister.
8. Turn and Bounce
9. Eight Counts Push-Up
10. Side Bender
11. Mountain Climbing
12. Bottoms Up


I see myself building a strong foundation in this role and contributing to the
company’s success. As I grow, I’m open to exploring new opportunities within the
company that align with my evolving skillset. I see myself successful in
continuing to work hard and progressing in my current role. I hope to have
acquired the necessary skills and experience to successfully lead a team where I
want to be seen as a valuable member. I would also like to have developed a
good working relationship with all team members and image especially in the

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