Informe de Ingles AF
Informe de Ingles AF
Informe de Ingles AF
accounting school
Financial Audit
Sede - Perú
The first version of COSO ERM was born out of the need to have a scheme in
organizations that facilitates the effective identification, evaluation and precise
establishment of proposals for risks that affect an organization.
However, in recent years the environment has become extremely volatile and full
of complexity, uncertainty and ambiguity. Thus, demands on business risk that are
constantly advancing have resulted in risks that are more difficult to control, which
is why it is vitally important that the methods of contingency and risk control that
management adopts must evolve.
Main obstacles to implementation
According to Tam & Cusquisiban (2024) The main obstacle in the implementation
of risk-based management is the ignorance of a company's management. It is
important that all involved and stakeholders participate in risk management to
verify the effectiveness and efficiency of what is proposed. The change of a new
organizational culture will lead to a new way of managing in order to achieve the
company's objectives, which will make all the company's collaborators aware of
the existing risks that must be minimized both economically and socially.
What are their objectives for upgrading to the COSO 2017 ERM version.
them. This is achieved through best practices including on the 5 COSO
components and their relationship to the company's vision and mission.
The framework has 5 main elements and 20 principles, which are as follows:
The governance and culture of the COSO 2017 emphasizes the importance of
setting the tone of the company and directing the responsibility of the board in risk
management. Within this component are five principles, which refer to the
company's culture through ethics. Risk management practices at the board level
may include:
Measure and test the best strategy for the company which has to be on the
same plane as the company's culture, vision and mission, and also the risk
that cannot be reduced in each of the proposed strategies.
Review the company's linear performance, since this will determine the
entity's risk taking in order to define short, medium and, in most cases,
long-term objectives.
Understand risk appetite through talks and discussions aligning those
agreements with what stakeholders want.
On the other hand, understanding the context in which the company is located is
important for deciding how much risk can be taken. To analyze the business
context, both internal and external factors that are affected by the risk must be
taken into account. After that the management must decide whether the strategy
found is adequate for how much risk the company can bear. For organizations the
risk appetite is shown in different ways such as:
With the help of the vision and mission: Risk appetite should be in sync with
the vision as this makes it easier for management to understand if strategy
efforts are backfiring in terms of what the company wants to achieve
through its vision and mission.
According to PwC (2018), risk and performance do not always align. It is not
prudent to think that as performance increases proportionally, risk will increase. In
case the company changes its purpose or is presented with external or internal
situations that affect such objectives, it is going to vary the perceived risk.
Therefore, this performance results in actions, functions and tasks that are vital for
carrying out the strategies. Performance-based management focuses on the
efficient distribution and measurement of movements and responsibilities
according to the objectives that were determined for the short-term medium and
long term as risk may vary depending on time. According to COSO (2017)
performance has 5 principles:
Risk identification: The company has to evaluate and identify how much risk
the business has to choose the strategy from this you can identify any risk
in the process to evaluate the execution risk.
Assessing the severity of risks: When the risks are already defined, start
assessing the systematic risks in 2 classes, one is how likely it is and the
other is how much impact it will have.
Develop a risk portfolio: After agreeing on the risks to be taken by the board
you have to have a detailed report of all the risks to be taken and how likely
they are to occur or what impacts they will have in order to be properly
prepared for any eventuality.
According to COSO (2017), through the review we can monitor how risk
management participants behave in case there are transcendent changes. In this
component, the board is questioned about any manifestation of risk in business
performance, whether positive or negative. On the other hand, this component
focuses on tracking risk along with management performance. If this is done in the
right way, the relationship between performance and risk will be found and known
in the right way. In this component we can mention three principles:
● Evaluates substantial changes: External and internal changes must be
evaluated in order to know what impact they will have on the assessed
According to Tam & Cusquisiban (2024), they tell us that it is the constant reviews
that will decide whether these control components are in place and working. These
reviews will provide timely information where imperfections in the reviews are
reported to management with the objective of implementing corrective actions. The
reviews allow the company to propose improvement actions to increase the
effectiveness and efficiency of the procedures.
Also, internal communication is the way in which communication is communicated
throughout the organization and flows to all levels of the company. Through this
type of communication everyone receives a message from management about
what responsibilities and what the risk-based management system is expected to
achieve. Finally, external communication will inform interested persons and
stakeholders about issues that may affect risk management.
Tam, G & Cusquisiban, F. 2024. COSO ERM 2017: Gestión de riesgos y su impacto
en la gestión empresarial en las empresas importadoras de productos ópticos de
cadena en la ciudad de Lima año 2020. Recuperado de: